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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1938, p. 9

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD, 1938 THE CA NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ______ ORODNO NEWS H. Dean Lucky Blanket Winner At Women's Institute Card Party H. Dean won the blanket ai the Wýomien»s Institute Card Party Fni- day nighît. An interesting co-iuici- dence is that MIrs. H. Deani won the lady's prize for highi score in eeuchre a fier a draw w as madle to seule which of three ladies (who ail had -wn 9 game.,) shouid have the prize. AMrS.W\. C. H-. Mitchell drew va qucen, NIrs. Bowveu a king, and Mrs. Deatian a ec. XVîu. Cornisli %von the mens prize snd Mrs. W. S. Rov and \\*in. 1arreti the conîsolation prizes..In five huindred is K. Mc- KaYvl the ladvs prize. Robi. j Gianville the gent's, and NIrs. 11. fur[rax .and T. MNe i. consoliation 7es Therc werc 13 tables of and 5 of tcchre. Folloiving the gaine, a delicinuis lunch %vas served consistiîîg of sand- wiches. cake and coffece after whiiciu Mr. 0 . W. Riph iii a licat s.peech, ihanked those preseni for the ir iu- teresi and comiplimnented the coin- mnitîee on the success of the evelling. She alo congratuisîed onîe of their oldest and iosi vaied nîinbers on her -birîhdav. Shie intimsated that M.\r. E.. A. Sumn- mers ivas desirlous of lha ving more Young women iu the courses begin- ning Feb. Isi, and stated that oniy 16 had se far .ioined up and( lie "Il', HOCKEY MIDGETS TAKE OSHAWA 12.0' Orone, Midgets are higly de- igted with the success of the gamne Saturday with Osbawa Mlidgets wben the locals won 12-0. The game was thrilling from the first and the Oshawa ladis were soon seen te be outclassed by Or- ono. Orono Mid.gets play Port Perry next Saturday on tbe local arena from 1 te 2. Roy Cornish is the supervisor, and since Roy is an eld hoýckey player of Oreno Ramblers we can look eut for trouble. Everyone should iurn eut te these games flot enly te encourage good spertsmanship but to put a ittle in the bal. wvanteçl ati es~t 30.. Xfter shaking the )ox whicb heid the tickets ou the blanket sue calledl on Rowe tu (raw the luckY ticket with the abus)%e nîeuitiouied resuit. Mfrs. A. Heury' thanked ail for their iuîerest suld hcip sund presentedl the ,rize, te the iinners. This brougi a peasant evening tb a close. Miss K. Stark ivas consenor of the cemînitee ins charge. THE iCOWANVILLE i SOCIAL AND The annual meeting of Clark e Church and Sunday School was Mrs. J. C. Gamey is visiting in finaliy held Wednesday evening Toronto. after three atteMpts. Mr. P. Ste- Mr. John Tamblyn has been on vens was elected trustee, Mrs. W. the sick Uist. A. Reid organist, and Mrs. C. Mrs. J. Eagleson and her com- Burley teacher «î the primary mittee wish to thank aUl those class. With these three excep- who assisted with the donating tions, officers and teachers were and making of six fine quits for re-elected. Refreshments, in theth Weer bae ndhevy chreof W. A. were plentiful,j successful suppers of Jan. 25th and the League put on a good land 26th. Tius commit.tee has program. 1 some quilts for sale. Anyone who Resolved that more crime is bas any clothing, bedding or cash caused by wealth than poverty" is to contribute to this needfui the subjeci. of a debate in Kendal cause may leave t with this W. A. February 3rd. wben Clarke Lea- committee. gue will be the guests of Kendal Mvrs. V. Phasey bas been on the Y. P. U. sick list. Many friends from îlhis com- Newcastle played NewtonviUle at munity attpnded the funeral ser- Orono arena Thursday night. It vice for the late Mrs. R. Reid in was a real exciting hockey game Newtonville Presbyterian Church and ended 7 to 2 for Newcastle. on January @6th. Jim Woods of Orono refereed. Mr. Stanley Porteous is in bed Miss Marjorie Sisson has been with a severe cold. sick. Mr. L. McCurdy, Toronto, visit- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dean en- ed Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid. Miss tertained a number of their E. Reid, aiso 0f Toronto, is spend- neighbours Tuesday of last week. ing a few days there. Women's Institute held a short ________________ business discussion after thbe euchre party Friday nigbt. Mr. Wm. Mitchell going dewn Mr. Thos. McNeil treated a Forestry bill with bis car went number of his lady friends to into the ditch. Not much damage kisses Friday nigbt - f rom the bag was clone, but it was a miracle he won as a consolation prize in there wasnt. W. E. Davey and E. 500. E. Patterson and Mrs. Norman Miss Viola Noden, Toronto Uni- Winter also had car difficulties. 'versity, spent the weekend in Or- BESI-LOOKIDE6 On GfOUR STREET" wil ......... .... ParuetDeLn Sd. with roof, walls and floor of stee ... with al windows of safety glass. "I don't know much about mechanical details but, 1 drive our Chevrolet and front a woman's point of view, noîhing could be easiei 10 handie or safer. Finally, (l look afier thse fans. ily budIge), I'm sure nothing could be easier on thse pocketbook!" You, too, will be proud Io own this new Chevrolet -and your satisfaction will grow wiîls cvery msile. Corne 10 our showrooms today -sec it, drive it, and compare prices before you buy. PRICED FROM Mostar De Luxe Modals rom $892 $8 Deiivered at factory, Oshawa, Ont., Government tax, freight ~ ~82Od j e net. t oticesu. 2 0 ad ce hngext. (ntice.)ub (2 Pets. Moster Easy payments on tise General Bausiness Coupe) Motors Instalment Plan. eA I )PERSONAL Social & Personail MrJ. Doncaster is -.n Oshawa ono. Viola is in residence and Hosprital. Mrs. Noden is st.aying in Chicago. Well, yesi.erday tWednesday) Mr. Stanley Bruton, Toronto, was bear day. Wonder if the spent the weekend with his me- superstition wiîî bappen to corne ther. Iright ibis year. Time will tell. Wilfred Froste has been laid up' Mr. R. Sberwin's Bible Class with a cold. are holding a skating party Sat- Twe games of hockey were play- urday night. ed at Orono arena Friday nigbt: The village bas been a regular Oshawa and Newtonville tied 3-3, hive of industry this week. es- wbile Providence was victorieus peciaUy Tuesday with the County over Hampton. Orange meeting in one place, the John Keane bas been on tbe Clarke Council meeting in base-, £ick list. ment of the Township hall, thbe Mr. Wm., Lynch, Sauli. Ste Short Course in the auditorium, Marie. spent the weekend with nis 'and the girls of the short course w'f e and family at Mr. W. H-. at Park Street Church. The street R'owe's. bas been lined with cars ahI day Indeton ndinsalatin ~fand one even bas difficulty in Park St. Church officials will takepakn place at the evening service nextPRN IA TA K Sunday.PRN IA LK Congratulations te the Orono TO YOUNG PEOPLE Midget's on winning Saturday____ 12-0. Glad to see Jim Tamblyn outMrR. C. lZosborougli gave an again. interesîîîîg and informative talk on Miss Doris Whyte bas been on the carly scientists, at the Union the sick list. meeting Nfoiday night. After teil- Mr. D. D. Martin, Regina, Sask., ing of the hardship)s that ihese early called on bis sister-in-law. Mrseîscentî.,s ad to bear lie synopsized M. Srnith. brieily the lives aud work of a few Mrs. G. L. Carscadden and son, of tlîem. of Montreal, are visiting Mr. and Leauiveulhock's experiments wiib Mrs. T. D. Carscadden. the icroscop)e, pelpper, mouth bac- Orono girls will play 0.C.S. girls teria and discovery that o cfe ai OonoAren Frday igh. iwould kili themn, were first desrib- (DR Styling as different as it s beautiful, for this bg- ger-looking, better.look. irîg, low.priced Chey- rolet. Smooth - powerful- positive . .. thse safe, self-enerqizing brakes for modern travel... givinq maximum motor- ing protection. 0 (WITH SHOCKPROOF STEERIN G) So safe-so comforta ble --s different . . . "the world's finest ride". On Master De Luxe Modals. 0 Best design for an econ- amnical car. .. Gives ex- tra power, using lois gasoline. (WITH SAFETY GLASS ALL AROUND) Larger interiors -ligist- or. brigister colors-a.nd Unisteel construction, making oacI, body a fortrest of safety. 0 Giving protection against drafts, smoka, windshield clouding and assuring sacis passenger individually controllad ventilation. A simple, efficient, singla diaphraqm spring re- places thse convantional multiple-cou espringi - for oasier, tiptoo-pres- sure oparation. Mini. mixes wear; neyer e- quires lubrication. IDJInc *TMDL Ur 3IVIV%03 Phone 25 10 ] oN l l Courtice (A by the speaker, and this w-as foi- iowcd by taiks on the following: Spaiianzania, Needhiam, Pasteur and his work in bites bv mnad dogs. etc., Koch and his experiments wiîh the blood, and the growing of bacilli; Koch, Gaffky, Roux and Thullic-r and their work in Egypt with choiera; Roux's and Pasteur's exper- iments iîl animais regarding mak-- hring and his experiments with diph- thux-ja aiiti-tuxin; Srniih cdiscoverer of the fact ihai Texas fever was caused hv ticks; Bruce and* his ex- periment5 with sleeping sickîîess whjch is caused by the Tsetse Fly; Ross who discovered that mosquitos cause mna1aria, and Reeds experi- ments wiîh yellow fever. The yourîg people enjoy-ed this taik and wiil hear Mr. Rosborough wîîh pleasure at an.ï time. Misses Theima Myles and Olive Brown were in charg-e of the meet- ing. the latter presiding. 'Mrs. Ros- horough was pianist for the evening. Miss Thelma Mfyles read the scrip- ture; Miss Kathleen Simpson wîth Miss Dorothy Simpson at the piano, favored with three vocal solos, and Mr. A. J. Knox wjth a violin solo with Miss Elleen Riddell at the piano. Nýext meeting is in charge of the cultural deparirnent, LeRoy Brown and John Keane in charge. Standing to date: Blue 95; Red 92; White 81. A short period of recreation fol- lowed the meeting after which the executive held a short business dis- cussion of which announcement will be mnade later. i KENDAL Mr. J. Payne, Pontypool, visited at Mr. Harper Carscadden's. 1 Ciarence Bell. Lloyd and R.ay1 Glass, Gus Wilson and George1 Thompson took in skating at1 Newtonville Saturday evening. 1 Miss Annabelle Hendry visited1 in Newcastle. Miss Annie Thompson, Ponty-1 pool. visited with Mrs. Chas. Thompson. Young People's meeting was in1 charge of the Literary and Social! conveners, Jennie Wright and1 George Carson. The latter gave a splendid topic, and the ten- minute talk was given by Rev. E. Beech. Annabelle Hendry gave ai piano solo, and readings were given by Pearl Hoye, Helen Mer- cer and Alex Little. OBITUARY Mrs. Robert Reid, Clarke Mfter being confined te bed for three weeks, the deatb occurred very sçuddenly on January 23rd of Mrs. Robert Reid, aItbe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson, New- castle. Hier sister-in-law, Miss Lizzie Reid, was the atlending Inurse. Mrs. Reid was born in Bath, England, and came te Ibis coun- try aI the age of nine witb ber sfsters, and made her home witb Mr. and Mrs. Z. Lockhiart, New- tonville. Af 1er her marriage te Mr. Reid tbey lived on a farm until the family bad grown up. In. later years tbey moved bo StarkviUle C. N. R. station, wbere Mr. Reid passed a.way in 1932. Mrs. Reid carrled on until the railway was closed, and then madle ber home wltb ber cblîdren. Survivlng ber are four sons, Clarence of Long Brancb, William of Newcastle, Leslie of Toronto, Sidney of South America; and twe daugbters, Mrs. M. c. Stew- art of Keistern, Saskt., and Mrs. J. Caesar, Langstaff, OntI. A private service was held on January 26tb, aI the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid, BowmanviUle, afler which the body was taken to Newtonvihle Presbyterian Church. The service was con- ducled by Rev. W. G. Blake, as- sisted by Rev. E. Beecb. Bearers were Messrs. Bruce Lockba.rt, Ailsa Cralg, John and Alfred Reid, and lbnee sons, Clarence, William and Leslie. Interment Bowman- ville Cemeteny. Wben you obey your superior YOU InStrUCt your inferior in obedience. You are the real auther of your. troubles, for Orono te tie e score aud after ficient goal-keeping.------.- a short pemied cf fast play whicli kelt goalie Doris Wannan realiy buss' Helenl Case siamimed in the tic- breaking sud winning goal for the \Ve went te the dressing reeni to l zet the uine-up in tIse few minutes beisseen hialves sud right after the trainevas oser aud feuind the O.C. S. elatcd over their victory sud the toîvu girls showing theniselves te be in io nusay disheamtened. The three cheers aud a tiger given after the game hy the O.C.S. for the vanquislied was ne more roof-rais- inz than that given by thse Oroîso girls for their victorieus oppoîsents. L.illiisî Fosvler's bauds were frest bitteis sud iere doctored sith suo and riiinors svere lieard of tise break- ing of a tooth otherwise neo damage X was done although neariy evervone "caime a cropper" during the game. Alil the saine. players and spectaters alike enjoyed the f un and ail are looking forward te the next gamne* svbicb wiil be Fab. 4th if nethin banpetîs. n Line-up for Oneneo: goal, Lillian HE besî-looking car on thse street!' That'a what ail thse neighbors say about our new Chevroiet! And that's what we tbink, too! ln fact, after looking at ail thse low-priced cars, and aften talking bo our fricnds who drive Chevrolets, il M'as beaustistat reallv 'sold' us. "tse sinarti iîside and out it's nmade nie positiveiy stvie-conscious. 've umade it a point to Jearnsail about how te engincers bave been able te nsould the ail-steci body iste the pres- cnt thriliing strcamline. How, by rounding the radiaton grille and adding tisose horizontal hood louvres, tbey've modernized the whole eftect. "Now take tise interior. It's so neat and 'tail- ored' it makes me think of our own living room ... fine sipIhestery ... lovely appointments ... everytluing in taste! "Anotiser thing that's important. I like to think tisai Chevrolet reinforees ail tisis beauty TLIr CVAdA12ME Mt .9 Council Is Honored With Visit By Counties' Warden J. F. George_ Warden J. F. George, Brighton, OSHAWA DEFEATS wus an honored guest at Clarke OR N TE M 1 4 Township Council meeting Tue.5- R -______ 10- day and was accompanied on bis visit by Cris Cummisky, Reeve of Lasi week we reported a hockey Manvers Township and member game lu whicb Oshawa svas badly of the Counties Road Commission, dcfeated by Orono. Chas. Pointon, Provincial Engin- Lasi Thursday most of the same eer, and Bert. Miller, Counties boys - there beiug a few changes, Engineer. camec down f rom the Motor City and Reeve T. A. Reid commented romped home to a 10-4 victory over that few townships had had the the local boys. In the f irsi perîod bonor of a visit from the War- Watson scored for OroîjQ,. about a den, but Mr. George and bis party minute after the face-off. This was came to investigate the possibil- follosved by scores by McMaster and ity of the counties obtaining snow Delinontie of Oshawa. West of fence fromn Orono. They decided Orono, scored after wbich Wilson to go ahead with the proposai. of Olshawa, Delmontie of Oshawa but cbanged the specifications so and Wilson slammed home the puck. that lathe dipped in creosote will West again scored for Orono ending be used. Untreated lathe bas been the f irsi period. used for the fence manufactured Ini the second period the local boys for Clarke Township. The coun- hadi no luck at ail wbile Oshawa ties will supply the materials with scored through MýcMaster, Delmon- local men coing the work at'20e tic aud Ward. per heur. In ihe third period McGuarry and As it may be a few weeks be- Pearce of Osjiawa scored, the latter fore the creosote dipped lathe is on a long range shot f rom centre, available. the men will continue while WXest gleaned a counier for 10 turn eut snow fence for Clarke Orono. Watson hurt his shoulder and also for Manvers Townships. and Wýood bis finger otberwise The visiters stated they were there were nu casuaities tbrough tiis pleased with the local produet gaine whicb was a good.fasi eue and whicb is strong and apparently kepi Earl McCutcheou, the Orono durable. This employment wiUl goalie, hopping. be a great belp to some of the Sîsectators tbought there was go- local men as it will probably keep ing te be a f ight a couple of times tbemn busy until the Forestry op- but good sporismanship prevailed ens for the season. and danger passed. A. A. Bain, Toronto, addressed Oshawa brought their own re- the counicillors regarding insur- feree this time but we did net bear ance for their employees, stating the name. He did net bave a very that tbey ceuld give tbem the enviable position, but bis decisions Isame coverage as the Werkmen's1 lascrid Compensation Board and without alascred restrictions of life membership or the possîbility of being cbarged DI AN DST T extra for dlaimis in the past. As I AN DST T Clarke Township bas purcbased a HAPPENINGS policy fromn this company since____ the time the Compensation Board Fom The Orono News cancelled ail township agreements Jan. 3th, 1913 witb tbem. the policy was renew- ed and will ceaI 5 per cent of the actual payroll. M r. C. W. Vinson, music demon- M. H. Staples requested council strater %with Goodwins Limited,, of te take necessary steps te close Montreal, spent Monday with f riends the street wbich at the present bere. His mother, Mrs. T. Vinson time runs througb the Agrîcultur- who accompanied bim f rom Toronto al Grounds, but is not used. Coun- where be was 5pending a few days, cil wil l aite steps te close it per- will remain for a short visit with manently se that the Agricultural ber sister, Mrs. T. Sommerville. Society will not be embarrassed Miss Leta Noble is supp4ying in at a future time. Ltssho o ie Details of a new road gradlng Ltssho o ie machine were explained by Mr Mr. A. J. Knox bas bougbî a Turnbull of Paris. Machine is driver fer use iin cennection with equipped to do work of township, bis apiary. is motor driven and operated. Mr. Oscar Scott bas painted thse Cost about $2600. No action taken. Brooks bouse, greaîly improving thse Letter of sympa.tby will be sent appearauce of Station St. to the f amlly of Mrs. Robt. Reid Mrs. C, A. Cbapwan is visitingl wbo died recently. the city. Reeve T. A. Reid was appoint- Mr. Jas. Cutteli is visiting this ed a delegate te Roads Conven- ekithcty tion in Toronto February 23-24. ekithct. Resolution was sent to Dept. of Mr. O. A. Gamsby is visiting fri- Transport protesting increase In ends in Detroit and Pontiac. radio license fees and suggesting Miss Pearl' Gibson of Hampton, that fees be abolishe.d. is visiting at ber fatber's, Mr. John Accounts were passed as fol- Gibson. lows: Mrs. T. H. Everson of Oshawa, Road Account. Voucher 2----$ 77.40 spent a few days W-iîl relatives here A. G. Darlington, relief last week. supplies --------- - ---- 2.74 Mr. Bruce Whitney of Canton, E. E. Pattersen, relief---- 12.00 visited bis uncle, Mr. Thos. McComb A. J. Staples, Registrar ---- 16.00 over Sunday. Lancaster Garage, taxi -- 5.00 Miss Leba Patterson of Carnie- Municipal World. supplies. 6.00 vale, Sask., is visiting her sister, Orono Times, ptg-- ------110"I<Mr,,. Herbert Best. Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, R vs PF 0.0 Miss Ora Caldwell of Bowman- Indigent patients - ------ . 00 ville, spent Sunday witb ber cousin, Eileen Riddell, typing --- - 3.00 Miss Anniie Thornton. Orono CeaI, relief supplies 5.00 Mr. A.-Fraser Little of the Regina Mun. World, deg tags -- -- 12.35 Trading Ce.. was home for a few W. E. Davey. taxi --- ------- 2.25 days the past week being on the us- J. C. Gamey, auditor ---- 15.00 ual business trip to thse e.sst for the M. H. Staples, auditor --- 15.00 f im S. R. Hart, supplies ---- 33.00 Mrs. Wm. Potts and daugisten of R. H. Wood, caretaker 9.30 Elizabetbville, visited at Mr. Ralpis J. C. Gamey. postage on Stutt's thie pasi week. tax arrears --------. ---- 2.'61 Dr. Neil Colville and Mr. C. G. Auditers' report was read and Armstrong made business trips to will be published later. . Toronto eu Monday. Grant 10 Durham County Musi- Marnied : Colville-Cenîbonne, at cal Festival was Iurned down. the manse, Orono, on january 29lji, One councillor suggested tbey al- b e. J. A. McKeen, B.A., Mr. ready gave assistance te Festival bylevdrClil fBwavle through free use of hall during tAlisAnie Colville C B owm ne, eliminatien contesis. oftvis nie JspieCubne Died: Dunsford-at thse home of MA AN DAUG TER ber son, George Dunsford, 533 South MA AN DAU HTER Liberty Street,' Salem, Onegon, Jan. ON SAME TEAM 16, 1913, at 4.15 a.m. Mns. Jane Ann _______Dunîford aged 80 years 3 montbs and One deesuit ofien sec mioîler aud 17 days. datigliter play ing ou the sanie hockey teami but thai's one îbing that bap- FowlIer;, defence, Mns. Middleton, peiîed at thie girls' hockey gamne un Ruitb Bebee, -Mrs. A. West; wings, Wednesday. nighit iween the O.C. Lilliail Aluin, Betty Ciough; centre, S. Fire F-%s sud the town girls- Phyllils Lowden; subs, Eunice Mid- the persous concerned bcing Mrs. J. dIcton, Mrs, W. Carleton. Middleton and lEunice. This gaine. by the way. attracted O.C.S.: goal, Doris1 Wannan: de- as much attention as the midget Bron erwrds, Etel Stk, Rliv teams do. Gordon Watson refereed«Brw;fwadEhlSrkRu. Hele, Cas sudT--ia M-iesGoode; centre, Helen Case; sue,

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