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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1938, p. 5

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t . r N TIL'RSDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, I3OWMNA N VILLE, ONTARIO o ther mcin, because of the heavier I Y U R ORL D N MIN I oads put an his shaulders, fai IBy JOHN C. KIRKWOOD ed heavier load - whicb uakes a (Cp rot gaod man grow. What was a small (oprug1t)company 35 years ago is todaya company with millions af money It was rcquired of me recently1 ently wanted every day by the invested in it, and it is of this that I should write about a num- 1cainpasing room. For a new man, huge company that the manrI ber Of men who were once my as- and a semi-junior, ta put pies- write of has became president. SOcates in a large publishing'sure an his seniors was flot an Among other associates ai mine COmpany. I should like ta say agreeablc task, and often these inl this Company, many have won samething af these men ta the" upper men werc occldedly un- distinction, if nat, in cvery in- readers af The Statesman, in the! pleasant. often rude, stance, fortune. One became the ho'pe that what I may write will Yet this junior man was iaith- business manager of a metropoli- be nprn ta same af My Young- f ui ta his task, and by f inesse and ta ewspaper; nteiso-a er readers. persistency he got what he want- managing directar of a vcry im- The fîrst mani:r speak of was e d. In this job ai his he learned portant Canadian daîly news- a compositor. or rather, had been tactfulness, fearlessness, and ev- paper. Another became an cdi- a comnPasitor. He had just Ici t enness ai temper. tor ai The Saturday Evening Post. the camposing room ai the comp- It was not long bei are this mari Another is Arthur Beverley. Bax- any emPloying him ta t.ake a sort havmng made good in bis lowly ter.,i amaus London iournaflst and af office position. He wau diffident. Job, was maide a salesman of space member of parliament. Another His work was exacting. He had in a group ai trade newspapers - 's president ai the Macmillan ta deal with many persans, and the papers publisbed by his cri- Company of Canada. book pub- these Persans had ta be almast ployers. From the beginning he ishers. Another is editor ai In- instant,1y decisive - samcthing was a distinguished success. His dustrial Canada, and another the that most Persans do not like be- industry, bis patience, bis earnest- business manage r ai this news- ing. This man ai whom I write ness, bis bull-doggediness. lus be paper. Another 's publisher af had ta send a gret deal ai "copy" lief in the value ai wbat he wras his o wn newspaper - the chief ta the composing roins every day, seiling - ail cantributed some-Anwspaer in ts eldngrCfan. which meant that he had ta put thing ta his powers as a sales- Aohrbcm aae ia a great deal af pressure on writ- man. As time went an. he was important mortgage corporatian; fbsand anather is partrier in a bond ers and an advertiscrs in arder ta made manager of a group of his bouse. Anather became man.aging get from them the copy sa urg- company's papers. Then, as hts drco faBiihpbihn _______________________company's enterprise expanded, dctariany Britdsb I nculishon. this very competent and trust- compny n d foes o, c goon waortby man was given larger re- teiatesg 0f aemore oce m A ~~~~spansibilities. He was asý-soits eaemr rls -A B Ywth buyîng a large amount o mnn n ucsfl ahi ,epnive printing macbinery, of ison theld c ase b otofths paper and other supplies. and so I h cs f0sto hs INIP T à%D on. When some new publications persos; thei higb position was. busiessmanger Heengged d- ecase f teirselection by those hingo which absolutely accuratei ant men. With new responsibili- they bad se i.mpressed others in track must be kept. When he misses t'es, tbis mari ----w. A few years higb places that they were chosen somnething must be done at once. Con- n ta of11 the positions beld by tbem. stiatin i seiou fo bay.ago be was made vice-presiden stiatan a eriusforbay.and general manager af the mam- J C K Mrs. A. Reid of Hespeler, Ont., bas nîotb pub]isbing businesss. whicb Until I became reminiscent I this ta say: "Having bad seven children ow,ýns publications in both the, was flot perceptive of bow sa and having uscd Baby's Own Tablets UnitedStates and Great Britain. mn fm l soirc a o for aIl seven, can say they are the best in addition ta aver a score o ai of th wald. Whsocael an o and gentlest regulator for childr n - Canactian publications. exeto I hs owreso safe and effective for the tiniest infant.excion ael thesefoarkrs i 1 give them up ta 10 years of -.e. Dur- J .c nK mn aegn a n i ing eetingBab's wn ~blts ene Tîsn terewasanohermanWbere there are failures, these bng tn ab s they cle %ere t he hr a'ao rmnf ailures werc not a consequence af a bon teme a the clered p at wbo joined the company of whicb inieriar ability, but ratherofai once any digestive disturbance or fret- I write. 'is new mari came f resb def icient character. One man fulnes,' from the University, along withist.arted a new publishing camp- Equally effective for simple lever, several ather *newly - graduated 1 any, on barrowed maney, but he diarrhoea, upset stomnach, colic, simple university men. This mari bad neglected bis business, became croup and ather miner ailments af distinguished sales ability, and more or less dissolute, and in the babhod.won almost instant recognition as end lost everything. Anather be- 1Quick andI sure in their action. Easy a super-salesman. But it was came a drunkard; another let ta take. HarmIless, and sale for the Most early discovered that he bad mari- prasperity corrupt bim; another delicate child. Do net cantain apiates agerial and financial ability and broke a number ofi the command- or stupefying drugs. Each package con- competency, and steadily be was ments and in the end lost bis job. tains analyvst's certificate. Get a box pramtd ta higb executive p0s1iBu today. Sickness sa allen sîikes in the tians. To-day he is president aitogetfaoiya o nigbt. Vour money back if not satis- the company ta whicb he went 35 mna bmIhv rte n fied. 25 cents. yasao e rw sddthe thers in my mind became and Year ag. H gre, a di heremained and remain successes because, framt the beginning, tbey put aIl that was in thcm, in the way o! fidelity and ability, into htheir work. They wcrc lcss con- cerncd about the amount ai the wage whicb they received than _.& o«bAabout doing a good job; and as time went on, this quality af theirs 4C - the quality af fidelity jaincd to - industry - had recognition, and 4>~I TO-à16O they were given important work TO-M RROWta do, and advancemcnt. - ad iC K What bas impréssed me - and SATURDAY what 1 want ta pass on ta my yaung readers - is this: Those who put their wark before their pay, and who go an and on daing gaad Eleanor Whitney and work, get recogitian and promo- Johnnie Downs in tion, and eventually their pay be- cames adequate. And bere is something else: If *~g Iyou are in the employ of a camp- P' ~ g~Iany wbich is visibly growing, or with a company able ta give you bigger positions than the anc you * now hold, don't be in haste ta leave this company. Yau may nat be able ta sce far ahead; and you may become impatient. Alsa, you may have a sore heart very aiten feeling that your promotion is very, very slow; yet if you con- ~ tinue. and are always daing your best, the day is pretty sure ta 000, came when your fideiity and in- dustry wiil be satisfactorlly re- cognized. If I may speak out af my own experience, I may say that sever- Starts ai tunes I have ici t the employ af CIIMflAVlarge comparues. not s0 much be- SUNDAcause I feit that I was not ap- 12.0Y M I N IT Epreciated, but because I was Ail Seats be better pay, if flot a better op- 2fl~ clearly that I wauld have been CtuigS O worldly wise ta, have stuck where I was. RadI I donc so, I would MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY than I am today. _________________________________________ up in a sourd company, able ta give you advanccment, than ta -THE WORLD'S GREATEST NAVY IN ACTION- be loose-iooted. What counts is the end ai a PRODUCED BY THE MAN WHO GAVE YOU man's life. Those wba stick and "VIClTORIA THE REA" hose work is ai fine quality get visitedat Mr.S. Ptiks Do rot forget service on Sun- day evcnlng. The greatcst wretchcdness is ta be guilty without repentance. * An horest man does not lase bis charactcr because a dog barks at him. ADDED FEATUREB Sometimes we don't make the best of ourselves. If charlty be- ___________________________________________gins at homne, be a bit decent ta yourself. 1 IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST _ e )r L- a a ýy is I Le ,n 1- 'y d ýr n e ri s 'l Xitli tie closingoaithie aId vean tliere passed ta rest aller a long andI painful illness Mrs. 'Margaret Cole. beloved uile ai John T. Cale, ai Hampton:' Deceased was a daughtcr ai the laie Johînianîd Margaret Goyne ai Dar lington andI ived al her ii e ini the neighbaurhood ai Hampton. She Icaves ta mouru her lass ber lîusband, anc son, E. Howar-d Cale, Hampton, antI anc daughtcn 'Mrs. C. Clemence, Kinby. At the second meeting ai the Mens Canadian Club on Friday the speaker- was Rev. Dr. R. J. Reni- son ai Hamiltan, who gave an in- teresting addness on bis 14 yeans in the Hudson Bav district. (Dr. Reni- son is now Bishop Renison ai St. Faul's, Toronto). At the Durham District Division annual meeting on Friday these af- ficers were clectcd: D.X.P.,. J. T. Rundle; D.X.A., Miss F. Langmaid; D. Scribe, Clarence Penfound; D. Treas., S. C. RuntIle; D. Chap., T. Fascoe; D. Con., Garnet Beckel; D. Sent., T. Adams; D. Onganist., Miss M. Fascae; D. Patron, Miss R. Jef- Iney; D.P.W.P., A. D. Laugmnaid. Mn. Adolph Tueker wba has been with the Anderson Cloîhing Ca. for some lime bas gane ta Moose Jaw, Sask., where be bas secur-et a pos- ition wiîb a large deparîmenlal store. St. John's A.Y .P.A. enlertained 70 Is Your WINTER H EA LT H PR OTECTION Vitamin D is the Sunshine Vita.min, w h ieh is s0 greatly' needed in winter monthi when the human body gZets so littie benefit from a ct ual1 su.nshine. Milk contaisis Vitamin D besides its many other vitamin eontents. That is why Milk is the most per- fect winter food. Drink more of it. GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone 2665 Bownxanville FIFTY YEARLS AGO From The Canadian Statesman. Februtary 1, 1888 Officers af No. 2 Fine ConipanN are Capt. XWilliam Edger; lst Lieut., John Botîrcl; 2nd Lieut.. Geai-ge JolI; Sec., WV. J. Todgham; Treas., G. E. Maynard; Capt. ai Hase, Vm. Todgham; Ist Branch, Thos. Bot- t-dll; 2nd Branch, Ar-chie Matthews; Steward, WV. J. Todgham. Lelter ta the editar: "Dean Sir, X'Je understand that in your tawn there is a 'Hugging Society' wil} the fallowing scale oI pnices: girls under- 16, 35c for cach bug ai twc minutes; fram 16 ta 20 years ai age, 75c; sehool ma'ams, 40c; widows, according ta looks f romt 10c tc $300; aId maids, 3c or two for a nickel andI rio lime limil.' Officers ai Bowmanvillc Lodge, United P.rken A., J. B. 'Mil- chell; -Master Xorkman, WV. H. Banbury; Foreman, Thos. Jewell; Overseer, James Elliatt; Financier, Jahn M\cMultrtry; Receiver-, George Pearson; Recarder, Charles Keith; Guide. A. Mingeaud; I.XX., XVm. Canni; O.XV., Levi Morris; Trustee, Thos. Burden; Rep. la Gi-antI Ladge, J. B. Mitchell. The Statesman lias the privilege af anuîaunciuîg anc ai the strangest mariages an record. On Satunday, January 2lsî there xvas mnarried by Rev. Dr. Nfacnab at St. John's Church. M.\r. John Bomnhiidge af Mfanvers. ini bis 85th ycar. andI Miss .Mary Ellen WVoods, age 15. 'Mrs. Bombridge No. 1 died about three montlhs ago. '.Ir. B. is liaI a wealthiv nan but is said la be wvarth about $1000. Birîhs: Salter-XVest of Courtice on Jan. 22nd. la the wile ai Han-y Salter, canîraclar, a dauglîter. Cryderman-In Detroit, on Dec. l9th. la the wile ai Dr. Fred Ci-y- derman. a dauighter. Fi-aser--.t St. Paul's Manse, Bowmanville, on Dec. 23rd. ta Itie wiie aI Rev. R. Douglas Fraser a son. Mai-iiage: Baitan - Bradur- At the residence af the biides father, on Jan. llth, bv Rev. R. Hassard. William Bartou andI Elizabeth R. Bradburn, bath of Cartîwright. Deaîh: Ives-- lit Bawmanville. J an. 2211d, Samuel IN-es, eldest son ai Mi-. andtiMrs. WV. 1H. Ives age 15 yeai-s. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, January 30, 1913 Recetit Visitai-s Mi-. Lo-me Moi-tson ;vith his par- ens at Laiigstaff. e i-s. H. Trivett has returined. 10 Troito alter beiiig with lier muther, Mris. Hei-bert Caneron whlo is still tini a seioins condition. NI-r. Frank Rundle. Edmoniton, .Xlta.. ai Mi-. Robt. M.\cCuillough's. Mn.. Bill Brooks. Toi-auto, with .Ni-. andtI Mis. Leslie Brooks. NI-. andtI Mrs. M'nm. Cochrane atîd flittle son, Kirby, with ber liai-cuts, 5M'I-. andI Mrs. XVm.Vute MNi-. andtI Mrs. Arthur Spîcer anîd family' , Bowmaiiville. w i t h ber moîlier. Mrs. Laura Vu-tue. MNi>. and N-s. J. B. Frost, Oshiawa, ai i. Gussie Rasevear's. MNi-. ant iMrs. John KiveJ-I1, Saliîîa, at Mr. Herb Cameron's. Xli-. andiMrs. A. H. Bounsall, 1Bowmanville. with '.I-. andI Mrs. F. Dudlev. Mn. antI Mi-rs. Arthur Coverly. Bowmaiiville, at Mn. \X. F. Fark's Mr.Byron Moore is able la be around again antI that Mir. John Nýoble is samewhal improved. Young Feaplc's UiDn opened wiîh President 'Miss Helen Trimm ini change. Rev. .A. WV. March took charge ofIthe worship period andI thîs programn was given: tapie bMrs. Ralph GlaspelI; piano solo. Miss Helen Weirvy antI a reading by Mn. Aldin Hoar.- Congregatianal umeeting xvas heltI J aîuany Sîh. Officers af Tyrnte Sunday School Ion 1938 are: Supt. -A. XW. Annis; .Associakte_ Sup.- Albert Hilîs; Secretary- Pency Haywand; Ass't. Sec.-Lo-ne An- nis; Treasuner-Russel WVright; Li- branians- Aldin Hoar antI Fency Werry; Organis- Helen XVenry; Ass't. Organist-Mrs. Russel Vintue andI Mrs. Howard Brent; Mission- ary Supt.-Mrs. R. Wright; Assoc- iale Missionary Supt.-Mýrs. C. SIc- mon; Temperance Supt.-M\r. A. H. Brent; Homne Departmenl-Mfrs. R. Woodley; CradIe Roll Supt.-Mns. Wm. Macdonald. Sehool raised for M. & M. $53.00. Teachers- Bible class, Mn. C. Slemon, .Xss'ts., Mns. N. XVoodley, Mnrs. R. Hodgson, Mnf. A. W. Clemens; WXin One class, Mrs. L. J. Goodman, Ass't., Mns. F. L- Dudley; Kiîîgs Guards class, Clarence XVoodlev, Ass'l., Everton White; Wide .Awakes, AXlbert Hilîs; PII Trv, Helen Trimm, .Assît., EtI- na Camenon; Primanv,MNfr. B. Moore, AssI.. Mrs .Theo Down; Beginners, Mrs. Albert Hilîs, Assat., Nina Hodgson. The fellaw wbo gets too big for bis *shoes is apt to finish up bare- faated. SOLINA About 60 friends and neighbours af M.\r. and Mrs. jack Hazeldean gathered at the home of her parents, Mir. ant IMrs. John WVonnacott Fni- day eveiling ta extend congratula- tions and best xishes ta Mir. andI M rs. Hazeldean on their marriage. Chas. Smith called the gathering ta order and Miss Verna Mlillson read ait address from dthe C.G.I.T. group andI Misses Velma Gilbert and Jean Leach prcsented the bride andI groom with a silver sandwich plate and saIt andI pepper shakers. Miss Ileen Balson read an address from the community qnd Howard Milison presented a case af flatware with service for eighit. jack andI Dorothyv replied very nicely thanking cvery- anc for the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Wonnacott alsa spoke briefly. The remainder af the evening was spent with cards andI dancjag. Lunch was served and the gtiests departed wisrî- ing jack andI Dorathy many *ears of happy married lIfe. Our annual congregational meet- ing was held Thursday evening ini the S.S. raom with a good attend- ance. Walter Blackburn openied the meeting with a hytun and bible reading; Miss jean MfcLean gav'e the devotional story and Misses Ev- elvn Tink andI Ilcen Balsan gave a vocalI duet; Rev. W. Rackhani took charge. Reports of the dîflerent departments were given. \V% T. Taylor was re-elected as eider andI Cecil Pascoe was re-elected as ste- ward. Mrs. Roy Langmnaid gave a reading, and Mrs. John Baker nnd Miss Pearl Leach favored with vocal -k I EBENEZER Brotherhood mecting Februarv 4. at 8 p.m. at M.\aple Grave. Captain Turner. a vetcran blinded ini thc Great War, and a former memnber of Alberta Legislature. will speak. Young Peaple's Union met 'Mon- day evening. Splendid repofls iwere given by the delegates from the Convention held at Lindsav. Sympathy is extended to 'Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith in the los of their littie son. 8 months old. on Saturdav morning. Interment at Newmarket. Friends of'M rs. Jane Osborne were sorrv ta learn she fell dawni stairs. Much sickness is rcported in our vicinity and, alsa glad to report Mjr. Bishop recovering from pnieumoina. CROOKED CREEK The first regular meeting of the newly organized Home and School Club xvas held in the school Tues- day cvening, Jan. 25th. The programi presided axer by Mrs. F. W. Bowen, was presented by the Home and School Club Counicil. The meeting opened with 0 Canada after which the Lords Frayer wvas repeated. The Riekard orchestra under the direc- tion' of Stanley Riekard rendered some deligît fui selections. Follow- ing this Mr. Stanley Rickard gave a clear and concise address showing how a Home and School Club can be of value ta the school and its teacher. Mr. Russell Osborne gave ait instructive address on the work of the Trustees and Ratepayers' As- sociation. Mrs. H. Reichrath, presi- dent of Brown's Home and Sehool ]INFANTS' RUBBER PANTS Sliglitly iri-egular. Regu1ar 39e value. Saturda- IC &%Pair 2 Pairs 29e 14 n. ,n I Is Club wishced aur newlv formed club every suiccess. After a spirited 5ing- song the installation of officers was held: President-S. Hughes; Vice- Presidenit-,M\rs. W. Stringer; Sec- retary.-.\rs. X7. XWood; Treasurer -XVestol Stringer. The meeting was brought ta a close with the ladies providing a dainty lunch. The next meeting, ini charge of Cecil Payne and Dun.reath Farrow, will be hield Februarv 24th. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. \V. Sundav on the 'birth of a babv boy. XVeekend visitors were: M\r. and NMrs. Douglas Ogden and baby at the home af Mr. and Mrs. J. Stone... .Mr. Gordon Clysdale at hpme. and Mr. Raymond Hughes at Mr. S. Thompson's. Our fast f lying boys' hockey teamt suffered defeat at the hands «of the Xelcome teamn 6-4. The hockey pro- vided by' aur bays while far f rom faultless, is interesting ta watch and the improvement shown in each start speaks well for a good junior team iin a feW More years. MION C. G. I. T. met at the home of Miss Doris Leach on Saturday. Next meeting is to be a sleigh- riding party with suPper at Miss Eileen Stainton's. .WEEK*END SHOPPINO NEWS, family, Mr. ard Mrs. A. T. Stain- tan and iamiîy at Mr. Alan Lavis, Whitby. Mr. Frank Pascoe and daugh- ters, Miss Irene Pascoe at Mr. Arthur Moare's, Enniskillen. Mr. Harvey Balsor, Couumbus, Miss Marion Baisan, Oshawa, with their parents, Mr. and Mirs. J. W. BaLson. Mr. and Mis. A. T. Staînton visited at Mis. Jno. Stainton's, Oshawa. Several children are home with the measies. Mis. J. W. McMastcr entertain- cd the ladies o! the W. A. at her home. Mrs. Jas. Stalnton is able ta be up arourd again. W]ILL EMPLOY 500 N Anrouncement was made to- day by John D. Mansfield, presi- dent o! the Chrysier Corporation o! Canada Limuted, that the new $3,000,00 ergine manufacturing plant o! the Chrysier Corporation o! Canada Llmited will in the near future commence prodling com.plete Canadian-bufit six-cyl- irder matais for Chrysier, ]Ply- mouth, Dodge and DeSoto cars.' Dodge and Fargo tr~ucks and com- mercial cars. About 500 men will be empIoyed In the new plant. The truth most required la the HYACINTHE BQLBS .-.Thicse flouvers are potted andI pai-tly grown. Speclal 190 r Eaeh Suedene Bridge Covers Seconds Sianîling bargain ini Suedene Covers. Colons ai blue, maroan, green, red andI sand. Regr. 79c Q Bach 39 REAL HANDY WHISKS Bouind with thnee heavy strands. Excellent Value. 190 Each Orono: goal,L1 1. r. - - - -w ~w- -. ~ .,,.u. -. *~~- PAGE VIVE Saturday Sale of E.P.N.S. Fiat Silverware Dainty "Geneva" Pattern Plated wth Silver on 18% Nickel Base INCLUDED ARE: Sugar Sheila Soup Spoons Regularly 50e Each Teaspoons Tablespoons Table Knives Table Forks Dessert Knives5 Dessert Spoons Butter Spreader EACH Salad Forks jM ', f' Mc 'îîers (if St. George*s Branich, O'Iauma, and 30 members of th1u Nexý castie Biranich 11n Mondav night. MNr M. 'Marks, the Presidenlt, acted as cliairman. 1;rth : MNcLeod- In Newcastle, Jani 23rd, ta Mr. and Mirs. A. Nlc- Lu'.a dauighter. Marriage: Puckrin- Parsons- At the residence of the bride's father, J. L. Parsons, Darlington, on Jan. 221ld. by Rcv. S. F. Dixon, 'Miss Corvtta Mary Parsons, to Lorne Tli,,mas Puckrin, WVhitbv. H ampton M Nrs. J. IL. Johns feil o1n the ice Moniday and fractured her left arm. M rs. Theodore Salter als, had a had fall on the ice. ENFIELD \lr. and 'Mrs. Milton Samis arc Nxisîtiig at Mir. Fergus A-bcrnethv's, Maple Grave. Mr. Aibert Niddery and Nfr. Cal- vini Niddgry ' Toronto, and'Mr. John Jailis, Columnbuls, visited at Mrs. J. M ccl llochs. Mr-. Carl Ferguson. Bowmianville, at Mri. 17. Ormistan's. Messrs James Starks. Ralph Orm- iston and Carl Ferguison attended the h",ckev match at the Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Saturday night. Mfr. Ralph Ormistan lhas been re- engaged at Mr. Russell Rabbins' for anther ycar. Mr. J. Hubbard lias returned froin the Oshawa Hospital much inîprovcd in health. TYRONE PAGE FIVE solos. A Xcantest vas put on andI lunch served. Ou- Young People's Ui-intuer- taincd Maple Grave IUnion on iMoii- day' evening wsith about 80 pureseîiî. Oui- lresident. Mliss Ilcen Balsun opened the meeting andI welcamed the visitai-s. Miss Betty Sniowden. Fresident of Maple Gi-ave Union took charge andI an excellent pro- grin was given which was much enjoyed. Recreation svas in change af Misses Margaret Scott an<l Ruth MicKessock. Lunch was served andI a social limne enjayed. A very succcssful pie social andI (lance xvas heltI in the Sons Hall on Tuiesday evening under auspices oI Division. Elmer XVilbu- auctian- cd the pies andI Stainton's orchestra pi-ovided music lor- dancing. Pro- ceeds about $14.00. WV. 1. iill miccl Feb. l0th in the S. S. room at 2 pin. Program iii charge ai group 3. RoIl caîll Car- adian Authars." Mi-r. andI Mrs. Jack Reynolds andl familv visited Toronto friends Sun- dayv. M r. Jack Baker, 'Misses Helen Baker andI Margaret Scott at Mn. Miaurice Baker's, Concord. Mi-. ar)d Mrs. HL E. Tink. 'Miss Evelvi Tink andI Mi-. ei-cy Dewell at Mi-. O. Ciuickshank's, Peterboro, on Suniday. 'Mis. Tink remained fo- a vusit with friends there andI aI H astings. Mrs. SitI Hackaday andI Ernest Hockaday îvith Taronto Iriends. visiting at Mi-. Thos. Baker's. MNi-. andI Mrs. Chas. Werrv, M.\r andI is. Meredith MaffIatand fam- ily. Oshawa, at Mn. S. E. XXerry's. MNi-. and M.\rs. Cecil Bushi andI David, Columbus. with Nfrs. S. Buish. Mi-r. andI Mi-s. Walter Riekard andI Mi-. Garnet Rickard, Shaws, at Mi-. John Baker-s. Friends ai Mi-r. Frank L, Mason, Hai-manv, ai-e pleased ta know he is i-ecovcring niceîy alter lus aper- ation for- ap.pendicitis in Oshawa Hospital. COWLING SEILS FOR LES and Serves You WeII When you phone 695 you are assured a speedy delivery of a highest quality product at the Jowest price. - - Regular Low Prices 50c Fruitatives - - -29c Dutch Drops- - - bc Pinex--------32c Fellow's Syrup - 89c Nova Kelp. 79c-$1.39-$2.79 Dodd's PiRs - - - 27c 100 A.8.A. tabs.- - 19c Colgate 's Shave Or. - 19c Nose Pepsodent Vacuum fronized Drops Antiseptic Bottles Yeast 23e 25c 143c - 79e 29C 1 S8 C Heinz Baby Soup 2 for 19 Ovaltine --38c-58c-98e Pablum - - - - 45c Baby's Own tabs.- 23e Steedman's Powd.- 22o Ri~EN :r- Castoria- - - 29a-59c SALTS 25c Noxema - - - 15c 10 Cakes Castile Soap 25ce £----~ 500 Kleenex- - - 33e e Hlot Watetr Botties 39 -69c -89c -$.09 69C 65P.R. CORWING, Druggyist'"u7 Our Optical Service assures you absolute satisfaction iu fît, quality and price. -ý4

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