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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1938, p. 3

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Mints For Homebodies Principie. tîat the Lord helps _____________________ I IVritten for The Statesman those wvha help themrselves. and itIByA AI tj b >- is i .ust as gcad an idea as it ever Cantadian Fishi Focds comeorn ion A JWON O IA WN D M N J Jessie Allen Brown %vs.Tlic.e af yau who are for- Pure. cold waters and they are IyJR .IIIW O The Pioneer Spirit ural Societies can see in the'littie îing industry iin accordance %vith se'en tobe Osing Ou tinLate eOs nogh t have h ruth aehmt andnîreed byth fs. ee eaut s'tyOfPspts in ouhae totere- there lmo odamred ethlos A ilanknolvn ta me makes'sufficient only for bis board bill I l-ee m t a e l o n g r n' p a t o g th rth~ e w î o m hm ' o r k d T h gs nood. mo r e h e a lt h f u l a g lo v e s a n d m itts - in a w id e v a r - a n d h is c l th e s . H a d t i s m a n ' w e il P eople E Ued th in be th ay t t eher f r t e c m on g a . m r n u i h n .ety oa sty es and qualities. H e is added t a his inc are by w ork, le Wee eaple owantedthfnr the y Then e is na substitute for work Here are some appet.îzing ie L ablei e i htlemks wudhv enal edr 9 eat y ta wand or thertnoandand it is surprising how many are cipes for preparing fish for dinner. SC U T N Wean a ben akn oefrimr.Bulechste ea ~at bu y nd go th m, bu fOW readY to wrk if sam eone starts Canadian Fish Loaf _ _ __ _his business for m any years. He idie. H s c o in ha be n v y W;ien cammnunities want things' Take two cups af fisli - 'left w motant ecets are on the culd enlarge bis business. but he litte. He had acquiredno love a mne gesthe n ly consiaca bl o es'ifdeieratr P u d in Sc ut Cltde f r tienie r future does not want ta make it larger. ib oks,. e ne er traveled. The oni te Peple speak derisively of 'cook- Nfapluf s. lk tei'siadLeaf hckeygaine nHe makes more noney every year aider he grew the more clried out Mle tebyigwit.ha can-opener,'buon d t i two cups of fine, Sof a rc 2,ad the Patrot Leaders' than lie can spend. He h a s did hie became. When lie died, t'en hr swayoexcept fr iuis bult o ai ra rms w bae gs ofrne larcli 8th and l9tlî enough maney saved up ta assure there were no maurners. He lef t . - a lot t bc sad ned fods. Sldom d 1 use hern tree-qhimselfo aandpbf silifeimcomfandt forw nothing behindthinhimhi-dna grati-grati for theo l d neds f oda Se arts doutI use cthem athre e-q ar er te a i t thup a m k e w * * idp* o s their re raining years. He hias n a tude. nonre te la mnent is passing. I us ca- sit ad pppe tasuitthet.astei. \Ciig s saidptrl ichildren. He goes ta Flaridla each JC faýlioned1 bee. n ied faods as tlie basis of a good a tablespoan ai onian juice. (or a cai, h ournuitsi the Cur- year - lie and lus wife. Las t year .. T h e r e ai' e rnany dishes. Probably one rea- finehy minced onion), and a tea- eltiiomoth Ca test ivill jouriieY le and bis wif e went ta Europe. I suppose that. it is true that inanY desirable son is that when I buy a can I spoon ai leman juice. Aftei' mix ioNllleLa Gardens on \Iarch This man -ç'atches lis business; m'rostversons ins this world want k hi i n c2s ta be know exactly the quality of the ing the ingredients wel. place l2th to sec the NMaple Leafs and the most carefully. He himself is an!mr oe hnte'cnue )ta:ned %vliere goods it cantains. And that is tlîem in a greased pan. dot leith Canadiciaitîs in action. Tliesc two effective Slsa ibioes and it is true that rnoney-accum cos is la- mret nYeu can say hnYubte'slma ofh gvs ln rnîetîn lenyu ute.and bake in amaderate teanu, aiwavs draw capacity crowds and rnitts - ta departmentthe stores buyf usl-tt ionabecornesorese 9ruln a- ~k ' POU". Men and bu resh fruits and vegetables. aven (350 F.> for tlîree-quarters ani the gaine s!îould jîrove- ineretii- and tO retailers of ather classifi- ýsionin the case of countless per- wamoielî eau stili The canners are away ahead af ai an liaur or untîl the lbafi suc hreipe tf tinime t tý) ctss emae odg oesans. iManY will live meanly in wrcad the gai'so quality and de- fîrm and brawned. Any kind o ai-le onsb asn et.i n itadkosýre ebidU otn bablvy wouîd be Jessie Allen pendability. The gavernrnent lias Canadian fîsh may be used in oi~ ypsii ets n nts n nw exactly a e abdu fortune - a f reg~ular atteîdamc. Pv pa ne t of w liat they cost ilim. He is in a f r thers will obtain if 'bhey %wercasked. Workîng witil canners ta live up ta but wlien ued i lra te i es. aiid bvcollectioni of ivaste eceentPsiio t met t er uneywhh 4so i. r ate~fra commun cause is a we buy atlier fods it is a gamble. hauld be Poured in with the l)aper. pie icnpttr ngae ed ti ut ih ned * * * * fi e Sand rnîtts af comparable quality i a'b nobiain-i Pla.s tue reasons o tîîe succe:aihe r et. if w'oraen could de- ruhed aind eft wiandthe bfis ,. roi Leaders' Cojîference is te and lie does net fear camPetitars. man ta build up a surplus for the .. rd: no adteC-op- pend an the quality. Apples are The bonles of thîe fislî contain cal iggewt ScouîingScout le ae ad J C K teylw'fa survivenlîirn but itoisnft atives. Tlîey lvark tcgether and one of flî greatest trials. We use cium and the ail contains vita- B mavic cotldesfm ItllftîsmnbcueI10kat aIl riglît wlien the business af Save the coupbons in IÀpton'a t.e eptesle n aia lot ai apples and wouhd use mare mins.Cemdpa oroat Oshawa, Whitlby, Pickering, Stiiiff- upon htrn as being a x'ery sensible' buligu oruerb hackages. They'II hring you ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ if i e could get w hat w e w anted . sauce m ay be served w it b is b ville, I idsav. Peterioro. > o rt a i h s o ie t' O builder ai tle virtues ai kindli- Silverp ate Gifto. W rite now Here we ar'e near the Annapolis loai, as well as baked potatoes. Hop>le, Cobourg anîd Camîîbeliford double îhis business. seeif g t ness, courtesy. generosity. lavable- for Premnium làet, to Tho, J teas. Change te Lîpo . no tenw îh foravr tre weksI av ben is Stak i MIk vji attend. The visitors iviii bc bul- he ha.s ail the money lie can use.' ness cliarity. neigbborlinesslion- Lipton Limited, 43 Front St. ness and satisfactionoatawhs mob forn o av uy ebshetahgoee pestaksai nydesreakid bBoeaeîviilotrnghtlwinibisown ad is ii's ldest. jstcean case hi tjusttTirne.,fla-ndedcaausesaconenratd n ter L S E ..a:ples and have flot yet got tin.. f Canadian fisb. or lillets cut Thenjcrmm rinc hare o*thw'iell otetee ad s lHifldey ta ii; miitheirrmansoie leahf..regrant neer u.giiyua Our grocer lias tried ta get them 'inte serving portions. xith a dlamp uu eteý- cag O 1 ants are few and simple. and be afresb, bewuldverage o'l ecrn n fo eand lias flot been able ta. clathu. wrung out ini cold. salted Pae ee can supply tbern ail. He w,,ants prefer ta have the breadwinner' J i ~ 1 yul ecm n orotedy Finally I bought a feu, af the best water, sprinkle tler with sat. sectre a'. speaker for- the opeilliug occupation. and las i. W y give tbem Ig lemeasre if b a n u et iii S t.P a rSh a ll m oredlie s tc onte o m r eal- g th n t.a g o d l m e sur o cooking apples I could get and pepper and fleur. place them in a PîqîtiiS.Jh' >rs al lal esrv ad oebs IÔ~ad tlîey are fat wortb wasting sugar greased baking pan and caver Nr. Harry J. Carnîichael, Gene'rai ness? - coart and pleasure, and, in the "<lsteagtmmntantwi. CANADA-193 an. Tiey hiave no flavour and witb milk. Caok in a hot aven. Nfanager of General Nfotors, and a I came acrass in England caseoion,îrenRaegodLductia PRATOCCStbey xull not. break dlown in caak- 450ý F.. until the fhesh bas 'set,. nmember af the Ontario Provinîcial man somewhiat similarly situated. iplus a sound character and a sane 3Rb. ae Oag3Yl SMPIRING PROGAM îgTh ppe i tepi tai Having sliced two medium-sized (:()""cil. It is hioîîed that NMr. Dent- He soid fine uplialster3' iabri':a utlook an lufe. than tliat he a ries.GP RU n.Te plsintepe tyi shîould withold these things in _________________________________ fit-ni pieces and tîîat is not my onions, saute themn in butter or viii bc speaker the sec- Hi.s business was soundîy estab- 'arder ta build up a fortune. idea ai an apple pie. We liad just fat untîl tbey are browned and odni!miht.bilt we have vet ta hear lished. He was getting an in IFriday 10 P.M. E.S.T. as much trouble in Otro ~ tiien place the slces on the fish, front ii. yas ehdaltemnyle Alo sko esn h Lived near the best apple grawing with strips of bacon on eacb piece ****cauid use. Wlîen men like mysehi1avetlemselvcs up te Morley- STA IO C L ,:counties but we could flot depend ai 115h. Returri the dish ta the Two speciai tours htave becît ar- would urge hirn ta go out aftermaking and who neglected their STATONCIL ongetting good apples. The grow- aven until the bacon is cooked. raîîceol for the vi'.itor'.. Ou iMarch nmare business. we cauîd fat mave: wife and children, letting the cr -r ery muclu agitated over Two pounds ai fillets will serve l9til the\. viii visit the Goodyear him. His business was ai a size l children graw up witbout tbe en- possible tariff revisios but it six people. If desired. mushrao(Ms Planmt anmd thîe 1Box.' Traiimng Scitool vwhicli enabled him ta. be its Mari- richments af a fatlîer's love and ___________________________________ sees a m tier i a id boneuuaY be placed araund the sices 1beiîtg convýuud froui omme place to ager - its campetent manager 1 direction. We have seen the chil- MMM&market ta be cultivated with no of fish and baked witli tlem.. the otimer b%. bus He iaund h litshappiness ini bis. dren turn out badly. We have tarifs a w oi' y about O ur b use- O en-Frie Fish * * *busin ess. I i i d a a g r b s - seen th e aid age ai p aren ts m ad e r Lister> to radio's m o t pow erful dra mna . "T« he Ho a af et r M c calu, helileil Clness, ît miglît begîn ta worr3' hlm. sadi and bitter because af the Gregtor", every Mon., Wedan r14.15 4.5pm. ari Trnt.As anc and if we want and can't get dcsired kind ai fish, wipe eaeh imtttc, lmadcd lmv Cmbîîascr Cliff phay otbier's. and liaving mare em- arn tlinkitug ai anc mari Whoia i A V IN G S ~~~tliem. there must be many athers piece carcfully witli a darnp clatlî .lacNýair. luaif xviii et iîn kitoxvpîo3'ees wauld probably add ta bis' drinking himself ta death be -__________________________________ S A IN S feel the saine. People are beconu- wrung out inu cald salted water. if vmnr paremnts iii billet a scouIt burdens. lis labours. and lis an- cause life lias become asiles in[ meg inci'easingiv cansciaus ai the Dîp eaeh piece in egg, beaten on 'tPe 'ridax itiglît. aîmd give Iiiiit xieties Ilis mouthi. He neglected bis borne befare returning ta take avec thei funeral fromohrcnrswr WWe av h eaevei tbvlutaifritnansvgeabis ndsiile ywitientblepon 0wcldPiabraka.. aîdiuîci omaauray lu wlin le asa yuner anI iomstad llias ie ia aera- rs Ja. eCellnJWait., rs nd sevent3' W a 11 p a p e r are using im ported freslu uegc- w ater. or in saltcd m ilk. T oss t he Dimimier bot hm îiglits wxiii Pc suup p J CKnt a d ir e b e i r e o e i h l e s - d ii h h s s n G o ge s n e t a a e B o .tterns at, greatly reduc- tables and fr'uits because tlîey arc fisli intoa apan or bow'h ai finely- ****IantatIamr e be ~der agt richsonsWoe imeask- cd ewabs son aeorge snce hf.arli oenBanolota .O ta resist the te mptatin to cd li ou lis sons anc time. i me. Herwaofanr aiend ih R oh; d ein, lo r.D o ad E it a ating ceunpleted now while getting quality, If the grow'ers ecdipiece ai iisli w'tlithee c ,i1t'.. A\llPatrol Leaders aîtd preici to lice dontentediy, doing a aod counseliîs. Do the duty His love for Burns and bsRi i nrw aigcmltdnwwie want us ta buy tlueir products. let erumbs. (Use anceluand for dlip- Se ît vxill bu exitected toatatemîd kind a rkesntohem tlat lies nearest you. A duty warks was amplified by the fact Intermentwsmd inB - big savings in both paper tliem grade tliem and let us be ping the fish in the liquid and thue tht e'.. m.and rei.ite.r. A't thte afd inu wbose daing tliey cari1 mucli nearer t.lan maney-making that bis bicthday was tlie sanie1 manville Cmtey and labor are available ab]e ta buy the grade thuat suits other foi' w'rking with th e discretioit f tPe Scouitinasters otimer make aUi the money whichi they is building aneschf Up in the love as the immortal paet, Januacy 25.' during the slack season. eut' purpose or aur purse. crumbsî. Place the pieces ai fish box'. soxxiimg particuilar promtise can use. Whîat is the sense nofoegard iied and great.esteeBurw s sehdolasiin adaof theha vet y Circuinstances Alter Cases on a greasedi bakîng pan. add salt. xiii Pc gix cm ait oppoîtuîtity tîm at- accumulating a lot ai moein ani er of ofes ins ande'setBrs coasi te Reductions from Rgt and wrang are flot al- ar.d sprinkle ligltly with coaking temtd tue comfereîîcv. -\il%- Scout excess Oi one's requ i r e ni e n S associates - this by daing same- Mr. Wiglit is survivedi by two ýwy hrl iie.One cir- ail. Leave the iisb in a bot aven xx o xivilie', ta attenid o)e' or bath Wliat wou]d Yeu thuik a a thirig which stcengtluens ne's:.sisters, Mrs. James McClellan, 10%l to 25%/ cumstance may make a thing 5o . ni tlasbs t a-(f the banqpuets. xii! bc able ta do wliose passion was the accumula-,'hrctr ad lih beeis hty and Mrs. Jane Brown, rigbt and another make the same ery colour and no juice escApes .Son ait ett of 35c. t'on ai furniture. or catm.e, or : thr Taronto;ý by tliree daughters. Mrs j 1 whngrong. Sarne warnen were xvben tie slices are pierced witli * *sli Ps - far in excess ai bis ce- _______________ A. D. Mienzies, Tilston, Manitoba, j wali nd anecooaintlem ads oe ca kning tieequir Te depcd ng fioglittie curte,%-o.fthie qtiremefts? Mrs. James Reid, Rerirew and Je H. ABERNETHY wtalkin ave ofaking. ais amc akitng iiede. ire eedngtb a coo oade ssion TîMstmradtnt ' anrcOIT A M sonGeorge ai PrBolon;id~ne Phone 431 --Bowmanville used a cup ai sugar tea aPounid af the thickness ai the fish; net Hgl e'iio illard ul .sotin the otha me10,00do ertfeed marve O Tone MsonGeorge on, oint and __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ prunes. Aqother wom an said that m ore than ten m inutes in a ot tîe Coifereîîe xl c ied ut uh n 1 . 0 a y aja ie v ry ..Aise survivi g are 16 grandchîî- was wrong, that sugar sliould nev- aven is rieeded foc a piece ai lisliauitrim.cairf atly. Motlieu rseeady GognWg Poediramen arris3 Cra.Furahl Ch- a A* the most camman mistake in fiish We siali Pc inîîeed of about six< ta say that we Would be very Thcwaseearcta bsbm The funeral service was lield Pa coakery. s service scouts. xo viîo xxie Pcgiveit satisfied with an incarneof$5(00 heepascit rs a i-hmetomte orieo.d or-Ca I us f ree tickets ta the baniquets in return a Y": If we lad $20.000 a year1 in Darlington on Monday, Janu-I pel an February 2nd, and was It ust ho the The greatest wisdami is ta have uor certaint services reîîdercd. Tliese we wauld fat be able ta use it alî.l ary 3lst, George Wight, well catulucted by Rev. A. W. March, r haeirtbl evs.Yuno unsaid the wcang thing at the -service Scouts. wiii Pc rccuuired ta Probably we wauld farce ourselves1 known citizen ai the township, pastar of the Tyrone. Circuit. evfoc1 0ftear fullmarnent. , ta direct \)isitors ta, use the Wîoîe oai t. We cauld1 aged 84 years. Mr. Wight's chief Paîl bearers were aîî cousins, Fred i * ystm. t i th tepÉi mmnt o herbilts ndtolel)tiyil)very ea-sily lind ways ai spending claim iita fame was bis nagriuicent C. Hoar, Charles A. Wight, Mel- mepondenabertoaie A r s e e i r to OfHe wbo knows imnself best es- îlovui-P Pîqes $20.000 eacb year, but we wouid memory, possibly the rnost ce- bourrie Wight, Miltan Wight, Rus- in C ai' orne Buil ingsteem hin.sei leat fo ailare oll* * * sthe banqmueetsor th ngs en h entire township. He sell Bragg, and Wrightsan Wight.N ER VFO O D beter orknoin th wrstaiwhich are quite unnecessary ta was the yaungest son ai the late Arnong thase attending the________________ H m ]B id n stbemselves. Suiîdta afe raîne o ul) ur camfcirt and liappiness. AdJohn Wgtand Jane Moffatt, bis ___________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r t e i o n t e o f u i l - 1 w m u c h w r s e i t w au l d b e f o r ! f a t l ie c b e i n g a n a t i v e a i S c t l a n d . - ittaster i Casimourmi. Edgar T. us if we had an incarne af $100.000i Early in ile M. Wight was er be added ta prunes. The f am- tories.. Toruntto, Easterni Ontario a 3'ear. taugît ta appreciate the works aif P O EC O R FA 1Y G Fiu.'d Secretarv, xviîî xas a guest of An incarne af $10.000wauld ithe great Scattisb bard. Robert ** ily ai thc iirst. warnan lîke the Nr. aîd H lrlcws00wsi h prca prunes coaked with sugar and M'.B .Mricia suffice ta give us alî ftic food Burns. anid itwainteapri- ___would fat cat thern othecwise. pîresemmuait'tuutneu'tIg. needed for us, all the clothing, a,,' tien ai these warks that bis tnem- Tley cat very little sugar, se lit-**** thie lurniture, ail the pleasures ory bcaugbt him fame. He owned if ~on the table. The second wman )vtia P tctigia iteadtioii excess af $10000 would be used knew the stry ai every Burns p sac>', ro repair or replace las a heavy hand with sugar and ai a plaît to have a Torclîliglît Par- for indulgences, foc extravagances, paem. and he knew the great ma- tha lakyorfir-mnac tîeyus lagequatiiesaiit.SOade throuigh Bloxiîtatviie oui the and lac investiment. There isjoit off by lieart, including sucli thatleak orfirernen c- hey se l rgequanitie ofif, e c ifwsright for ber to use ber ciosiîîg niguit of te P.L. Cauîferemce. grave moral danger ta a mari andi lengtby works as "The Catter's TESTS PROVE DANGEROUS SP ? 'if ~in g ro o f; t a " sa v e th e p ru n es w it o u t su g a r . w le re a s i t -'\Ili ocal S co u ts. a d C ti s xi ii c is iarl y w len th ey h a v e a su - S a u c d y igl t. M iOWi ht a ul S P E R S U S M A N was riglit for the other wamnan ta expected to take part. The inarcli erabundance ai maney. The pris talk Burns and quote Burns by GRSI AIY WSH! surface" b> painting; ta srengthen walls and foundarians; use the sugar. In the caurse aofxx iii coiiciude ithxil a soiemîtiilvesti- session af a lot aifrnaney does fat thie hour witb apparent case. A 4UCEESE ta o de niz w rh afe el crr c e uip en , s nir ry the conversation n c w aran said turc cere tio iy at t e Ce otaîi, an d assure appiness: n the con- N or w as his ple rn ry used ec- M edical authorities know there are W A S H D Y AS W L to odeniz wih sfe lecricequpmet, aniary that ber doctar bad tald lber ta the intmîres'ive cIosiîîg cereminyconi- trary, it is apt ta make those pos- tirely on the warks ai Burns. He dangerous germa in al] soiled plumbing and bui-in convenuences. '.>e., at a banaria and drink some milk ducted Pv Nir. jpnc>. sessing it very uriîappy. was a great student ai the Bible clothes. Science bas proved it-byASTEP TCIN ta belp lier gain weight. Anather** *JÇ and cauid quote and discuss the laboratory tests. Tbat's wby lit is so 0F AWAHTXT ore raplyspkeU ad ai it'.xeekJcK Bible as well as any mari trairiec important, if you wash clothes ut H onkropl) li pan ad hs % te first part oif the Mariy persans say. "If I lîad a in theolagy. He was deepiy ce- bomne, te use Concentrated Super readn oeIpaeetLa.cause ber doctor had put lier an uice xviii1 go out froîn Headquarters. What's wrong with wark? Work Heaus un te Bundaetaeue.eSd hc eoe readn o eIpoeetLa.a diet ai bananas and milk ta base atîd it is expcttat this campaign is good for us. Persans wha do isie odo oadh a germs and dirt . .. the wegt hywr ohrgt ilbigtii Bawumaîvîîe l25 Patrai net warkarntteb vid bitterly apposeci ta those modern. safest and best soap " .' The anc who wanted ta gain Leaders, Seconmds aind atiers ta the î'ather shouid tley be pîtieci. Work trends ai thouglit which try te >'ou can buy. '... 'es BA K 0F M NT E Lweight was given a banana and Qmnifecu.ce. Highlanmd Cree<k was . a rn:ans by which character place the Bible in the class af ieg- Bàll F M N R Rmriga netameal; xx'bre- wiîiclm delegates wxiii attenîd. eansmake a contvributone oausA aYugmnMr ihtUf N BLUE BOX ESTABLISHED u817 as the stauter was put an a diet cnmk otiuAo eortehstunean Mc.orotWh ef rLe timens oardce. Cicurnt ae "SELFJSHNESS" day and genecation. It is wark lie was empiayed by the Toronto timeste rduce.Circmstanesxhich makes us grow rightly. Jt Street Raiiway, driving anc ai the 2 7aiacui r ecm"Valentine Suggestions "if tiere Pc ail.\- truer itueaiiru..l iteeri and favaur aif ather. t 1 aerlelcae nNiisn a ga nis sliuid be puncci ~ . ~ xx at tc gxe'."-Sumiuî wiolsomey. 0 3ee carsaay ra m Da hingto THURsD2ÀX' FEBRUARX- IOTH, 1938 For sauna protection yau require n'rac egg whites. beaten until stiff and lmct 1drese e ewas respected ini que insuompreencevemix tooua cPu it i-at er negative way. but nabody tha 18copreensve - ak tisvidual moulds and chill until set. hieid hlm Inri hgh esteem. Nobady Harfor agncyta lanyaus.Garnisuu witb a cherry and serve made hl a campanian. witlu leart ihpd cookies. This mari punished bîrnselff uae Cckaieacily for bis parsîmony, lusÎ.eà 1Pdcranberrkils idleness, bis non- part icipat Ion in T J , J , M A S O N & S O N 8i ps nla ber ris livd. He beai te awhelrle ie-_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ juiceof 1 emonzen. He was a cypher. His char- juUANEA ENSB icnerisadwate, acter was fat corrupted by vices, Btail nb's and w ugr and er, but it was vitiated by his abstin- Phone 681I Bowmlanville juice. Taste ta sec if mor'e sugar ence frorn evertbing wbich could- is cequircd as bernies differ. fuis have made lhm stcong and in- SR lEW 1 is a refreshing jice for brýakfast fuential and estimable. He shut M D N C N D F C M DA as well as for formai meals. Hîmseat f hiomiesd carne . I -~ w L ARMFR -- - A It 1~ ..Imm THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO . 1, l 1

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