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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1938, p. 5

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IOTH, 1938 THE CAN.ADIAN STATESMAN. ONT.ARIO PAGE FIVE Miss Dorothy Holwell. Musical HAMPTON ~selectioris were given by Mr. C. E* N W IL Young Peoples meeting wu 1938?" wa.s given by Miss Norah Mrs. Cecil Burley attended held Friday evening wth Presi-i Horn. Miss Jessie Hogarth gave1 funeral of Mrs. Nelson Bebee dent Mrs. Blanchard in the chair, a reading. i Port Hope, Thursday. Rev. W. Rackham led in prayer. On \XVdncsd;(av eveing, Feb. 2, a r Mr. Willis Jones was in1 After the business period. Stuart imiiber of relatives and friends r Hope* two nights last week oi Hog09.rth gave the Cail to Wor- gathered at the home of MNrs. \Vil] hauling the Diesel engine for ship, and Ted Johns read the Bi- Hiorn for a "good wishes party' to Ko ol Kut Milîs. ble lesson, followed by prayer by lier iother. Nirs. R. Avers'. it being There was a public meeting Miss Doreen Perrett. Program lier ffltl birthday. Nuin1bers o f the Commumity Hall Satur was in charge of Miss Thelma plants, flowers, f ancv cards and night re street lights. It was Robn.A reading was given by candv as tokens were' presented tO inl the hands of the Counicil t< _____________________________ li er during the da%. and cvening. as- las they saw fit. sisting in mak ing for lier a very Mrs. Wm. MillUgan and à happy irthdav. and she wvas lo<king, jas. Pollard were *in Lindsay and feeling gourd euuuugl to celebrate tendJng the funeral of their ma~more. ther who reached the ripe old of 94. Their many friends exti RADIO 1sympathy. R DOBURKETON The olwnfrmhe ServieMan.R eanrsMrs. Grant Carnochan Hoskn Lna Mmigwand L ____ spentth weekend ait Manvers Kimbaîl, and Jack Kimbal All* akesMessrs. Tom Trick and Ewart A bright young life was cut Ail akesBreck are on the sicele ist. when there passed to rest 1 Car adio Repiredand Mr. Russell Smith has returned Fred Walker, formerly Miss L CarRados eparedan to Toronto. ise Pearce, daughter of Mr.E Installed i Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bragg andI Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Deepest sy family, Bowmanville, vistd with 'pathy is extended to her sorr( ,Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hoskin. ing loved ontes. Messs. Tm Beck nd Aeck Friday night the Park Coma Messs. Tm Beck nd Aecktee held a Box Social in the co Fulle wer in oron onfin .ek. munity hall. Mr. Wm. Lainga R. UIN jMrs. Russell Smith is ofie ed as chairman for the excell, R t. QUInN 575 1 rfoe he ineTty ntketsastt ee. King St. Phone 575 The cbild unschooled to-day is veyscesu!eeig rc _________________likely to be the man unskilled to- aboy u $36. eenn. roe morrow.1 Miss Ruby Wallace was inju: in a motor accident when thei ____________________________________________ 'in which she and her brot] Douglas and two friends were r ing. upset after skidding in av ter hole. Ruby's neck was ba strained and had to be in a plI ter cast for a ïeek. but she * better again. No one elsev hurt. Recent Visitors: Mr. John Colon, Newtonbrc with friends in the village. * Miss Checkley. Hamilton, w Mrs. Wm. Milligap. MisAm Bel edlw iMr. and Mrs. George J. Staplet, iMrs. John Stapieton. Newci f tde, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Si pleton. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ogden a W babe, Oshawa, with her parer Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stone. - ~ Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Payne a 9~v I babe and Mrs. Harris, Toron with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Pay OL M. R. Payne retu.rned with thE MisEdnaPearce. MontrE anMr.T. Pearce, Lansdow: M.Archie Laing and daugh RED T P 1 OL ith Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wh ____________________________________________ ney. Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Darch wi Then We Have her r ohMryF e ate, r~o iness. On Saturday Messrs. Will a ZONON»ITZ O N O LI T E visited Mr. Ah The Golden Minera threatened with bronchial pne ah" ipedfY blue eoalý'lq"n y a Practical Insulation for your Home <Old or New) with an entirely new, everlasting' material. Easily applied - Assures u.niforxn thickness - Not affected by nioisture - dustless. LOW COST PERMANENT VALUE YEAR ROUND COM- FORT - Sold in Bownanville by - SHEPPARD & GuiL LUMBER CO. LT. Bowmanville BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Darcy is on the sick lis Mrs. Russell Mountjoy fel the ice on Friday and broke h ,wist. MSorry to report the death Mrs. Charlie Severs' (nee Ireý Graham, Oshawa, infant daug: ter. Mr. Eddie Fowler shot t' foxes. one a silver gray and oi a dark colour, on Monday mor ing in Mr. J. Archer's field. Twenty-four people attend4 the bridge party Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Campbell wc the prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samel and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wllsc and Eunice and Jean were entei tained at a dinner party at tI home of Mrs. John Hooey on Sai urday night. pThree interesting hockey gamt -t,-e IN THE OIM AND DISTANT PAST e a.tav Port FIFTY YEARS AGO r TWENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO six aker )ver- the From The Canadian Statesman, From The Canadian Statesman,r February 8, 1888 February 6, 1913 g in 'day Town officiais for 1888 are:i Town officiaIs for 1913 and their left Town Clerk, R. Windatt, $500; salaries are: Town Clerk. John odo Treasurer, W. P. Prower, $150; Lyle, $800; Treasurer. J. S. Moor- Assessor, S. Burden, $150; Collec- r a! t. $300: Assessor, F. B. Whit- Mrs tor, Robt. Virtue, $150' Chie! 'irg, $150; Collector, Harry Cann, at- Constable, T. T. Coleman, $500; r ;Che ostbe Rcad fa- Supt. of Cemetery. Diggory Trus- Jarvis, $750; Nîght Constable, Jos. age cott, $350; Fire Chie!, T. Hoar, Fletcher, $45 per month; Cerne- end $20; Chie! Engineer, Geo. C. tery Supt. Wmn. Bagnell. $600; Haines, $110; Asst. E ng in e er,i Street Comniissioner, Wmn. Barrie, Thos. Tapson, $60; Special Con- '$600. are stables. Geo. Downey. G. D. Flet-' Geo. W. James has accepted a :n:ceRichard Darch; Fence View- Position as business manager o! Lena ers, J. C. Norsworthy, W. Pirie, the Daily Courier at Brantford. ,ena Thos. Darch; Pound Keeper, R. rSýome rearrangements have there- and Strowger; Board of Health, J. fore been madie in The Statesman Hîgginbotham. G. D. Fletcher, T office. Norman S. B. James will Off T. Coeman; Sanitary Inspector. have charge o! the merchants' %r5. W. H. Wilson, $10. i advertising; Herbert L. Creeper, ou- and About seven o'clock Friday ev- graduate o! this office, will return rm- enlng fire was discovered in the 'as mechanical f oreman; Miss 'Ow Masonlc Hall on the third f loor o!fr rances E. Conley will becorne as- the Statesman block. Damage to sistant local editor, and Miss E. E. mit- the building andi contents amount- Haycraf t will assist more in the >m- ed to $1.000 which was fuily cov- business management and have at- ered by insurance. The floor be- full charge o! the steamship lent neath the stove caught fixe. I branch. eer Birth: Piper - In Bowmanvillei Dr. A. S. Tilley has fitteri up a Ls a on January 25, to the wi!e of F.r nice office and suxgery in his resi- - ceds Piper, o! Toronto, a daughter. dence west of the High Sehool Birth: McDowell - In Bowrnan- and will move out of his King ired ville on February 4, to the wife Street office on Feb. 22nd. car of Frank McDowell, a son. Master Lorne Osborne, the 12' .her Birth: Allin - In Bowmanvilleyear oid son o! Mr. James Os- id- on January 29, to the wife o! borne, pluckily rescued his chum w- John Alun, merchant. a daughter. Garnet Richards from a watery .dly Maxried: Bragg - Nicholis - By grave last wf'ek. Whiie they were as- Rev. J. B. Ciarkson, at the Meth- playing on Mackay's pond. Garnet 15' odist Parsonage, Port Hope, on'Richards fell into about 8 feet o! a7as Feb. 1 1888, Jabez Thomas Bâragg water, and Osborne in trying to- of Clarke to Mary Susan, daugh-! save him also feul in, but by the ter o! Thomas Nicholis, Wesley- help o! a hockey stick and dling- ok, ville. ing on to ice he was able to save fih umour says that a husband in, himself and get his friend to vithe north part of this town abuses 1aey his wife in a shameful maniner.! Birth: Weekes - At 200 Dover- i th but he has let Up on the business court Road, Toronto, on January ton. iately. The boys took him a !ew 128, to Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Weekes. a-nigh-ts ago and administered a a son, John Keys. ta- coat o! tar and feathers, and Marriage: Colville - Couiborne - handled him as a wife-beater At the Manise, Orono. January and shouid be. 29th, by Rev. J. A. McKeen. Mr. nts New officers o! Poultry Assoc- Alexander Colille, Bowmanvulle, iat.ion are: President, A. Hobbs; and Miss Annie Josephine Coul- and Vice-Pres., G. Wright; Secretary, borne, Tyrone. ito. M. Hern; Treasurer, J. Jeffrey; Death: Truscott - In Bowman- 'e.* Directors, T. T. Coleman, J. Arch- ville, February 4, Mary Ann, be- em. ibald, W. Piggott, D. Davis, T. H. loveci wi!e o! Diggory Truscott. -e, e .J aoJ ieadJ Smelt, J. W. Dutton, J. Grant, S. ageci 88 years. GriffiJ.Jn Mion . i n . Mr. Fred R. Foley has purchas- c ter ____________ed the premises forxnerly occupied have been played at Our local ýwill move in shortly. iith rînk: Brougham and Blackstock, I3 no, 4-3 for Blackstock; Port Perry13 his andi Blackstock 3-3; Hampton Give a little more than your andi Blackstock, 4-3 for Hampton. Ipromise but don't promise t.oo .nd Allouai Vestry meeting o! the much. vin St. John's Anglican Church was,__________________ was held on January 24th. Meeting _________________ eu- opened with prayer, and an adi- dress by the rector. A full andi satis!actory report was given b3y the organizations. Officers for the coming year are: Rector's War- Iden, Thos. Smith; People's War- ->den, Fred Willan; Junior War- St. dens, H. McLaughlin, J. Hamil- On ton and Laverne Devitt. her Roil caîl was answered with hints on how to train children, at o! the Women's Institute which met -ne at the home o! Mrs. Wmn. Craw- -f- ford on February 2nd. The 13th Psalm was read by Mrs. Mervin aro Mountjoy, !ollowed by a sing- ne song. Program was in charge a! n- Mrs. Gordon Strong and her group. A paper by Mrs. V. Arch- ied er', "Common Sense on Health at Rules"; a reading by Mrs. Jabez 's. Wright; a solo by Miss V. Sadi- ,on dler, "That's Why Your Mary Mine"; readings by Mrs. Leith Ils Byers and Mrs. Crawford; Mrs. C. ' onl C. Harcourt gave a short talk on ýr- "Temperance." Mrs. S. Swain rie donated a top for a quilt. A Lt- beautiful lunch was serveci. St. John's A.Y.P.A. met atMr les and Mirs. F. A. Baîlev's, Feb. 3rd. A - beautiful installation service ivas conducted by the rector. Remnainder of the evening seas ini charge of the new officers. Programn consisted of short talks on idleals of A.Y.P.A. taken as follows: W'ork. M'1r. L. De- vitt; \Vorship. is Isabel Chilvers: Fellowship, Rcv. C. C. Harcourt; Edlification, Miss Vera Forder ;..\r. Thomas Hodge gave an illtistrated ..- talk on churches hc and M.\rs. HodIge had sisited on their trip to Englaild. Recent Visitors: Mr. A. L. Bailey and Ross with Mr. Thos. Smith. Misses Mabel VanCamp andi Florence MeLaughlin and Mr. Robert Smith, Toronto, at their .. - respective homes. --Miss--es Je-ssie Knox, Ha-mpton, and Susie VanCamp, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. VanCamp. Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Bailey andi Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baiiey visit- A LE ing in Toronto. 'QL E Mr. andi Mrs. Leith Byers. Mrs. Weir and Mr. Murray Byers with Mr. and Mrs. J. Byers.Phn ,I Mr. andi Mrs. Grant Jackson in Phn 45 Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Werry and !amily and Mr. and Mrs. R. Wer- rY wlth Mr. and Mrs. H. VanCamp. HAYDONr and Sch io(Club hW il! inet Feb. 15th. at 's Oue cSt W.ilI hc Gd.. L. T. M\cl, auigl- lini. Bowmativille, svho wvill speak on1 A good conscience is a precious TeCoronationi." possession. A guilty conscience is Miss Verna Trewin, Toronto, is better than' none at al. vsiting at home.i It is not by change o! circum- stances but by !itting our spirits .Niss .\da Beech. Mr... R. Rich- - to the circumnstances that we can ar(ls visited at MNr. Austin Larmer's, be reconciled to life and duty.- Burketon. F. W. Robertson. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY m 000D Prices Right 937 Ford Standard Tudor 1935 Ford Coupe Completely Overhauled 1930 Ford Tudor Looks and Runs Like New 1930 Marquette Coupe 1929 Ford Coupe Repaitnted and Overhauied 1928 Essex Coach TRUCKS & DELIVERIES 935 Chev. Sedan Delivery 1931 Rugby Stake Truck]ed Ready to Work! 1930 G.M.C. Two Ton 1931 Nash Convertible Coach iassis and Cab - Good Condition Make Offer!1 ex MOTOR SAEST110 USED CARS Good Selection 1937 Ford Tou ring Tudor 5000 Miles 1932 Ford Sport Roadster Rtunble Seat - Snappy Model 1930 Ford Coup. Ru.mble Seat 1929 Oldsmobile Coach A Real Buy! 1930 WiIlys Coupe Make Offer! 1926 Packard Sedan Sales SKing St., West Service OSHAWA Phone 924 SAL NEW HOME FROCKS Mai ority of $1.95 Grade $I.q49? Many are the popular Zipper Style Bises 14 to 52 A surefire success these Zippers. Zip into thern - Zip out of them. Djo sk, se refreshing, se convenient. Trim Princess lines. Push up aleeves. Tie- ks which a:djust to any sise, and ail Tubfast of course. Gay poorpj ta, plaids and checks .ini varions ground colors. poorpi Another model ilustrated is a very srnart style with new Puah-up sleeves fashioned of English Linene, in smail floral designs or plain. This cornes in a14 to 40. Two other styles corne in two and three color prints and are very suit- for women who wear larger aises, 38 to 44, and 38 to 52. Coilar Trinunings consist of Pique, Organdie and Constrasting piping. EOonOMY - 72 "x9011 Qulit Batts 29e Buy this weekend and Bave 10e on each ]Batt. Full quilt sise. New, fresh Cotton. R STORES, CJMITý-ED Bowmanville King st. Phone 715 J KENWOOD Pure Wool BLANKETS Special $3049 Each Bise 60 x84 Tan Colouir only 4<' iý-i -M e -

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