v PAGE TWO - THE CAN.\DIAN STATESM AN, BOWMAN\'ILLE. ONTARIO THt'RSDAY. JANUARY 27TH. l9.3~ My Oàaimbiarn itt#maun Established 1854t, A Weekly Newspaper devoted c the nterests of the town of Bowmanv;lie and surrounding country, lssued ai King Street, Bowmanvillt.. every ThursdaY. by M. A. James & Sons. owners and publistuers. The Canadian Siatesman is a member of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associaticon, also the Class "A" Weeklies of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES, EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; in United States, $2.50 a year, payable in advanice. Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY TA\NUA\RY 27TH. 19,18 Keeping Debenture Debt Down by Pay-As-YouGo Policy -s j: t- litlii's have Iceej scldlmict ttcYankee ini est:s. Pttpîila i i eailî adcasts liavxe 1 piîslicclasdettc ri%-e place ta fareigu e, nieîrelipu'agi'auiis.,an aicl aîdiail talent1 ini at anc%-ccid tille (cf flic tiaxci.rt -Nct Watîtsd«' 'SiL-11. IT' sale' tf tinie for' t'ailiiîeru(ial lr i'asts i itct ccîl- dt i'clY'ecltivto c plîblie aislits. Illit if places tue ('ci'pci il, tue Pasitiaon tf hein, c.'ntîctitcîîs v lezit iliate business. Iiil <ctbei'w'aîdst t'C'porationî is sublsi(izcd1it f tliceteple C'anada tg) flic extent of aboalit $2.000.C (Ifroinîiililsc fees) tococîlpete witi li vatel v ovnied fiî'îns in iie saine iiiii w'ii t, nic'jit so siîbsidîzcd. 'lice Iief sit"t'uei's ait' of ('touse tuie iii( penudent rai'oc stationis anîd tuie precss Canaalicctlî tcf xvicnc lealinici rtl~c~isii ticftcî'tîinateisv tuit lepeileiiî radioas tîcilîîis siit t I ll icrlle's. tf tî'th 'op ati icî. acnd talc luei','iîîcvetlfroiîî tuetairf aîî-v îîc'îrcecciot. NwIiîc aftii-w saie tîl tilt' I. 'c c ýi'i o I itt l icîc stc'p in. al i c v ff( ii' in ltiit t's on iielî'sîiisiclizt' tl lc'ivc pi'et-cclvtakc' tilt, ici't'cîtid iibuîîtte'r awa trýi'o 1icipriat e pel'at ais. 11ciliiaicv i'tsp('-t'ti loic'îewsspapei'sal lcai2icliiics ari l te saineii icediuccuîîc' Ihose piilsliic'. pa ' liav a-v taxes ta ti czcvc'iîieit.tllîî'aoIî lîilis, taxes tcf ci kiîd o ai aîtctier. tliiiîîczi sales tax. postaý anditi cciit" ciaicîceis. ia, w'cilias piiitl tlîcciîsaiils ii steaclv elipiccp'iieiit. liel ave fiîîcl tultsaine ' timrîî. a gtcvcimîinif lîcît sîîlsitiized1ic'v t liceceuple. ccnpt irwit tuie press forî' nationîal ada'crfisiiz. T1lîcicccble tliii iss o tttc i'i îfaiî'. an s) faîr fram t cp p'i neipies avieili iîr<îgi theîCorlpao'ationc iittcexisteicce. tîcat oil au ari'îîsd pubilie copinio audciifccî'e tl ('a adiaiî Broadceast iinî C'tpocrictionlitc ci vert tittcicic<i 'vandcipuiiîiple for w'lii. il avas iuLi icîratc'cl. As ('ienîit-ntHamlwccî reccît l ' vpuit it ici a letteu' t thie pr'css"1 is avtliî itil(st tu'eLr'et tuaf ouîesecs thîe (11' of a nactioncaluradlioc inC (ancadla biciîgst Iuergc(1 ii ht lentac'ies ofthfelicAmertii a(l a'u't i iii îa elîiii." Silice tfltc alovi' w'is wî'ttcic xvc' i<tt i tliîafilitliicîiLliî tue ..('. lias zocne eonccîîî c'îli and <cita i ueil aveu' $600.000 cîdditioia i'e'ein cci Acccric'aic a d vcrtisiu tue (COI icu'tui c-t cllits riiht lae'l andcigia sth' f r'adiio fancs a soek in ltic p e x- c 1v)lv imcýreas iuc tilie radio liî'î'usifet' f in cîî $00 ti $20. Pe auret, l'e -a dv aski î i wlc ua' a vfi- at ail if flie('C'. is sî'ilin iîlc Dividends for Shareholders oi Security for Employees? QîuIitt'ee e tl o 'ccuiuîeited oic BoNV miîiuaillc 's 'cimudl tinaiwîcial cudl'ticui. Tlii saice tiiiiiî.r is tu'uce ftcfeflic .irroi'~îdiiîricuavil ficcîl thlut thi i'.chtcciî:l j" aittei. Aceari uc cz tc thle xv e cucIIIlceteRepornt o f MIII: ie ipli Sta ti.tiv<- issicd i v tihe Deparîtuîeiiî of Mîiuc itilaMAfa uS atiie sParîk, t1li per' 'cci idelitcof Bctxviiîîîvil le is, $l2(;.:),-) Tuict uîîeaîs tîcct if tie lt' c'i aas sbared ecIlua Ivlyhetweeuc lic iîci e ji vH'lli lli lieu' xvoIuId ieu'suîie fcr fiait sîtîci. Whiilo tlie il u'e a cri'at ucai' ucîuuîîepalit- ic-s aw-iehi haîcve il sialici'per' 'ilpifai delcf thpecar'e fc'xv vliciî aii lccast tof so a îtl miles tif eouer'etc sidceaclk. paved sfr'cfs. auud ccl ler' uîoder'uce<icveieiees. P wiac ville lias a total dlelt of $45 6.2 4 9 f romc w'ii mîav lie deduc'fed siiikiimîcr fuiffd iii- a'estientî f cf$7,42-5. As ave poititcd iout a few wxveks ago miani debeitîrre issiies xvilhe waritteia fr-oiflc aîîfstaicdiiig debeiifuire iedgcr ii ic e ext feas've ars. aultl.)îrlîtatifial reductiouîs iic fax rates-,xili Ice passiicic. miless, citizeus deniaand îcav » vexpeiditir's <ci i iiprovc- mecîfs. Town Co(atîrîils art'e ustîali' llanad for' (elits iieirrc(l. Iut if is truc tîcat few cauîîiis ecaucIuîitf flîir' îiiîiepalities f a dehît. îîulcss fiacre is pubclie dcucamîd. rtirfle expcuifrirc isiceyoicdflîchir contrai. 111 1939 flic Ross ('ac'iiCcapanx-anîd the Textile Buidinîg <iclciitiircs sailil ic rcfircd. Iii 1940.,ftîe 1921 sidcavalk issuie xvi lîave beîî canîplcfed aîîdiciii 1941. the Punîp Houise cuiie andc reservair. ancdflic 1922 sidcavalk issie ailli be paid. 1942 %viii sec a lcg lcaîaup avlicema tli- 1913 xxatî'xxoi'ks, the 1913 sewers. lthe 1923 paveincit. tlîe 1923 Hizlî Sclîoal xiii al ice paid cff. li 1943-44-45-46 furtîcer blolcks of deld'uîtturcs wiîl1libe lai(l up aund flic foax'iixll liciii aui excep)tiouiallx- lealtli.y fiiaîîcial pasitioii. By thaftue tflac llvdro puiiase xiiil he ,cicancd tup. w-hieh axili nîcaii lctxuer elefnrit' rates. Ve laav-e iuex'r beliex'cd iii false ccouiomîi. aîîd have neyer appccsed impu'ovc iuas ticat w'ere defiiiitelv rcquircd 1lc' flicefoxx'ua but inim nakiuag any iinpravemniets aîîder flic debenture systen iti must lie remernlcercd that if ecct jiisf twice as iîueli as flie orig- inal cost. For instance the iicw High Schoo,' cast approxim.atf l ' $100.000. Paynîeiats are sprcad over '29 vears af aniiuîiteuesf rate of 5 1!7. Thaf menîc s ticat iii 29 ycea's flic cost offlîe higli sclîooi xvi lîave lîcetiraver $200.000. The saine fhiicr applies tical] types of delcentures. Alîartfrfuaai tue lydmo debejîfures xxhicli pîa v4 3-4i fa flic'Hy-dra C'ommission of Ontfario, ail atiier dIleietiire dnbts are paviilg froun 5; tic 6 1-41, lu- teresf. Thlac nitta of presi'mit auîl uc-dia councils shouihi 1w "Pa v-as;-we-go." If is better fa speîîd $10.000 aifîd pav for it li anc ycar. than ta speîd flic sanie amîoimut and pay double fliat sim aiven a peniccil of years. Scraps Canadian Programs and Grabs American Dollars Vîgoroîis irofests are foclaY- cuca ia tilicg from al aver tue 1)ccilcinli as a î'csîlt tcf the Cauiadiaui BroadeastiigC o ('onlcttu'iCu's rig-ht-about-facc iii ifs policy of eciutteiicr the air wxav'cs witli ccnîeu'eiai pragrul ls instead of ifs onigitîaliniîîeîtimouf proimat- ing Canadian unîit « vandctiieltu'ailipr'orr'ans fnatuîring Canadiaii talent.. The Bn'oadcast- ing Commissionî, aund ifs suecsscu' tut' Braadeastiîîg Corparationu came hiîtoicig as a prafest agaist thte iireasinu c, isc' of the air for advcrtisiiîgr p'pses. Tîce ise of conmmercial programîs had lîcoucce sci mueh abused ticaf the ('aiiatliauc public de'- mandcd some measir'e of counaio. Gt'n'r-al- ly spcaking flic Corporation camle iiîto be- ing ta maintaiiîtflic (auadiauî airwxaves li' Canadiauîs aîîd for ('auadiaiîs, aid lta ex- tend the facilifies for broadcastiiîg iii tue Dominion under proper tpr'soi The effor'ts of flic first ('aummissioli pî'uv- cd futile amad iii 1936 the ('or-poratioi a'a for-uad witli Major (rladsfaîîi Miîr* v as general maniagcr. To thi ecrcdit of the cor- poration ift mst Ice saidt] lat same of flic abuses caniplainedl of w'ei'e ciaîied up, aîîdl an laoîesf aftempf fa cxtcuid facilities. cîuîcl ta impraac pu'ogî'auîs avas more or . less -successfiul. To prox-ice fiîids for- tue ('rporaicci evera- radio tw'ie'aatssessed a $2.00 lh- cepnse fee. J)ie fa ftce iaiiilitiitclu of flic duc iliîiryI'r 1'itiist(1'dandl-on u'elief , c.rveuiJijet.lie]eeaei.cc'velisleft andcaught in asausagge -Fierobcok ins-j l jîala machine run by electricity and iiott; Sec'y -...M j. Sm.itU; lst li- i ' c s o f t ht' îîil I oft' t it, i e re iira n d e d o rre tIi 'cir e tlv p a y s 60 c n t f c v c rvt o a v t a p a edig ; 3 r S . D s y; th R cci'iîîli . had hav it mpuatedCamBenField; 2nd-T. Cart- dis cld.~ltlc'iieîs , . J~ Wi.nîp s~cakiig îttlar f iccam fo goxcrueut dmiTh-eUebriccrksdene owed y wnght 3rds. isne; 4h-R ici R".îesci'Ehd . "citcîtt bfi'e spauiiass dol'aoauî. orgvrtmntamii the late Mrs. J. M. Janess. King an B ge^_ th-H Lacey: 6th-W. il,îes tr lî'tlliler oIce a uspes <cfa lit' raill St. E.. was purchased by Mr. AI- Edgnrton;I.G.-W J. Berry; 0. ic'îisild a'-Wulieteration Tue of rinîsî!"bert Manning, Newcastle, r or G- Wikinson. Fedoatiii lice rinti). vTndcpcndcut says :"ft' $1600.1 Birth: R.owe - In Bowmanville, Mi'. Wcricp. w'lcase slilcjt'et Nats people bavce atcn iîuirch suppcî's.w'crtli .The Banks continue ta take up On iJanuary 1l, ta Mr. and Mts. caicil('laleuct',' delredtha ic iatiui t ic' slîa ticypaid for thin, t iiey feel Bowmanviiin HigU ý;chool boys. Lewis Rawve, a'daughter. c'<îîitl<l ontin :1tie via ti R. Cousins recently eritered tUe Birth: Aluin - In Bowmanvîlie, hcavce lccac'c' prosieijt, iîheaifh and tîcci-have iiadle a noble ,onftrilîiani n thli Standard Bank: Gardon Gillis is:' Januaty hOtU, ta Mr. and Mrs. lc;cpiicss if if (id nod iiîvstigafe aud put c..'s" of reiio.'in the Bank ao' Commerce, and'Hai'ry AIlin, a daughter. ~.1 n--- A~llanît tllis tilnîe of tue x'ear' flic'fiîîcuîic page's <if ccli'ieasuaîers can'u'a'acuuîai t' potrts ci lIar'ge iudu.tiiai anîd ficiaie itul dii paraciccîl.s. Oui flic ahiole flic repcor'ts x liavae'peu'îstcl lhaaefeiî'î uîsf cpt iuîistie fu flic futumr'e. Motîof tucemia r'late tuat dixý idt'nits av'e lia idinii 1937 andcist'aer'al i'ea'ec fhiat iii additcon ta reizclar (lix'i(end(s shiare hîoldîrs have i'ceia'e< bonnîîes. Ticese re ports mireake cry'gond r'eadiuir.Ilnitat t busc vhtc are"iuter'csted ici in t'e cu'seuî Stî'cggie icetav*eeul <alitai amnd lbou', it eatc ibfiut ieeuir'taticflcîi. t haf flese stiuli l'ClOI's giae cy v culeSMieaioflic sf(uv.%(ici eî'a iy spea kid iiirtese anmcal r-eportr's are lat'iiit'iîîill.v tita tlel cpicîvîg ic fl i <ia idenccs fuir' sua eliolder's. Tire mlofti ve- lîlcusI wot'lî. btifif t iiis tccus ftt iii disfnrcy iliwieli devicti'as îîuclî etrgy tic flic' sccIluioncîfflic'eîîmolleua <f Scî'ccitx for liaccici g uîîenî xx'o pri'ouc he icproc fits fi'cicî xxi eli ciaideiids are îaiii. If chies icat scella ta hax'c tcc ed trac f satîine aindustrial isa. f Iat tfl i hrîlsaitu ii' men'ucuciniîclisti'x'. siffer ver-a'liftic if Iccsi- uics.s lias a recessicum - he stililîcai-eticeir pcositioa nd cclitcei' salaries. xx'lilc' tlcc t-ii. piictvc' au-i 15 îau'ulccll S 'u.rugtaic iali' endccs iiift. is laidl off ou' placcu ciiishorîît hcoucîs. W e lcieicx'cthlat inuîuhsf uy lîcs ci fac mcoum'poll<rtanct îîrahlei itacsoi a-c lc c ltha cd cfjuisf îr-ccaitlicz itc iieîds fuir slaru-iilc- e-ns, lis icipartccuitas tlat t uiîav i'.lidtu'v uîccst. if inucstc'icîl eacc- is Icicîcîie, m'cg taimcit the 'scc'uiiifx sa rîmîcldesired buthe ut xvorikr. Iflic- Jcc î ia u'aissue tof Riaders ' irtst ccppdccl s <c sfic 's tf liccailcue iuîdîmstmial ist solvaet] tiiis prtcldpl - Ii. ere ini'rada ivi- haa'e a sîîîc-tinguc r cc'îrationcntfTra il. PC. aaii lihas caie)ucsol xc'l tîîtheciiieiuî Il is iicfiestic tac licte ilbathî flee cases tliie' îs noîabourcccî'tî'ccuîli of any~ kiuîd aiid tue xxonkv-îs cirîe' c-alcracfir uiiaruificc'ui in c f 'c t t< ituii ln c'î'ancd i îrease flic'businecss oaf fli-r employer-s. fells <of the A .A. Ilornîci (le., of AustIui. Miniu. 'flic IIcr-nit' i (aipanax is a packinuir c'ticccu'uitand nucst, of cus kuîaxvtui:t pac'kiui'. js mie, of tltc nast seasonîe of iniduistr'ies xvjtiî bu r iavcffs. -Tay C'. Ilîîriiiei, um (leoth ue cucîîcîiv.sclva'c]thte îroiîienii lii lintividii irlis 2.500 tiiiiciyves xAitihguccrî- ccut'c'd w't'tki a' ay <lce5 fui'.5-2 xx'cks c'îîuc a-cî. Stheî't1mws lic x-'eu' vtiks au-u'a' uict lis îc s.Siocîî'îlhîcs lieaa'<cks li mcauîv as 9 lîrtî-- a tltîv. Sccî' iit s acaici fhli i n i o'îk, luit lici'ets lus uia.a vliel-k jîsf fice sainie. l' thf plîicxan 'ai'ks I ike ,tucis. 'flic' c'ctuiictluix-sti ullafes ts sait-s pi'uspt-its foi' flic yacii'. (]uîdaIs<tits pjii'l'îti -tsts. x pei<'iiciicc'f<'heis ftihe 'cl itl jistf loixa' îcîca Icfiaisa-ilu u. metled fa jîrou 1<'thec cst-_ ucati-il pii'<<li'lî.ITlav-iuiL r ai-vc-il at tuies' fi tiî'ts. fuilc <'cuipany - trees fa pay the la- iccilit hii52 -cîciîlxx"ck-yiîistallcicc'îts. If irudietlii stopis cc1) aboa-i-the -a-t îiatu's, liii' w-ackc'i'car'us a bllicîs. Foiinc- if ciui ' pc lait c'ilcci for tîiekii r 1.000.000 li(cij5 ic 19317. For- cxei'*xv20.000 cextr'a ic~ pil (-d, t lcr e kii ralîr grilan extrca JIfOi't's lîw tix li-ieionf. W'arkec's 'r 1' c' J 1 !01- Q UIT PRODUCING CRAZY PEOPLE filsBy Scribe GI What is vwrrying us nowivho throwing off politicai and Peopleincline ta the law or in religious interests wull ot say that C d ii matersterilization or the mentall un the~ remain i h saerndsto rit is a bene icial public measure. tiOl remin n th satne ondiion Why can't men like rormer Lieu- Vith ir it is moving it tends ta keep 'tenant-Governor Hl. A. Bruce get the moving . .. if t 's dormant it the measure enacted. It isn't lack 1 t AnaR eo *Of tends ta remain sa. !or previaus wisdom. It is be- Over 150 years ago Benjamin cause the measure hasn't been (r :-! pr- Those who govern, having much It may be years berore this pro-Fe t r s UL4 1 i sJI, Sbusiness on their hands, do not ject gets the support and atten- F a u e u s a t a a n generally like ta take the trouble tion it deserves. We may have ta or considering and caring into, wait until every second person %ve fCthKCPeiennadrsngt anametg,.ttdnprt de- execution. new project.s. The best meet on the street is either a pro- » egtnMCrhKCPeiet nadesn h nulmeig ttdi at of public measures are thererore sel- rîigate. a lunatic or a dereliet. 'Canada during the last tw-elve months has reasonably well majntained the buoyancy predicted for dom doped rom revius is- It wuîdbe agrad thng D lier. The balance sheer which bas been submitted todav indicates that vaut Companiv is fui v benefting dom but rorced by thle occasion" tiis land if a statesman like Lloyd by the increased business, industriai and minerai devel opment. 1I hav e no hesitation in assuting you .t- To prove that things havent George were in aur mnidst. Sorte ht isCmay piiohs )011- change4 much in a century and a or the obviaus public measures that hsCma oiinhsneyer been more stable and sound.... foi- haîr. let us consider sterilization wauld flot have to wait to be -'If the peoples of the various nations of the %vorld %vould more readilv practise the Golden Rule- or the weak mi;nded. There is -'rorced by the occasion" . .. they international Iv, in dealing %vith each othet, and intcrnallv, bctsveen Labour and Captal-the rbes hadyasensible person alive. would be dealt w.th P. D.Q. trntina nd internai, that are causing so much distress and lack of ndeeanfat eri- inentoam ofdneadfihwudb .ks. m~ore easily solved .... Y O R . O .~D J"The more heaviiy the people Jean on Government for support, the more heaviiv Government must By JOHN C. KIRKWOOD b ut in an unnecessariiy costly and demoralizing vay.- îii (CJ)\Afr. A. N. Mitchell, Vice-Presidènt and General In rferring ta the %vork of the Royal Com- the Dav id Harum - the ramous Is denieci admission ta certain Manager .a'ated: mission on Dominion-Provincial relations, Mr. Me % his ae - saidfth at ea r- cultlshed maes and minds. of"During 1937 the Company passed another Mitchell stated: -It is a sobering hought that iW isnabl e - adtaa e-plse anr ad mic. important milestone in irs history-irs 90th thete svili in ail probabîliry be piaced before sobeamount or rîeas is good Many a man, man3- a woman, anvray ttkspientol ntem- tepéetgnrto fvtr h eest fo.t r~ a dag, ror they make hlm ror- fJnds his or *her course in lire anvra>.I ae rdenrol ntem- epeefmkntgenedétion af oterthe noecfutity ie get that Un is a dog. An applica- mrade smoother because of pol15îh- terial accomplishmenrs of thar period but also ofm inadesonffcngtehoeuur tion or the idea contained in this ed manners and minds, and doors in the traditions that have been established for of Canada as a confedera tion of provinces. We cbe- saying is, it is good for us ail taorofapportunity open ta those wîho fait and equitable dealing. These traditions con- lieve that aur Canadian policyholders %vili realize ti have a good deal or friction in aur have deliberately and studiausly stantlv remind today's employées thar rhev are that Canada today faces a crisis. If décisions are lives. Not. hawever, domestic acquired palished manners and wvorking ta further estabiish the reputatian of reached by reason of which this counrry will f( riction, or friction with one's mincis. the first lîfe insurance campany organized in continue along the lînes of progress of the last neighbours or co-workere, but J c K Canada and the eighth ta be organized an this seventy years, it ,vill again bc because we, each ht rather the rriction which cames Just as rough stanes become continent. Our redecessars hlpdta establish and everv one, durin, this criticai period thinkc i v inevitably in the daing or one's rounded and smoothed by rric- the standards o r e business. The desire of the of Canada as a who e and of the probiems of ie wark. It is rriction which wears tion - by being rubbed against présent personnel is nar anis, to maintain but, if Canada as a "-hale." down uneven surfaces. whichi one another by the rorce or waves psilt lvt hs tnad nepaiigteiprac fsc atr re makes things rit. wvhich adds P01- and tides - sa do human beings psilt lvr hs tnad nepaiigteiprac fsc arr ehi ish. became smoath by cantinuous "The grearness of a nation is not in irs material ta policyvholders, Mr. Mitchell pointed out that rg One or the big probiems or lire contact with ather human beings. possessions but in the characrer of its people. on this continent over one third of the enitire It is living in ha.rmany with others. It is thase who have small con- Wýhere these preceprs are carried inro the market population hoids life insurance policies. Through SHarmiony signiries agreement. It tact with their rellow men who places and made effective in aur daiiv business, thîs means, a stîli larger proportion of the total nîeans getting twa or mare per- are apt ta remain crude and un- mea can live and trade together in 'Confidence, population is vitally inrerested in the safety of sons ta think alike. ta act alike. polished. It is true that there %Ve do not need lavs restticring business ... these aggregarions of capital -vhich have resulted Sta have like interests and àims. are many persons who are dir-frmtercbidthft Ynt harmony is achinved, as a rident, retiring in their manners "The future wili be brighrer if we continue general thing, anly by a purpose- and ways. shy. and perhaps with ta salve aur problems by individual trearment "'These polîcyholders and their dependents," (e rul effort an the part or aIl per- hermît instincts: Persans who of each and not bv any attemprs ta do these he said, "have a vital interesr in conditions affect- r- sons concerned ta bring them- shun contacts with others: but rhings by bianket legislation; by forced conver- ing thit companies and should- and do, We ,ai selves into mutual accord. Har- rrom a worldiy point or view, one sia n schemes; by inflation; or by any other plan beieve - %arch carefully the political and cca- mony is flot liknly ta be acciden- is wise when one seeks continual svhich benefts a debtor unjustly at the expense nomic suggesions which may bemade for chang- r- '.ai. Rather is it ikely ta be a association with athers in a pur- of a crediror.' ing the conditions under which we ali live.'- ie consequence or assaciated persans pose ta became affable and agree- ta think alike and ta behave able, ta have sympathetic under- alike. standing or others, ta be helprul tt Most or us have qualities te- to others and ta draw frram thers quiring reduction by purposerul samething or their qualities andA Reod fA hi em n lit rriction. Thus many or us have strength.A Reod f c iv m n short tempers; many of us have To run away rrom experiences New paid-for insurance in 1937 amounred ta Pavmnents ta policy awners, annuirants and a tendency ta maadiness: many which wauld be distasterul, and $69,43 1,228-an increase of $12,394,821, or beneficiaries in 1937 amounred ta $23,514,630. of us are strangly opinionated: perhaps painrul. 15 flot vdse - this 2.%oe h rvasya.Gissee Oriaan,1,4,5,a6% ads many or us have bad mianners: if we want ta become strang. and 2.' vrtepeiu cr an ee O hi mut 1,4,5,o 67,wsds r many af us are extremely selish: ta have great influence, and ta regisrered in ever.v countysrc he riudtolvnglc wesadaniat. many or us are slothrul: many or win honour. Ta have polish of Canada Lîfe. tr>' ser1ed7b the tCoiigompyovnes adutantsr u.s are very vain. Ail such quali- manners and mind we must op- Drc rte nuac nfre xldn ties can be ikened ta roughness- pose aurselves to experiences and isrc en isrncein force eacndinan- ce184thed o m p ayon hsaidtanor es an a plane surrace - ta blett- persans having a harder surrace r-nuacsfo thrcmaisada- an ccumularief moreoicyavne$6s0ainuioans Lshes: and since the ideal - the than aur awn. It is the rough- nuiries, increased over $10,250,000. Total and ene$0fiis more than $650 mrecilian peret thing - is a plane surrace ness which is harder than aur insurance in force is $819,385,545. in premiums. without unevenness a n y w h e rte, raughness or crudity wh i ch Assets stand at the ail-rime high of $259, Sanything and everything which smooths us.33,3,a nraeomoeta$68mlin. Apxmtly7000 oiccnrcs stands aut rrom the even or I put rorward the view that 3978annceeofmrtan$8ilos. ppomaey 0000 oiCy arat r smaath surrace requires ta 'beyolung people shauld deliberately Reserves field ta meet policies now in farce have been written by the Company since the V_- polished off it - by rriction. ýseek out polishing forces, and toaa $231,336,275, $4.7 millions higher thar i frsr poliey svas issucd in 1847. il J c K1 even part with money ta have in 1936. Dvdnst oiyonr aebe e I suppose that aIl of us enjoy them. This i15liard doctrine. Its Dividends ta poancyspénirs haverbeenhde- meeting wvith persans whose man- implication ta that we should not Srlsfnsadseiirsre ae ciared for every year without exception over P- ners and mindis are poîished, but be too quick ta leave places and ncreased ta $10,185,640. the past 89 years. The total amaunts ta not always do we perceive that 'conditiions or employmnnt which Experiecnce in regard ta preventable termina- $104,600000, whih is 74.27, f the Compaiy's t polished manners and minds are are as sandpaper ta us - irritat- tions in 1937 svas the most favorable since 1920. total dearh cdaims paid ta date. it a cansequence or grindstone pres- ing and even painrul. Our dis- t sure - or appiied friction. And. ciplining may require us ta endure___________________________________________ p likewisn, we meet with many in the rriction - the irritation -or the course or aur days wha have aur job or association. unpalished manners and minds. J c K .e and we are acutely canscious or In regard ta manner.s, we needTh - their raughness. Quite taa orten: ta ment others in the flesh. In Spersans af rough manners and regard ta the mmnd, ut 15 flot so es- - coarse minds actually delight in sential that we should seek our(daLf flaunting their roughness and polishing from persans in the coarseness - they proiess to be- ' finsU: we can get aur rriction d ci4mr> lieve that any surrender ta gentle ro ht epehvewitn and manners would be a betrayal rnad hard-to-understand books, sua c o p n -E tbih d1 4 af their fortress - a loas or the' in lune with aur purposes in lire Liho caty .. rsdn very thing which they believe ta and with aur occupationsi we be their strength and distinction. are ta graw in wvisdam, under- ýiIi ebr C oCbimnofb or But polishing a pince or steel danes'standing and power. HebrtC C- Carmnoftegor flot take away a particle rrom its Reading hard-to-under s t a n d i' E. R. Wood, LL.D, Vice-President tent.O tecataypa-books makes these saine books A!~îî A. N. Mitchell, Vice-Pres. and General Manager *ishing steel adds ta its attractive- and other books or like character ness and may add largely ta uts and quality easy ta understand :~ '_ *small commercial value if they difficultins tend ta dsappar Oldest Life Assurance Cma -were flot man-rashianed and pal- What was liard ta undnrstand at ished. Sa wauld gold. and glass, frirst becames, af ter a time, intel- t and waod and cloth and rubber ligible; the mind digests what and stane. TUe iact is that value was read, and early obseuritdes are usually accampanied by pain' through lire are ar small use ta stroys peace and haPpiness in :s given ta mast things by sub- ýtend ta disappear. Complete un- and strain. Ta aun away frram thnmselves and taothr.arevsadi others, hc duing thnm in certain ways - by .dnrstanding rollows tUe digestiveexeinsin hihspan1tajCKdsfotuts n aroy r remnoving their raughness and 'process. epreagin'nc i an st JCKdemnt Ptwit n ohrs,1fiono crudeness. Even harses are made' Similarly. in regard ta man- escape rrom nothing. Our growth suuaIanadesn y agreeeavndeven ahes, onefrictid more valuable when they are sub- fiers: a purposeful association and aur advancement are dnpend- eîr ta young people. I urge them avoid Poison and pesta. dued from their coitish ways and'with athers who have something cnt on selr-conquest as weli as ta seek friction, ta endure rric- I urge ail my reirders to get rid wilfunnss ta make them canfarm, which we lack, ynt desirn. resuits conquest of outer obstacles and; tian, and even ta wnlcome f ric- :Or crudenes.s. roughness, coarse- ta mans ideas. Horses are taught in our acquiring what we lack. rrustrations. Strength and capa- tion in its many forms - yet anly ness - by the friction process. ta stand quintly evnn when there We may have. in the inters-ai. bility are the fruits af purposeful 'thase forms ai friction that polish Yau wilgeptfatrinheavr alare cncrtngnosesadoc-soeeumlaton, om pinnoopostinsa nearocd. ne4s.Frctonwhch15disnson o mn r auar plihn i yu THURSDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 1938 6mii