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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1938, p. 9

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONT ARIO IN THE DIM AND DISTANT PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 1 ... Mcs. George Welch presented iGeorge with a fine yaung daugh- From The Canadian Statesman, ter on Sunday. . .. Only child cf February 13, 1913 Mr. and Mrs. William Riches died at Bethesda an Friday. aged foui Mr. C. E. Baunsali, Royal Bank years. staff, has been tcansferred to King Couctice: James Couctice is lai(î Street, Toconto branch. Up with a sûre hand. ... The fun- A class of instruction for mem- eral of Mrs. James Reynolds, 76 bers of the 46th Regiment was years, took place on Thursdas organized here by Capt. Lorne T. and was vecy largely attended. McLaughlin of Haydon, and con-; Birth: Williams - In Enniskil- ducted by Sgt. Instructor A. R.i len, on February 9th. ta the wife Bagallay of the Permanent In-! of Charles Williams, a daughter. structional Cache.1 Married: Spry - Westlake - On Goodyear Baîl to celebrate the; February 9th, at the Methodist opening of the company's i m-1 Parsonage, Hampton, by Rev. E. mense new machine shop Tuesday, Bacrass. Mc. Frederick Spry to evening was a grand success. Miss Mary Westlake of Darling- Morrison's Goodyear Orchestra ton. provided the music, and Thos. Tod. Died: Jacks - Near Hampton. was catecer. Same 1000 Persans February 9th, Susannah. celiot of attended. the late Samuel Jacks, in lier The cesidence of Mr. Alex 53rd year. Wight, Providence, was the scene1 Died: Palmer - In Kendal. on of a very pcetty wedding, Febru- Frebcuary 3rd. Ann Margaret Pal- ary 5th, when bis eldest daughter, mer. aged 22 years. Alberta Mary, was united in mac- Died: Curtis - In Darlington. niage with Mr. John J. Tiffin ofi!Februazy llth. Mary. second dau- Lethbridge. Alberta. Cecemany ghtec of John Curtis, aged 23 was perf ormed by Rev. W. Higgs.i years. Rev. W. P. Rogers. Trenton, is1 slowly reocvering from the effectsj of an accident in Toronto. Mr. I Rogers has been permitted tee' leave St. Michael's Hospital nd IM--- is now at Dr. Barber's zest home. Birth: Hazlewood - In Bow- r"', Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood, a soas.aro Brenton Frederick. Birth: Osborne - In Bowmdn- (Çonitinued from page 4) ville, Feb. lst. to Mr. and Mrs. H. Cecil Osborne, a son. Alan Henry. ped into hec seat between her (Editars Note-StilI the pride and father. whose hand closed warm- joy of bis parents)i. ly over hers. and Melissa who was Death: Glaspeil - In Darling- miing to herself in the darknes. ton, February 5th. Frank Glaspell, The orchestra ploughed i t5 in his 84th year. dogged way through "*Jingie belîs. Death: Devitt - In Cartwright jingle belîs.' Then there wvasa on February 4th, Elizabeth Ann mýn fslne h akbu Jobb beovei wfe o S.A. ev-cuctains partedi quietly and a lit- itt, aged 52 3years. tie group of boys and girls sang Death: Campbell - In Darling- in clear, pip.,ng tones the lovely ton, Februacy 5th, Mabel L. Mc- id cazol: Cul]och, belovedi wife of John 'Godci est ye, merry gentlemen, Campbell, aged 35 years. Let nothing you dismay. Death: Killick - In Bowman- For Christ, Our Lord, the ville, February 9th. Henry Wil- 1 Saviaur, liam, anly beloved son of Mr. and, Was born on Christmas Day.' Mys. Henry Killick, aged 20 yeacs. The carol ended, mothers, f a- thers, brothers. sisters and friends FJFTYVEAR AGO applauded lustily. The curtains FIFTYYEAR AGO closed, the orchestra ploughed its Froua The Cana<iîan Statesman, way through anather Christmas Febrary15, 888sang, and then the curt.ains op- Febrary15, 888ened ta reveal a simple tableau, Over the weekend large crowcls the "Three Wise Men" against a attended the Salvation Arxny Bar- darkly green hill, watching the racks to hear Monts. Phillippe de brilliance of the star as it shorn Saliers, converted Roman priest. in a blue velvet sky. The per- Not being able ta sPeak Erîglish, formance moved forward with a Staff Lieut. Charles Paul acted as smoothness that astanished Chlae. interpreter for him. even though she knew how hard In recognition of Mr. Wash- Rosalie had worked te make il ington's long and faithful service perfect. as a local preacher and trustee, The first part of the entertain- seventy friends called at the home ment ended. a breathless Pause of Mr. Stephen Washington on followed and then - there was the Thursday evening. They present- crisp jingle of sleigh belîs out- ed Mc. and Mcs. Washington with side, a loud. genial voice ccîec a comnfortable walnut easy chair cheerfully. "Whoa there, boy!' each, and also a handsome hang- There was the weli simulated îng amp.clatter of small hooves and f rau Tyrne:Mr. Sinnr c., ýsback 0f the stage emerged the very 111 with inflammation of the ,cotund. red-clad, white-whiskered lungs.. . . one of William Jewell's friend 0f childhood, Santa Claus valuable horses died an Saturday. himself. ______________________ Because she had wanted to bb sure that not a child in the vil- lage would cecagnize him. Chioe l'ad had an employment agency STO P in Atlanta send down the man LDwha wore the familiar eostume. and now a breathless excitement BABY'S CO D swept avez the children. After aIl the doubt and disbelief that had B3EFORE IT GETS WORSE been flung upon this ancient, well-loved figure of legend or A FIREMAN will teli you big fires are fact - no child quite knew which littie fices when they start. That's why - they were seeing him here be- they always hucry ta Put ther out-t.fore them, in their awn small vil- Don't let your baby's littie cold develop lage. And you can't doubt some- into a "big cold" or sarnething worse. thing you see with your own eyes, Be in a hurry ta check it. Let Mrs. Cea. -Weil, well! Here are ah mry McBride of Scarborough tell you haw. good iittle children," cried Santa "My baby of 26 months caught a nastY Claus cheerfully in a great boom- cold this sping, sa I tried Baby's Own ing voice that zeached ta the f ar- Tablets and she seemed ta throw thiS thest corner of the big auditorium. cold off quickec than ever bef ore. I cer- 1-You have aIl been good little tainly arn for Baby's Own Tablets f rom boys and girls. haven't you?" now on."I A chorus of ecst.atic assents Baby'ls Own Tablets are safe and sure swept the xooni. Santa Claus in their action. They correct the cause 'lauglied, laid bis finger againSt of babys trouble. Effective in clear- his nose, winked and said cheer- ing up tecthing troubles, constipation, ily: simple fevers, diarrhoea, upset stomach, -Then I guess there's nathing colic and summer complaint, irritabil- for me ta do but give yau your ity, simple croup and other of "babY's" presents. Let me see naw. is there ailments. X'et they are utterly frcee fromn a little boy here named Bobby opiates or stupefving dcugs. An ana- Jenkins?" Iyst's report is giî'en in each package. A little excited whaop proved that there was, and Bobby Jen- Get a package today. Sîckness SO 1'kmns came focward and ceceived often strikes in the night. Your money 'from the hands of Santa Claus back if you are not satisfied. 25 cents. himself the preciauls pair of ex- A SHORT ROPE will not save a drowning man - an insu.rance plan in which one policy is very inadequate, or perhaps not written at ail, does not realiy protect you or your business and property. For sound protection you require insurance that is comprehenelive - ask this Hartford agency ta plan yours. Je J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 gowmanville Pensive skates for which he had longed and had no hope of ever owning. Other names were called. Other cxcited, ecstatic children raced down t.o the tree, received presents longed for, but which they neyer ýd liad hoped ta ceceive. Chloe, lis- - tening to their little yel's of de- f light, wvatching the way they dis- ýd played their gifts ta parents and ir friends. told herseif with a little ,haken sob that it was the grand- est Christmas she had ever had. The first in which her thoughts 6 had been busy for others, and flot ~.herseif. She looked Up at the top of the I_ tice where a decoration that ce- fe presented the littie Christ Child loaked down on the crowded room. ýnAnd then - her heart ail but stop- Sped in ber breast. She stared. *afraid ta take hec eyes for a sec- ond away from what she saw. -Motionless. lest some one else se the thin curling tendril of smoke that crept Up and Up - she drew La shuddering breath. )f concluded next week) Y$100 PER ACCIDENT COST TO INDUSTRY -Toli In 23 Years More Than 120 SMill'ons For Ontario, Reports I. A. P. A. Head Toronto, Feb. 15. - Ontacios average cost for each industrial acc'dent during the past 23 years SlO$10, according ta a state- iment made here today by R. B. jMorley, general manager of the IIr.dustrial Accident Prevention Associations. Frorn 1915 ta 1937. he reported. more than $120.000.000 has been awarded for compensation and medical aid by the Ontario Wark- - r.en's Compensation Board. and ,s more than 1.200.000 accidents have been reported to the Board. find this money and finance these alarge operations,- Mr. Morley esta:ed. "but it has been said that -98 percent of ail accidents can be prevented. This is a large state- ment. and while I am inclined ta doubt such generalities. I do be- lieve that through safe-guarding. good plant housekeeping. intelli- gent interest by management. train4ng in safe work methods. *and adequate supervision. such a -reduction can be madle in acci- sdent frequency ti-at industrialists swill be surprised by the waste that s is permitted ta exist today thro' saccident losses." * Better Labor Relations Commenting on "what t h e workers want," Mr. Morley re- eferred ta a recent statement by eWhiting Williams, noted U. S. employee relations expert, that "most large-scale cures for labor *troubles are unsatisfactory be- cause the simple and obvious solu- ttion is overlooked. A recent sur- vey of a large company promin- ent for its complete freedom from elabor disturbance showed it had ebeen foresighted enough ta instal mast of the plans rated as 'sure- f ire' preventives, but it was found the basic reason for its success was that for twenty-odd years the chairman of the board and the epresident had been looked on as Spersonnel men extraordinacy'." Hydro Safety Rules e Mr. Morley ucged, in the inter- -ests of life and property safety. ethat every effort be made ta fol- 10w regulations of the Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission, since these cules wece developed for tthe protection of lives and the 1prevention of f ire. 1 These regulations, he pointed out. have definite legal status and rit is illegal to purchase or use ,electrical equipment that does flot -conform with them. If electrical -machines and equipment which -do not conform are being market- ed and used in Ontario, he said, jit is done withaut the knowledge i0f Hydro inspectors. The 1938 safety convention and industrial exhibits being held in Windsor on April 21 and 22 will be housed in the Prince Edward and Norton-Pal- smer hotels there, it was announc- sed. A registration of from 1,200 Ltc 1,500 delegates from every in- dustrial centre in Ontario is ex- pected ta attend the two-day ses- sion. WINTER SPARRARS Theres somethîn' 'bout the spar- cars that in winter makes yeh glad, They cheep and peep and peep and cheep, When all things else seem sad: Trheystay arond wi heý nsnw ias wise w~Oul(l he.aliad'do weI."- Baconî "Revenge, at f irst, though sweet, butter ere long, back on itself ce- cols.' Parents themselves must be taught the value of an education. They are not fit ta have children if they do not want them to en- joy even better and greater pri- vileges than their own childhood knew. Seottish Curlers Arrive to Meet Canadian Rinks These bonneted Scotsmen pho- all members of the Royal Cale-~ Detroit, Toronto, Welland, Hamil- T tographed in the lounge of donia Club. Captain William ton, Medante, Fart William, Win- the Canadian Pacifie liner Du- Henderson ia seated third tram nipeg, Regina, Calgary, Banff, Ed- chesa af Bedford on arrivai at the lai t af the graup. monton, Saskaitoon, Sudbury, Halifax New Yeac's Eve are mem- During a two montha' tour they Nocth Bay, Timmtna, Swastika, bers af the party of curlers wha will visit Saint John,.N.B., Sher- Kirkland Lake, Buffalo, Utica, have corne ta Canada to meet brooke, Quebec, Thcee Rivera, Albany, Boston and Poctla.nd, Canadian adherents of "the roar- Sbawinigan Falls, Montreal, Otta- Me., and will sail tram Saint in' gamne" in many cities and wa, Sharbot Lake, Kingston, Port John in the Duchess af Bedford towns af the Dominion. They are Hope, Lindsay, Peterboro, Gaît, on Februacy 25. THE BE5T "SILVER"Y COAL DOMESTIC and BLOWER SIZES .eGwu1«ca44 .È.44d :00:;9e ASK YOUR DEALER -Silver Coal Is SoId By - Sheppard & Guli Lumber Co. Ltd. -Silver Coal Is SoId By - John A. Holgate & Son IR EHEURGIET HISTGRYi T~ HE best Chevrolet in history-the outstanding "thud" that tells its own story of Ahl-Silent, .Afl. car of 1938! Compare and let your own Steel Body construction-sa safe, so soothingly free eyes prove it. *froua vibration, "tinniness" and drumming. Notice how inupressively stylish the front view is, witb that beautifuiiy rounded new radiator grille. Stand to one side and see how those modem lines are repeated in the new hood iouvres-and empha- ized by the fleet, iow streamiine of the roof. Giance inside and get a new idea of luxury and comfort. Wider seats! Wider doors! Attractive ncw upholstery! Extra inches of room for rear seat passengers! Fiat, unobstructed floors! Fisher No-Draft Ventilation! Siani the doors, and hear the solid, satisfying Phone 25 10 Roy PAGE NINE [NE B8.d 4dacdu. M4wd (HEUROLET Check. on ail the exclusive features Chevrolet brings you-from Engine and per. fected Hydrauiic Brakes to *Knee.Action and new Tiptoe-Matic Ciutch. Learn what owners them. selves &av about economy . . . "Up ta 27 miles ta, the gallon of gus!". . . "Neyer add a drap of oul!" . Lowest upkeep costs in motoring!"à Actually sce the newv Chevroiet for yourself, drive it and compare featues-and you'Il not oniy agree it's the be8t Chevralet in listory ... you'll neyer be satisfied ,iih less than a Chevrolet for your money! *On Master De Luxe Models. Nichols Courtice y 1 PAGE NI. I

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