THE C\NADIAN STATESMAN BOWMANVILLE ONT ARtO Establjshed 1854 Weekly Newspaper devoted t0 the interests of town of Bowmanviite and surrounding country, jed at King St reet, Bowmanvile, every Thursday, M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The eekly Newspapers Association, also the Class "A' eeklies of' Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $200 a year; in United States. $250 a year. payable in advance. Singie copies, 5c. THURSDAY, JANUARX 6TH, 1938 Facing 1938 With Courage and Renewed Hopes . TXV TH 13 v * t Reheîrtlesslv finie nmarches for'xîard. >Siiîe tie hast issueý of The Statesmiaii an olti' -etîr lîa, dieti anîd aîîotlîer vear liras tlaivîed. ,ioak iîîg l)aek at 1937, x'uith ifs eivil var ini Spainî anti ifs Japaîiese inx'asion of C'lira. vith ifs terrible fltiods. explosionis arrilj ar'fijiakes if w'oîrlt secîri firat 19:37 xvas ua liard vear. But fluen agairi tlrrc lecîr so riianY~ ad varices ruade iii iieti- .in seîenîce, ini indîrsti 'v andt in irît ui'ixoi' liat XVi iiiiist eretdit th li' -ia i li phoL'riess. L>eurlis thle greatest pro- sis thiat xliîeii lias tatuglit uis tii t'iiil r'tationa I t emipers. I)îîiîii- the yu'ar lasi ts hrave oeeu'r'eti xvili 'a tîîia'ft'u' of ut iii'y ago wxoîili ave tliroxxir ntfionîs in- 'It t udvXaîres xvleir thlose saillie iIIri itrf ltulileli andc nraftins sf111 hutiti tliî ttuîl- ' iii ehieek. Thi', Yeai' 1937 saxi rman 'v fail tire. liut uat (les luit assure us tirrt îîîr lti'iti' .re iii flic hast. 'Most if tliei hie alti'eii. buit Xit hei krixieilue of i 93)7's 5I"'t tiiese îiffieîîlties iîav hi faceih x'uitli iptina- istîr. Wc îlig.lit if xx't dîvel Ionr the pai'> tii, îiîîic*î lie a ittle skejitieur îîf tire futuire.' Tiai tiiere are'riîirs. litar'ds. lîove-t'u an irt hkeriuigs betxîei'tî laim t' id Capitali. Tliere are stili l fii iiih' There xxih I st il I li fa ihîres anrît li'iet s. Tiiere ure oti the îîtiî'î liatifl îui'u il'j assurances fliat there i-i soiiîtiiig v'ital i live for. \Var .slîoeks us îîîxî - vet a t'i'î years a go it was giiitifie't. <'hr'istiat> 'cm îzc finît 'xar lias no place iri tu'he ii~'iX of pr'agress beiîîg xx'îitfer in tis tlavx. Aitj so xie eInfer flic li vear xxi ti eiur'agî' andi rerîeux'd hope. As Rex'. Siilîiiv )ax'isi i d i uit lasî, wex'ks mieetinrg tif thle Roln x (1'111i 19. is an oîpenr booîk. 'Wliat is x'urI'iî 1tîui that wluinrt 1938 hriii- uv x'at Jîr'igu i'> Lir.'.> it %vrti.x'il] li'iige vti ~ lis xviu xxiii play a nti tlivi tire vear. Mi 1IjB tN rham Municipalities in Financial Condition .'eîîiaîallx' finle finaialai stuaing t IJurliani iirieijiahities. ii'itii 'inaiilhe, stand on hike a uai'oî iui lays of defaltirg isrîieipai ies anI ernaiierit suîîervisors. A glarîc ov "theln tîcial staterîeîîfs of loucal eorirtlii' -evca I sonie iiiterestiîig falefs. Ini C.arfw'right Towniship flct uhe opl i andi riglify so, that theyx are aî townisip i'îtlîotit a mrnlucipal debt. lit tavt ('ar t - %vsrighit is ini scc spieîuhîd siiupe tirat onlii anc dolhlar has beeri pa id irn batik initerîsi mincee 1933. Cartwx'ight liras a tax raute oîf -22 imilîs. w'iti thie addition of couins e local scirool rate w'u'li av'tragi's 2%Y mihîs The tiîw'rsi ipIas a înîîîî- 1.298. arnd fhis popuilationr iii adt- si.pporfiîîg flic townrshîip aisîî sup- evehi clîuî'cles. rinie sclîoîls, lias a .skatiag riîîk. a unerir'iurl park. îrîoînu- rits f0 flic memlorv of fle xxar deurt andi epiorîcers, anti ai Agrieî tit rai Soieîty ich iay be said fa bc orne of tire feu' cessful ories iii flic district. f special help Ls of eourse flic sîrrnineîr i . Lake Scuigog atfracts roarîx siri- r resideiiîfs anti fliese eîirtrïhîite îj iti' 'lv 10 the fax iex'y, alil houghu e'ueiî col- taxes are loxv. Tue average ut'utagu' pays $6i.00 annitali in taxes. of' Irouuîf 61c un tut' dllar giiîs fuir uand sehiooi r'ai'.'. iirutiti u'îî :N of flic $61.00 tii siiîimi uot rn'Iui "1 nirî'm i'u enît-. hliuvî'uur . 1 'it- liiîi t liat at 'u'îu' sritî l iuu'iu li oi i taxî's ar i'ii'( l t'u'il p.huniii i Por its. îîliîriu'utîrt.u " i iltu i"X iO n ra sîîialh t uliiitîu i'i' andlît ti 'l ti - us ini Ile ii k uit itio 4'111i 't' 1!1;7. X'iii utitgli. tIu pulv y ii '. u at nd> tiit i I pIc' îuî.Xnent on îiî'luî'u i. 'tîsî tii',' inn ig th utyvtal r g andî dI..l'h.îiiiii- trsiuuînîts $(6202.I"7 i'u l uîlut i ti ad cof $1i4351i73. .\lilrixuimui 2? Y. P, tax li"'x is foi' .si'iiiil and'iiis uîu 4.-), os ontt r in'h coiry levx' xvtclî inI 7- ut i- I.> li cil ii i iXilO i ib t i' I imi i l'a at ls lrXXu"t p ii iii11 andt'I ' X"i- î' lin 'i lui andui i' tu th i l 'uX i' iit r i et i 'u'e.ýr ' l'ii in iir) til It ' 'ut i,-ar-. ire it»î's are'iînt h i'uir'i l iii' t ;liiii i ' iff hiI t i ', tut' tîiît 11.1, ut o l u li debel-ues.-i Tix. IluXî'uî 1 x'le fliirî fav spht'iii sl'i titi' týut Oîîlfx- anc sor'itiirs iaritli':ui ittîi fi v'ay of dmii tijxu'l bicg hi AI\ Shiiii andu ai Olt, ii' lie rmauinî toii; of i'oi'xer t I t i l y r x X s i t h er ' . l i e t hut e ' i' i iuh e i u r i islItIx ta isc-dti îrir puixi' ironitt t iie t'ons pi'ri' opv. If ir ii'u ' utofîrii'i'surprîîiste ti)i s îlîat irix'11i i ieXxN ay aris the Stigi"t thtaiî anîiv'thci'priîuu't. A il tb rîtaîmîfau'rîr"r'rîu ari sei't pro"'ofiii i "'i"ui' u' rnui, lo i t se IXu lî'îîrîîîiIlXti i th,' luiietîsein tt tilt', i'i' (if *î ur'uix" ,' s Iîitî l 'x' u'itt'> t ilt,'i .i m per ut t'uu ih iPu'i.c li f i u"'l o II'î'it il p lr ihi' illi. "tî' f iiii f tite uîti' xndia i'ii'r'u' ii' tts'i'jiijiri t'aIe ut lit' i ti iii di urtt is "'ir iitti'Ou lt-iis rfi î lit tituli ('tii t'.. i iu rîtt'il w îa e iîui.Il .'IL, ii' iiu t'îî'u' isoiiîi a te"Xlhi ' i' !' I' if i' h t i s i' li u ' tia f u u i p i ' u r l -tî u I\i l i n u iiiitiril lîfu'e fi ii"'s wi ttu hîiiihi i't i saî'uus is. 'fîi'rî't t i ilii'r' arlhtu .ii>ltîi't IIai ii atoi' t'a'. ilt î'ît i tilsxtt t of'e Taoi ontiti î'itî 'u h"tuteMlllll Iîî xii "rtli N i t $:2.<îi41 a) 'e a perur tonIf llilru iiuti dij lX tiIuitr" Vi'îtltlii ti ie ilt, flat is iii l uXiir'X lot bhtx'iut1 ii' vitiur uoili'u.'.(if-I a ton. itilav tsi iltimî x i' u'foprxiuthe ir' si >i"uilerio iltiir"'ar' 'uu i e' ore1' 1 \'e ii xiuliigtiiî'ist ui Puritlrail'u')aduu'i' iis\- J; -jraioiy ivTheîi'> rrîtiti fitatxi, i'l Canadfluuur x p'itiiniit %ci iirt.'utfi(' îr'iî"dl îurîî'r Ž'Iot pitin ivlmvi' tire t'iiîrriî'c ni tue illatiiii'i'XX'î ri îttiorîî'ilitaf tîtt " hi ri ittrXvi rî'ri uîtl tgf'irr ( u fr' hii'r'da n'y. \\'î uri'ui liv api'u'ai'thisi'r'tiarie nI xî'iolis'îîîin u'rr rsl t 'ive il'ar un i <'X that is thle aaioul t of ta x arrea r are grad iai ly heinur redueed andi i provîîîg taifes shoul d show' arrothurb in 19:S. M-e lha've to Iranci a copy of the1 tonî Townîship) fîtanejal repos, hi eXula jus linol(elise(I staternen t of1 ani experd itures î"e are irîahle wliether a surplus or deficit exists. ver this prospeî'ois inunieipail ways liad the repîtation of ha vîîg airees ini good shape. Thei Village of Newcastle is aîîothe ieipality showing a very fine fizîanui look. The exeess of assets over li is $ whieli for a village of th is splelidid. Total reueipts tvere $17 and total expenditures $17,416.51,1 a surphma of $IM0.:3 The ('mniîî staternent shows a hala necp of $65~:3.2 tire Morîtaguîe Trust for the ('mni Hall shîow~s lalatice of $1:39166. All o plies Newi'astle inii n enîviabîle fit p os itiion. Speaking of Subseription H I I. lu lu ii~ You Can't Beat the Siot Machin( Contributions GIadIy Received (Il' tho apti. îp ', Xa l iw i lo t i h XX "i " il,'mi in On. v "rlif. fini, iIiko tbir41iX lui iîji ali' di t it li,' (IXhiîi 'il'JîII'îjwl 'v. W iti i îiî,îlLî. r 0 ,11it Ijîir ;hi ro1u,) l Ii tilur a lii îtiîî>1 i, i"t XX ti i a ;ILIiiii fîxt'îî<l a eîiilia i i ~ îlt îI fil' i-isililil w t î' l- mii'. aiabbo î iad tioa WiieM ove Over Sinners - Make Room for tisau. . c ,at:(ý t'ahî" p- clait'Brta:î mboxj.thi"îZati- '"Bad Boy'" Jones - Next Sunday FIe's Going to .j ~ ~ ~ ~ oi'n~' ta cl e'ait'l'e j 'stespe'ak i tj> ujiiîn îtî li x' t;ii i.'lx ic <' ctclappe rs ta fox o'ur t ic .s'ubser-vît'uiee 'ut<lauî'at h' j: n' - i iln ft a , i pcsto gxe'ii'îtbpal- Mn.DIXcît i. 'tI li ' .îic~lî: -ic'y istecli Oftht' pi'octlt'ic' ofOT CUC o:1( î~~uî~r l iiif ti Bicb.n cti'nîtx'ratrc' c'liitu' e i'liGOenî' aC Lononc a x l iX. ttt') i) !",i>'ic. lrge p iraiOf 'tll nî'.-(ý lias uîtiîîed 'if Paît.'" o' i'1 ' ' ' naioalinvenets TUE LANADIAN STATESMAN I'i SPONSOR 0F TIS MEssj%(;I, or tha icl epe o. hi an i ntd b riWO Il ýlllVi 'vague ernd visionary principles."i ithro BUGINTH BLFRY n I Mr. Ward Price gives much'n lI<T T By Scribe G more space to Hitler than tc, Mus- FA f solini and this is probabiy due to IN T E IM A D IS NT P T Dalilr- 1-- the larger amount of material reeeipts that we were in the hospital may, wife's cousin, troam Scancunavia.' and also because his primary con- FIFTY VEARS AGO Caflip: Cartvriglit, Thomas Wer- Tehlofatcincmaigcern is with Anglo - G e rmina n* _ ry; Bowmaflville. W. R. R. Caw- to tell be ciscouraged to learn that we Teueo taki obtn friendship which, he says. 15s the! From The Canadian Statesman, ker; Auditors. John McMurtry, W. IIow- are still in their midst. We were a virulent germ like this is to key ta the European situation.~[ aury2.18 R. Clirmie. lrep.t iie lisa-ntexci ikinteuulhave 3ourself rushed to the near- No one abjects to Anglo-German _______ n 25,da8a88 e p art iies lis i- flt xaty ic i te suiest hopti0uckyognz friendship if it 1s not b.e mere- the residence o r itsc fforerse Wewere at outh a ton-rm st affcoîithre rnrse 'outiY on the author's fundamentai Darlington Nom-inationis: For Knight, Lakeshore, to loin in cele- whih our sevra hou a rs that t 'mrlv echoter eatrnn teabhorrence of communism. his Reeve-Ç. W. Smith, acclamation* brating Mr. and Mrs. Knight's el, lour fraiesi caf..araaf qit tatseminghcompese hrecantempt for demnocracy and the Deputy Reeve-Thos. Smale. ac- 35hweddung anniversary. 'ijal o)lt- ers mosit of the time and iS i kep te opresses ovethey af- 0 f collective secu.rity, hisl clamation; 2nd Deputy Reeve- al)lits ondtioed kep te cmpesss oer he f- o wthsandstrngaddiction to nationalism, imper- Gea. Awde and D. Dyer. scondit intoanwiths astrong fected areas. Two doctors ta take ialism and RLealpolitik, his incur- Clarke Township: Reeve-G. M. TIVENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO liat s' es.I inia rgs a 1o blood counts and administer a abiy European mind which views Long; lst Deputy Reeve-J. C.____ know .. ust a flat bottomed1 tricky drug called Prontylin. A teIesrbecswt otmt hrt~ ohb clmto. Fo h aainSaemn ~ 2 sc oon r t at eep pr tty clo e f w h urs tim wil i dic te ho and is OPPosition to the set ofî Rev. John Sm ith, pastor o01 January 2, 1913 leavirrir ta shore. ~is winning . ou or the bug. idealistic principles which hie de- EsiePebtra hrh o t it: li ai1 You have often read how a in case you do no know what signates as "vague and visionary. î'orsn. ad 24yersan torh o-t arigo eetIs eu s 28.ari smllger kncke of awalust.akes place in the struggle we wîll Perhaps, his policy n'iay win the Paus Pesbteran hurh i Reeve . .Roichrd. ourtie; of a man in a few hours. The Itry ta elucidate: A normal per- dlay, but one wonders if it is worth oavlPe. dteiedn C rîda. Di t Reeve . oRicard oodliey, iilit' germ was so amalthat millions of son possesses say five millioa rcd the possible price ofthe isineg- Bomnilde on F f0f a pis in. ThId esia n te head bo1n * ~Messrs. F. Bleakly, Hector Beîth. 'rone: Counicillors, James Stan- its kin coulc resideon thecelîs to the cubic millimetre ration 0f the British Empire and ij. B.Fairbairn. Peter' MurdcJohy.B m n. Ge A. Sth- t of a pin. Th a tkle as so end eighit thousand white ceils . the collapse of al possibility a.tDr.fMn- es. aJ.î.Jh .Wry e big the overail company didn't Watch the whites. InteeetAngi0AercnudrtnigLuhn wCer rseta tefn-e J .Smith, Enniskillen, J. make a sýize sufficiently large f of intrusion - such as a virulent Britain may have to choose. and eraui rom St.Paus. ltw hy amtn hîscaras toge ino. hu wcsteptcocicger -thewhte otermere et ah Xii i do wveil to Mr. Maitland. new organis' of Higlh School Report: Following get a lesson in disproportion .' blood celîs multiply bx' a culiu re hervso eod uoeQrnSreet Methoriist' Clurch. are the naines inalaphabetical or- R ates something like we ddwe a'omo fcniy hc otor, %ta ntheNexvisWon ld and Eurhe Qai' illeentex' upon hiz, new duties: der af ail who averaged at least scrawny littIe kid kicked the living mas' be able ta explain.. . We East.nctSda.6'nteCrstaten;toe dalgtsotof ais when we ere a't These quickly rerie etSna.:0;in h hita em h 'in an avergrown boy.' troops fight like fury to prevent 1 Dr. S. C. Hillier's wh4te marie nmaiked Honours (Hi averaged iol,' of One of our seeming pastimes as the germ tram gang doXvn stream EDITORJAL LINKS CONTINENT CayJn'boebs îmae 5.UprSho.Fr f the cutter on Saturday by reason -G. Cousins. N. Jahns. R. Lang, tii lut- a lad wvas picking our nase. . and palluting the body 0foodof anc of the bolts giving aut. N eýod ) .Sehn t %, tii iespeciaIly when in a refiective. that ciculates with4n yau. bIt you N Reîh , ng (H. M. Stephes loein jhfs t.cid tget ideSh l omood. Laier in life we partially are îveak and destîtute of the re- iFromn Vernon B. C. News) u hfsatahda getMdî eolFn - L e t a iaetis Pastime Up but as our- sources xith xvhich the w'hite i That editorial Pages areflot Se andwnKigStce wti Hi . in (H, . E Taops gave ~~speed. Her h:nd legs %were l'a-,Br'ace. A.We.r i . hip ."'i"teeth decayed or shaxved a ten- blood ceEls rap:dly reproduce aonly carefully read but that tiiex' ther badly utt with thie whîffle- sýon. M. VanNs. Em 2A, Writ of so dency ta lean against anc another tlîeinsebves yau are daoinedi. You alsa compete with any ather feat- i:ee.s before shle was stopped. Ioîîer ScîoI Fan- a 2 WA.gAnn: tîjiî we started pickîng them. Later .vill conclude ...and rightiy too j res offered in a nexspaperifln W. E. Pethick attended the Ma- 'H.. v. Baker. A. Gale. R. Jewell. stl.%egot a full grawvth of hair . . .tha fghting infection is an point of inimediate readeî' inter- sncG'n og fOtrai aiug .Mneud .Ry ýin botii cars. The head of aur exciting and fasc:tnating plieno- est. %voudsenob d;adinHmlnad eecdDpU n!d:Fr 1R Bag. . a h", o iuse . lawh is a wanan . . .nienon.7 rpr:cir a eentinideteIcay e d ai hGamind atr.Boiane idepuvs o:drýce.M. orm i-R. PBig . B abu otnsays ta us. T.uae vr Vroe Whe cr ar'cla fihtwaiayfrinBowmianville. Ontaria. S eîede for the Grand Lodge H"E.*Piuîîkett. E.Vace iastingly picking ai' puliing ax oer thnussgehoeo A lettcî' tram G. W. James. of meetignx ec K. Wýarn;ca. M. Wight. vi ' -their hu.ýbands and TheCanaian tats.î.n .p 1v Marred Mrnson - Bounsal - Ma:ae:Eder - Chahls - On Il ' Sa what %ve rccently did xxas ta the belbtgerent blood oeils dimnin- :bustrates thîs point . A vcry short At the residence af the b:ide. on Deceiher 18. by Rev. XWin. Higgs, help a streptococcic germ get a i-hed or gane back upstrcaii ta time after a recent issue of that the l8th inst.. by Rex. Mr. Gîînna:a the re.s.denceo0f the bie a long %vay inta our nase. Suie stray- res-t or iî:bcrnate . . . lic doctor Boxvmanvllie papei' Ias on the Miss AI:cc Margaret Boun;ýalt ad Itler. S.îiein. Thoinas G. Edger l)Ifi.i cd around the labyrîntri of lobbies said ta us tnaial seriausaess. "Lis-I streets. Mn. Janies xvas stoppcd by Mn-. David Morrýson. bath of Boax- jad Gertrude M. Cliali.îs. al ~ back ihere and fînalby ladged in ten Graadpa ... quit p:cin your 'a nan xvho camplîmcntcd hîni an atanvile. Mr u onjv-Rtcg thîe imast inaccessible crypt in tlîe nase or- next time you will cocupv an editanial reference he liad Marricd: Roxve - Ol:Ver - Bx - On Decciaber 18, by Rex'. Wm. plac. l wm", nytme bfor a ougi-bx.-made ta The Vernon News sPe- Rex'. J. E. Sanderson. a' t I e HJoiLs, a* the residence of the hsi he go: busy and llad aur fcatures If there is any enlîglîtennient c:al 'Marching Onward" editJan. Queen Street Parsonage. on Jonu- b~e pa:ehîts. Salemi. Theron S. li y - dlstorted by swcilings that in tlis experience you are at i ib- Th oae'as Harold Moses.,yay i1. Mir. Williamn H. Rowe ta o in'tjoxaîd R:ida K. Rutlcdge. ii- xlen %c xalked lafa the doctor's erty ta take it, anto ýyaurself. wosid tiîat his in:erest xvas M.viss Fanny Oliver. bath aof Haaîp- sc:lna: Rex. C., W. Bau'reftt held roused in the reference mnade. as ton, a teception ai Ehdad on Sunday t>~trM~-Vernon xvas his 'aid home ton.- Officers eetd tteWe<.-; nli received the Mount Ver v OlK H T I T~ljHe is a brother of Henry G. Mas- Durh~am gicluat tuerict'Ynonnenîbrsinra thei.Ch Weekl Feature furnished by the Association of Canadien :n the years before he %vcnt axer- Roy. Tyrne; I1 Vice President..' aken a roIztion i St. Cath' ins t in ___________________________________ ident. George Gray: D:rectoi's: Giad to hear that Toxvnship l THESE DICTATORS AND OUR is same tru:iî in the autiior's Clarkc, John Davey, Albe"' T ni- CiILrk and Treasurer Henr-y Elliott 'iii" EMIRE stateent that wlieneve. tue Bn- Dont be a s:l'anger at chîurclî. blyn. Wt. C. Black-burni. W M-0 o tnu bet tedt rlr By Clanis Edwin Silcox tisti governien; begin. ta tlîînk Your father's aId pexv looks lane- Corinack: Dai'ingtoîi. Sanmuel AI i- h:s officiai du'ic. again atter tirs r Io;of the Brtishi people ait flieex- isome xitiiout yau. lin. William Wry Levi Van- recent fati dawnstairs. '1 Speak of Germani': by Normian pense of tlîe Frenchi. the French 'I li , Hilii2n. iToantn.o : Mussoniso. pres~s rises in fury and accuses lis ______ uiix. Prîce. $3.50. ot thie basescti'reachei'\." Certain- i ly. tue niain ptirpose of the Bn t- I Know These Dictators: by G. îslî gaXernmeiî:n is not ta prote ct dul' Ward Price. iloranta: Oxford France. and if France does not vil 1 i Prezs'. Prîce. $2.75. iearn ta understand that tact.. suie iii amy for-ce Bitain directly itta Woe-haei ieard muchi of theitue armis of Germany. In this' Roe-Brliaxis and aîuciîof the cannection. t must be renienîber- Paliýi-Moscaw axis. Sametîmes we Cid that Britans have perhaps Ilu :olhave waiîdered jus, where London mare in common w:th Germans 'iutcame in. S:nce It.aby and Gernîany than wvitiî tic Frencli. aithoughi. li are naxv bath out of the League of on the othîe' hand. Fr'ance and Nations or on their way out, aad Brîtamn, being botlî "imnpeir:ab" e l since Britain. France and Russia povers. miay încvitabby be bound v Ný ýstîll render hip-service ta Geneva. 'mare closcby together against thic îuvLondoan is for the time being in encroacints of "lîungry" na- iePrils-Moscowi axis, but the tbons. XIi Railiermere press and the Angba-' German feloo'shiip are leaving no G. Ward Price îs a special cor Iii stane unturned to cueate a Bei-lin- respondent of the London Daii3 t London axis. Their propaganda; Mail and a loyal devatee of the favours the jettison of the League Ratiieraiere press. He knows and ao alliances bascd on national ia- :ni. The bes; ;h:ng about the late tcrests. the safeguarding of tlîe book s that it is a corrective of l ines of empire by an'agreement the thesis that tiiese dictatars are S whereby Genmany wibl be given a megalamaniacs, egoists. and fana- free and in Eastern Europe if suietics. Indeed. he fînds thcm in- 9 i'i' wiilliae us alane an the hîîgh tenseby gentle, amiable and lîu- it iscas,. and a recognition of Real- man. Much in the bîves of these Po, aopposed ta Wison:aîî two men is comparable. Bath 1Jê lit' dealism.sThîs may or may not wcre barn in relative paverty and J l 3 1 be the bes; poicy. but ta convînce kncw its bitterncss; bathi served ihi i a 1 iî is wil tx te Rthemer re onactveservice: both served ro -ouces ta the limit. If also means termil in prison for poitical f-"]aBJ oe lic. that thce People of the United fences; bath love music: bath are0 y Kingdomn must forsake France and orators and know how fa sway vdl Russia and thraw intheuiir lot withi litge crawds ta frantic devotion i' the dîctators, and if Britain does with îimpassianed. even theatrical, lii fis. what wilb flic Dominions say? appeal: both are adarcd by their ol. subjcct.s: bath are pracficalby 1 Speak of Germany Mussolini. imit- He has played hookey from church As Mr. Hilison's book bears tbîe'ing his indulgence in wîne f0 '" sub-tîtle 'A Pbca for Anglo-Ger-1 state-dînners xvhen b a n e s a mn ejI man Friendship", lie daes naf dis-1 speeches have to be offset sanie for nearly twenty years guise ]lits Partisan approachi ta vay; bath aî'e nan-saîokers and j te hole thi ster. athoglis- nd Htci'cannboth abire smebin0 i 'perhps tlîustypiay Eglsi - adHtleb accobt arie trheai tatofei, "Bad Boy"' Jones contributes freely to charity and supports% e D omnions n thîak aout hie gasaI uîîtMus fo i ' bueakfas; 1 an ' o h le Dcomietiny tignares hat te atal>.oMissiiiforsbeakfastond a ty causes. lHe has many friends and is weiI Iiked. Upright schiene. He minim."ze.s tIii uni- ab..tainiag r f:'n bath tea andý citizen, honorable business man, he belongs to a service club and partance of such hrobbenîs s it.- - c0ffee; bo'h arc thorouighiy con- ~e'scnîc teame' f ht Jxv S't'ut ai hor waavxvj the Chamber of Conmmerce. L and seeinîs quite uiîfainîibair xiiiP1 init"lt.ti T,) ho sure thlere are- hl1l ornt'subIh' factons iii tht' op- oîedl'rec. as xvl1. Hilr È "Bad Boy" once attended Sunday School and Church regularly. ;po-tion afi ho*u Cathol:c and il tilee:uia rto nys-uiyî- That was when he was a boy. As he approached manhood, Sab- .e:l' îîtaI' an :ahe o!,ucuîr-, t .-:lt'of hl:.-;u x rii': bath worshiro interfered with sorrie of his Dlns. Eetal, hia (in ot ~ xi ~i i ue n~:a'~.. ~ stopped going altogether. -ln. Eetaî,h metiaý n a ndii'îuiM'U at ,ti? ; weLa ("n ili1 *alk " o m ny hy o ri es i t e hu r h,' ay 'B d oy';[.Se Ir caul t.(hi.hice: r iac:aýe11 "i iv iai l ev s o e cale a o d C ri t a n i h u a c irc i C n le to III TFIE CA-NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO -riJT'L)ýZn %v 1 6TH. 1938 ý-s whivil