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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1938, p. 6

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rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOXVMANA'ILLE. ONTARIO n'uth..rgzan diets w th i til ZlIL - -. attendance at the furieral on 25 YEARS SERVICE YO R O PT LBA G N F RE I _______________________________________________ ec with mourners and friends and e j * i ~ t ic fe ht loîîa S w s He and ;ci, ,j t'.Cilli. ..m..C A D M Uo afteno o e n r o tt e ndm.In 1 T he E ditor's M ail 1Februaof tiery 1-12-13'ita i F Ff.,iiie andtclub e heen increasing -ince the r t :e.ti~ ~fl fl SiîclCthth srice. Rev. C. R. Spencer, .I te cntrs. htat met Tuesday-e nn 5 ~ . 'ter t eîewt od~ rector of St. John's Anglicantd 'ar paynle. ertesr dentKvnx. Rir tev. t. tC. Harcourt. Church. where litte Julia attend- 21,36 I 7th vut va re Toiglss 0Vertr detKleSuirpei:nz I wa ieo ! v & it.aslSI d h alis \ta adatHe-ni ineaegetncii- DTRI 6 Prcized Committee a tO NH:c ::i :r,71K ttiie rctic. A tixed pro- eie nd deicoo. conifot-a t r rtheir total hDIaîaîeie omk *nt 't: 'r i 's k evc n eiee ofr-1 ~ -a r t... c xen and ret ed th e Cgaelggeaorteyrr w in pa - . D ar ,rd d '" t t e sa i i m re g tin n siok n isiiisitar- dSuda chol onuceFeb.- It, 1938. estiii-iabls hetter -ervîce thail tire% IDORRtîr Fetial Crnitee xr'v' srt 's.ntrt %' cd. r. . ets Te in aseheas anedTh ll I n ii. kkl Tîî watnîntisflt s oiadx ed to make plans for a Fi'.e Htit- clallenged eaeh t- c -* s The lI Mr. Mermi- n klouîîtj1vThby than ofn dred Partsi on Tuesdaý. .srh 1t. se-t t',mak-e ", morena.score lvr.vypaper ". .Nali*.floral offerings frbrm friends and ! -tell>Illme I mist le in wrong. sci eti- ical as it '.ourids. Tlhe av.erage dur- Rtr pt 30 the meeting and an -ýr ý ce!lent wno a . ---:, -:~te Mr. and Mr- Tcnîî\ s 'nSaiiiells raiztos icuig1 eu Program was preseln(:.! ni-cal prograrr.. Aiter a s - - 'rc '.'..hpat'd M\aurice vsiited j. E. Elliott'. tif u white coof flowes frorn- mr\- he Iainssen fo aii witlî cf tue eeîît iws cover ttwe -tise selections by the Osbornie qt:arzette Mr. Oto Bragg a: the'pianýý. .iîNc I r. and Nirs. Merw.îi NtotittJoi bearers were Morley Oke. Bloyd tlîcrr are alwa'.s s-<me that hring 1 dax'.. Ili view of tîîis wide dît fer- of Providence., with -NIrs. Earl 0O-- ias servedi and anothier plea-ant a:-d ssere entertained at dinner at M.\rs. Wilcox. Douglas Rackamr and back rieniories 'of the long ago (lais. 1 ence, it îs casilv iiinnderstooýd why. PoOL RI EVC borne, accompanîist, were mluch cri- profitable evening brouglit to, a A5. E . NlcGils. Scott Densem of Bowmanville, I alwsa'. read theN[affIe Grove îîew. even at higlier preseîit-dat at'.t1 joyed, as was the vi hn l . )Io bY close..An excitjng incident occurred hii and Keith Ormiston and Ralph items. air(d ezjov gotng throurgh tire total co'.tt ùidi'.idurai patient: s t AMr. Staniey Rickard sit. i E . I_____________ rottof J. E. Eiliott's store last Ormiston of Enfield. Interment iw unie paller. 1 candidîlvt hink ,also 0f turnles-, thati it wa'. thîrt'. tu Gilbank accompanist. The Mw "eek. The driver of the gasoline was made in Bowmanville Cerne- Cana nii gnrllxot.iedîg îit i.e Wedding presented by Brossn'. Sec- A pessimist is a man who whien1 tritck wa'. filling the gasoline tank te v Geoffrey Robinson iaîd titeses item'., aîîd -write-tirs iliat iThe îshorteîiing of patients. h,- P tion gave ail a*heartý. Iairzhi:Ca given his choice between two evits . tîrc and hl din't entered thiestore ey Employee of the N'ew Toronto voir have made a w.oîiderfl inipe-itltala' e detraia- Cieenc ad Ter t.n \ndr.n 'akes at ofthm. .vth a ecouple of cati-, of vil sshen plant of the Goodyear Tire &nettii-rol om1ppr u iiig sta iiiieas ec e t and li'.-_____________________ ____________________________________________________Ni r. Elliott rnotieed the truck going Township Councfl Rubber Com pany who recentlylthe la'. t iso vears. p'.ieorm rital equiprient. Scientificequp tI. he.îî iltl '.itîîthe.hîo'.eattachd __________________________completed 25 rears of service with i'.ih it îîad enpsilfo meuet i s'.,% heilig îîtiîized t _____________________________ 1,n11 î g-lii puin nt i' he company. *"Jeif" is a brother ' îînick action iii '.Iiuuting te the driv- CARTWVRIGHT COUNCIL of Chris Robinson who will short- . o tii(nlast i Diiiratinl os îîuad ftirxxa' Rt utiiotiedIa'.eav-umi]os.rThe lb le'tresîttlias, heei that cure'. arei r r'ne ese '; P ____ y complete 25 3'ears in the Bow- nal 20 sear'. silice I visited mv : - -Il iwoidhae*, nli trck s'.eut dots-n the IilI and stop- nianville plant. To mark the et' - - po.sible %\î.is.ul a COW LING SELIS FOR LE S pel îraightcross tie road and Regular meeting wau held Feb- ent he was prsented with $250' îlomle t'.s-iîad ainisure a great tîikaîe at the ofiiiti ÂL NIE w he i t e d ive re cli d i thniatitsY - hanges. have aketi place. ce itir.. '..Isi entandReeve C. DvitpresÉi- edn.H tre iestn od uies tll -o]iiiîg lack'.ard'.. tîtretire. tl t'.'.t ni allois cf ga'. had e'.caped ig. company in the Bowmanville tae'huaii', iîîeaîd rae iaFort When we fit your eyes with CORRECTAL LENSES you are but tic furtlher damnaute tas do. These communications were re- -plant. and was born in Lanca- exceptionlall.% good th'.swiîîter. siîee.iî eo'ev la.sîîe Fryugadad lde assued bsoutesatifacionin ualty, tyl an prce.Yotiig Peoples meetinîg sa- Cali- ceived and fyled: Ontario Good shire, England. Calgars- experieneed quite a re .pitai Pas iîîcrea'.ed iîrulihthe %'Cars soien' eatw -citIls eko coiito c Roa.ds Association; Hospital for__________________ markabie Janumlar% tlîi'.\-car imi tlat . celrd a-t'.eekouiacctuît t tZ'.Smk Ciiden;Onari Muicialuntil Jan.i 29th cuir tenî'perattire did '.sith te rismng costs cm food amîd 50 ie Dodd s Vacuum 100 I rad-.Assoition; Oari MnicpalsValieentreine Messagege a "cIz Ascato;Hars& Harris, col- H ,There and i ot Cet do'.suî mczero. TPe iast fiesv tieple.. te adcrea mi 's-e. ufi(] Fruitatives Pius I Bottles IASA. tabs. lecting account; Salvation Army; Idax s hoseeter lias-e been fairîs- colu. ti ucaeadoeait fmid o2eec 29c J 19c ~~Toronto General Hospital, Mrs. Eeyw eeYotmr'.siucereit-. ia qmlni.teaeaec- 29c 27c 29 9 MAPLE GROVE Snt admitted; Durhîam Musical By D. Morrison, Sr.Eher. G. Fie.. the patientoîtcirle coie baud, dine t. alePlc ad Festival. ISrh~orteuied Pospital '.tav-, lias nit ni- Se. Mesrs Drrll ndFade . 1 crea'.ed. sshiie, oui the'e hr liaili. Seites Deoaon Scott 's Emulsion - 53c-98e Mýfr. and tPe -crs iceBegliewiî' anduid lii'of auî M XXmitî Bele. ".thficials of S. S. No. 2, appeared be- Tlîe pa'.m seek ii otmr peregri- 114.3-Aventee \ cita. tcesaice frieerxhe eeui ccd ii-,MU Cod Liver Ou l 6oz. --49e ,r' foere Bcîmocouncil stating they were atict lirt Ctt î.rîc .' C-rai Cables. Fia. i iderably cuîhlaiîeed P Buckly's Mxture- 40c75c s. t iis M i--JaGaStes Ohaai cnsidering enlarging the Contin- canne a rs- the animîal reprt of ;tP. 2 ~N ~.PplradSadr a tion Scholol and wishe-d ta not- tPe 'Nlet odi-i Chînireli for Ner.19f.-, Dvar Gco:-iAcevr aiut r iio -u 3 Cakes 3ergen 's Gardenia.\allîi. Port Hopes'. th AIr. anîdthey took action. iunany '.'ax R W.XXj. joilifie, ruud ceAetPan ii-R0 Tubrc loie, as convalescenîce aimer Iea%- Fiefly'adohe ur Soap & Perfurne - - 25c Mu--DMunrel -e'.su ir Messrs. Hill and Wright re- %vas tic pa-mor an(] trre s'.re tino 'id terhiabl dîm mn te nlessenedmvescess utiut M-' Crrr latttiTo.' ~ quested a grant to the Agricultur- I e'.. iîaîfour 1' cal preachers '. and lal. raul .OkatdntPee"ui terahospirta he Pas iie 500 Kleenex - - - 33c "lt, Iisý arri -Nirt-i.T'.' . Ha aSociety. $200 granted. dîieauîuîe nca-lae--Whrein tî. SarsIIa'.t .Nr n Os rdTit a- P. Philp complained condition ,, ut kîî ii'. tîr cliturcli îcîav Vul iS.PtrPteattdc Cushioned Facelle -25c irnntiv. '.ith Ai r'.. -Twistt. l Rste l WALLPAPeaesbt1ERxmnHte ooi oi val Mr-. -A..Laird. NIr. Al.fredrL aird of l lneCon. 7. R.eferried ta u riiiî e'di.'tia i~ hie progratnsi n '.a' uite liamid- ; Bwra oelroins. s-i-iNow i h in omk NyalNoseDrop - -25c WE FIT TRUSSES Jr..-NMi-'.Lasonrie Triiible '.siîlth'ic oad Supt. lime Put svc imîagine ihai officu 'la; .aia'au.\Ir. W. Joeîtu f able for permanent boarders. wvith Pablum - - 45cner". datighter. Mr-. W. Pear- Cottplying with Statutory reg- heei ranne at .uî. Omi1t.. miade a fiele çii h hot and cold water in each moom.your slcinfo h e Palm4c Satisfaction Guaranteed ison. Lakefield.'.. Laird lia'. re- ulattons there will be no refund tlteas.a. tîi.nd t tva- aI-o ai c*-e potýie:r a- Rates: $7.00 and up with board* 1938 SnotyadSn ofdg a i heftueto ny O tr OicilBor tee a e]Th in-ld alI home cooking. S. Leach. Pu'op. ' tse nuitadfon vsi. ffogra iahefuur a ny 0fmieOficaIBar iiee r .ofll hCi.ti iTcn Gau' -Tor elpon -paes ndfrr Giant Kruschen Saits Steedman Powd. - 22c A1'.Nlildred Sno'..deriî Nir.FredIrperson or persons wha have dis- torY fesv lefu - S in riietiff<enîî 'I igCorticîl. noti u. mit. . iad',Teehoe260 1. 6-1 specal rcdcer 10 ake Catie apNfe i lilier s'.ith lis lparenits, at îuîutcr- psdc hi ogo is nes i, utdsSeo vsD VFa du'itiItm it. e -pcialîs stthei iselnos n ns Now 10 Cakes sti- - 39 2e sul1. they appeal to the Court of Re- Till(:% : Treasiitur. .laines-AIcLe:ai -i Th~-(autetng tcf ie GitardI"1 Msclaeu Tampax, 10'sr a39er. .t Wide '.ihvision on June lst. Nliisical I)irccr. T. F. Higgin- Iran IsR.L Vd'ýW1I WTEDG AEADM- Ai.. Fl. ilkiti-. O-Passa. Auditors presented their report biiii-anîd (rquu.t. i-'.Gertie Ii- M. J. 1-i. H. uir-f IJ-'te uiiiuio. ieST p - GARAGEciaN MA-n HOT WATER BOTTLES NOVA KELP TABLETS -Younmg Peoples meetinîg sas iîeld 0f the 1937 accounits. Caseker: Rei-trar. H. Rice. 1 lic. t'-\r A . îe.<ui at tue ltieho i chineryh ap - Wenecialzeamn 3 C- 69c - 89c - 1.091 79 - 1.39 - 2.79 IlNinda eelig in charge ofr Councillor Hoskin spoke of a Thcrevs'.-ai-e, te Soumt p<a eth rb'o.xarumi r irJet repairs, welding. toing J W L We do Developing and Prlnting. Did you know tha At Aimer oiîeîiig exerci-e'. anuîsiness ance. Same was discussed by Ti- e. n iitu ccir' v' rr un Pcn Perrx Calied rut Mr. Priet-or, Bowmanviîl.P nodrprnscs omr tloei.Pn PLsoneoeidprgaî te' utn cintknSutd' c.Is' t .Ao.iiia Yat i. ar-t.rnr-eî evc.J . eeln.Po hoe5eB nni lv itîuu prax er Is Ia Fcev ; quiet Orders signed as folloWS: t'. oui iu'.'a- pîea.urt- un d. iumuue'. ____________________________i____St._____Petersburg___________an___ Phone I~flkHu nusie. p!axed lixEduîa S'..aIle'..-: iMunýc'pal World. minute ad ami tictheIitiý atît taul e a- ,siienttai happy liali flib tir sviîiîthen. r . uV LIU uu gs5 9 bible readiuîg, Air-. Ted Vle. toiry book S6.78 elier'. allear ta-'i t'le laie rAt- - '.'., Grdaiv 695 PPvR. C<l Aliller ociisteutitle<i 'ThPe M.Emerson, Sec.-Treas. - E. F. [Ha '.crait. Ouir Id frieutd. 1). ~ ;.trahPtt.Grl v Ttc. lirsuia' Bxe' ta'. pr- S. S. No. 9 200.00 J i .- rutaitiie ' a- 1u1ut-ier. r'. îer %ou i ta mAir. a tth r- Le- -vtîed liPv menîber, ci 1liuieandI N. Edgerton. Sec.-Treas. itid l ui-' i cîuci crhuite riîiim 1itn-.. Auirxsnlî,uis e rc ivintgre Secliii n C i bo'.iats i (-t S. S. No. 6 240.00 Tire ch ,ir îttcliided . Stîrat tiere. W0 shteit ut pica-ant it l* A I deliglit of *cverx-onc u Irs. Gale gave Grant to Agric. Society 200.00 Nli'.eAatd AWrighti. Carnie Aiar- li tr ' itt tenu. Yît>1 -II1d unle h L sso-lectioni- socal -.los. SautrH.- Harris. refund dog tax 2.00 t\nt. Fthliîfrri-. Bii Cars-cuttiivrhathlltl uglw .e t 1i-le: Nin.Aargaret Stewcarti; O. Wright.roads etc. 107-44 iut. E'.a Tre'.'.ut. IildrGr'( uu. le r eumiil ( n heti landial Valdumet. IPhli h.-Trinîible anîd Mrs. Agnes Steele. janitor. 25.00 Enîutîa I>w.aeîtck.Jeittie Nlcl-(a:i. -iutie vtc. t'. ser'. ice. bIfyo wn t tkeadatae f fl '. ~~~i -ÀeshîcI. Pre-identtheil toük i - Joblin. auditor 10.00 Au--.da Aright. 1tlellTreil- tv îîtbro h cu a-ns rpi n e u ais ot eliarîze andt callet oui Greta Nltlnda\- Reg. D. B. and Marriages 11.00 c.Ate'tleiituîXrePt saIln. r.n r. Wonderful Soap ...........2 bars 19C wseuGreta rcad auicecvi'. '. ruied i - heaeocî 2 Cîerk. \. RraLti. Cliarlu- Alli. N r - iiujl i ne fColr'esec luuudj atiirs'. w t lre-ut -E. Il.teginbîtliaui. XW. R. Kuuuhi T. c i -r the retuinouta lit a SC ed Sam wtha 1lsd'. clubiag anid _________________________ r'-itme s'.'.siillreuieutîber '.iiltlia TREM ENDOUS SAV N S GoId Medal Tomato Juice ..sil tin 5c nuit-uc ca'.e t,, match.- Saintiliai ke i iJaî\.W-Alit. Fredl Trt lI- -uru f-r a lîtig ime te corne. es-erxone fer mite mccix quift. Sain «Ck-'hirN-tr -er Save 24c on Toddy, 1/21b. can t- lea.iig this '.'eek -for tIilack t l'tt u-\er Ir'..White amduI t etre '.uoci-ed c Iiie unr o adD av. _________________K lil. %th MNi'.'. '..'Trolîilcîîek roIl.i fMi- Ilascrait. u(lcailu. lierInFeWitr oasndDse.Itwl He teili lic greatyix-ui'.'.ed u ___________________________ a iti' Oîiitute va'. ut i,tIial i-tituci .'. st, th Con-pay yau ta buy a New Ca a Nith 1 -1b. tin 39c Ceoltiinlt%>nit '.uPhis fille vniceà. A5. ____________N_________ i. tawker.-I.Ai. ..Jaîtue. amui T. ilîiituiux.Tht- ceai s'.altlî0ni a sctfor next-winter. littie ime ."a pent in recreat ______________________ elie- : lut un-m-uufleaimi fi lîaractcr- 1 'Prunes .................... 3 Ibs. 25C aiter chticlu vaa siiut iuch was Ai ti Ca'..ker S S. nrganu. i '.ît .l fi-uic lice t., -crs e. serscd. 5 M au that îuermi. isi.,odut'. a'. Ais.J Iiee r fsvrp1p11iiFliuaMEN ARE INCLUDE Falcon Peaches............. 2 tins 25c .-IlEGtittu.nreani't ri St. Joit- ..nîgli- titi'. %\-inter - hcv sas it i'. the me Giner nap . 0e ... ... .lb EN ISK LLE U L Cati Celtrcli '..lero-e egivc'. grcat cessin-iti a fbProu.luer ni tli In his Sale event.... Special rti nso Gingr S aps.. ........... b. 0c NNIKILE'.atisfaction a'. aulaccounîi'iued tuns- <lepre--louI. ictaut V ciisu i'i-i em Winter Coats and Suits.Veyra I-i J.Kutglu. lkc Pe illgeAffect votu-. Savings that every mnan Wulwn Celery - Lettuce - Parsnips - Carrots - Turnips Corne to Pie Social at Hampton TIEA REhack'.niit, sit'. amcnîg te ho:.s in I d'.v VWiite. -ta take advantage o Monday, February 14th. T E T E Sm. l'atl. chtoir tehere lie sca-, the A-5t the Yountg Peoile's L'Uni leader for '.everai veau"..\Ir. Kniguîm When a man is earnest and p *w *Edgar Xriglit amd Keitlî Orniston BOWMAN VILLE ha. heen an nunîstanîdiuîg figIffe i knows wthat he is about his work M W IIP C ~~teck tnp tire collectint. irs. XXhit-_______________________vocal nîîusic circlo'. for nmari%- %-car's hî oe F el*E L E arne took charge of lrograti : irs. 'P is half COUCH, JOHNST N E --aturl]1'. sliIi goiîîg 'trottg. Besides OUH.1 E.Wrightu played sontie quiet music; iîeiuig iii tPe e Vcyan 'ietodist Phone 596 Re'.. 5.\V. farchi. Tvroute. led mmtei Th - isalulngil Groce praxer; R'.'.XPuhonean596rea 1theurs., Fri., Sat. chlnrChchirirlie ca.,iii te Bibîle la;hte ht ti l pravr; ev.\Vhthaie eadtheChristian Church on Quncui St XXe it o elaborate. à_________________________ Nsenaui o il .\cailia bohrCRYDERM AN scrputre.. 5.dc'atetv'. re.ened FEB. 10 - 11 - 12 forget telether it'.as il".)uuldAcTv-l ta. iru1e c'lvdtîtat tnore crime li (dune ior 1Fb )Tapsoîs'..îw-as aî'.ua iioma i-e.Jue ud Phone 836 LflMITED ht'. calili tuait oerx. Af iiruîîative pro.hi X.Xul v' t ~ -Anelia AfcTa%-i hi. seli îîscu a îd takeni Pv AI isso'. S. V'aut Canmp anid Zane Grey'stHuat iod btW.Ylewa a neanvileies f hs on o uimne. Johnl Rice '.5as leader at titis resiceici7n.-itisnsifo i-l.*TrimntiTvrone : egative, Ahchtircî t aocre ime, huit a'. Choir , nany vears.r .5.. Al ndtîiG. Grieve. latter li e fl ~ ~ a L0 eader uocite iii]lis caris- da'ia< itig a'..arleil the lcci'.iîutt. Pu a 1 I R o l Amigte iutiemce tîver clîttrehieh ir'. Ah'.'. i beu XVerry rocitatua'. ir. Kuîigbm. Fîrtor 0ser- AIrXWrrv: 1ztitar seicutins. AllailPe lias lîcenu a poweer for gqonîl iii Aearri; piatu-,i ucctîrdhiu i selvcti tPe hue if vocal tusie asi'.uillig at i~ lttike. AIis Clama IPage i<te r-fuoctnt uulfaterua .cal charge (,i a c,-titu '.m andtuliluilu sa - Also d<inin iithe e ig andniîîol atu l a - Ahi'. t'.li ~ I. Ar. 1 lit4Aui L- O OACH -~ t dv .ANiav lu-ie -ic c- .uîtiuuuc t-il i \it'-Airitol andtîl tii Ah <re. Ai . proton»tS" haol i,, '.- tîadle-ut the - .r,tiu intht(t ". <l'. a Air XX. Il A re'.m~ .~" 1 XVc'.Io au liurcli.t. .'î lik- l s'.~~. - A~rs. I.. C. Asbin, .vi'.itiuIIg liii sa t . Aciuo-l w' -ai.ui Ah r. auud Air-N. E. AA~~~ricl wvahucr? Tu.r ' u- i imu - Please send NANIE Mr. anid Mrs.AV. J. E. Ornti.,- EVI I tut. AXtuiltt lu mît-TERM freeloi"yo .r. bchSret aetesyi.dc ci t.u hi itî,ils e o are under no obligation. A phone cali will bring our furrier ta J titda ADDRESS pathy cf thesthtole eomrnun4ty n 1t iNY 9S lî l-u-. the sudden a'-n of tîteir onlA X X atfS your home. Get our estimate o eeln an ad rpii Bock. CITY.....>.... PROV... daughter. Mary Julia, a* the age Matinees Monday 4 pimn.iKr o î.a hn 9rmoeln earn.T cf 5 years. ami Sattîrdas-. Fehruamy, C) h AiralsK.- Phost-t'59UI OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS CI). Stht. Thtelttle girl. svho was-,bý- Wednesdav 2.30 p.m. Iiiiitr. R -ienýt Cu t 11 s.i i Bx7 -Osaaloved by ascude <-rceeof i'îccut. COver ;ilti mIe Iu' Box 74 Oshawaand iliIonly a very ___________________ atircinntiitc-tt. t) il- :;tîntHc- p Bawanvil . rea d lier rta.z .ng was acltuit. tiiiati 0 r i tua w-.'.mc HED UR IR (o O I M R VE INS ter-rible .sh)ck 10 lier -par1ents. j____________________nîctitber seho tule precettor s'1a, Puni Phone 594 wmnil- The extent ao' thue camnmunitys Iut a ride t'.itii a gocd str 1,îg1Ia(1, sympathiy waa 8hown by the large tle cotgregationai singing wsnsper- PAGE SIX -i e - THE CANADIAN STATES11AN, BOýý--.q AN VILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IOTH, 1938

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