THURSDAY, FEBRU.\Rx' 10H, 1938 THE CAN.ADIAN STATESMiAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO SOCIAL AI Miss Cora Scott, Toronto, guest of Miss Florence Wtmry. Mrs. Wm. Mainprzt. Belle ver, is visiting witb M.r. F. B. E man, Carlisle Ave. .Miss Lorraine Pickard, Tarai lias returned homet aiter camp' ing a business course. Mr. George Tardif., Toroi spent tht weekend with his r ther. Mrs. Wm. Tardiff. Mms. E. Milne. Port Hope. visiting hier daughteî'. Mrs. Wl fMr. and Mrs. W. A. Edi Drothy and Billy, visited Sun with Mr'. and Mrs. J. H. Hi Peterboro. Mr. Glenn Mellveen. O. A Guelph, spent tht weekend w bis parents, Mr. and Mms. F. McIlveen. 'Miss Margaret Allen lias g( tc Vancouvrcm. BC., 10 spend s CNPECIAL '%ALE 0F k.) ILVER Marr 's offer spectacular bargains in silver FLOWER BASKETS Reg. $5 ........ . . for $3.9 7" COMPORTS Reg. $2 for $1.4 RELISH DISHES Reg. $250 . for $1.7~ PIE PLATES Reg'. $3.50 .. for $2.6 COLD WATER JUG Reg. $6.50 for $4.9ý 31/2" CANDLESTICKS Reg. $2 pr. $1A4 SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS ... for 891 P"IAVY BOAT with TRA" 'Reg. $6.50 . for $5.51 Ideal for Personal Gifts oi Presentations James Marr JEWELER Phone 463 Bowmanvill( CAI Specially Deci Layer Ca To C Vaientine 1 Vaientine In4 Any Special It, W Speci z i- VALENTINE I( z Each.. <Valentine Sundae2 THE CARl BAKERS FOR 2 GENE ridge, Toronto, President of the D. E. Steckley, chiropractor. Goodyear Company in Canada, Oshawa, who recently opentd a will declare the building ofically clinie for children. reported that ,N E S N Lopen. the f ree clinic wa progressing- Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Babcock en- very nicely and was accomplish- tertained their brothers and sis ing some good. Ht said that lie was eral months with her sister, Mrs. ters to a 6 o'clock dinner Thurs- wonid make a report of tht ac- J.7r day evening. it being their fif- tîvities at the end of two months. J.W. Kr who lias recently lost Mission Circle Ri- hr husand.teenth wedding anniversary and Ri-he hubad.Mr. Babcock's birthday. They re- Trinity Mission Circle met at ler- Dr. J. C. Devitt attended the ceived some lovely cut flowers the home of Miüss V. Spargo Feb- State Dentistry Commnittee meet- and plants, boxes of candy and ruary lst. Worship service was ini )nto. ing on Saturday, February 5, at severai lovely cards of congratu- charge of Alice Purdy, and was ilet- tht Physicians and S u r g e o n s lations and birthday wishes. assis ted by Ruth Wood and Jean Building. Toronto. In a contest conducted by tihe MMre Bsnesiro a Into, The store formerly occupled bY Toronto Star for "Smiling Babies" conducted by President Jean Mc- mo- Cowling's Drug Store has been one of the winners was two-and- Murter. Miss Spargo gave an in- leased by John Lenz, harness and a-half year old Mary Evelyn Me- teresting teniperance reading, fol- ishoe repair man, who will move Bride of Peterbaro, daugliter of tawed b y the Study Book taken by eb- into the store at tht end of this Mr. and Mrs. Charlt.on McBride. Muriel Moore on the 'Ministry of month. an.d grand-daughter of Mr. andi Healing.' At the close of the gem'. Public Utilities Commissioners Mrs. George White. Solina. Mary meeting a very dainty lunch was Wdy . Ross Strike and Fred W. Evelyn was ont of 10,600 entries. served by Miss Spargo. [aNelles and Manager Oea. E. Chase and secured onet 0f the 94 prizes ea.attended thse annuai meeting of offered.. Cthe Ontario Municipal Electric Rev. W. J. Haggith, whose obit- BAND BYLAW HITS C.,t Association in Toronto this week. uary appeared in last week's SNAG IN THIRD SBowman Hatel rooms nowv avail- Statesman. was a nephew of E. RA U G M N A abi fo' prmaentboades, wiîb 'Ted c Haggith of Church Street, hot and cold water in each roons. Bowmanviile. and of Mrs. D. Mec- (Continued from page 1) ýone Rates: $700 and up with board. Donald and Mrs. L. Mutton. He tthbv sev aIl home coaking. S. Leach. Pro p. was born in Bowmanville on the ob.< rs cci mice,mînectmon iîlîthWb-t -Tetephone 2601. 6-1* farm now owned by Mr. Milton J.hase. Nlr.I enter ask'ed that a ther- Parents. teacheis and pupils Elliott. He was also a nephew of oîmgli investigation be nuade. W ifterested in music should dial in Mr. Louis Parsons, near Darling- Both Icter. iscre laid ou the tabcle on the Educational M u s i c a 1 ton Station. iiîîtimhe by-lase caine tmp fcor it, Braadcast each Wednesday at 4 Mr'. and Mrs. W. L. Courtîce tiiird raîmglater iin the tvtmtiig. p.m. conducted by C. Roy Fen- w'il celebrate their golden wed- \\'lîii the by-lasv iid cune mp for wick. Provincial Supervisor of ding anniversary. Tuesday. Fe b- thet tîird eingCltcloL.. Music. rmary 22. at. theit' home, P:cker-Nasn roedan aniounillr Int.pC. John Congdon. Dubamel. Alta.. ing Village. where they will r e- \lasn mu te c niramîîcmîo dincinr- irites: Please find rentwvai for ceive their relatives and friends isedm th iat te aommnnitte aofmi aur every weekly wecomie visitor front 3 ta 5 in afternoon, and 7 ta se h tnl b oiiiec and news friend. We would cer- 9 in tht evening. Mm's. J. N. thrce muembers of the coumcil. istad tainly be lonesame withaut. The Breakey. Toronto. and Mrs. Thos. 'If tseo members of coumîcil and a1 Statesman. Andrew, Pickering, wlbo were their iiemmber ocf thîe band, as tirovidecî in D5 Tht funeral of tht late Fred A. br'desmaids, will receive witb thv b v-iass. Haddy, former Bowmanvilie mer- te.Coiciiiccr Masomi gave as bis rea-1 chant and emnployee of the Good- Mr. Gerald cJerry> Bradd. son somi tht possibilitv of another band 49 year. was heid on Wednesdav af-P of Mr'. and Mrs. W. J. Bradd. or bauds. bcmmg îormced, and that ife ternoan. on tht arrivai of tht bcode Newc",astie. formerly of Bowman- the Legium Band Nwas rcîîresented cci ig frein Toronto. An obit.uam'y Ofvile. has been meved ta St. John. the cmiiiittece tit otliers bcnl ave Mr. Haddy wili appear next week. New Brunswick, where hie will be io rrcstitatiomi. Thiis iva. later ç MraeqW eit.ol o empioyed by tht Goodyear Tire & svilidrassmi ishenu dct%vsascxrc- of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devit, Rubber Ce. Jerry bas been in cd tlîat itlccuil 1 legal to chIamîgea Queen Street. ieft on Saturday foi' Torontzo for several years and has ,a hY~-hais ttat liad the aiciroval of )5 Halifax where bie will be empîoy- developed mbt an outstanding thie taxîcayer. cd as saiesman for two well known hockey player. He played hockey Coîmmcilior G. B3. Bickit them i img- confectionery and grocery fins. in Halifax, N. S.. several years ago gestec ihiat a chaîm.e le iiî.;erted Icro- D. T Moris.Horsy ~ and his services will now be used cimetlîat the gramît slîcmlcl o"t 19 Mrs.DT.MrireSt. ta again strengthen one of the exceeci $ 1.500. ThF-is a' a prccaim- celebrated bier 86tb birthday on jMaritime teams. tion lie said, agaumî't imcreased as- )c Sunday when bier family were al yPresent fer the occasion with tihe The Vanstone family had an stssmicîit si leu the 7-10 iill provid- exception 0f ber son, Dr. Arthur exciting few minutes Sunday ccl lus the lix-laîv seuld ille , c O ýMorris of Vienna, Austria. Mrs when the water rose in tise pond larcier sîmîm tham isi. iose iittemded. !Morris' many friends will regre;tot witbin two or three inches ofI Coimmcilicci'Nlason pciited odît liat )r ita leaî'n she is in ratîser delicati the top of tihe dam. TIhe Van- Cocuîci was mîcc corripellîct Uc:penîd healtb. stones wert at dinner after an ail ail the gramît, and Nl\av-or joues Tht ormI oenin 0fthtntwmomning vigil at tht pond and added tîtat iiider the presemît by-iasv wThet aitonio f tiesont of the men had been watch- aie baud. iiîcîuding the îrsetî c es Tir totte Goodyear i ng about 15 minutes before wbtn Drimii and Fife Band, or an\,' ncî- Tieand Rubber Company B0vc- everything setmed quite satisfac- l rzmieibmdcndepc niavileplntwil tkeplceontory. Evidtntly tht wattr peur- ;harv ini the gramît if tht bv lasef Friday, February l8th, when C. C. ed int.o the pond in a very few,ý stoocilas i rsn.Cuclo Slusser. Factory Manager front minutes causing a nea:' overflow sa rsmt.Cuclo ýe ýAkron. wili be present ta present Little cdamage was done.' Bicle c pimted out tuat unl\ 40 liers the Slnsser Safety Tropisy won by ceiitcf lte voters acisalie victedlonii MWýBowmanvilte in 1937. A. G. Part- Canadian Girls in T r a i n i n g the lis-laie, antd ncct more thami 25 Group of Bowmanville are hold- lier cetit faveur <cf tht be-laie. ing a special Candît Ligit Service 2cins rjue> clearecl the air scoie d Sunday evening. Feb. F3. at Trin- 'vmi lc. mnimccltttit ia e RTER'S ity Church. Station CGIT calling welleaililcdta i a e --- al parents. Young people and fri- cured ial giadce frii'. c.csadm ends te attend this most intercst- proilgmdmc.Feîîtîtai ing service. Music by Trinity vie:Hfis Worsluip saic i le lad lcarmi- chsoir. Organ stiections by Di'. T. ccl ilat coucicil had mîct ived iii 10o A. Partridge at 6.40 p.m. vill be tbe conditionîs goverîimg thtelire- rated Valentine of interest te Young folks and w.ill semtatiomi cf t'liv-laie, anîd thiat il irclude Pizzicati -Delibes, Spinning ltad îîct iceeri dealt seithi accorcuimg te Song, Mendelssohîn and Introduc- laie. 1 ami adviseel. lie acideci. tIîat tien III Act Lohengrin. ive max îîass it as il i,. i f dcc i - ike ea. 40c> Mr. Stanley Tiffin, Lethbridge. 9o atta lwsavrie )rcher On]\) mMr'. Chsarles A. Wight, Providence. uiiterst.imdimiciof its ieanimig. In recognition of bier mai'riage The Nlayocr lcciited ont Iliat the AIso which took place in December. bylai ad becît piïblislied oiîlv Mrs. Ray Connors, nte Dorothy tîvice. thiat it mnax lie ceclarcd voià Pritty, was honored by tht choir iii the couîrts andc the coummcil ivotld H'eart Cookies- of St. Pauls United Churcb on have tcc defciid the acticon, anud that zTisumsday. Alex McGrtgor acted as ami alterniative the coîmmciild as chairman, and an addm'ess was give lte ustial gramît. or iîrimîg the Jividual Fancies M'read by Eva Welsh. Tht presýen- b%«-iaîv tmp agaimi for a vote of the cem made to your tation of a silver cream and sugam'peopie. It seas chîcaher, His \or- with tray. and haîf a dozen silver siîip said. te take amietlier vote thiam [ai Order teaspoons was made by George to figisî it iii tht courts. <nGraham. Mrs. Connors exprtsstd .Ai resoluition îiîaîtue bv-laîv bc hem' appreciation of tht cîsoir's retira fted and again stbniîîd te thc f'lA M B IKkind remembrance. pcople te cumîfermîî tu h ct ',%, C.RtAIY ]RIC Trinity Young Peoplt's Union met seithi tht argummenit that coumîcil met. Januam'y 3lst. Recreatian was <bU îlot kiioseshether thîis cuuld be .....25c f conducted by Mrs. Marion James. legal carried ont. -Tht meeting was in charge of Finalle thet malter ivas disîiused of Doris Dudlty's ,group. Norman lie the adeption of two motions, Friedli favored with two dtlight- first that the third readiîîg bc laid s ...2 for 25c r- fui violin solos. accompan.ied by omn the table. anmd secondi that coumîcil UbMrs. Alber't Colt. Mrs. L. W. Dip- banlglavc eoetkn <npeîî gave a very instructive andan\.iîtai egactaiceneoretakingte iitemesting talk on "Hobbies." ai îrhe cim i h îaîr stressing especially the import- FER FAM ILY an5ce of books, and giving the CHIE F 0F POLICE naines. authors and synopsis o tepopular books for 1938. Tht PRESENTS REPORT wvomship service was led by Clare____ Allin, assisted by Alfred AllUn. tContinued from page 1) .RATIONS PHONE 85Wlfmed Hamley and Mes. Marion amni a Ioaded revo lierciii icti mis. James, the latter mendering a vo-ivere registered n both cases. A~ cal sala. stries of coîîîpîaimîts seere repored Thte stom'y af low two adî'en- in regard 10 lîctmy îhefts anîd after turous Canadian boys solved thtccirale invetvigationî foir iti- problent of past î'anks f vendtie.secre aicîrehitiei uind carnle husky. armed guards and ie a ifcr, th, Cocurt. Sentence isas su- great marbît palace for a peî'scnal oni<si >i cciivictionl<idîmts ie~t îisit witl tihe mighty Mahar'ajah b îcîicsere Icacedliticr the sit>- &SSIL c DOM ESTIC end ASK YOU - Silver Coa] John A. Hol - Silver Coal Sheppard & GMI ber Woo>d tHattie), WinnipegU Man.; Mus. Ed. F. Weekes (Lena). Ottawa. and Mî's. Archie Br'ewstert' igta poor Isealths. It iîa.s the 1 O~ e 1 Is SoId By - imst time tise sisters had met ta- gtthei' since tiseir mother. MmsW L. Keys, died here eleven years 5 * Iumber Co. Ltd. ago. While in town ýthey called on a number of aid f ritnd.s and FOR RAD IREATH. SMOKER'8 THROAI 1were guests of Mrs. Oto. Weekes. RUCKLEY'I THROAT AIDS. fflc 1 1avuth iimo tobe getl cittier 'uide ccithe Iplate, arc lthe tout- I ha se hu iciir tc hi. en i'ii.sils : ahicc and<iai the b:ck tcf thue Y-ir c chcciets.ervamnt. ' uo.e. mime a<leuiid.. arc phaccd. Tht S. Veuitcuii, tccuils anud adeuuoids arc alike iii Chiief Cccns.tale. t iat thue% are ix muîîbhatic glanuds. andi a11Il\h mîîîhaîic glanîd., are a first lit "ENERGY" <cf tîefence or barrier agciiu.t germusj _____________sihuich atlemîîîît tc gain ututraîce iii ci "Thue îeisc auîd actie coîîqsîr di f the bccîI. ficulties be clariîg Io attempt thieni. Eiilargeueut cf the; sand Slîh anudh fcll v shîivcr amîd shriîîk aI tadeuicicîs ssmows lImaI germîsl..haveitni- siglit cf tc il anil dhiazard, ant I uake vadeci thuese glanîds. andc thiat. as a tht imupus-ililit\e thîey fear."-Rose iresuît. thît glandts liait becomit Ci- "The sîcirîtimal demmand, qtmeîîing large<l iiithueir cffort te citai iWith 1 the malerial. stupplies euiergv anditi theunv>1teîî Ifte grand ,ici heir Iurauce sirpassiuig aillother aids, [in mua!si mmd tate. I. loster and fcreslails the penualty îîhich u mr ic tues ize and stacuccsIfI. thte meliefs seoulci attachslu cui hîstllvaentwoi tcesll h :ied'.-Nlrv Baker EdUe cgland< remliiaiis enlargeti. amuI. iusteah1 of iîeimîg a barrier 1o germuis. it he-i "Farmest resiuiomi lias c f it eilt ýcvîes a focus cf germuni lfe. andu steuicci tc lait abiout it alîost a mhlierc is a îiossihuilitv thiat uti îfec- saso o cf ciiiplic.'-S. Smnihes ticut sell sprcad t10 thtecurromuidiuîg 'This secrici eonugs tethtemuler- parts. ~etuc.-Emtucsoui.Euiarged tomîsils aind adtmîtcid, nias Aylmer TOMATO or VEGETABLE SOUP 3 tins ALYMER SAUER KRAUT 2 tins AYLMER PURE CHIOKEN SOUP ............tin AYLMER BITTER MARMALADE extra special RIEINE ASSORTED SOUPS - ..... . . ..... 2 tins CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP .... 5 lbs. MlIRACLE WHIP MAYONAISSE ,- 32-oz. FULL CHOICE 0F FINE FISH Bowmanville HARRY ALUIN GROCER Phones 367 - 368 PRE VENT COLDS UNITED OIGAR STORE AGENCY -a RELIEVE COLDS TAKE VITAMIN PRODUCTS It has been proven beyond doubt that Vitamin Products if taken steadily build up a splendid resistance against colds and sixilar ailinents. In addition if taken while affected with one of these maladies they greatly hasten recovery. Don't Delay Phono 792 For Your Favourite Products Now1 I.DA. Cod Liver Oil Hali>ver Oil Capsules 45c -79e 55e - $1.00 -. $1.80 By'nol Malt & C. L. O. Wampole 's Extract $1.00 65c - $1.10OyrtCdLvrO Ayerst IOD C. L. 0. Aes o ie i 67e - $1.69 40e - 75c - $1.00 Alphamettes Neo-Chemical Food $1.15 $1.00- $1.85 - $3.50 Capsules - - $1.25-$2.25 VALENTINES BARGAINS Select yours from our D d'sP s-27 large and varied1 assortment Feiiow's Syrup 89c' Comics - - le ta 50c Lifebuoy Shaving Posteards - - - le Cem&Sa 0 Greeting Cards 5c-25c 2cram & Sap- 30c Kruchn A.B.S.&C. Tabs. 9c SaIts 69 C LISTEN TO The Family Doctor I. D. A. Radio Programn Mondays and Fridays over CFRB at 7.15 p. NOVA - KELP TABLETS Nalure's lorulc and body b uicder, con- mins supplied by Atlantic deep ses kelp. For praci- cally every klnd of ailmenl. Uncondit. Ionally guaranteed 150 79e - 300 $1-39 750 $2.79 GREY HAIR restored go iLs natural color "the Natural Way" with AELIQUE GRY H91R RESTORER Not a dye. Act throuh the process of pigmentation front uair celle outward. Guaranteed toreto-ege O hair to its ntrlctr(if y ou are flot over 60 mea ofa age) in fron tat 60 days, or your money refumded. At the better Drug and $1.00 Department Stores ........... *V é The saf antiaep LISTERINE ti;for haif a cetury e of avorite. 25C -49e -79e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McGregor Phone 792 DRUGS We Deliver -'i h conitaiut, us ciseases wvcrc ont ou re- TRINITY IVOMENS ASS'N. 1, ha rm simiple through miechanical lie uudeî weighit. pale, listless and cas- sî required bv the Medical obstruction and pressure. The ci-iv tired. Officer cf Hcalth, Dr. Birks. Tri n ity Women's Association! As niinhier of the Wýelfare Board met Febi-uary 8th, with Mrs.M tranice of the tube draining the înid- The decisioni as tc, whether or flot I mvi "tigaîcdl applicants and coin- W. Ta mb]yn's Circle in charge. (Ile car into the throat mav bc or ils adaeod r u lre Metnpoeelatinhmtiti ckd ad ocus efus. diseascd as 10 require tc, bc re- iludîc assisted inIni rchasin Mduotin nîodwt ynwih1ad s aic iaie> iived should be made by the doc- boots ali ci 'thing ai the rcquîest oaaacopnmetb Ms ccil bct Ing ccuir, \wbcu iade,- tr %wbo examines the -child and tht Chi> nia o! th boar . Albert Cole and Miss Joyce îîJ(kli block -the normal air-wva\ of sujsbshso hr sn thecl iiilil oa e bad.aie Luxton. Prayer was offered by thec nosc, and the condition . naviadicsthadis hsetorns his nocldb Wc -ill ave ciosideabneiini- Mrs. C. J. Smale. Bible ssn a i dleformmtv fteteh otlrioed n hs'eoetehv ber of iran>i.ents t' iodge. no pro- read by Mrs. F. Jackman. yains.J h h et.not uisc.adtî eoetîvhv visionose. maclhetonsils also are don, an%- harr... viini aefor mcci.s, tis re- Mrs. E. P. Bradt. President. j rCatlvI îrei.bctignisb hr aefwtigsshc r sults in rtce iv*inlg numlerouis col- called on Mrs. L. 'W. Dippel tO o di .ffic uit s o roea defrm-b ieeaefi hnswil r plint- rtgar<lin riig mere nenemîciaresite t o aofthedifchil a t'sroheadefthi fro c orto trn iiî5 bggngexpes tîe haks f heAssocia- i t'of the cliçst. tn e emovical of tonsilds a ad foin loi ci>o or for imuais. tion to Mrs. W. C. Ives for her '\ tclî ucreesrious ac tuofil cf- iioiand ad-e O IY24th iast l)- anîcudinent very efficient services in connec- - -nh oe ein r tei]c-enis lcitheir removal is indi- to, th, Higilwv .Tafi \t îetonwt teWoensAsoi-ictedl tonsis and adenioids.. Middie cated. N ot oîîly does this procedure sI)ee(l inuiit in i cws a.iccrcased tion and other organizations of car disease, sinus ciscase. chrnnic Jcorrect mîari cases, of mouth-hreath- frorn 20 to -30) miles Ipcr hour. 1 the church and Sunday sch-ool colds. sure throats, ma\-filssth, img. (ischarg>ing cars. deafncss. sore have patrolîccl the main bighwav and Mrs. Bradt presented Mrs.1 sprcad of the infecticon tu tht adl- throats and9 coughý, but it is a real tirccugii Town minii 1 arc1ckn Ives with a beautiful purse. Mrs .îacciît parts. and thcse iu turu airvntviesre frreniat on dru urý.. 1ain, aiitwecl liv Colin- Ives made a fitting reply thank- proceed to mnastoid disea 'e and ii-i fever if remioval is carried ont be- cil S12.1x) lier nîccnithi toward the ing all for their kindness and thei ingitis. Sncbl foci cf infection as fore the first attack. This last also riinniiii., xp)enses of nmx car sshich lovely gift and hoped for the As- ' ciseaserl tonsils and adenoids injure ; means t1w prevention of bcart dis- I uise f 'r the swork of the l)epart- sociation every success. the gcîîcral hcaith: the child n'av 1 case w hich commonlv follosvs ons mn.The finles collectecd frori i nteresting reports were pre- fail to grow ncrmall. ail(] lic mia%- rbcumatic fvr chiargzs I laid f 'r sccdii xcCec sented by the Circies. Requests___________________________________________ cd thu 71cul(lint of the alicwanice (il were made for clothing front the S12.00 1' r inocnth. At the Ulîîît tîîîw Welfare Committee, donations to wulid oin on tat hares rebc left with Mrs. RoSs Strike or laid i"r tie urîco'e of lase and safMe - C . asn t" cii' rsidiit c- Duo piano duet was given by t'ci mrrsiet and icî fr Mrs. J. A. Cale and Miss Joyce revenueirposerl,. ..Luxtan. Mrs. J. H. Bateman gave Tht :floiiing the (.Cirt ami( as the theme for the prograns. Coletini records: !The Home." a paper which was f gc S ale Nunbir of Cases hrcuigli splendidly prepared and present- 5 iii" Court.-.78 ed. interspersed with music in Nunmit.r of Convictions .. ............. 74 vocal solos "Homing" and "Smilin' Niiiic cr f Case s sithclrass .. 4 Through" by Mrs. R. R. Richard- Collec.îi 'n nd caid mu Trcas- son. Throughout this paper beau- See what a variety of Fine Foods you may buy tirr .-5Fuis ai ees 32795tiful gems of poetry were iead fraNce .\iniçnient and Strect Tax laccompanied with quiet music Lier ses ............. ............ 455. 0( played by Mrs. Cole, ending with Do Tgs -. ..6.00an old favourite "Home Sweet Kipper Snacks-- tin YOUR Assorted Jelly Powds. "tiitiiteiabcur ..................~. o rnHoe Mrs. Bradt gave a short1 Toothpicks - - - pkg. CHOICE - Brunswick Sardines ipoem on the theme. Attendance Whi en b.o oie ae Total icaid to Treastirer.$1,702.95 77. _hit_______-__lbrol_-__-_______ape 1 w . 1 take tiîis epportiiiitv ocf Rolled Oats - - - lb. lb. Rolled Wheat mv )Cii yaicpreciation cf tht pIeu 'i I ' cice 1rat ion and suîcpccrî Cooking Bran - - - lb.bM. Corn Meal ucei\sd ifroin F-Ex-Niavor W. R 'Cracked Wheat lb.-lb. Graham lou St rik eamndiinenuber s of th e 1937 U 5~ bz~u 1<c hai.o to e\press nialcicrc oi (lil .'the cc-oiccraîii o tf AHKALYTN SENivici 01, :cnlst;d)ît Waiter- Halli. o. n- YNU CANADAN MEDICAL CHRISTIE'S SODAS, plain or saIted....... 2 lbs. 33c tal.1). P. NI(rri,, and H. C'aiul- # o" COMPAN I I lb. 18C weil. 1 basve ai ail tinies receis sd I N CANADA froni ail otbt r Police I)eiartillcnts -...... MAPLE SYRUP 16-oz. bottie 25c V\eýc' 'urtesNx and assistance. ii7 jl~ TOMATO JUICE, medium 3 tn 25c .sisbt.' iis ukailrtiu e hi ve ' TONSILS AND ADENOIDS tn masntncIh.. )îarmA nax .t the back cfilhe I ili i WHITE CORN ..3 tins 25c m PAGE SEVEN Il 1 B 4na"e