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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1938, p. 12

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**,hi THIE CAN.DI.\N STATES.\.; BOWMANVILLE, ONTA\RIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 1938 1 1 DAVID BUTLER Macdonald: Farncamb LeGresley Cupid's darts and pierced hearts Pei and Charles Grayaon ,.< Uses: June Allin on, Pioneer Life a! St. Vaientine's Day. adorned wi Orgnal song$ by ~ir Oui' County: Reta Alldread on, tUe board room o! the United J. linnyHuo ands My Most Interesting Trip - to Church and hehped ta create 'a tii ýH&rOd Admno-Pe' -erboroughi: Jean Gray on, My seasonable setting for the meet- prf Mû.3;t Intercsting Trip - ta Roches- ing o! tUe Women's Association in 12 Big Song Hits ter,.NN Y.; Sam Breretan on. My on February lîtU. Board roam jec Favorite Character in Canadian was nicely filhed and Mrs. J. H. int _____________________rHistory. Champlain. Jase, president, was in the chair. ing ~ ' TUe idýe.3, Rev. W. F. Banis- Members were pleased ta have t re ter. Bowmanville. and Rev. E. Beech. Newtonville. awarded first prize. $4.50 interest from the Nora E. Coleman Iegacy. to Jean Gray. The Newcastle Independent anseodÎPule li. aland sendWtoP aierDehie Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Anderson. eral of lier brother, E. C. Hoartherk ews nlay aomarkeor aîf a Toronto. visited Miss Mabel Fos- remained over the weekend w.tî arbts.en ainedo the conts t- ter on Friday. Mrs. Hoar. look after thieir laurels and their Among the relatives fromn dis- Miss May Davidson, who hias future interests, on this tant points who atlended the fun- 'been with Mrs. W. H. Pearce on occasion there were only two boys eral of E. C. Hoar were Messrs. the farm, was taken to Oshawa rising to speak their minds while Arthur Bragg. Harold Bragg and hast Wednesday with symptoma 0Of there were double that number of Will Epplett. St. Marys. chronic appendicitis. An opera- women in the making. Rev. E. Miss Lilian Hoar. Toronto, who. tion miglit f oliow. Beech briefly reviewed the efforts accompanied by several friends1 Municipal Council hia.s decided o! each and offered some good from the city, attended the fun-!ito hoid a nomination meeting on constructive criticism. ________________________Wednesday evening. Feb. 23. for Af ter recess Miss Hattie Mason, the purpose o! nominating candi- Miss Norma Orchard and their dates for the office of councillorppl assembled in Principal - tofil th xacîîc cased y tit~Rodgers room for the presenta- A tdeath a! E. C. Hoar. ino rzswch a odut M A R K S Mrs. W. H. Pearce sustained etion aIprizes T.hich yconduct- revere injuries to lier head wh~en o e BoMrd C. T. Bat.ara LA .~~~he f eh on tUe slippery walk out- G U or Thneatre OSHAWA Floigi ito rzs side hier home on Sunday. The Floigi it0 rzs Matinee Dmaily zervices of a doctor were required. naines of recipients. donors and Mrs. J. H. Jase received a visit persans making tUe presentations: from Uler cousin. Mrs. Haney, To- Sr. I Writing Prize-John AIl- TO AYronto. dread. by Miss Norma F. Orchard. TODAYYoung People's Union enter- Sr. II General Proficiency- tzined Maple Grave Young People Francis Jose, by Mrs. H. S. Brit- FRIDAY on Monday evening. Maplýe Grave tan.1 provided a fine musical and liter- Intermediate Room Note Books. SATURDAY ary programi and conducted a Jr. II-Paul Wise and Ruth Bon- number o! group games afterta 2dpienobygrl "EXLED TO Nasteedrfeh Edna 'Kirkpatrick; Miss Hattie me se icuesO adMason. by Mr. E. W. Fisher. EXIL D T CNew ind he a i A s lbu ndew- Stephen Jase Memiorial Pize casthe S. S. Hall Friday. Feb.' 18.' for Cen. Prof. Jr. II-Paul Wise, at. 8 p.m. Best local talent ist- Mr. J. H. Jose, by Mr. T. A. Rod- SHANGHAI" ed by Georgie Langmaicl Pearce ger. e. rf Pie-an with ice.and r. HwardFoley Of camib LeGresley, by Principal T. withMaple Grove. Admission: Aduts A. Rodger. 25c. ahi school clifldren 15c. History Prizes - Grace Powell Wallace Ford Gea. Gray and Wellington Van- and Howard Rowe. Bowmanville Dusen hv enctigiea Womens Canadian Club. by Mrs. June Travis "the harbor in off and on spells.J.ABuer that is between the high water High Scliool Entrance Prises- -ALSO - recessions following one flood and Howard Rowe, Newcastle, and the onrushing waters of the next Wiliam Webber. Brown's: Dur- flood. and by the way Sunday. bamn Lodge A. F. & A. M., by Mr. gFeb. 13. was the third Sunday in Fred Graham. .uccession that it hiac rained. Music Prize-Chaud Flood. Wmn. Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P.. drew Hooper Memorial Bond, by Mrs. the lucky number at No. 9 Home C . T. Batty. and Schools dance at the comn- Music Note Book Prizes - Jr. * munity hall Friday evening. ît so 'oom. Barbara Bonathan and -h appened that. the holder of the Balfour LeGresley: Int. room, ,l ucky ticket was Mr. John Rick- Yvonne Alldread, Glenn Allin and ard. his son. who receiveci a bas- F!ancis J ose: Sr. room. June AllinP Sket o! fruit. Mr. and Mrs. Rick- and Farncomb LeGresley: Miss ard weie home from Ottawa for, Hattie Mason. by Mr. C. S. Har- the weekend. rocks. At a public meeting in tUe Schooh Fair Prizes-Ist. Star-~ STARTScouncil chamber on February 10,j ley Brown, T. Eaton Co. Trophy: Mrs. Percy Hare and Mr. Irwin 2nd. Jean Robinson, book; 3rd. 12.05 Colwill were re-ehected by accla- Francis Jase, book. by Mr. Irwin nU:atian members of the Manage- Coi wiil. ity Hall for another two year Prizes-Farncomb LeGresley andS termi. The other members are: Reg. Meadows, 189 i2 days each Reeve C. R. Carveth,-Mrs. R. W. and neyer late, by Mr. H. E. Han- Gibsan, secretary-treasurer, and cock. vice chairman, B. of E. .Mr. Chris Law. Poster Prizes-lst, June Allin: ~ ~nd C.ontinuing~Statutes of Ontario for the use of .R ere F r h Etie Wek cers at acost of1500. ClerkHI. Jean Gray, $5.00 from Nora E. week. It comprises three heavily Uine, cash, by Mrs. Delîne: June MON., FEB. 21ST :bound volumes containing aIl the Allin. Reta Aldread, Farncomb Acts af the Ontario Legislature, ILeGresley and Sammy Brereton. TO SAT., FEB. 26TH ;revised and amended right up ta books by Board 0f Education, Mr. the minute. including some which C. T. Batty. Coninuus erfrmace do not corne into force for some TUe members o! the Board and Continumontherfoomcame.pothers present viewed with inter- Bat., Feb. 26 fr0111 1.30 P.M. Wm. Sainsbury wha hias been est the fret saw work o! the pu- living for some years on Baldwin pils. representing their first ef- until closing St.. Newcastle, died in Port Hope forts in the' new 'manual training hospitai. February 14, from pneu- cour-se. J. Anderson Smith Ca. The Sweetest, SWingiest mania. News of his death came lias generously given the school a unexpectedly for hie was out on supply of odds and ends o! bass- Musical Hit of the Year the street at Newcastle on Sun- wood for this work and also suP- day before being taken ta Port plied a number o! simple models. Hope. Recentîx'lhe had been staying at the Queen's hotel since a former visit ta Port Hope lias- Geese in Lake Came pital. He was a brother of the From Darlington Farm late Mrs. Afred Elsworth. New-____ castle. ieDyinlyWtr-O edF C. G. I. T. met February 7th. byine.Dasn Hcy Warnter owne RaIl caîl was answered by saying yM.adMs antSmn a proverb. Mrs. Glenney read an The two geese seen by Reeve interesting story from the Mis- C. R. Carveth, Constable John- sion Study Book. At the front a! Garrod. Mr. R. B. LeGresley and the room stood a nicehy decorated others on Sunday. February 6. in box made by Pauline Deline and tewtr fLý*nai bu Ruth Bonathan who distributed tewtr !Lle nai bu a quarter o! a mile east of New- F( Vaientines from it. Arrangements casthe harbor, beionged ta Mr. were made for the debate. A num- n r.Cre yos ot ber of the C. G. I. T. girls wt Darlington. They recovered the their leader attended tUe Candle- gray goose on Saturday. Feb. 12. Light service in Trinity ChurcU, but were unable ta find its white - Bowmanville, on Sunday. mate. On Saturday forenoanwi Newcastle - No. 9 - Brown's - RalpU Gibson, seeing the geese in Lake Shore Beef Ring met in tUe the lake not far from where theyst camuniy hll itcen n Fb-had been the previous Sunday. roary l2th. with President Gordon uggested ta Stanley Grahamn that Martin in tUe chair. The auditors. they go out in tUe canoe and try s- Wallace Holmes and Lewis Clark. ta rescue them. They managed to R '~II II~Ipresented their report o! beef put get tUe gray goose in the canoeSO in and received by tUe members and placed it in a shed at Mrs. c during the 1937 seasan. covering Gibsons. The white one. friglht- ba a periodof 20 weeks. Robt. Duck ened af strangers. made an extra c: vas tUe butcher and Miss Vivian effort ta get away and flew out Duck assisted lier !at.Uer in the af the water and up in tUe dir- bý boakkeeping. TUe books xere ection of the reaches af the Low- 1ur fcund ta be kept in a correct and ci' Marsh. tic very neat manner. AIl etws TUe geese had been in tUe Cu valued at 12 cts wtwtotany _-f-a fre in- CRAGO-In Bowmanville Hospi- tal on Thursday. February 10. 1938, ta Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Crago, a son. GRAHAýM-In Bowmanville Hos-' pital, on Sunday. February 13. 1938. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham, Elgin Street, a son. RICHARDS - In Bowmanville Hospital on Monday. February 14, 1938. ta Mr. and Mrs. Gar- don Richards. a son. DEATHS *CARDS 0F THANKS; The farniy af the late John Luxton wish ta extend their grateful thanks to Mrs. Smyth and the staff of Bowmanville Hos- pital, and ta their many friends and neighbors for their kindness during the last illness of Mr. Lux- ton. and for the lovely floral tri- butes sent ta his funeral. The family of the late Edwin C. Hoar wish to thank all their neighbors and friends for their many kind expressions of sym- pathy during his illness and FOSTER - In Bowmanville. on'deatn. Thursday, February 10, 1938. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston John Foster. in his 73rd year. wish ta thank aIl o! tUeur kind Intermient Bowmanville Cerne- friencis, neigýhbors, pall bearers tery. and tiiose whio so kindhy provided HYNDS-At Lumsden. Sask." on: cars, for tUeur many acts o! kind- Februar 131h, 938. Ch rle ess, expressions o! sympathy and condalence and or1tUe.rCbaruts Hynds, editar and publisher o! f dlorcal ndffers thetUeaos I- tUe Lumsden News R e co r di uflrloeinsathl f Brother o! J. W. Hynds. To>- 'our dearly beloved daughter. ronto, formerly o! Bowmanviiie. ______________ i__ LUXTON - In Bowmanville, on Wednesday, Februany 9, 1938. John Luxton. beloved husband a! Louisa Aldsw'ortiî. age 67 years. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. PENFOUND-Suddeniy in Tyrane on Wednesday. February 16. 1938. Lillie Jane Penfound. age 65 years, daughter af tUe late Mi'. and Mrs. Joseph Penfound. Funeral .service at Tyro ne Churcli. Friday. Fcb. 18, at 2 p. m. Burial in Bowmanvilîe Cern- etery. STONEHOUSE-At Hampton. an Wednesday, February 9, 1938. Carnie Amelia Stonehouse. wi- dow o! tUe late Frank Stone- house, in Uer 87tU year. Inter- ment Bowmanviîîe Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM HOLMES-In loving memory of Robert Holiies who entered in- to rest Febi-uary 18, 1933. There is a link death cannot sever. Love and remenibrance hast farevez'. -Wife. BIRTHS COMING EVENTS COWL-At Bowmanville Hospi- Illustrated pictures on the Life, February 10, 1938, to Mr. of Christ will be given at Salem and Mrs. Norman Cowle, a dau- Church Thursday. Feb. 17, at 8 ghter (Ellen May. pin.: at. Hampton Church. Friday, ROGES-InBowanvile H.s-Feb. 18; at Eldad Church. Wed- ROGES--In owmavile HS-!nesday, Feb. 23. Corne and enjoy pital on Sunday, February 13, this treat. Phone 2689 for further 1938. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert particulars. Rogers, a daughter. FOR SALE-CHESTNUT HORSE inEo condition. weight 1100 lbs., good free driver, work sin- gle or double. sound: or would excliange for young beef cattle, also 24 in. long st.raw horse col- lar. L. A. Squair. phone 2223. Lot 7. Con. 3. Darlingtoon. 7-1* FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE SOW. Weldwood breeding. due ta far- row March 31: also a iregistered giht with aIl four grandparents czualificd. in Advanced Registry. W. J. Rowland, Newcastle. 7-1* HEARL-In having memory af aurÏ dear fathiez. M'.r. 1927.rl Real Estate For Sale whia dted Fe\bruary 7. 1927.________________ Deep in tUe heart lies a picture FOR SALE-FIFTY ACRE FARM 0f a hoved one laid ta rest:- in Darlington Township, good In iemorys frame we shiail ciay Iaam. good buildings. For keep it. particulars write '0OE.' Drawer Because he was one o! the best. B, Bowmanville. 6-2* -Lovingly remembered by Daughîters and Son. HOUSE FOR SALE - S O L I D ---ric SAINSBURY-At Port Hope Hos HRNSSInivig emry0 pital, February 14, 1938, Wil- my dear brother Alvin who was witý liam Sainsbury. aged 78 years. accidentahly kihhed February 17, be Interment Newtonvihhe Cerne- 1937. an tcry. He bade no anc a hast fareweîî, gjI He said goad-bye ta none. Pho WINDATr-On February 15. 1938, His spirit fled befare we knew Elizabeth Lyon, belovcd wife af That Uc from us had gone. tUe late Peter Windatt, in heri -Ever remembered byý Dewic 8lst year. Interment OId Stone and family.MN ChurcU Cerneter3', Beaverton. MN Dog Lost L OS T - DOG, WIRE HAIRED, terrier. white, brown marking: around one eye. maie, answersý to Shiner. Reward. Mrs. M.1 Goodman, Hampton, p ho n e 2146. 7-1 Banjo For Sale 'OR SALE - TENOR BANJO. Apply Norman Wilcox, Lambs Lane, Box 243, Bowmanvilie.7- Geese For Sale AttetUliUflLames5 CALL US ON OUR MORNINO Specials. including Hot O i 1 Treatment, Manicure, Facial. Eyebrow Arching, Hair Cut - Any three for $1.00. Iris Beauty Parlor. lst door east of Bow- man House. 7-1* Piano For Sale FOR SALE-FIRST CLASS USED piano, also piano case organ, both un excellent condition. Neil Yellowlees, Piana Tuner. Centre St., Bowmanville. Phone 862. 7-1* Washers For Sale FOR SALE - TWO GEESE AND R E A L B3ARGAINS - SPECIAL one tunkey gobbler. Bill %Wade, sale o! 1937 models of Thon El- Courtice. Phone Oshawa 1652r3. ectric Washers at a big reduc- 7-1 tion. Only a few left so don't _________________________ wait, see thern now. Also sev- eral used Beatty coppen tubs for with them as a visitor, Mrs. Arm- sale clîeap. Easy monthly fermas. trong, Toronto, with Mns C. A. New and used Radios priccd Cawan. !rom $10.00 and up with ternis Mrs. Ed. Thackray read tUe' ta suit y'ou. AIl washers and ncripture lesson and Mrs. N. L radios backed by a saund guar- licknd ld inpraer. hie s Iantee. Sec I. Wlîitefield naw at aciation begins tUe year with 1 utasHw. hoe74o onsiderabîy over $100 in the1 write Box 21. 7-1 ank frorn fees received and a I ,arry-over frorn 1937. Baby Chicks TUe meeting was characterized )two particularly pleasîng feat- ]BABY C H IC KS - OUR S. C. ires. The !irst was tUe presenta- White Leghorn Chicks are sired on o! a silver basket filled wit by R.O.P. cockercls f ram Fishier nu flawcrs ta Mrs. Jna. Douglas. Pouitry Farîn. Ahi birds are tmember a! tUe devotional coin- banded and blood testcd by ittee, v.ho is nearing lier 80tU Gavernment Izîspectors. Alh eggs rthday and wil have Passed it set weight 24 os. and aven ta )efore tUe next W. A. meeting. dozen. Place your order now Irs. S. MacLean, in a compli- and get your chicks when you .entary speech, congrat u I a t e d xant thern. Phione 2636, H. J. Ers. Douglas on Uier close prox-I Brooks, R. R. 3, Bowrnanvihle. rîity ta tUe four score year mark. I_____7-t! Enrs. Douglas has been a joy and 1R. O.P. SIRED BABY CHICKS blessing ta ier communîty and from 10% dcean bhood tested iurdh in Newcastle ever since flock. Now is tUe time ta place ien ginlhîood. days when suie used yoîîz order ta get the select osin- in tUe church choir from dates. Discount if ordered be- le galliery o! tUe present church. fore Mardi lst. Price list on lie pipe organ was inst.alled in. request." Perks Poultry Farm. lie gahlery in thiose days and Mr. Whitby.Ot - ,harles Massey was tUe organist. Ot - lic organ was nemoved from tUe alery to thie acove i tenew - --Help Wanted ,ddtin t hewes ed f heWANTED - WOMAN FOR GEN- hurch in 1877. The presentation enal lîousework, two adults. Ap- ùMis. Douglas was made b3y phy S.M." Drawer B. Bowman- ns. Gea. P. Rickand who was ville. 7-1 lnared by tUe W. A. in a similar ,ay on tUe occasion o! lier 80Oth WANTED-EXPERIENCED GIRL rthday thîrce years ago. Mrs. not under twenty, for general îuglas graczausly expressed Uler Uoîîsewark. Ail conveniences. .anks and appreciation. Mrs. R. Reply fuIly. Appiy "H.F." Draw- kAllun was simiharhy rememnber- er B, Bowrnanville. 7-1 d iast year. Mrs. R. T. Rutherford's group Agents Wanted resented la program o! a valen- ne Ihavour consisting o! a talk CALLING ALL SALESMEN! yMrs. J. A. Butlen and readings Agents! Would you consider a yMrs. W. H. Coake and Mrs. change tuaI wauld neally make ercy Hare. If these wei'e speclal rnoncy? New Sales Plan. Sale Eature two, tUcre was a third o! 20M guaranteed !ood-medic- lien durîng refreshments Mrs. inal-toilet prepamations. Lower A. Butler, who Uad decorated prices. Liberal commission. Ex- e meetinig place, gave every lady tra cash bonus. Fmee gifts. If resent a pretty valentine card you have a car and a little cash %token o! tUe occasion and in- and want to seIl somethlng that oted a whole lot o! mnerrirnent repeats the year round in ex- ito tUe closing peniod by display- clusive district. write ta: FAM- ig and neading a few o! tUe ILE CO., 570 St. Clement, .nchant. satirical kind. Montreal. 7-2 and Up syst rest wril ck h'ouse on Ce»ntre Street i- id locality, desirable home h modern conveniences wull sold very cheap to close Up estate. Apply A. E. Behîman, îg Street West, Bowmanville. lne 526. 40-t! Personal ZTO CET VIGOR., VITAL- ýtry raw oyster invigorators Id other stimulants in New 3TREX Tonic Tablets. Tone Sworn. exhausted, weakened tem. If not delighted with .zhts, maker refunds prude, 25. You risk nothing. Caîl. te Jury & Lovelh. 5-tf Miscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in machinery repairs, general gar- age repairs, weldlng, towing service. J. L. Dernerling, Pro- prietor, Bowmanville. P h o n e 781. 23-tf Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER of the Estate of William Henry Pearn. iate of the Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durham, Esquire, de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given pur- suant to Section forty-seven of the Trustees Act, R.S.O. 1927. Chapter 150, that ahI creditors and others having dlaims or demands against the estate of the said William Henry Pearn. who died on or about the eighteenth day of January, A. D. 1938, at the said town of Bowmanvihle. are requir- ed on or before the nineteenth day of February, A. D. 1938, to send by post prepaid, or deliver. ta Lawrence Reid Pearn and Gla- clys Evelyn Gingell at 648 Daven- port Road. Toronto, the Execu- tors of the estate of the said de- ceased, t.heir Christian naines and Surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, full particuhars in writing of their dlaims, a statement of their accounits, the nature of the security. if any. held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such iast mentioned date the said executors wiih proceed ta distri- bute the assets o! the said estate among the parties entitied there- ta, having regard oniy ta the dlaims of which they shahl then have notice and that the said ex- ecutors wiih not be hiable for the said assets or any part thereof ta any person or persons of whose dlaim notice shall not have been received by them at the time o! such distribution. W. F. WARD, Solicitor for the said Executors. DATED at Bowmanville. On- tario, this twenty-ninth day o! January, A. D. 1938. 5-3 Farms For Sale Good farmis for sale in Dur- ham, Ontario, Victoria and Haliburton Countles. A reas- ona.ble cash payment wil be accept.ed and terms for the bal- ance arranged at 4% lnterest. Write me statlng your require- ments. Col. L. T. MeLaughlln, Inspector for Commissioner of Agricultural Loans, Bowman- Vile. 6-4 Music Teaching T. A. PARTRIDGE Orgýanist, - Director Trinity Church Bowmanville - Phone 313 Piano - Organ - Singing Voice Production Natural functioning of the organs which produce voice for singing. Careful study in formation of consonants and vowels. Correct- ing faults which take clearness and resonance from voice. Rates reasonable. Permianent Waves IRIS OIL PERMANENTS-LOOK your best with one of our Spe- cial Waves. No matter how fine or coarse your hair we give you the wave you like best. Price $2.00 - $3.50 - $5.00. Iris Beau- ty Parlar, let door seat of Bow- man House. 7-1 Livestock For Sale F-OR SALE - BLACK PERCH- eron mare rising 4 years old, black Percheron gelding; also a Holstein caw about to renew. W. A. Adams, R.R. 3, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1911. 7-1 FOR SALE - OWING TO POOR health. a herd of pure bred registered Jersey cattle. age 2 to 6 years. Ail T. B. and Blood tested. Hall mile north of C. N. R. Station. Belleville. Johin Donavan. 7-2* LIVE STOCK FOR SALE - ONE black mare. 9 years old, 1 bay mare, 5 years old. 8 Leister sheep due ta lamb in March. 1 pure bred Jersey bull caif. Wm. C. Parsons, R. R. 2, Bowman- ville. Phone 2315. 7-1 Rxl's Big Sale con- ~ < tinues and here are a group at values that will save you plenty. They are ail combin. ile OUréaSSes ation offers. (iiinqijoi teB S? 40c Lavender Shavig 3c Lavender Talcum Oniy if your glasses are fitted 75c Lavender Lotion with TILLYER Lenses, are they AIl For 89c doing ALL for your eyes that science can do. We fit Tillyer 50c Vauure Inhalant L-ensesa a no higher price than 200 Lady Dainty other good lenses. Tissues Both For 50c 50c Forget-Me-Not Or. $1.00 Forget-Me-Not Powder %% Both For $1.00 0 25e Toothbrush 35e Mi 31 Tooth Powd. Ot 0,* àBoth For 39e Ise - 59c - 99C 25c Piker's L.B.Q. 50e Bottie Rexillana 15c Le Clair Writing Pad Both-- For----- 25 Envelopes to Match 25c Shari Perfiune 25c Shari Face Powder Both Fo r 15c Both For 35e 10 oz. Fancy Drinking Glass FREE with Effervescent Fruit Saline, 13 oz. 39C *Pride and summer go before a flu. For Sale FOR SALE-RAWLEIGH GOODS' Henry Ashton, corner Charles and Victoria Sts.. Port Hope. Phone 728. 6-2* Posts For Sale FOR SALE-500 CEDAR POSTS. Apply south haîf Lot 20, Con. 8, Manvers Township (mile west of Bethany). 6-31 Apartmient Tro Let- TO RENT-TWO FOUR APARLT- ments an Temperance St., ane four apartment on King St. J. B. Martyn. Bowmanville. 7-2* WIiy Is It? That Corbett's Bread Customers Continue Day after Day, Week after Week and Year after Year to Eat Corbett's Bread There can be only one reason - Satisfaction. Sa if you want a Bread that will satisfy every requirement - you should try Corbett 's Bread. You can get it ini a variety of foi-ms - ini white and brown. For Quick -Desserts Phone for a Brick of SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM It 's the Best - but is Costs no More CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bownianville1 NELLES' FIVE SPECIALS Five Reasons for Doing your Weekend Shopping at Nelles'! Frankford Sizc No. 3 Peas...................... 3 tins 25c GoId Meiial Tomato Juice ........ 2 large tins 17c (iold Nietial Brand Pumpkin.................. 2 tins Caziadas Fizîest Fluffo Shortening.......... 2 lbs. Handy Ammonia....................pkg. F. W. NELLES Grocer 1Se 25c Phone 5961 Jury0 Loveli When we test eyes it is done properly Phone 778 r -. '~' ELECTRIC WASHER FOR SALE Electric Washer ini good run- ning condition for balance of payments. CALL McKEIGUE Mason & Dale Bowmanville 7-1 Continuing Our Spectacular 2Sth 1 -- 1 -1 PA\GE TEV rjg~ - _______ - n!---Li- -m à% m

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