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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1938, p. 8

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P.AGE EIGHT THE C.\N-\DIAN STATESM.XX BOWMANVILLE, ONT.ARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 1938 SPORTNEWS RAIDERS RAIDED tlnut tOe Hoper.. arc cîî..idrabl PORT HOPE TILT t.ioed- tn to k an ner t onte ______haiîd tOc deci..ioi fa tue xi - itiîîs TOc Raîiers wocrafic(l iiaictsinrs.. A puck bit 1Ho0oper But ceni so it took anotiier lrigOt- ail tue \daill.. appie ant i e Ed- ]y hueti bunch of puck liotntis ta (lie %vas. incapacitateti, the Ports lawer their colours. Al of which bangedthtO rubher ifta the open îîet. means that the up anti coming Part That brake a tic anti%\-lien the teais Hope juiîiorýs, garbeti in al1m )s retîîrîed ta action, Hoapen heingi identical outfits as the Bowinanciile given fen minutes ta recliperate, crew. outscambleti the Raiders un-bath teain.. openeti the tiîrottle wide der ail 8 ta 5 score in Port Hope on andtheisPmat i f ebtte ecr Fridav in as fine anl exhibition ofintimoef al. pond 'hockey as ivas ever showiiîin A thing that helpeti keep tOe a covereti rink. hockey ouît of the sensatioxiai class To say that the Raiders wvere %vas the refcree. Nowvdtiooîlot get sightly i-ess than sen..ational . p tOcth idea thîat ive are puiiing that ting it miltiui. Thev just coulti ot math caten alibi out of the bag Oc- click anti playvet abo ut ail a par îitlî cause . ,uciî is not the case. TOc re- their first perioti shawing in thc fereeifîg ias tietrimentai ta bothî Whitby tussie of a few iiglîts prev- sities. But lets get on îith tOce ious. But even so anti plus the fact gruesoine details. _______________________________ Bowianviiie failedti t take advaîî- tage of a Port Hope penalty in a scaring sense, in fact the power piay ~~ almost backfircti, but it was nat un- tii the perioti ias haif ocer that Woats smacked homne a baose puck Roy l hea re ta givc Bowînanviiie a short ed Royal Thea re "Due ta the iaxity of the officiat- ing, piav rougheneti up coîîsiderabiy BOWMANVILLE at this "juncture andi aithough thýe Ports tirew three cansecutive penal- ties. at anc time being two men T hus., n., at. short, Bowmanviiie couiti fot adti t Thur., ri.,Sat their total, andi it was whiie Eti- Jan. 27 - 28 - 29 inuntis was in exile that the more than hopeful Hopers scoreti the equalizer, Pemberton gettiîîg the counter. It ivas onlv auîotiîer iniiî- - ~ utc uîîtii the Jex-coacliet crew forg- IMMcd ta tie front ail a backhîandcr hy - ~ Benniett. Thc seconîd perioti opeîîcsi a littie shows r a.. tOc teanîs began tu fcci each otiier out ands after seven mini- îtes \Vi.cnani saflk the rubber ta put Bowmanciiie on cccii terris. But before tîîe perioti ias over. tiîe iîard-workiiîg Douglas hati fotcheti a goal ta again shove Part Hope ont in fronît. Tiîe third perioti openeti fast and Bird brought the Raitiers up ta par by converting Depew's pas. Tlîe stanza ivas eiglit minutes aid when Hooper was iijnred anti Peni- berton pushet ini the Oîtarios fourth gpai. After Hooper returril- cd ta, the ice, offense ivas tOc aniv mile anti caution 'sas tos..ed ocer- boardi as bath teams 'sent ont after markers. Douglas put the hiiito'sn- e rs two up with a nice effort anti shortiy after Ed'sardson solocti doive anti parked the rnbber in tOc net. Dcpew interrupteti this scoring orge iith a fine effort but Peînlbcrtoîî got that anc back 'shen bis teaîîî ivas shorthandeti. Etimuntis stuck lis thumb iîî tOc scoring pic for the Ports iast score anti before the gamne entiet Wisemaiî coilecteti bis second goal by tiriving borne Xitheritigc's reboiîti. Port Hope: goal, Moucks; de- feîîce. Etmuntis amintiDouglas: centre, Pemberton; wings, Etiwarti- son anti Bennett; sts, Zealamît, Bradley, Sheppard, Brad..Oa'sanîd \Vaiiîmaiî. Boîvmaîciiie : go a . McFu ef er.. ands Hooper: tiefence, Pattenson andt Amles; centre, Depew ; 'iîîgs. Wifll- eritige anti Rice; subs, Parker. Nich- Ais, Bird. Wisernan anti Wood,,. Referec: Houston, Peterboro. CAGE TEAMS MEET FOURFOLD DEFEAT B. H. S. basketbail teanis suffereti a four-foiti defeat at Cobourg on Friday night. Thc scores were: Senior boys 24 ta 18; Senior girls 12 ta 3; junior boys 29 ta 21, anti jun- ior girls 22 ta 14. In aIl four en- couniters tOc County Towsn cagers 1 'sere on the big endi. Senior Boys1 TOc B.H.S. bays lost their first game of tOc seasoii ta tOc mighty Cobourg team in tOc pee-'see of a room thev cali a gym. TOe game provedti tabc a fast anc anti owing ta tOc smali surface tlîe B.H.S.' boys playeti a different branti of ball than theY playeti iith Port Hope tOc previamîs wcck. luitOch finst haîf Bcwmianville w'as 01n top i ~fthe eap Is adig iifil i, la hat inin utc f4îu;u 'sIc îî Chotirg VIP~F~~With Canada s aei ovn ILIO ww m SNGEVpuW g ___ The Providence Softbal Team, ~Saftbaîl League. were entertained *IgUSEwith their wives and lady frientis FOR BAD BREATH. SMOKER'S THROAT-IBUCKLEY'8 THrMROAT AIDS. 100 an Friday evering, January 21st, 'W at the home af Mn. anti Mrs. Mil- ton Wight, Providence. An enjoyable evening was spent _________________________________________________in progressive five hundred. Foi- iowing a contest, namely "A Ma- tr Romance", in which the ans- Round Trop Bargain Pares wers seemed ta came quite nt (Minimum Fares: Aduits 75c-; Children 40c) urally ta everyone, the gathering Fro B WMA VILEwas calîed ta order by the sce Fron BO MANVLLEtary of the league, Mr. Howard By 5.50 p.m., ex Belleville, Feb. 4. Ail trains (excePt No. 15) Feb. 5. Wight. The prizes ta the lady and gentleman accumul1a t i ng th e TO TORONTO highest score for thc evening were Also to Brampton, ýBrantfard, *Buffalo, ýChtham, CWgwo then awarded to Mrs. Melbourne Durham, Goderich, Grimsby~, Guelph, *Hamiton, Huntsville, Kin-' Wight anti Mn. Earl Houck. The cardine, Kitchener, ;'London, Meaford, Midand, Milton, *Niagara seceretary thien called upon the Falls, Owen Sound, Palmerston, ;'Paris, Penctang, 'St « Catharines, preinsadent M. elb coneWorght, St. Thomas, * Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, MWiarton, *Wo><ork wha isnca Me. J.hL.cosen'sworn- and ail intermediate points bcyond Barrie, Brampton, Grimsby an i pren t)te a netiM.J .M rns.dn Hamiton timetabe stpsý.ýMn Gai-net Rickard. captain of And to Beaverton, Washago, Pari-s Sound, Ardbeg, Burwash, Sudbury, the %inning teýan. aceepleetthtic Capreol, WNestree, Gogamna. Tionaga, Foleyet, Oba, IlornePa'yne, vainabie prize. consýisting of lard- Longlac, Geraldton, Jcllice. Beartimore, Port A~rthumr, Fort W'illiam, ;bal cquipment valueti at aven * Tickets sold to points marked .'A.M. Trains only, Sunoday, Fcb. 6. $25.00, ant iun nepiying thanketi Tickets aiso solci to Local Stations betwcen Bellevile - Mhitby mine. the playens fan their hard anti truc fighting spirit. showing thc Tickets, Faces, Transit Limits and Traini Information from Agents. greatest co-openation at aIl tînles. Ask for Hianuibili. T-566B Mr. Milton Wight, manager of th, boys. ihankati.thcm for thein C AN A D IA N l C A N A D 1 A N srjjrit at ail times on thefic d III anti aIso paiti glowing tribute to N A T 10O N A L P A C 1 F 1 r,-the Courtice team who were et cam uicdicad i vti the score 10 f0 9. TO5 re cciv ier\e feNvfoui duhriiig this. iîriad and ihoth U arn..iaxcda chanilgganc. Du jing tieOc cuillIdliai f the local ladsi couil i't kep i> p thOc fast uace ani let the 1fcrrNttowiicr.. uncrease thcir icai. Nlos.t of the '30 fouis wcre iuflicted iin tOi. franie. Spencer 1and Mýcllv-cn of Bowrnaivilie. and ie tca.. and Thonmas. of Cobourg, be- ling put C'ff with fouis. he C.C. llads clîcketi very close andI aur fel- :r iows secmced ta hiave trouble ini get- 1- ting it aOn of thecir own zone. It tsvas remnarkcd by several of the fans t. that it ivas the cleanest game îdIay- is esl between Bowmanville and Ca- gbourg. A great deal of the credit is due ta thc referees.Joe Dufton andi ýeAlex Culville. d Boîvmanville, 18: C. M\cllveen g; Rackhamn g,2; Spencer c. 4; Fagan f. 5 ; Ashton f. 5 : Alternates. D. Nlcllveen 2. Browni, Tighe, Dunii, ,t ames. ýt Cobourg. 24: Lucas c, 9 ; Grey g; -Ramiensdale g ; Thomas f. 3 ; Payne -f, 12; Alternates, Turpen, MeILur- îci., Parkinson. e Senior Girls Although the B.H.S. girls ivere beaten it was a great surprise to sec that they helti the Cobourg teami tp such a small s4$re when the tferrytown lassies are slated ta viî their group. In the first haîf aur local girls seemed ta be nervaus and became excited when they were checked s0 closely. The visitors con- fined themselvcs ta I point in this periati while Cobourg netteti 8. In ithe second frame the local girls seemed ta be more themselves anti only let 4 12oints go through, and acquireti 2 for themselves. fipuls werc vcrv scarce iii this game but ive woîîder where the "shiners' came from. Bowmanville, 3: M. Birks f; G. Mitchell f ; H. Glanville f. 3 ; J. Caverlv g; 'M. Scott g:; G. WVagar g; \itcrnatcs, D. Mitchell, M. Nic- Creadv. I. Haiimaîî. Cobourg, 12 : Stewart f, 6; Al\leu f. 6: Gibson f ; Traop g; Austin g; Spoaner g : ltermate, Nitiînic. Hudgetts, Wilkins, Evans. Junior Girls This gaine provedti ta O the hard- est ta iae as the B.H.S. girls werc Ieading up ta tliree quarter time. 1 Kit Storey apeneti the play for Bowmanvilic which wvas foiiowed by a basket and a foui shot by NMar- ian MacDonald. Cabourg gat their score wvith a foui shot. TOc score at the end of Ist quarter ivas 5 ta 1 for Bowmanviiie. Cobourg openedtihte second f ramre with a basket but wcre nat ta be outtianeýbv the local team who alsa sank anc. At haîf the Cobourg girls. had crept up anti the score ivas Il ta 7 for B.H.S. In second liaif bath teanis playeti a sjlap-hazard*' branti af bail neither teamn seemiîîg ta be taking a reai interest iîn tOc gaine, the local girls especialiy. as tiîev let the ferrvtowners tic the score at third quarter. TOe last period wxas hectic as Co- bourg scoreti five baskets before Bowinanviilc finaliv calicti time out andi setticri sown ta get one mare basket. Margaret Charleton of Ca- 'bourg iva. put off with four fouis. Final score was 22 ta 14 for Ca- bourg. Bowmanviiie. 14 : D. Harnticiî f, 3: 'MacDonald f.7: K. Storev f. 4; M. Storey g; J. Rice g; D. Smaie g .\iternate.. B. Enmmett, P. Emn- iuctt. NI. Gib..un. Cobourg, 22: Cliarieton f, 12; Sorey f. 4; Gibson f. 5; Holgate g: Gibson g; Henderson g; Alternates. Coffev, Ashtiown, Allen, 'Mclntyre, Boîster, Throop. Phiiips, Dufton. 1 Junior Boys B. H. S. junior boys lost their first game ta Cobourg on Thursday af- 1 ternoofi. The local lads were nat in t as gooti shape as iîn thcir previaus ' game anti matie severai fauity piayj. r TOc first haif was plaveti verv baose i bath sities play ing intiifferentiy anti c utît enteriiig intu the spirit csf the t game. The score at the ceti of the f perioti war- 22 ta 18 for Cobourg.a TOc next f rame showeti keener enthusiasm anti marc fit ta 0e calieti basketbail. Brown anti Crawford b wcre the big scoring guns for Bow- mancilie whiie Gea." Crawford let bis man MIennic slip iin the majority a, of Cobourg baskets. WViseman ivas0 put off in the haif with four foul. TOe gamne endeti 29 ta 23 for Ca-u bourg. d loiiwnanviiic, 23: Miic cDe )- pcw f ; Brown f. 1Il; Craîs ford g. R; \\i>-inîaiî g, -: .lternate-, Ca-O ui., Crok, Jackin. c (,boîirg. 29: Nlcnnie 16; Beînnett t 2: . î 2: Niargles ; Kiîg 2W I)rs î r v 2: P l'îii, 4; .\aiior\ I li gmn : Deîît('il. is fr- th: yc imi w: as Lo mi liti M< ter M ter Ec cd tie thi eti fe aIt shO On W, en( stit tnc gra WIFE WHO WAS CROSS ANDTOUCHY Put Herself RiRht with Kruschen -am 39 years of age,*" a womnan writes, -Yet some davs 1 have been feeling and looking 100 years ol<i. I would get fits of exhaustion for nlo gooti reason at aIl. 1 was not fit ta ive with because 1 would bc so cross andti touchy. I did flot secîn to have any ambition ta do im housework, and 1 was tired ail the tîme. "Two years ago 1 hati sciatica all down my left side from the hip. My doctor says aIl this is caused through my nerves. 1 took Krus- chen and found it heipeti me verY mnuch. Siîîce 1 started taking it 1 am a different persan. 'My work seems a lot casier and 1 have a lot more energ. -(.'%Irs.) G.M. The littie daily dose" of Krus- chen puts an endi to tiredness and depression, because it restares the ieliminating organs ta proper activ- ity by providing them with th-e daily reminder and daily aid that they require. Clea nsed and invig- orateti blooti is sent circulatirig al over the system. carrying new vital- ity ta every nerve and new vigouir to everv limb.t en in the closely contested and weii played finals. A dainty and appetizing lunch was then served by the hostess. Failowing votes of thanks ta the1 hast and hostess for the evening'sc entertainment, dancing was en-c joyed by all tilI the wee small hours of the morning. Basketball Results Senior Cohîoirg 24- Peterhiono 41- Senior Coboiurg 12 - Junior Colbîufrg 29- Peterboro 35- Junior1 Cobourg 22 - BOYS Baîvfnaîîî ulI 1 Port Hope 9 Girls Boivniamîiilc , BOYS Boîvîîamîviiic 23 Port Hope 6 Girls Boîvmamîciie 14 [el elsn E sborn While the ioss ta Port Hope has, practicaliy ruined the chances of the Raiders ta finish on top of this group, the defeat may do them a worid of good. The boys had been inclined ta get a littie cocky and that trimmning brought home the tact that you have to do more than go through the mo- tions ta win games. Juist how the ioss will affect the team will be known on Thurs- day night (to-night) when they return ta Whitby for the Raiders home game. The game in Port Hope was well attended, espec- ially since they had had an In- termediate gante the night before. Whether the Bowmanviile fans will get a chance to watch their team in the playofis depends on how they turn out for to-night's game. If enough people go over ta Taylor's arena to warrant it. Breslin will play his home games in Whitby, but if the crowd is poor then he will do what t.he team has done ail year, travel to the other team's rink. And before we forget it, we want to, say thanks to the Carter Famiiy for the treat they gave the team after the Whitby game. They stayed open until the team 'eturned and then rnalkshakes and a resume of the game wus in order. The general opinion of he team was that it is a great feeling ta know that youx efforts are appreciated. Jack Parker and Ron Patterson both turned in good games in Port Hope as did Depew and Wiseman. Parker almost started ariot in the first period when he twice floored Wainmian, sank an- other incoming forward with a olting bodycheck, and then broke p a play when he was the only efence man for the Raiders. ne crowd were in an uproar. For the rest of that periad. puck- ,arrying players were kept busy rying to duck bodies and there xas a steady procession ta the ;at of penance. Patterson, the Orono husky, is nproving every time out. In his 'rst couple of games he was lost, )t now he knows what to do and vhile he still makes mistakes, he eldom makes the same one twîce. e is only sixteen years aid and siooked on ta be outstanding lext year. Depew took a lot of punlshment rom the oppasing defence but hey were unabie ta slow up the ,outhful centre and he kept bor- ag in. finaliy being rewarded ith a score and also collecting an s:st.s Wisemnan (my name is Au not Louie), who looks toc, ruch like Depew from the side- tes, is playing fine hockey and are than holding up his end. The three new Port Hopers are, loucks in goal. Edmunds on de- ence, and Wainman in centre. oucks is a chunky lad who is iaking a fine fist af the goal- ndivig ehores. Edmunds is a illbrc4ok lad as is Wainman. lm unds is the lad who alternat- Ubetween first base and centre Id for the Peterboro Juniors li iast summer and who xield- 1a potent bat. He is just as et- ctive on the blueline patrol and lng with Douglas, who piayed iortstop for the Intermediate ,tarios, forms a sterling clefence rainman is a diminutive dynamo ha causes opposing goalie.,; na -d of worry. As presently con- ituted. the Ports should have no ouble beating Cobourg for the *up playoffs. A.s this is written, Mo Bresiin does not know definit.ely who the tOc \Vardleii that it ivas tOc bain- Raiders ivili meet in the playaffs acles antil parasite>- whiichi infe'.t or when. But if they meet the cotillcil ilit cfiîîg>, ansI ilot tOjec c-Ij winners af the Napanee-Picton- icillors. wliiiwure c ta lamne, flic Trenton group, as is thoughit like- Woolir lettur vas (disi.ascd f. iy. :hey will be up against stern \ccciiig tlie rc inicindatioil (if opposition. Napanee is leading tIue roa(l sulîrintendfent for a $ý20,- the league by a comfartable mar- 000inicrt!aie iii ral estiilates.. i- gin and in t.heir ranks they have clusflinig anl outlav for neis trucks, Walter Gerow, a lanky youngster I as( ylwpoifn o wha has been offered a pro con- ca,,iiici îascdofa$b,w poid i fo tract by the Chicago Black Hak.a )xcîitreo 900o oni He is the same striplingr oral o ii er playea zîrst base for sNapanee inl Road Rebates the Senior League iast summner. Reeve \V. H. \Iorrc)\ Reeve Les- lie Wilson anti Reeve R. R. Malilorv Jack Rice is stili the scoreless ivere appointeti a speciai coîninitte wonder of the Juniors. He played ta cilquire into the matter of roati his best gamne of Junior hockey on rebates witiî thc Roati Commission Friday night but he stili is un- andti t report at the June session. able ta beat the goalie. Once he Reeve T.- A. Reidi was appointeti a was right in front of the net but niember of the speciai coutint pro- Moucks foilowed himi acrass and perty commnittee. Mieniber of thie forced Rice to shoot into Uùs big Roati Commission appointeti lvas pads. But one of these gaines the Reeve C. Cummiskcy. Appoiiîtments youthful Rice wiil break out in a ta tOe reforestation committee ivere rash and it cannot be t00 Reeve W. R. 'Morroîv anti Deputv soon. Reeve WV. J. Baggs. Reeve J. \V. Pace v of Aliulick moveti a resolu- EXPEND $20000 tion tiîat tOc council ratify' by a hi\- EXPE D $2 9000awvaithtie June session, the decision M ORE ON COUNTY ta acccpt into the counities roatisy ROADS THIS YEAR stenm thle townshlip ,oad betweemî denhili ta Kirby. Thc resalution Northumberlandi anti Du r ham carricti. Council acceptedtihte recoin- Caunties Council wound up the jan- mendation of tOc joint meeting of iary session Friday afternooîî with the board of management andtihie the reports of the various commit- finance committce ta accept the \V. tees anti the annual appointments. H. Moffat Company s offer ta make Throughout the session there was of the necessary repairs ta the fiooring littie mare thaîî routine nîature cx- at tlîe House of Refuge aver which cept for the startliiîg letter from tOc iawsuit hati resulteti in the Vs'oier Unitedi Church Board re- counties abtaining lutigment for $250) lative ta aliegations of drinking in anti costs. The company hati poiîîtct connection with thc Counties Coun- ont that it ivas wiliing ta 'pav its cil session. With the explanation cf own costs. if the caunties woulti pav 'B,' E T CHE1 Uc "Boy! 1 can breathe now!" Just a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up o each nostril reduces swolien membraes, cicars stuffiness, bringa promptrelif. Uscd in time, helps prevent many colds. VIcKS V-R theirs anti disregardtihie juimrnt, tOc coinpailv agreeing ta that conî- cess.ionî t0 inake the repairs. Other- wise the rmîiing of the jutige ivoulti be aplîcaleti the fiooriîîg firmn thrcat- cucti..A fter same discussioni coincil decitici that it ivouiti be better to agrcee witiî this proposai. Main item in tlîe roatis aîîd bridges repart ivas tlhe rccoimeiîdatiaiî that the counties take off tlîeir equip- mnît from the noatis in conîlctian with sîow reinovai aîîd arrange ivith tOc highways ta go over thîe roads. once agaiîî. Accortiing ta the repart of the fin- aince committee, accauîîts paiti Oc- tîveen the last sessionl anti this ofne wcre as foilows : Ad\tministrationî of justice, $5.410.50; registry offices $337; printing, etc., $214.20; mainî- tenance of indtigent patients, $2.- 409.85; couinties home. $1,764.57; jail. 'Z551.17; municipal gavernments, $2, 778.86; cdîication. $98,753.27: grants, $2.070: debenture paymînts. $23.- loaîîs repaiti $260,000; hospitai graints $500 ta Bowmanviile. Port Hope anti Cobîourg. Caufîcil raisedtihte roati engiîcer's salary ta $1.800. but matie no change inî the Hanse of Refuge surgeon's salary. tiefcrring the latter ta inne. Cauicil voteti $200 hanorariunî ta Percy Stinson of NMilibrook, for bis services in the past in regard ta aid age pensions andt mothers' aiioîv- ances. Tiîe matter of bis saiary for tlîe camuîîg term was laid over ta June. Tlîe county praperty commit- tee recommnîdeti renovatian of the Counties Cauncil chamber anti com- înittec roams. Thc schoois committce reconi- mcîîted tiîat secretaries of the High anti Continuation Schoois sent ini their requisitians flot later than Marclî first of cach year, showing wîîcre each aîupil came from. Other cammittce reports einbodying nothing apart f rom routine recommnîda- tions. ivere aisa read anti accepteti. Council then adjournedti t the cali of the Wartien. ROL k S Cbevrolet trucks give more miles per gallon of gasoline . . . go farther on a quart of oil. The famous six-cylinder valve-in-head special truck engine is the standard by which operators compare power units. Chevrolet trueks"are easier to service, more economical to main tain. Chevrolet trucks offer nation-wide parts and servire facilities. They are buit in Canada, on special truck assembly lines. General Mfotors makes tbemn available in a wide choice of factory-built bodies and of factory-installed hydraulic hoist and dump bodies. These points we bring out as a simple explaciation of why so nlany individual unit and fleet owncrs throughout Canada use and recomnicnd Chevrolets. For yotir w information, may we again remtind yoit that, ini this range is a mode]I for every hatiling job rcady to pay its own way as you hujy i t on the easy monthly pancnts of the Genieral Motors Instalment Plait. Dollars saved through 1014 est t price and muinimnum uspkeep -are dollars earned. Your Cisevrolet (lealerv.-iIl give yoeî more vital facts! T -I - Also - Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. M on., Tues., Wed. Jan. 31 - Feb. 1 - 2 ARE MI1 1 1 1 IRIL Matinee Monday 4 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 p.m. 4 2? i5 Smartly Streamlined Sheet Metal Improved Six-Cylinder Valve,î n-Head Special Truck Engin. Entirely New Single Diaphragm Spring Clutch Wider Range of Factory-built Bodies, lncluding a Complet. Line of Hydraulic Hoist and Dump Units Perfected Hydraulic Brakes Lowest Pwirc rund -W -ýal w 9 1161W ullu Lowest Upkeep Costs UP GOES POWER DOWN COME C 0 S T S.. PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO

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