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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1938, p. 1

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-~ -w Circulation 3000 This Issue ernabtn ORONO NEWS SECTION Pian , On Page9 With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUE 84BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY l3th, 1938 DURHAM SCHOOLS 1 IIT FIGURES IN THIE LOCAL LIMELIGHT Enniskillen Scoo is G~iven 1 RECEIVE PRAISE Co ntinued Economy Urged - a~, FROM WESTERNER n Dr. StiliweIl, of Regina, Sask. y Mor R 0 . J n s i taia, and Visita Durham £ 1G ft b l u i Rural School with Col. Aud i<t G. B.Snidr nagural ~ Moday G. .W. McLaughlinDonor' Dr. G .Stilwell of egna, I~., Dîrector of teacher traini ng O MOT E F M u a t Continue To ~, N tv f D rigo IN C O PU and supervision. was sent Naieyf D rlnttheNSIELO PI government of the Province of COUNCIL DRAWN Spend Within The O UN E WA 'y_'li Village Remembers Saskatchewan ta Ontario last ~E nsiln Wt : Atameigi h onHl Fall. to study the system of edu- tnig Cmîte !Levy Mavor Savs .-5 Eni'klle W T o n h ~aini nai.Town Council for 1938 were tlie Reckless Spending " MîaanificienL 'Gift T on hrdyteLosCu After hie had visited the larger pointed on Monday. The first W o uld Soon Emn-'B sd FrEua okyLau a omdwt cte.London. Hamilton and To- named on each cammittee is the bBesTw . ioa usdFrpo e. f l oureyteas ometîng.Thme league ret.Dr. Stillwell. asked the De- chairman. br ___ow.____ Pupoe ouerateas echotndayTe and e- Partment o! Education if hie Finance-L. C. Mason. G. A. f nesday e eni ngsfod a9pan. might see some rural schoo]s. The Edmondstone. C. G. Morris. J. A.: 4Mr ndyvnig rm7t9p . Department sent hiim ta Durham. Gunn. G. B. Bickle. Cantinued ecanamy was the Mr. George W. McLaughlin, na-,o the public school rink. No 0. County where lhe spent a few days R.oads & Streets%-Gunn, MOI-ris, 1keynote of Mayor Reg. Jones' in- tveofhawa iien had men gif A. leagu e a e ae iit hasorbeen with Inspectai' E. E. Snider. visit- Edmondstone. auguraI address at the opening Oshata tihozeen. h e rede agvt ed se adteag iishsbe ing bath rural and urbain schools. Fire Dept.-B. B. Furber. w. j. session of the 1938 Town Council tetesholweele eevdst 15 ta 17 years inclusive. In his weekly circulai' ta his own ChaIliý. Mason. on Monda3y morning. Although hseryeuain h ulc Cpan eetd o h al inspectors in Saskatchewan, Dr. Public Propert y- Edmandst one, the affairs o! the town are in J. H. Abernethy Jos. McCulley school at Enniskillen. The gift. is aus teamns were *as follcws, th, Stillwell included the following Furber, Challis. ýsplendid shape one year o! reck- To-night (Thursday) members of the Bowîuanville Mens Canadian $5,000l which may be used by the team taking its naine fromn the paragraph about his visit here. Police Dept.-Marris. Edmond-1 less expenditure cauld undo al' Club are to hear one o! Ontario's mosr. distinguished young colTrsesfte schoolfo ne-Cati:*Tkr rmbCh- Re Music in Rural Schools stone. J. H. Abernethy. the good done in the pa.t fewprniasPrniaJoehMCleofPceigClgNw-ýatnl uoe-hy'sr. leSmrcls R neHoe, In the rural schools I visited in Cemetery -. Abernethy. Furber, years. the Mayor told the council arp t rncps. Picplsp McCulley, itrdaoe sa Pickerig CuorgeiNw-tonnar l pLurpos fiedesre Jlie Soersele. Rni opr DarkehaMr McCuleypictuedtaoreo, aiecognzed uthartyToeMr. cLauhfinsfinegestue Jak Colihle Durham County in Ontaria. inorrise. Tef teo!s oshi xr.youth problems. Mr. Abernethy, also pictured, was re-elected Presi- ta the schools a! hiis native vil- Schedule company with Inspecter Snider, I iMnfcuesCals an.bifadesflos dent of the Canadian Legian Band on Monday. He is aise one o! lage was made on December 3lst, Jan. lO--Crombie vs Somerscales 'was most agreeably surprised at Gunn, Bickle. I ~would like te extend my the new members of the Town Council this year. w he n antif iedTow~nship Clerk 12-Hooper vs Coîxille the fine quality o! the singing. Court o! Revision-Bickle. NLa- congratulations ta the members o!f 1 _______________________________IJ;.D. Hogarth of his intentions. 17-Crombie vs Hooper Co'. Snider is. no doubt. somiewhat son. Abernethy. Furber, Challis. the 1937 counicîl who have been -*~EnsilnSho soeo h 9Smrclsv ovU of an enthusiast in Music, but! Mayor Jones is an ex-officia returned ta office and also ta the CaEnInu.w is url nschool s nearointone 4-Cromeae vs Colville nozhing I saw eor heard regarding imember cf al standing commît- new members who have been eh-liivv isrî sreurted hooweve rlattere 27-Comes C l Her his z-chools led me ta suppose that tees. ected te join in the administra- i thevver !alingbelw pa onan ~tien o! municipal affairs. Also ,A I] L s need for an addition of another 31-Colville vs Hoeper othersubjet becuse 0 thisMay I express my deep apprecia- ,lDD r .p re en e P lietofthe building, and the Feb. 2-Somnerscales vs Crombie There are in this inspectorate J. H. ABERNETHY tion of the honor bestawed UPOfi___________'t___ rius ngofthi s giftforethat pur- 9-Hoapilevs Comesa eight Music Supervisors engaged BA DaREtDE T ng oier. ad cta pe id- rn sn hsgf o htpr -oprv rmi by rous o scoolboads it j AND PRE IDE T ig oficr.pose. However no decision ha.s yet 14-Hooper vs Somnerscales the grs tneof eholbardsth ____dnt___ ht tL' ec&sr MnDiscavered In Rabberies Mr-S. Riddell shouted at the man been arrived ai. Members of the 16-Colville vs Crombie th sisac ! eatmnte ~d o fa e lnthya it ss nbut Ir AtM e wcatl ad 'voho immediately ran tea alarge Schooî Trustee Board who wifll Any boys who desire to play grant. These supervisors go fromn The Legion Band met for prac- t aealntyades u tNwateadOoa-1 car thouglit te have been Dr. have the privilege o! disposing o! please get in touch wlth one o! the school ta schoal. providing their tice on Monçlay night and heîd ,wauld like ta sas' that I f eel that own transportation. and camman- their annual meeting and election municipal govemnment is one o!, Dr. Stdrey's Car Stolen lu .Storey's. the gif t are Dr. H. Ferguson, above captains or S. R. James. ly ped nehor wekin o!affces urngth bsies ss-the f inest and best formis o! gov- Bowmanvi.lle During Night. The next report came frein the chairman, Roy McGill, Adam The league gai under way on each ernmonntouweahave in Canada, be-drig h bsies es 5th line, Clarke, where the thief;'Sharp,, and Francis Werry, secre- Monday when Crombie and Som-i classroom. Most o! the schools in sion. The meeting vwas well at i- gai suckhiaaesnonbanknadaas ary.irerscales groups met. The game4 the area are se provided for. The tended and great enthusiasm was cause it cames in close tauch and ostkinanw n nd a ýtry inspector has copies o! the super- shown. The treasurers report was cnatiihth eiirmns ! Blars n f ar te ives owill vd ha l oieby a frendly faarmr. n nikle colsilhssm swo ySresae emb visrstie abes'Al he uplsredandPecyGren.el ws hoe tsrvs. wllinfuur t gve owan Iandedl hPeareynrt aai oisaning deenurs n tsi -2 in the variaus rooms pariicipaied chasen ta take the chair wlùle Provided the elecied members ville, Newcastle and Orono a wide as lie ad te be pushed from an- present building, but these could l have the ability and the qualifi- 1 berth because police and private ot her bank a! snow ai Pontypool. hardly be paid off with this mon- inth inin ! waad hre ies ffceswe~ lctd cations ta serve. and have net ý citizens are baiting one thousand1 Then, deciding that the raad ta ey as ihey are non-callable de- HEADS SOHOOL BOARD part sangs they were learnîng for:1 Honorary Presideni. R. M. Coi- soughi office wiih any ulieriar iPer cent when it cames te appre- Lind.say was net too good. he'bentures. It would be possible if festival or other purpases - some l ton: President. J. H. Aberneihy: motive or for personal gain, and hending the thugs. headed back and passed through; ithey desired. however, ta psy off under the direction o! the super- ýVice President. Max Tuerk: Sec- 'are willing ta sacrifice th ie n On December 27ih. Fisher's Orono about. 10 o'clock where Mrs., one years insialîment whîch visors and somne under the ieach-, ret.ary, Gilbert Jones; Treasurer. necessary. I arn sure we cani have Store was braken ie at New- Riddell recognized the car as thai arounis ta over $700, and apply et* withaut t.hiS aid. The resuîtC.WTatEeciv Committee.amssucflyr. casîle andi it seemed the maraud- which had awakened her. Shie t he resuta a new wing. was the best classroom singing I Wally Evans, W. Shotter. and H. I %would like ta add ihat I feelCrweeelaay itovr$0reredueisvrytPoîn Mr. McLaughlin was born ai have hiad the pleasure ta hear.. Brooking: Property Coim. Frank we should continue ta practise'an goods. They would have been 'cial Constable Price Morris who!Enniskillen and was a son o! the . Mi. n Ms J 1.E Jr aeTuerk Jr.. Al. Fletcher, T. Sellers: econom' While the affairs o! the had not George Meadows, New- along with Bewmianville police ilaie Robert McLaughlin, faunder Mrpendg ihe ury.aPetes-Sick Comn. Nelson Jackman, Elmer i town a~ ngo hp twudcsl a.gigabot iswokplianed ahead te tewns eassiand o! the McLaughlin C a r r i a g e spnigtewne nS.Ptr-Hennings: Librarian. W a 1 t e r biavr ay atrfru seen the men running from the 1 west for police ta be on the look- Wrs o eea ooso burg. Flaorida. Woolley. ihrough reckless expendliture, t store ta iheir car. He copied down, oui.ok. C now H e is alotrofS upst he plndd wrkthec~n-the license number o! the car As word was received ai, preseni Presideni o! lIT i ~~~~~i cils for several years have be which eventually proved the un- awa, Traffilc Offlcer Arthur Runi h oprto.We h c ( Ldaing, and ta plunge the town Idoing o! the cuprits whose passhd Meu Urnta ~O flL1 S uarue ~ ~~sen deeper in debt. The only safe weeJh rc nW. Ka-' car as hie was coming f rom Whii ithe herlm Carnae okrpbeameon Plan thai I can see is ta be de- duke, Port Calborne. The license by. Toronto police were noiified Mr~. Oea. W. McLaughlin sold eut From N rthum erlandThis ear ony what you nurnber was forwarded andPort and the car and man stopped near ~fn ____fr___ te________ree____Toono___orTwnhippoic-_hianhroiet____ dt.When ail c wauld stharontly L robbries and hald-ups in the vi- the car ihey dlscavered praperty financial crisis during the depres- Many New Faces Appear on BIRTHS EXCEED press upon their committees that cinity o! thaitawn. Pracically belonging te Charles T. Miller, Sien Mn. McLaughlin served as Coutis od TiaYer M RRAG S ND they must stay wiihin the estim- Iall of the gcods stelen fram New- Orono. Mn. Miller had packed his chairman o! the Finance Commit-t CouniesBodyThi Yea - ARRIGESAND aies. As you are aIl aware. in the castle was recovered, as well as a car prepanatary te leaving fer tee o! the City Ceuncil, and it was Severl Ar Menione Forlarge amount o! boot f rom ather Florida Thu.rsday. and a robe, du largely te. his efforts that the Sevra Ae entond or DEATHS IN 1937 next few years we wiîl have paid mast of aur heavy debenture stares, Mr. Meadews s t e b ahng suit, towel, toals and oth- city came îhrough withaut de- As EwînC. allrado cm- ebia.n f om earta earthecommended for lis quick work1 er supplies had been taken. fui The Warden o! the Urnit mentatar, says o! "Luckies, the tax rate should improve and and Sharp eyesight. in the ex-1 The ihief gave hLs naine as This is not the fi.rst trne thate Conte o orhineladan tokscrd nBemanlle oBwavleca gi aehrciiement and poor visibility lue Peter Stasuk, New Toronto. He is West Durhami las benefitted from W Perey Corbett Dourlamill beNorhuserlnd isyadta one" during 1937 officiai. re- place among the Salle and Sound copied one number incorrectly, thought te be a former resident O! Mr. McLaughlin's enerosity. He Who was re elected Chairman Drhm Northbersland, d h erecards as compiled by Town Clerk municipalities. With your sup- but police were able to, trace the, Pontypool. Chie! o! Police Sid- md eeosdnto eteo omnil ulcSho foNrhmelnadtreA. J.Lyle. O! a total o! 238 port and full co-operatian I feel correct license ta Port Coîborna-. ni etoBMani, andIbidi n fu d o ant the ofmavile Boa or lthternubicaicWed- are said te be in the running for births, marriages and deaths, 1221w-e shaîl have a success!ul year.' Dr. V. H. Storey's Car Stolen Provincial Constable Price Morris Nurses' Residence. Several years nesday's inaugural meeting o! thef this important office. Reeve J. A. were births. Early Tuesday morning police brought the man frorn Toronto, ago hie renovated and presented te booard. Deviney o! Haldimand, Reeve R. This does not mean, however, AieJcsnMsinBn received a caîl frorn Dr. V. H. and deposited himi with Gaeler'the village a! Tyrone its Ccm.mun- R. Mallary o! Percy, and Reeve J. that these were aIl Bawrnanville AieJcsnMsinBn Staney, Bcwmanville, that his car Fred Wight ai Vhe Cobourg coun- ity Hall. Mrs. McLaugîhin is a F. George a! Brighton Township babies. Many o! them were born 1 lad been stolen during the night. ty jail. He will face trial Friday. forerTIyrane girl. Miss Annie are t.he contenders wha lave an- In- Bowmanville Hasil a n d' Quiet music opened the weekly1 The thoughtful thief had remov- Dr. Storey's car was in good shape Hodgson, daughter o! John Hodg- Mrs ari o nounced their candidature. Reeve1 therefore are lisued as born. in the meeting o! the Alice Jackson Ms ed the doctor's bag and some bei- althougl several hundred miles iM George appears ta be the favorite tewn. but ileir parents came f roni s'an Band o! Trinity United îles o! pilis frarn the car before had been added te the speedo- son e! Tyrone. at tis urne. the surrounding counury. In 1 1 Chuarchi. Dortly Bedford gave backing out o! the garage. meter. Many new faces appear in îlei Sepiember outshone îemho the caltewnsinndahyi henxofatwsher ol Stasuk las been charged with i CAR IS STOLIEN Couniies Council this ycar. a coin- June as the favorite wedding vas Sung. Miss Pickaî d led in car~ was when a cal f nom Orono isteaîing a car and aise with break-'< plete menibership o! wvhichi ap- manîh, but June recaptured the prayer, and Miss Clark tald a revealed the faci that Mrs. W. J. ing nc, Miler's garage. pears belaw. I hanons in 1937 wth jusi three s6tery. The offering was taken by Riddell lad been disturbed from:' The incidents show what aný Early Fraday morming Frank ORONO L.O.B.A. urns s mnyas epemenprwles ndMargaret Thornpsen and June sîumber by a car uning about important part citmzens can play in soearou K n d hi Esgrgh .O.B .e rn held Aneev- ely aeyamsiwe as many as tMbracdMc it. Roll caîl was made by 13 arn. Shie laaked oui o!ft1e win- assisting police in their duties o! oepolr rudhsgrg h .0 .A fOoohl Arihnwick-th e mspou montî. Miss Clark, anl île study story dow and saw a man breaking the protecting pnivate property and and arase ta discover several men îlenex msi ec onPery enns as ank.ssaprcendng rîmnas.making away witl anc o! his used a veny successful card party lasi Reeve-J. F. George December held the record fan tle _i__________on __Perey ______________________tankscar..e fmcda cupe o shts igt (ednsda. n te ldg Deputy-Reeve-P. Gooding Most deatîs. and April for île but did no damage. rooms. The ladies were in change, Carinih- reor f11Th inonîl by mentît IREAir CPi U U 1 1 1 1 Police were notified and found Mrs. A. Henry and Mrs. Fd me%ýC .Dvt eosirtfl%.TeFR n ~ ei f » w a v olow:P C te ca: in the ditch at the aven- Bawen being the chie! onles. Win- Cavan - Mont ABirilsvMarniages Dearrs I Phead bridge west o! tawn. Cen- ners in Fîve Hundred were Mrs. Reeve-Arihur A. Wod Januar3- 8 0 PIAsrosfn asnroI lWlerHl ae a îe . O. Cooper and John Morris. ep-ev GantT. Shield February 10 0 6 lav'eted au Roy Nichols' Gar~age, i U L Ue~un~.~Stable WaileeMrs.lFrot and Percy Win Dep.105-Reeve-Garnet he. neofth O L veyD is u so tRo a y Mnwlkn pKn tre n hleM rs adPryWn Rcev-T. A. Reid April 16 4 9 1 used cars while being repaired ____ _________took tenitocsoy hytrwr wre h oslto Depuy-Reeve.Jon Paton May 0 1 auvh fie an enangeed helave been charged with île rab- pnîzes. In Euchre, Mrs. Haroldt Cramaie- June 13 9 5 ga' age befare i could be broughi Many Suggestions For Im- whIile iurgaîi~iis to îIi., tio5vîi uo bery and will aPpear in court Fni- an ard e rn aterson e e Reeve-Chas. Quinn July 6 4 7 unrder contra] with fire extinguish-1 provement of Town Are' dýsi>t iiiits . lregres., and(lta solv-e day January 14. Provincial Con-aarepizsanMs.E.Dn Deputy-Reeve-Harry Sirreti August 12 3 2 e -s. Oshawrý !ire depaniment wasiI i,îî,.lrol)leiii.. Boili a Chainber stable Price Marris investîgated. playing as a gentleman and Mrs. Darlngton- September Il 3 4 icaî. btîefieldbe x- Ma de - Believe Re-estab. îiîireai(l a Bu3tsiniess Meil's Aie rizesW ees.c solatinpes.b Reýeve-C. M. Caruthers Octobetr 13 2 6 tinguizhect w-hcn ihey arnived. I lish.ment of Cham.ber Of ergalii/aie were activ«e ai one tile Miss Ethel Pantner, Mn. StanleY Mrs. Charles Gibszon duning the1 Deputy-Rcee-A. W. Annis 'November 6 2 9i Commerce Necessary. in teîî il. but petered 'lut dule to lack GeN',e, Mr. and Mns. S. Marris and social haîf-loun and luncleon Haldmand- Deccembeî . 14 3 12 Mrs. Maude Wade. Taranto. Is i_____o f ilutere>ti(>ii the 1part of the busi. fanùly, visited Mn. and Mrs. James which concluded île delighiful Reeve-Jas. A. Deviney- - - atiending lier sisten, Miss Emmen- uc.,.. tutui. \Vlijle theititîîictjeîueîlI. Darh, Ncwtanville. evening. Deputy-Reeve-Stan. McBricic Total 122 35 81 son. who has been quite il. (euillaccîit citizetis, quiite sii elîir werk was werthy ail 1Pr). Haito-wîthî coliditietu..s iii : îîctî-c.lMa' or 1. .oie, Reeve-Haî-ry Brisbin . would hl-av-e beecuiceddui.tuirhc'id auî 1 . Ia'o .s Strike wueli s n Dep.-Reeve-Chias. Burnison rB e uirhail tîie% Ikeli lesetit at ida iîe i c ito publiclI fe b v tîhe . I ie L s in B w a Hope- B e iy F at r s istM e tngIotari- Club iecting. 'abeofCliil*ey Reeve-W. R. Prouse 1 C* n i Thîey w-ould have bec-u dis,îurhed A retscutativ-e Rateluavýers A>-Ce.ReeH . Wole f Bownianville Townn svaiseiii ~ii bosvmuindS;ilale c ould ias, ,îtoiill teaTrge as $325-00 in 1937 Report Reveals DReev- . . Woodey 1wIO V l a ysî inii iwh euîis ian chauult' ucld tî areB__________________________ Cummtysky hieW.ij.uloros d that tlie regîtlar perio(d a er.' organizatialiai the pre tepes-Revc-WaJ. oggsed. Tl - . - - o in a ncsivsenCili ie. 1)111the large raepa. ir riade Çaled ta n l OS AWA R T R Monaglan, S.- Rev. W. F. Banister Opens;tees was ni 111111. 11as-ai uuCc-s!.1tq exteudcd 19re w. nl y iROTARYu W. ROSS STRIKE 1S NEW CHAIRMAN 0F PUBLIC UTIUITIES Commission To Issue Statement on Waterworks ShortlY - WiU Correct Wfld Rumours That Have Been Current Ex-Mayor W. Ross Strike was elected Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission at its inaug- ural session on Tuesdav afternoon. Other commissianers are Fred W. Neiles, last year's chairman, and Mayor R. 0. Jones. The meeting was given over to organization. It is understood that the Com- mission will shortly issue a state- ment withi regard to the water- works situation and the explora- tion work carried. on during the/ past few months. A statement es considered very necessary in viéw of the misleading statements tbat have been broadcast around the town. by various people who know littie or nothing about the situa- tion. and who have exaggerated the supposed cost of the work be- ing undertaken beyond all reason. The Commission awaits the corn- pletion of the driling of the third hole before issuing a statement covering the whole situation, and the work that has been accom.- plished and its cost to, the town. MAY CLOSE SCHOOL SKATING RINK IF DAMAGE IS DONE W. P. Corbett was &gain chosen chairman of the Public School Board at their meeting Wednes- day evening, wlth the standing comimittees the saine as last year, namely, Management - Bell, Bd- ger: Finance-Cryderman, B e 11, Bunner; Property - Edger, Bun- ner, Cryderman. Ail members of the board were present and. at turnes found their interest boing borrowed by the Home & School prograrn conduct- ed in one of the nearby roonis and heard quite clearly in the board room. Attendance Officer Mrs. B. M. Warnica's report for the year showed 54 cails, 10 home permits, 8 out by doctor's orders, 3 over age, 1 left town, 3 court cases and 29 back at school. An expenditure for books of n over $350 was authorized andi ex, plained as needed under the Sew course of study. It had commended by the iae also the principal. It was, to purchase the books thrtueh >h local stores at a reduction frem the llst price if possible. "This Item has been sidestep since September and the- 1 have bided their time. We didWe.- feel we could pass it before as: there had been no Provision ini estimates," sald *chairman Cor Bewmnville uh tesitaryAino Reeves $ 5.00 ,000evrm Local People Benefit Under WiIl of Late Citizen. The Womine's Missionary Society of Trinity United Church, Bowman. ville Hospital, and several local peo- pie benlefitted under the wijl of the late Mirs. 'Maria Hobbs, daugbter of the late Diggary Truscott, who died at lier home on Concession St., Bow- manville on December 13th. The estate is valued at more than $25.000. bequeathed $5,000, Bowmanv i 11le Hospital $1,000, and among other hequests are those to Mrs. Wesley AI lin, Bowinanville, $2,000-- Miss Bessie 'M. Predam of Toronto $300, Mliss Mfartha Cliverton, Bowman. ville. $200. Miss Emma McClellan of Bow- mlanville, was willed the income on $1,000, and at bier death the principle was ýbequeathed'ta the Upper Can. ada Bible Society. Miss McClellan predeceased Mrs. Hobbs and this bequest will go direct ta thé Bible r~ r s,' t'

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