THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARX' IOTH, 1938 Movement on Foot for Mor Consolidated Schools 'fiche vmmeof Qiebcc !ý-ý'cvofteîî hi bcliîmmd othier pi'iîvimiccs iii tue Domîinîiomn muatters <if memera pmogt-ess.luit imio<emie guard, mt least. it is lcadiiîm thie waî-. refem- tii the Qmebî'cs vstemîî of ('omsilidaî Sehit <il'. As in Onbtario itt le i-cd schii_ hmiîises wPe' dot ted ail îîvei- thie laiîlsc-aj anid soiiîe of thcieni iad t hîîee or .foumm pupi and lsoîîîî'liai] misooor mmiore. ami ailli, juîst omie teaciier tii tcach ev-r% grade. Ini meai' iv townmships a muia'îîdir stil i exi-it,. althiiimili w~e mtderstamîd tIi icide-ascake taxpa 'Ver-s of Darhiîmgtom ai amaiîi disetissiu'm(g a plani to eoisoidate son of thie sumal I sclîools iiito lai-em- sulool One inmsta iicc if ci îsoh idatii<i is tlîat xvhii cliised thie liitlî' î onlam thme Base Limie ini %%-est of Bimimiil.thie ipils nais- heu ediatei i Bu<iammille 'Schoohs at a cai sidemalhe sav-imimiti i t,î taxpavem's of tlmm secétiîmm anmd f coiîsidem'able adsi-aitag-e t thme îîîîîils. If m'ural clîiidî-em are tu bc givemi thie sain e(]miati<)mal advaiitages as urbaiî clildi-e t1w e cnusili(ated schîuols îîîtst corne. On bias uon]%v tu look mauîmd imi Darlimîto Tîiwmsliip tiisoec sehîuhs.sith vers- sia attemi<amuçes al vithîin a few- mies of eacl aitliet,. For imnstamnce thîeue is a large sehîoi at Tvî'<ime. aîd smmall sehîools ait Havdoi Lom-, Saumt. amd Bethicsda. al svýithimî a vem fcsv mîiles. Tiiere seeims ta he 1no apparen, reasoii shi at lcast tîme Bctlîesda amnd I.omm Samlt Schîols comld mot becaîînsolidateî wsitli tlme 'JT.romie ,chiooI and] thie iaYdoi Schîooî suiti thiat ait Eîîmiskiiieîî. Iin disý cussimîg this pruhlem sitlî a fai-mier reeiitlý lic said] aie objectiaon tiitlîe consoidation idea ivas the sihhs- loiý-aI t.y aîd priui of pass- er a local truîstee îîay haast about in. pi- feremuce ta his gaod judgment. Es-em if it prav-ided no actual sas'iig, it ss'uld -ive teacliers an apportunmitv ti teach fei-er grades aînd thus give mare at- tention ta thie imdi-idutal pmpil thamu is iîow passible umder thie prescîît s-heinie. Fi-ou wtw-e knîas of i-urai schîoai teachers' sal- aries. aîîy savin-mi milt %ell be used ta in- Ci-case tliese salamries to the stand(ardi of lic mmbau sehools. Larger schools. ssith moaie thian amie tea- cher, amnd with niaie equipmenîc-au pi-avide better opportunîities thiam the tiiiv ame ran schoohs dotted about thue couîitr ' sic]e. w'îthi the teacher eiideavoi.ring ta cope sith fis-e or six grades aitamie tinie. Ruiral sehoal sectionîs ni-it w-cl give tliauigltfuil stuid vta the niatter of cumsahi- datcd sclîools. We believe theY xiii brimig savmmmg-s imuîpematioîî amuIgreateî- efiu'ieiics-. Inefficiency and Overlapping of Church Activities -Ini Napane'e. a towii of approximatelv 3,500 populiatiomn thîeîe are three Viited Cthurches. Rex-. A. J. 'Wilsoni is îmîistem' of St. .Anmdrewv's United Cîtu-chu. anîd it xviii be rccahhed tlîat onui luis retum-îîfi-oiRussia a few yea is migo. lie addressed thie Mcii's Brotherhîoo( i fTî'iîits- United Chîurcli in Bos'iansillc. Mi-. Wilson at the congre- gatiammal mieetîing of Ilis churchi spoke ofnflie imefficiency of thîre IjUnited clîurchîes in anc smnahi toss-m. Ie liad appareuîtlv gis-clu rnuch thiomîgit ti) tîhe matti'r foi' le om.t.iied a x-veY ouirete plamnof actiomn. xvbichîhe belie%-cd sîouihd hui-ig about greater cffic- iency ini theie vou-k aud (do aw-as'w-it oer lappiîîg duties. - tio'r fle poinîts ont tiat flic tI-c elchtîrchies w-cie fornieîri;- Wesleva-aîMethîadist. Methi- odist Episcopai amni Pîeshîyteriami. Beti<ee]i the thi-ce c'hurches thîcv uaisc $15,ff00 peu' year, aîîd lie adîls by wa y of conipai-isomi the fact that thie sainie taisn spent $109.000 on alcoliahie bes'cî'agcs dutiiug thie san<e veai-. Bîicfi Mi-. wilsaui's plani is this. Thue three chiurches slîouhd lie govc-ried 1) %- (w<- unitcd Sessioam ndm Board of Stu'ssard]',. Each church should cari-v am, huit cari-hiti hamîde oiiiy ame type of Chr-istiani w'îîk. One chîuîîch shomihd cari-;'out the pri-aehiimrL miissioni, lue says. In thîis chai-ch thue ser- vices ws'uîid bhi îcd each Sumîda %- amdui tî minister îsould lias-c charge of the r'eligions exercises anid the preacliiig. rIn thie .'îui chai-cIi s-crythimug ssaîîhd be gis-cii ver ta Suiiday Sciooi and YoXuniig I>iople 's îsîîîk. the îîîimiste- dii'ertiig ahilis effor-ts iii these clhaiiiels. 'fli Suîiday SeliauLs amui Youiîg People of the tIi-ceelchtîrcîelis îsildi< My e irabtirn ~~e Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted tc the interests of the town of Bowmnanv;Ole and surrounding country, Issued at King Street, Bowmanvilic., every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadia,, Statesman is a mrember of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, also the Cas "A" Weeklies of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; in United States, $2.50 s year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5c. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY IOTH, 1938 ('Oiînmeîitimmg uon the haek of imtei'est the part of Viii'people iii 1Suidav Slm and Chure'hes, a religiolîs educatiomi bu iiToato recenitlý- eampleted a ,sttidv- the Iattet' and reported that the indiff emîc2ýe of (parenits w-as iargeil- ta blame. pointe< omt that theie caiîîgif of the sta publie schiaml relies'ed th(, parenît uf a. wuoýrties as tu the child 's îîîateî'ial edueatio aîîd thia tiy gemeraliy take the same ati tude. that the Suidav Solmool i'elievcs the of t hic lild*s spirituial c i'ai .whîet hi tIiis 1)e trime iii' mot, it is certa iii tîmat ;)aren al meletis «mie of the mîain caise YîlImuîImz eup)le 's imi(iffcremice to spi îi timm tiiîmgs. Thie stîrve ' vrcfen'i'd ta paimîts ,otît that gi-cat mianmiv chîîldrei, once thcv i-adli thi agi' of 15 years. lelieve themnsAe.'cstoi) h for the 'Siiida *v .Seiool. We datmbt if thi belief conmtes thiat carlvo*. for local Sumtida Sehmuols dIo icv('al thie fact that geierall speakimig yaîithî reaches thue age of Î7 befoi a<holtimig this attitude. Stramig<lv (imm.uighli thîis fact eoimciules sit the fiîîdingls of thie Yamti Traimiimg ('mmi> sol.Mlî. utw-hiieh .Joisephi IICtiilev, ieadaiiia> ter of Pii'keming ('ollege, aulressed th ('anadian C'ub lhem- recemtl «v. M.Nr. Me ('mlleY foummd thiat theie îast diffioi'ult age tg eomîtemuulovithî. the age grammp iii whîîehî crimo had shuwmvi aii erease. wsas fronîî 17 to i! years of age. Thmse ut ms xvhii are mot above recahlimî1 thie frmmilitiî's of 011r owivotit. kiow tual t w-as îat tlîis pe'miod «of Iifi' thiat w-e fell k(emilv dthe appm'uag-hî of ianhlîod oi wvumimho<d. andi a<optî'd thie att itudhe thi wvi'kicv abouîmt ail theî'e ivas tu kiiow'. ai-i t hat ino «1<1fashiiomie( mother <o' fathem- ia> gimig to tellI is a<tîîi. Tli.s period af unest in vouthi is typieai of that age. A feis- vears later. ss'hei maihouiî dovs arrive, th(e youtl fiîds ie did mot kîmiows it ahi, huit w-as imi favt at that agi, vers' ignioramnt. It is î)roably. iîno siail ieasuire. agaii due tii parental infhmmnec. There is also a tcend- eiCvuîiog parentmîs to e]imîg ta t hir cliild- î'î'mî as ]()mig as possibIe, anîd to keop tiei ehildr'iî as loilmir as possible. Yomth iatmr- ail lvwishies 1(1 brea k a'vfromi par-ciitalI miprumî strings as hIe(,ieai's mnmhoouh amni it is t hie hak of s 'mmîipathitie miideistaidiig tîmat <'amses a vem -v damgcrois lreak, that mmt oi -l fimîams thîe bî'eak img of tics of (li eianmdSd avSibiu lit uftemîi iho tics of hmnie ife. Onie 5'i'i'i' eal i'oason bhehîimm<1thmi'stiippinor of Ilii Sihoîl andl t huiîîîi'habit, li; that iiîîm'mts fiil tii set thiei-xamiuli'. Wlii a uiminanmi of sevi-îitoemi hegimis tiitliiiilç f'oi,' hiiiiself. li'thîiiks it a litile liit qiie'r tftlin lias hiii-iiregmlarlv atteniimg Siml- ihav >i'olI and( ('lîmî'ehi. chile ]lis paren'ts lias-olîos i itle ut'rîno imii-est iii eiilum. If I li(,imîdi ff.'reic tuiw-aid r-I imiomi is tii loi, over-i'-ôîi , it lias fimst ta l1w ovi'i'-.omîîi ii rmis TImrp ar i-îîanîv tlimîiii il, pim w' oi- (( m<t vi.shi ta î-e'tmî-mî t< u.lit t li îul-fîsîimî<îhabiit of pa remits',ammdl<hiilîl- remu attu'iffiiig <Iiviiî' îorsh i 1p tmuuft li' 0oVgi' V SummdaLv, is amn aid hahit t hat igli w(1i1 li'e-iîPartiîated. Parenit aI iii tur4'st mi d s 'vmîpathmv xiii soomi put aileend to fa] - i urhi mmmli amd ui nidimv clloo1 aftcmdam(ic<. PAGE T\VO less lîe r.. h m'rnfî vice s laitain d ata chavanty hig sta dard A ,tory was tald tao me some, that his country appi-eciatcd wh-at Hobby take the bureauvies aniedtacotnlyhgsadr. time ara aof a man oliad dIed. lie had donc mn spite of his mis- Off your sister's head.", He had been a regular aid 1-r)ipn takes. Father's at the stcering wheei the neiglibourho<>cl and a terrai I1 have knawn euiagie.s ta be Wrapped in lustre wares, rn Wilas in is home. the hous.e boughit. I dont mean at so much "Mercy'! Was that Grandma, was snali the funerai ser'vice wmas'a dozen, ai- that cash had been Or those Windsor chairs?" hield n the church. The mîinister, deliberately paid out with pi-aise Mother holds the highboy,M n aî'dcr ta be a comfort tao the, in view. A fi'iend of mine paFse-d Shades of Duncan Phyfe wîife and daughter flt lhe shaîmid away sanie tîme aga. He <ied a Tomori-ow, there's another Sale, say same nice thingsj about the wealthy man. When hie was a boy Gosh! What a lite. '* o oiius anid progreZm'ssive' clîiîr'i ithi i fiedit budgýet >iml a umi ficilplait ofa Tliere voili li e niuimîttoi~ withi ail therlucýs t' evil mîows iii tl Tlhat suoumisd. like a vo 'v scmnsible sol to a sitIma"iîîui ili as exists mot oni N~aîiammî luit imn miaimv otliex- siali t, bl m Bowmi iii o wc have twss'o vliuroi'îlîs ma rcliii ir a loîîir scparate sta Ys. imi iiiaiiv- says overtlapj>iig the of thec othier. luit>ort Hope anid WI thicre amretwiuo iliaiCi'iclîes, iin plaees cari-viii- on ,.ei. wiîrk iit hou ificd actiîmmof ai- kiîîd. Thiis i,, prol trucite ofmaiiv ther cemties. anid if C'hristiani religionmi ktu o ccsfulvc the evils svhiei press liard lip9ii it. it a'î'opt sottie schiemiic of iiiiifiei aet iomî is to mîake it-sclf felt iin the ife of thie iiimiiit.- iand<1the .oîîm Relief Recipients Getting Soi thing for Nothing in Cities Whiilc muailv <f us wlia live omtside cit h iiits oftemi qulestionii the sait 'v ofs Toronito hpcople. sIc ivei-e aiaze1 to meeitl *v tlat Tîîrtîi,) relief î'ccipiemît. ratlimpi soue o<t leîî. obiccted to edcai awia v siîîsvtiijxv foi- their r'el ief viîmmc It îma v imtcmest thmc"e pcople to kiiow- ini Bowimîamvil le thîse receiviuii î'elief1 alva *vs, mmi lcss J)liysiemml is-viifit. îvîrked theii' vomilis. Bsufommiile k ai cmtlv- domi t ivant onît and( <ut chu ritvu prefei- to Io iisi iviiuthiim(,iiiret iii foi't] livinig. ear'e iiicliiied to agm'ecivithi a pro eial micsp-lapcr whici s a 's tlat aiiv per m'ftmmiiig ti w'ork for hlis r'elief -voie( shomld hi' iimbiîîeiatelvý eut off relief. situîationî iii Tornîto is ail the more air ig w-lieu mie reads thiat thie mîenî are'1 60ê per' ioumî'foi' cleamiig off siiow.T rate' of pa 'v is higlier thamu skilicd mcen imi tîis toNviî. and( sîhile wîe admmit that 25. lper lhomr î'ate w'e pav aîr relief î'c emts is mîît higii. ive kumows'tliat everyv of thîcmn wold g'uve aistiigii- oget petli oi- irreLiulai' amniliard îvork. ahîîîîc relief svork. Ahuia lîamîî Lîmmci<hi, wii died more th seveît «v yearsî ago. in oaie of lus speeel iscii a phirase w'hieih aptîx- descrihues so. coiditiomis of tudav. The qmotatioii ias coodl thiat Tii Cl('erk Alex Lvle pasted on the door o>f the corporationu safe. m'aus: - Our people are fast approaclii the puinit iviere it cailîce sait]. thiat sesc eighîits of thie people arc trYiiig to fimîdo his- ta live at thme expense oif thie uit Indifference of the Parents aetioli.and a Young man he was pocr If You want to know how 1weli paid an ecual amount on a tain. acin.Iand a lonesoýme soul. He sat in Paid you are figure out how much The friendship made in a mo- -e tîat THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT the back of the gallery of his work you would have to do to be ment is f no moment. th ls church and was hiardly knoixn.1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lie b,-By Spectator During his early thirties he came 1 1 into a lot of money. Within three Otaa eray8h-h de- oath of the King which recognis- amrolg the big guns, roa h there a L O E bate on the Speech from the ed Canada's nationhood. In re- by the officiais. He was made a iStayvatt towis. hroe whch ccuiesseveral gard to the amefiment moved by member of the church board and days at t e beinni g of every th op oii n l a e Mr Ki g w s nv ed o t e s om s sesson hilenotimmediately said figures speak more eloquentîy an-d became a man with much in- wic ProuIe o leisatingives a than any speech f rom the Throne. fluence in is church. I wonder S T . 1 JE.GI1III1S )rk anormic ictue ofecOnonùc Droughit lessened the amount of what would have happened if he liitbv. and social conditions~ existing in wheat availble for export and this liad. lost his money, but he died ibothi the country. It lays before the:accounted for the decline in re- a rich man. If he could have JVHEN YOU'RE IN TORONTO People -the difficulties which con- i cent exports of which Mr-. Bennett eard ail that was said at his Slin- front the People, and suggestions complained. The total trade of funeral service he would have feit VERYROOMis an outsideroom,high- bab lv are advanced for their ameliora- 1937 was the highest since 1929. like Pushing Saint Peter to one 1- ceiinged and good size. Each room ýf the tion. Not that ail the suggestions 'The balance of trade last year side and saying. 'Dont question has its ownl balcony and tiled bath and nbat are very profitable. They too of- [was 316 million dollars. Revenues me." In his 7ite he often sa'd, hwr.odfo.Atniesrie ten bear the mark of strong poli- had expanded, employment had 'It's queer what a differen'e hwrGodfd.Atniesvc. ilhislt tical partisanship. But the speech- greatîy încreased and the num- money makes." Private hotel garage service available. 1if iÏtles cover a wide field and fromi the ber of people on relief was much If we would only say what we cn ore of oratory which f ilis the ower than in any year Since the think perhaps we would fot say Away from trains and noise; yet only pages of Hansard may be ex- 'beginning of the depresson. Re- s0 much. 3S itreshic indiatens ho quickStryeu tracted a good deal of gold of lief camps have disappeared; over Cios e rs can't see the white 3 mines from Ediatos ollege Streetu sound common sense. It is the 2.000 Young people have receiv- ro.se4. work of our leaders to smelt the ed training in various types of Coid hands cant hold them, can reach stores and theatres. mfe. gold and coin it into legislation useful and profitable work. Large you know. Single rooma, double rooms, suites for the good of the people. numbers of Single unemployedi Life is the time we can help -ail with bath and shower Attacks Speech from the Throne have been placed on faims. Mr.1 them, King touched on differences of So give them the flowers now. FROM $2.00 DAILY This session Mr. Bennett start- opinion which had arisen over the 392 SHERBOURNE ST. (Just above CarltOn) RA. 4135 ethe ed the baIl roiling by making a Shaw report on the marketing of ScAlI1t general attack on the Speech fromagiultural proclucts in Britain. AUCTIONEER US reaci the Thi-one and on the record of The report has been in certain the government. He criticized the particulars revised. Reterring to GUEST SPEAKER _______________________________ sor am bi g uou s language of the Mi-. Bennett's expressedi opinion AT ROTARY CLUB imîgi Speech. With vigor and an oc- tliat the discussion of constitu- lir. casional flash of satire he attack- tional amendments should be ini (Continued from page 1) t ed the National Defence depart- the hands of a conference rather lia ment for not maintaining secrecy than a Royal Commission. M ig te an of ten obtaite have about its defence of the Pacif ic King said the Rowell commission finest painting for far less than for coast; on the economic side he had been appointed not to change iseworlth. When the sale is over pa- pointed to the change fromn a fav- the constitution but to examine te ge t oether and hold their out rable to an adverse balance Of facts on economnic. financial i-e- 0wn% actio where bidding is it trade with the United States. Hesoniites tc "W h e ni t doZne and the dealer desiring the their, found fault with the "Political" co oaqusinolcag hsarticle buys it from the original nature of the adinistration of primet'e ad"adth 1~~, purchaser at the* auction. The .- -w . the comittee in charge of West- vincial legislatures would have duffrenc'e in the pnice paid at the -.F '~ conrhaili-io an eif etheir ful say." fi-stautioandlt e iepaid....... ernrrehbilittiondadtrelef. H lrsoii thought an independent commit- dics fatsthe eaers' private auction is irs tel, should be in charge 0f this dhi regard to the muchhdeal Thî~~~ work. c~~~d question of the export of pow-- vddeel ewe h e h mte ers and helps to pay theur traveil- 4 '" ' ' îîz fOn the vers- important questioni would be fully discussed in parlia- gexnesThsasoten fl ofthe revision of the constitution ment and the question of policy i'n etintn his countsry to paid Mi. Bennett thought the wili 0f "fwtler and fully considered an xet o si eie..~~'-. . This the people should be on amend- here." Citing some of his personal ex- -et ments contemplated. He gave as periences. Mi-. Ward-Pi-ice told an example the way constitution- Jockeying for Political Advant.age i of seUling good and bad automo- the al changes are carried out in Aus- Mi'. Blackmore as leader of the biles which has been seized from c l tralia. The government he said third largest group in the house.r rum runners and bootleggers by ole should have a policy for building the Social Credlters, continuedI the goverriment, of auctioning off 60 up domestic markets to take up the debate. He feit tha t a grave an entire Wild West Rode inTo the recoil when in imes of de- lyear was before Canada. There rnoweeoe ato a n- ]et pression some foreign markets, had been too much "jcckeying for ious to seli and dispose 0f the out- might be lost or decline in value. 'p oli t i c a 1 advantage" in the fit, and the other determined to He charged that there was a great speeches so tai. There should be stop proceedings. As they wcre deal of electoral corruption rami-:a spirit of cooperation in thislabout ta lead the tii-st horse to he-S pant in Canada. On these and a trying time. The propaganda1 the block the latter faction ti-ied i 4nic nulnbei- of other points he made v:hich has been going on in Ai- ta stampede the animais which '" <> out. his brief against the govern- i beita he said was a "standing dis- were finally subducd by members ment. He moved an amendiment: grace to the people 0f the Domin- 0f the opposition. ý L t to the Speech f rom the Throne in ion.*' He pleaded for the cessa-j The speaker also told 0f a sale 1It which regret was expiessedi that, tion of shipments of met.als usedj at a large estate outslde 0f To- llg the governiment have not taken ori in armaments to Japan. In rela- ronto wher there were several .ei* "c o n t e mn p 1 a te taking efficient , ton to the record of the govein- heirs and the property had te be Ci~ measures to deal with u nfavor- ment he f elt they had donc good divided equally betwecn eight ~>t able economîc conditions in Can- work under the financial struc- people. The valuators put slips ici' ada and that no legisiative action1 turc but the structure was "fun- 0f paper in eight envelopes with !s proposed to deal eff ectiveîy1 damentaîly wrong." The counti-y details of the property and the ith the prevailing uncertainty 1wAOuld neyer solve it.s problims heur drew The old maid 0f the an dinscuiity iesulting fromn the until the financial structure was faily received al of the chil- inadequate incomes 0f large num- changed. dren's toys. bers of oui- people."Mi sw -t k atom The Chai-les Daly gun auction Pride ini Being a Camadian lengu-h on the iniquity of shipping wias of intense interest and the OIl According to customi the prime war materiais te Japan and on aluabed co Wllin incOrudedh ls, minister îeplied to the at tack ot the apparent inflexibility of thegucaidbyWlam fOrne )d. the leader of the opposition. In1 constitution in the face of econ- ito 7ineselal o his speech Mi-. King mentione< i mic suffering. He was followe Lord Nelson which could be i-e-bl "' the pride he feit as a Canadian1 by a nurnbei- of other speakers ofcokdbshinitagntte er- n harig a th Coonaion he aIlshaes f plîtcs.gunwale of a boat. and a large Her in____________the____________the _____________of _________ number f expensive mn o d e r n I ai-ms. The night prior te the te sale. somneone broke inte the THINGS WE LEARNED LAST WEEK mdr us h ih olw I. By Scribe G ing there was a jail break at Co- bourg whee the guns weîe used iiand some time later when the 00/ lei* We see no reason why we should O. K. for maybe a month. You f amous Red Ryan wa-s shot in a it- keep oui- ignorance to oui-self . . . swab your thi-oat or put At back batik raid, the guns were tound in of ater al we're only a country boy thru your nose withi a dropper. his possession and had to be dis- ai with a beard.' (E) That you cannot bè sure of posed of at a subsequent auction. Last week we learned: a rattle snake's age by the num- Aothe salnced f unusaoiner-of (A> That Niagara Fals, stop- ber Of it.s ratties. A rattie snake tas cnute todssef a pe completely on the morning of grows f rom 2 to 4 ratties on 1is tepi-operty of a middle aged lady Y li aichelt 1848. There was an tail in a year. But oftentime, Old of cosdral e a63 th.h eroe ig enormous ice iam at the Lake rattles break off. The meat of a wresm 63tnk rmvd E f att k W avefromn storage, many 0f which had Esrie etnd of the river. No watcr r te snake is edible. W ae bee n in storage since 1898 without came tr ntil the weîght broke rcad that it iS something like the bigtuhd h rnshl Y the ice dam above.i breast 0f chicken. A tii-m in Floi- artinlgstouch a ed. Thetrunkas held y B>Ta oui- feet include 104 ida puts it up in cans (the price arlytice u strnglfeatellboasith îc epaiae nsta ie put to- is about $1.25 a cani>. A live rat-onyhetrglftotil ha gether in such a way that they tie anake like you sec in a crcus theyad ee ng.ofleestiobank h present one of the most mai-velous seils foi- about 50 cents a maaeroeiig0udcpiodn pîcce of cnstrutionknown toi.~ . . and a big python Q practcforbyher cm Ipi- e ofn cabots$100cafoot poeS, h er relatives and friends. (- C> That the whale i>Thtte rie0Bul ard nevcm- mailed, tr'ays of pennies is nt a (P Tht te piceof ullanadnicklcs, a trunk full of new fish in the truc sense of the word. Elephants is back te about $2000 woollen stockings, expensive laces It does not have scaies but has: a piece . having recovered fîom an iiks worth a fortunc to buy hair. It suckies its Young ... and;r a 10w of $200.00 during t.he de- fin t he Es, the family jewcilery, O0 has other mammal chai-acteris- pression,. suite 0fmanogrammed crystal, le tics . . . it has iungs. We saw an advcîtisement the lone po)rtion 0 f a trunk iabelled (~ D) That 0f ail kinds of dope a; other day depicting an Af rîcan1 and contlaining "my hair comb- Persan takes or applies for in- Elephant as an exampie of Dii-- igsof 1916". another 'my fa - cîpient soi-e throat or stuffy nase. ected Power-. To show you that ther's faise teeth i-emoved beforeWI'J NIE l there is .one that a doctor is more adveitising people don't know ev- burial with Photo of that august I It ather. It is a 20-, or 257 solu- ours points out that African Ele- articles had to be soid and the tion of argarol. This is a dis- phants are as dumb as the douce rce dsibtdtthhes r icy psehmcfthnaye-3tigcthr...a red0 eteman in cfin." Ail thhese p w ragi-ceable black concoction that a . r and mean too. Asiatic elie- Even the smallcst articles must ~ ýt druggist campounds when you or- phants ai-c the only kind that cii-- not be discardcd as the possib iity il dci- it. If you keep a bottle in, ue s hya- h ol hi bec a edsoe Ji a r.'-