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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1938, p. 5

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THUSDA, ANURY 31, 138THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE BASKETBALL SEASON A. W. March, Tyrone, and -Rev. LU OPEN TO-MOBOWOKS JI H If M MRII J. E. Whithame, Enniskillen. The Basktbal saso inBow- A Wekl Fetur furishd b th Asociaionof anaian large attendance testifipd in what Basktbal saso inBow- A Wekî Fetur furisbd b th Asociaionof anaian high esteem the deceased was manville officially opens to- BomnadteCnda ekyNwppr soito morrow - riday), at the B. H. BomnadteCnda ekyNwppr soito held. Rev. M. Sanderson spoke1 SOTNWS.gym when three games will very kindly and feelimgly to sor- $bP i II -lEYS eD.Th first game in EDWARD Viii AND GERMANY butwe do netnedte dig sdeeprwn relatives and friends. Ati the ftenoo isbetwen y Cari Edwn Slco inpoliica inrige touncverthegraveside in Hampton thei SENIOR BOYS OFF Tige If; Charles Mllveen ig. BowýmanviUIe and Port Hope____ facts which lie on the surface. Loyal Orange Ldeof ihthe TO GOOD sTrART nates, Jack Diinn, Bill James. ports promises to be a close Bradley Wells: ( T or on t o : ariswer needf ul. The policy o! the impressive service. DEFEAT LINDSAY1 L. C. I. Senior Boys-Reed, c. 1; one. The - main classics will George J. M Lo .Prce,'British government, at this tii e sie i orwn i n BH. S. Senior boys got off to a Kenedy, lg; Hendry. rg. 1 - AI- the Seniors and Juniors mat- _____ consisted in such dextrous effortsMr.arStvnoBw nile goo sar o Fida b dfe.tngternates, Graham. Mc QS. e ce ihth otHp Germany, The Last Four Years: trO ride several horses at once that deceased is survive by f ive bro- n the northern town by a scoreChste weJocTelca niratrWn ning their first game at Lind- by German.icus: (Toronto: Mus- i, seems almost incredible that thers, Wesley of Enniskillen, Ern- of say.e areBout formanotherevic- sons). Price, $1.50. tey should be opposed to any est. of Burketon. James of Hamp- 33 to 6. Botasteado amssthat by aroufo______ ve-i onarch who tried to make fri- ton, Oscar of Newpark. and Zac- plyn s rn fbî httory. The junior game is insWt n onr!W aeca a fNwovle n he proved too high a standard for'SENIOR GIRLS scheduled for 7.15, followed by A Personal Word in wt n onty edr etnil;adt.e the Lindsay lads as they slacken- LO1I ID A the senior game at 8.30. A We are entering the third andi .sy that Edward VIII was sisters. Mrs. L. Bullard. Toronto. ed up noticeably in the secondl shrtdacOi tEb IN a- asLmnhNfDShAYxermet !to conciliate certain European Mrs. R. Winch, Eyebrow. Sask.. nlf thshsoar h .H S lyn tefrtgmeo îer ter. ncwhihspt b etators m a offrn infthi em n f 1 countries which had grown dis- and Mrs. G. Patterson, Leskard. schedulethal the B.HH.S. ý lyn h i St enior ghir partlcîpate. papers associated in the Canadian trsfl0 rtin n egae The floral tributes were many tea wa hed b th notheniShedle.theB.HS. enir-grl Weekiy Newspapers Association IY doubt if such a st.ep would have and beautiful. expressing the sym- tem ashed y heno t r -ls o the Lindsay Seniors by the Iteewelrviw ofsm 0fbeen criticized by his ministers. ptyo mecrl ffins lads te 13 points while they had lost t Iheseat mîght haewsoe happened1ha h fawd iceo red.r achieved 5 of their 6. The by narrow margin of 25 to 21. COU RTICE tesîgnîfîcant news books dealing Whsabiat iont have bee ne- aî eaes ee res das from the rubber town in! icted IwThîe f irst haîf was a little slow., _____________ with international and social pro- ces abdcaio no e avelî anndeOscal r s, acchariest Adams,É their seven fouis in the first hal! brea L.C.I. taking most of the esrnoecatllndheOarA mZchri dmc bu adabanseeenale~ks. but in the last haif our Courtice United ýChurch Sunday blems. We have as yet little rea- îess said about it, the better. But Earl Adams, Charles Adams andr bund. aDurin sei the sec -hî local girls showed they were a School held îts annual election onf to know how widely these re- ied e eiv htEwr er dm.Mmeso h on.Drn h eodhl fvîews have been used by the mem- ed ntbeietht darHeyAam. ebrsote 'Cub'Mcllveen started the fighting aggregation, bringing the, officers on January 6th, with Rev. brnwppr rwehrte VIII was so foolish as tobeiv Orange Lodge acted as flower scoring with a basket in the first score from 16 te 3 at haîf time to Wse .Sùh atro bn have been favourably received or that he could defy his niinisters bearers. fe scnd f ly.2 t 2 t h fnsh ezer Church, as chairman. ThesentSoedirs av wrte and establish a dictatorial rule on Relatives from a distance in-c feH scnsfpay His team - n25. Sme 21 at thaee fîtt. the basis o! his own personal hold cluded Mr. and Mrs. F."Coulter, mates followed suit and sank 9 The first. haîf wus somewîhat 'officers were elected: Luther Bec- ihgafyn enthusiasm; oth- o more baskets before the garn hectic for the Bowmnanville girls kett, Superintendent: G or donn e a oum vlte, aMr. and Mrs. R., ended Linday shwed ~ who contracted 6 of their 8 fouis Balson, Secretary; Alan Trevailý ers have demurred on the ground .tepplriaiain eBwavle r n r.C one.Lnsa hwd uthe BiI that it seemed like free advertis- probably ddntitn eb oleOhw r n r.R Bowmanvillites by scoring potbef and only scori ng three points. treasurer; Fred Balson, Buligmgfrtepulses u tiere figurehead, he did undoubt- Little, Bowmanville, Mr. andÉ 7 on fouis as compared with 3 out One o! the bright factors of the Fund treasurer; Fred Balson and îgfrtb ulses u tel aehsryltsssrosyJ hcltoHmtn oilsosbthwinr. first periid was the remarkable Cecil Adams. auditors; Ms. Cecil would have been strange if we had d tkbiroatssseoulJ.S cltnHm o. poafngo!1 juior Jan iceI Ahme Cadi Roî Spt. reviewed these books and kept the a.nd sought to render them effic -_______ bi Capt hrlie Mcflveng itd Altbough this is ber first year she , Margaret Adanms. Treas. Mission- naes ! Wthaepulish es a dark the nature and strength o! Brit- bxi neo acu ast hots asnendshowed herself in a class witb the lary Fund; Cecil Adams, Fred Ad- esect! We bav e of bno!otenish respect for Parliament. The ofperienceo! pasobate wasone best o! the senior players. ams and Gordon Trevail, Board o! dlirte in l chigoieoks for accusation that he was a asScist o! hebes payrs n he lor. In the final bal! B.H.S. husky Management. Tbese items were idesiberately selecting books for This year's local squad is being fradsfnlygtit hi are pn httepaitadmention which, we felt sure wouldissnnencathttnedfo coached by Gord Cunningham scoring stride by banging the bail assistants were to remain the flot probably be reviewed in other be tken eriosly (Earl's brother) who played sev-i through t! akalti oesamne; that tbe teachers were toe.iournals and because tbey fitted ____ eral years for the famous West often. Not able in t bl! wsmore aiwthtercsespoid into the exposition o! the general End Y's of Toronto and sure the struggle between Helen Glan-: ing they were agreeable, but, 0w- situation we were treating, ai- Germany: TheLstFuYes knows bis stuif. Owen (Bun) Fa-'vP ndHln oly fLnda ng to three being absent this was though we knew perfectly well ThBakriitisuo!eb gan who played junior several' htfwoftebos ol vra yer oe noseirrnsadThis caused some excitement as left over for later positive decis- htewotebokwudevr yeasovsin tosenior ranksfand they were both fighting against lin that the secretary, treasu.rer be sold .iust because we mention- rury, 1937, published an analysis is hieng theoefAeto!his ex eactte n ohsnigt and auditors prepare their reports ed them. A reviewer can take his o! the economic and social situa-a perenc. Ry Ahto, aso ve- bîl hrogh he itte hop nd ubmt tem o ~ S~ithjob seriously or he can act prim- tien in Germany by one who calîs eraln !pstunre ye anre may 1 The star of the game. as far as 1Fred Balson gave estimate in the arily as a sales-agent. We have him Germnanicus.dHe claimed smal instaurebut an uregetthe B.H.S. fans were concerned. ýbank as $145. Question o! an as- trîed to t.ake our Job seriously. So that Germnapyhafltcied around the f loor at the righit tîme. ' sdiniveGaeMicels'stant superintendent was rais- much by way o! de! ence,! what she claimed to have achiev- Spench ver r who a rluto!cndtinwho achieuve 10of eite ll 21ed. Mi..Beckett stated that Clar- It bas not always been easy in ed. and that tbe internaI condi- wihabdcl n olnt points without inflicting a f oui. ence Penfound had filled in dur- the course o! a busy life to takelo f h onty mecal er- wit aba cld ndcold'tplay. Thsta, ne h1cahn ing bis absence so çapably that it the time te read the books, even agricultural procluction, was mn Onths eas em realo e o f Miss Brown. sbould go placesI was not necessary to filI this posi- less easy te go to the trouble o! acîng. He aiso submitted the ai- » eral players new to the art of1 this year and it was just unot. tion. Mrs. Cecil Adams moved a reviewing them. But if the read- ileged budgets of Heru Scbacht to basket shooting. These include 1I oeo hnst r adMs r aefudths rilso Ievryicsv nlss 1i Reg. Rackbam, Doc Tighe, Jack unate that several o! the seniors voefthnstMran M-serbveoudtsericeofsm vryniseaayisTe Dun ndBi Jme.were out on the sick list and Penfound for their assistance, sec- some inteuest, we are satisfied and publication led te a rebuttal fromn couln' onded by' Mr. R. Armour. Mu. shaîl feel that love's labours have teGra nttt !Bsns B HS emo Bys-we Fa aWarmn reception bere on the re-Penfound ckweegdtentbnlst We sbould, bow- Research, and now in this volume gan, c.5; Roy Ashton, rf. 7: Frank turn gamne. thanks. ever. be glad te bear directly froni we have the original analysis, tbe B. H. S. Seniors-Helen Glan- On the evening of January 4th, editors or uealers whetber tbey rebuttal o! the German Institute, ________________ville, c. 8; Mary Birks, f. 3; Grace Norman Short, smaUl son o! Mr. wish us te continue these disserta- and. the counter-ueply o! Ger- Mitchell, f. 10; Eileen Hailman, g; and Mrs. Hugh Short , was christ- tiens or net. If the editors do net manicus. It isalal very stimulat- Gertrude Wagar, g; Mýargaret Mc-1 ened in bis home by Re. w. C. wisb to use them or the readeus îng, especially te an economist, Cray. g; alternates. Dorothy Smith. Mr. Cleophas Short. to read them, we shaîl gladly turn and the present uncertain status TIILTKL HERE 1 Mitchell, Jean Rice, Marian Gib- grandfather. Tory Hill, was pue- to some more remunerative founi of, Heur Scbacbt lends some son.C.ISnir-aba sent for the occasion. o enterph-se. But if they have weight to the strictures o! Ger- The ew 938Wallape cok, f 2:Heln Coley f.10; I Barber wbo was elected a trustee interesting, they îight communi-1 Germanicus is resolutely oppos- Samples. - We wili be Jean Corley. c. 13; Gertrude Man- for No. 8, and 10 Mr. W. R. Pickell cate diuectly with. the reviewer, ed to "the constant stueam o! ales, g.; Margaret Mackey, g.; upon beading the poils as coundlil- whose address is 37 Bloor Street propaganda in faveur o! credits happy to show you these Muriel Waruîon, g.; Alternates. îlou for Daxlington. Mu. Gordon West, Toronto. Criticisms and for Germnany." He says that "the Ethel Betts, Lois Green, Gertrude Trevail was the retiuing trustee suggestions would aiso be appre- notion that English money would if H R new saxnples and to quote Millbourn. this year. ciated. A ueviewer does not hesi- stem tbe tide o! Com.munism from IMus. Gordon Langmaid and tate to criticize authous; now ta flowing into Germany ta inheren- MA E 1N C A you prices on your decor- Master Murray visited heu sister. your chance to castigate tbe cri- etically ridiculous. English money atngjo. atafcton~C.O.S.S.A. BASKETBALL Mus. A. E. Phair. tic. His skin is reasonably thick, is f ar more likely to be used for atingjob.BatisaCtin isMiss Gladys Reynolds uetuuned and be is not immnune te leauning the creation o! poison gas and guaranteed. We will save Scores for the Week te Tronto Normal Scbool Janu- from bis readers. Youu verdict other delectable munitions". Fromn yo oe.Senior Boys: id, accoîpanied by Miss miay largely determnine bis future the standpolnt o! the investor, you moey. _ýces Reynolds who visited fri- indulgence intbis strange foflfl o! "Germany ta a bottomless pit",; it Peterboro 39 - - Cobourg 28 end in the city. pastime after the end o! the cur- is difficult for mnost Englishmen to Bowmanviile 33 - - Lindsay 6 Miss Valeria Romhanyi and rent month. And now for a couple discover any fundamentai differ- J H. ABERrILITH Senior Girls. Mas9ter Louie, Oshawa, visited fui- o! reviews! ences between the "'principles' o! Cbug38 - - Peteuboro 17 ends bere. Communism and Naziism"; and Phone 431 BowrnanvilIe Lindsay 25 - Bowmanville 21 Mu. and Mus. Henry Prufer and lVhy Edward Went he concludes that Heur Hitler Junior Boys: son Eric, Toronto, spent Sunday The Duke o! Windsor may weîî must reap wbat he bas shown ___________25__Cobourgil with Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Reynolds. pray to, be saved from bis friends. and bis 'niusance value' must be Petrbro 5 - oburgil Mrs. G. Reynolds spent FrYiday An Englishmian, a former London 1discounted in bis own disillusioned with friends at Thountons Cor- staff correspondent o! the New :country and not in the city o! ners. York Herald Tribune, bas writtenLodn Bargain Fares Jan. 20 from Bowmanville a book for publication in the Un- Having last week given much Te C N.R. tatons n te Mritme PovicesWhe a goupof en oolited States - be could not publish space to those wbo plead for An- Trvneof C. N R. StatBonswicthe riime Edward slan, hen a roup o! memneypoo inEngland - in the bope that gla-German friendship, we feel Proinc o!Qubec Ne Brnsick PrnceEdardIslnd, thir rte esoarces, vie, ore a.the information be offers may Ibat it ta only fair to caîl atten- Nova Scotia bii rais , or a srvice ofa ind its way back te bis own tion te the other part of the pic- JANURY 2-22 e OTAWA 4.10mathemnatics are repealed. For country. He comes ta tbe defence ture. JANU'RJZl-22-21-e22OTo 5.,teTAWA $4 ITY.9.10the resuit ta more than the surs o! ex-King Edward VIII against _____________ JANARY2122-3 t MNTRAL 5.5, o QEBC CTY 9.ofo eacb man's contribution and the combination o! clique and i1 to Ste. Anne de Beaupre $9.70 effort. Belonging to and wouking cbuucb whicb seems te bave f arc- OBITUARY ROUND TR.IP PARS witb a group changes eacb active ed the abdication, and be gets ____________ individual, strengthens bis ordin- quite nasty about the wbale situa- Tickets, Farts, Transit Limici and Infownation from Agen&.auy emotions. and puopels hirs tion at times. Frankiy, we see no Charles Frederick Adams, furtber toward the goal o! the reason for uaking aveu the episode Haydon C AN A D IAN Ak for CA N A D IA N guoup tban be coud ever pusb of Decembeu, 1936, once agata. himself withaut tbemiral n we bave promlsed ourselves There passed te rest at bis N AT I O N A L Handbil P A C 1 F 1 C wrought by the mere fact of be- that this will be the Iast Edward borne, Haydon, on January ftb, as Ob longing.-Donald A. Laird. book we shall read for some time, a resuît a! a stroke at the age o! _______________________________________________________________Indeed, there are elements in the 58 years, Chaules Frederlck Ad- ~ book wblch are perllously close teamas. His sudden passing came as seditian, and whlcb wlll flot belp a great shack te the community, the cause o! the Wlndsous at aIn- altbough be bad net known good * * * î § especially in Canada. Tbe abdica- bealtb o several years. o h necessauy, and ail the real f riends late Mr. and Mus. Thomas Adams of the former King wiII flot want and was boun at Newpa.rk, Clarke GilbeGU,4t,4,v -roos"te make bis position any more township. He was marrled 33 71EE S7-ifedifficult by thrawing dust in the yeurs ago ta Miss Ella Shackleton, Jone OPair. Let us think rather o! Ed- I after which, except for a periad t 4FES), ~ward VIII as be gave his last fare- :o! tbree years in Oshawa, the e Manage 'INGwell adduess to tbe Empire and 'sided in tbe communities o! En- when he reached a rare elevation 'niskilien and Hayclon wbeue be o! nobility and sincerity, and ta 1was a successful farmer. From * ÊIST.o. him noa dis-service by attacking1 youth be took a keen interest in *those who ad equal responsibili- ýsport, especiaîly football, and in o ties ta fuI! il and Who fulfilled bis younger days be puoved him- Stbem. self tcpbepae ni Tea for every Taste TEA nos * - dress on the E'uropean situa.tion BROWN'Sby Mr. M. H. Staples, Orono, fol- ______________________ lowed by a guitar duet by Misses Jane and A.nnie Tkatch. Somne Brown's Home and School Club! contests were held a.nd lunch was met December l4th, with Prsi served. dent Mrs. Henry Rteichrath in the chair. Miss Wylma Farrow, sec- retary, fulfilled ber severai duties. It was decided to hold a card ______________ Party and a committee was ap- pointed. Mr. Freeman Eddy took charge of the following program: Recitation by Keith Branton; a Piano duet by Misses Annie and Patricia Yeo of Antioch; a read- ing by Mrs. Lawrence Goddard, e.* s . Bowmanville; an interesting ad- .. . . . . . . .e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peacemaker, sought a realignient sudy d-scr o! Europe and cueated the Triple new health. Mr&. A. H., IRCe' #e 68, 10oEntente contrary te the existing Montreal, irites, '"Ihlad yearsa ofliver British policy, so his grandson was compîit and dizzy beadaches - bowel, YO R opposed te the policy o! bis gov- inregular, cippled wjth kidney trouble tot Reductions in telep> ernment and sought to establish -no appetite--no aleep. Many laxativef and long distance bette,,t) '37 have cf fected savi ropean countuies. In ýthis, he gave my bealth greatly improved." These farrou the clique that suPPorted Eden an fruit juice, herb, and tonic tablets deans, users in Ontario a '~,~opportunity to force bum out. and strengthen the liver, help stonah, kid nearly one million - ~This may or may not have bcen neys, intestines. Troubles go. Health mus- an important f actor in the case, improve .2c. and 50c. Ml cruggiats. ' < ~rr ~ THURSDAY, JANUARY 13TH, 1938

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