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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1938, p. 4

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r ~~Zk'~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 'I stock fixe insurance company. 1 'But whv, chilti?" prott-.,rctiJim great Ueanser af blaod and distributar ai qucly Sur-ely you're not going energy is inactive or averworked, sugars and sentimentai anti assuring me is crayrtswibaai be stored in your doty 10 spenti Christmas wiih the liver deveiap ia fatty tissue. Middle the family? Wbat a stofl'y ides! aged and aider wanîen witb attractive Chr'istmas is for fun anti goot i gures invariahiy possess heaithy livers. Je Je M A SO & S N rnes, ebilti. Not for, sioffy familyr Fruit-a.tives fruit liver tabiets put yaur liver J. J A O & S NE arties' I in goodcodtoadke hlhy INS RA CE GE TSiously. But she answer-ed prompt- aemare likeiy ta retaîn yaur graceful Ph ne68 B lN iIl ile xwel, 1r-noama n and, be- sands of wamen use Frui-atiess for this cause be is laid up in the liospitai, reasan. Try them, 25c., 50c., ail druggists. I've offeredt 10sec bis Ch-rismas ~II..IÇ LIVER5 plans thr-ougb. Thcy invoive a FRUT--TlfETABLETS S.~--- -.~ -- wbole lot of work and I've prom- ised and I have to see it tbrougi" E 2Jim drew ber clown beside hirn on the chesterfield that f aced the o open fire. "Suppose you tell me ail about it. Spin me your littie arguments So I cari dynamite By Peg y Derntbem with a common sense lword By P g y D mor two of logic,an h lbe j1etargjoin the gang at Miami."( And with Jim's handsome face SYNPSI -- .~~- -' ~ :- - er above ler ownlistening to SYNOshISknew had been there for many lier ,vay home and the nurse as bad happened. Wben she had f in- hears Wbo is it you want to see sured lier that she might see ished Jmmcealti etr After meeting Scott Kelvîn h this morning?" he asked Chloe Scott right away. with a strong, well-kept hand village doctor, at a dance given with an almost boyish eagerriess.1 The way his darkly red head that had a famous grip on a polo for bier, Cbloe Sargent is interest- "Miss Sara Jenkins, I think. turned on the pillow at sight of maliet but littie knowiedge of ac- ed in him. Onie day, driving recir- Mind if I see hier during working bier made Chloe's heart stir a lit- tuai work. lessiy, hier car runs himdcown and hours, Dad?" tle and the eager, excited iight "Oh, weUl, if that's ail. Se hie is severely injured. Chloe finds "0f course not, l'Il have bier in his eyes told hier how anxiously here. child, you need a good hlm, worried because hee bas Pro- corne here to the office. I have to hie had awaited hier coming. spanking for trying to spoil our n( mised a Christmas party to thbe spend an hour or SO in the Spin- "I've grand news," she assuredi plans and Our Party for any such t17 n-il hands and their childreri. ring room. We're trying out some him gayly. 'Mrs. Barweli is a silly reason!" hie ponted out vig- Of She abandons bier own programn new machinery there and 'm darling, and she's going to find orousiY. "It's ail so simple. Ail Sc and undertairs to ce.rry out his curious to see how it works," ans- out what every chiid in the village you need to do is hand over a sub- a] plans. At Scott's suggestion, she wered Howell, and went swiftly wants for Christmas and, instead stantial checkr to somebody in t]' enlists the interest and aid of out of the office. of just ordering a job lot of dolîs authority at the mills and you and cl MrS. Barwell, tells bier father Chloe waited. ber beart beat-I and drums. we're going to see to I will f ly South this afternoon! SE aothrexperiences and goes to ing a littIle f aster, and in a few lit that each cbild gets the thing I'd like to cortribute to sucb C the mnill witb bim to sec what minutes the door openied and a bhe or she wants most!" worthy cause 11E maires it "ticir." thin. faded little womari in sleazy Scott chuckled, bis eyes warm 'But that won't do,", protested Pl Chapter XI dark serge. clumsily madle. besi- and interestedl..I Chioe, a littie warm and arguing bi tated in the doorway. There were 'You're in for a surprise,"lie firmly. "I've promnised to see to cl Once Chloe had gone clown into small disks of color in lier sallow warned hier. "Some of tbemn will it persorialiy-"ti financial New York witb Betty cheeks and ber faded blue eyes want the darndèst things-" "Nobody would hold you to sucb tl Pearsali to bier father's office. It were sby and apprehiersive. "Anything short of machine a siliy promise," Jim insisted, ob- p bad been an impressive place witb Im aa jnk '. she said gusan oie knives, theyshi viousiy a littie annoyed that she n a deep-piled rug on the floor, ex- shortly. "You wanted to see me?" have," Cbloe assured hlm rasbly. did not f ail in iristantiy witb bisa peansedrap rniat the. loe "Yes," said Chloe and smiledrý"And Miss Sara Jenkins tbinks pas h an ds m frniur. Cl, her prettiest smile. "ýWon't you that we should have a series of "But I promised and 1 intend thougbt of ail that as she looked come in and sit down?" tableaux or 'living piettires' feat- to ke'ep my promise," Chloe told il about bier father's office, furnish- "I'm pretty busy this morning,. uring scenes fromn the first Christ- him firmly, and added swiftly asn ecr plainly with a few heavy, old- Sara protested. "It's the day be- mas - The Three Wise Men and she saw the dark frown touch bis u fasbioned pieces of furniture that fore pay day and I got the psy so on. An-d some of the Young bandsome, sligbtly arrogant face,d roll to check and everything, be- people wvill probably sing or "ýI'mn sorry, Jim, but surely youc Ifore Walt goes to the batik after dance "- must see how it is.", Business uirecr.ory Chloe's color rose a littie at the And then. his voice altering a lit- want to go witli me, tbat's ail. womans tone and manner. But tle, be added gravely. "Its pretty That I've madle seventeen difler-s Ishe said caimly, 'Dr. Kelvin sug- swell of you to sacrifice your own ent kinds of a fool of myself in gested that I see you. He tbought Cbristmas like this. especiaily f lying bere. *You see, I was sap1r LEGAL you would beip me to carry out iv'hen you dislike Christmas so enougb to tbrnk that you liked r L GA is plans for the Christmas Party mnucbi." us - me - enough to want to spendt M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. h le xanted to give." Chloe sbook ber head, her eyes Christmas on the yacht." V BarseSlctr oay Sara hesitated. Her eyes felI brîgbt. "Oh! But I do iike you - and1t Par htr oicior,5 otar before Chloe's straigbt. level re- 'But I find ru. isn't Christmas I the others," cried Cbloe eagerly. Royal Bank Bidg, Bowmanville gard But she came into the room dislike, it's the thrngs people do "And I want terribly to go. but _______________________and pushed the door shut. She to Christmas that make the surely you must sec that I cant W. R. STRIKE would flot sit down. She stoodi be- trouble! I can see that Christ- break a promise-I bind the chair that faced the! mas might be a lot o! fun,.çItb "u o rmsdus.* Bettyr Bariser Slicto, otry desk where Chloe sat andi she saîi, people like Miss Sara and Mrs. andi me, that you would go on the1 Solicito foani oPhonea91 grimly' "It was bad luck for the: Barwell to help plan. Andi the ba- cruise. You and Betty planneti it.s M o t Lanl. OPhroe71 vilage when poor Dr. Kelvin got bies at Mrs. Barwell's. I promis-I Isn't. that a previous promise?,r 1 Bowanile.Onaro urt. There ai a mari. woman ed one a cl witb 'sleepy eyes Shouldn't it take precedence over 1r L. C. MASON, BA. or chilti in thîs village that don't1 and a w'ite dress' and she saiti a silly promise to this rather ab-1ç Barrsterworship him. He's a fine Young 'Dooti Dod!' in a tone of complete surd Young doctor?" demandetiC Britr- Solicitor !man. He cornes of mighlty gooci andi incredulous amazement." Jim. L a rynPbl itbc~e. i stock. His mnother and me was "Poor litile tyke!" said Scott Chloe studied hlm witb a sink- Is Office iri alyit bans. oalif riends bef ore lie was ever bor-n- and they smiled together,. warmly. ing bear't. He was terribly gooti- r Offie o oa a fine Young man. Chloe saiti suddenly', Do you looking. Any sane girl wouid be i Phne:Ofieatr;Hoe5. Cbloe flusbed. for the woman's realize that tbis is the f irst time ecstatic over Jim Pearsail's at- Phoes Ofie 88;Hoe 53 rtone and mariner was faintly ac- you and I have ever s'pokeri to tentions. Compared with the girlst cusing. eacb other quietly and peace- o! bis own set. she, Chloe Sar-c DENTAL I know, Miss Jenkins. ht was fuliy?" gent, was a little nobcdy. Yet il I wbo ran Dr. Kelvin clown and Scott flushed a littie andi said was Cbloe Sar-gent, the little no-c DR. J. C. DEVITT l'm terribly sorry and very anx- quickly. "I'm a! raid I bave ra- body wbhom hee bad sirigled out forE Assitant: Dr. E. W. Sisson ious to do anytbing that I can to ther gone out o! my way to be bis attentions. That must meant Graduate of Royal Dental Coliege, make amentis," she said evenl3'. unpîeasant. î'm sorry." that hie liket iber a lot! Hert Toronto. Office: Jury J u b i 1 e e "Ever-ytbing possible is being clone "Its caite ail rigbt. I bavent heart beat fast at tbe thougbt.i Bldg., Bowmariville. Office husfor hrm at the hospital, and the beeri overly nice mysef"'IlCbloe Tbis cruise - tropic waters -t C 9 amx. to 6 P.m. daily except Sun- only thing that seems to worry forgave bim iargely. "I'm sorry I moonligbt nigbts - furi and laugh-( 0day. bim is the fear that the village' hadi to run you clown to realize ter anid gooti times - Jim bier de-1 .' Phone 790. House phone 883 won't bave is Christmas party that you can be - rather nice" voted escort. Perhaps bie might1 JZt X-Ray Equipment ini Office. the way bie planned it. I've offer- She dimpled at bim, and Scot., even tel ber that bie loved bier! cd to, do everything I cari to carry bis eyes witb an odd light ini their At ieast she knew that bie liked 2' ýN ýDIRECTR ont bis plans, but o! course, I 'depths fasteneti upon bier flushed. bier a lot to bave !lown here after _______________________ can't do it alone. If youli belp, cbarming face, maceleier suclderi-lber. Oh. it was ail so mixeti up! bo FUNERAL DIRECTORS J I believe wc cari makre a good job ly and oddly uncom!ortable. She wanted soclesperately to go Ser'ice, any hour, any day. o! it." He said. 'I find 'm deligbted witbh hm. But even as the words Miss Sara Jenkins !iushccl a that you did mun me clown." trembieti on bier tongue she saw F. IF. MORRIS CO. littie. A 1ook o! gratifieti pritie The nurse came in with the Scott Kelvin propped up ini bcd. Modern Motor- Equipment. Amn- cawned inriber f ated tired eyes. patient 's tray and Cbioe iook ad- bis darkly reti he&l. bis ratber bulance and Invaliti Car. Caîl Cbine bad struck exactiy the rrgbt vantage o! the interruption to leari brown face and clark eyes Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. note in appealing to bier. take ber-self off. Driving bacir Up tmmcd eageriy to bier, planning "Weil, o' course, I dunno's I the bihl home, she frowncd a lit- busily the things that she was to do ______could be of sucb a lot o! belp." île, puzzieti anti a litile disciuiet- ini bis riame for the peopie oZ the she protestcd. "But Id do any- ;eti remembering the look in village. Her bcart sanir, but she thing that I could to rnake Dr.i Scots eyes ancl discovering that knew that she could flot break inmigbîy good ta my poor, sick Ma: frigbtcning t0 ber beart. let bim clown. UL J andn-iy brth l's id. What was! for he lfb ler car i th drve im tnd tbler swiftly, Puzz- "First of ail. belp me to decitie went swiftly up the steps andi in- pituiated. Jim hati neyer badi any MEORE IT GETS WORSE wbat sort o! entertairiment we, 10 the bouse. But as she reacheti trouble getting girls to do the sbould bave. The tree will, o! ýtbe door o! the living room she tbings hie wanted them to do and A FIREMAN wil tel you big fires are course, be for the chiltiren," ans- beard voices. Her aunts andt he bie was not prepared to bave ibis little fires when they start. That's why wcred Cbloe quickly. "But Dr. icleeper- tones o! a mani's voice. one holti ont so firmly bis they always hurry to put thern out. Kelvin thinirs there shoulti be She stoppcd abruptly as if a band wishes. Don't let your baby's littie cold develop someibing - some sort o! enter- r ati been laid on ber shouider as He took a rapiti step towards into a "big colti" or sornething worse. taîiment before the prescrits from the mari's voîce reachet iber ear-s. bier. His arms wcnt about bier, Be in a hurry to checkr it. Let Mrs. Geo. the tree are distrihuteti. Some- It was a voice sbe knew quite well drawirig ber close. Hlis voice McBride of Scarborough teli you how. tbing that will entertain the olti- she coulti neyer for-gel. A voire dropped to a caressing mur-mur. "My baby of 26 months caught a nasty er people." ihai bad the power to make littie Coaxing. cajoling. cold this spring, so 1 trieti Baby's Own "Theri maire it somhn ' b rippies o! sheer exciiement slip "Look, Cbloe, we'Illbave the Tablets and she seemed to throw this kitis cari be usei in - a pageant, over bier bodiy. That stirret iber most marvelous time. I came cold off quicirer than ever bef ore. I cer- or a play or tableaux, or some- l'eart to a strange, raiber deiic- clown in my own plane. Tbere's tainly amn for Baby's Own Tablets f romn tbing like that." siggesteti Sara, ions urirest. In short, the voice jnst roomn in it for you anti me. now on." bier f adeti eyes lightmng a hitle !o! Jîm Pearsaîl. W'lhv h otgoiu ie Baby's Own Tablets are safe anti sure witb inter-est. "Andt ien maybe 'I tbink that must be Cbioe We'll pick up the yacht in Miami in their action. They correct the ca2use some o! tbe Younig folks might now." saiti Aunt Jane. anti Chloc tomorrow evening anti go aboard, of baby's trouble. Effective in clear- dance or sing or sometbirig. We pulleti ber-self fr-ce !rom the mo- anti fr-om then on - rolling clown ing up teething troubles, constipation, got some rigbt talenieti Young mentary par-alysis tbat bad spedti o Rio! It's summer time in Rio, simple fevers, dîarrhoea, upset stomach, folkrs ber-e in the miil, Miss Cbioe." over bier- at the sounti o! Jim's Cbloc. You'll love it. Stop be- coican smmr omlant iriab 1 With Cbloe's encouragement voice. She f orceti ber-sel! to walk ing a Stubborn littie goop, Cbloe, itsimple croup and other of "baby's" anti genuine inierest, Sara offereti into the living room anti face bim. anti say you'll go." aliments. Yet they are utterly f ree f rom suggestions that secr-etly surpris- CHaper lt ew ie r saenmbiis iemts. opiaes r supeyin drgs.An na-etiCub wib teirgeme vlue Jim, looking bigger anti br-owfl- Triumphantiy, bis ar-ms tigbteried Iyst's report is given in each package. 'anti wben, an bour later, Chloeean left the mill, it was wiih several I r anti more distur-bingly bait- about ber. But before he coulti Get a package today. Sickness s0 pages o! bier notebook filleti with some il-an ever- she remembereti cincb the argument, cinch bis often strikes in the night. Your money suggestions. onbim. came for-war-d to meet ber, triumph., Aunt Jane spoke a irifle bacir if you are flot satisfied. 25 cents. She stoppeti au the bospital h is hanti extenleti. bis eyes drink- dryiy from the tioorway. ing ber in as if be hati gr-own "Luncheon. is reatiy. Your fa- THURSDAY, JANUARY 6TH-, 1938 S SHOULD HER'S CATCHE KNOW WHAT e =AOLD progresseti, tbat be would not lay Eyesight Education so- iucb as a straw in ber ah If she waritecl f0, go, then she And must go. He anti Jane wouhd sec to it that Scoti Kelvin's Cbr-istmas ~fjp~n~,plnswere carricd out. Ta By Chloc bacir from wbat meant ber happincss. More ibari anytbirig C.I-.Tucik in tbe worid, he wanteti Cbloe's happiness. OPt~ By the lime lunch was over. Eycsiglrt the sky, aiready over-casi, bati Specialist gr-own even diarker anti a sharp winti was rising. Disney Bldg. "Not very pr-omising f hying wea- (opp. P. 0.) ther, Mr. Pearsaîl. I hope you wili Oshawa, Phone 1516 be persuade t 1 stay over as our ________guesi for the night," sug-gestet Number 17 Howeli as be macle r-eady ic r-e- turn f0 the miii. The conditions o! the pasi have Jim besitaieti, looking swifily at ot been so trying on the eye o! Chloc. before be accepteti grace- riat generation as the conditions fully. Cbioe kriew, without bis )f today are on the eyes o! totiay, saymng a word, ibat he feut quite lu i is very bard for ail parents sure that if be stayed over he and teachers f0, teach much about coulti persuade ber 10 leave with be eyes anti the eycsigbt. The hlm. Wben ber falher bsd gone change !rom tbe past to the )r-e- anti she anti Jim were alone in sent generation was a graduai tbe living room, she saiti gravely. change anti experience bas ah- "It's no use, Jim. My mmnd is ready sbown that eyes considereti madle up. I'm staying bere until perfect under olti conditions must the par-ty is over." be betler equippeti under present (Continueti nexi wcek) conditions. Witb this knowiedge bhen, we are preparedti 0m.ake- he f irsi siep toward a well equip- .'ed future by empbasizing the COU RTICE necessity o! taking proper care- and precaution mn the conserva- L an Cocr tion o! vision. MsinBn ocr The value o! vision is increas- Sonbileam M'.\ission Ban-d met Dec.r ng more anti more witb the de- l7th. A rmber of guests wverc pr-e- nantis made upor iti. Mariy are sent and after r-hev hiad been heart- unable 10 f ill certain positions to- ilv weicomned the president, M.\iss day on account o! their eyes. This . delaide W'ilson, took charge. Acondiition titi not exisi in the past special feature wvas a prescntation of because the position itseif was "Tire Fir-st Christmas Night", bv ony createt imn the recent Years. joseirbine Cooirtice: MUrs. Harold The vision o! modern days is Mouir toild a Chri'.tmas story. Over soovertaxeti that mucb o! life's'$100ira'. Ieen raised b1w'fees. col- happiness is jeoparcizeti, for ibis lekctions. mite boxes, etc. Officers reason I am impellcd. 10 freely ex- for 1938 ar-c: Pres.-\delaide X'i pr-ess facts wit.b the hope that s.on: %ice-Pres.-Dor-cn Phair-; Rec. the feu' who, become acquainiti r Sec.- RusselI M.\acKav; Treas.-Jini w.ith themn wiil accept that whicb ir Peifîrird : Cor. Sec-Greta XVil- to tbem is applicable. 'km';: Wor-id Fr-iends Sec.- Vida <to bc continueti) Walislev; Strairger Sec.- Or-ma ___________________________________ alm'icx ;Press Sec.- Jo'.ephine young man CI-loe hiketi so n-ucb. Cortice; MNite Box Sec.-Harold He remembere t uat Tbanksgiv- Wilk'ins; Literatome Sec.- Wiia .ng a! ter-noon wben be anti Chior,' Soree Leaders-M\rs. Clar'ence Irat gone for a walk anti, a trifle Perfriorrd. Mrs. Lloyd Courtîce, shyly. besitantiy, she bad toîti Mlis'. \rric W'ilkins. Mrs. Moiir was him sometbing o! Ibis man. Hat i)%iiûr the Band's appreciatiomi of hiem defendeti the faci that Jrm was tirue sam(]'ser-vices by a hearty clap. quite content to, live on bis in- Prograiri inclsmded a piano duet bx' came anti do notbirig more use! ui I delai<lc Wilson andi Ruth Peu- a'ith bis life t.han spenti il in forirrd: Grant Cheseboro turned oam sports o! various kinds. The mari the radio and a program was hecard must be ser-lous in bis interest in 1w maigical transcription f r o ru Cbioc to bave corne soutb ibis Clrcngtri, China. Tis consisted af way. To be so deterrinedtif0tire 'torv of Wang Foi Yin bv Rus- take hbr away wiib him on ibis '.ell NlacKax. followed bv a Song by cruise. Woulti she go? Hloweil a ninîber of lravs. Radio annotitne- hati discovercd since Scotl's acci -I ers. were Peter G rav'elle anti Bob dent jusi how mucb Cbioe's pr-es- Mouir. Five junior girls took part ence bere meant to hlm. He bad iii an exercise; a short play, erîtitled trieti to scbool bimself 10 the "Gif t Giving' vas acted 4ý'%Mrs. thought o! coing witbout ber, but Penfooni. Domcen Phair. Or-rua now, wberi be bat been so sure '4'alinslev, Greta Wilkins and Rrtli' tèiat she was going 10 siay, il dis- Penfourinii the fir-st act. with the quieteti hlm to realize bow tieter- seconrd act îor-traying Spirits of mincd Jim. obviously was to take otirer cotîntrie., acted by janî Antil, ber away. Leonard Fisher, Vida Walnisley, Howeil toiti himsel!, as the meal Glen Reynolds, Ruth Snudden and For 62 years doctors have been co Hospital to donate their time withou the past year over three score of thg hours of work to the task of giving children the very best chance for the and happiness. Crippled? Deformed? Hurt in z fering from Disease? Just "«yes" to tions bas always opened the doors of children in need of hospital care. No distinction has ever been made creed or circumstances. ýSTLY ming daily to this .t charge. During ýem donated 40,000 sick and injured recovery of health an accident? Suf- any of these ques- this institution to in respect to race, :overnments each .those who cannot nplate the cost of -rays, plaster casts, nursing-and they many other neces- ýsubscriptions to ou help this very 67 College Street, IMPORTANT This Hospital daes NOT share in the funds collect- ed by the Toronto Federa- tion for community Service because patients ore ad. mnitted front ail parts of the Province. '4 IOSPITAL FOR SICKC 67 COLLEGE ,#HI1 LD REN STREET - TORONTO %- 's / tion-Vicks Va-tro-no0i is cxpressly' designed for thre nose and upper troat, where Most coids bcgin-and grow, Used in timne-at the first sneee or snffle or irritation in the nose-it elps to pre- vent many colds, or to throw off head colds in their early stages. Evecn wen your head is ail clogged up from a cold, Va-tro-fol brings CoMfortiig relief- lets you br-cathe againl1 it cou LI i VCicK VA.TRO.NOL KÊcp it HafldY ... Use j: Ea,'!s itreat, andth e senior girls ak d bv tie leader-s arr I \n n rA q e rc e \'ilki is '., r,, d e U tS~ to- thes gUrests. 1' GE FOUR ua 29 ge s ', r- Di ,,ts i " The o Pa o g ince -dance bine c tbls li .Mr. nocunc nioun n gram next," "Opcr two laugb.: shopp how fi mourt Game tien." ant i flower ballet Cowai ýkghl cor-e 1 Dur r-edt3t witb solos. tic Ii- Are E oureti antid trne. other can C an E S andti songs a coc latter Ami SVaid unI. cal Th. ad Syrie, musi< kers' Luck: Mr-. 1 Cowa iyere Th ment iroor f or-wr ibis j Ir-Ir WnTT1:. ýc- eaeh Day . . . WilI pick up ENER GY... E... Safeguard HEALTH 1 Refresh youirself during the day with a cooli delicibus glass of mülk. It increases energy, supplies health-building nourishment, improves your work. GLENRAE DAI Phone 2625 Bowmanvi

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