I bv ApPCO[SecrCtrY,67CoLLS tV*<,ouot Tisetm iSof aletnatersl fCrit ets i oanasrfo lue cew tia eastil-- aii-ltue Unsîe iiitnain lar yla5 al or l tt arNaullndgin. TeIa side ad at isethe n itim. ttidse member ithevestaffis a ofre d ifi tiek. Tue d i aura niittssipey At theeiuis service the airrn- leit hm wleyes dwncat tioil'eato ftedvn thepaties ien tNewcartlerentiO-care t thei tempUn to od" wit heMs. ..d.. ep... ..-a- -ptctndmcisriîern iiusra Welngo.Tiecr kdedad tte vnngsric0is a-.er ts nwern fter a Iloutiîro te ci1%ton of theyn fl cJraetinaate.Tuitsed.tor aspo aIothema mnd the a, ae nd eisote md eiga quick Mmd.' aryle Bi akrs ddv a S Y il auta . E.was bdypasei oea aet h epet ry-ts eatr adrn ftsr a ~~t and uib~theror t1le SIC cI B L D E N urei. ere Laies Mr. fan vas orr fo thm, nd isewis waid e o nauis ta p ea iîotge in e micdtherothev, S, O E.c.ad p rty winners an one wlo tisaugît iimseli perfect. fon a paper and ba Itta i r ir e fr anIc d , ibrugis an THI PAE DNATBDVNIN TETUR Manday nigît wr:faie, .Tiiselone, tise pastor pointeti out, witisout teiling tise editar. ,cr\oticsm ebtts îdB Mall tt J Ha ll , consolation, r. i ol ee iv te bsecoignd o r- And into the înind ai the mem- tue rest ofi that infanmous gang, tlhat Bal etJeHlcnoain iees-ts eodwudnot. ber came tle aid saying, "I the orilv sort of fear wlhicli grîeratesA Chas. Shsaw. About 35 attendeti He cancludedth ie sermon by tell-cafts eri"trmcorg'-uk .....tIse event and were serveti witls ing of his own conversion. cap __________________ ___Coli ______________ ______________________________________ lunchs during tise evening. Lucky At tis service Mn. P.. Suttan number prize was won by Wm. lavaureti witis a splendid vocal The goaaip crap is neyer a fail- Atiditional Orono News on page 'S Barrett. isolo. ure. six. TTECADA 1 T C1ArrC1çAN Rni,-çx - T H U R D A Y F E B U A R I7 H, 1 38 "~b U t N V IL L , N T A R IO TIE OPAGE ELEVEN 1HLTI IETR VOTERS SHOULD INVESTAc ir Aote Vcoy Excitement Runs To Fever Pitch iO EI -IEOOSCILAN ESOA. Midgets AcqOsheAw OnS During W.C T.U. Crokiole FinalsMrs. James Powers is quite sick. Charles Tyreli, W. E. ArmstrongBy D faigtu y A regular tournament could DA iu m r eprDa a enOland E. E. Patterson have acquired A xiiggm fhce a I N flot have attracted more atten- 1I U HT RSFETED Mthe speDen lasbleve sr it learlygand dcsorngAn excin Oshaaeo o keySatu yDIT N tion than the plaYoffs at crokinole fvraltl al n utmr lydi saao atra nigthet .CT . A or sth o.u high- Mo.stand hoses .s Trdyapl st . eMiss Margaret Roy spent the will f md their stores painteciand 'between Orme Gamisby's MÎdgetQA PE IG athth. c.iT.nU.soheafousday h- Mr.and hsMr us. .H.Sap ls re weekend in Port Hope. decorated with counters changed I i and Sup ieSi. of Jh tan unk rmteOrn es es crr tteprgressive we aasrrsepryfrterMdget team journey to Port lctonlWî tk m ey. Orono Midgets numberedFerry1,13 ges s orers to lthe crwdtwo daughters, Carol and Anna. ,Perry Feb. l9th to play. wich havgetbeen mth adingteSeee hl heOhw uc gaes td o-wh rn g oly ao wd About twelve girl friend s and M s hc a e b e a e i t e! eet o n m ru o m ni n clct-c hern odpi as Miss Rosaline Gamsby returned interests of convenience W M le n groaning when one or more of ý G. M. Linton. Mrs. Neil F. Porter. to Hamilton Sunday. Chamber ofCmmrediet Oshawa scored the first goal vstdM& Go .Wdel the pýlaYers developed baci cases an-r.DnadRb eepre-a omecdrctbuOrncmeactaeale"urcneHl. of pegitis. Miifred Sherwin who sn.Gopgmsaicnet Mr. Robert Casey, Sr., hias been ors met Monday night, discussed bt Or sc mTe fial W , hdli " scored 1060 in the progressive were enjoYed and heartily partici- on the sick iist. many items. among them th the scr.Tefnlgoal wa., r. .Hrisnwola games played withi Mrs. M. Har- pated in by the girls. Dancing by amazng number of free passes hird pinate.ltroastgoals teeMotra rison whose score 'vas 970. Mrsi groups of girls, and tap dancing Mrs. Oea. Seymour* is visiting isud arila pseges Fred Woods who scored 1070 part- .bY Jeanne Forrester %vas also en-'M.ad rs mSe ou gui 1crdbyDkPtesnad1 nered Mrs. Victor Hancock who joyed by those present. Refresh- Mission Band met Monday aI- that the government look into the soe yDc atro n isTry omry0 rn ninsýDonald Stapies. the game ending ISch]i isbe eggdo h played as a man wvith 1120 ta hler net to which ail did justice1 ternoon. matter andi if possible eut dawn 1- in favor of Orono. fCbugPbiSholt 0 Miss Ethel Stark lias been ~~~on the number of passes which it O o o b y eee t ran d a 5 ___rt.Te gbame ended5105 tahee sThglerve yte haadast Ehl takha be vas fet rbbed the railways oaithe Regent Theatre after the M n r.Pu liSs attel wie> h inr n goad time and appreciated the teikIkthwn fomer (blaks> ahewnd8the es h grscrtil adaraen-tekend list. irevenue. game, and also were treated to vstekr.Jae ij.oyed an extra piece ai cake each. entertainment very much. Mr. Stan Brutan spent the Orano Masonic Ladge members hamburgers and milk shakes pro- Hal weedat home, have been active this last week. ______________________oftheai ar schooi __________the_________tabiees bomemerso- th 0acuty Mss Anes MKayUndewood gressive euchre began Rev. os- GIRLS' GYM PARTY day for Hamilton. cers. assisted bv past masters in- Orme Gamsby, who lias been C terhiout acted effciently as chair- Dr. Neil Colville Coe A. J. Tamblyn Miss Mildred Henry lef t Satur- I itiated a candidate at Bawman- lauding is heraes ta the skies on MisFrecSisoisvst Pan far the Iallawing splendid About 25 high schaol girls. with WelkanOao1 i day for Toronto.1 ville and. an64 Thursday held theirwh suggests in a letter ta the any visits ta Oshawa or else- ing hrbohr r rn tn C.Rsora ugPianduesb .R Miss E. Galla-agyway in h char'l Wed-Fresiann reeder Haon1 Feruary Cha. Brown attended a funeral past mastersnight at Orano,- z Globe & Mail that before a man wher, certainly will have same- saoroto emphyingthe rd egre wit aiwaman is allawed ta vate,lhe thing ta taik about for the next Ir.FakSepr iie way: vocal sola by Mrs. W. S. Raynesday night aI iast week. A lvely 9 was eiected a director of thi Oe ss ona.R.C. Rosboraugh. G. M. Linton. or she should have a direct in- few days. He was mare pleased .her agieMs v hpad with Mrs. R. Rosboraugh at the sing sang started thîe evenings Hostein-Friesian Associatian of Congratulations ta Mr. and DDGM.. led in the ceremonie. vestment in the countrys busi- over the victary than were the iWestTrno prian.oCtrio b an Mr. . PHar- est n hc tegil ari Mrs. C. Knox on the birth aI a Lunch ivas served at both meet- ness by way af Dominion Govern- players.IMisFnyLrOaan piano.: tr by nMr. V.PHa e stsfun, alwed ythgmes ad cn- Cnd ttelretana o.ings with members turning ut in netanutesTeletrispb The boys had bath their coach-- auni MrWeTlrto.ie rsn, with Mrs. R. C. Rasbaroughi pated very heartily. A lunch of meeting they have ever held. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter, large numbers. lished an thîs page.e 1 <e -nmlFzy udy flain aayi at the piano. entitled -Gold Mine i cookies and cacaa braught a plea- ______________ Bowmanville, spent the weekend ______________ Pearsan and Ralph Widdis who stroke in the Sky"' Rev. Osterhout tant evenîng ta a close around i with relatives liere. DO T RSU G SS are taking a keen interest in the Wheterunecbfetvr spake briefly praising Mrs. R. ST1ARKVILLE thatSUG EST Rainey for lier excellent S wark and10 aclock okowtht r efae f h bys si telling aI the convention in To ' *Mr. Dewey Harness is back t O E S IV S Tecr eeknl oae a ronto, when the Temperance %vork- SKATrING SCHOLARS This section îs belng handicap- work again after his accident. by OlVTE S NV ST Te Crspere kndly. daed ivas l n ol o tedt ers will attempt ta close beverage i____ ped by the lengthy and excessive Mrs. W. C. Lynch and baby Mr. Ros.s Rabbins. Toronta, and Following is a letter published xwhich is gratefully acknawledged. it wudhv aeltl ifr rooms ta wamen as hias been drme' Abdut 25 members af Mr. R. ice season. Raads and everywýýhere ciaugliter returned home from his uncle fram Oshiaa visited at ini a recent issue aI the Globe & The next fixture will take place 'encea Co Hilgt ntir in Quebec. 1iÈ so icy it is dangeraus ta both Bowmanville Saturday. Mr. A. N, Rabbins'. Mail shawîng clearly that the in Port Perry Saturday when the landsieadcudfo aebe Mrs. . Bes thaned thserins Bheld sar njoabe man and beast. also to cars. A quilting is ta be held this Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacDan- writer, whom we assume ta be locals hope to reverse the score stopld-fo ve ylev present for their interest and help saigpryStra ih Mr. Bert Trim is recovering: Thursday> aiternoon by the W. 1 ald in the near future are gaing, Dr. Neil Colville, prominent Orana 'af a recent game in Orono arena., Wei~ andinimte tht ewmebeslArt a hars athis iheatu fram a painful accident hie re-1 A. ladies af Park St. Church. 1 to mave ta their new home east physician, lias ideas wvrth con- wehtT.W ta the W. C. T. U. and visitars are sport the katers wended their woads, a the Gerge Butters receîvedLTE AR SOIE Y at always welcome at their meetings'way to the Sunday scîsool raam foo. lreim fligaansfo h hsia ada fe- Eeryae imaoking e sriartl udn heSi fSaeGETS UNDER W YCehrE theterdTusdy i te anh.aIPardS. hucinwhrethylaie as non H i mdliimraed a enaybl tmeatthesoia te ditr f ie: ndrso -AtOrno o Mrs. Howard Walsh stressed l'ad refreshments cansisting aI league. Mr. J. J. Mellor tok Mr.Aop HeyiftWd-vengi the Suda cholo The Globe and Mail: Februr ti ayW isn 4ûgreat need aI being alert for vegetable saup and crackers antd cadgv a xeln d nesday for Rochsester, N. Y.. for a Februai'v .lth. heLîterary Society f the relictoh aeHnyAdr ~npraceat t~~ t~~se~a reatehteopidc d acob MraOre aanetnenxMcdalnlentwih Matn-Cr- nure ibuordestaobta i oactivtnispormFia I id ln- rn Fbu dress.ea h riettm, ra f ae n cnyfo visît wit.h friends. Home and Scho>ol will meet Ineeybsns IapiaeShort Course really showed some san ae 0yas every member aIf.the church' by Neil Waod expressing their ap- the funerai oI Mrs. G. Jamieson vited to February meeting aI Ta- nish convener. A basket social pc,,w.er i ietn tbinestrona h onhl ihary ît.HnaiNrhot e s.oU.dbe a member aItise W.C. p'reiat in, anhich Mr. Sherwin inPort Hope. ronta Durham Cub an Feb. 24. 'bus ed Eeynecre o irectsfinnal inuteyrest in th-members providing a most inter- 1oVIEdweaiJhAlnaed3 T. . n tma .in g thaan Iol hep oeplied re îo l and heti e ingng eaI Miss Meda Halaowell has been i Mr. Mac Smith lef t Tuesday ta bsocat . L despTse bighuiess mi nb tiy reCa aduiredetg pa mals c i s an g. inessru- yer appreciated. group dispersed - tired but happy isiting firiends in Newtonville. visit Mr. and Mrs. Archie M- baskets The bDoin son aI Cadai tlseeti and o S dr ese. Rev. Osterîsout thanked tîsase - after a very pleasant tîme. Several fram here took in the 'Donald, Milton. scale. Then why nat demand a the al ternoon session with a duet; on heprora, asoMr.H.Walh:basket social in Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Smith, UNION LISTENS direct investment in the country!,'Cranston Scott pravided several wha had leped greatly in the nies in the crakinole. visited Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Haila- 'xersary Monday, February 14. - TO MRS. N. PORTER i vtlelohr nyoe athalladtalosn nmbr; oa d a amtro J. Hamm tinandemaster onl r . Mblsrsefxe n tefn wl. chise shauld be based on Domin- and LeR.ay Brown, fiavoured with Atsomavlan . JHamt emseofceremo-oeM.0 .Rlhi tedn began w%îtii tise abave mentiandi Ms Wm. Savery is somewhat tise Hardware Canventian in Ta- Mi's. Neil F. Porter taak teinGvrmn annuities. slcin.Darligo n lre onhp îesult. F ollaw in g th e gam es an d im praved f r m ler iiin ess. , o tothe v r a c p ab y a t e U ion TIGea vr nm e t aect o inspt.pe c es w e c n play-aIIs a lavely lunch was serv- Mr. Jack Colin. Newtanbraak ranto.tig ery aeay nat. ctiseUing Te avatemsnsoamny ea- !aFour ipr otusehesn wBeectiue aasec yetr edbringing a delightful evening 'called an aid friends here. Caurtice was vi-tariau.s 4-3 aver as lier7Manday night. canSiu! i .she yuvaote mstin fhsoe mea-Tmae by Mltan CarencehonBe anin rgamaUrwnsHm ta a close. About 45 were Present., Mrs. M. Shutka has returned Bawmanvjlie in the hockey game Win. s Inbiert Sauls and ou r oo hame Irom Hamptan. played an Orono arena February vkn ýdesMs otrot age bel are lie is allowed the I ran-1 "MY Most Embarrassing Moment" 1 t.Mr.H.Riciatprn S Mvokid gs.aJd e. elMrs.vPortertho dise. Beatrice Hamm and Mrs. K. We ietoeedtr etigi-h Mr. nd rs.J. J Melorvisa lOh. ined Jesus' metiocis oI winning 2. The voter, in arder ta pro- ry on "Wlat I get out ofwy adheadletergo rA s iE X P R T C R L E S ! d frend in oro to.M iss Jam ieson aI Bowm anville souls ta H im seîî em p asizing lis t i w n es m n . wl s 1appri a i n ro t e Ed y a - Miss Meda Hailoweil attended is waîting on Mrs. John Miller, freciuent praying and lus pawer tc i w netet ilue Shart Course." WlaFro n r Orono curlers are having the the dance in Newcastle Friday with Miss Marion McKelvey alter- through it ta resiat. temptation. h westre an proprt the and gins were asony ted bdceTune. rs Carnc best seia in many years accord- evening. nating. The speaker dealt with the way efr an posriy f the n ilîeeasoejydadTr îngtareprt frm eveaîai he Mr. Jack Brysan. Kendai, visit- Mr. James Gilfilian, North Bay, 1Ir'whieh Jesus won the Iisher- I cdeouotantrhe.rigtheKeae iurnisler d hefiJhn o hc h dscrdawd miore excited stone throwers. Six ed at Mr. Art.hur McKay's. was lame over the weekend witli men wla in turn wvon otisers and I aoteernoan'secoenagey- vaniety 0f fixai cniass talent. The- var iteams are in the league and witî Mr. Victor Farrow is laid up his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John are still winning athers it wiugtauc to a AREwihl gip. htte necessary maney may te ment. Jakes at eacî atîer's ex- numrs niddapaode thenaesnfa hemesesaaI a tM.end contestantso. eskrdHoared Mr.l lubands anMrs. f a Georgeie otaMartanse.omedth maneskaofan AG N S lîsted belaw: sixth line. visited lier motherdHm.adShoiCu ems'n as iZ4c.u. i It wauld do away with wild- the day and kept the audience j sonanCoetapnoslad Teamn No. 1-G. M. Linon Mrs. Johîn McKay. wîll be the guests ai Park Street went an ta show how Christ shoaw- tere fgvrmn. raigwt it.ec inoAUnion Monday, Feb. 28tis. A gaad 1ed that we imust serve athers and catTieamiesniumgoverient a aring llwigthe mirtl he enc1a oreb aet egsn A. Drmod.W ceni IJ Lavern Farrow and Jim Bastock tim is expected. must sa live and speak tîsat alI foGib_-an. visited Iriends in Millbrook. Oiono Continuation Sc hool~ will know that we are Christians *nuity la $50 Per annum, paid! jence adjýourned ta the counicil JaneadAneTathah0 IONE HC OK Mrs. Harold Barrawclougli. wha mreoitrauirmabti Mrs. Porter concluded lier inter-! quarterly, and la admitted ta te chamber ta view siides of North- !BaWmnie;am donslob No. 2-0. W. Ralpis. C. Pawers, lsbeesaigwthhrmt e wih ew vcaoostle oey tea nestn akb taigta ethe saunidest investment in Can- cri Ontario with expianation bYIMr.SiHuhsavolslob E. J. ME TP asbe saig ihlasaaiiemaiuri 120 erE . umrs iaVlTi oan comae Mr.Jiî c as returned bs ainSipoade MD YNo. 3-M. H. Staples. J. J. Gil- ta lier home at Wesleyville. Tuesday. 7-2. must do tlîis because it was annum. Any pMrson unable ta Tise next meeting. Friday, Feb. by ** g iiJ.Gray C. '..'.en.~InsPect.ur A. A. MvartÂi , ie and Mr. Fred Sisson returned Mo nhints ish ark for use ta finih Ipurchase even the minimum an- 118t1. wiii feature a debate. . ohbndMssDr1b Colile.R.C.Ras Imiy faIBrighton, spent Sat- dyrmatptaHdson Bay, nuity. in mny apinion, las flot sul- î Tise boys are stili îearning the 'Scottavoldutb Mse Stle oreer usnss co-ugîs FP. Pearson. H. Walshs. urday at Mrs. John McKay's. Moasene and Fart Churcilsl and~ Thue meeting was in charge of licient stake in the country ta cast1 intricacies of bacteniology. graft- PearcadOecom nldb Vaiu oosaddsgs Na. 5-A. E. West. W. Watson. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell saw ice 6' 4" thick whiie tisere. J ac k Cobbledick and Miss Elsie an intelligen't political vate. and 1 ing and pruning and other aigri- Mrs.RssCPere bnera M. Harrison, R. Farrester. were at Port Hope recently. Mr. Charles Miller returned ta R.owe and tise program included: sîauîd ha -ve no say in tise guid- cultural subjects. wîsiîe the girls dialogecTeLtrr olt" Saplssugeton *ad Na. 6-W. E. Arms trnoang. J. Miss D. Hallingswartis. Clarke, the Southi Tuesday as his mother Scripture, Lois Waod: twa violîn,'ance aI the slip aI State.' are over their lieads cooking byhoetln;a aer n * .. ..hutobi 'pns Middleton, N. Porter. J. Majar. visited Mrs. Warren Carsan. Mrs. John Miller, is mucisi duets by Mn. A. J. Knox and Jack! Orono, Ont. Neil Caiville. dainty dishes and eating tîem as "Foune'Da"ytiepedn, lCobbledîck, witls Miss Enid Cab-' eîa erigahnitnsig n.Rllnti uia eeto ,praved. bledick at tise piano: and a Va.- subjects. by MisN ey arbî n n For Sale By Mr. and Mis. H. Murray enter- Ross Wood, Elmer Middletan. The second scledule for tise er.tine story by Miss Doris Whly ___________Brownv edn yMs .C Il ~~tained at cards M1dy vnig George Brown, O. A. Gamsby, Mr. clesano'unrwy itLi- Foîîowing a few, words af tisanc.1s COWAN VILLE Peanc:tpdac yMisDn Th ttsm nPbi sclaal ciildren enjayed and Mrs. Frank Pearson and Ron-tn emdfaigWs' by the clainlady, Miss Rawe. ne- O E 45A T N The Satesm n PulnieP .,ate fcgregation Manday nigît 12 ta O E 46TTN.al Scott acmane byh a aetn .O.ateta and3 nie Patterson were at tise Maple j . creation was indulged in. A jig- Pancake Supper whicl was to L11eaARYanARTYvery L od a sîn-song Manday ai ter- Leaf Gandens Fniday nigît for Mrs. George Westan was taken saw heat for esdli graup to Put 'lave been lseld in the cîsurcîs hall oLB A Y A T neaiteemsclndecu noon -tise usual custom o hsteBwavle-Es oo to t St. Miclael's haspital, Toront, tagether. a cantest, a Valentne last Manday lad ta te postpaned! Numbers 68 and 8 proved lucky tionarynmesere noe day. Junior hackey game. February 9th, ta undergo an P- i verse ta complete. and two games as the roads were toa icY. 1 for Mrs. A. Bradey and Miss it can esrtsdthtafi v Metn aln r.Rss sn. Can ý testreultoîd 4. istenewly waxed f lbar Saturday and 'ing as tisey were tihe numbers vided frti one' a I ir n r.Rssl isn Cnet eut: d1.w itefractured lier lef t wnist. She iwas drawn at tise Library card Party meetin.M: er rw x and Iamiiy, Oshawa, and Mn. El- 11,blue 10.I taken ta Bawmanville Haspital'yMs abrul rmabxrse ie lnsa h lbt I vy~~Mr nMidieaM indenW. cottedon Next meeting is in charge aI -and remained there avernigît. . nmesflissknu y i l okpat uc a - I Mr. aSnd Ms O . ctta Miss Beatrce Hamm and Samn A eifen eonging ta M. Ge. Mrs J R. Cooper. served i Police Trustes iseld a shor Henderson fell on tise ice. and iîad Otîier pnize winners were: Win -_______________ 5.~~U meeting Monday and passed a lew Leskard Hanse and Scisoal Club ta: e esroed ning lady in 5G0, Mrs. F. B. 1 ~Uiu W u~accounits. Nothing occurred o will be aur guests February 28th. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid visited Wchyte- winning gentleman. E. C A K NO *u n~~great importance. according ta, W. Red group brnn cake.s white'Mn. and Mrs. Leanard Heard, Evans:' cansolation prizes, Mrs. J. ideil scrtary Itstbd.tt, and blue sandwichses). Cantan. - o ur~ J._______________ Mises Ada and Viola.Ho i Fred Cowan. Percy Winter. Win- F f i .rssAaan il Hlig-ning lad y in euclire, Mrs. N. Han- Couîrtîtiist r.adMs 1 -AI oLdwneAsonaiMro nd 6-rth were lame for tise weeken. eyweîî;- winning gentleman, I. Can f udur, hajan montissodti ono r n CHURCH ELDERS Congratulations ta Alfred Per- Farrow on a draw witl James c h ecit eety ent b. ~~~~Mrs. Armstrong. auilthnis Wrd. asninan Wta Snin%"er wisa re- - Dcsn oslto rie.Ms .agadno r n r.G THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 1938