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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1938, p. 1

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Circulation 3000 This Issue 00ratrnlat tate m4u With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News ORONO NEWS SECTION On Page 9 t t. th th ar t] in Contiued Legisiature. Hec is a btundcu ccleé and aIl enjoyed a social I expensi-ve paintings. evlenl withl bs enemies; but in pass- Maurice N. Eisendrath, prîi-boadcast on a national hock-upIfter what tehuCuclo (Cniudo ae7 veteran o! the Great War, beingi heur togetheur. The building in w1c ti irm iîg oer lie is stipe rior."-Bacout ent Jewlsh leader; Most Rev. J. C.1 and Many local people heard IL. Gunn told th1 oucl ~- 4--b ý à--.- -ý M,é-ý- , ý , ýý ir VOLUME 84 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY lOth, 1938 DANODYLAW NuIS SNAO ATTHIRD READINO MONDA ClimByawNo Avetied RE-ELECTED OHAIRMANDi PRESENTS REPORT Rai Lces Icraes Sufficenly Before dVoting P... .. . W a onel dRadoest ne y on Cuni Sufficiently B fore V oting Heid Up Third Reading of Band Byiaiw pending advice as to lits r t s e by T w May Have to Vote AgainReferred numerous requests for grants to the Finance Com- A o rH u o JUNIORSApproved an Owen Sound resolution asking the Attorney Lengthy Argum enù UtOR*PA General to bring in leglaatifla abolishing the use of siot Ask Provincial Gov- TWELVET RO T Ensues When By-Iaw FIA IH Heard the annual report of Chief of Police Sydney Venton.M ch es-Cm i-N Cons pfo hidAT THE GARDENS trnsint pasin ur-uh ConmAUOiC AS _____pfo Tir Made provision for feeding trninsI sn houhtw.tte Appointed to Re- O Reading - Couneil! Friday night will e i t h e r Joined the Ontario Municipal Association and Ontario Mayors'vie O oee Twn weeTrnt poie ee WiiI Seek Legal Ad- conclude Bowmanvulle J uln- Association. taken toW ma leHsîa or officiai activities for theSrolyrenealetrcnrigthUelhNrefm B-Iwfrteam tery vice Before Proceed- Iearor wili put them one step Sthgyrne PuliaSholettB ord. _te_____Nuse_ mnBylaornigfolwiga heevhil igpaead sowhe ard theintarxo Appointed members of the Board of Health and High Schoel collision nerS1' col n in g playt o Ms. T e y pay their ist Board. Tow n Coun il, at a session of the dri e s El B sh p su f r i visentor MapleLeat Garden Decidedtoi a approach Ex-Maor RossStrie to beome Town which lasted from 8.20 P.m. Mon- ed the moi eeeIjuiso h Bowrvnanvj-ilcs Band By-iw ap- toeernocmbt ih Solicitor. I. day to 12.09 a.m. Tuesday mirl group andwsrmvdtri East Toronto Juniors who, pro v the li taxpayers at the jan- and we hesitate to mention Adpe - ± oioso orclo ac unt mrv ng, handled one of the heaviest home withacakd necp Adoplytheefiseera o mions alfadincisrJationn oimr ai snags %%-leu it camne up toris i hi et 8t .-e__________________ 1__ items were of major importance. ed with rekssrvn. third~'O Iedu tMna' et iing. Sistin ude tatDr . . ony2.s Decided to examine and brint up to date all municipal bylaws. and are therefore dealt with in A truck we y Mri ofpotheeia comitte to IAsetigat poslbilty offormng1aChief of Police S. Venton stories separate from this general Transport addie yToa ofel t th e ouncia%% is prescrit il defeat, the R.ed Raiders are Who was re-elected Chairman Board of Education.Wh rsneteanule-acriofhemtngCosw form " vill have t- bc abandoned, and roered their big gtits fully of Bowmanville High Sc~h o l Sent a protest through W. F. Kiekard, M.P., with regard to the iport of the Police Department to Mayor Jones handled a very with engin ruliswel to rorinures nd Bord tfhe nagua]neeinginrese anadd lcenesarhd oucilonMhdaynihtaugucrtaldstrnmeseeeinisgd o b furfee o th hgh the quII~o once again put to the1 ready to turn in a masterful of the Board on Tuesday night. nraeIrdi S lIt CuilonM dyngh dffctadsrncsmeig taxpa\ ers. cither at a special vote1 performance. As goals count Dr. Bonnycastle has been chair- Requesteti Utilitles Commission to investigate possibilities of The report showed that of 7â with tact and patience. All mem- way. Flarserbrngbthi or at the niext municipal election.1 on the round, the boys have a man of the board since the death providi.ig the munlclpallty uith hydro service wlthout cases brought before the courts bers of council were present. front of n eidtetuk Mavoir R. 0. Jones stated thtat lie I six goal lead to overcome be- of the late W. B. Ceuch in 1931. charge. convictions were registered in 74. W. H. Carruthers and M. J. El- Mr. Bishoparohigfo te could' sec niresonl h it could fore they can think about Held one of the Iongest meetings on record, adjourning at liett appeared to request a grant west saw tera lr n c not be voted uipon again after due winning the gaine, but they 1.9amonTedy orig'for the Durham Central Agricul- cording tohssoythuh hr advcrtising. but other mnmbeso hope to do it and you may VALENTINE DANCE 1.9am nTedymrig O D E R G T tural Society.Thsruettoam nf wa Versuh a ter the counicil %vere of the opinion Ila resi. assured will give ail they A A MN O SBG H e gether with mnany Oteslse ad bnon h îha o the bv-law w11,ould hav.e to bc shel- hv otk h ame by a AT *BADMINTONl t BIObjection E below were referred to the Fin- hTorones.Tenx gh -cd unl the îîc\t muniicipal eictioni. liide margin. I E L awuTu, UDuE'ftRu3 MILES L NG ance Cemmittee. Torwat e rer!th trc Prior tri the :bv-a o The game is to bc played at Mayor I Voiced LJLIUII5 _______ LON Other requestsi came f rom the ýwhich heliedt oiwtht its thir rcading comingu 7.30 p.m. followed by Good- . Bright red hearts, Pierced With iI iW Last week the Goodlyear Tire &Pbi irr orirqetn ucs.Tecrwsbdywek plait %vrc l ttner.. otGarco ern-v yearsodvssenBrantferdrws. armseniorai yellowl Boarrowser ofNuremedbetComanback-ved001or $e0 ter g lor- plttain Ti. rc r iiirot.1. G.Gar-,OH.A. fixture which will be ground decoratien for the Bad- Tde o ru nr av e Bwavlepatfr iPI MscFsia soi-1Bhn ret ad h~ l~inr.Mr Gr- welî worth the price ofadmis- miinton Clubs Valentine Dance one of the longest lengths of hose tion asking for grant teward Fes-saeprywsacrdivny rett~ lettur clailîned that i bac] been ss.aiarecrnefo piayaen01riagrs r refuscil perfl .Oito sec tet i- onmAnvlargiseceped fo chsria ied usie W fr te xpesesBrif-ha BholThe School Board has no right in recent years. The order wa tival prizes; Sick Children's Hos Edward Elit.H aso ada Peil Bowmnville isexcepted o ýchestr Prov;dermu20.00ortfeetxofesrubberif tire hosellpital 2re01e0ting ousualergfrra onet;ivaineqeffort utoaavolda nht;tvinckfand tioil iîrcecd tocinl iast'tcar cheer the locals along and occasion.i Board Acting in Premature1 te interfere with actions of the for consignment to Mexico. It is Bowmanville Beach Association Bishop's cabucoledwtth foreq a the apv1v-a ipae li epte n hi is istfOe 01ro e nyB Manner When Council had ' counicil. I believe this letter re- 212 inch hose and when coin- asking for annual grant; and 1'car. ton ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t thek.\ ..big .t ___________ Whnilby.Toron to.ecseand Taen presents an autocratie meve on pleted and ceupled for shipment Bewmanville Hospital B e a r d. 1 Except Bsocn _________A_._.0_Ii_____ Oon, ewatl aý1 Tae no Action on -the part of the school board teiil weigh approximately 35.000,through Secretary C. H. Masen !sisted cf salcL n rle cil titat Nir. Garrett badl askcd to sec other district municipalities were Matter ttIe f ree and honest discus- pounds or 17 t/_, tons. If laid eut requesting counil co-oiperation1 and alwr elaN fo h tite petitioti andIli> wislh %vas grant- Mrs. Jeie Grigg, 204 Fulton preserit for the event. the third ef _____sien in the counicil, and te r to end to end the erder wudcever'shsiaa cd. li had howe'.cr askud t) take Ave. Torento, writes: I certainly the monthly dances sponsored by cause a breach in the ranks cf a 'a distance of 31/2 miles. institution.loetoetrteTon.Ta- the pctitioi hotme ti stiîdy il. anîd e njeýy having. The Statesman, the club. and Most of them ap- No actien was taken by Cou.ncil1 smeothly working body. As long! The order was a rush order for AIs ref erred to the Financei fic OfficerHarClwelies- lad bein refused. Nlr.- Garrett lhad coming te my home every week. peared te bc enjoying themiselves. in connection with the Public as I arn Mayor any member ofi delivery by February 14. and the Committee were insurance re- gated theacietThdivrf threor %rite heCrvi ttr Shertly after twelve the re- Health Nursing Service at the the counicil will be given every Hese Department, in charge cf, quests from Miss Nina E. Neads, the truck wsuljrdtog thecioe witcittit CownAttr- Mr, and Mrs. Robert. BoddY, freshment committee served de- monthly meeting on Monday opportunity te discuss any sub-f W. H. Thickson, was required te W. F. Ward, and C. H. Mason. At hie sufferedabdjtwhnte nearaidtîen itheoucilo tt r-rwitig Aenuesh, caaekr-s cinsdsndwchetckesandnigI.waye Re.3Jneshowfjct e my wsh e dscus. 'wrk shftsaadymtectpiengameeingl8.ernn teh eenig Bsho ca colldd wth he ea gard V tîte matir.ceiving congratulations as they ceokies with coffee as the bever- ever, dId express in ne uncertain cenisider this letter, coming be- the order in time. Seme idea cf the committee awarded the Lia- of the truckadsoedi 9fe MNayor Joncs iniormed NMr. Gar- celebrate the fiftieth anniversary age. Incidentaîîy the local clubs termis, disapproval of the action fore the matter has been Ilcss the weight cf the job May be seen fbflity insurance on Roads andinohedtl.Sxpso er rctt, wt vspeci îhavr fterwdigwihto lc refreshment committeelihas built of the Public Scheol Board in ed by ccil, a breach of good from the fact that one of the long Streets to Miss Neads. in each cR. large group of ratepayers who fil]- at Enniskillen on February 8, 1888. Up an enviable reputation for wrîting counicil in this cennection taste."l hose making tables in the plant 'Siot Mchne cd the chamber to calacity, that aIl Once upon a time a soclietis coffee, many visitors and before Council had made anjy, The Mayor added that a mem- collapsed under the weight of the Arslto rm teCt Teals e nalwlao books. document,, and petitions of which was putting on a show geL local people claiming it is the best move te either approve or dis- 'ber of the Board cf Health had job.A eouinfi teCy "Tea the towti were Open to the ratepay- awfully sore at the editer and they have ever tasted at a dance. approve of the service. madle it his business te inform a1 Mr. A. M. Hardy, local Super- fCOuncil of Owen Sound asklng modern lif aemno!aih ers. for ins.pection and examlinatioilsi at hng bu i e The programi was muchth Telterfm the School member or members of the school intendent.. in relating this news take action te ban the operation fB.lththne th emevs er at thec cleri office. but lit was tiot cause they put a 50c ailt in his samne as usual with fox trots in Board stated that the board wvas board that discussion on the sub- predicted an upturn in businesscfsomahnrceedten-i. -BruceBrtn pemsilet el thcm from gpaperr oand heachndsidn'tvegiveen-a d. pper and he eito'remive thema four-four time. waltzes, rye and opposed te any changintep- ject was likely to ensue. and that conditions in the near future- dorsaion cf the Coil and cipyl the cari oiflic clerk. $6.40 advance reader f cee blowing otherwise, and the inevitable Paul sent system, and that it believed this letter was a result. Council W hile a number cf employees0fhersutowilbfrad- fsngofedrnsntwh Thomnas 1-ymer askcd taI tel teow ethheesepe ones when those whose pactners lit a1h l uprto h eevdte etr u ek ohave been laidcf tth o fd the Atltcrnwl ey Genra cal. ant erdos proposed b% -aw bc set aside for; pIe wouldn't think of going into are silmewhat heavy and thosp!mothers in this regard.i action whatever. plant recently. the laycffs have.- DespîteteMarsojcin, tire rIl. f irst, becauise it hlad 'a shoe store to purchase a pair cf who just want to meet people affected Il single men. The in- j Somne discussion surrounded the Council decddttaeutm - not heen advertised properly accord- laces and expect the generous have a glorious time trying te activity in the automobile indus- i Matter cf giving meals to trans- bership in hrnai aos iI to law; second, thtat the towii hearted merchant to throw in a regulate their progress in the in- tr ia ee hecueffthA1* DIIeen herbggn Ascito catîrtot aiford to spettd tlat suit oit pair cf shoes free of charge. The nec or euter circle so that when R m n e ofrt e uction Btrcy S sbeon. Mr e ase cthed e from ote i rev. Cthei begglngAssnotnMebrhpwsao the uipkecp of a band, anîd third, poor editor has te take a lot cf 'the music stops they are opposite as confident however that con- recommend to the Welfare Board pal Associion hc h ao that the proper fornialitie., wcre îlot gaffing semetimes when tengues the ideal pactner. Usually some opc fSp a eraitoariluons1 Tculd scen be better and that this be undertaken,ancti (Continued on Page 7) ýtheY "brung", while a large ma- Club___________________ hrtdrtenadoly0 fjority are lef t holding the pro- mineir nature. 'voerbia oba".th iads e h Ben Ward Price, Prominent 1 operates is known as the Great RltsRosand a visitor ma d ieCouncillor Gunn Sponsor M v Nearly al Arrests in Bowmanville ch eoroto ment cf thee The next dance will be in March Auctioneer Relte six sales being operated at one CHIEF WIBHE8 TO esult i Convitions S ys Rep i and probably those in charge will Interesting Anecdotes of Lienititrir This esab FIND CONTRIBUTORS T n ra e M ncp lE fce c u4 nake it an Irish night with sprigsf His Profession ilishment lias disposed cf as much ________e M u icpa eeuti o vcinsS y e o t io green about the walls ani____ as £4 16,000 of paintings and other CheofPlc Sydney ____ i any new gewns adorning mem- f articles in twe daIs an unbeliev-' Venton is anxicus to get in Trinity YoungPopl Slight Increase in Crime in '. ~bers of the f air sex. The men wiîî f We have sold everything from ble total.. touch witlî citizens who madl e Town WillKe nvnoyo 197Revealed in Annual St. Pa's ihrthi le oenen teh T patsU.cineiig contributions te a young lady 1Trinity Young People's Union Ail Equlmn ndEpne IsUIiA. or their browns, with exalted l and wild west bronches,'asserted England a course cf five years clingt eclcigfoa mtonM dyevig.Bses ofTu Report of Chief of Police cnes in dinner jackets or f ull ev-1 Ben Ward-Price, prominent auc- jtraining must be taken before a "Jones"ai ming Le be coln or a etononntdy eien. ueso-rc W eDvd Sydney Venton was the s'ub' ject of~ a ening dress. Undoubtedly aIl 'ill tioneer, Toronto, reîating a fel person can be cegistered as an' relief in Hampton. The Young bert Hooper. follcwed by a sing- eat me iii .t itirestitîg address gguxun by b- in heirbe oth expead cting. Theof lis experiences at Bowman- F. A. I. The course inld te lady was arrested when it was 1ogldb r. ainJms a ba i~c.e.lrotigiitcac. i'. I.staff of ...i t.inhu ofatville Rotary Club Friday. varieus branches of the industry fcund that she was perpetrat- Wcrship service was in charge of tuacîiii sthfen BT.calSt.l'au.. datewil be elesen a1937, ucteneeinghas we ides in-anils cmpable iththatcf aa ig afrau. Cief entn Edth rulls goupconistig 0 uit ttiI t iîii i e r ii 137V . ..~onT icsavcciiîîî. tr..cluding the actual selling by rais- and accountancy. cniat h mnyan 'oa ueL , dacnrk nd of Councillorc k un ate ci:' et i..o re stcired ini74 ut-,iiig tit(,îittportaîc e 'i a ..aitîp lie 1îng the custemers' bids and valu- The Knock-Out Rings in Eng- ttoe sponsor cf a number o!ickad, reselu- lsso -taticc>. Ex-Maor Frank kedonte geL'in teuchetwitartheorreadebyandeenndHandman, anntha morenentcaenedmunicipanltadminis- tii. rIel itli i. aituîiai repourt to laîuîr t. tte grat utteil ini titi world ,l aa. who underwent an operation an efficient auctieneer miust be 'have become quite a problem te heoh wl eun ther readin by ileen Gibs Eeaotrtin, atnddasTonaon thei To,ý-it tîuicil ')'i i.u uiglît. .îiî that it Itil to talc a go"'i for appendicitis at the Oshawa cempetent in both arts. said the auctien sales of fine articles. They money. Se far he has only ontn acrdwihtehm-clmein.Temtions reeîv Thei)(ti si.tatud ita i li,:there ickig aa l hcariv .lap o'uthtitiGeneral Hespital, is now at home speaker. comprise large greups of dealers bYnbltecwohsor aordwt w u-clietn %va0 izh i/.-aei h ii.iu ac twlt aidan c ad makîng rapibld against ea nabe to get in tueus l !Il readings, followec by a very ed the unanmEgedraino 't ~ ~ ~ ~ h value. u.îrî'î tif 'iîci euîîîli>iteulst..onrk. lliei l'rc..iîletit ra recevery. inbaswhnacinswrd arivat uIrli other unless a te rs.Ctznhre warneth e bsrbe If 'iness foby r. hE.King,' us n te ase Iriui-tin,\Na, ut' eteater. Theitilit r,"iue'icc tt le .'i uii-d alI.. lc ako iso ad in market places in 1600 and sales rvt bue appears on the careful cf making donations a n excellent example Kagawa and The reselt9s:esne n iu1i lwe'ii i ..calls ..uîeî...iiî lti ida \iii '.ift1iik. .Nîetiiig AieJcsn iso ad made by increased bids. The :ve:,d scene. Wîth only one dealer bid- te any cause where the col- his wcrk in Japan. The program Pssdwere a I l tiiii lwii t ittr. uti'. n \%a, i chal Cc'îsi'ii'. tîi Quiet music featured the open- is derived from the Latin aiuc- (Turn te Page 2, Please) leetor 15 not able te show a Iconcluded with a solo by Dorothy That aninetybeaeny I)itli:eiiugtliîî'îîîtoj ustice. theiti rip rt Tziîur.andii iîlii i.uîiiiitîer. iuIthte in ofthe Alice Jackson Mission tienem. In 1842 even Sic Robert proper authority for -,,)!Iect- Nichols. Recreation Peried was each depactin fteeup % i. iappuuenl. ril'..roerautî oric îur'idoed b\ rat i Tiît hucl.DoohyPelha ificly ih heserTaylor._______________nient___________and____ ~~iiiii ~ ~ ~ ~ lr and l i>i..larniit. lut diiotial Bedford conducted the cl te Iand his effects were sold out aýt CONANT US HOST ieryHryTyo.fnen n upisondb h I ' oi \iutit iiu ut utii utaii.i ii.;ie lvworship, and Miss Clark ¶iadipublic auctien. IL is the main 1corTrai- chageof herepone.Folowngmeas f ellngin hewol ndf tor b ep p odae Nlenilivil o the Coull'il -If S"sa hymn Miss Ada Clark teck the a been applied cotteeci AT ScuOSHAWAn o mite en crorto it uîiîiieGcuiciii, ie pIii ti i ii i I i ito' ibi'memcry verse. Miss E. Piekard 1 industry where the chief market L rd qulsitien mceou ncupiae ,îlhiiîtun ti atnoi\-our "atitirIefuireporrtîrtiitheii tuil\ a ilor tedpasorsp rstryOffferngi wsgisats NwiOlean, thefuOmal- Thnsdtrt0feheutateman arTheedsnui anfthatmercant ubmltîn l'îlie' i)elîartiieitt of Boiaivicliaif lb ir 'i recreatîuui %vas. couiduict- taken up by Peggy Dippeilland 1 kets tLipiandLndn htta ncue i h PesPatt i ,r titi tear (idu )cîuii * 3s, ed in. Si.iî lhIiuit<u. LransHbs iutswc ate i sikyrand Lnothe vck f T ntan h is - rty______Lord__________ Speaker ,ls accountmuthvrqlstn oaccompaaydthehawaodis- Siiititrî îlri tti avgc. wsi hveread by Iriez Bickle. and Dorothy cxcýhan. T riipeieetrtwhowerese at th a soiead 1 y

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