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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jan 1938, p. 10

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PA\GE TrN' THE C.\N.\DIAN STATESNIAN, BOWM.'N VILLE, ONTA\RIO The Newcasl Congratulations to Mr. ar( Mrs. Wellington Adams. Lai Shore, on the birth of a son ci Sunday. January l6th. Mrs. P. F. LeGresley spent th( weekend with Rev. F. H. Masor and Mrs. Mason of St. Monica'. Church, Toronto. Mr. Emerson Fisher. accom- panied by Mr. Robt. Duck. Jr, motored to Port Coîborne lasl Saturday to be present at the trias of the young men who werE charged with breaking into and robbing his store on December 27 and to identify and bring- back the good.s that were recovereci. Mrs. Hamilton. Millbrook. haý been visiting hier several nieces and nephiews in this vicinty, in- cluding Mr. and Mrs. Carl Selby. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brown, Shaw's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martir. Browns. and the Osborne famil- ies of No. 9 and Providence. Mrs. W. J. Clemence has been at Cobourg with her father. Mr. Allen. who ha.s been very iii. Monday, January 24, the United Church w-lu hold its annual con- gregationai meeting at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Howell Rowland camne homei f rom Oshawa. Hospital Sunday, nicely convalescent after his op- eration. Mr. Geo. Rainey is iil iwtl- scariet fever in the Isolation hos- pital. Toronto. He attended a short course at O. A. C.. Guelph, after Christmas and afterwards contracted the lever. Mr. Leslie Alldread is operating the hammer mili for his cousin. Mr. Russel Gimblett wvho broke his wrist cranking the engine. Young People's skating party on Buckley's rink Friday evening was a huge success. True. the rink was crowded with vital youth but ail had a merry time and after skating about 85 young men and maidens. many from Newtonville. ambled over to the U. C. Sunday "Lest We Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets. Markers. etc. In Granite and Marbie. ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile entertain- er, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated circularfe. Address 628b Crawford Street.ý Toronto. FEATII A BIG SALE 0F SOAI Rinso ...........S 2 Cakes Kirk's Castile, only 5cv 6 Cakes P &GSoap. Calay Soap ......... Ilandy Ammonia..... Hawe's Lemon Oil........... GoId Medal Floor Wax .......... Mop Handies....... "B3eats-AI" Javel Water ......... Gold Medal Castile Soap ......... EXTRA SI Pork & Beansbb.'s 21 Fe W. NI Phone 596 To Our Pai We believe that the el Dish you wish for your Me2 own choosing. It should happening . . . With this point of viei have prepared for you a Pastry, Cream Goods and approval . . . Corne in and make your sales-ladies will give you c service. - The Price and Qu usual Popular Offering. THE CARTER Phone 855 Bake M e epàrsgnetae aî-lyi Dee, n-w-I ,,Lat.r41t U4.t U t ro _Hriutrlfneto iiý^ût,-eesàoù" fè n oot 's Iodized Throat Tablets, 30 's2 ri ie nTr nt ao rct Fbuc al vnnd 1 grpefruniteliiab out aend lOaly if your gla8se8 are fitted 2nhltun2c - 5ep bu rh iscnutdeQit Mc. Johin F. Clark, Toronto, oe i apil on the tucn o! the wt ILE ess r hy2c -5, Houx-"depatment of tUe Londei lecturer in Horticulture, gave his stairs. Both were hîealthîy speci- doing ALL for your e>'ea thatThsT u da -Jry&L el paPe-r ,over 40 years. !ai-merly addi-e&, n'I0Beauties o! the Hor- mens,.science can do. WeJurt Tillye undî-tUei en namne of Hope. The ticultural Woi-d.' beautifu.lly il- Miss Betty Pingle who present- scene ano. igh fitprie a ELE HI title o! hei-faî-ewel talk in Jan - lustrated with new sets a! hantern ed the silveî-ware is ueahhy one of oter good ln iges. POPULAR IR- ULATHIG LBR ay13issýue as -TUe Glo-y ini lides. TUe Pictum-es took the au- Newcastle's chaî-ming Young lad- FAMILY tUe m,, idst- Zeeh 2:5. a! d-enceta rnany parts o! the world iea now-, having a Position with Nwes BokUA---------------3 rDaRy ,ec aste iil, sa ome England that has clone more for the J. Anderson Smith Co. SUe is Your RBook .l. Store Ia ers or wo eneatins ewcstl gil, augterof red gadenng haanyy t counontri-y ragranddaug fMhter o! ourRexlMrtor ~r or To Geeratons eîick Faî-ncomb whase geneî-osity on the earth: Egypt, witji its palm Gray, Mc. Law's sister. Another Phone 778I 1? l Fà ~ 7w togethe- with that o! bis Erîgliali trees. Palestine and tUe Garden sister was aisço present in the per- ~~ r-elatives, enabled the Anglican o! Gethsemane with Lihîir gnarl- soni of Mca. Fr-ank Gibson, N-w - __J U RY_________________ _rBuilding Committee 0f 1857 toecd aëd ancient olives and thie new castle. ( 1~ I 't, î« -- - C 13. the United Churchi Choir held forest plantations started by Lord THE OLD LADY IN CHURCH its annuai business meeting and Allenby; the Malay Peninsula. ____ election of officers. Mrs. Howard with its exceedingly rank vegeta- Sest tesand~aswn M. Ain read the minutes and tion: British Columbia with is e aby tesandgaswn de Id p n e t Mrs. C. R. Carveth gave the fin- Dogados adClfri adHrlrw aslnerygry tie I depe dent ancial report. Rev S. MacLean its giant 4500 year.oid::rees.:and _______________________ Acrossalier shoulder the sunlight pies reside orte electinSof o!k- back to Ontario with its almost shone d school hall for ref i e s h min e n t s. ard: Secretary. Mrs. H. M. Aluin; andflowte vr.yo te pat ke Partners, w ere secured by the fair T re aurer, M rs. C arveth; Special a There w er e ic u es 0f h es 0fU hed in the 101k n the char. nsex formîng in one cîrcle and the Music Committee. Mrs. Cowan, hr arouue o iie fUnednd h okintecuc braves in another and going Miss Bernice Gilbank. E. M. H. GT OURS NOW iwhich no varieties are found south ___Seread temnse'ae ý1 aoudan opsie ar.Wibu aserile Scil Ask ordrgt for 1 76, of the equator; of pansies, the - ___________the_________________face;_ te aoundandaround inopoie ar.WiuBaerie:Sca Ito. fouiefoe0fhd fHedrswaporbthrou )n directions until hialted by the Committee, Mis. R. T. Rutherford, taisaeGiart fvurt lw fciren, of e rs was rooedhr o 'stopping o! the piano music play- Mrs. Pery Brown Miss E. M. ize botte. Use the trialisi roses, beloved anLd Popular the MARRIAGES COMING EVENTS Wihva rko! odl ae e M s sJ. E. R inch e nt Blahe burn,______W ._ J.______ firt and if lot satified return w orld over: o ! orchids. exotic and F r W i h t tarks of s in er a e - ed byMiss etty ingieBiackurn. is. W J. Badd.the regular bottie unopened. ccstly; o! irises, the poor mans SMITH-PEARCE-At Sault Ste. N oeadSho lbdme ys Mrs. J. E. Rincli spent, the Your money wii hochei orarftjjjyewa n e ae weeendwih ler un. Ms. d.refunded. ciof tulips, the favourite o! Marie, Ontario, lia Mae, daugh- DNc.9Hmen col lbdme ys s weke ndcuithrnt. Mr hs. Rd-U ie Cc .. sprng. and dahlias o! autumn, ter O! Mrs. Mary Pearce. SautDac and Card Party. Newcaste An inner radiance rare; ouin M. hs.Co- flL,. the presént batfS. great Victorias and iittle Semper- Ste. Marie, Michig-an, to Jasper Community Hall. February llth. Her soul hiad visions beyond our al w.ill Windsor. Officers Itistalled GeresCirh eastifle.Th vivums. The pîctures were won- Duncan Smith o! St. Cathar-, Merry Makers Orchestra. Fulil skies Gere hrh ecsl.Tederfully eelnanth drs nssoofM.adMs u-prilr e Mr. and Mis. C. C. Grubbe. Farncombs Provided the larger full o!f eein n h ddes ms o !M n r.Dn atCulaS later. 3-1 That glow to kindle there. i etn pn udywe vt eS.McenB.. a r-instruction. can Snirth, Bowmanville. . Liet kFo Sae ndstug Iha fltbn d. Westond . pt Sndayers. ek the i agueanl .A.eeti-ofpart o! the funds. The church' Mrs. J. A. Butler moved and iLvsokFrSl n o huI hewt ee ýkM.adMs hipLGely sn tteiagrlmeigo was designed by Architert Hay Mrs. C. A. Cowan seconded a vote toletdI. n% k Mr. Alfred Grahiam has rer.urn- i the W. A. o! the United Churchi who hiad come to America in the of thanks to Mr. Clark, xvhich was DEATHS PURE BRED HOLSTEINS FOR She might feel poverty's rod, ed fromn visiting his cousin. Mr. on January l3th and instailed interests fo Sir Gilbert Scott. cel- carried with vigorous applause.__________ Sale-Tivo young cows and t~Btsewsrc ihtegi ýs J. .sharcit_ __Mr._ M Chas. Col. Wnsor. theIII Jse: off ice Pres.n-Mrs. H eraed ek anihc hitect. MIX js Honorary Presidents of the soc eifers. rising 1 year old. aliMost true, Mc. Chas. Cemence and I. AllJos: lst Vice Pres.-Mrs .H.Fee W ancm.Ee s. ietv are: Mr. Thos. Moffat, Dr- HOPPS-In Oshawva. on Wednes- stagtbce:yykn.Pi A wealth o! faith in Gd BesieBU ckur o!NecatlrYMdlUn2n VceBeslMle% dtintoch it M. ayan aryBtii19nMr 193ay8JnuryJ9,198,JonEr-- ed ig t.Acreitd er. -hecot hott s. -Rlre MnneJt A.oupser Widsr i ge R. R. 2. New- Sej U~0otre tOBeleill Mn2H.Cooke: SeCVy.Mrs.Irwin Col- sowed him a photograph O! hlis 1ar MP Directors coo! MaunJane.aines. ncstie PoneClRke 9. 2 3New dayday attend %vinter sohool. Tri:~ eas.-Mrs. Ross Dickin- oîd parish church in Leed.s, York- fieor another year are: in . hsa69tof eary.aeGie. csl.PoeClre30.31 S wn ahn son: Cor. Sec'y.-Mr*s. R. T. Ru- shîre. England, and it is believedi Chris Law. Mrs. Jno. Hendry Fneris froth e famîyrs-FRrTC.O AE-N RPHA IGRSWN Miss Minnie Pearce and Miss thierford: Temp. Sec'y.-Mrs. T.1 that the architecture o! the pre- jMi.s. C. T. Batty. Miss E. L. Tren- Fnrifoitefiiyrs-FR TOKFRSL-N RPHA IGRSWN Florence Monteai. Toronto., ere A. Roger: Press Sec'y.-Mr-s. H.1 sent St George's was suggested . dence, 203 King St. E., Oshawa, Holstein cow. fresh: 1 Jersey MahnfosleReirtoh n weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Pearce: Rep. to Off iciai Board tdi phto with and Mrs. W. E. Purdy. on Friday. Jan;uary 21, to St. cow. fresh Feb. 17. E. R. Oke, Machiesfo mains t iR.Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mis. J. H. Jose: Flower Comm. On 0 MssDoa arcob At a short meeting o! the Dir- Geoae' Chrchfo servcwaiowavll.3- Tmabs.Cu chi es.a~ -Mrs. J. A. Butler. Mis. W. H. clergyman brothers. the late Rev. ectrl' deidedto cange 2 30p.mStntementM o n tvil PubicLibar florundrwnt ooe:Parsonage Comm.-Mes- Canon Farncomb. M.A.. was a Friday to the third 1\1.nday, of Lawn Cemeteî',.. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-FULLY - -a thorough renovation at th~e dames W. J. S. Rickard. W. H. muchi belovedi rector of St. Geor- ea mnhadt nieDc heGL-nBwavhe nF- acccedited Shorthorns, young hands o!f .W.Hynsan u Cooke. J. A. Butler, H. M. Allin. ge's f rom 1895 to 1901. The late Gardener o! radio flame to give day. January 14, 1938, James S coswtcavstfo.hees Prm n tWa s f:oor exsnper. Oshawa After me J W . lenn ey. . oe Kitc- D.Afe Frcmlasabo is illustrated lecture here at a Gill, beloved husband o! Eliza- adyun uls lo he can il tandpaerinoessue ,te.M-.Rg. polishinge- e-rs large grey geese and one gan- PERMANENT WAVES - T R Y and~~~~ al h terpoess used enCmm-JMesamsCooeik.A-J e. M e. ersey e-Public meeting on April ist, beth Richards. age 63yer. drodbedrsApvWm OuSecaWvs.egar$0 the floor now looks better than ain.R krd . .Cobedc. .castle, is a niece. and Mr. George 1Interment Bowmanville Ceme- dC. od Red. R. 2. BWmn- Or Spe95 for two weks l. HJse: Visiting Comm.-Mrs. S. arncomb. Hampton. is a nephiew C.n' oul tr.Parsons. R .2 omn o 19 new one. O! course this workl MiacLean. Mrs. H. C. Alin: Devo- 0f MissFarncomboville Pone 2315 necessitated the renioval o! ail' - o isFrcm.Bo ns C u1tei-vle hn 35 -,Orsriewl laey the furniture and the cîosing ofitional Comm-Mesdames J. M. Athough they will find. Missi 3-1 Oui- service will please you. ponmetery th lbar o hepblcdu=Cobbledick. Jno. Douglas. Ed. Farncombs inspiirig messages ini 25 Years Married home of lher grand- daughiter, FOR SALE - ONE HOLSTEINý Iris Beauty Salon. 3-1* thS iryt the publc duingThackray: Churcli Dec or at i ng th~e Advocate no more. hec New- Mrs. R. A. Heaslip. 318 Beres- cowv. 5 years. freshens this the week.~ Comm.-Mrs. J. A. Butler: Group castle finsh!eta e Nearly one hundred frienda and ford Avenue. Toronto, Elizabeth month. George Welsh. Cour-ToRn Mr. heooîeFoser.Bloom- Leader-Mesda mes Percy Brown.1strength will gradually be renew relatives gathered at the home0 Paul, in her 94th yea.Itr ie field. visited his siater. Miss Ma- 3-1ew-________Inter-__________3-1 Meckiev Clark. A. W. Glenney, W. ecl and that tîhey may again see-Mr. and Mrs. George G. Lw ment at Janetvîlle.! TO RENT-TWO ROOMS SUIT- bel Foster, Reg.N.. stoppiflg ovei j S Rickard. R. T. Rutherford. hier as in many times ps a King's Highway East, on Satur- PEARN-In Bowmanville, Tues- Real Estate For Sale i able for light housekeeping, re- where he had been attending a Excellent reports wvere read and ing a visit to lier old home. Eber dyeeig aur 5 ehn aJnay1,13,Wlimcnl eoae.Poe78 7convention.i adopted. Letters o! appreciation House. Newcastle-on-the-Lake. i our them on the 25th anniversary H. Peacn. Interment Bowman- HOUSE FOR SALE - S O LID Bowmanville. 3-1* Friends are pleased to see Mr-S. and thanks for flowers. plants or O! their wedding. The àcrival of1 ville Cemetery.i brick house on Centre Street in so many people at their hospitable FERRY-On January 13, 1938, at good locality. desirable home Real Bargains Robt. Gray out again af ter a per if ruit received were read f rom Miss Horticultural Society hoei rwssho et t eiec,5 hre it oe ovnecs wi iod of proionged illness. She jvas H -attie Mason. the J. R. Fisher oei rw' co etonfliher lat einc,5 Chrswt mdncovine,-il able to attend the silver wedding!Family. Mî-s. Ed. Thackray. Miss' Anuual Meeting and Sa ra up-set hm t 'treet East, Toronto, Mary El-: be aohd very cheap to chose up R E AL BARGAINS - SPECIAL annvesay o hr roteran MaelFoter Ms.Wm.H.Clrknot to their daughters w-ho liad eanor McCrea, widow of Roberti an estate. Apply A. E. Belîmian, sale of Washers, Ironersan sister-in-law-. Mr. and Mrs. George . Mrs. W. J. Ford. Miss Phyhlis Eecono Ofcrsbnaiiedfthcmites Scott Perry and daughter of the King Street West, Bowmanville.1 Radios, new and used, at recluc- LwonJnay1t.l ne..EC.HaMsR.P. NwatePlans and who had guarded,their 1 late Mr. and Mrs. William An-' Phone 526. 40-t! ed prices. Very easy ternis. We BCutle.Mr.JNEe.wcl.Mrs atle iorusi on Society, secret wvell. When the house w-asI drew ý-McCrea o! Pontypooi. In- will take your old washer or B r .J E .Phl. r. tredvgoosl nanother yeai about f illed upstairs and dlow-n terment McCrea's C e mi e t er y, Apart n t oLtrdoi spr amn.W Newcastle Y. . pU. R.obt. Gray. Mrs. Rosa Dickinson ofeervie totheLemmuitadnioadith briepanrgrom o!25 Pnt31 <)l expressed lec thanks personally reparvceir hanymunmake!a d o! b idwan germofor Final arrangements for the pro- frfoes ethcwhnsewsMonday evening, Jan. 17, whien years had been induced toltake SPERt-In larenTusaT ETAATET0 IE adoPhn e sfor ahreeode jecedcroinle ary n Jnury n osita, oroto fllovig te nnathej anannual meetingesrve fr terandth electionareon hseats oos;reserStae-edin lfor o themo. ctiniklthen' 31jee moknoeat on na r3 e- sv aei oronto. follwingano! officers was held. President J. parlor, Mr. Fred Couch called the January 13, 1938. Miron Soper rooms in eo. St loc. mosiatSeIo. WActcaicly. on'at igoteYon ei Uinautomobile crash and for otlher H. Jose expressed his pleasure in company to order. age 68 yeara. Interment Bow- ApyGo .Jms -f ea.SeI htfednwa with President Garnet Rickard inlexpressions cf sympathy. what the soci- had accomplish- Mca. N. L. Rickard, a former manville Cemetery. i RdoFrSl Dustan's Hardware. Phone 774. the chair. John Holmes h a di ed ducing the past year, thanked teacher ai Brown's. read and pre- WESTAWAY - At the TorontoRiFor Sle1~ charge o! the progcam consisting i Mra. C. R. Carveth and Mca. H. the of ficers and directors for their i sented t.o Mr. and Mcs. Law a General Hospital, on January RAIïO AE-SARO iclaeu of readings by Roýss Allun. Reta ýM. Alun !avoui-ed withl a duet, hearty co-operation and voiced his complimentai-y add.ress in which 19, 1938. Ross. in his 2lst y AIO-ubeRSA-Padi.hghoTol n -_______ -___________ Flintoif and John Hoimes; vocal arnd Mca. W. H. Cooke with a appreciation of the harmoniousIceference was macle to the !act beloved son 0f Melville and godcnio.Wilsrfce ETEN)GR EADM- solo by Mî-s. Ken Wecry. accom- ceading. The executive served re- spirit in which all hiad worked. A r that both were members Of fam- Grreta Westaway, o! 67 Sher- for immnditeonsale. Phoe 63.c ie ShopN - WeRsEiADeMA- panied by Mca. E. C. Fisher: and i res hments. l:ve horticultucal Society, actively iiies Ion- estabtished in the comn- wood avenue. fowimdanviesl.Poe63 cieShp-W Pc ei adeTeCirhith id ucinn.ia ra se oiMnt he Hrie Sot Lw omnl2-tf machinery repaira, general gar- a det.Th Chrc inth Wid-funtinin. s agret sse t I unty, HarissScota Las, Resting at the funeral home o! - e %vood. by Misses Reita Cooke and' any community. Gibsons, and that they ha.d car- A. E. Cook Ltd., 721 Bloor stee age repairs. welding, towing Marare Perc, acomanid y VtalStaisics 19 7 Baby's Crib Wanted service. J. L. Demierling, Pro- Margret eacc. acompaied y Vial Satisics,1937 Miss E. M. Blackburn reviewed ied on and maintained t.he bet west. Funecal service, Friday _______________ Miss Bernice Gilbank. Mr. Jacedte ciiisote o:tdu-taiinofalo hm Me- fero t2o'ok.Ie- prietor, Bowmanville. P ho0 n e thel ra h srpue esn 1ciiiso h oit u-taiin fal0 hm e- atcona 'lc.Itr WANTED - A BABYS CRIB IN, 781. 23-tf Kîmaî radtU scitue esonBirths ing 1937. mentionîng t.he chie! tion %yas made o! their- many es- ment Prospect cemeter3-. . good condition. Apply Ml-a and Rev. S. MacLean offecedý John William Gordon Garrod. featuces o! ahi the varied projects timable qualities, o! their services Suc on.Dk t.B~ oiet rdtr prayer. Mr. Ken Weccy conduct-. January 10. son o! Mi-. and Mri undertaken. Nine regular meet- to the community and o! their mnil.3-1- ed the cecceational pericod i Gordon Garcod. mga, had been hield. Two deie- i tw-o fair and cultured daughteî-s IN MEMORIAMmaileIntesteo!CroteHc, lNellie Clara Holubunko. Febîu- attended the Provincial , Ms Henry R.eicl- ig eoy ,D@gs Lostdeaed United Church Choir Elects ary 9. daughiter o! Mc. and Mcs.i convention in T o c o n t o a n d 1rcath, pceident o! Brown's Home BENNET-In loving meoî-y o Oficers Peter Holubunko. brought back good repor-ts. A and School Club, and Bessie of ack 'who passed away January DOGS LOST-BEAGLE HO:UNDS,, TAXE NOTICE that ahI persons Af ter- its cegular weekly prac- Emnest William Hoîmes, Marcli d spring show-. with 111 entries, w-as the Oshaw-a Generai Hospital. 23, 1932. females. bst along lake front. having dlaimis against the Estate tice on Thursday evening. Jan. 15. son o! Mc. and Mrs. J. G. held ni arch 17, and a summer Both received their public school in memory a daily thought, Finders phease notify A. L. iof Charlotte Hicks, ae0 h rHolmes. show with 302 entries in August. education at Brow-ns and their In her ietaro- ac.Bomnîl.adr-Tw !Bw anvle inthe Mar Ruh harott Gcco. IFiwecbed. ithdifeînt irc- ighscoolat ewaste.-Sadly misaed by Mother and ceive reward. 3-1 ýCounty o! Durham, widow, de- May 6, daughtec o! Mc. and Mca.J tocs re-ponsîble for each. werei Miss Betty Pingle, daughiter of Dad. cesdwhdidoorte J. M.fred Garrod Mmatind at Bond Head Ceme- j Mc. and Mca. Norman Pingle.,TPETNI lvnimmr LOST - N E A R H A M P TO0 N lOth day o! January, abou inth Joh WeleyL. ode, eptem- tc.a h community park. in Bowmanville, pî-esented hec great o! our dear mother, Mca. Jas Creamer3- on Wednesday, Jan. Town o! Bowmanville, are hereby ber 6. son o! Mc. and Mrs. David front o! the community- hall. at aunt and uncle with a ailver tea Saltn h asda-~ 12, Collie dog. small size. brow-nntiedosndntoteuer EdnaFait ONel, N- te;frsofMd1avr service on a silver tray. while im Jnury20 137! with some white, female, vrith1 signed, or his Solicitor, on or be- me adiately !ollowing came tO One year has pasaed sineha short tail. Kindly telephone fore the 2lst day of February, ýPS AND CLEANERS Ivembei- 16, daughter o! Mc. and No['. 2'and the oid Fishei-ies' road large richly upholstered easy nsad day, 2253, W. G. Werry.31 98.adpoff Mc a. k irthe tp fthe west il Ani chairs as furthei- gi!ts. r aîîec th on w--1oed:M938,r alethe l ametioua ne d ate he as nail 9c - large 23c Kenneth Grant Gray. November 'bed hiad been stacted at the schocol IReiclhrath,. speaking on b ehaf ! G0d awcay. _thon_________illForSal_-________________ate ate 26. son o! Mi-. and Mî-s. George " hth o-opei-ation o! the hei- parents, expressed their gae Forget hier, no, we neyer wvill, sets o! the Estate will be distri- with Eca Bard o! Educto ndpatdfui appreciation of ail the kind As years roll on we misa hier FOR SALE - MAScSEY HARRIS buted among the parties entitled .....All for 29c Marriages wvith tulips. There is a Royal Oak thoughts c onveyed in the addcess stiî. ammer Mill, complete. also '27 thereto, having regard only ta the Geerdinninuthsmiddl. Thre and o! thes unexpected silver -Sadly miased by Family. Chev. Sedan. Apply R. Gimblett., claim.s 0f %hich the Administra- ..... ae 6C lGhai-donaRuel Lkn g and AI- b dozen Royal Oaks hiad been plant- wvedding gif ts. jPhone 2133.3-toshîathttieavntc. .ckethaEda enigMa 2t. yed in a nursery bed at the paî-k F. WX. Bowen. W. J. S. Rickard 3- tr Dlat at wmniehvethice0. ....2pg 13 Rev. W. L. Tho masl. and indîvidual membeî-s %ere tak- and H. R. Pearce !ollow-ed with For Rent day o! January, 1938. -2 pkg. 13c Albert Edwacd Bonstead and ing care o! many more. Whien short felicitous speeches, express- .CARDS 0F THANKSJonWseJeel Florence May Matthews, Augustthey are large enoughi they will he ing thei- h igh regard foi- Mc. and FOR RENT-12 ACRES 0F LAND: Bowmanville, 2lst, by Rev. D. R. Dewdney. used for park and street panting. Mrs. Law and f amily and wishing Mr. Arnold Wade, Newtonville. with good brick house in good b i oiio - I2-oz. bottie 23c Eveî-ett J. Brown and Gladys Through gladioli grown by Presi- '.em all success and hiappiness in wiahes tothn tefredaad eai.elcti hgSolgaae. , Margaret Pollard. September 151. dn oe n rw h er ocm.finsadeeti ihs aae avec .Msn by ev.S.Macea. dntJas, ad w-et.pea g-own te ear t coe.neighbouî-a for the beautiful floral good lien house, stable. etc. Tw-o Bowmanville. 3-3 by àv. S Reeve C. R. Carveth and ex-i Re!reshments were servedi and tributas and for the kind expres- miles north o! Bowmanville on -.....I 's 25c William Edward Wacburton and hibited at the District Show in a!teî- the bride had cut the three sions of sympathy extended tol the Middle Road. Apply len A chacter-party is the document -ec,7 Ruby Irene Cowan. September Peterborough, Newcastle won most tieer- wedding cake macle by Mca. him in his cecent sai bereave- Richardis, Church at Ontario involv-ed in the hiring of a whole r ilth by Re. S. McLean points for flow-ers by any society Pingle. Bowmanville. and iced by ment in the loss o! a loving wi!e. St.. Bowmanvilhe.3- hpioncntat Howard M. Alu;n and Edna V. outside o! Peterbocougli and was 1Mîs. JeselBake-ih*e a iece0fica.o.nF Adaa ad E. Bragg, Seotember l8th. by Rev. awacded the J. H. H. Jury silver this delectable confection was w-is to th an hir cs and' - ---2 otie 1c 5 McLan Jnecup which President Jose brought given te evecy one present. neighbours foc the kindness and iGeo. Wesley Watkins and Jn back to Newcastle. The Society Several groupa in diff erent parts 1sympat)hy shown themn in theirSPC L NE T W K Singer. September 25th, by Rev.:had a memberahip o! 69. o!tehueenoe t sevssdreaeet - cakes 15c ]D. R. Dewdney. In addition to the work cacried at carda. Folks like Wm. Lake. sadail S uent Charles Gîlkes and M a r i o n'on by the Society. the Municipal Lake Shore. and Sam Harr-is o!f c Hre Smith wishes to Rinh. ovebe 6t. b Rv. . Ci t epre, Hiarveyi Ç its & 4Lioght Coats >ECALMacea, th.byRev S Cunclthoughi the Chairman c(! Whitby. wh-lo hadnt met for over exres issncere thanks a l PECIA Macean.its Public ±roperty committee, 60 years, ceminisced happiiy o! his friends and neighbors, Dr.! Richard S. Haskill and Mac- CouniciUlor E. A. Wahton, planted the days o! their yout.h when Bîrks, and Tyrone Women's In- Ceaned and Pressed tins i5c jorie Pearl Porteous. Novembej- and naintained beds in the com- teewr few machines and menatutfothimnykdess Deaths on it.s Project o! further beautif;--land the country Population was past nine months. J e in i mn a Elizabeth Stapieton. ing the grounds west o! the hall much larger than it is now. The The family of the hate James S.7 5 a Januacy 20. by planting trees and shcubs.1 young people danced for a w-hile. Gilu wish bte express tirdee up E L L~M~~rd areit Millar, 4. treasrei*As report showng i--sde Points were: Mca. Wm. Smith. numerous acta o! kindniess and Oshaw Laundry & Dry Cîeaning Co. Mt. Bornnvle Vm . ocin1prl eipts o! $228.33 which included Mr. Wm. Toms and Mca. Gordon the beautiful floral tributes sent; HOE11 William H. Couch., Apii1 17. mmesi eso!$90 o-Caîk oot;M. and Mrs. Sam them ducing the ihîness and death Elien Breen. May 12. - eî.nment gi-ant o! $32.03. and mu- Har-ris and Miss Harris, Mr. Thos. o! a belox-ed huabanai and f ather. j Mark A. Allun, August 12. nicipal grant of $3500. Expendi- !Harris, Mr. Fred Harris and Mca. THT"Rqr)\ý" IOTU IGIQ 3

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