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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1938, p. 1

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i a a- VOULME 84 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1938 NUMBF~R. Boisterous Welcome Given New Year at Many Parties jl Badminton Dance Big Event MAONO ASER_.How They Voted at Civic Elections in West Durham 150 IV tI VLL W.W. N.W. N.W. 2 1 2 For Deputy Reeve 55 100 109 90 89 72 -19. For Couneil 72 131 108 76 105 111 50 91 73 53 100 72 53 90 79 84 65 '12 60 83 81 60 63 67 42 73 45 46 75 62 Candidates W.W. Il 4 Bowmanville Public Health Nurse L Presents Reportof Her Activities Diphtherla Toxoid Clinie Social Weifare Visits 22 The Medical Office off Health, 'Promotion off work 2 D,. . . irswllbeatCetrlNot Home or not found 6 School an Thursday, Januaryl13,SeilAtvis9 at 9 a.m., and at the South Ward No. off Families given service 56 Sehool on Thusday, January 20, Total. no. visits for December 104 at 9 arn., to administeî Diphithcria Toxoid ta the sehool childrcn and iSehool Activities to any pre-school chidren who Visits to schools 17 wislî to attend the clinie. Diph- First Aid or' dressings 21 ilieria Toxoid protects chldren iSpecia.i plysical inspections 21 against diphtheria and is simple, Vision tests 2 saffe and effective. Toxoid is giv- Childr-en, new <lfccts 7 en in threc doses with an intervai Chiidren for observation 5 off three wcek.s betwcen doses. Chiîdren sent home 7 Miik was started in the schools Exclusions. 5kin in December. Free rnilk svas gisen , Dental deffeets 12 to 59 chidren at a cost off $8,85 There arec 110 clîildrcn tapprox) per weck. The Home and Sehool who need dental came or about Club donated $20 and the Lions 22 7, off the sclîooi children. Club donated $20 towards the fre No. Child Health Conferences 5 milk fund. Total attendance 22 Hcalth Supervision Infants 13 Visits to Newborn Infants 2 Pre-Sehool Chidren 9 Visits to Other Infants 14 Total working 4me---- 157 hrs. Visits, Pre-School Chidren 7 Total ime in sébobs --.- 52 hrs. Visits to School Children 49 Total ime Iýn offîcý..... 45 hrs. Visits te Adults -- - Total -timie in Clini -.--.141/2 hi's. Maternity Total time in visiti - 371/2 lirs. Pre-natal Visita.............---- Total ime Other 8 lirs. »emConsulted ------ 3 .Tlicker. 5 >4~~ that this amout ili o b e quired each year, and that any sur-plus would be rcturned to theý council on the advice off the coin- mittec appointed to handle the fund. In the accompanying statement J. H. Abernethy, President off the Band, expresses appreciation off the support. guven the byîaw. The Canadian Legion Band wishes to thank its fmends and supporters for thc favorable ver- dict on the Band Bylaw, and hopes ta give such service in theý future as will justify the stand taken. Band officiais have had repeated requests in the iast year for instruments on which to learn to play, f rom cager faced young- sters whosc ambition is to be- corne bandsrnen, and to say the lcast it was not a pleasant job to have ta, tell themn that there wcmc rlot cnougli instruments te go around, thcrcby turing hopeful faces mbt disappointed ones. By their votes the people off ville have opened a way to ýtake care off suchi situations as the above, and t is the sincere hope off the Band supporters that some day a Band will be developed whlch will again place Bowmian- ville where a music loving town such as ours rlghtly beiongs, in the forefront among band towns. Again thanklng one and ail who helped us in any way. ~.H. Aberuethy, President, Leglonag L\udn Mr. and Mrs. Mark 25th We Close relatives gathercd a, home off Mr. and Mrs. TI Mountjoy at Haydon on Sati night, December 18, to join this worthy couple in the ce]i tion off the 25thi anniversai their marriage. The arrivý the relatives was a complete prise to the couple. Mr. Ri Gilbert acted as chairman, whcn the company had been cd to order Mr. Milton SlI read a niccly worded addres. calling the event off 25 years and acknowledging the fine both had donc in the churci in the community for soi years. Miss Phyllils Chali Bowmanville made the prest tion off a iovely silver tea se to the couple. Mr. and Mountjoy made suitable re and several others gave briel dresses. Miss Chals entert at the piano, and commi singing, cards and refreshn aIl played a part in a very h celebration. In addlto tkm tb4e glft off recelved in the presentatloni and Mrs. Mountjoy rectej i plece set of uflvei r ? e he Band Bylaw 46 41 18 37 s.w. s.w. 1 2 82 58 63 70 48 37 25 33 29 28 Lds Darlington Pol 'or Council Only Pascoe 57 45 27 74 93 75 122 493 Stevens 55 28 123 54 18 70 48 396 Horn 26 40 29 115 76 59 19 364 Many Private Parties DEATH CLAIMED F H e1 t W lc me AT ERANDSO 1C. G. Morris 75 lieId o Wleoe FTHEANDSONSid Littie 76 1938 - Some See ~ IN BOWMANVILLE Mai ority for C. G. Morris- L. N w Y ar i at Samuel and Normnan Allen Wathniht~erice iJ. A. Gunn 79 * I)egh eries Dath claîntd a thler and son in heChuchs wthn to avs rinoin frinL. C.Mason 95 Inth huchsîîiiî two %v, îknro m ndB. B. Furber 48 I .o max uc te v.jl1kno n nd eo. B. Bick.Ie 72 Dancing enthusiasts were in Crl Jie ci zveneoan Is \ller, W. J. Chals 66 ther goryNewYea's ve t Cr1ili.\~inn nd î~ atier, '~J. H. Abernethy 84 tlergoyNwYa' v t1Samue l Alln. Coleînan Street, ~ 4 B. H. Mortloek 66 Bowmanville Badminton C 1 U b CStm n7i when during the floor show a Death caneain -Normian \lien, ë4P py4 group from Ceeil DaCostas Stu- ratiier .îuddenlv as a resulit if a liîartW.FWad5 dios. Toronto, performed the hip couLI ition. liL did onui Tesdlai- Decý . F. ixelcd. 5 swinging, foot shufflmng îerpsi- 28tlî, aiter lias îng bven at ,vork the A. W. G.xNorthcutt chorean pastime. the "'Bg Apple." (a v iîre vioîus. lis father died on A .G otet Tlhnrsda%, I)cc. 30t, and the ýliock \'Çc11 known Bounianv ilebu'ines 1 les 40 The evening wa.s climaxeci as a of lus ,,ois deaili ne doulbt liasteiied mnan, who was last weuk installedi No 27 large bell struck out 12 resound- Iii., tssmg. t i ireivcrni a\rfoBya-5 ing notes signifying 1938's en- Nvai.llî ~hm n1w.~ihip lister eli L orha.Majorityfo ya-5 t.rance and the band swung into uîîvîc u o fSinl.le \F \Il ei~Iuîleg . Auld Lang Syne. The lights were 11(1 lizbeh An Cmiît.l&rctc-NfI.e ldeti.,l~iiei nonta arose as happy couples sang and alvailIil if he ie w aý c.igud in ] havi. ýhecen feiindud iniB n.i danced about the spacious floor dl srvi~rxce. For a iicbr of iln , P ck llH offering New Years greetings toi %ars lie w erked for the lite \ rcie friends. whirling noisemakers, andlait nlffl %lien tlîat 1îuî>iulu>scvCased throwing istreamers with reekless ol nl Mu. Tait-s uhath, ili!e w rkeil fer HILTON PETERS 15 Fi abandon in keeping with the spirit i everal - vars \%th T1. Il. Nîuî4ht. T'lie HAMPTON SCHOOL Dvsion Pickell of a new year off opportun.ity. Nlotdell <jrjcer. later Il,, %%-a.ciii-Prvdne8 jîîdlsW. 1'. Uni hîti. bakur, %witîi TRUSTEE FOR 1938 Prvene8 The hall was decorated in sea- loilewru iii i Iah yoe4 sonal motif with ceclar, spruce andlWl iltwcre niIlî lah Maple Grove 113 pine trees banked against the \Ir..Alleni carlviiin hie vwaý u6suuu Mr. Hilton Peters svas re-elect- Hampton 86 walls and lighted with strig f Itne iie faIi. r' hthedi ' ed Trustee off Hampton School Enni.skillen 27 ,,fa-r-colord bulbs. In one corner hil mates,(if w\ci h ilti Board on December 29, whien 23 Courtice 191 '4ý huge fireplace shed a brilliant tIis 1p.Iîur %vas (-lie. XWcutt uj ratepayers gathered at the seholol Bradle3y's 41 glow of light reflected beautifully tlieeainfeserl 'rLieslie for the election. George Barroni Totals 582 by the highly polished floor and .icqjuirtil thtnaiane luit it lias ,ttick was appointed ehairman, and the 'First three elected. adding a finishing touch to the to Ihiiiî throtiglu ut thiese ears as Iias Secretary off the Board, A. E. Bul-___ setting. Several strings of color- lus genial lersotialitv, captivatung lett, acted as secretary of the ed balloons were suspendel in' .ilile aiid ceouuteontreatnlntgisuni meeting. A free andi open dis- mdair as i om ysialýndi li hilit of rieuîd îvjNllitî ellion011cussion featured the meeting when F ur E e heldthemunti thepropr mo lielias coi(,iii contact ini a biisiiess both men and ladies aired their F u lc ment when they floated down up-i or social wav.i views on contentious matters. T. on the dancers and were quickly Nlr. ,\lieu ii survivcd b\ lis Nuîfe, Wray was re-appointed auditor pounced upon as though they were the fe)rier Tlirc..a o crtf 13-v- for 1938 and S. Kersey was ap- F priceless treasures. At thýe ex- aIille one daugliter, Nîrs. Bainî pointed delegate to the OntarioF treme end of the room a hu ge 1Tîeo, andI une son. Clare of 8tjw- Educational Association. w i t h Black-C. Santa Claus, ilîuminated with col- niiaiiuillu. Hilton Peters as an alternative, stock ored lights, smniled upon the gath- JTlhe fiiiieral service %vas lîeld front Principal E. E. St-aples explain- B. Heaslip 105 ering as though wishing them ]lis residence on1 Carlisle Avenue 01, ed about the purchase of new R. Byers 88 every happiness. Decenîier 31st. anîd was ciinducted books and the operation of the Wilfred Bowles 64 Music supplted by Switzer's Or- hy lRev. C. R. Spencer of St. Johiis f new study course. Mr. Peters gave Wesley Hoskin 98 chestra, Oshawa. was exception- .\uilicauî Chutrcli. Aunong thiose at- la brief report of the meetings of Norman Taylor 64 lIly fine and varieed, satisfying the teuiding frontî ont iif towii usre lus the O. E. A. off which he was dele- Ernest Larmer 95 loyers off the waltz and the Paul daîuglter, MnIr.. Bain, togetîier witlî gate in 1937. Reports off condi- Herbert Hooey 21 Jones and oceasionally warming NIr. Bain andI thcir son of Toironto; tions in the sehool, including the First four elected. Up to hot, swinging rhythm when Nir. aîd \Irs. William Tyle r, Chii- proficiency, were revealed as ones feet. just hiad to move in cago, Ill.; Albert Joucs, Chiathîam; above the average. It was sug- time and the youngster had their Jack Tvler, Owen Sound; M.ýr. and gestedi that in 1938 the meeting be fling.Nirs. James Normîan and soit Vil- held in the afternoon so that a Muncp lte Over 200 attended the dance, a liani, Toronto, sitlî others fromi Co- greater number would be afforded much smnaller crowd than last bourg anîd Port Hope. the opportunity of attending. year due to a new system invoked MIr. Samnuel Allen, ini lus 83rd Go t o L U t by the directors to do away with year. %vas for unauîv years an expert being overcrowde<t and not hav- slioeuîaker witlî thie late David Davis OBSERVE BI-CENTENARY 0F ing roomn to dance or serve re- wlien lis store ,vas located svhere JOHN WESLEY'S CONVERSION BOWMANVILLE freshments. There was plenty of thie Hydro Sliop uîow stanîds, anîd lias1Mao room this year for everyone to iveul mu retireuinný I reccuit%-cars at Ma.ny congregations of the Un- R.ay ore enjoy the Party and to avail lii, homiil < ( Wtinunt. lie w ited Church off Canada will joinR.OJne fhemiselves of the delicious lunch in.rrcdtii Eljattli \uîî Giuîîîtt the tw~elve million Metî-odists Reeve cl sandwiches, coffee, cake and wlitriI.c .hini. Et-uneral 5cr- throughout the world in celebrat..G -dodtn rbiscuits. ije, u ilic tI i(îu1Jauiuarv 3rciaund Deputy Reeve Short;y after midinight a floor <srtc cifijlicted Ibu- Rev. Siduiev Dav. ung, in May, 1938, the bi-centen- C. G. Morris .how was put on consisting of a ,Ii iof Triuiitv UùiiteuI Chîturchi. Mr. ary off John Wesley's conversion. Councillors jazz tap dance by Muriel Horn- \ll,imi ,L a Ilicineuîr if the Soustfi The Archbishop off Canterbury, J. A. Gunn ing, and two tap dances by Bihll ýiiglaiih aijl dgt iliunîhrs acted asthAcbiopofYran e L. C. Mason Lawrence, Toronto, and the Big tlhiacsand hciudcted thue ledge tan anChaihpteoffok ntheal . .Fr Apple by three couples frorn the rites au thei. graVs e.,îe. Bitîi wure will also participate in the ser-, Geo. B. Bickle Da Costa Studios. When the iuterred imin iwîauuiIc emeiteru. 'vices which are being planned. J.Hibreh couples complettId theïr routine.J .Abreh they invited the crowd to swine ulcUiiisCm themsclves of the opporit------ ass BanUd >'jy 1ja iith 65 (JoritPublic Sehool Board In addition to the Badminton i vaUly Fred Cryderman Dance, the citizens of Bowa--1 L D . lJ,, Rev. John Bunner ville celebratcd the arrivaI off theiV CU V th B iaw 18 Yery L g tT. W. Cawker New Year at many private par--_ ___________ DARLINGTON TOWNSH ties throughout the town and also Reeve at a wll attended dance at Pid- j If The Statesman is haîf as BY-Law Pryde orMin . .Cat ee duck's Hall, Courtice, where to good a community paper as some roxe frMin .M.Cut ers music supplied by Hooper's or- ioff our kind friends say it lis, it is tenance of Legion Band - A. W. Annis chestra of Bowmanville, 1937 was'sO partly because we get such Band President Expresses Councilors officially bid adieu and 1938 wel- wonderfui co-oiperation from rural Appreciation to the W. R. Pickell comed with hearty cheers and correspondents, advertisers and v L. C. Pascoe Lhouts of joy as jovial couples tlhe local public in general.Mayer R. R. Stevens joined arms and sang Auld Lang people make a contribution to CLARKE TOWNSHIP Syne. So many were entertain- community well-being by ssriting The Band Bylaw, providing that Reeve ing and bcing entertained in and constructive suggestions to the1 the Town Council place in the es- T .Ri nearthetow tht te sow ov-Edior.timates each year $1500 to be used Deputy Reeve ered streets werc almost deserted. "Selfiali men may possess the for band purposes. received a ma- W. J. iPatton Evcryonc seemed to be inside en- earth: it is the meek only who jority of 65 votes at the elections Counicillors joying friendly hospitality. inherit it from the Heavenly Fa- on Monday. The bylaw is bind- F. B. Lovekin Many taok the advient of thc ther, free from ail defilements and ing upon future counicils until J. H. Lowery New Year a littie more seriously perpîexities of unrighteousness." such time as it is revoked by a William Laing and attendcd Watchnight Services -Woolman. vote off the people. Orono Police Trustees ix. St. John's Church, Trinity i We stieuia lorgîve Ijur enemies It should be noted that t is not W. J. Riddell Church or the Salvation Army but we ail have a sneaking desire . at ail neccssary for the band to H. M. Mercer SHall. to get square with them ffirst. I spend this sum. It is believmed John Gibson For Council Only Caesarea Purple Hil 95 19 50 36 92 12 29 28 62 8 2~7 17 17 6 Devitt's Wilson's in Durham Counti Elect Civic Bodi0 NEW DEPUTY REEVE HUBERT HOOPER Vote in Bowmanv-ie, 479 Y.P.U. PRESIDENT; Elections is Unusua 460 i ~~~~~ iVll Be Installed at Sunday Iy S aI- ac ~.'. .. '~ i EvcningService, Jan. 9th.Isu an 549 Trîn4 ~~Young Peopie's Union ContestPo 491 ~~~have elected the foiowingofc Cas 428 crs Whio will be înstalled in a spe- 4212 cial céremony at the Sunday ev- 12ening service next Sunday, Jan- C. Gordon (Ted) 1%xw 384 uary 9th. elected Deputy Reeve of BOr H o.362d n - . v. S a i ville by a m ajo rity of 19 v 304 .. s~~~< on. President-uertHope;S.naysmuicpaveeot 205 Past President.-Wiiffred Hamicy; dcfeated Sidney Little, ae 25 C. G. (Ted h Morris Vice President-Jack Dunn; Sec-off the Town Council for tu, on ie oui Mona%- %as cîected retary-Muriel M oor e; L oc a1 f ive years. The vote 1polled 3 I)eluuits, Reeve of Bowtnanviîle. de_ Treasurer-Alfred Allen; M. & M. eleetion was exceedingly 11 237 fcaltillîg Siduîcy L-ittle liv 19 votes. in Treasurer-Amber Morton; Fel- due no doubt ta the lack of a 172 an lctioun vlichi 'as fcaturcd uvitli lowship-Edith TrulI; Misions- issue, and also teo the !acê? Iiitte or unou cmtlîîmsiasmîu and ami ex- Gertrude Dcwell; Citizen s h i p- there was no conetest for treinth 'iaîl vote. Le~wis Rundle; Cultue-Doris the mayoralty or the re ____________ "Dudley; Publications - Don Ma- Mr. Morris polled 479 votes, son; Leadership Training-Mrs. S. Mr. Little 460. COMMISSONER1%. James; Recreaton-Harry I Taylor: Dramatis-Clare Allun; IN NEWCASTLE Boys' Work-Harry J a c kmian; J. A. Gunn headed the pou fo ELECTED MONDAY 1Gis .Work-Eileen Gibbs: Pian- Town orilwt a tot;alf i G Jameso an J.E. mnc nmttee - Evelyn Pickard, Ad a ed by >the fact that last Wilbur dco. Ciaîk Mrs. S.dR.JJames Laurathe School Board eleotion, 83 New Hydro Commissioners Davey, Bernuce Gay. Corbctt headcd the poli with i 15 Newcastle voted to eleet two votes. 24 'members to its new Hydre Elce- Second in the race a 71 trie Commission on Monday. Jan-, PROGRESS MADE rence Mason, a miemrber 20 uary 3rd. with the following '.e- AT TRINITY W.M.S. ho, 68 suit: 18 Geo. Jamieson. elected 112 DURINO PAST YEAR Furbeur with 428, Co. B. 299 J. E. Rinch, elected 97 _____with41 .J hlu t J. H. Jose 59 Trinity United Church W. M. S. and J. H. Abernethy ýwith,. Geo. C. Wright 59 met Tuesday afternoon with Pre- Fh ouncfil. Th ewer The vote was smail, not many sident Mrs. C. W. Siemion in t.he thMourcil whoe 364 more than one-quarter off the cli- chair. Annuai reports s h o w c d Mor 362ck Fred poli gible voters exercising their f raîn- very gratifying progress mn aIl MW. F. 62;ared Smmr chise. Severai did not. knowv that. branches. placing contributions 1937Fcounci, a95. It i there was an election on. Reeve!well oser the allocation. Presby19i37ta ote ia5 t aI C. R. Carveth will be the third teriai ments in Claremont Janu- tenders who falled to et meiber off the Commission. ary 20. Devotional p c r i o d i n cere t.he four la.stnaec n Total charge off Mrs. C. A. Wight and ballots. OrIy 'L. C. M.( HOCKEY NOTICEgroup included: Opening music,B.. Wrae en HOCKYNTIC Mrs. Albert Cale: seripture read- 1937.counclber re t:i 372 Teewi eameigo n ing, Mrs. R. Clarke; comments on 19chalis and Gun ' 286 Teewl eameigo r-the theme "The Church in Ac- Cai and t rinare 268 day. January 7, at 8 p.m., un the tion", Mrs. Wight; prayer, Mrs. the ism e, - t 226 Counicil Room to organize the W. C. Ferguson; New Year poem. Tesilvo, 211 Lions Juvenile Hockey League Mrs. I. Bragg; vocal duet, Mise the fact that the: j- 196 1 again for this year. Ail boys 15. Aicen and Jean Wight, "I Would ballot were elecut * 129 16 and 17 years off age please at- Be Truc"; prayer, Mrs. Wight. general indifferene 2 tend. The Home and School Club pre- ured the elec.tioa,"' sentcd the play "Two Christma The I .N -' roi "The mcek cnjoy almost a per- Boxes" which was greatly appre- Ifl3jority of 65, W petual Sabbatn."-M. Henry. citd Yes, and 172 voting0N lng by wards is g1v- ýy The new membem «o 15cil are occupiedinvr es pportunities for Service M an tons. J. H. Abernethy ila a atar. Geo. B. Biokie a fr-ut 1938 tatp Rpv. S l2vitnn r, W. J. Chalils an a In 19 8 ta esR- . avsopdaler. ad .A una 'Morris Defeats Little for - Bowmanville Deputy Reève 'J. Gunn Heads Council Poil CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIP A& s Reeve C. P. Devitt 1938 An OPen Book in Which NEW YEAR 'S MESSAGE CounicillorsAiMa WrtHsoyTin Bruce Heaslip Aity ite rTeis ory r Rupert Byers t iitrTlsR ay Wilfred Bowles Club in New Year Weýsiey Hoskin NEWCASTLE JMessage CReeveth'The coming year is like a book C R. Carc with 365 blanýk Pages in it. Wc Ez C. Hoar know what we wrote in last year's0 Ch-ris Law book. What wili we write this W. H. Pearce year?" asked Rev. c3. Davis, E. A. ommaston minister off Trinity Unitcd"Church, Hydo ommssonin iis New Year's addrcss at the % Gco. Jamieson Rtr lbo rdy J. E. Rinch Rtr lbo rdy 'As 1937 concludes we can look [II FORT HOPE backward and forward. Wc can Mayer take stock and appraise lifc in- George Bennett dividuaIly and nation.113" lie Reeve contiriued. "God's in his heas cli R. J. Edmunds ails right with the worid, is be- Counicillors lievcd to be true un the fîrst part. H. R. S. Ryan but the latter haif is traversly and H. Stratton tragicahly wrong wi-th fear and J. A. Box suspicion running ram p a nt R. U. Hayden throughout the world. S. Gifford 'Wc find Spain tomn asunder by F. B. Friend internaI strife and outside inter- Rer. Sidney Davisan HOPE TOWNSHIP ference. Japan is cngaged in a Pastor of Triuîity Chînrel, wlio thrust, into China, and even our dehisert-i a stirrniug News' \ear mues- Reeve own land has not altogether es-saet iîihrso iueRar Wilmot Pi'ousc capcd from, perils and perplexi- Cagli oiib oftlaRoar Dcputy Reeve tics whien stable things quake be -__Club __o___________ H. G. Woodley nleath our feet. We cannot be at Couneillors case ss'hcn sse read of the at- us clcser wsith the mothcrland. WV. G. Biekie teînpted separation off Quebec "Individuaîîy. let us make the W. W. Lord from the Dominion, whcn we hear spirit off Rotary mean something. A. J. Runnalis ut said thiat over 80,000 Fascists u ih rsi odrost _____are cnu'olled un Quebec, when in Ltbr igt is cssd herts and iOntario sse are- faced with the bihe itesdhat n l' . Commun'stic peril and whcn Al- lde the load offway*sol Y 0Y i11 uiVberta is'ffaced witlî the Sca Credit fiasco causing sa much dis- President Rcss Strike introduc- tress. In these factions are tecd Rotarian Davison and tender- edding Anniversary germs of revolution, o e d thanks to him for hstml ButI d no wih taned imresive New Ycar message. Smistie. We are facing a new ycam h nygct nFia a at the Harry Milis off Montreal. a piece. and we shouid face it with a note Donald Williams, son of Rotarian heî'onf off silver ffromi Dr. W. Brimacombe of lhope. This epoch off crisis mayi Frank William's. urds .offSuplpa Oka.,a Mssfeldbe only birth pangs for a new and iwith blanket from Mrs. S. Mountjoy, better order. The world lias cm-f ~ fIba and many cards and messages off crgcd fromn such times before te o r iry off enigratulations froîn friends at a attain higher leveis and very off Ont rioLC urtlo ai off distance. Regret was expressed ten ut has required a c.iisis te pro-D esur- that due te iliness Mrs. S. Mounît- duce ai that is best in an mndivi- lusseli 'joy and Mrs. Richard Siemon wsere duial and in a nation. D w uig o and i fot able te be prescnt. "In, a crisis, we are facing a cali-judgmnent and are f ound either emon watînig or sufficient. It is a time lIn Ontarioi Court of A\îpeals at ss, re- WEEK 0F PRAYER off great danger, but also a time ()sgeitlc Hall, Toronto. a jîîdgnîent -s_______off opportunity. The exigencies off uvas lîamded dowsmititis weck of local Swork F i ic oirgtoî aea.the moment cali for wîsc anaduîrs.I a m eadt u i anyýdd theI Weeof Pae evcouaeues drhpbymnwoestate of the late Aii Souch of is tesnsýdeil theaMi serAs ics sec things as thcy might be and Bl o wv ni ami ville. The àppeal was setian t sonsi oca h trhens terialsoe. as they ought tc& be. We nced men liihdb %r.E .Soelo iiiloal hîmrcîc îhususc. off hope. We neeci vise statesman- l"m' lc b r.E . cbi f trvice ' Ttumiglît the Saîvation Armuiy %vill ship Plus doggcd tenacity on the Ilownivar iralr, ullabt Brander. MrUs. lit the scene of the service wlien part off laymcn. Edaîuir Bratder uan raedr ,plics, Capt. l-iîtciusoîî will comidîct tîhe "The solution lies in furthcr ce- Bramîder. legatees îmmder tlue uill of ef ad- service amid Rev. \V. G. Blake wîll i cning our bonds* with England r.Stci taned spcak on "The Chmrch of tlie Laod- Mhich asks so littie of us. No r.Suh nunity iceanu." The final serv'ice will lie in country is so free eý- Canada ta lIn Cobomurg, Jtîdge L. V. O'Comi- nents Trimîity Unîited Chîurcli on Friday work out its own <f M.iny. She is tuer ruîed tlîat the codicil, providing happy es'ening, witli Capt. Hutchinson as daughtem In her l~er S house for tlîese legacies svas void, because speaker on "Thie Churcli ini Plila- and mlstress in; 'n. In coin- of Mrs. Scobcli's business connect- ýýl1yer delphia" and Rev. Sidney Davison merce, we look nld to pro- ions witli deccased. aMr. 'ccmducting he service. The otliet teot us wlth b' ,' concluded Tie Court of Appeal ruled that: al 26 ninisters take part in tie varions the speaker, to foster "The learned trial Judge treated the fro srvce.,and tomnlft rt tie wlîole codicil as void and sq invalid- 'c À.. agent. The new Deputy Ted Morris, is a mueral WILL HOLD QUI CONFERENCE NAPANEE UN At a meeting of the Bay Conference Executive of tj' Church of Canada hetàm~i recently, an invitation1938 sessions of the C Napanee was accepted. The invitation was extende., Napanee and district churcb meeting held ini that town a, time ago at which most of churches of the locality were sentcd. Trinity Church will Conferenice church and the two United Churcheil of the towný.' used for comniittee meetingL' The date of the opening of ference lias been set for May 3Ist, and Sunday, June be Con ference Sunday and ing day of the Conference. Rev. J. Maxwell Aller brok-e, is the Presîdent o ference this year and th. is Rev. J. E. Beckel of St fcreiîce last year wau held Falls. The delegates to ence both lay and mni ber about 400. Bay of Quinte Confe ?ce up of the Counties Laniark,R Leeds, Frontenac, Lennox dington, Nort.îumberland,O4 Peterborough and Haliburto ~ ing the Past few years t been discusuion as to the advl of some of the districts on and the West counties of th Thismter woill lîery Conpe Therencerinin ney cone~ the next Conference for settle" A f ussy man Is lilce a caa12ine alwàys golng arcund with lù back Up. Appeals Haudsý'-e' 4Wrs. Souch WIj# ted the gifts to Mrs. Brande. lier children and other much- and pecuniary gifts. i th'j*nk wrong. Tlie reason for te ~ ity to NMrs. Scobell arj"s fré personal relationship to the action. The order of thiele trial Judge should thereifb)re- modified as indicated." The if ication provided that the to the Brander family be n in the wilI but the bequest t Scobell be voided. The es estimated at over ,$l90,000,00.-ý W. E N. Sinclair, K.C., sented Mrs. Scobeli and L. Ç f the executors. Judgme ~pa livered by Mr. justice Mi otlier Justices hearingth Chief Justice Ltchfçrd,. ' Fisher Circulation 3000 This Issue "w -~ ted in Cartwright ( I ORONO NEWS SECTION On Page 9 With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle independent And The Orono News Tot-ai do NUMBER. i-

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