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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1938, p. 9

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 131H, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESM1AN, BOMiA NVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ~NINE Chamber of Commerce Decides To Campaign for+Vote on Hydro Orono Chamber of Commerce! officers and directors were re- for action in bringing the Hydr elected at the annual meetingiPurchase to a vote. Monday night in the Oranige Hall, Orono. President is O. W. Rolph SO ST L S 'Vice President. W. J. Riddell;S O E T L S Treasurer, J. J. Cornish; Secre- EVERY EVENING tary, J. C. Gamey; Directors, W. E. Armstrong, N. F. Porter, C. H. B T S T R A Froste, E. J. Hamm. M. H. Sta- pies, Chas. T. Miller, R. R. Wad- The majority of Orono merch- deli. ants held a meeting following thE Over 35 attended the meeting Chamber of Commerce gatheing wher caningfactry rospctsand decided ta close their stores for this year were discussed by E. everyeengecet auda J. Hamnm and two men were ap- The practice for some years has ~irtedi to re-open negoiatios been to remain open on Tuesdays -witli the men in eastern Ontario and Thursdays. who were interested last year. Temeigwsteclia Purcase f te Hyro Sste tion of an agitation by several was thae mainthem yo dssionmerchant.s who believed the busi- wasthemai itm o dicusionness obtained at night did flot with Percy Lunn suggesting that warrant the extra expense and~ letters be sent ta every citizen in icneec ormaigop. Oron exlaiingtheactal tu-The new ruling will take effect atiofl. this coming week. w. E. Armstrong thought a _________ public meeting should be held witji speakers informed on hydro Park St. Services operation from Bowmanville or Newcastle. John Armstrong. Chas e.JH.stro pacd Miller, L. A. Dent and A. J. Knox Rev. J. H.osnn trk treet also spoke an the subject. Mr. CSudayon orig at Par treet Dent enquired if anyone present pChus,"ch ion'Fogiertus airs- had pheaed ad regret-thought provoking. He empha- had urcase hyro ad 1reget-sized the point njiai if we hope ta ted it later. No one offered ta receive forgiveness from God we Answreslto .Pe must forgive others. He told the A rsoltio ws psse adO-parable of the man who owed cating that the Chamber of Coni. a million dollars and was forgiv- merce take an active part in the en, and the resuit when he would campaign ta bring about the pur- not forgive one who owed him Neil .PotritoceRap $19. The pastor intimated that Stutt.rterl aintuei mana- today one ofiten heard of the eter- geurfte Cn adpinteC anrs nal triangle -man, wife. and geroaf e. Mr. Stutt aes for-someone else -but that we should Bownanvlle Mr Sttt as or-hear more about the Eternal tri- merly an Orono resident, son af angle, God, man and man's neigh- Wm. J. Stutt. or hc ecmadt n Jlhn Armstrong spoke in rer - 1bour whichcutIfomepart asa erQ7e ta, a snow fence seheme'bectri circuit. I oeat w witfi which the governinent is ex- brokin thecurrent as f e t off0w perimenting, by planîing trees 1and in tesam ou e yif we ut off along the highway. He suggested forgivenesswta aureghouGs. the0k inte strb ettioaed t The choir rendered "MY Lord loweentoNtewste and oroo. e-WilULead," with Mrs. R. Smith tW. J.Rdewsle th ougt ha i-and Mr. W. Reid taking solo parts W. J Ridel thoghtthý in and a duet in the anthem. dustries might be attracted ta At the evening service the pas- Orono if they were approached i tor compared the brook that Eli- a businesslike manner. .ah drank of and which dried up A motion by M. Cowan that nh ie hmdr a hns icespae a th rnk e elared Miss Laura Allun and Mr. R. ta regulation OHA. size was not Sutton sang the verses of "Nailed seconded. Mr. Cowan was advised ta the Cross" as a duet, the choir ta bring it Up at the Durham Cen- jiigi h hrs tral Agicultural Society meeting jiigi h hrs an Fmlday as they own the build -_________ ing.asyuhv President RalPh, Treasumer Car- "Be great in act,asyuhv nish and Diector Waddell were been in thought. Suit action to Iappointed a camnuttee ta meet thle word and the word ta the with the Police Trustees ta press action."--Shakespeare. c 33 THE BIG NEW CAR~ THAT fiAS F erthin AHMEiD 191V Style One glance will tell you that Oldsrnobile is the Style Leader for 1938. Note the dashing distinction of the original front end-the dynarnic strearnlining of the entire body. Here is the smartest car on the road. ROY Phone 25 10 Olcsmabile offors you: Kneo- Action Wheels for a srnoothi gliding ride.... Dual Ride Stabi- lizers, to prevent sidesway on curves and turns . .. Roorny, luxurious interiors ... Adjust- able front seats ... Weather- Sealed Doors ... and Fisher No- Draft Ventilation. AuIFfl im Saifetg Only Oldarnobile gives you the now Safety Instrument Unit with Safety Dash-plus Unisteel Turret Top Body by Fisher with Safety Glass -Super-Hydraulic Brakes- and Conter-Contrai Steering. NICHOL Courtice ORONO NEWLYWEDS ARE ENETON ED BY SSOCIAL AND PERSONAL - Instead af holding their regular Unon meeting, three sleigh loads Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter, Miss Margaret MiLison visited Oand a car of young people jour- Bowmanville, spent the weekend Miss Doroîhy Trenwath, Newcastle. neyed ta the home of Mr. and with relatives here. Mm. and Mrs. Robert Hancock Mrs. Robert Hancock on Monday Miss Dora Graham of Kumrite are settled on the Mrs. Wm. night ta convey their besi wishes Inn was taken ta the for Buckley f arm. ta the newly-wedded couple,' and an operation for appendicitis. She Congratulations ta Mr. and to present them with gifts. sdigncl.Ms . .AlnwoltTus The evening's fun commence4ii on iey r.S.E le h aiTus with a sing-song led by Miss Park St. Board of Stewamrds Met day celebrated their 29th wedding Kathleen Stark. A short program Friday night ta hear and sanction anmiversary. -was given consisting of:P Recita- the treasurer's report. Sympathy is extended ta, Mr. e tion "Especially Jim" by Miss Mr. Pollard and friend, Peter- Herbert Murray in the death of gMary Baldwi.n; a vocal solo. ,I'm bora, were in town Manday. his father which occurred at s Awull Gld IMetYou byMis Twolocl bys avewitesss aKingston December 26th. AwfllyGla I et ou"by iss Tw loal oysgav wii-±sse a Congratulations ta Mr. W. W. Lois Wood, with Mr. Jack Cobble- scare Sunday when their horse Sherwin o asn i hrta dick accompanying her on the began ta gallop when frightened exm ton singtheis Chirsta sviolin; and a vialin solo by Mr . at nie displacement of part of the course at Guelph with honors. Jack Cabbledick. harness. Its ga.laping was 50Cfi A pick-up farmers' hockey team * Miss Elsie Rowe read a ather stayed, however, and the harness delivered a 6-3 drubbing to the ,l unique address which was signed readjusted. Luckily there was no O. C. S. team at the Orono arena - by Robt. H. Keane, Myrile Tamb- accident. ls ek vdnl amr a tlyn, Enid Cabbledick, Jack Cob- Miss Pearl Brooker, Toronto, plasy week.ently farmeroos can 1bledick, Elsie Rowe. Misses Enid visited Miss Myrtle Smith. mie Cobbledick and Myrtie Tamblyn Park St. Church will hold its uMr.ArhrSiOsa ,1 tbrought in the gifts of six pieces annual c ongregational meeting on spent Sunday with his parents,( of aluminum, 2 dishes, 2 sauce-;January 21st, at 8 p.m. M.adMs .Sih pans, a tea kettle and a dish pan. 1 The thmee teams belanging ta Mrll and Mrs R Sith.oudths Mr. and Mrs. Hancock replied Messrs. John Berry, A. H. Keane days ivith a sare arm as a result1 briefly and fittingly, thanking and Edgerton Hancack which con- af a collision during a hockey( their friends, after which "Foriveyed the members af Park Setor li i sa( they are jolly good f ellows" was 'Union ta Mr. Robert Hancock's gamde Secddtatramit.i sung. Monday night must have faund Mwsndere i mmnot break il. Rev. J. H. Osterhout spoke their load heavy. The young peo- lier elbow lasi week. Slhe will bet briefly, wishing the happy couple pIe are very gratef ul ta the own- unable ta use her arm normailyt happiness through nie yeams to ers of the teams and sleighs andfoacupef ntsssm fc coe ne claiming relationship also ta the drivers, for liamoupl e m ot s am wihMrs. Hancock, who before Oronoites will have a chance ta ho iae~wr lotm George Gould got 12 cott.ontailsc iher marriage was Margaret Ar- see their nlldget hockey team n w.l hnigoninenonhs nold af Toronto. action Saturday af ternoon ai the we.Go ok ere IA contest, "Flowem Romance" Orono arena at 1 p.m. The op- Svi efCood rk, Geopre.dt r was eonducted by Miss Elsie Rawe posing, team is Crooked Creek Scretlvr a sra t r who then turned the entertain- schcol. Mr. Orme GamsbY 5ana ment over ta Misses K. Stark and manager of the local team and Mrs. Win. E. Armstmong enter-( Lois Wood. An apple cantest was nie teacher, Mm. Sydney R.utlier- tained several f riends at her homer conducted. afier which a stunt fard, of the Craoked Creek team. on, nsay was Put on for the girls' benefit, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. McPher- Mcoo as Marjaned danca s "Shave and a hair cut - two bits?" son have returned fram a pleas- as heoi ws ismll dWdnsa It should have been twice as dear ant visit with friends in Toronto. a h siI when there was such a charniing We haven't heard much about __________ barber. 1 the expected flock of exchange of0 Lunch was served consisting of Christmas gifts. Our congenial Uncle Tom's Cabin e sandwiches, cake, taris, and caf- townsmani, Fred Sisson, who ac- Da sFi rw fee, af ter which the evening wus quired a eal Chrlstmassy pair ofw ai rw brought ta a close by another red and green striped sacks lia game and a few womds by Mm. R. volunteered the information that A fair cmowd attended the Dic- Keane. he does not expect ta ever change ture show in Omano tawn hall on0 The sleigh ride down and bc them. Thursday night. The well known was enlivened by snatehes of sang Mm. and Mrs. Herbert Murray belîingers were in charge. Fol- and chut-chat and aIl had a good have etumned fmom Kingst.on lowing sevemal piana solos, and time. wheme îliey were summoned on vocal salas by Mm. Henry Wilcox Union meeting next Manday the death of his father. such as "Old Black Joe" andF will be in charge of Miss Beatrice The junior raom of the public "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia."a Hamm and Mm. Sam Keane. school received an unexpected the silent pictume "Uncle Tam's0 holiday as Miss M. Adams was Cabin" was sliown and was en- f sick. jayed. Community singing, "'ed by 1 Congratulations ta Mm. and Eckhart Bros. are PDing ta tour Mm. Wilcox, foilowed, the womds 1 Mrs. Oea. Waddell, Bethaniy. for- Nova Scotia witli the Jubilee of the pieces being flashed on theF mely of Orono, who recently cele- Singers this winter. screen. "The Good Old Summere brated their 2.5th wedding anni- Mm. Samuel Cut.ell bas return- Time," "Down by the aid nilli versai-y, and ta Mm. and Mrs. ed f rom a iwo weeks' visit wïtli stmeam," etc. This was folhowed Orme Gerry, Oshawa, formerly oïf relatives and fiends in Buffalo by a taîkie "Mark of the Spur," a Orono, who celebrate theirs next and Hambourg. Mrs. Cuitell re- wild west stomy starring Bob Cus- Sunday. mained for a longer visit. ter.p THuE the imposte- as follaws: He wus their officers last Sunday. The el- a Young man, big, stmong and eciion was conducied by Misses husky. He used ta wark for the Elleen Riddell and Lillian Allen, Steel Company in Hamilton, but and resulted as !allows: President, that was some lime ago, and lie Neil Wood; Vice Pa-esident, Thel- wasn't loaking for wark and dldn't mia Myles; Secî-eiary, Oea, Raýwe; want a job. He prefermed ta roam Sec.-Treas., Ethel Stark; Visitlng around the country doing noih- Commitiee, Beatrice Hamm, Enld ing. This hife had "gai hlm." Cobbhedick, Maria Hancock, John Time will probably prove the edi- Keane. Mr. Robt. Sherwln was 110 hp- modela alzo available. tam nat f ar wrong in lis conclu- again chosen teache-. The mem- sian lIai this lazy fellaw wiil end bers exiend a welcome toall wha up as a taamp. wish ta attend .their classes -w-- 'ee anid drive t1w PEACEFUL ORONO M UPSE BYHYDO Mdical Health Officer Named US BAD PUBLICITY DuringInaugural CounciIlMeeting Village With No Debt, No. Relief,____ Leow Taxes, Is Shaken Reeve T.A. Reid in a few reISAN marks ai the inaugural meeting of DOM AND DIT N In a desime ta get free publicity Clarke Township Cauncil on Mon- H P E OC for aur village somne over-zealous day, expressed the hope that the H PE IG persan is sort of handing us thie yeam's business cou.ld be condiact- "maspberries" in the fallowing ed ecanomicaUly and saîisfaciorily From The Orono News of despatch appeaming in the dailY with the ca-apemation of every January 9, 1913 newspapems, but as Ripley says member of ithe council. "Believe ht or Nat" as long as Or- Rev. J. H. Ostembout opened, the Mr. Oscar Rohph has secured a one gets the limelight of publicity, meeting wi-th prayer, foilowed by position with Howland Wholesale whether it be favorable or ailier- the Clerk A. J. Staples swearing House, Toronto. wise: in the councillars, the reeve and Mr - Rsstna has moved Omono, Jan. 10. - With father deputy-reeve for their second ta the Mss. McComb residence. againsi son, and neighbom against term of office as a body. Mr-. and Mms. A. Cahlendar, wha neighbor, Orono that Utopia with Considemable business was con- have returned fram the West, ini- no vemy rich and no vemy poor and ducted, witli the appaintment of tend residing here. no one on relief, is split wide open Dr. Neil Colville as Medical Healili Ms. Orme .Waltem, son of Ms. as ta whether the village should Officer; Chas. F. Awde as School William Walter, Sm., was elected buy uts electmic systeo f rom the Attendance Officer; LyaUl Lowery, an alderman in Oshawa. Hydro-Electric Commission. Dog Tax CoUlector and Assessor- Ms. and Mss. Jas. Fowlem me- Those againsi the purchase Of Cecil Robinson as member Of the turned from Harriston. the system contend it is nothing Board af Health; J. C. Gamey and Miss Bernice Tucker bas; taken but a collection of junk with mot- M. H. Staples as auditars; and Charge of a scliool ai Ottawa. ten pales, corroded wimes and womn Clarence Allin as stack valuator., Mr. Chas. Doncaster, Toronto, oui ti-ansfarmers wl-dch would ail AIl salaries remained the same as visited his father, Mr. Thas. Don- have ta be replaced by the tax- hast year. caster. payers. The village's present en- Two applications weme received Mrs. Davison bas returned home viable reputation of 10w taxes be- for additional relief asitacta Meaford. cause af the absence of any muni- one of the apphicants making ra- Miss Halleti, daughter of Ms. cipal debt, they say, would be lost. ther an unusual request, sa-ting John Hahleti, Woodbmldge, was On the ailier hand, the Orono that ihey had litile reading in nie guesi ai hem gi-andfathers. Chamber of Commerce, leading home and would like if possible Misses Zetia and Beatrice Lim- the 'campaign for the purchase of ta have the cauncil arrange deliv- bei-t, Lindsay, visited their sisier the systeni, chamges that tlie Hy- emy of the Toronto Stam. Council liere, Ma-s. R. H. Brown. dm0 Commission is taking large made the decision thaît relief Mss. C. Adamns and daughter lumps af profit out of Orono by vould be cantinued for the neces- Florence, Cherry Valley, visited cliamging the village the highest sities Of 111e. hem parents, Ms. and Mss. Bd. raie in Ontamia. Reeve T. A. Reid and Depuiy- Cobbledick. "hi'ts time we took some Of Reeve W. J. Patton were appoint- iss MhecQua, Ca-ri Jhn, Mc- those profits ourselves," declared ed to the Board of Managementitde-cunMs.Jh M- O. W. Raîpli, Pi-esideni of the of the Orono Cammunity Memor- Cutcheon. Chaxnbe- of Commerce. "We'me ial Park along witli new direciors, Died: Martinell - In Orono, on paying 51/2 cents a kilowatt, while Albert E. West and R. R. Waddell, January 8, 1913, Joseph Martineil, they pay anhy 21i/2 cents in Port and the old d.imectors Dm. Neil aged 73 yea-s. Permy, wliere they own iheir 0w11 Colville, Mms. J. R. Cooper and J. Mama-ied: Kimbaîl - Gilmer - At system." J.. Carnish. thne Meihodist parsonage, Gi-ano, One advocate of the propased Allan Hall and Jas. Bumgess on New's Year's Day, by Rev. R. purchase said that, while bis wif e ratepayers an the 8ih concession' A. Whattam, Ms. Milton Gour- was away hast summem, lie turned were granîed permission cto cut wood Kimball and Miss Eva Win- off the electa-ic dlock, discannect- lumber on the Bili concession Wa nifred Gilmer, all of Clar-ke. ed the radio, and went ta, bed inl be dehivered free of charge ta ithe the dark for two weeks and when saw miîî and exchanged for lail . .ST P E bis bill came in it was fifty cents fo- snow f ence.M.H A LE higlier than for the same months 400 dog tags were ordered at 3c SOCIETY -LEADER of the previaus year. a piece, the saine price and quan- tiiy as hast year. A. . . A OFICRS Six copies of the Municipal Mr. M. H. Staples was re-eet- A. ___Y.arlP.ilAb.oreme ai$ 100 ed President for the third term ai Gordon Brutan was re-elected The resignatian of O. Smith, ctaural moce etingath0.Ho. S- President af St. Saviaur's A.Y.P.A. township engineer of roads andcutriSceyelaiOC.. ai the meeting Monday niglt. All ditche, was accepted and a bill Tuesday night. Other officers for ther officers were re-eleciecj as for $12.50 passed foi- a recent in E.1J.8amm;s 2ndws:ls Vice, Ms. F follows: Vice Presideni, Edwin spection. E Hall- TdVie Ms.P Manin; ecetar, ss H mb A resaution was passed af $1,- H ll reaisurer, Mas. James Dick- Muayin; Tesrer, MsF. Hall-54.93ta Orono Police Trustees, son (re-elected), Secretary, Ma-s. Piasi, Misurel Mr. Hll for the year 1937, made up af dog W. Harrison (re-eleoted); Dia-oc- executive decided to hold an tax raie $25.00, annual township trMs d en as .W oystr super.grant $100., maintenance of' side- Ropl, Miss M. Davy, Mss. . oyster upper.walks $537.00, and balance o levy Tamblyn, kIr. W. Sherwin, Ms. A. afier providlng for debentures and A. Dnlfiflond, Ms. W. J. 15aan, Ms. R. R. Waddell was indis- interesi coupons $932.93. Mr. E. J. Hanum, Ms. E. E. Plat- posed Wednesday. Other accounts included: terson, Ma-s. John Tamblyn; Aud- E. E. Patterson, relief acci. $ 13.22 itors: Mss. A. A. Drummond and -C. F. Awde, ait. officer ------ 8850 Ma-s. R. C. Rosboraugh (.re-elect- Orono Times, ptg.........-----3350 ed on motion of Ma-s. M. H. Sta- W. E. Davey, taxi--------2.25 Ples, seconded by Ma-s. James Orono Coal & Lumber ----- .5Dlcksan) - A vote o! thanks was A. J. Siaples, sundries . 130(4 lncluded. in this motion. Doee- Mrs. E. J. Randall, R vs F 40.00 gate to Conventions, Feb. 17 aind Cedardale Daia-y, a-el'! mllk 2.50 18,Ma-s. M. H. Staples; on motion R. H. Wood, caretaker -------23.25 Of!#M-W- Harrison, seconded by Municipal World, supplies -2.67 Ma-s. Jas. Dlckson. Road Vouchier - --------- ----27.6 The meeting opened with the Hydro for hall -----_ - --_12.23 readîng o! the minutes o! the No- 50% Maintenance of- go - vember and December meetings Etta Bayd. Toronto and nie hast axuiual meeting by General Hospital - - 19.25 the secretary. Fred White, St. Michael's 18.38 Mss. Jas. Dickson gave tlie Henry Casement, treasurem's report monih by month Ft. Wm. San.------------ 23.25 which showed recelpis ta be ________________ $205.55, expendi-tures $193.28, bal- ance $12.27. Balance, fromi 1936 was $3.14. This repart was adopt- CUCKOO COMICS IN ed. tion o! two pariners in the plU down. This report was adopted. wrestilng match fo- sole auihorlty took place, it being pointed out in operating nhia company, witIi niai the plan of one member be- the laser's fate eleotlng him ,the lng in charge of one bed was eat- wmnner's valet for one year, O2n 1sf acto-y. Fturther Planting and Again-Off Again," cua-rent RKO beautl!ying was aIse dLgcusaed. Radia caxnedy teamning B e r t Thie election o! officers ooncluded Wheelem and Robert W9olseY, the evening's business. Plans have brings tlie memry huniers back ta flot yet been formed for the F'eb- the sca-een in one of their mosi muary meeting on the 8th. hilariaus .laugh vehicles, playing __________ ai Marks Theatre, Oshawa, an Thursday, Friday and Saiumday S I.E C R af this week. . E U HR Serving as Waolsey's valet, the -defeaied Wheeher pays a small AineSsaIEgndecr fortune in fines for acts of insub- Monday evenlng, Ma-s. Chas. Shaw ardination while the former bends won fii-st pa-Ize for ladies, M:rs. every effaortat make Wheeler mmia Lunn the consolation, Mati break his agreement ta farfeit lis Harrison the fia-st prize for- gents, intemesi in the pill factory. but and George Mitchell the cne la inbiairnenrrian. z'

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