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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1938, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMNANVILLE, ONTARIO HR kets. They find no happiness in steamer. Weeks pass befc're they the Mountains I go in toeIUSAFBRAYiT,13 I OU W RL A D IN Ithe refiection that the scattered return. and their adventures in watch the crowd, and find a va- YO R W O L ND M N weallth finds its way into the pcc- the North Shore country make cant chair on a raised observa- IBy JOHN 0. KIRKWOOD kets of a multitude cf otiers. deliglitfui read:ng. There a r e ton platform inclosed in glass j i Speaking for myseif. 1 arn ail twenty-eight fuli-page sketches, Outsicie. couples go by Iaughing, (C'opyrighlt I for free competition in tis xorld.î and frontispiece in full colour, by'as they promenade past the win- Many poor or semii-poor people, bc biscuits, or tinned goods. or going to those who deseve them these sketches are being loaned against the River of Dark Waters. throw hard stones at the rich. shoes. or a newspaper, or a motor by the quality and fidelity of for exhibition in Canada this "We are approaching the capes They profezs to bel'eve that car, or a cigarette or anything their labour. Th:s does flot mean a tummer. and some of them will be -I,' with many others, go out up- wealth should be equally divided else in large repetitve demand by that approve injustice or greed cn vew for one week in July at on deck.%1L - se that aIl should hiave the same the generai public. A retailer can oravrce or sin in its m;anyi the Manoir Richelieu, Murray amount of worldly weath. In become a millionaire. Bu t a f ar- f orms Ask for the 75c Giant Bay, xwhere Dan and the Duchess "Cape Eternity, its head in _____ other words they are communists. mer is unlikely to become a mil- I ny of my readers wants te Package. It containe a spent a week-end during their'mst ad aps iit o~om flow'r - Speaking for myseif. I have no lionaire, because what hie selis is make a million., then lie knows regular boutle and a trial wanderings. formu. th eaet of thesemagnfow0 faith in communismn. To me com- rot machine-made. And an lem- the way to do so - the honest. BlOebotte. Use the tr.*alboul fa vnngseea ury fo h etofteemgii munism is just rancour - bad ployee is not likely to become a the proven. the laudable way. first-ifnotsetisfied retuynthe 0 neenn cn:a urycent promontories like ribbons in regujar bottle uopened and Bay. the Duchess writes: "After awn.Tesemrgesu temper - envy. Most communists millionaire. you set yottr money back. dinner. Dan and I sauntered close, nd 'i toerngoeightd li wouid desert communismn inside, Persons whose merchandise is through the Manoir's long corri- co e nerite;we- siengt._______________________________ 24 hours if they were left a mii- their personal service. sold to an UNITED COUNTIES ________________dor. . . Qlancing about at the impCapae E- st;weeps over u h lin olar b smekismn.Asemloerfo awae r alry aeWARDEN HONORED many charming groupings of fine stand ooking up. Cold breathes BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY CHiE I See it most communists are iazy'unlikely to become millionaires. French and English pieces-tables toward us out of the granite walls. persons - rather weak in the head. To become a millionaire - this AT BICG BANQUET ~n.g i and lamps se conveniently placed A id 1ti mmn fss -__ ___ In my opinion most of them ai-e surely - one must be a salesman BOOK_ ' DUUt t1VIEW11 -we chose to seat ourselves on ai pended breath, f lies up the fact> In speaking of a person's faults. 'Tisstaetonethcags flot honest. It is true that young'of something which hie himself W'arden J. rankGeoge Gestof J BFred rtamcgsf ohltrdinrdsl f the cliff, easily, with grace. Pray don't'forget your own; Pasntiehsbugtbo, communist.s o f the student class owns, and which can be soid S oo he ioHnde a el'et, which faces a fireplace, hntrslgthatdl wy eebr shm s tro -can let themselves be carried multaneously to many buyers Tribute at Brighton Toivn " ue iewsbrigo efllwaohrcus ýeeb those ith hme o iSrnetCerma noain away by the teachings of com- spread over a wide territory, Tea- Hall MODERN DISCOVERY the hearth, and beside it were the skies abeive, sunset radiance Sh shout munism, but as they grow older, 'chers and preachers will not be- ____ placed a haîf dozen silverv birch brightens - e are ar o see the 3ottts 0ug-a Stne; Har the ae pttecol ffan b- om mllonare bcasethirlogs. There is aiways a lingering1 Cape Tinity. Suddenîy, from the If you have nothing else to dolesmcif come more sensible. merchandise is intangible. and Tivo hundred and fifty of the Reprinted from The McGill fragrance of birch smoke in thelship's Searchlight, a shaft of d-1 But talk of those who sin, Gro, omn atrrcie general classes - the "haves" and feor-money transactions. Artisans counties of Northumberland and j Away to Quebec" - By Cordon I leaned back with a sense of en- grotto high upon the cliff, and a1 And from that point begin. YChagn ihtelpec th hv nts'Th av-nt ad alosan sner adarh Durham gathered in Brightonri Brinley. Withi 28 full-p a g e iyment. my gaze lifted from the white statue of the Bles.sed Virgin 1 îe allow themselves to be embittered ; tects and engineers are unlikely town hall Friday night, February drawings, and frontispiece in burning logs to the chimney is revealeci. The effect is beauti- 1'III tell you of a better planI 1t eoemliaie.4 , for a banquet in honor of War- 'ihr by their deficiency of wealth.'tbeeemliais.enic j eog I- full colour. by Putnam Briniey. 1 breast. and settled on an im- ful and ai-resting. While the! And find it works full well. * l dy da adgoe The ar ap tesay Weareasi Wy sou an ma ina lass clue nthe gratkherg eren- McClelland & Stewart, Ltd, To-r-essive portrait cf C a r il i n a 1 light holds, there i"s silence in the To try my own defects te cure 0f tet e h redh good ase tte rich. I sunarethat cf emphloyme nt ich eafcally nembe jfthe couties cnci . re nt.1937. $2.75. Rceiu etd nhsrdrbs rw rudm;ol trigIBefore of others tell; Hard osetegododcs-m the rasche wh are not abi beterpeenshm rm beoîg a g ermefttand muniecipaliepre- Two Americans havemdea '*AIl about me men and wemen expresses their esosetete And theugh I sometimes hoeie Slolhasn n yoe than wwer sohave. mremilIf there a tos woiwastve. jus-ryofQuchoosehpr- theteaetakigndkin.0faa pemalepAleyment e ar ticn e hse. Ird, we w uldhvei checaen makeftem lon- himn ar . hli mises te draw a far measure of knitting. One etd lady in an1 as it came. the lighit ceases. 'No worse than some I knol. 0f tepeetdyspln as c hismoey as the rich awies? Itwould e uthe as sen-1wecahmdnth gest onBehaîf of a tn.o eteNrth Shore and amazing wrap that suggested the eryene turns f rom the darkness cf1 My own shortcomings bid me let The go l isc redh ""Saguenay country. in part4cular, White Queen of Alice in Wonder- the deck. and hurries in 0 t'îe The faults of others go.Anfredpoeamceat i C K Ïsible for a carpenter te cry eut th omtt'ee in charge. The as well as te the Province as a land. st.ood giving advice to an- bright interior cf the ship. Bein A anca bcoe mlloniagainst a grand opera singer who banqut wasspensoîed by the mawgt$100anîhtfr ispr-muîiplîycfBrgtoji onr hleeohr ldldyenbac lcsad ea oiecus houh h .il-Thn e u alwhn eco- u wenw gowacutoe Or teputgi ano1er00 a Brightonboywho haprese If "Away to Quebec" was just yeilow glovres. I pondered en the ence: 'Oh, girls! Wasn't that the mec oe cags1ouh ytm honestly - without making others fernaance.hTosianderfriend or foe. Weforgt the fermerbpoeasur pooer n te poces. he ay e o e erenhOrofthe nitti neter ravl bckitcou!d be 'anachronisms of Time. fer aIl the 'cutest thing you lever saw?'" Te slan h ar d -I Anthopesetfeeslsblme mak amilio dllrs s îan, way: the man who rails againsttth d disceunted at once. for rapture in 'while, the Cardinal sat, as it were.. The Ch i cou t i m i ctwoe moexo n.arked. Here it is: SeIl in large Mllinie a elkndt h onis oorpo print, from the pen of even the 1 giving- audience." wouldnt go eut of the front door. Teothose 'ho littie know;poe quantity a machine-made pro- ýman who takes ship te go te Cal- A. R. Willmott. oorg r- cleverest word painter. is apt te1 At the Fishing Camp at Ta- the -beanty shop' of Baie St. Rmemie dute h uc:eetrtp.cua, n hni uiu e oe os eCnda rdpl hndlvrdi h L eeb curses, somne time lk. I h aln i e r fewerofthn 20 wors iste recipe- cauteta. an pdihen is ndurieus bPosedaNetoastlteCanada. Fe alwe dvrdi husand- î'doussac. Dan meets a kindred Paul, the "frapped" ferry te île Our chickens, "reost at home." Changaieecnmkatre feertan20wrd s hecce i Buenos Aires. If one wants te Maybee. Wooler, responded te the book cornes along which saîts its President of the Quebec Ang-ers' pers anemanofaothersicdnt'ehvenn f u wn i forr ak.rg amillon dllasiTon amilionare,.ureyisetoas.crescrptionwih sprkîig sde- ssocatindad th tw propt- iththeaenerthgod ntureetrompt-__________the_____________________nature____of mechanicll-ad irout may ou ght te take the road which Major J. F. Beiford. Cedring- lights on the human comedyoel eetterwvst oeto h tarfeh te a million, ton, gave a toast te the Province 1is inclined te give credence t h h aei noe et ieing change from the scores of'I It s ruetht oe il reuie e Otare.whch asresoneddescription. One is inclined net pouring rain, travel beoklets. and the like. capital te start on the road to a te by Cecil Mercer. M.P.P.. Bow- te shrink at a golf game describ- Another merning, Dan and the! which surround the would-be tra- million, and that hie must have a manville. and H. N. Carr. M.P.P., ed as 'eighteen hales of enchant-Duhs metwoed rensvlrtca.Wien sfte ____________ S enius fer trading, and an im- Campbellfoî-d. 1 h Dfu ~ ,~ment," or a view fremn the height from home, and "in less than five authors thoroughily enaoyed thl taii ai tie mense indust ry and energy - Te the United Counties, Percy ef a tee, as "a magnificen, paner- minutes Frank and Dan disap- writing, 'Away te Quebec" has a,1 W40# c# /,/,S hichfew persens have. I one Stinsen, Millbrook. proposed a 'ama of clese-clipped fairways, peared in the directionoftegli tip for the pleasure traveiler. al- wi hCM chooses te be a musician. er a toast, te which Wilbert Davey. distant mountains. and the blue club."ethegl thougli it doesn't give it in se Ç I AS7~~~41r~4das larges, farmer, or an artisan, or a tea- Cobourg, Milton Ellict. Bowman- expanse ef the St. Lawrence Riv- The Saguenay, Gerdon Brinleyl many words. It is this- if youJo J~.L<~4ijJ I I E 8 e 1 wi ch then hie chooses a vocation ville. William Gocdfellow-. Ced- er, stretching away into purpIe writes, "cries eut for water celeur. 1weuld get the most eut cf travel. T DG co.uh.. ih cannot give hlmi a million1 ringien. and Warden George re- haze." There is an air ef sincer- 'and the art of a genins." Here is when packing your toothbrush.WHE Y URE NTO N O cod emdy dllrs s on ed in bref adrese.ity about the descriptive passages the way il strikes lier, and as the book and extra shirt. dont forget W E O ' E I Why should a millienai-e give1 R. J. Ross, Brighton. gave a cf the book. in this pirticular end eft te scene indicates. thei te take along with yen-a sense his millions te other persons? t oast te the visiters. wit.h respons- case engendered because humanly author is ever al:ve to the human cf humeur. ?V YRO Msanotieomih l why should a very rîch man give ' elby E. L. MacNachtan, Cobourg, offered as an alibi for a poor comedy about hier: '________________ _____________________ his furniture teoether persons? If Arthur Willoughby, Coîborne, Ar- score. ' "Veils of mist trail about the - ceilinged and good size ahro otumomâ im"&TuM" it be right for the rich te diffuse thur Wood, Milîbrook. P le r ce y Briefl3'. 'Away te Quebec" is 'tops of the mouintains. It is aI has its own balcony and tldbt n MNWwLI mm'5 their possessions among those Gooding, Brighton, Fred Wade,i the St. Lawrence River North disappointment net te have ash er God od.Atnie evc. ]3uc ~~~~pocrer than them.seives, then Brighton., and Chai-les Calver. hore country in word and sketch. clear evening: ne dramatic sha- ihwr odfo.At ~~~ '~suî-ely it. is equaily right for the Millbreok. gay. living, colourful. and abev o wl will accent these majesticII iPrathoegrgesvce vaabe o * s t. o * **, semJ-roor to give what they own Those attending frem this dis- 'al. human-a splendid advertise- headlands, but gray. i niieA a rmtan n os;ytol *** * * tc those poorer than themselves. triot were: Reeve G. A. Edmond- n tCaaasmit'aiainentn.hsitsn ' finutes ay from an s egeSten If a farmer by superior industry stone, Depnîy Reeve C. G. Moi-ris, inviting vacation lands. And the 'beauty.. At seven-fitteen I find 3mntsfo ao' ____________________Iand intelligence is more prosper- Ex-Warden M. J. Elliott. J. D. averises ae nt aniian. Dn o te tp dck heha eus than his neighbour. then hie Carruthers, Bewmanv-il!e: Reeve "Dan." -the Duchess,'" and "Sally", been sketching since we came can reac'h stores and theatrs should share with his less indus- C. M. Carruthers et Daî-lîngton- -Pta n odnBiiy bada ietity. Now lhe . igeros oul omsie trions and le3s intelligent neigh- Reeve Bert Reid of Clarke: Reeve and their ever-faithful and alwayI in the dining room. and I hope hie .S il ith dobathan sri e Here's Real beur his possessions - this if the C. R. Carveth et Newcastle: and heavily loaded touring car, hail has three courses brought at one -l ihbt n comnsi de srgt Ex-Warden Fi-ed W. Bowen. Newv- fromn New Canaan. Connecticut.I timie. or lie %;Il lose eternityîFO ZO AL J C casle.Dan. the Duchezs and SaIly, mean, the cape et that name! mysef, ar gla fo nd hems lve in M ntreai one Serried prem ontries are rising that there'are millionaires in tihis Nthing happens te us that is day iast summer, headed for a continually higher, ýn empurpledý - 01, HROREST <utaoeCalo)R.43 and seventy W allp a pe r be v'ery drab indeed. If there weî'e they dash forthSaunys o te hdwtetpsf Patterns at greatiy redue- 'ne very rich persens in the werld,__ ed prices. Get that decor- 'then we weuld net have magnifi -_____ atin copietd nw wliîe cent ships like the "Queen Mary"; atin copleed nw wile or magnificent hotels. Withent big savings in both paper the rich many et our arts and in- and labor are availabie dustries would be on low levels. during the slack season. Our finest motor cars would net Redution frbc built. Stately mansions would Redutios fom flot be bniit. There weuld be ne, 10%/ to 25%/ rugs and jewels and art objec<L.ý There could be ne grand opera. HYThere would be no market for, fine paintings. There wonld be.nei Phone 431-- Bowmanville gardens. No werld cruises. No ] Nli c, fine winter and summer reserts. iF The rich are prebably entitledi te their riches. whether self-made, or inherited. How they use theîî- riches is their own affair. MoSt Buness Directoryi certainly it is'net the a flair of the èf n e 1& E .O nl od have-nets. The have-nets wonld resen: interferences in their pri-A a y e -A m LEGAL ývate and personal affaira; se why O 4 e should they want to interfere with M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. ithe affairs eft the haves? Barrister, Solicitor, Notary' One thing that fusses up many Phone 351, have-nets is the private yachts owned by millionaires. Such a PRICED FROM Royal Bank Bldg.. Bowmanville luxury off ends the have-nets. Buts W. R. TRIKEowners of private yachts may Barrister, Solicitor. Ntary ispend $100000 a year on their 16 1maintenance. This money f iews ~2puScCe.wt ïSolicitor for Bank et Montreal I away tram them te hundrecis an Moeyt La. hae79.theusand.s of persons. te make Deliveredagf.ctoyOsazwa Bowmanviîle, teeprasrce.Adi sOnt. Gov taxes, twenae anti '.C AON .. the same in respect a! the man- freight additionai. L.C.MSOB.. siens of the rich: their ewners Convenient lermsn Barrister - Soliciter may spend $20000O or $50,000 a çmay be arranged through Notary Public - Etc. year in maintaining these man- te Generai Motors Imatal- .-Law in aIl i ts branches siens. This maney gees te a wile mn ln FUNERAL DIRECTORS road te a million. Timethy Eaton, Provision is also inade for the Service, any heur. any day. foundex- of the gîeat merchandis- simnple installation of a heater _j îng organîzation bearing his naine, F. F. MORRIS CO. began luis career in a town in and the heat can Le directed Mo-der Moter Eqnipment. Arn- West:ern Ontario. He hiad net a against the windshield for bulance and Invalici Car. Cal penny more than many other re- Phone 480 or 734, Assstant 573. taîlers inl We.ýtern Ontario. In- lfrsig He salwat r ___________deed, he lhad muclh lesmoneyl de-frt ostin Hre sawart t er 41,1-___________________than a thon.sand other retailer.s i omforthyu a n138 lstrt ta enj st ii Western Ontario. Yet he had no wiha13Ods bie "Lest WeForget hat most other.s lacked - a vis- A%. H. BOUNSAL ion of large!- things. a ti-emendens Desgner a i l 1 i rgýe te sell more, a measnreles,ý Monuments, Tablets, Markers. etc. tfldi.stiy. n Granite andi Marbie. Bot if one deliberatey!ý decline.s ____________________________te enter- the road which can take, ____________ _____ one te a million dollars. then why Au wd e _____________________shonld one let. hîmselt be souîed i ie e ENTERTANER ' e evi can hope for a And if of envions natures Secure RALPII GORDON, the want to s.-ee the rich share their millions,. then they shonld tind aPhn 251 wonderfuiiy versatile eiitert.iin- .ioy when they see the sons and Poe2 er, for your next entertain- dau,,hteirs of the rich squander- ROY ing the wealtli inherited by them, ment. IUlustrated clrcuiar free. toi' squandering is a kind et Address 628b Crawford Street, wealth-Ciftsin ? What, makes Toronto. thiese envious persons so peeved is that ne part ot the squandered wealth gets, into their own poc- riCHOLS Contrai Steering for easier hand. iing. Oidsmnobile's spaciaus inte- riars brovide pienty of leg roomn, arm roomn and shoulder roam - and tihe front seats are instantly adjustabie, Lackward or forward. You ride in new camfort in the new Oldsmnobile. 0-58 IODILE: b .Cutc ik Cort p r/~' 777 xxx x4px ~~~5/P7 A~:/~ ~ r s*~v1 I -~ ý1

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