PAGE FOUR THE C'oNADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUIDXJNAY2Th3 '¶ t 6 i p "Oh, Gran. I've been se busy -'ffuly and steoped. scooping thue Melissa sniffed again and cut smaîi sleeping Timniy se tendeî'ly Reductions in "ehoerae ir hrusnîiely, 'And thats somne- mn hier arnis that lie did net awa-tLpon rae tling eIse I an. curionsý about. I ken as she liundled a wrap a*out - local ami long distance - in KAE o l-oughit yen wenc. hiking off te im 1935, '36 ami '37 have ellected thie South i eere for Christ- Thue twe childi-en were siewed savings f0 telephone usera in FrnUWli mCE 1Cras. I was s;ux-prl d. I muust ad- ie lthe car and Chubee drove Ontario and Quebec of nearlv ____ nu IN it. w'hen I found ihuat youn h-mne wiîh thuem. She lad been oemlindolrjery Cyeung nman canie len- and that tempted te stop at the hiespita acmlindlar ery aae you refused te, leave. 48 Some non- and show-îhuem te Dr. Kelvimn, buti sense about carrying eut thue g87r F she was afraid that it wouldn't b e Christmas plans off a yeung scal- a good idea te, keep Timmyeu whlle they work. Mrs. Barwell, lywag that got it< tthe way of your gan, but Melissa cut in sharply: off doors in tliis bleak, chili wind the nursery lady. has a sick hus- car." "Of course - I know ail about any longer than was necessary. band nd se cIn' keepthe chil- Çhloe si ucl,"r evnthat. He's the son of Aima and She rahH h sael l E y tea .at ~ s b s house flot far from Mrs. BarweUl. accident was altogether my fault. well. People thought they were grandmotlher's old-fashioneci. ex- Dad would give it to us refit f ree. Naturally, I could do nothing less f nols to work so hard and stint Pensive and stili dispensable car We couid furnish it with cast.-offs than follow his plans, since he themselves to try to make a doc- was parked in the drive as Chloe out off our own attics and we was worrying about themn and tor out off their boy. Weil, what's got out off her roadster and. xwith couid hire a mnatron. and we girls making himself worse. lie like? Is hie a good doctor?" Timmy in lier arms. Susie May could arranLe to have one day "And nowyo are rTe ii pope wer yhim. ciînging to lher skirt, xent into each week at the nursery. help- Yourself ragged aragngate He works among them. Has re- the hÉouse. Shie came face to face in-,out.Thee ar siteenof s. wth iftsforever aitle ree fused a chance of being a part- with Melissa. dressed for the drive That wouid mean that there'd be muffin in the village. and a series nro r abokhmadJni h al e Chapter XVII thi ln o h hsta itstoec dy ihamtofo tableaux and songs and dances. I dont blame hlim for that! lissa stared at hier as if she had Thee ws teeponeca ir for the chiidren. to supervise diets and ail that. xxe Thouglit. you didn't approve off A drunken old cuack like Has- neyer seen lier before. o Choeth nxtmonig ho il She reached Margarets home could lielp to keep the chiidren Chîristmas?" she demanded unex- brook - wa on earth hiave youTA afoterebreakat. among thelat of he ixee amused. What do you think?" petedly. "Mother. Dr. Hasbrook is very there?" demanded Melissa. while "Is that You, Miss Chioe? Thisiguests. Shie looked about the Margaret said instantiy.* "I Chloe coiored. She drew a long well thought off- Jane was still trying to find is Jennie Barwell," said the f lus- i table as she settied herself and think it's a swell idea! The Juti- hard breath and said a tri! le -Then it's oniy by fools. live breath to ask the question. __________________________ tered voice on thie other end of inoted the girls. All somewhere ior League in Atlanta dees it and curtly. "I didn't say I didn't 'ap- knewn him since hie wa a boy in "A baby." said Chioe proudly the wire. -I got bad news for you near lier own age. Daugliters off if they don't mind. why should prove' off Christmas. I said that knee pants. and lie' no geod, I -A very nice baby. And a cutý ed solemnnly. Chloe nodded and regardiessofwhtmy apn ths orig.Ra nw fr eparents sufficiently prosperous f or we? I vote for it heavily. I'11 the fuss that people made about tell you. I wouldn't let him doc- little girl who doesn't believe in grinned.1 She'd lothr oyo a toison coning. MBad ns r malthe girls to need no aim in lif e take the first day!" Before itin- it seemed silly. But Dr. Kelvin tor a sick dog. if I thought any- Santa Claus. But a very nice Upstairs in the nursery that "ButifhehdgntoDd sickand 'm gnna ave beyond marriage and a home. Not cheon %vas over the sixteen had wanted the panty. He felt 'lie thing off the dog. This Dr. Kel- cilId otherwise." liad once been Chioe's, the tw*o or come t e"poetdÇle hans fll akig cre ' hm ad oe o tem had any thought off a er.rolled themselves and were people off the Village would eriey vin must be a pnetty shrewd "May I ask what you intend toecliildren were installed. Timmy cad l aigcr 'hm and r aeRsleHsigwopann obslyta h rdeisIa on h eis Vin onn hae tofaavdon tcanen. aveRosaie astngs estplanin se usiy tîatthe ride i. seI ardong he bsta part-'yougdmn t tun don apart dowit thm?" ad is ottl annd a gien hs Mlisa smledfaitly wha* I promised to do for the 'had had a year at dramatic school tables were neglected and the "And now what's this nonsense nership witli that old scoundrel." *eptemuti efdtlirbt byaMisawookdCllslckofesnng "I Christmas party." fin te Yorkatdmas homy e now pack s o crs unsea ehenathle bo a day nure fr te vil- said Melissa in a tone that an- mother. or until somebody wants years younger. lier eyes shining as she wasn' aal f odn e "Oh. Mrs. Banwell. I'm terribly frthe itashoolidas efn part wa ove t haeen an la e oMe's cide?"dmn- one he ne n ruetoteadopt them. Their mother de- lhen wrinkled. rheumatic gnarled job. thenseutwa'tc- netuninyto about angeytht. wilethehous wa ed to thîe relative merit.s and vices serted tlîem yesterday morning. 'hands touched the tiny body with; able, thatsal n htms Cho1ucl. n o' o On a sudden impulse Clîloe ein ae -y h grswr ho ne htMlsawsoff Dr. Hasbreek. "I want te see They'll have te go te the Home. loving cane. When Timmy was'have beenterasnseltth horyabut the. Cndirists pans.leaned ferward and speke te <> divide t.lemselv*es in groups cO! baiting ier. Melissa always bait- this Dr. Kelvin. He sounds I ike 1spoe n eaotdb i-ale nteod avdmhoayjb eas h il rntds We'll anage thuhiwe're plangs. le.two and they wene te canvass the ed and badgened lier and seemned a igt isupunpmn.feent andlie wli.ic seems ascalepithtohdere mho'gany liarib gcaabeweBeseih Wel aae huhw'egigvillage, gettinglilsts off the cher- te enjoy Chloe's eccasional eut- fdJn, tdig in e shamefor Suisi My does enaicle fat hs bere le and 'lin noading tebuysan.S te miss you badly. You're a peacli. "Rosalie. now that you'ne hom e ished wishes off every child s0 bui-sts off justifiable resentment.n ir d-sae o uieMy, drslirle fte' nw7u anyway. and we ail owe you a lot for Christmas, hîew's for coming that the Christmas tree could But Cllee lad herself in hand mnanded suddenly, f rankiy, 'MO- littie brother Timimy." Susie May was sound asleep in yeur fathircud' aedn for wliat yeu've dene," added down te, the village and staging a bear gifts that would answer each toniglit and se she answered then - xvhat are you Up te now? Shie turned back the edge off the thP -trundle bed that had aIse anytlîing. esrungabsi Chio wamîy ffw tbleux er etabggltauxertfoderreme)rteoslygMeîss stredat ier eys sft lanet nd elisa nd oce eenCliees th tlreewe-nes. nt achaitale rgaiza Chloeul:tan eis n ne enCles h trew-nsn "Yeu aintne caîl te say things ho rv tagttte I'lb gad oan-r o ou like thiat. Miss Chloe. I like Rosalie leoked a tnîffle startled Clo dev sragh t te l'l e la t aswr eu runmadehidlke alok ffah Jnestppdreran t perme fnalytee heseve fomtin.Su kex tat oviusI butaftr amomnt he aid 'Id iii. found lier father in lis off- Gran, but l'mi senry you think it mostutbabe innocence on dewn at the baby. To Timmy's the noemn. And she apnnl nwta young uns about and I've enjoyed love fter a moentaltheglidI dent fîce and broached the subject off is nonsense. Seme off the women lier cnumpled eld face. eternal credit be it said that he1 "I've just been thinking about the Homesdsindttaece lookin' after 'em. but now - " Mns. loer .Cle atog o' the day nursery. Just as suie had whe work in the mihîs have small 'Up te?" she repeated, politely did net howl on awakening. He1 thiat Young woman Cuboe. thie:e! chidrenweeprnsaen tawl ihd nhinga!"'1beatsagn expected. hie gave the heuse f ree- chiidren and babies. iey are puzzled. 'Why. I'm sure I dont vas a perfectiy heaithy baby, m!hroftoetv hirn"longer abetdei.Tao "You run aiong and look after "Yeu couldn't possibiy find ly and. before shie le! t his office, under school age, tee Young even knew whist you mean. Janie." thereffore a good baby. He awoke i said Melissza. cus.i l h etaa n Yeun lîusband. Mrs. Barwell. and more wiîîng werkers, Rosalie. on hie hîad ordened carpentens and for kindergarten. seofof course Jane grinned at lier. wîthi a tiny delicieus yaw;ýn. a faint "She must have been anin ethn don't you worry about the babies, a more receptiv-e audience." Clile paînters te go te work tlîat. samne they cant be left alone while "Alniiht, Mether - yeu win' trîg !lssialb '.lis hîuman sort off creature , n cniudnx ek I'11 think off semething!" Chloee onedet &ehaig a afternoon putting- the place in their mothers wenk. Mrs. Barweil Butwebtknwyuaep tiny fists fiailing the air, lus dark__________ promised rashly. tre uwt. preents eai chiorder. lias been taking care e! thîem in seme thîîg.evn ifyouaren't ad-eyes looking straighit up inte the "Or else suielias hiad an in- She hîung up the receiver and dren. but we xant te stage a few. lSo Chloe had geod cause te be lier home. simply because she islmit it! But neyer nîind. I won't faces bent above him. 'ua otoftm, eis n He is awiemnwowatse sa sarngstaihtaea o lertaleux ouknw,'Te hrepleased withi the report suie ladd off child.nen and because sher pester veu about it." slue said .,èHere." said Melissa f irniy, terrupted hier. energy on usisfrwîc i sat staring strigît ahead offlier tableaux.YeuaknowBu'TheThree rend letme lhave him." I've been leeking over theisntftd-iatne for a long whie. a littie appailed Wise Men.' and 'Christmas in the te take te Scott when she steppedliersaynd woan. Bout il nd i t -Suie sceeped hinieut off Chlee's dhildren's things. Chloe. The ma- l is n t listatyhasa at whiat suie hîad se recklessiy Manger' and things like that. us-I at the hospitai on lier way home.le hubad is dange euslyiiian Meliss id yialgs.- ti Pronmsed. Jane came dewn the ing thue eIder chidren. We've She lhad hesitated abeut thiat. she cati ne longer ke hecîi i yia nn arms witli the deft gesture off a terial is peor and shoddy, but ltfallure. i s helakof t stairs and said eagerly: struck a very bad snag se far be- Shie was s lîttie uncomfertable at dren. Se some fiends off mine "A deuce off a lot off geod it xveman wlio adered children and thiey have been made by lîandi "Now, Chîiee. befere you rushiff cause nobedy has liad any stageithe ileuglit off facing him again IadIhv nagdt ae anwuiddo yoeruifyou did." shetented lîu e f itl nd 1s tith hedTaitiestm ot caru te thie village. I was te nemind yutringYou tang.Yuceuld be a whiaie With the memory ef that biief but empty lieuse in the vilIage. fui- asee heruly1udt otetlrefwtuîw tths ht1vmnlvdue that Marga'ret Grahîsme is iuaving off a lot off help if you dent mind disturbing scene between tliem. nish it wvitli cast-offs freom eur Chapter XIX chumdren. babies, Chloe. or suie wouldn't _________________ bridge luncheon today fer Ellen gvîng Up some off youi holiday!"- But she lisd developed the habit variaus attics and put a matrar.i The foliowing mornîng a cern- H sancebb.ttht"su have gone te se muchi troul Steplens and you promised te go. Resalies petal-pale face celer- .off stepping every afterneon. If in charge. and lelp lier see te it 1 nittee cempesed off Chloe and agýreed almost reluctantly. about their poon little clothes. il Yeu mustn*t disappointMag- ed a little witl interest and she sue did net stop teday. weuldnt that the babies ai-e cared for sl treahr il fomteD3 Susie May, nesenting thuis higlu- r She went away and lef t them be- et."a said eagenly : I'd lov-e it. Chlbe. tliat make him feel that she was day." ,t, Nrem Crlub went ithCuniîug handed passing about off ler !cause she ceuid no longer take "Nomorrow.alin.te geuse astaitï' rsfraid? Off that sue attacuued to Whuy ca asi-d ofis tofurilyi. s. aksetes thiestfurniure adered brother. gained courage te cane off them, sethat seime one * e "NeI ont, nin. Of ouse 'Se this is wh at yauve been up niudli empliasis te his unexpect- Mbsawne eke id. le n eetdtefril-peke a smali indignant face fren else weuld, off course. She did it net" Chle premised and wvent up te and wly you have snubbed ail ed outbui-st? Or even thuat suie Bcue-wl.bcuew r ngs for thue Day Nursery. After- bhn hleadsy esafi he.po el ha' o stairs, stili muiling over Ithe proli- senin ahraltfrtete rdm'selbb-an e ie.hrerodohnt cn o' Mrs Bawel's nefîcil bt vrygaret. -Whuen we thueughut you that li miglit believe lier angry IChristmas party and we didn' lie. in thue auditorium off tue big Melîssa gasped and stared dewn i___________________________________ important day nursery, as wellias were grîeving about tlîat grand thuat finaiiy made lier stop hier like te cal an aur parents for white frame Cemnuunity House at thue small defiant scrap. beau off yeuîs. Wliat's it ail about. lîttie roadster in front off the lues î money-' she began. an"acîdtu uei fiin Little girl. did you ever have anyway?- pital and go in, lien hiead leldr Melissa cut in dryly, "Yeu way in whichi Resslie was wîip- yeur meut washed eut witli seap ______________________ Chioe's eyes swept areund thue, ligli. needn't. I'11 censider it a privi- ping thue tableaux ie osenue sort and water?" shue demanded sterti- MINIMUM REDUCEI table. At ail the pretty. delîcate.! The nurse smiled at lier as shue lege te furnish thue hueuse frem off ferrn ly. on our useless creatures w-iv cd e. cm ln h crio n adceliax- ta attic. and with the "Nom." said Susie May, sliglît- thimngs very small children will Atrlni hnse1s adlv abasîed. Gis who. shue knew ffrem lier clieerfully. "Yeu can go rmglît in. need. Cradles and trundue beds o god-bye te the committee. Chloe "Weil. you will have. unleas you, E 0M M e ~~,/4% own experience. feund it hard te Miss Sargent. Dr. Kelvin is ex- an» ml-sae uiue t urned ler roadstei- tewards Jen- stop usîng naughuty werds," pro- E o o n e v c eccupy theîî- time and their1pecting yeu." ind sat -Cunîam's ritre to- on ie B velî's cemfortable, chieer-Mesadaky minds. now that scheoldays xere Settre usha sCle n aeteblssn em fui loeking lieuse. As shie went mSeem a healthy Young man."ee Fnse On Gucranfoed TruIst vîadtîywî debutanteslicame inte the noom and smiled iI underwnite the matron's saî up the w-aik she lîeard thue sound Melissa nedded te Jane. "If Chlee Bundie mils conshst off at heast haIf hueodhnn ceilificofes and there w'as nothîing- before St liem- faintly. ary. tee." off childisl voices from thue back itnst epteecide them but parties. irtenda 10 keep tliese chuidren AUîhousehold inen may be sentifese. Suie leaned fferwamd suddenly. -I hîeaî-d what thue nurse said. Chloe stared at lier wide-eyed adke htJni awl here. I suppose I may as well stay lea netet~lier hamuds clasped on the table that I xvas expecting you.' le said fer the moment speecliless. H4em: ladbenunbl d efsetee a whiie and 1ook a! 1er thîem. Io A legl invsnmkn ioy.ndShe wasttlerpong.f cocelerfranase.-SeandswafterI alomoment adfeeer sureentliae f neitherrenyouspnonlierfehasureiaat. eidry yDryorCOhawa angdCo&.DLtd.e Trust Funds 1-e-ce:lttesosofcim n wasn't expecting you. I was afraîd she gasped in a tene offlutter 1 worrY and the illness off ler hus- Chîloe knows anythîing about ta k-PHN 41 -Look liene. vere ail bered sîif r to expect yotm after whuat I said amazement. 'Whiy, Gran!" - an. el, hle reisd eo-f anebab- 'ke thi. last ni~it " weî. wîîy ae you sesurpris-self. tomom-row thie children shouid igcn îea e i Unconditionally Guranteed because we havent eneuglu te do; atn.h. Wi.wyaeyus upi-Jn okda ho n ik ______and tee muchu tirne ta do it in. 'But off course I understand. ed? Arn I a di-agon, or an eld ahi be delivered at the new Day-- How'd you lîke te hiave soemethin, IDi- Kelvin. Yeu - you mustn't witchî. that you sheuld be se sur- Nursery' and Jennie Banwell's________ HEte keep yeu occupied mentally think tiiat'I toek you serousîy." prised tlîat I make a small gif lt hands weuld be filled enhy xithi and physicaily? Oh. I'mi sayingý said Chlee. Ito the people off Sargent Milîs?" thie cane off hem- lusband. as T L P ONE TALKS 1NHE W TS STERLI14C TRUSTvaS it very badly. but there's a we-1 Scott studied lien gravely for.a Melissa demanded siîarply. "Af- Jennie came te meet lier a CROAINman. in the village w'ho's been 1moment. Ris eyes taking lier in ter ail it was my father wlio shue entered thue smnall dank huallq COPOATONrunnmng a soit off unofficial day1frem thue top off the gay. siîîy lit- started the mîlîs. yours only in- and when tlîey neadhed thue glass- nursery ulueme motluems off small tle hat ta the tips off thie smart.lierited thuer. Wly slieuldn't 1 ed in 'sun-parier" (wlicl lad STERUJNG TOWER TORONTO chuldren w'ho 'wGrk in thue milîs i sensible brawn brogues. disilay an nterest in the weiffare started liffe as a back perh) she __jcat ileaxe thiei ffspring in safety 'But I meant youtî t take me off thue people?" saw that Jennie 1usd been crying. _______________________________________________ 'eniul"si citqity Fr Chulee lauglied and lîugged lier "Oh, I'mi sorry. Yeur lius- Iwas mever more seieus about grandimothîer. band -" slîe began. but Jennie " ntigi ylf.Bt~ Off course. dariing. You're an shook lier liead.ID1srAl mustn't let. it trouble you. I angel. Only - well. you're alwsys "No. hies as wveil as ceuld be wweuldn't. for anything in the se - se sert off land-boiled -- she expected. q1t's luis heart. He's rf a *w'enidde thie slightest thing thiat confessed. oe-xre iiefadhss C t h I xvuid wcrny Yeu. I love 'you - Melissa grinned wickedly. 1er heart's badly strsined. but if hue If You Cannot Celil n Poison: Yes. But ne one ceuld possibiy dark eyes twinkling. huas quiet and cane and ail tlat. tinrl realize more cleanly than I_ 10w 'I hiave te be hard-boiled se le'il be ail riglit. the dector says." 0ngters are XLI uttenly liopeless itail is. Even if people w'en't impose on me." suie answened Jennie. -Its tlem twoWaOnIail U N Y 1 A LI eent for Jim Pearsal. we admitted. with satisfaction. '"A poon kids - Susie May and hier r - as) they are could neverlie anythuing te eachu Young widew witl 1w-o small ittie brother, Timmy.' hla F 7______________________________ Iehn"cliildren te bring up. and a large Chlbe remernbered the lîttie playin le )jt 'We cana be ffriends!" Chlee estate te maniage and ta pretect tow-headed girl who had doubted tne for Loag Altog we bave 500 1 tee steady. sefft-boiled. you know' ndhiad been oinipressed at thue hbtw branches, yeu may net find it ___iiarshly. "It îsn't possible for a ly. suidhe eyes and a w'ite dress." n pesv habit ta a convenhent te corne te, the MAr man tO e lefriends witî a woman 'Yureadnn ldfad. 'ha od-e-otm'mohe whuo expre.sses everything that ms Gran. Fer vears I've thouglit you off theirs lias skipped out on 'em. Ban 1; leeyauddsnbl.wemansacwerenss a perfect old terrer and Deserted tlem coid." said Jennie. and belPSke Bank tead dransact, wbusiness.o You can do your banking by 1 te hum ail that is glenieus te him. lave been scared te deatl off you. and lier eyes snapped ai. the thMeehn mal huadso u u-Ne. ive can neyer lie f riends. Net w'hîen I wasn't being se angm-y with thueuglit off suchu w i c k e dn e s s. e - re111 ryou and I. Chlee. We'll neyer you - I had aIl I ceuld do te 'Honesi. Miss Chloe. I couldn bomers make depesits andI\ niention again thuat I have been keep ffnor squealing like a pig wring her neck witli my own twe heOd Y itkepYu inti wihrwl ymi.fool eneugli toeflt only Io0 a under a gate. But new you'll hands! She brouglt 'em here bo LtdskepY wjhrwl ymi.The your Bank is handling My aLite rics.bttfahn neyer be able te make me a! raid yesierday merning samne time the rlatives and frîer writes: LetLthettelephne estebutyuur horiZin process is simplified by the famnily's acceunts. They are love withu 1er. l'il even dance at off 3-u again. I've get yeur num- ether women brought their kid- , araWa pleasure easll fyoi e.Grn de.She was as meek as yubyfyououtim niatell.bol coveiet omswaskth otlmeebu te."e er Melissa tliumped lier stick on please and as pleasant as alw' Bank supplies free of charge. million in each they could 'Tuiank you." said Chlee and the floor and tried to 1ook very It wast't 'tii last nighut when the On nhsatcmi- nt eloe fe etr addeo, as the nurse came in witî stermu. othen wamen come te get thei.r ent us asic mal- et be lo ke afer bete 'uis su pe tayw"A dIov- Fddlestick!" suie s n ap .e d. Young uns that I found eut suie g a o i customner res and it makes banking by mail thînk I'd better lie going. I preb- Wlien ail I've dene is offer te lad quit lier lob niguit befere iast cW es aywo' eyeteorw.btbuy you a few sticks off furniture. and thuat she'd skipî ed town. No- gbli yohr9 I will lie in one Thursday. Good There! -dRtnangadtrs-ley nwswîeeshewnt ne "Plaseaccptmy incre p-niglit.', sed foi- inr'w'ly. but everybedy kossi preciation of the careful and Write for eut felder, -How 'odngt"si ct.adrChloe kissed ier and went. aint commn' back. Ahi thuat w-as concietîosmanernwhch te ankby ail" se lekd bck ramili der-Melissa fellowed uier withlî ier. leftimn the raams ier and thue kîds - . - ,---. ' - y -. ~ ---.----- ~-. .- - - -- I .2 - ---