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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1938, p. 6

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THE C.\NADIAN ST \TES\î \ I .DXX M \"NXILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SIX 41 - bu ttesei ax ictttittd iooife CADM US tit <ittiteit. lc. Hitiand lC.Ci ___________________actitt iX iîîg diliteauc atre c ii ir MAPLE GROVE Mrt. Cla-.euice t o i I t ma5 mlii itt NIr. Nei nndiait .-mtiîxe ilitur N.aIl NI Clarentce. Titiii n horse la'.t weik. liane liettiquite ih bttare (ui ïaiii 1ifamilv.iHîliîtîi. iitlit Nr. ,atlnd îtr. Miss Muriel Fallis iii'. '.tiired a ux*ciiiitiiXl 1 tilcin u iuu positionî iin 'Oshaa. ist ill i iiiitelt o titi iouse. MNýI i'. ildla R iiharts'ii thiiîer Aiînial Cotigregationalilîîîetiîîg Nliss' Lela '.XVel'.liandtis u".Dur- parents..Mr. andî Nr'. .\lfrriî Riclit beld oit Tlursda eneuiîlg w a-, loîîIî InSivinfotil are takitgte tshort I Nl'.'* X a Trttb(.1ttotb1. s-ery well attetîdedin îg tO te zero course ûun Doîîîe'.ic Science at iweather. Rev.. H. Bell toîîk chatge Droite.le andl gave a vir ecmragig reporti Suira iii tite district aretit, l'..Ediia Six allisv is luotit fruit of te w'ork on thte XW. D. jini their stîppîn cf ici. Tîritiî. Ferguson. Secretarv, reail tte mit- iSy ntpaity is extended tu Mrs . W ýiigIepesvstdSl utes. Edgar Gibsot'i teiorteil for the Cattîtattil Mrs. E. Sil et iutle COur ittPep'.iitlSoiî S. S. that the atîîdaîîce andl intietst daî i herc1ii Nr iah'.ICtotoitnlotian est ttitcand lre- bail been sustained. Citas. Gibscmn1 Houper tif Dakwoucl. port aitl îu Cbl veîîitîg. gave the Treasuirers repotfr lthOe Nr a1Ms.F Hn -nu i.s N'..1oî'Baker. Sulina, visiteît S.S.. NMiss Helen Fuis er tepottediiiîî- MNies.nI . t. SMiti 'irtlBaeti teresliutg, instructivt,.reguiar nîcel- Newan ste lNs f art.,Citc ici ttîttolsi insb itglel in teYoung Peu- Nicste ut iFtIî. 4tlinNiapli Groxe Hall. pIes League. 1Mrs. H. Gailbraiilî Nir. and MNrs. K. Sqîîair visitedi sL'. Sk,u ýNlr. H-arris. Turnter, To- gave a detaileil account of the '.rrk- ~ otSîdvat ted .r iîg cf te \. A. andi is splenddvc ee contribution te the Missionarn Funil. Nr. andtI rs. K. Xerrn seere Nr.a:il Nfrs . Ted Bagneil. Toxwn, Trusuers eprt f it X. -\ irs uiilsd istors xihhii' parents,.iriINr. atidNir'.. R. R. Stevenîs. giveit by Mrs. 0.\IcQtiade. XX. I.Nsr.. Xiry sitn in ti hoir. Nfr, Noble Netcalf bai litis tonsils Ferguson in is report showed te r. . A. Hertzburg is atiiie~ etîni t orîatii uptl churcît finances in gouil shape anil musical festival in Ttorontto. Iandî t' doute iticel',. obligations met. A hearty vote of Nir. arnd Nrs. E. Silver havi tak- Nirs. Ciha'. Dxfordi, i. tiil under appreciatiqu xxas tendereil te Rev. j. iti a lth echap le educate andl 0tute ctur '.cari. H. ellanl t lie itucitTrasuersiare the comlorts cf titeir fine WX. D. Ferguson for tîteir valueci toîtte. The box is surels lu be cun it services. Lunch seas semveiland a gratulateil on flis uoi 'f ortuxne.B AC iC social tinte spent. I_________________ _______________________ 1' LONG SAULT Rectlaîisi'îots Mt'.. J. Strong at Nir'. W. Ciîap- SALEM Nir. Fýrank RîtIlle1, Filmoutton, nait. Port Pettv. t .Iberta, visituil -Nîr. anti Nrs. Dito Nî1r. George C:arter i'. takinga "The Citurcit Agaiitst the XV'orl' XVirtîîe. Msing course iin Toronîto. the subjeet of Rex..X. ANWr. udaaMNr. Richrd FGibbsoseit Master Ross Grahant, DOshaxwa, March's splendid sermon ia'.î'Sun- BSuîîîilayaIî. FilFigs it".sit Nrs. D. Graltant. day. BumNfrll. teHtteatland M rs. N. -E. Wright, Y.P.U. meeting on Jan. 26t1t %vas SchooI Club (lance at Newx Park. Jean andtil ima Crvdermnait, under leadership cf NMiss NI. Ccii- i Tutsdav îigitt. ~îiî,xiî i.atlNt. .Lt acuttl, social -vice. Re. .. X Narcb Nir. an- Nirs. Harrv Fraser Ms.E.Lain gave an instructive talk on te mani- retuimneil Item Toronto. Mm. Fra- m ufacîuring of Ccd Liver Dii : bible ser ltad sîveral X'-rays sheltuin tth1we Nfr a t N ir. . titt saliMr reading was taken by Miss L. Wclsh ; Ciîn. o ntey at r. C.Busal topie by L. Squair;-mouthorgait se- Nis, Susie Vant Cantp spentte atN<s.XX Gifiti îikilliîeî. xitlî ections bv C. Collactit. A i(îttest îîî-t-kîtd i Nr. R. Knux's. Hauttp-itmstN.LrteGiin iras cond-ucteil ;by te leader for the itoit. le ,iM.LreGif social period. Attendatice 15. Nr. R<brMtlo i.ti i. a Irs. C. Xilsonu. Gîveit andrl Uiice i NI Mr'..H. Saîttel'>.. Mir. andl NIrs. Lloyd Richards and 1 Pettîarleit. Leskard.Ni'. îîie\retxittfiti.ii familx aîîeîudcd tîte 4211d Xeeding Homre aîîd Scitool Club meits Feli. D.itaxea. annirersarx of bis parents. Nir. and tI t. NMr. Howardl Bailex is it Toîrontîo Mrs. A. Richards, Enniskilleiî, Sat- for attlmmîiraîlotî. urday eenrîng. other menthers ufthIe Nlrs.. D. XX. Braîhbîriu lias'. beeî iamily irere aIse there Itemn Toronito STARKVILLE i] andl Bexmanville. Salernt rienils _ .Aimîsal c<'ttgregatioittal meeting cfi join in wishing 'Ir. ad itNrs. A. Sumi sîtendeil the lutterai oi Nirs. Black'.t<ck UntedicCiîxîrclit xasliteldc Richards ntanY more happvyxredding Robert Reid. Niaîmy more Worîulr a.2tt sp ukspi su annis'ersarie!.hase attetnd liîad te minIs andI did lurit trit ciite. bi a pot Ilîck Sente of our chuiren members are ineather biiit lit. siipper, but a ver,. xeell balatîceil ________________________ MNr' Gordon Triti vi'iîîd OinnDemaI iras itijovil Nrs. Jabezi aira. XWrightî rearl"New Vears Resîlît- NMr. attîl Nîrs. Sidîtîx Lockbart at to, v elie \IcCliiig. Rev. FH. MsJonNrma -*s . pBell lErl ncoîîraging te-1 Nliss Halioxecîl callee lot purt'. xerc gixeut frotît unitstîriai Nlr. . 1 Nellr.and ti -iriîîtbvtIti uasior. andil ront Wi I A P EM iss J. ile whNfs.C IN L P P NIi. iet iîW rii is . XX. N.S. lin Nrs. C. Hill,. -s.P. A. Cirait. Newxcastle. hr NI rs. C . .\arl(oxr: Y. . I.U.. l% MIrs. Lorne Todîl lia'. tuttietl Mss eacock : ilie Sutea Scul N ow Is The Time home front ber latters, iinNiait- bv îîeruîe,îeîî .Idorrellsd se'. Hp, ,lriiotted il ait a geadiattenilance of Labor costs less Ni r. Rob Farroxe. Po irî liie 1x0ti 1û : a'I, lix thti Treasturer. Jahîiz Wallpaper clearing lunes Cxdl. ;gtmilb nse;'tcsrl selling for haif price. ville. at Nr. XVm. Haloxrwell*s. 1-inr'. are : Sic.,' N. ýNituitttjoy Nir'..I. Sîark ai Nî\rs. Darlitiglti,Bariti Seral .-iuît 1v New Sunworthy and Sun- RendaI. C. XWrighît, C. Ntarhsîw. J. Forîler, G. NMr.aitil Nrs. Ross HalloxeilI autelSlrmitg. H,. Sîaint, P. X'ail Caîîp tested papers now on dis- Nir. Williamn Halloxecîl ai Port l. . Wrigilt, XXqNarloxe. J. XX. Bral play and in stock. Hope. îtîrît, E. Lartîir. R. Bivcrs. .Xpprec- _Nîr. Lasitit Farrose auttis~'tit.iation cfnitie meetinîg sea'.exîîîendl Nfiss Ecîna, motoredti Nilll'r'l'Ik luth Iastir. Iti'. xi fi antîlotîters ____________ iritre Niss Edîtalita. sectirîtI a xxo lia lualblrerl to htiuig tItiscar'. positi,)nithde drxug store thiri. wXi , to a '.uucess.ftl fittisht. N\Ir'.. Russell Savirs is oui te 'ick _________________ WOOL it Aouîr ceuugregatiîîual miniîig ail TRINITY CHURCH See our.special wool for the cutI ufficîrs xee re-electesl. Fi______ trliai repiorts xee in fr'.î eluis'. Continued from page t) baby garinents - Beehive standing. lS2i Tt titstiarlitou for mitens Angoa for Serrure ai Sîtiloit on Sutîdan x ,as 8.0. ruîthv hXl r..sttrike'. grtit for mittens Angora for nul xelî attendeil oîing totori \vut'.Nr..îruns.,grul SCarfs, bonnets, gloves day. witili $S4S44. Fiitts-eue îqu1î'. in NIr.. . L Trttiami'tI'. i1 atît itii NI r'..R. E. l)iunixrells and sweters, vr vsite.îLaI Nir.anI NIts Silt grouip takiug tue leail'iut tii' xorl, and weaers vervistedat M. ad Brtitit itiite tilîs. QîtecitStreet rircle Trims nt(lettî 324 t misel'. and sold il i. Mrs. Geo. NMortont ltas tttiril BInxe'. cf fruit amnI flemîer'. sein Il home and Nirs. Harhl Barroxeclougit setnt tsitite sirk, S20) xas doniatiîî J. . EW LL of Xeslevville, us staying sitit ber to te lîristma'.ias-kets anîd $200i J. W EW L ther, N$Mrs.NJohn Nca elt heloradS6t P hione 556 B anI I ewtonille, at Nr. 'tîhîîr ir \c- lithe . siciatiour îtertaitemîthe choir, t ow'nianvi Ras i îresiuitl NMr. antI Nit'. Francris Sut- Nui s. Nera Hallîîxell is muîton t i I gi fus. rattredIfluithte. ot UW improred irontlitemrre.nt illttes'.. rgticaoeu m ueî .îîeî parîy frt Nr. anttI N fr'. . -. I. Elii. tt.h Sîart uîg te ve,îr xîiui a bialanceri of $24. 84, ttthe rhip tfih'. i lea ý-car wi uta lbalattcte 4 (3l X ~ 1' a rr y i i~ prx ii'.lyrîlurtem xi iO retîru t tire un u ,u'. tti esI nd concuntrating processus c ii Surtteav coillections were 's98Û.12, ait 1 ule on ai Eldorado Mines andl l'u ti ofae S 45'6, the '.litikiifferiutg. ruffiîni ng of the Pîteiibiende ccii- $2291].81, aut itîcrease oif $33ua-centrates at Port Hope. He poi,'t' iig a totual iiîrrease of S781).1 x - u1 eut thai as ut ,vas flot feasible îmeîiiîîînes xx ire aise, tîII$2;2. lian- ltotransport lihe unermous qltan- iîîg tatu actual sutrpus' f $252.47. h1 s oi centc ais used un Hie '_\tutuIiui sierii xîîtîîî(itunî s idtr- rufJuningo'cessus telthe minus, îîug tuie x ,mrxirecr $4,31 fît iîî'.îîraîtea suitable loaUion for thexrork usiuriIIIuilt ute xiîî Vie 'preaîîmm e hr obu found elsuiîlere. Pr titre rî,î'.. $110 ît aritutitc ope a seuced," lbe saicl.bu aid2,37 fotreî iltî tr» i'.tt ttefcauser.gbai te proper conditions Ciltrîti. offpoer as. watur, and buid- Tr, a.sturet(-r e,. XV. Ja.tîr,. s avaîlablu, and was cuntrally , rlCýý ocatud for obtaîning chientîcais." trîmîîe îm tticîtruetu e .k fti ,Moreve Toronto %vas too ac- 1ti lIe s ttu f tti luurrt fmrcessible 10 sight'.seeing crowds. to tlv f tlc C 1 iclifor To illustratu the magnitude off titiriîagiiueiî x îrk alftI _XrIttif. the opurations being catried on ttii 7x ii m igri gauiii ail 1ti lie stalul that in 1927, 25M0 tons t. fficietur.% i <fti.tctiilt.\\'alter cf chenticals, 180,000 gallons off \Xiilix.fuel cil, and 2000 tons off coal wutu Music Report usud at Port Hope. Entploymnt Dr. T. 'A. PatrirîgciataltIie i iii- was gus'en to 55 men in the truat- suti f iruermitig tlit ibrivfest reuiiirî ment off 300 tons off concenîratus of tIi x . ti Il. xas t., tii, fir.t and the production off îwo grants t tuiat aIl %xs'.xxeîî îstîî t1w elusur. art(]off radium per ntonth, witli a 1 tlat ticiflaireil citicliyearly payroll off $75.000. So ra- thî ,ttl ratice uit clitrelu ICii9l.ipidly bas the work buen uxpani- ta la-st year severai oîd hi~~~~~ tu1:î 1r'.ir Jatii.r hem buildings îîad 10 be tom bien and .îriat-tgai -1,, aitîl Nfr,, 'sruplacud by nuw cnes with gruater ( )ttl aii'.'a siiitt itii r.. floor space and nmore up-to-date Report of Session equipmunt. l" 1r e t 1 titiSîssu! in x, e ne the company is welfin- '.11 î i il. i l,('.m'î 'uîî~aneilandi s u r ptee.sixe, Dui-- f l).37 tire xxii .2h bant Couinly maN seelbu îîoud ef îu îutitai nd.m 1(l17 imt riLsneus indus luN, xruebici ishe 111uIiuti rls , uîlkilig a ý i' t of largusi of ius kîni in the usorli, 93('. uiîîltIi x111(.n oiland its POS-sibîllimies for tite fuiture ai( 1 .d3î..ilIl, ll , ae al otunhinilîci. as the in- 3I ri\- b_ a l usîrual x.ussoff radium %iml .çoon 15 io tîe-. f faiiil lii ýgi ar ouîtslrip thie meehical s:de off its importance. Wliat nîîîmk- iiuîî i ti ~)'. tI, îsîhuî îîîîîable strires thte radium nîidutry hîîr'i,tsl 830iii S), i1;01it ituu as maie in Canada sînce 1927. m-t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 )ie(um l lteiîui îîîiT> alilieugli uranium roc k, front ou, '.' taitla-t \Carutiil5"tZ ailwiih radium is obtaînci, eau be taf )131 ut 5 li',tiautn i antracucu back onu billiont, ilirue agi. It shuitulti i îxîmlliîiluliat itut'Itundreil million Sears. îîîeîîîhm)tr.huuîm roll ilturiiig r e e etut Dr. Frank Trebilcock mosed a iiîîîlis sei. reviexeel xery vlsl ote off tlîanks te Mrs. Cole and wiii tuante'. tf a ctisidimraîîle itît i-Mr. Friend who liad blped te Juin s ein rîunoed, sotte hase dier,provide such an excellent pro- Grocery Specials for the Weekend QUAKER CORN FLAKES, QUICK QUAKER MACARONI & SPAGHETTI AMBER HONEY NO. 1 WHITE HONEY PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES2 LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS SHERRIFF 'S FANCY 3 DESSERT PRUNES HEINZ CATSUP HEINZ TOMATO SOUP CALUMET BAKING POWDER QUICK QUAKER OATS, glassware CLASSIC C.JEANSER RED ROSE TEA SILVER RIVER SOCKEYE SALMON 3 pkgs. 25e pkg. 15c 4-lb. pail 45c 4-lb. pail 60e 2ige, 1 small 29e 3 for 25e 3 for 23c 2 Ibs. 25e bottie 19e 3 small tins 25e lb. tin 25c pkg. 30e 2 for 9c 1-2 lb. 30c r small 15c, AYLMER VEGETABLE TOMATO0 SOUp 3 tins Roman Meal BEOKUS, COFY SUB, LISHUS pkg. EPSOM SALTS 5 lbs. ORANGES VANSTONE'S EGG MASH 2 doz. 35C FUL-O-PEP FEEDS HARRY ALLIN Bowm- T1ItRSD X . RUARY 3 D, 1V. * thcrýinîovel away and somle %vere grain. He also paid tribute to Sir ported its most successful year. daiilitur - f Nr. ailnd r- NCýI k , rikk.i CG.r o rke . tttîktt~vit. 'Ihoma.s Stanton. a Durhami boy. Twenty dollars was donated to 1r. lulea\ . ihhni t î.rîiry . î .cra .C Rk . J Oîhc r statistic s sowcd il adnllt whose death occurred recently. 'Missions. and representatives were lier b 1, ir hirutit'.. , i c-JiI. ansvke R baptisins'. 23 infant hapti'.ms. 1; Sir Thomas." he said, "obtained !sent to the Y. P. U. Confference alou ca'. ul hi iir.Iit , a e1 id iarriagc'.-nid .38 l)rials. the highest. medical degrees it iS at Belleville. A balance of $3.08 ie mîl 5Npl i ,jer JlUisi copy. Reie acun suwî tta r-possible to win in the British Emt- remained in the bank. The Union The~ filitkîa1lot k ilacu 1- filiii h Relef ccini shwe toal e-pire.- During bts early manhocsd was highily commended for its parit' lme n%iii il R FE SRtO E ceipîs Sltt8. expenidittures for fuel, be was a close friend off Dr. Wil- year*s work. PRO ESS R D.E lshoe'..'clotling and other assistance liants. the two attending the'same The meeting opened with a de- WaArlaDatunot H*at. tPhu iS(18.94. leavinmz a balance on band of i nodel school. votional period. and at the close!""li .'. & 'tidîictcdil,îtîtîlu lh In- WA DE ISPh S39.8'7. At the close off the prograin the the Women's Association provid- tîiriit %*isa' ifluiiilis 1 ià tI lit thte edction of memibers to the genial host and hostess. Dr. and ed refreshments with membersof Cctittu. Scriee. i tle lild CI ongratulations are ùue Prof. Comrniit tee of Stewards these wefre Mrs. Frank Cole served refresh- the Y. P. U. serving. 1aitIlle ra'iNi(le wru e iin th( iFnk CI*,;.oH W. oîN sonfoRe elected for thre e -,. ars: F . C . V anl- m en ts an d a sociable ha f h our the__ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ iltwiitî com petin g is th esis for th e d e- 51 11. eo W J me , r. j. c. w as enjoyed by the large num ber trou gli o.c te. f R ex.1id jU Dt ie v . F . . m r s , D . . D l , C o. m m e s f t e c u r s n . i u î o r î i x . n e l t i i s ig re e o f D o c to r o f f P h ilo s o p by a t Weit -.F.'ors %. S le7. o ebr ftecu rsn sn fTiit 'lt, ,ir. Princeton University, N. J. Doc- 'R. Kerslake, Dr.. C. , lmlj. and their many Toronto guests OBUTUARY Thei lait rites. wcr larg(l I. I tor Foiey is a '29 graduate of A. Cule, S. R. James, Rav J. Dili- "ho formerly lived in Port Hope. . eil andi natîî florltiuitn . itiUniiversitY ospornt n ur itg:fo to eas o il vcacisThe meeting, one of the most in- endette. F-loral îffieriiig "e ing lils course therespt the lutg fo remwo \ars o f E lîjoîand estrciead1noal o eetRev. W'. J. Haggith, California fy ltîrandl Ia(lîli. Nr- -îîs on geologicai surveys ini iet b et a of i . E. Hacrtant.d years. closed with the singing off Rev. j. P. Berry. Edmotnton. Ata..Bîîrleiglî attd fatili]-'Nîr. anduîl -. Sudburv. Northern Quebec, New- dvt W. H.\irks adEd.X. Nelles Dr.Auld Lang Syne. basforariled -ns tte f-ll.x Garitet K faI tatilv, Nît. andl oudand and Montana. After The folîowing were elected mcmn- uhitîîar.% of Rex. W. J. Haggit, il MNr>.. Fratik Cux andlRitîY î graduating lie taught one year at ber ofthesesio fo thec eas S. ~ CHU CH titîe ut Darlington,î\%-ho passeil and -Nrs. George Corku al faîilî. Dartmouth Coîlege in New Hamp- Harrv Crivdermian. .Rov Wcbber, aason Janitiary 9tb .anlN r. -Iwrl <xI. .shi nd orwo yearsetoo.k Fne- PecvCulig,_ Earl Osborne, Ru'. Rev. William J1. Haggit, B. amIt(Nfrs. Nick Ktiaîuîî, Thte Rtrt lwhi ok tPmneo ic e c lin(Continued from page 1) BD. was hum in' Darlington Town- io Chili. I)cl)artttteiiît 271 4f the then he has been Assistant Pro- WrXXP.Corbett, Johni Heul- balance on hand at the end off ship 66 \cars ago. his parents being Gouodyear Tire & Rîthber 1< ittiln fessor off Geology and State Qeo- 'c r. G L X - gar an d X. J. B e rrv . Th e e a f $ 3 9R i ar H a g t a d S u n al J ar t te ei i o r . T t fl îxer 1I ai - lo g ist a t U n iv e rsity o f N o rth D a - Rc X .Rgr a ppitd TeFnnll~sonis. He started to attend Salem Cers were NL. Tatusn. . N,-rtiii, kota at Grand Forks. la permanent ex-officoo iinber of A large nae inae ngivings etolwîe exas sho%%"lotr' asu _________John____________________________ th bcSession. noted in the financial report, with age, at t'le tim'e whn Nr. on ______________________________________ j. J. Niason pr esented the report total receipts from aIl sources of weuir sternachrioT aii6 of the -Nlissionarv andl Maintenance $3788.99. with the exception off moyedto wsenOtroaot( Funid. During thte year a total of the Mission account. Total ex- yars agu andl later William vent îto $2921.54 was raiseil. Titis incident- penses were $3390.27, leasing a XWinnipeg andl attended the Collegiate alIv is une of the largest allotmens balance off $39872. Instittute and Xcsley College, re v r U nrs l Coniference. revealed that the allocation off Arts, anI Theologi. Hi was ac-1 The Sunday School $82000 which includes the W.M.S. cepteil as a îrobationer fo&r teUif ifi- Our policy for over haif a cen- Charles H. Mason reported for thte aoersscbd.itybtîe ititbaad otl".. tury has been neyer to be Stîndaiv Scîtool and aI filiateil grouips. lVomen's Association XVest Conference it 1900 endl ias Sunday Scîtool, of which Dr. J. C. This was an exceptionally busy siationenl at Lacombhe. lberta. Hi Iudrod Hr r e Devitt is Stipe r rntendent, and 'Mor year for t.he Women's Association. . 1ntoito lcei doti nesod .Hr r e ley X'an_,sone, Sec rcîarv-T1-eastire r. A total off $844.27 was raise.d which sixier1lte at li evelot raised $674 froîn which .it gave $100 together with the balance at thelBaîtîf Uwo% teritisi Calgary, Cattin-mpe tu the M. & M . F nîîid, and after ex beginning of the year m ade a to- ros, C riai n d o t n I-i b_ _ _ pessof the scitool were mnet bail tal off $847.50. $801 was given to lanîds) andI Jasper. Thnee nears agO pense o ' the managers, and after other li10xras furceil lu retire 01 1 accoirit aiFuh----Ie27 .ixýgilar noldith veexpenses were met a balance re- Of a seVere illitess. fromi îticli lie 114 141h - --Ig. 7 CUI. roîîî o wbchMis Vs-mained off $15.71. It was rprt- never fîllxv recovceei. He tliiied'Nùlnf Old Dutch Cleanser 2 for 17e C.GI.T grupsof hic '.Iis Ve -ed by the ladies that the Associa- janularv 9tb. 19'38, at La Jolla. Cal- ta Spargo is Supiriiitenident. anîd tion wass moving by graduai stagesi iforitia. Ile beli Iin A.lberta Confer-"4 Cashmere Bouquet Mýis'. Novilda Berri. assistantt 5uP- toward free-will offerings. The ence niativ positions of rcsponsilbility. 2fr i erintvrident. Association beld ffewer tuas dur- iincltiling tte rsidetiic\-, siSvtoap 2-or - Eigbt g irlIs attenderl Suminier ing the year, and thesu were re- the confidence ail e'.teem uf lusapFlks fr 7 Canîîîî a Stonev Lake, anil $10 iva' piaced by voluntary givings. ýbrcýthren. The xxriter. evîr silice tuiricssSa]Faes2fo.7 tlorateil lu thieNM. & NI. Funil. Cash C. G. I. T. had rucipts off $27.12 dla Sin.i Salent sebool lias citerishiteohfr5c WoddysFca balance carricil forwaril ias $11.95. and concluded thu yuar witb ali' frit tidili) a'. ibat <f fie uthîrs. B t o 5 oduysFca (<nier the leadership of XXilfreil balance off $1.82. Dite incidenît in bis life is xxorîlîn of Soap - - - - 3 for 25c Hantlex tIti Youing PeoleiXiUnionî Sunday Suhool iît.Tht laie 'Mr. Rîîtleige, a hall a inosî succes'.fîi year. Tite A splendid report wa given off iteiolîit ten nlearîx 80 Nears of Lux Soap) - - - - cake 6c ionis piaxs at enenîniig services in titi ance bas been maintained stead- to titi ladl of six wiclî xeere a - '.îîlîrcça -4 or15 cbu cb.aj pneseitte(I over $100 10o ily. Gross rucuipts $135.96, and a ýof inspirationî for bis whole liliatlSC nat eeih tite NI. & M. Fî-inîî. Tiere sras a balance off $9.48 rumainud af ter to wseiticli ie of teîî rel erred w~itl theItitis eigi bîalanlce of $288. ex-penses were paid. A donation i deeîîest gratitude. Sa - - - - 5 for 24c Ladlies Bible CIaslia'. 49 active off $15 wa made 10 thu M. & M. Dîîriîtg hi'. collegi course lite ias Sa ntemîjers andi1,3 a ssociale nmemrbers. Fund, and $6.75 toward the Lib- ittarricil l Mis Carolitne Trittîie Ask us about a aysOnSa o 2 Thti clas'. raiseil $7373 .nîdionateil ary. cif Lacorube. to whloin t tere wxere the great advaltages Bof sOnSop-3 o 2 S50 tlu the NI\. & NI. Fuiinrl. Homte De- Womun's Missionary Sociuty had liu oît, enry- and Chtarles. boîli in ILYRLESS uartirleit tiler MIrs.. X. H. Spargo a successful year, raising a total iiîiiii Edmfonittn. Nîrs. Haggitiî uigILEhESS ____ raiseil Sli.20. off $226.51, off which sum $222.91 diedicil iriiig lis Edmrotnton tia.orate Txreixe e ni mebers liane ' e was sent to thu United Churcll andl lie afterivaril' niarriedIl ur Pond 's Cream with Danya Lotion -- Both for 49e ailhei tci the Craille Roll if shicît truasurur. cous'in, Nfr,. Rtibi Trinibie Cîjjllti'. .Nir'.. Ray J. Dilling is Suîpîrinten- Maplu Leaf Mission Band sent irîo survives Itint. Txro sistîrs aIs. (lenît. Ro-ll is îîew 49. its entiru incomu off $50 to the stîrvive Itint. irs. J. E. Siit., Cal-j Votes of Thankstreasurer for Mission purposes. ga.atlNr.R.X. rest.i Vots f TarksEvening Auxiliary off the W. M. garnîiit<,V. ai Ms tR. W.broters Fred WX. Roîss Strike exteidthle tIti cuit S also had a successful yuar. To- Idnotn lotw rtes rd lies ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (iiitL Daaitiianl]isCatharalesuasset oSeatPtle.ryTras regation's apprciation tc, Rev Sd 1tai recepts weru $231.69. $175 îtîito2atlCare.eatn MUYLVL iti ciiîiir an hibi fa.rnice l ring luxae $331 he wa s pu t erin s i g Ba-c a i r , B w a v lem fl -ar. flowers and fruit to the sick, and J UY &LWL Xlechi o ir sieitsXsiciatioîî alaer.o$3.1$544 rentai ni ngetîtitîMurie l uit B i-.anil atctndaxce c itest betw eeît after oth r expens s w re m et aa fl liîer i la i t.tth cc r e to T ie urB w n anv l restîlleil in Nru. Ella Strikis- group Young Peoplu's Union. with an lier parents.. itn Boxemnanville la Phone 778 WMnil itax iîg tIte Iargest atteitîatîce at tut, enrolîmeýnt off 35 members, re- Beatrice Nlarie Fry. 1] -nicoittIl-oil ._________________________________________ conigregatiîoîal îetiîîg. Dr. C .XW. Slertrit repotting for thîe P'torail Relations Coniiitue >tatel titat Rex. XW. P. Rugîs t5 eîi< art a' . uator for thte litxt Iwo îeeekI.. o tiat tue pastor, Ris. SirI- îles I)aisolî,utiglît liane a m liptlie an(]I etarnied rist. Re. iX. H. X.Folîn brou lific mîeetinîg to a close b\ pronoîîîîciîîg )tu itdicti -n. lc cnrgl i tiiet relaîrcî to the Suiniav Seiu,, l n oni xriîre refreslinents sec 'er- vuef li teXomiis X'.oci atlion andt< a Social bout iras spetît. o <Conlirîued ftonmpage t) a wortbwhile justification to bu- ntanity for its bunèfficent activi- tues. Wu hope that Gilbert La Bine, Presidunt off Eldorado Minus. iîll be so Pluasul wihh Toronto Dur- hant Club that wu ntay procure hum ai a latur date te tellilus hbs fascinating. pionuuring .g' adventuru in Canada's vasi Ihin- terland. During Mmr. Friend's address. whiîch was splundîd]y ilusîrateci bY onu tbousand fuel off ffimt and iiany lantumn slides, lie gave a Indirect Lighting Floor Lamps With Shade Regular $15.00 SALE PRICE $7.50 - HUNDREDS 0F - SMALLER ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND ACCESSORIES AT Reductions as Great as 50%/ Electrie Ranges Reduced as much as 35% General Electrie - Rogers Sromberg - Carlson Marconi Radios Slashed in Price -- Ail New Models Visit Don Christian's today I-undreds of Bargains We Must SeIl To Make Room FrKE KILNUVIIUN SALE 0f Radios,9 Refrigerators, Electrie Stoves Washing Machines and Appliances We have just purchased the building we have occupied for several years as tenants and as soon as possible wili completely renovate the interior to take care of a sur- prising increase in business from Oshawa, Bowmanville and district. First, we miust dispose of a large quanti'ty of over $20000 stock of radios, etc. and offer you the op- portunity of buying now at prices slashed to seli, A few of the bargains are listed below, but there are hundreds of others. 'Visit our store this week while there is a choice of articles and wateh The Statesman for further bargains. 5 Tube Radio Mantel Model Brand New Regular $42.95 ON SALE $1 9-95 Limited Quantity HEADQUARTERS For ail General Electrie Pro- duets, including Radios, Re- frigerators, Hotpoint Ranges, Washing Machines REDUCED TO SELL Several lHundred Canadian Made Electrlc Rulbs 30 - 60 watt 6 for 49c Quebec 500 Cook Stove lee Regular $29-95 Aluminum ON SALE Regular $1.25 $17-95 ON SALE Limited Quantity 39 c DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 Simcoe St. North Oshawa O)pen Evenings M k i i Bownianville $7,e5O f ,1 i. ru ýl ru FFBRUARY 3RD, 1938 niii»uau em min

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