I j TI: Hints For Homebodies IWrittt'n for Tht' Statesman Jessie Allen Brown 'S That Long Freight Haul The People' of the'Maritinies nîghtfully abject ta their high cas: of living. It is easy ta undenstand m"hy they should have ta pay more for' things that art' manu!acturt'd or~ are piaduets a! atht'î parts ai Canada and tht' conseque nI frt':ght charges. It is more diffi- cuIt ta understand why they Should have ta pay as high on higher prices for things that are produced in tht' Mari- ~ landed at their shauld tht' pea-. ple of Halifax have ta pay as 8ome tii e s a !ew ct'n:s mor-e THE CA XflIA JTATF\IA\ R I LL ONT ARIO i l « such things as English China aif the English boats and cargoes-) bananas off the Lady boats. anc ont' would naturally expert then ta bc cheaper here than in the ather part ýo! Canada. This ts 11o, tht' case. We pay as much far a dozen of bananas as we ever liri in Ontario. True. you can occa- sianally get thern cheaper fraîr the hucksters if you care ta hskc a chance on an unknown seller. but if you buy them in a store. they are the' same price as in On- 'tana. In fact. I have baught them cansiderably cheaper in a chain store in Ontario than I have ever baught them here. The' Maritim- ens are inclined ta, blame ail their difficulties an Canfedienation. This is one ai tht' things that cannaI be laid at its doar. Every place Îa entitled ta tht' breaks Ihat its la- cation gives but tht' Maritime consumer is not getting these breaks. Where there are no !neighh charges ta be added. due ta tht' long railroad haul. tht' consumer should get at least part ai tht' benefit. Who does gel it? Double Action Baking Powder !or ftsageasctheeae a_- "S-aUwb-Ûîa ' lan uîsn as nt' . ~-~* - Tht' question as ta tht' meaning salads s"aai 'igi. n People' a! To- ai double-action baking powder mshed poîataea centered wlîb a renta pay foi, Jessie Allen has came ta me. There are twa poached egg as '"Bird's Nest." and that samne fishi? Brown ways by which thie gas in baking thty'wA1I1 taste niucb better. Freight has ta be paid on sea- 'wdtri eesd n sb os rodfo h'Mrtmst O tu.re and tht' other îs by heat. If To keep tbals, nailla etc., tram ren*ta and yet it casts no mare in tht' gas in tht' baking pawder is ralllng off tht' top of your step Tarante. I know this is se, be- set fret' by moîsture alane. a part ladder, nail a strlp of inner tube cause I have been watching tht'ofai will be lest before tht' mix- araund t 8 as ta form a sballow adx ertiseients clasely. Whoa gels lune reaches tht' aven. Tht' best t ra y faor holding these snia ll that extra profit? Certainly, il is baking powdt'rs must. have bath articles. nat tht' fislerm'n. If it were ont' lîeat and Inisture befare they *s ivauld net mind paying it. Gasa- stant %working. In ather wards. Are you tired aofniaking a îlttIe line is, several cents mare expen- they are double-action. That is bit af white sauce each lime you sive in Nova Scotia tlîan in On- w,,hy n is possible. with the best rpeacemrdvgtb o tar:o. yeî there is a great re!inery baking powdt'rs. ta keep a batter saprere a rreanevgetablor at tht' very deor a! Halifax. in the rt'fnigeratair some time be- make enough at onet' ime la last Tankers. with theix' cargoes o! ail, fore ceoking. for severai days? If stared In a bring the' praducts here and there are ne furthei' freight charges. yet By Way of a Change modern alr-condltlcned tee refnIger- tht' cost o! gasoline is greater. Tlhere is a great deal af satis- ator, yaur white sauce wll] keep ID Whien wve go teo the piers and faction in planning a dishi and excellent condition. The constant ýýatch tht' boats unloading. wt' set' having il a succesS. but sarnt'low circulation of fresh, clean-wasbed _______________________I get maie kick eut o! tht' unex- air In these new-tyr'e reiigerators pected thîngs allen born of des~- will guard lil agairsî ikine un' penation. Tht' other nigh: twt'nee the flavor of an>' strong-odored 51 * 9~ avng company for' Sunday sup- food you niay liappen to be keep- "W RN ~ .per and I wvas having creamed ing at thet ime.1 înushroom.s anîd shrimps. To make aa meIts eut tht' mushromis in smiali When bak- ANpOR I:eces and fry in butter. Prepare lng ftsh, place tht' shrimps by takîng ouI tht' a plece of clean Dragging &round eacli black line and cutting tht'm in 5 iu sîi n or day, unable 10 1do pieces. Add cream sauce ta, tht' cheese cloth Iri houzework - Cafll< mushrocnis in tht' frytng pan ta the bottoni of witi the dul&den get tht' flavour ai every last bit tht' pan, thet feeling uiserable.a!fbrownt'ed butter and add tht' wh~e D fhla i Blaming iton "neres slînmps. Let them Coo tlw baked i t e a n w4nthe kidneys "ayimmening ta bltnd tht' flavours. be iftd ouit of the Dnnd tu.A '-ot of orer. When. -- . "- s1 Uua.yI-ut he i.tt'.a kidueys fail the systee bletakpwamuilim dogs with impurities.Là .bie okewa utlim Headaches - backache, frequently follow serve and then they need Dodd's Kidney Pilla belp des, the syste watching. Naw this tasted go gving nature a chance to restor er, but it did flot loaok partîculai snd~~~~ ~~ "nry ayt lie ae 1 something ta use as a gannish. Dodd's Kidney Pi Ifcund same tant shelîs. litt-le but Y nes just big enaugh te hald IChildren Love It, Parents Like It Everyone Benef its By It! Sounds a littie far fetched, but it 's absolutely true! Glen Rae milk is so delicious that every one like it . . . and its vitamins, minerais and nutritive values pzromote vital, glowing health in children and grown.ups alike. We suggest that you try the milk habit, see for yourself what il will do for bath you and your faily. A Cali Wili Bring Our Route Man Glen Rae Dairy Telephone Bowmanville 2665 I B f )f d Chlldren canvalescing r roin an Illness otten need a l1111e extra 0ncouragement ta eat nourishIng toods; ibere- fj foret' ry Ilese - mue, large aV -pie or o thber -i, -fruit w 1t b a smullng tact' e ut on Il will t'.Intrigue a n y ZhIlad. Second. refer ta ordinary foods sucb as cot- ible over on the servi", plate withuut for aptproxlmately 12 minutes. Please help us ta bring hope apened with quiet music played by tabno lg CoPnY1toh: 1938 by HZeano,'BOW. and happiness ta those unfartun- Mrs. S. R. James. Miss Florence flOd ________________________________ ate fellow-citizens by sending your Werry gave a prayer. Scripture >Od ad books to the Headquarters of was read by Mrs. W. Pascoe. The Ly dab of jelly. These seemed pro- REV. S. DAVISON aur Association, 20 D u n d a s tapie "The Spirit of Giving" was for in'sing, Sa I hunted for something Square, Toronto, or direct to Ma- very ably presented by Mrs. L. W. .I ta put in them. There was a scrap GUEST SPEAIKER ion H. G. L. Strange. Grain Ex- Dippell. Mrs. E. P. Bradt, presi- ty oi left-over spinach, so I mixed it change. Winnipeg, Manitoba. "Let dent. took charge of the business. a with a littie ai the creamn sauce Home and School Club met inl us wha have sa much help thase Correspanding Secretary read sev- that was left on the sides of the Principal Thompson's room at the wha have nothing." el-al letters f rom the sick and saucepan. Then I iilled the tat Central Sehool on January 12th. shut-ins. A letter was read from with the spinach and popped themn with a large attendance. Presi- Novels Recommended by the the Deaconess Home thanking the in the aven to heat. They loaked dent Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson was A. C. B. Association for donation sent. The very attractive arranged around ir the chair. The canvenen. Mrs. The Dark Weaver: -Mrs. Sal- follawing program was given: the dgeof he ceamd fod.Braund, then took over the meet- verson of Calgary. who has just Ruth Huitclinson.aclupni by s Sat good h that , they u t lited e ng. Mns. E. Waods gave a piano published what, in my opinion, is Ms .R ae;paoslMs SO90 htte js itdtesala. In a Manastery Garden." the best Canadian navel of 1937., r.S .Jms;paoslMs dish out ai samet.hing ordinany. Ms uhHthno navr s uliga nls eua nPats-y Dinniwell; vocal solo. Miss spieach wia so goodfthatr pan chanming manner sang "Little Boy while stili under the curse at Cuth. Jame. acmad Mrs. attak b s it as a vgedtae o n meBlue" and "The Wasted Crust." home af an original best-seller. C.eDudleho had helpd ithathe tO Ue i asa vgetbleon omeMiss Betty Stevens recited "Little In "The Dark Weaver" she has e l h a epdwt h occaaioa. If spinach t8.5tes go hSddad Ili'terig"w te yf rhrb~ba.~ program. Attendance 75. In artsheis.whywoudn't other Miss Marion Foley gave a piano i3 a full-bodied, many-sided staory I__________ creamed vegetables be good served sl iErpa mirns h e tr the.sain ie ?Wydntyu A very special feature wa.s an came Manitoba pianeers in the1 SALEM trythe soetueaddness. with slides in colour, aif late l9th century, and their chil-' *Ruby Jeuy England, shown by Rev. S. Davi- dren who were of the right age to0 My stock af jelîy is runming 10w, son, pastor ai Trinity United participate in the Great War. one Womnan's Association met ah the so I thaught I had better try and Church. Some of the pictunes bnief incident oi which is used for home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Scjuair make sorte more. This is what I made very real ta us the magnifi- climax. Pour distinct sets of peo- for their annual Pot Luck Supper did and the result is a nice fla- cent grandeur oi rural England. ple. differing in race as well as when about 65 sat down toaa vared jeliy with as pretty a colon In the ancient buildings with their social status and outlook. are bountiful meal. Af ter ail had done as you would want ta, see. Take fine architecture and design we picked up in Europe and the justice ta this splendid tea the three pounds of apples and cut in could sense the stability for which causes oi their transfer explained. company adjourned ta the spa- sinali pieces without peeling or the people are noted. In Trafal- 'Thrown togethp in the wiîd- 'ciaus living room, when Mr. ICyle coring. Add 4 clips ai water, caver gar Square we saw Nelson's monu- erness north af Winnipeg, with Squair presided over the follow-. and simmer for 10 minutes. Ma~sh ment. also that af Edith Cavell. many others, these elght are fol-I ing program: Mrs. W. S. Roy of and caok another 5 minutes. In Mn. Davison reminded us ai this lowed in their new homes. where Orana contributed two fine vocal the meantinie cook a hali pound noteworthy saying ai hers. "Pa.t- they make new friends and pick solos, ai ten which Rev. A. W. of cranberries with 2 cups afi a- riotismn is not enaugh, I must up new assaciates. Their loves, Marchi gave a f ew rem.arks comn- ter until soit. Put in jelly bag have no ill will in my heart ta- marriages and econic fortunes plimenting the association on its and let drain. Add apples when ward anyone." Oi special inter- are graph.lcally relat.ed ta formn a gaod work. Reeve chas. Car- cooked. Measure 5 cups oi juice est t0 some was the City ROad dlean story pattern of dramatie iruthers was caUled on for a few re- and 71/2 cups ai sugar into a large Chapel from which John Wesley înîensîty. As a community novel marks at the conclusion of which saucepan and mlx. Bring ta a preached, also the house in which ai the Canadian West, it is the he rendered a vocal solo. accom- bail over the hotlest i ire and at he lived. best yet published. but Mrs. Bal- panied by Mrs. Sam Buhtery. Once add /2 bottle ai Uiquid pec A very hearty vote ai thanks versan is too much the innate ýMss. W. L. B.uttery. Miss Lela tin. Brlng 10 a fulro ngbi was given Mn. Davison as aIl story-teller 10 lose her individual Welsh and Mrs. Sam Buttery gave 6,and boil 1/ minute. Pour inta present appreciated his efforts in ciiaracters in a mass picture. Each short read.ings. Aiter a social haur sterilhzed Jars and seal. bringing to us such interesting develops clearer identity page by Mr. W. G. Werny moved a vote of and instructive material. We must page. thanks ta Mr. and Mrs. Squalr Raspberry Jam Squares also mention Mr. C. H. Mason's "'The Dark Weaver' is not a_______________ 1 cup flous klndness in coming Up ta rua the sermon. It is a play, a demon- 12 teaspoon sait lantern. stration, a coherent piece oi Can- 1 leaspoon baking powder It was voted that $5,00 be spent adian lufe. It is first and last a 1/2 cup butter on music books for the mothers' story. and a good one."-William 1 egg choir. Arthur Deacon, "Globe and Mail"., 1 tablespoon milk Miss Moare's room won the at- The Rains Came: "The rains Si! t dry ingredients, nub in the tendance prize which went by re- came ta the Indian clty of Ran- i- N ' butter and add beaten egg and version ta Miss Bragg. chipur; but that was not ail. In' mIlk. Mlx and spread in a pan 9" Refreshments were served ah addition ta the torrential dowii- square mnaking it a lihhle thicker the close, pour of the mQnsaon thiere were around the edge. Spread this bat- a earthquake, a f lood and a fine STE ter with raspberry jamn and caver whîch cambîned to destroy a large with a topping made ai 1 egg B elted b c utter and c p ooa- Business D irectory part cf the city. and ta wipe out beaten, ibupe uan 2 tabsoon somte nine thou3ana o! its native nut. Bake in a moderate aven oi pzpulation, as weIl as a scattering 1-- --- 350 degrees. Cul in squares. LE ALa its military and missionary 1 LEGAL Europeans. These were follow-ed M. G ~.GOUD, .A. L 'B()Y the devastating outbreaks ai r M. G.V. GULD, .A.,L.B. epidemies ai typboiad and chýolera.! Mrs. Fisher Suggests . Barrister, Solicitor. Notany Against th4s backg:ound o! events. ,r o SET 1 For Dinner Phone 351 Lou4s Bromnfield undertakes ta O _____Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville mnake a shudy o! twa prablems. Canaian ven-rledFlshThe first, which is touched upon Caaia ve-ridFihW. R. STRIKE lightly. is the effect ai the officiae Barristen, Solicitor, Notary attitude ai the' British con.cuerors r L'sing fillets or steaks of an', de- Solicitor for Bank ai Montreal upon their subjugahed races. The sired kînd of Canadian fish, wpe Money ho Loan. Phone 791 . econd is the possibility ai a New cadi piece carefuliy with a damî ) Bawmanville. Ontario India-an India in which the ig cloth wriung out ini cold salted nrne ahlsgitleac n water. Dilp each pîcce in egg, heaten LU C. MASON, B.A. nthe hultl sig oleraty 0f le siihtl '%itî aspon f cldwatr, Barristen - Solicitor caste systemn have been sa) ma.d'- or in salted mnilk. Toss the fishi into Notary Public - Etc. lied and moulded by educatian apan or bowl of fintly-sifted, dry, Law in ael its branches. that she is able ta select iromn h)rcad crumbhs, coating ecdi picce of O0fce immediately east of Royal Western civiliation the scientiiic fishi with the crumbs. (Use one' land Theatre. knowledge -which she needs wihh- for dipping the' fish in the' liquid and Phones: Office 688; Home 553. oui losing her ownl national and tht' other for working with tht' psychological integrity." - Hunter crunibs). 'lace the pliect's of fisli on DENTAL Lewis, "Vancouver Province". a greased baking- pan, ad(l sait, and IW HTEN you tpioPni sprinkle lightly with cooking oil. DR. J. C. DEVITT Enchanter's Nlghtshade: 'Miss TTte ia "swanky" car Y Leave the f ish in a hot aven - 500'1'-. Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Bridge has written a truly de- abu rcsThyetelo utlit lhas lost its waterv colour Graduate o oa eta olglightful novel, suave and sophis- bout priesuxey'rde thae1< ~iitil ai Royal Dental Collegeticahed in the best sense ai the WhlDeueMdeaae and i) juiet' escapes %%-t'n tt'e slces Toronto. Office: Jury J ub île e word, enlivened by spnlghtly in- Both cars are better Iooking a art' pierced with a knitting needile. Bîdg. Bowxnanville. Office hours cident and liielike conversation. .And topping the list of featu l' lcngth of cooking timie rt'quiredl 9 a.rn .ta 6 p.m. daily except Sun- Her pnetty young post-Victorian tegets rvn i ic deens n ht ticnes ef h'fs 1; day. heraine (the peiod is 1905) is 6 îlot more than ten minutes in a hiot Phone 790. House phone 883. transplanted fsom England to act 'you're stili going strong' - aven is needed for a piicqe of f ish an X-R.ay Equipmnent in Office, as governess ia a titled Italian you make your new car a Pg inch thick. Over-coaking is tht' most iafliily o! vast ramifications. Ai- coninon mistake in filh cookery. FUNERAL DIRECT R ways in the background is the Caniadiani Fish Foods, rieh in - Ilalian landscape, a lovely setting nourishmient and hcath-giving suh- FUNERAL DIRECTORS against wiceh is sharply project- stances are unexcelled anywhere. Service, any houa,, any day. ed the sealismn that is so charac- A woan ho mrris a aonteristic an aspect ai the Italian A wmanwhomarie a Sr F. F. MORRIS CO. graciousness ai living. The ViII' man for love neyer fargives her Modemn Motor Equlpment. Am- Alla clan-an aggregation ai iam- pretty daughten who dellberately bulance and Invalid Car. Caîl ily connections rallier than a sin- goes and does likewise. Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. gle fantly-is la summen quarters, Q[ niAnd naw It's that very coana alCPreai. rne' that does the' honora. gTo malle an attractive garntsh for lee ereanis and cottage pudding% euse lefl-over rire ln Ibis way. StUî a t Int a syrup whlch has heen >made by cooklng 1 cup sugar wltk r % cup waler ta 230* (or untIl It EspIns a thread) and addlng vege- etable calonîng ta tint. Leave the 1nie'ln tht' syrup until itle 8well Fcoated and Ihen dry on absorbent PaPer. As a valuable bint. reinem- ber that roaked rice wlll be kept i lrm a.nd fret' froni torelgn flavors J Ifprotected by the cold, cdean àwashed air of a modern alr-condi- 1tlaned tee refrigerator. * * 0 Ta save aoap, 1time and teni- per. gel a tn cent wlre soap~ dlab and fasten Il an yaur cdean. Ing pal] - then your isoap te ai- ways where you wanî It, wben GI RCREAMS: (Makes 6 dzncookles.> Cream 834 cup af shortenlng; add 1 cup of sugar and blend. Add 1 egg and 14 cup of molasses, beatlng thoroughly. Then suft together 24 cups of flour, 1 leaspoon of soda, % teaspoon of sait, 1 tableapoon of ginger and i teaspoon af cinnamon. Combine the' slfted Ingredienta with the creamed mixture and chlU ln mod- ern alr-condltloned tce refnIgerator overnlghl. In Ibis type of nef rig. erator It la flot necessary to coves the cookie mlx because a constant circulation af properly molat, vite- llzed air la malntalned at ail Urnes. When ready to bake these Ginger Creams, merely shape the' dough Inte amall halle and roi] ln gau lated augar. Place 2% I nches a=U oD greased cookie aheet and bake If you haven't00a you are missing Something *Your favourite dealer can get yosi a varier>' of Dnicd or Pickled Canadian Fish, the Blavour of which is as tasty and as perfect as though yoti had caught theni yourself and prampti>' popped them ino the They can be served in variaus appetizing ways .. . Dnîed Fish such as Cod, Haddock, Hake, Cusk and Pollock, and Pickled Fish such as Herring, Mackerel and Alewives can be broughrta your table as new dishes . .. that the family wili like.-. Serve Canadian Fish more often. Make "An>' Day A Fish Day". Your dealer cao secure Dried or Pickled Fish for you no matter how far you live from open warer . . . with every bit of ils goodoess retained for you. And, by the' way... you'll find it pleasingi>' economical. DEPARTMENT 0F FISHERIES, OTTAWA. WiRE FOR FREE BOO0KLET I Deparcment of Fsherlms, 14 Piesse sed ime our fiee 52.p akle Any D y A Fish Day". contauis detiabdulad aeconomaical Fi.h kecipes. gît % : ~*Nam# ...............................-....-.-. .... 11 Addresn.......................................... Wom ANY DAY A FISII DA tiac-you step right out in style-drive you've always wanted to own. And what owest in history for the new Special Six.w Lnever offered sa, niuch for the money. and better bult am well as better "lbuysl". tures is SAFETY SHIFT Gear Control - ý the self starter!l So you tell the world -and put dollar@ in your pocket-when Pontiac. See the Pontiac dealer, today. RSDAY, JANUARY 20TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWNr,,VýVTT f r nVri i>rr-, -il Tht' Association ai Canadian TRINITY W. A. Bookmen also wishes ta caîl at-, tention ta tht' drive it is iastening! fan books ta stock tht' hundreds :Waman's Association oi Trinity ai small lending libraries we are United Church met in tht' schocl e st ab1i sh in g throughaul the' room. Tuesday. January i1, with dnought aneas ai tht' Prairie Pro- Mrs R. E. Dinniwell's circle in i -r of Helpful Household Hints and Recipes Conducted by ELEANOR HOWE S~BOOKS THAT MATTER A Weekly Feature furnished by tht' Association of Canadian Bookmen and the Canadian lveekly Newspapers Association0 MORE NOVELS wa;ing ta celebrate tht' hundredîli Change to Conduct'd by Ansan Bailey birthday o! its belaved Vecchia Cutts) Marchtsà-and its days pass ini Tht' Dark Weaver: B v L a u r a picnicking and visiting. in judic-fi-1 Goodman Salversan (Toronto* ibus studies for- tht' young, and Ryerson Press). PrceS2.0 , ini .udîciaus ilirlations fon tht' not L i Tht'* « ns Ca e so younc. Passion breaks imb tht' The Rai s C me:By Louis Bram- happy tale ai leisune haurs, and Ca.'Pnie $.75and innocence wt're befant' But ORaedLabel 3 e b. Enchanter's Nightshade: By Ann Miss Bridge. witlh tht' cîear-sight- e Orag Label 40c lb Bridge (Toronto: McClelland edness and hard realism ai her ' eIwLbl4c~b and Stewart. Price $2.50. ý Italian mahiarch, lays bare tht' For Premium Listof Wm.Roges A Southern Harvest: Edited by! fleetingness a! even grief and & Son Silverplate write Thos. J. Robert Penn Warren (Taronto: brîngs ta an end a story that Liptan Ltd., 43 Front E.,Tosonto. Thomas Allen>. Price $2.50. makes no concession ta sentimen- This wt'ek. Mr. Silcax lias ask- taîity on a note af valiance which ed me ta canduct this calumn. In! matunity must accept as tht' ac- 1 daing so. I sliaîl quate fromit'e tuai example af ife, for tlîeir hospitality which was j "Where slavery is, there liberty Book Rt'view Digest af tht' A. C. B. "'Enchanter's Nightslîade' is not approved by aIl. Proceeds ai tht' cannaI be: and where liberty is Reading Guide. tht' official quar- 'only excellent entertaitimerit but iupr860.teesaeycna e"~hre tenly ai tht' Association a! Cana- extremt'ly. skillful art. It has t'v- Sunr dian Bookmen. Tht' foui books erything that a lighh navel should "Corrupted freeman are tht'ý "Whatever makres a man a slave lneated ient' are outstanding have. vivacit.y and sensibility. and 1warst. af slave's.-ic. takes liali his wonth away."ý-Pope amançg much excellent fiction this: witlî it a harder grain ai cammon _________________________________ season. [sense Iliat gives its seriousness- ReaingCicle an ~ Fars'Amy Laveman, "Saturday Rt'- First. lîowever. I shauld like ta' A Southern Harvest: Rbn assure the many readens who have Penn Warren has made an exceed- written te us rt'ganding tht' or- ingly good job ai this collection ganizatian and conduet o! Read- oaf short shonies by Soulhern writ- ing, Circles that tht' A.C.B. Bock ens. In tht' firsh place, 'A South- Information Bureau is prepared'ern Harvest' is genenous in size.i ta assist tht'm in every way pas- cantaining some twt'ntD--twa long- sible. Il is aur hope that many ish examples from tht' work o! as1 such Reading Circles will be un- many writers. together wihh an dertaken in collaboration with tht' introduction by Mn. Warren and association during 1938. and that biograplîical notes upan the wnrit- * many Book Fairs may be arganîz- ens reprt'sentetd. AUl tht' work is oi ed. Durng 1937 sucli bok fairs îtctnt copyright.,50 Ilat. almst were hield in Whitby. St. Cathar- any reader may be sure ai !inding D I D O ines. Pickering. Guelplh. Barrie. in it somtthing wrh while that R E % .,drih Toronto and Mantreal. he lias misst'd. These stoiis are IL..ID Thest' aroved very popular. and meant ta be descriptive af South- f ~ weare ready ta assist Peterbar- ern lie or abviously raott'd ini P I K augh and ather ities righît acrass Southt'rn tradition, a mixed and Canada tlîat are planning suchi stimulating bag a! tales.Forqa1 treats for baok loyers durint tht' ity and variety. almast any thier months ahead. section ai tht' country wuld find c it hard ta, match." - "Tht' New