PAGE TWO ~PAGE FOUR veyric-lîe belongs in your own worltl. He cold give vin ail tlîe ~ 3 ilotliiiîes tlat a girl as lov*el% as oN1 aire dleserv-es. He conl takec care of L en t o e ýon. Gnard %-oit against ever beiîîe iii wanit o f alil goo(l thlîug 'But-if1 I doî't love Iliiin?.' Clloe interruitel lias siouîate] ý. O n ~ U a 5~r dScott stnilie(l lier filushl face, lier lîriglît. illnrt eves for a loiîg monment andi thenl lie as:ked (Illiet lx "N'«,slnre so siure tlîat voit don't Chapter XXIIITo pay bier (alu. visit to Scott. He liliiii?' In tie living room Chue founld f as sittiîîg nuIII) a wlîeh chair be- Ciu trda iii vd-vd ber father. Jane anîd Nelissa cbatting side tbe window and the deligbt of Cb trla in.iiee d comfortablv before the fire. Tlîcy findiîîg linî so well aloîîg towards "\\'ell it's scarcvly. a tlîiîg you looked up as she came iii and bier ecvery cqvered tbe first mnomnt could beciistakeii about. is it?" suce father said lightly, of greeting. - leiiut l itnvit rci lv "Not dresscd yet, darling? \Vbat Site told him about tbe Day Nur- Xtw logîtxx r. iii oi hav'e -oit becîî doing. taking a nap?' scmv vhicb lad opened forma,,, . witl Iiiiii. voit kîoîv, to begiîî vih, "No, Dad," said Chloe i'.itlî a îîcw that orniîîg witli a matroîl in ct îiie ntatil r serenity tlîat tbey ail îîoticed. "I've chîarge. iitl i\Margaret anîd Elleîî as "But tlîat w as liefore -'Cbloc been writing To Jirn. To tell bim assistanits, excited and tbrilled îsith began iiipettuously. liesitated. ivenit that cour cengagement was a îîistake." their iîew importance. Suddetîl'. scarlet. aînd finislied steadily, 'tbat "\\'lîat?" dernded Jane. starthed.""hle itesu taîked, Scott's eves feilI ias before 1 kitie\ itui." -"Yot' re îlot going to mary bhirnafter tuîon lier uiîgloved bands anti lie Tliere! lt was ont. Site lîad coulie ail?" looked startled. mîore tbaîî lialf %vay to nieet bîîîî. "No" sidChle qieIv. In "Your ring,- lic saitl suddeniily He'd bav e To reeninber iîow tlîat not oin tomarr hi, ater ll. no weaingil riv iioe." lie lîad said tlîat lie loved lier. Hed 'No. sad Cbe qiety. I'îî "Yn'r îlo werin it ilsilire. have to repeat tlîat. and ask lier To "Good." said Mlissa fraîîklv. Chlbe met i, cyes bravelv_. S'le inarrx iinîi. Now iliat sîle latl ad- "Are v-on sure, Cloe?' ask'ed lier ivas fluslied, starry-eyetl. a little îiitted tlîat site loved biîîî, amid îot fatlier. treiîîuious. J irn Pearsaîl. "Y~es. Dad." said Clloe quietly, "No."* she said. lier voice îlot quite Scott onîx said soberix tliougli lier vice ra îg iith a littîr steadv. "I'r n ot seariiig it anN "i f ax 1in said cauised tlis-" note of tireie'is the> could îlot miss. noe llu~ba vltn>aî iree sur. bvedisovre tat For tie space of a monOlt the\- fla.slîed binie fire. Site bad low.ered I iaut to stay bere iii Oaktoiî witb ivere botb sulent. The thiîîg thiat sîle lier lîride. Site liad aIl but ajked iii yoti andil Auît Jaîîe aîîd Gran." f 'a' standing clear and sliniîîg iii to mîarry lber. Site liaI nmade it quite McIi.s"a looked at lier slîrewdl ! cott's ees brougbt a little miost of plainî tlat slîe hatl brokeîî lier ei- and siîiled. Cbloe felt the bot rush 1 ears to lier osin. It sias Scott '.vlo gageîîemît To Jinii Pearsal liecause of blood To lier cheeks and felt slie spoke first anîd aIl lbe said ivas thîe site liai discovered tlîat slie ivas iii couhd cleerfully bave slapped 'Ml- scsuceivord. "W'bhv?" l,,ve sitb Scott Kelvinî iistead. Anîd issa. For Nlelissa Iooked s0o out- -l senît it back," Clîloe tol imirnif Scott didni't w aît lier - she slreiv rageously %vise. And inito Cllo's sererielv, "because 1 realized tlîat 1- a lonig liard breatlî and stos sd ni hatsliefa o te siaioieorSctht Keion tlat be-tlîat sv-lad triade a miis- drasviiîg lier coat about lier, lier asbelîd ooelatlir ha mrn take." face pale anîd coiîiposed. ing. Aiîd lier color dlecpciid a.sîle Sucli an agouis of loîîgiîîg Isstskcd "Pîase buiit gise it aiotlîer remenibered. as she kne'.s'tlat Niel- at lier ont of Scott's eves thiat sliu iii iglit.- slie said icil' . ' 1 hase issa sias rerneibering. the winged lcancul a little toivards iii. b ler ilissos ered tlsat Oakton i:i a verv look tlîat lîad jassed betiseen tbeîîî. beart x carling iii lier eves. a tiîîî îice place, after al..And siliee thîe Umiale T e nd n e Nelisasmile curving lier read iiiouthb. uer Saruii NIilîs ssIl sirsie dax lue ny sbrewd, almost aîgbing ci-es uîîon s'hîoîe beiîg îpalpitanît ith lîreatlî resaiiibility. 1 thiiîkit is .a. wecl bier, Cbloe said somtbing about for It'e.s aitiîîg. that I Iliould tay liere and lcarn dinner aîîd escaped To lier rooîîî. "X'tuî founîd thai xou didi't loi t ni 'ns' abithiiml.,i l o? l'In Once tliere sie stood for a mîomnît Ihm Cbloe. \V'as tlîat it?"' lie asked SI> glad to s>ec soiupn. Perlialisii with liter sliakiiia bands oser lier lier.. and nosv lie bad iîîîisel f iîderrntav exilibc-xell tîisîîgli tui bc face, feelinîglber cbecks hiot agaiîist conto îdlsjs.ia e îî vitl' - o uc Csiiiiît tbe c il iahis. lard, Iii. eecs la'k. 1H iu.e (ilsuChristmias Es e. I thiîk "Its truc» sie toîl berlel f shla- "ve. iliat wxas il." ansi'.erel siiimi iiglît ikeitie iart%. "'ily. "\'I'iat Nlissa tbinks is truc. Ir Chloe. and vaited for tlîe '. sris that ' Tbaîîkssi' said Scs stt, lus face aniii lisve iti li,îî aîîN s, lie rnust sas. Tliat slie ftlt isui int as esIhi, as csinouiii s hubrs.. I'ii use kiddilii misel f a iiyitre. I hi sic hcar ini s r(Ie r To gsi on liv ing. sîîî t'l II ij 55 TiiiIICiCh h irm.-" But after a momiemt Scott turmîed*** But after a mîoment a deepîsahid luIlîatheavav amdI h skel smit oîf the Chapter XXII' ing j os-ivelit iver lber. For site s'.as i'. ndosv ils, -licebleak gras iig îhimsk Cllt '.valked t-î TiTe lss f remeniberirig thiat Scott ws'. iii hisse ,iisiî. The tuc ' re leafless 'sism îî sp-îi i siItlir with hir. oo. o eerythiuie vasagaiiit a leademi 5k\-.thîir hblacki for a iimil îîtxi tilier back tsithie ail riglît. Ei-emstiig %vas mnost glur- branîchies tortured bvs a risiîîg chilI r isîîî. .\ njillîas i f lic liail caîhed iously ahI igt! Slie kiiex' the trulli s'. im. 'Little gusts -senît dry leaveis Tsi lier. slî tîried. lier bîand stihl on nos'.. Sbe oved Scott Kelvini. Tiot sciirs g alomîg thîe sidesvalk-. NoI) thîe dom kiils. thelîigbtesî hîsîsital Jim Pursîl. .-Xidlovhîst o t al. amuI thiei so)iitilt' lassed li. hsînders corisîs r îuiîiiîii lier frainiîîg lier iii Scott losed lier! It %vas a tbsuigbt ihiinmcled agaiiîst thie siîîd. hiad ii' illis)iette. But thee ighît bath ilst yul that sent bier into ier shocr Witli erel. Iuals vithi(,lie liamî l iigiîîg beuii lit inî Scots miss iii andîhtle rsîîsii cheeks îink anîd lier ex ('s sbiîimîig Ti* rebellion it u.aral ihcls.tite Isî lukestas. ** *Clloe TCIT thai thie silenice' laI tii- 'gray sliadossi tîvîlîglît. It ws lae th folowidumed for tiiciiniteul scars s'. en e stîhî l uit set! lus face verv cearîs. It iva late he folimg aftem- Scott said at ast. lus i oice lsar:h Tlîssîglî tlat mîigîtlit aie eurbuc - noon whei ~ ~ ~ ~ aml shefudtm nadýal traiied becatîse oftifls cff,,n causec of tlîe îîîist if tears iin lier that iad beemi beathlessh co'.dedatcnolsxici(.l'raligmimettit ____________________________________ He's ver'. richi. Chhsse. amnd iîl loi ikedSl traiglît at cadi other. An ___________________________________ a idi mail siol dame ask vox tsi themi Chue %wemIt ssi ftlx ont. choseil fmarrv irn - a Little Pincess --" tht' door behiîîîlier amîd stoodleaul- absurd voi stol) calîimîg nie that img agaimîst il. shakei. figlîtimîg des-t abudnicknaine?" cried Chloe, lier îîeally to dowmvi ber tears.r voice sbaken. a terror out of ail A nurse carne briskly alomîg the1 3 3/ %upoortionî to thie occasion,. il sec'mfed corridor amîd siioke to 'ier. Cbloet to lier. harnierimig suddenh at lier mîamagcd ai amsser. she mever quiteu On Gueranle.d Tmot beart. kmîcs v i-lsit e said, and uemt ssift- Cerfifiaohu Scott sail s'.earihy. "Docs. it seem hi sotit of thie bispital ansi imto biera absurd to o si? Iltahsvays :eened ai car. She drove home, lier thioxigit'.C femdarmetTomne," a thiousanmilries aiv frotn thi e-tIc A I.gaI investment for "There are othier emdearnmts I tails of tlme drive.t Trut Funds like btter.' Choe flasliesi shakihy. V'beii slue recacliesl lier sîsu minsstî Once more lie turmed lhil amuInd hu driiiihed ier s'.rais anîd linsjdlciht Unconditionally Guranteed lookel at lier. Ris face \'.aý sel. inî lier chair. She hli l h but askedf His umiijred hbamdlasmioi: uskmîes. Sein tKel'.in To miarrv ier. ie hadr chemched umitil thie kîîîckhes ,ioelî'vchru iisvillhem hoihtch5. Oh,'.'trv 1>0- '.hite ivithi thie straini. .Andîîheiîre lhîcîx and l villiontisîttiîîg it imts iC THE aiumspokei agomtv of emuliviW )rl . But a refusai juîst thie saille.e S TERL~ING IRIJSTS cuatiomi in bus soice tlîat friglitemicillier ii1hle '.as iilatters.. But i C hîoc becatise of the thîimg itmîeant. scasmu t ier pnIde tlîat h1îrt su iS" CORPORATION "Chhoc, mîy dear. Fin afraid m'esie tii11 lierself fsîrhomml.. Tlîat ivas mnade a mistake iii brcakimîg ".itIitliher lîcant thiat aclie.d sss îiersistenulhs STERUNO TOWE TORONTO felhosv Pearsall." ie saut xx carils . "-1 Nilissa camîe ini a litile ater. vers hîar hes quite a sîvell hersuii. -He". lîisk aind lîcer fil, '.'.itlî mcv.' of tIme lialie.NMliss a. Jamie amnd hloîvell sseut lîoîrs sitlî tht' tsi',clildreii andmui Nlissa iisiste(h firmîih thiat sîlaîl Timirn mî kies'.'lier mss.andithidt lie .îiled s'.iciusff- bolut sien liim. 'Ofcs strse fante imîisîstîutlat it's floit a sniih. tlat il'..;meciev a facial c ou tract iii cati sed hi scol ic ior sortie' tlill if the sort. Jamie svtîmh. Sit' i losis't kmî s.'.Tii tchuabotut bahies- f x lais'.vwrîîîg iiti i i? MNelissa lin ike of f to lcnîaîîd f raikîx. 'hI su tuirieul sharîihy awas . M el' usa ,sci us s'.ere so keemi. Nothimg 'I a e a lîcdache NIt C s îîhlîl ahi lcl 'I ilnssa ulli'.jrtiaî ssr From all Stations in Eastern Canada csiirullsthc îalues "- e utm (1hi-suii t ,) u iîiin,*.' atil COING DAILY - FEB. 19 - MAR. 5 inclusive sx.suCî'îaîîl'.'s'îUt ntIi'-h Retuen Limit. 45 days si sxt-,îî 1iiig heîat îis s'. sîîonîî i-uI TrICKETS COOON onIt<lii îstîimg f l'ssrflusi 0 COACHES et rares approrimatelyll1'lc per mile. sitluitilotNI5lisa"s'. 11(-ss'î'. îîss risim *b TOTJRIST SLEEPING CARS at raresa auproximatelar 1 5%c per mile ix siî urhiiiilisisiiî 0 STANDARD SLEEPING CARS t rares approtimately 1 %-c per mue,. ah i-ssur iicsaitii s\sus i-ii is COST 0F ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS LODITIONAL x ii iirsI iails- iîiil tlii' itTi 'r.52 wa.iis uricîl oiff it'Cloe uaîuîe lack BAGG.AGE Checked. Stopovarsat Port Arthur. Armstrong. Chicago andI wet. lTsîîms iitlssiliiiiis-'l TiWt k# O O Mm MO %m-ftOUO" tg=L &UASSFOR RAZuDBJZL gir' sucs-t îîr'.Clie s at îsu'.'. t a îlu'1r1!- si4 tîlîli. ' , t-s lî s i lîî i A A £ xxîîlîi lîs' saris 'is 5213 sal-sti lpîsrvdî lisiîs aui slti t11 jar, 'il tie CANADIAN NtIONAL lu. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Eyesight Education And Eff icioncy By C.H.Tuck - - Opt. -Eyesigmt Specialist Disney Bldg. (opp. P. 0.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 Number 22 The standards and ideals o-f the nation are the standards and ideals o-f is citizens. The tho-ught o-f the nation is the tho-ught o-f its citizens expressed as a single aim, the single aim o-f man. The child is father o-f the man. When I said that vision is the strongest bulwark in the world's foundation I mereiy meant that as a factor contributing to the welfare of the child is the nman and the nation it would be well To give Lt the consideration and zhe respect it demanded as we wouîd give consideration to the foundation in a waIl to be erected., lest we have a neat lo-k- ing structure merely due to fali overnight. enduring onily for a short if e - improperly propor- tioned, improperly equipped. im- properîy created or deveîoped. This thought no doubt îeads to the expre.ssion very o-ften quo-ed, "A person and a nation who makes for progress millt be able To sec." The protection and correction of vision is important. touching upon matt-ers vital to business. liealth and home. Too vital to be neglected or overlooked. <to be continued) ,Nîclissa stuitiedliber amîd, aftcr a 10l it îîtsaidi as i f ts i lesel f. 'Wlat h cali't ummuerst 'andtîs . h aiiý girl a s ýig uuzand a., i)rcttl3 as voumare. Cîlîcsauits t> îîîes, ier face tus ivitb ail thuat suIs sýtîîff." lUIe%,sliuî lii sotur ;ugc, (;rauil. 1 till ix auît tsi hav'e a uice ciiuiIlt\i ii.'saisI Cbliic sxueths'. ,NI lu - sa gri uî uui as a trilutte To utie lu at ulisit thlati.clhle ii. s-ui il *dadiise s su uttus avi' ml it- iuig le ft a s siumug i d xi ". ".itl lxxi sunial Iclii lIrni. andu a plhantationi To bc mila5ges ." sail NIeclissa quite îîuî- il ist irhe(l. "R idinug iii thesu'sn andi s'-itil andslrain iaI I st' nCluimuaburui- Grni idt hutaisl miiiskiu amis', s su muas- lie sure. Chîsse turnîshsi-ifty snsîsed ii a lîassîuck at Nîclissas. feet apunt lien ans abosltit thes')Ildbols. hiftiuue .a conutrite face amuI remiorseful esus. "(;rail, Fini us heast. l't sorv. h hfiduut icalits i T e lifii,' shue ahtul - sigizeil suarnly n d uigcuth . "Forgi'. tue. slanliuug? Nielissa hsuokesI hsuvil at the tmp- turued face, put a liamusIgmîarlcs bs- rbcumnaîisin oui the sliiuing bead, and sat sihemit for a uuonleuut. Cbloc sas'. the shîado'.x of tears iii tle sharp olsI cyes belcîme Nîchissa said gently: "0f course. lear. I uleven pay any attentionu Tosi cb little huambcd speech- es fmoulu yon. I aiîxays know they arc îlot ulinectesi at tune but at soune- thimg tIse that huas itirt 3u. Sîumne- tliles h feel so sorry for yonng tuuiug .chIoe. I shoit kuioxu suat fi isl us et itlsuas that nîîudc thue fimst rcuuuark, abolit 'happîîuy, carefmee s isumîhu. X iît i s uîcithuer bapp mior carufrue. Il'., tender andslincleiencu- c'i anud its. als'.3s hîiuug hurt -amud Iliîtimîg lîack. usnaihy iittiuîg any- îlimîg luit thuat svhich luut il. \Vauit to telh Granu s'.'laî's uuakiuîg s un- happylîx. cluilsî?Nias le Grani couildI o îmns'tlîiug abolit il -" The geuutie obsI s'iie. tht'bo'.imug sili fact' muale Chlohoc ishe lit'r hucal agaiuist lier gramîdnoluer's kuices amud bummstint i tears. NIelissa sat qîuiet, lie'r lianl resi img si thuat sh illing bead umutil Chhsc's lpauasx3 suis of sslhasi ccased. Themu. liemily. Clse tîld lier grauhmnsil hîu iof the sCemue suith Scott amid the ihîlsî'-iad 'eluît ier. M\elissa ii oni tuce or ts.icuc amu i numunturmciia souuthing s'. îsrshumtil. %%,lemu Chuoe bal finish- s'il NIcliss> saisI geuuthsv -Btut. sia n mg.viiou Iisin'tt bimîk it xxi utbh u asi To ni i Sc ilttKelvsinmu iis \iout? Tris' mai huas uunuse. He diisutiaut. To bu salîcîl a fortunme luimter. 1--eil lin iall v bc fouuI eit'mîugbî tsi refuse ts, i bitsoiithe. Sar- gent iii sicu .amu i he hua, seiseenougli tsi isiox i le cisulshuit ;sk s u t-, Iis's ssii subat lue unake, iii tlîu village."- Cho llsiiftuîl autear- staitiuii face. 's s- as lîut' as: i issl lusIsandsh aii iiais il s. 'b ls s.liw ai arns'- '. s'gîuing to Iazy. Soon your attrartion wifl-goý.-ÀA lealthy , liver expela fat producing waate, keeps yoe blood pure, akin good, supplie, energy. "Fruit-a-tives" umade frons fruits and herba as the quick, sale and msuot natural w8y 0oft keeping your liver in gooml health. Thous- ands of women take "Fruitative"'to keept attractive. Try thens. 25c., 50c. aIl druggiata. FRUIT-A-TIVES TBES i f s ottml juîst ivait - tile iil niake thue adjsmstuiient. Reuneuuiber tlîe old hune. 'Caluuls Iivait and kmîosvmine nlxi ilî comue Tsiune?' \\eh. it's trnue. CluhoeI', Cluhoe stool up. Bent To kiss lier granulmîs thler's chîeck. Turniel asiay hi i urcss, hier rel uîîoumtb augrv. lier eses lark. "O.K.. Gran, since thuemes' oThing cIsc I eau do, Fl'lsîait !" she agreed Nielissa sinihed a little amu i her es'es suecr' tendler, yet touichel svith a faint timide of ausemenît as shie iatchel tlie girl amîdI uotel the umutinonus ulmîi ii of ber mcl unouth. Chapter XXV The fohlowximig 1av Chulte amud a ctîmittec of six xueut ti .-tlanita fuir thue finial shioping. Suclu tbiugs sas Oaktou %uasimuable to lîmovide, anîd ,xvhuclî Cluhoc fuît the îarty uîecded To hube cimnîlete. Jatue chuapemoneul thue gnouîîands they stayed ovenuiglut at a husîel subîre Jauue emtertaituel thern sat dîlimier and i ater at a unos'ue. ".\fter sui dissipuationu," Jaue tol ubuemî teasimgby as thîey startel fer huome at uloomi tle follo.simg las', "I bolie von iv'ild youuîg tiiings xxiii bc able to0 settle doxs'm To a quiet, orler- IN. life agaiui." "X'ot'xc bal the larmîest luck suitli soxur relatives,."Margaret Gra- hîamî tol Chîtie frankhv. 'X'o.r tGrani is abiout thue sxvehlest ohI lads' andil the 'otuigest I cicr saîx. .Anl s suun DasI is a peach. And I could go fsor 'Jamue iii a big siav." "Sure milu liuuhes !" hatiglieth Jaiîc. îîleasel thuat the girls liaI îlot couisisereil ber a spoil spîort. "Tlie ' are Imret3Tu'y ice. if I do sav ,o uus shouulîlm't," Chloc agreel. "0f couurse l'Il hase Tsi admit I îuactic- aIls- huands-îickeul 'cmii." "1lul iiimineii 'islîeîl ou ieul'\ia r- garct siglued. "O11,tsf couirse Nioth- t'm andlDaîl are sveIll -I cati c- muictiben h)ash Iîntt3 susl. I-uit NIoth- un's surI if vaguis. But Phuii and I huav i-ebas the îuiecest assorntuucut of Iimî suhb' x sîelonuism as chlen- osiu , guluriamus andu the ike. Look, lus s'. s f, n tradlinug s îî a gsidfatlhum. twx guinsnil iami nud a buusckecpiuug coîusin fior Jatue?" "lie eut a botter iîca tluam tluat»" suilugecesteil Jaiue. ""îsî iont s Oit look iii su tue lu ce yii mg miami. casi ami ('3e iîxs'C lus relatives andil iiarrx- liuii?" . "N5 s suee." igli2INanurt.'Tu ,iii '1\ lice 3h ugmî lani hIdcisside r liiarrx ic Itisit a relative to huis tua muu s. \xxliluxx) uld bu aI h Tiitlîe cuissu. t'ceut thuat lie canut sic une fi) n ut lîsîNavbe if I ' lîemu a quick bu inmîkundatsh iaul nuuu (use r li ii uns'- sel f iiste!ail of ieîtiuug the' glaus nsuus ChIoe hlers' do it. I migluî have lîemu abule tsi ilos, sîmetîimug abouit that. Blut Cl lii'n I luimrndi siif irst. anid i105'.'thuenuurse.,srimelerd ons'nul o mlus.'e's îlot a chuance of geltimîg iii to siuissîtîhuis lil". jami' a.,skie d dlibeuratelys. "*Y suim areît is amis chianuce spscukimug tf Dr.Kevu" "Nobîshu ciscbut." said Niargamet ix-lio %vas rishiug iii thue frnît seat suith Chhie. "Theme ismu*t a girl iii toxuuu vlîo xvîlnbdut give huer hîest puair of armificial cyclashes if lue'ui evemi giauîceber '.uay. But îlot the stermi Doc. He trnemcily ooks straigbit ahîcau andl scsrmus aybody' shîo camus miore thamu txueut3-t.o fifty per xueck."" .. 1îcar at the Numrscn3 that Cablie Jo iumsomu i.,tr'.iug Tsi put îlier Inuciamu sigti ou iliun." offemed ami- isîler girl bighîtix . -"ljsi, Viii tirel. Pîeasamîtly timesl. Niss Jýue, I liasteui tsi aulu. I hasenît licenmusu luil a ioums 13 v. cariv siuide mi%-h'reshiiaul soror- lx, rush '.ueek. Have I huaI fun?" The sîmîject sîiîi asuax froîîî Scott Ks'lviîî and i Clhîu hrcatliel a bit more freel3-. Si aIl the girls in towfl suent' imtenestus iii Scott. sucre thes'? \Vs'l1, Clbse sussueresi. shiat hid thuat uuaku lier? She (Ire\%u a lonîg bmeatl amuI hier huauîls tighuteuuel a bit onu theu iheel as she sent the car spein'lmg ahuasi, amuxiotus for a siglît if houme. Shie slmoîieil the s tue r girls lut tlusim bulies before shue turmued To- suards lier uîxmi. ., shue amu ilue cainle suituimu siglît of tlîe lig olI rel brick buse set iii the milst o-f its slpaciius grmîîuuuls Chuloe sais a suuîmîamî îuitt'ng abunt thue lace. Sluu hsîskcd sîuickly to thue night amud Tiith Tl eft amud TsiChloe's suirprise. thue suouuîau darted iuîsile the gmouîds. A\ taîl sluiubof fered lier shueter. As thie car turmuesini at the d<rix'uxav. thue '.usunamu startu'ci andh whlurlî'I abo uit. Fo r a mmomencut Cl ousa'.'. luer fulîl ini thuesuhuite biglut frouu the car. A\ tîiuî, shailus oukiiig susnau ,,carculv u musre thamu a girl.,suitlu %uide dark ex c'.amui a saîlisi face. Andu thlut, xuitlu a littie ,sl)l)iiug.-gassi),the %i n <s tuai linesi Tsi nl. but ant]-%- hili s' ins uigluttIis' ,car Tsi ipe il at the Sosundî osf thle car ini thie Idmilse. "Aarson, liii sure s uou culuu f imît sinms guis i litessusp, t'u huaps ,osiie .suuîh'.uic lies amîd unilIk. Servee t un lth' s muaI stinug rtouuî lut thue e mil .f lis' hall an( isi iht axvav.," orlemel 'bulo IsuIriskîly. "Nes. ia'ain. Miss Chhue, ia*auii," usxered Aaroun and shuiffiel off. Cluloe IcI thue wxvy osn tue hall to the sinall sitting rooîn. There %vas a cheerful open fire and Cbloe simiIed at the stranger. *'Here, sit clown and get w.arni. A\aron xvill be here soon îvith ,one food," she ivas saying. %%-lien there camne the souiîd of a cbildisbi treble voice on the stairs. Little pattering footstel., camec along the hall. the door burst open and(lStisie Nia% daintv aiid frcsb in an exquisitc bandînade frock. lier toîv-colored curîs brusbied aiid sbiniiîg. stood ini the doorwav, Cbiloes naie on lbert childisbi eager lips. But wliatever Susie NMay liad been going to say to Cbloc died unýspoken as lier eyes fell upon the stranger. For a moment Susie 'Mav stood breathless, a rigid little statue. A\nd then she screamied wildlv on a tone of incredulouis deligbt, 'MNoimmiie! Oh Monimie! Oh !" The wooman fel I to lier kuice:. tears strcaniing down her white face. Susie Nias flung lier smiall ecetatic bodY into outstretched arrns tli closed biard about lier. "\\'e slionld liave knownl - Susie MIay's and Tinniv' mother," said Ja:ie, anid Chloe nodded, tcars .lid- ing down lier ceceks as Susie Niav and bier mother clung together. Melissa. who had foîlowed Susie Nia%- downstairs. but at a nieccssarilv sîower gaît. apîiearcd ini tbe doorwsav and took iii tle scene îvitli 'tartled eses. " ,'said Nelis.,a. "Von are NIav's mother?' The woinan h fted lier face still wet Nvitb lier tear.. sii rr\ . I know 1 shouldnt bave corne,' she said unsteadily. "But I1ivas so hungrv to sec thein. 1 jus n. antcd to look iii at tlîe %wn- do%%-v-j nt to sec tlieni again. I (i(nt inean to bc an.\* trouble. Nielissa asked gravelv, '*\\Vlix did .%On desurt theni ?' "Becatn.e I liad lost niy job and I liad un ivay of taking care of theni. I kîîew tlîat if I left thein at NIrs. Barwell. tlie%, would bc taken to thie Hme. B uit tbelho nie i i(n lxv open îo tht'elîjîdren ivlose parentsf are hotb (Iead. 1 couldn't sec tlîern starve and it seenîc ie oîtle sav," ,he aîîss ere(l withl a sort of drî'ad- fliii ":iiil)icjt\. .Nieli.s>a liddeîl. Il liaîl ail idIa t bat i\iou liad Ironght tlieni biere, Miss Clîloe. 1 coldnt believe tlîat niy. poor babies liad liad i cli Itnck. Yoî w ou t senl themn awax', Miss Cbloe? Il îeveýr th sîie lii agaitn. 1I11g %asiav xx lire tlievîl neyer sec me - At wbicli Sisie Nia% set up a h1i0%l of protest tlîat tbe verx- rafters rang s'. tl it aind lier niotlier said quick- lv. alarnîed: "Oh1. darling, on in.ut1iît niake sucli a noise. til have to go awa v and le ave thins b'.eh b Ions, ail thie:e people wbo bave been so kind TO yVi i- i - 9oni't say aiivîling nmore abott leaving lier." sai(lNd l afirinîs. "Here's .\aron witb vour supper. Sit down quietîs' and eat it and tlien we'II decide wbat's to be donc." Humbly Susie Mays mother ob- cd and Nfelissa said lîriskly to Jane anîd Cbloe, -I tbink we'd best leave Susie Mfay and lier tijother alone to their sup- per wbile yenm two n along and get your wraps off. l'Il just bave a look at the evening paver mean- wh'lile." Tbe tbrceevent ont and left Susie Niav clingiîîg to lier rnotbcr, wliile the womnan ate tlîe food set before lier s'itli a pitiful effort to, curli lier lîuniger and to cat daintils- wbat lier stars'ing bodv. denîanded. (Continued next weekî Says a sage "Give me the man who whistles at his work." Ail right, old man. you can have hiim. Credit wonî by lying is cuick in1 dying. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IOTH, 1938 TrySalada Orange Pekoe Blend _________________________ rSintil nthec Ioss of their small son. iSvmnpatlliy of friends bas been CO M MTI E 1iiuNîrs. Josepli Armiouu' and fam- ilt duimiig tle tryiuig permod of hem Tue îîetîmg o tle Stmid3 Slusol rýndison'> p~aiuiful consalesceui c e. exct eti ng o the teac ierso 138Russeill vas a patient in Oshawa ivui i'. a. c teîcl for938 Hiosiuitah. (lue To Iosing lus right arma whic %v., clieuie foxJanii l eîirating a chaff-cutter " isas îiostmoried oximig To luad si-a- jani. 26tii. thier. Sumhîcaui NMissionî Baud met with Prtogressivec enclume lparty bell fani. Nlrj. Clarenice Pemifouuil in charge. .31.,t at Pidluck's hall suas sîuite ivell Quiýet Muisic preceded the "Cail to atteided. \Mrs. Cecil andmINIiss Eve- -oîrýjjpIii'li Presideît NMiss Adelaile Iii Wade ixere first aiul secdislt s lsîî ibtreading real by uurize wiviîmers, suhihe the geuntlemn 1 IN i_îss Ormiia Valiislcv ; worship lirizes s'. cuw'oui lisresiîuits sîf idis- sisn sa bl ol i NisYVl tanît districts.r hsilis ;Riisseh NiacKas eutertaimrIr NMiss Hihsia Scorgie celebmated hier %% lli gumitar schectioiîs amud a reading; birtlidla%- oumîjani. 3Oth sith a group a talk ssii "Hospital, iun Caniada" xas tif lien fricnds îlresemltiulg lier bimtî- cix cii is NIrs. Pemifoui. day ivishes anîd gifts. A phlcasamit -_____ tile .%*as pîenit bs' ahI. "S'ipatliy is exîcuidedth siNlr. amduiIf a man is ignorant he may .NIrs. Franuk. Jacksn i i thueir hicreave- îearn but if lie knows too MUch mienit. and To NMr. andMîNrs. \'ernmsi there is no hope for him. MADE N CANADA Finely made, Edisorq Mazda Lamps stay brighter ... longer ... give most light for your money. Be thrifty ... Look for the G-E when you buy Iamps. FOR BITTER LIGI4T - SETTER S10H?-S EDISON/MAZDA CANADIAN GENERAL1 1-77 ELECTRIC CO., L;rnited ý895;. P o nm t s " ' 3 " ' a O u i n e s Cop D ueM desf r n an i .m 'Dexclc Oshawm F, etee hli liment taxes ROT NICHOLS Phone 25 10 Courtice