THE C.\N.\DIAN STATI3SM.\N, BOWMAN\'ILLE, ONTARLO TT4UR~fl 5V P'PP0t~50V lfl'ru The Newc Mrs. J. H. Jose had a fo visit with relatives in during the clasingý dayso ary. Miss Frankie Jewell. ville. spent the weekend w Hattie Mason at The N' Arms. Miss Jean Clemence. lias been staying with lier mother. Mrs. Rabt. C. AI bourg. Mr. Chas. Clemence. soloist. assisted an the Ho School Club program ai Cartwright, on Friday His friend. Mr. H. Oswald son. is the teacher at S. S. The United Church School Orchestra. directe< Stanley Rickard. has adde of traps. bass drum, kettl cymbaLs,-. etc. ta its categor musical instruments. ThE played on Sunday by Chas IMake a Nt ,of this: Monarch Crepe- DeLaine A new Wool and Ray a novelty twist. Just thi'ng for that new1 knit suit, dress or pull 29c 1 -oz. Skeii New 1938 Wallpapers, odd lots of 1937 papei Reduced Prices. Large assortmentc VALENTINES Puices to suit everyc JOHNSTON' Book Store Phone 651-- Bowmai Regent Thea OSHAWA Thurs., Fri., Sal FEB. 10 - 12THI 'Stage Doo with Kathrine Hepburn an( Ginger Rogers REVIVAL Friday at I1I p.n' 'The Singin Marine' Starring Dick Powell Mon., Tues. FEB. 14 - 15TH "ManaProof with Myrna Loy and Franchot Tone Wed., Thurs. FEB. 16 - 17TH "First Lady Kay Francis and Preston Foster Progressive Me F 38 Slmcoe St. N. Oshawa, Ont. BON GHRIS The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanviîle, Ontario. Dear Sr: We are Piea.sed tarel tional bargains offered îin au îhe %vide di3txribution and in Ic eCanadian Statesmnax ally surcesful ï ale oai more manville aî'ea. We are Plea.secl t e and trust that ywoî . ii:gi choosing suitable i~a n t DHC : M flatter %vil'. be broughit up at the meeting Feb. 14. Salaried amuni cpal officers for 1938 will be p ORONO NEWS ritas le Idepe dent pointed at this meeting. All Newcastle was deeply sad- Mr. and Mrs. Ab West enter- dened on Tuesday marning by thet ndfriend., at crds Tue.sday oui days' ence. orchestra violinist: but Cal1 the Newcastle Garage and a mem- eein Toronto Fisher handled them at prartice ber af the Municipal Cauncil. Major J C. Garney. as in To- af Janu- and showed Promise af quickly Sîncerest sympathy is feit for Mis. ronto Sunday. his wife returning mastering them. Hoar and for hier three sans,'Hr vt i fe eksvstwt 3awman,- Mr. Adair Hancock. electriral oId. Frank and Ted. Ah sclîajl fiiends. _______________ xith Miss engineer at the power plant aof'valentine fuinctions that were be- Mr. A. H. Davy, Mi. W. H.BIT. CO NG E N S .ewcasgtle the Kerr Addison gald mine. Lai- ing planned have been either Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fra-NGEV NT der Lake district. Northiern On- canceUed or postpor.ed on ac- lick and daughter Ruby visited- : Shaw's. taria. spent the weekend with his rount of Mr. Hoars death. Miss M. Davy and Mrs. L. Fralick EAGLESON - In Boivmanville Fi'iday, February 11th. Eucir ei r grand- pirents. Mir. and Mrý. J. C. Hanl- Two domestic geese. one gray on Sunday. Hospital on Thursday. Febîuary Parts at Odd Fellaws Hall at 8 lîin. Ca- cock. and one white,. were seen in the Mr. Haîry Pearce. versatile 3, 1938, ta Mr. and Mrs. W. L. r'.n. sharp. Goad prizes. Refresh- Miss Helen Baker Satina. visit- lake on Sunday outside the fringe Newcastle correspondent, m a de EaýÈesan. Os~hawa. (nee Helen ments.- baritone ed her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. W. af icebergs opposite Mir. C. S. the Orono News office a friendly Osborne), a son. Rcbert James lome and J. S. Rickard. and was of invalu- Horrocks' lake front pîoperty. It caîl Wednesdlay. i Brotherhaod of Enniskillen Cir- t No. 6. able assistance to them in their is feared that t.hey have since Miss Hilda Gamsby is visitîngcut ilmeta Enskln ev ening. capacity of hast and hiostess ta rperished and it hias not been in. Toronto. Church an Tuesday, Feb. 15, at 8 d Ander- the United Churh choir and their learned whose they weîe. Mr. R. Mr. Heîb Barrett, Toronto. MARRIAGE p.m. Mr. A. M. Hardy and Dr. J. 3No. 6. escarts an Friday evening. B. LeGresley first noticed them iioted checker player. visited his C. Devitt. Bowmanvile. will bei Sunday Mr. Perey Brown who cut his and tried ta reach them as they brother, Mi. Wm. Barrett. CANDLER-BAGNELL-At Bath-!getspaes ci by Mr. hanci so badly on a saw eariy in swam amnong the pieces af bro- led a set t.he wvinter hias been reruperat-1 ken ire belaw the edge of t.he SYmpathy is extended ta Mr'. urst Street United Churchi Par-Mui le di-umi. in., at the home af his brother. beigs; but hus att.empts onîy ser- Wm. Hoar on the death of his s'anage. Toronto, by Rev. Gar- Mui Teaching ry ofi ts Mir. Hammand Brown. Paro rnlo asar hmaa.Te brother Ed. at Newcastle. don Domm, an Saturday. No- .ey ivere by. Hîs nephew. Mr. A 1 f r e d hiad prabably been washed dlown Over 80 members af the Short vember 20, 1937, Bernice I. onîy T. A. PARTRIDGE s. Clem- Brawvn. is stîll driving the mail on sorte creek int the lake by the Courses and friends attended a daughter ai Mr. and Mis, W. J. Organist - i1rector I'rînity Churrh NewcstleR. R 2.unseasonable wveekend floods. skating party Tuesday night. Fol- Bagneil. Bawmanville. and Mr. Bowmanville - Phone 313 NewasleR.R.2.lawing two hours skating the par- Stuar't R. E. Candler. eldest son Piano - Organ - Singing Board af Eduration Febîuariy tC. G. I. T. met Friday. February weddterwytthecu-oyh aeRy ade niNtrlVolce Production S2. ieapitdMretie Al-4taRl al was answered by tytua functioning ai the organs 1.n Schiool Attendance Officer at each giving a current event. Mis. ci! chamber where a social hall- Mis. Candler.wihpoueviefrsnig elcaur and lch af sar ndc. Careful study in formation oai Mr Jî. aWyaradlre appmbofedGl kny ea rorm the Missinckeadcafed r n.oe.consonants and vowels. Correct- Mi J W rale ammbr fStucly ak.yPgram onelisted MsCaelae oa avstDEATHS 'ing faults which take clearness anther hM e emiLb'aîy Berdfoai edig b raePoel iner daughter in Toronto. ___________-s n eaac îmvie anthr hre ea trm Al Kathleen Toms. and a piano duet OrononWomen's Institute will cammittees ivere re-appainted asIby Ruth Banathan and Pauline h~ave shi e' nsiue vl atsrasnbe af 1937. except that Mi. C. S. Har- ehn. dbtewilbeheddes and a lecture by Mi. CLEMENS-In Oshawa, Februa'y Rtsrasnbe rocks, new member af the Board. Februaîy 25th. Mention a h . .Lnonofeoisrîon 9 8 Ethe ihad.belai Ra Ett FrSl was Placed an the Prizes and Me- C.G.I.T. repart pîesented by Pat- a' their next meeting. wife af Fredeî'ick J. Clemens. in Real____________For__Sale___ dalsComitte inplac ofMr M. L A.Gamsby leaves shortly lier 641h year. daI Cmmtte n lae f r rcia Pearce at the cangregatioa frimiilton where hie wiîl re- SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE - J. H. Jase wha î esigned fromn the meeting was inadverten;tly omit-ora R Board. ted from the accounit in last main for an indefinite peiiod. HADDY-At his late residence. 69 North side Hunt St.. one-quar- ___ The volume af water î'ushing week's issue. The activities af the Park Street W. A. met Febru- Buî'naby Boulevard. Toronto. on ter acre lot., 3 bedioomis. etc., down the ditches, gullies and gîoup throughout the year were ' t.Opnn xercises were Monday, February 7, 1937. p'rj- naw acrupied by H. Murphy. cîeeks on Sunday, following the fuîîy ieý,-iewecl. The group raised candurted by Mis. C. Wood, 'ith erirk A., beloved husband af Cash or cash and small balance' ramn. was quite spectacular and enough money ta finance the rent- Mrs. Stutt at the piano. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Haddy. in his 8lst on mortgage. Make affer ta L. ro n rose to high levels where lifting ing af a cottage for a week last Wood read a well-prepaied paper. year. Interment Bowmanville C. Masan, Barrister. King St.. Ol ice broke away and piling up in summer ai Williams' Point, Lake also the scrîpture. Presîdent Mis. Cemetery.! Bowmanville. 6-1 ' Lt the fiant of bridges and culveits Scugag, and gave $3.00 ta the Stuit asked for the minutes îead HOAR-In Newcastle. on Tues- ýFOR SALE-FiFTY ACRE FARM hand- blocked the flow af the flaods. cur urn udad$0 by the acting secretaîy, Miss M. dy eîay8 98 di in DarIingt.on Township, good [loer.Mr.N. ohen, oadforma, ad cur.h crret fnd nd 8-0 tDaay.y. rdCards kowldaienacknowledgement38,Edwn lover. mN e en, missions. were read b3' Mis. Eagleson. Charles Hoar. beloved hiusband dlay laam. good buildings. For i n hmenrdes on the jobguard of Helena Mary Bragg. age 47 particulars write "0.E." Drawer and used dynamite whiere it was NEWCASTLE CHURCH CHOIR Horticultural Meetn years. B, Bowmanville. 62 alo thaught advisable ta blow up the AT MEADOW LARK FARM Orono Hartirultural S o c i e t y Necale ram Unite Curh HOUSE FOR SALE - S O L I D alo ire dams. mace leanewortle Thui'sday. February brick house on Centre Street in :r t Tedylt .J .cora pasfrya' ciiis at 10. ai 2.30 p.m. Interment in godlait, esabehm uedynighit. February s. M.W J.S Rickard. hi business meeting Tuesday in Bawmanville Cemetery. with modem convdeibe ewi- the ladies af St. Georges congre- leader ai the United Church, New- the school assembly hall. They wt oencneinewl gatian were enteîtained by the castle, and Mis. Rickard, assisted plan a social meeting in the LANE-Died sudidenly in Regina. be sold very cheap ta close up F of Mens Club. There were a large by Miss Helen Baker. Solina, and Town Hall on March 9th, with1 Sask.. Ada tAddie, Stickney. an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman. number present. încludîng Rev. their three sons. Stanley, Garnet Mis. Harrison, Mi. and Mis. E. J. belavedi wife af Jonathan Lane King Street West. Bowmanville. and Mis. D. R. Dewdney. Every- and Brenton Rickaîd. entertained Hamm and Miü'. E. E. Patterson. a' and mother ai Leon and Irene Phone 526. 40-tf- one one was pîivileged ta choose the chîu'ch choir at their home, rammittee in charge af the pr'o- Lane Patterson. Sistei-in-laA games t his or hier' lking. inrlud- Meadow Lark Faim, on Friday gram. In May a tulip shlow wîîî af John Lane. Bowmanville. Apartment Tro Let F ing table tennis. carpet bowling evenîng. February 4. Arcompany- be held and a "glad", show in FS and crds. Prize wînners were ing the choir members on this September. Duîing the summeî' ORMISTON-In Bowmranville. on TO LET-APARTMENT 0F FIVE' C Rev. J. Scott Howard. Miss Aud- pîeasant social occasion were: mnonths menîbers wiîî visit sevei'al Saturday. Febîuary 5th, 1938. î'ooms in the Statesman Block. rey Horrocks. Mis. Thos. Spencer' Mis. S. MacLean, Mis. Harold outstanding gaidens in the dis- Mary Julia. anly daughter af Apply Geo. W. James. 2-tf and Mis. W. H. Gibson. Membeis Toms, Mis. W. H. Cooke. Mrs. N. btrt foi their meetings. The ex- Mi'. and Mis. W. J. E. Ormistan. of the Club served refreshments. L. Rîckaîd, Mis. Harold C. Allun ecutive would like ta have mare, age 5 yeaîs. Interment Bow- TO LET-FOUR ROOM APART- Owîng ta unrontrollable cii- and Ruth, Newcastle; Miss Anna- members in the sorîety. Member- manvî.le Cemeteîy. ment. all modern can'eniences. mville rumstanres the annual public belle Hendiy. Lake Shore and slip is only $1.00 and ayon electii stove and electrir re- M~ school commencement was flot Kendal: Messrs. Carl Fisher, Eîn- joining rereives $10 warthloýP IEU-A aten Sn rgrtr nCwnBok ~'held last faîl and it lias naw been est Gilbank. Jno. Hendry. J. H. bulbs or plants. ay eray6 98 dvr ossinMrhlt hn' ___derided ta abandon the idea for Jase and H. R. Pearre. The choirSemuPaia. lodhs- 80Bw nvl.61 oncre. especially as another year kîlled the proverbial two birds reipts af $178.12 for missionaîvl band af Winnifred Papineaui. in ________________ is well on the way. Hawever. wth one stone for they held their t- ,ss ibusmnsicued hs7t er.ItretCs For Sale It Principal Radger and the other regular practice while the non- $110 for the Dioresian pledge. $6 leton Cemeteîy. ________-_______ 1__ t eteachers have arranged. with the member guests visited and amused for Doras woik, Extra cent a day FOR_______________________ re concurrence of the Board af Ed- themselves ag'eeably. donations $10.75. Little Helpeirs Hen___________*F rySAEtoRAWLrer haOOes ucation. ta have the academir and At the conclusion of the prar- $15.20. Rereipts included $10.75 NM ORA and Victoria Sts.. Port Hope. other prîzes distributed and ta tire alI joined in a number af from E.C.A.D. givings, Mis . Ge o. I E O IN hn 2.62 hold the annual public speaking brair. exerising stunts and con- Springliam. Sec'y. and $15.20 iiom _____________ Phn726-J L cantest at the schoal this Fîiday tests. The rompany had been The Little Helpers. Miss A. Hor- GRAHAM-In loving memaiy oifot FrSl aiternoon. A short prograin will paired off and one contest was rocks. Sec'y. also $43.95 fromn a my dear mother. Mis. George P ssFrSl be piesented. designed ta test each pair's tech- birth bea ai Mis. J. Scott How- Graham. who pas.sed away Feb- FOR SAL-500 CEDAR POSTS. Young People's Union visîted nical knowledge of the United ards. ur6t.13.ApysthalLo20Cn.8 Newtonville Y. P. U. February 8. ChurhHymnary. especially of P air o c Ili a 1omrnittee, Miss ray6h.13. -Flosse. Maply Twsau h i(Lot l0. Cn. 8 I ssi htoerbndenttemsceiin hr eeAudrey o M ans onsi6-il 3es make a spring; but several have questions iegarding numbers of poited receipts of $341.85. Ex- LYMER-In loving memory ofaI iBta3 - been seen in this neighborhood. hymns. authors. metres, stanzas penditures and donations includ- dear wvife and mother. Ida Ly- W. A. meeting lias been post- and names af tunes. Such an ex- edi $15.35 ta the choir; $125 ta the mer. who passed awvay Febiua:'v Farm Wanted ýd poned ta Fîiday. Feb. llthi. at 3 aminat:on by the choir leader ai rhiurch wvardens; $10 ta missions; 7. 1933. p.m. owing ta the fumeraI of E. C. a class.' most ai wham had spent $30 ta the W. A.. and $80 for the And though tlhe.e years ta 'rîor- FARM WANTED TO RENT Hoar. little seîiou.s lime in studying the pie Christmas alterations and re- taîs given With option af purcliase, good Reeve C. R. Carveth ivas in subject. faund most of the exam- novations ai the Paî'ish Hall. Are filled with grief adpini, buildings. Apply "F.N." Draweî Brighton Friday evening attend- ined woefully deficient in t er Mens Club. Lawrence Gaines. Thiere is a hope. the hope nf BB mavle6- ing the banquet in hionor af Wai'- knowledge af the Hymnaîy. Hou'- treasurer. repoîted rereipts af heaven. den J. F. George. ev'er. some dîd very well and Mi. $16,87. Balance 43 cents. Where loved anes meet again. Attention Ladies 10 Miss Julia Fligg rontinues in a H. C. Allin, bancisman and tenor Meeting concluded wJth re- -Ever remembered by 'HusbandATE IO LDES -WH 10w condition. Hâer sister. Mis. s:nger. and Mis. E. C. Fisher. freshiments and a pleasant social and iamilv.ATE IO LDES - H Reid, Port Hope, and Miss Emma rhurrh organist. led in the nuni- period. VICE-m ever loing meorr iodbarkbra ing a. the ig Rowland. nuise, are staying iwith bei' af questions correct and stood NWCVTI .M.s.WatrVir woipassed peace-'i yau an gbeakngeetrwas heî lier. at the top af their rlass. NEWCASTLEW. M.lS away Februay e. 1937. i or canlittlenmoretan a $10 Mr. Wm. Neil. Toronto. as Reiî'eshments were seived and flyav-Fbur .13. fraltl oeta 10 down last weekend lookingove h aptzngaditeetn Women's Missionary Soc i e t y eet memories ivill linger foi' per week: an electî'ic ironer fori his property sauth of tlie C .N.R. !menu thoioughly enjoyed. Before mreetinig was laîgely attended. ever. $1,00 per week. New and used L, was his first vîsit ta Newcastle1 departîng freim this home where FollowinM quiet music played by Time cannat change them. 't',is washers and iraners pîiced ta since Mis. Neils death just be- the Meadow Laîks sing in spîing Mis. Rî-j nch. hepresîdent Mis. true. suit everyone. Make a Thor do fore New Year's. and five-sevenths ai the famiîy Mcea 'peabed the Caîl ta Years that may came rannot orhr okadbns Miss Wylma Farrow. high school s'ng and play %-len they are home Warship. sever wash day drudgery. Phone us student fîom Browns S. S.. was and have tîme ta spare and th~e Mis. Bîadd. a newcomer ta the Oui lovîng î'emembrance of you. today for a fiee trial ofier. Also so severely injured Satuî'day in a choir' sang their Sunday anthems auxiliary, was welcomed as one of -Ever missed by wiie and ,several used radios cheap. Dont faîl from a chair ivhile coirg on this practice occasion. Mr. W. the new gîoup leaders. Mrs, Mac- iamily.; delay. See I. Whitefield. now some papering that she las been H. Cooke on behiaîf af the guests Lean, Mis. Beman and Mis. Cooke ig1 at Dustan's Hardware. Phone unable ta attend school. moved a vote af thanks ta Mr. weîe nomninated as the "Wamen's WEEKES-In loing memoiy oai 774, Bow,ýmanvilîe. 6-1 Friends were sorry ta leain af and Mis. Rirkard for their liospi- Day of Prayei"' cammittee. Mis, aur dear George who passed __________________ the painful injur'ies sustaîned by tality. Mis. R. T. Rutherford J. A. Butler and Mis. MacLean away Februaî'y 10. 1937. ___ Miss Ruby Wallace. daughter of seconded thîs and ail heaîtily sig- were aPPointed ta secre a speak- Safe in the arms of Jesus, Rev.andMrs Tho. Wllae. rfie thýr apreiaton.ex for April thank-offeiing. Miss Sale on his gentle breast. GRev. and is.aTos.Wlae roe ler accredatit. Robinson reported on Christian There by lis lover o'eî-shaded Gîenban tkn t ma ta adt.Stewardship. Miss Ferguson ie- Sweetly iny soul shiaîl rest . Shee was taken bytashaspitalIN and ., heî' head and shatîlders put in ai ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Ported letteis sent ta Mis. T. -epvmundb i :e ON WT cast. 'ESTRY MEETING Brawnr. Mî's. Middeton. and Mî's. Brothers and Sisters. Seventh Day Advent:Ft,ý. Osh- ________ ' A kindly letter ________ awa, have communicated with the I. il Departîments Present Encour- Hoar iîom the sac'ety. wvas auth- Municipal Caunrîl in r'egard t aging Reports - The Church orized by the Auxîlî'ary. Mis. Haie Notice to Creditors renting the rourîl chamnber for- 15 Richly Endowed reportedi fifteen calîs macle. Mis. Sn7 eei.sevcs iieG. Allin î'epoîted on 'Peare." and IN THE MATTER ai the EsLate M Sudy vnigsevre~ Te Annual vestî'y meeting af St. iMis. Cooke repoî'ted new baoks in of Williami Henry Peain. late afith. Learn To Dance Rifle For Sale LEARN TO DANCE - AT THE'RIFLE FOR SALE - 38 - 55 WIN- Florence Studio af Dancing., chester, in good condition. Wil:, 1Tap, Ballet, Tce., Acrobatics and' exchange for shotgun. Phione 1National dances. M o d e r a t e 2631, Noray Goheen, Newcastle. prices. Private lessons taughit. 61 For information apply at St.6- John's Anglican Church, Tem- p e r a n c e S t.. B aw m a n v il le . an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Saturday at 10 o'clock. 6-1 Fr sFrSl Livestock For Sale Good fans for sale in Dur- FOR SALE -YORKSHIRE SOW hami, Ontario, Victoria and and 8 pits 5 weeks old, or trade Haliburton Counties. A es for cow. Peter Stackaruck, Lakeshiore, R. R. 2, Bowman- onable cash payment will be ville. 6-1 accepted and ternis for the bal- FOR ALE SOM GOO RE- ance arranged at 4% interest. na w e co s. lsa ear spr ng- W rite m e stating your require- ers. W. T. Symons. phone 2251, ments. Col. L. T. MLaughlin, Bowmanville. 6-1* Inspector for Commissioner of :FOR SALE-ONE GOOD ROAN' Agricultural Loans, Bou-man- Shorthorn cow. 6 years old, to' ville. f r e s hie n a b o u t F e b . 1 0 . A p p ly 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A . H . K e a n e . p h o n e O r o n a 5 1 r 3 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR SALE-TWO YORKSHIRE sows. due in April. for cash oî' f eed grain; also Yorkshire boar. R. J. Rueland. Kurv Inn. Newv- castle. 6-11 Personal MEN! TO GET VIGOR. VITAL- ity. tîy raw ayster invigorators and other stimulants in New OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone Up woîn. exhausted. weakened system. If not delighted with results. maker refuncis price. $1.25. You îisk nathing. Caîl. write Jury & Lavell. 5-tf Baby Chicks R. O. P. SIRED BABY CHICKS fromn 100% dlean blood tesbed, flock. Now is the time ta place your aider ta get the select dates. Discount if ordered be- lare March Ist. Price list on requesi. Perks Poultry Faim. Whitby. Ont. 6-3 Room and Board tOOM AND BOARD - H O M E, camionts. Plane Bowmanville i 2193. 6-11 Hay For Sale 7ORSALE-FIRST CLASS Timiothy Hay. Apply Heîb N. Scott, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 5-2* Mlen Wanted [EN WANTED! - IF YOU ARE inteî'ested in becoming associa- ted with a large progressive manufacturing concein, t hje, write TODAY! Oui 200 alimen- tary-mediinal-toilet products selI an sight. Big, quick profits;î repeat orders. Equipment in- dispensable for country route. You pay cash for your gaods. succeed or retuin them and get credit. For complete paiticu- lais and fiee catalogue wibhout ,obligation: FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement St., Mantreal. 5-2 Is Your WI1N TE R H EA LT H PRO TECTIO N Vitamnin D is the Sunahine Vitamin, wh i ch is so greatly needed in winter<, months when the humant body gZets so little benefit from a ct ual1 sunshine. Milk contains Vitamin D besides its many other vitamin contents. That is why Milk is the most per- fect winter food, Drink more of it. GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone 2665 Bowmanville1 PROMP T DELIVERY On aIl Kinds of Baked IGoods Phone - - 890 See this advertisement in your new Phone ' Directory - and remember when you want Bread of ail kinds, Cakes, Cookies or that Delicious ~,ILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM - BE SURE AND CALL - CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 A wagon on your stireet every day th ec P pefous yaursng rutF nd s usualpt rm ines utl ren cco-aperatbe labefoie - -tias a c -peain in Olive W lmot Sanford Me mnorial hd' huh le have notice and that the said ex- 'i OU w ear intei'e.t on bond.s. etc. ai $378.5 1.' 'gstd od' Kd saîd asset.s or any paît thereai ta The Waidens îeceived $135 for in- ne> Pis. At once she . ary poison ai' pe'sons of whose Yus vey truly, ah ane and maintenance. laving look Dodd's. The c aim notice shah faot ave beer. abalànce oi $243.51. ',,shed out" feeling reccivcd by tlîcm aitlhe time of Ask us about DON CHIRISTIAN ELECTRIC. Girls' Auxiliaiy, Miss Audr'ey was soon replaced by suc distribution. Do hita. Brown, treasur-er. reparted re- chear headed energy an restful sleep. W. F. WARD. the great advantages o Do Cî'stan cris oi $1639. Sent $10 ta Dia- Headache, backache, lassitude and other Solicitor foi' île said Executors. using TILLYER LENSES. w cesian Treasuiex'. signa of fauity kidneya disappeared. 112 DAEWihomnile n Wibom.esAuxiry. Mis. R. W e-Dodd'sKidney Piis tario, this twenty-ninth day a _____of_____________ Gibon tieauîerreoiîd e-anuaîy, A D. 1938.53 7' E I 4 I I l U 'j THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 130\\'-NIAN\-ILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. FEBRUARY IOTU iozQ 8 PAGETE 1 v