PAGE EIGHT THE CAN.\DI.AN STATESM.AN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1OTH, 1938 reading. Perev \Verry ;niuic by TYRONE 'an Wearn .and Farl Lul«. TYRON . P.. regiilar flteetifig lheld Sun- daY inglht and %vas ini charge of MIr. i X..S. met ini the %vuqrY. eb.3, Lornu Nlortsoil. Pr orani reading with President NIrs. S. 1-bar in the Alden loar; (met. Niariatii and Helen chair. After devotionali eriod and \Verryv reading. Lorne .\nnis; vocal business Rev. NIr. Nlarch conducted duet. Nrs. Thco Down and -'Ir. installation of officers for the vear. iFI(,%d Dudicv topie 1w rs. C Study chapter was given 1w Nýlrs. Sînon: Mrs. R. Virtue conductcd R. Hodgson; vocal (miet. Nirs. 1. a Colntest. Y. P. mecetings commence Dudley and Nfrs, F. Dudlev : reaà-1 at 730 Pin1. ing, Mrs. A. Annis. Nlarch mieetinig '.\r, R. B. Nc Ctnllouchl, Toronto, World's Day of Prayer for ail ris at home. women of the church. Nîr. and NMrs. Richard Hawkey. Y.P.U. visîted Ennjskillen Union Prince Albert, Sask.. spent a few last Wednesdav evening.and the fol- days with his brother. NMr. Albert lowing program 'vas given : debate. Hawley and callecl on sorne old "Resolved that more crime is due to friends. riches than to povertv-. -Affirma- Nir. and Nîrs. Edgar Rosevear, tive taken by Mfiss Susie Van Camp Port Hope. at Nîr. Gus Rosevear's. and Mi\iss Helen Trimm: negative M.adNr.F .Ba n taken bv 'Miss Alice Ashton and Miss Mr.ilanw ith lFr.parentw Mrand Grieve. Decision given in favor ofLiirpp Caintn negaive piao sloHele \Vrr; Miss Nina Hodgson is taking the ____________________________short course at Orono tbis week and is stai ing w th her aunitNIrs. Dav e Hooper. MRSThose ivho are onth ikls MARK are împrov ing slowIN. Theatre OSHAWA 1 ETEO Matinee Daily NES ______ TO-DAY TO-MORROW AND SATURDAY Warner Bras. take you behind the walls of WORLD 'S TOUGHIEST Big House ADDED FMATURE Gene Autry "The Yodelin' Kid"l SUNDAT Midnite ALL SEATS 30C And Continuing MON., TUES., WED. PoIArlj TRAVEL MADE HIM CONSTIPATED Salesman Says Kruschen Keeps Hlm "On His Toes" I Smal aCommercial iraveller.- ýwrites a co rrespondenît,..and duc 10 eiîdle. travellinîg by train and automnobile I fiîîd thai 1 becomne constiîîated if 1 do not keep mvsclf intermîalv cleati. Kruscheîî Sais is the o11t%. thing that wilI do ibis ef- fecîivelv and not itterfere with my wvork. 1 take a large close of Krus- chen every Saiurdav îîight and on Sumîda.v, when I have no work to dIo. the Salis aci on me. On week- (iays 1 take a sniall dose on rising. It is necessary thai 1 be 'mn my tocs' al ihrough the tlay. and ibis is the offlv way ihat it possîbly can be dote.'-V. L. Kruscheîî Saits is ail excellent recipe for inainiaiiîing a condition of internai cieaniiness. The ilumer- ous salis iin Krtîschen stimulate your internaI organs to smooth. regular action. Your inside is thus kepi clear of iliose impurities which. when alloîved to accumulate, lower the whoie toile of the systeni. of M.\rs. Rolit. jackson with meet- - 5 LINA ing in charge of NIrs. H. Philp and lier group. Ladies decided to quilt SNympathy of the community is ex- three quilîs and still carry oit euchre tended to MIrs E. R. Taylor in the parties every two îveeks. deaih of lier brother. M r. E. C. ir. anid s R. \V. Marlow Hoar. Newcastle. - sited M.1 Iai] Proutt*s. Young Peoples meeting M\onday Messs RlphEmesonandEd-eveîîing wvas in charge of NIrs. Ný*es-_ gar Emersoii spent weekend wvith lev Yellow lees, Christiant Fellow- , ther paents Mr.and rs. M. sip Convenor. Bible reading. Har- r Emerson. vey XYellowlees, Devotional was well -Nrs. Stanley Mlalcolm aîîd caugh-F given b)v NIrs. A. J. Balson; piano ter, jean ~ isited friends iin Port (luei. Misses Nl\uriel and Heleni Ferry. Langmaid; readings by Ernest Mirs. Johnîî Nairît. Glenhoro, NMan., Hockaday atnd Chas. Shortridge; Viîed ber atint. NIrs. Roht. jack- 1Piano duet, 'Misses Jessie and Grace son. Yellowlees. Wesley Yellowlees took Nir. and M~ Fraîîk Nalcoini vis- charge of the recreation which was ted jriends in Port Hope. mtîch enjoyed. Meeting next week Nestleton: W.A. and MS. will will take the forni of a Valentine mie Feb. l7thb*. meeting ini charge party with 'Miss Pearl Leach in of Nirs. NI. Emnerson*s group. charge. NIisý Ncura Porteous spent week- Home and Sehool will meet Tues- en mti i-cbr parents ..\r. and Nirs. dav evening. Feb. l5th. Editor Geo. C. H. W James. Bowmanville, will speak. Mrs. Dani Black i. liciter and able Recent Visitors: tr i dh er cwn work again. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe at Mr. Mr. and Nirs. David Johns and WValter Bray's. Pickering. th mother. Nî\rs. R. Johns attended Missq Helen Baker wih Mr. and the juneral of Nlrs. J. .Ashton at MNrs. Walter Rickard. Shaw's. Blackstock. Ntondav. NMr. and M-\rs. 0. Cruickshanks, Mr. Henrv Sheffield who lias been Peebr-a i.H E. Tink's. îvorking in Peterboro _,pent weckcnd NMr. D. D. Phelps. Yorkton, Sask., at home. Mîr. W. E. Gilbank and Mr. Ernest 1 MNiss Marie Marlow is visiting Gilbank, Shaws.'Mr and Mfrs. H. î riends in Oshawa. Jermaîîy and familv, Wolfe Island., 1 Mr. and Nirs. WVallace M-\arlowv, at Nr. E. R. Taylor's. Blackstock. entertained a number of Mr. Dave \Vebber ai M.\r. Ernesti friends to a bridge party, Friday, Debarr's. Colundbuis. nighî. 'Mr. and M.\rs. 'e Camp- '-\r. and Mrs. Maurice Baker and bell were first prize iiniiers. Janice, Concord, 'Miss Muriel Bak- .Mr. Wesley Campbell spent Mon- er. Toronto, at M.\r. jack Baker's. day in Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds and4 family. Mrs. R. J. McKessock and Miss Ruth M.\cKessock at M.\r. E. HAMPTONElliottis, Oshawa. HAMPTONMnf. George Werry, Toronto Un- î îversiîy, at home. Rev. \V. Rackham iý under the NMr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees Dr.s care and not able to take bis with friends ai Hamilton. work on. the circuit on Sunday. Ev- Mr. and Nirs. Everett Cryderman ening service was cancelled. -There in Toronto, Monda. Wvas a good attendance ai the Sun- nr. jack Baker is spending two day Schocrl session in the afiernoon weeks ai Kemptville .Agricultural Nlontlv Nissionary prograin îas 1 Co;lege as insîrucîor of a short presenîed with Mfiss Doreexi Perret cure in charge. Miss Thelma Robbins Comte te Pie Social at Hampton very capably told a Nissioniary sîto ry Monday, February l4th. and Miss Dorcen Perrett gave a00 reading. It's good to have money and ý Mliss Lauira Virtue is convalescing the things that money can buy. ai the home of her sister, Mrs. A. but it's good, too, to check up once E. Billeit, afier ber receni op2ration in a while and make sure that in Toronto General Hospital. you haven't lost the things that Mrs. F. Stotîchouse and '.Mfrs. money won't buy. Edna Ruse are not quite so weh. .Adult Bible Class met ai the home of President 'Mrs. L. Niddery, Feb In 2nd. Meeting opened ihprayer .D Sf SD e toy by Nfr. F. J. Groat. Committees and convenoirs w-re apjilinted. Annual -A\t Home" will be beld Nlarch 2nd L GA Cottage prayer meetings ilbehlL____________________ every cîher Nlondav evening with M .V OLB. LB the devotinnal leader .in charge. BarrG.te. oULct, BNotary. .-bout twenîv friends were enter- Phrstr onector351 ar iained ai tht! home of NIr. and MNrsPon.5 H. Ho]%%-cil on Saturdav eveiin.i Royal Bank BIdg., Bowmianville beiiig the occasionî of their ýrn. Vl . .SRK tefrs.birbawv. . .nsaf, s is arrister, Solicitor, Notary Nlr~ Crwfor, Lng~tfî.5 ~ Solicitor for Bank of Montreal bi.gbrdnb . l~ .Rc-IMoney te Loan. Phone 791. s Abouit thirtv- five relative s and Bowmanville, Ontario jricn(ls gatliere(l ai the home of '.Ir,. L C. MASON, B.A.. and ýNirs. S. Ker..ey nNlojjdav arite Slcio enîfiîg 10celebrate wiih îe ter ary Pub lici tc. fifieenîh xedding anniversary. M\rs. yw NoaiPl ie -brace. Gî~ertAdcrckexpa e h p ur- Office irnmediately east o! Royal pose of the gathering and presented Theatre. the bride and groom wiîlî gifîs of Poe:Ofc 8;Hm 5 crNstal. cutiery and china. Nir. and M rs. Kersey- very' fitîingly thanked DNA the friends for the gifts. The re -___ DENTAL_______________ mainder of the evening wvas spent DR1.4.DVT in gaines and social cliii chai after A Ds.sJ.nt: Dr.E . ITT o which refreshments were served. sitn:D.E .Sso WV.C.T.U. met ai Mfrs. Geo. Bar- Graduate o! Royal Dental College, rc-ns. Feb. 8th, with NMiss M Kat- Toronto. Office: Jury J u b i 1 e e er;oiî Presiding Devotioiîal period Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours was conîlucted Iiy Mfr... G. Burns, 9 a.m. to 6 P.m. daily except Sun- the theme beiîîg -For- a Greater day. Spirit of Endeavnur and More Re- Phone 790. House phone 883. lianlce on Go. Nrs. J. Colwill led X-Ray Equ.lpment in Office. n Chapier of study book FUNERAL DIRECTOR I on a littlu history was taken býy Nf iss_____________________ L. u\nos.The clip -hbeet wsi FUNERAL DIRECTORS chàrgeý of Nirs. J. Colwill anîd Nirs. Service, any hour, any day. 1).Ferîi~ nNexi nmeeting at Nirs.r .1 owil.Narcb 8tb. F. F. MORRIS CO. Remenîber Mie Social in Hamp-Moe Mto Euip ntA- tonS.S. ooi Mndy. eb 14 jbulance and Invalid Car. Cal 1. -ponsored by Young Lad:es' Class. Phone 480 or 734. Assistant 573 Ladies brrig a pie; gents corne ______________ anid buy one. It i never to late to lend. "Lest We Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL Déigner ,in(] t)eacr In Monuments, T ablet 3 Markers, etc. n Gr anite and Marbie. ENTERTAINER Secure RALPiI GORDON, the wonderfully versatile entestain- er, for your next entertain- ment. IUlustratedl circuiar free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. TOWN COU CILMortlock and Councillor B. B.1 onlY where a municipality is sep- Furber to the Board of Health, arated from the count.y, or its SENDS PROTEST toigetîîer with Mayor Jones; and high school is serving only the RADIOINCREASE the second appointed Fred Knox rnunicipality. can a Board of Edu P ,,_____oheg Shci ato eit As Bowmanv'lle is (Continued from page 1) Board for the next three years. flot separated from the United IK beleve wuldbemos beefc~a rOn motion of Reevýe Edmod- Counties. and as the school ser- beiee, wul b mstbeefcilstone. Mayor Jones and Council- vices a wider area than the Town VATRO.NOL to the town. Membership in thei lor L. C. Ma-con were appointed a of Bowmanville. the town cannot Ontato God RadsAssoîaùo comit tee to interview Ex-Mayor legally have a board of education - e dosu was turned down. Cost of mem- Strike with a view to having him but must continue under the pre- ,'a ch nostril ot bership in both other organiza- accept the appointment as Town isent system 0of two boards. tions totalled $15. Solcitor. i On motion of Councillor B. B. - the fis-st sneeze Mrs. T. S. Holgate expressed To Revise Bylaws Furber, a protest will be forward- appreciation to the council for ed through W. F. Rickard, M.P... c. .. the installation of a light on Di- Councillor W. J. ChaliLs pre- ýagainst the proposed increase in FOLOWVIK PANFO vision Street. Her letter wu.. re- sented two motions, the first ask- Ithe cost of radio licenses. uldî:sothPa, ceived and fyled. although some- ing for the formation of a comn- Two matters. to a f ireFuldgisoth r- one suggested that it was so se- mittee composed of Reeve Ed escape at the South Ward School dom that one received apprecia- mondstone. Deputy H.eeve C. G.anaHepBlathe osia tion that it should be "received I Morris. Councillors Fui-ber. Mason aner el delat wtheHaspiMalo ie ecî i a n e and framed." 1 and Challis. to examine the town Jones contended the council wýas their weary ways home. Even at A letter from the Legion Band 1 bylaws with a view to revising ntjsiidi nefrn ihta h iac omte e expressed appreciation to council them and bringing them Up to ten kotutfiedinhe Hoerita n d iî thatthe an dcie aom itteeme foerwrk o theHospual ndeateratat t decde aouten.ur forhavng uttheBan Bîawdat. ublic School Boards.- ance matters. The crowd that to a vote of the people, and offer- The second motion asked for filled the council room earlier in ing co-oiperation of the band. the appointment of a committee AkFe ihsthe evening had dwindled to a Finance Committee submitted composed of Councillors Mason.,l Councillor Mason introduced 'mere handful by the time the sundry accounts totalling $88418 Gunn. Bickell and Chals, to re- ;and successfully piloted a motion post office dlock boomed out the for payment in the regujar ac- port to couneil on the advisability through counicil recauesting the hour o! midnight. count. and $421.91 in the relief o! having a Board of Education Utilities Commission to investi- account. elected by the people. in place of! gate the possibilities of supplying1î No action was taken on the ap- the present elected Public SchoolF the town with free hydro for1. its Plication of the Salvation Army Board and the appointed High schoo]s. streets and buildings.I SALEM Social Service division. Toronto. &chool Board. Councillor Mason f elt that in viev.I' o! the splendid financial condi-1Nl.adlr.Jc toadsn for a grant. Board of Education tion of the Commission. this could r.Jc ao n o Bylaws Passed In this connection it might be be done and thus provide a sav- Ralph. Toronto.,îvîsited their mother Two bylaws went through their pointed out for the information 'ing to the municipaîity.I who has been quite il]I with mutscular necessary three readings and be- of citizens generally. t.hat Chapter And as we remarked at .lie out- rheumaîism. came law. The first appointed 361 of the Municipal Act, dealing set. it was 12.09 a.m. Tuesday -\ nunIber turned out to1 the evei- Deputy Reeve C. G. Morris, B. H. with this matter, provides that morning when the councillors de- iig serv ice Sunday despite bad roads Triple-lite Outstanding valut this for a Sale! This most popular type of lamp which gives you three different lighting intensitiesj and the three I candles opeeated by a separa te switch. L o vel1y bright light without glare reg. $15.00 on sale $7*49 çory GiIass COFFIE MAKER 8 Cup Size Reg. $4.50 ON SALE $2,o95 'Me »W Way to mnake cffe. waste CAN 49 Oc ach 1:an(l ieather conditions. Rev. A. \V Nlarch clelivered a fine sermon. Mrs. L. Sqîîair led in a topiccl. cussion at the Y.P.U. meeting oni We(lîesday evening Feh. 2nd. Pro- gram was in charge of lst Vice, Mrs. S. Buttery who read the bible references. Other readings were given by Mfr. F. Blackburn and 'Mrs. L.loyd Richards; violin duet by Messrs C. Collacti and L. Combp-3 vocal solo by Nirs. E. Darch. An'in- teresting contest was conducted liv the leader. Attendance 17. MNr. J ohn Luxton is il! in Bow- itianville Hospital. Neyer look a gif t book in the binding. A book to the wise is sufficient. 38 Simcoe St, N. Electric Oshawa OPEN EVENINGS Neyer i ur history have we had sa rnany customers i our store, who have eagerly pu.rchased stock realizhxg that the prices cau]d flot be duplicated again for years and that they are buyig quality mer- chandise almost for a sang. This week we add many more baxrgains ta, the list as we must dispose of aur stock to, make room for alterations scheduled ta, start i the very near future. As we explained last week, we have purchased the building we occupied for four years and plan to canvert it into the fiest elecUtrical store in the district. Buy flow at these ridiculausly low prices. They won 't last for long. WASH BOILERS. GAL VAN IZED 5 9C cach COPPER $1389 EACH ELECTRIC SANDWICH TOASTER and GRILLETTE New 1938 Streamlined Model in nickel-p1ate' finish. Invaluable foi quick lunches, after theatre snacks, etc T o asàtsasandwiches grills bacon and chope Sale, each, less cord $1,49 Hot Point IRONS TOASTERS Percolators Sandwich Toasters ALL REDUCED THIS WEEK Our prices are lowest I I i i BARGAINS YOU'VE BEEN WAITING ,FOR 4 only Humidifiers EVERYTHINO MUST GO Reguiar $35.00 100 New and Reeonditioned $15-00 RADIOS A successful help i the home time of year. Saves on fuel bills, sickness and furniture. You need moisture in the home. HOTPOINT RANGE Model R-52 - Regular $129.00 ON BALiE $99.00 Sunbeam Bulbs...... 6 for 49c Fuse Plugs ......... 6 for 25c Alum. Double Bolier ... ea. 39c Galvanized Wash Bolier ea. 59c Electric Toasters ...... ea. 98c 500 Pieces AIum. Ware ea. 89c 500 Stove Pipes - Sale ea. 9c Stove Pipe Elbows - Sale 13c Electric Irons ......... ea. 89c At Sacrifice Prices FOR EXAILE:- Brand New 1938 5-tube Mantel Model, $42.95, on Sale. $19-95 QUEBEC COOK STOVE While Thev Last $17.95 TRADE - IN SHOP Over 50 reconditioned Appliances, i.- cluding Washers, Staves, Ranges, Refrig- erators, all ta be cleared at hall aur usual retail price - BUY NOW AND SAVE - 2-BSurner HOT PLATES Regular $2.85 on sale EACH e SPECIAL NEXT WEEK Suit, Dress or Lîght Coait Cleaned and Pressed Or Any 2 for $1.50 Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co., Lt. PHONE 419 à m PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATES.NIAN, BOW'MANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IOTH, 1938 i 1 "i \V-L met at the home i