PA\GE TWO THE CA NADIA N STATESNIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Establiuhed 1854 tA Week 'y NewsPa1Per dee-oted lu- thei th.. tot f Bowmanv;lle and su.rraundrn ..8ud at King Stree. BOwmanvlle. every bY M. A. James & Sons, owners and publit Canadian Sta teamnan is a membe' of the Weeku> Newapapera Asaocation. also thee Wekl&es of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTIiDN RATES Anywhere in Canada. S$2.00 a year: in it $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single1 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH. .D- -. gcc 1Teu shers r Cal CIas ledE cpi Town Council Tackles Probiq wîî.îo~ itith aveîr-ii- la-t ove'k ai sliowed-'.nîuîeui]ail ei -îi-e iî thi' beors <iait ittit. of part i-tula t- ali iî. t o -ltt i f vi-li,11hpa ved thle w-lt lI-ter ladumii'itttio. Tl-It"enoie-lti dtiti ith admî<îlîîinitria t ivie iiateis andî t.tlieu w: tiiill'vîii 't -4the bvltiw-. Tht-- is.îitin, tîhut that tîeî-e ha,- bi'Iî akt-et](of a Iiior"eff'ieît vei (dtotîîpi' Ir. lii tle pa,t lit. 'nest '1 alt' i,-t'tteIlI wlnt the tow % "o in i ,ovai off etîîiitîiîur-it. If t 'rIiilr'.'G in t i, ni. til ti, -Il il 1 iîn fin î t- it h a - il lia". 1and<i 1itl O i. 'îîîiîîuîî. t-tt. Aft-n 1111 aîîv îîirfreiîi loi-ii t-atîi'uîe -uipîiîeît. andtihte în'rrt- It ut--i-tlîe tv affajiu- ai". tilt-Ie-.S ci-o.t tot rpelatimovtill be. ail il aimqiz rtue eleton.thî ie liaris taxe,. plitd. iiulit w-el i Ireta rier](lit ttlieî t Iiigs. It ',e-nis t't il-. t-lut the in mii' îpays thie iîri-t taxe-. las the l1%, stake àiitovul. aiu] shiotîlt siare iuî1 toivi's lbusiness cu riiîîlî. Thisiw-o. a ppi :n commîtlîa ite andt] ippl ies if IlIkmlu Auirîe Wvibas loketicasveinneid f tIIld lylaî s of the t' -n ît'il l ealize il gnay ofthioni. lîa-seditliltbbii.tse ant i l tI avs are hîopoit-ssl -,tilt of dlate t.<i Thie ulv aetitul ti take. is rlîat 'luovet] Coutîîî.-liî' ('hallis. o liai-e t-he w-boitle ' of lilîss-tîitlieti îvit-i a view t-t eitliiri visiu I-r tlîhen rab.aiiiuig thoeui l]]it getieu'. rhîissA anîttiec $,lfoi- te rv Swlieor. Auîrthut-i'attiîî taken liv eouîîil. hoi etec. witfliregardti thte formiationî(of Boar-lof Ecticatioîi. t repiaoe itlîet, i sebtI olîtartsis 1nuot likerly -to igo verv fa Duot-juiial -tattîtes gover'î this nîatteu'. au Eîw-îîîia -iiie caul t(Ipi':'-lit tic au unti TIi-c ai-o. it isý trîle. a 2roîIp of peple w-i im.'tli i kent se tte IihSehol Boar't]a electedi body, butt î-odotibt ou-:'-11111i.1 (tue tovoîîid get a ut:- ittteî' atliuîiistriatio fri un itehetotl iod'-. Atr- te pi'o-.-itbi ive bave a veu':' hijirlitype cf -itizeii -'-cviiî onî tiat itoard. aid w-hiiie thie - ait- fte llisllîilecstooeî w-e feel tiîe:'aî'e riî-iug thi tô%vuî exuelleuit serviee. Figuring It in Dollars and Cent Ili thîe eut-ren i lSeussieiionraiouI ii-eut secis. u e h las sait] tua t hut-su 'til] kiek ailqut a uîîoue $50Ii-ils- fut-foit o tf li.s-uîiiiîg t' î'adijo) ti'taji Muentr. Tua' hOiîweru 1,it fa dly -thIe trî'î ?'îo;yuvIli the ~fir.s:t ifît iiift(-irui; tuoe adit e er w-hi 1', utI:' iuîrt it' slî t ht is tai' to suggest tliit tii- average r'atiu i.i used b:' a faullil:' fou' fotur :'-ars. i is prrîhabh:'-etînaui:'-fait' tt sa'- thlut thlit avecage pnice pait] fotr'aratdio is appu'ox- înateiv $100. Lotlils-stuppose thîeuutîlat tîese fiels are st) aud 50e tvhat it -osts to operate a radia, Firs e liavte thie e'.t othble r'adiiol0 plus i'e]airs and ielîotiites ovier thefu-- year period of Sa:' $10: pulus ligaiu thliI- ceîuse foc foi' four *vear.s ut tii' pc-seit 'ate of $W0(jthat w-otistl MIS.00 ATutWt-lus ist lie atid lue "« tof potv' i en ui theî mabchinei. We doiin' thiîk thîait- 2e pruy- i wotid lit-ani unitiw-ard'î ('arge foi' tiiis pur- pose, it-iie-li iieanis $710 pv-î' i 01iatnd $29.20 for t-hic fîu'.:'.ar li-ci. MVe t bec-foi,- ha vo iatotali eest verrthe foun'»:"ears tof $J472%>.oc$311) ier -îauîînum. Divide bAs 1>:'-52 to g'-t tuit veekl:'(»')St-(If operat iug and] w-e fIîd thî< t it ces -.i- 70e peu- veek tik ' rlI' adi'.-t etiiiu.t 11nO.St (f w-lit'li lias aI'e-at]:'-lit-tIl)pil f'r hi- thie 'atdio advou' '1'li', is .jîst auj aided r] oeif thînt thieiai. ditiomial liiceuisofoPi-'k unî wa ccaîîtt iaîl Miat thie govenulîicut wotîîd b- hbot"1-1' h- ceried ini fiuidiiîg i:"ys an] nîeauî.sofne- duisiîg rutil ope'iat-ig oosts. rathleu- htli iîîereasiîîg tlîenî. Publisiiers Have Their Problems the lîigh i uii-aiit :'ru't-e aîuttlg eîspapeu's. anîd Puittu ari"aioîg w--eki:'-mewspap- our ru as- sa s, len wi. ri. ilh Ili t'oi ti iii, th- t ii ml -t--. t Il lidr Ilii it. ail iif (-Il el il-. it t- t ntry. day The dýian A- ates. 5c. ns ini -at 'te i- revenue Nvas tnt threnitenlec hv (li ]) 'rs. radioaîîd bload..To(li ai-e allillilp,titllt tmeitr.of trh Eveil in thee daiv field tiiere is 11!1_ feel in ýt ha t t ý%- papers -ailin w ivreine t-an provide the 'ev *T 'ronti w e saw the marriage of Th andTi iho Mail andi Empire. That in îkinl afuilltime jlb fttr onle of tC Retenit1 vjjinLitîtreal Lord At I)eaîî ctf (anatian .Joîîrîa lis. asse a nd his plae as puiisher of thle 'Y Star i)eeaîie the task f *J. W. '-\e( prtinient Mnt e Iiusjnes: mai Me('nîil Iwas (lireut or t(f ImuaI nvcol iiltjî the C.PR.. Bank -of Mo Sin Li fe. Bt rdens a nd a dozen othtc eoî'ttrtion But ir IMt'onnielli tliat he ei-ld fl ot do(l t lihjiobs weh Ilîne i, îman v direetorates anîd vitt aill bis tinme to thle pI)Iblieatinoi liewspa per. Thi ite woaza ii nîpa sthle pi are IIIakiîur thai the <peratitîl(tf a ra per. be i t -tkl or dailx-. i. be( 1f1lt'oeantdilmore eomplllit.ate(i ant i ( andti temaniîds the attelîtini of fuil pul î'er~ant i îlt part-ti iiineoi)t Paper a Perpetual Alarm C C-t iiîît- >itla retelit Statesîina t n Irerat]iîLrBowvîiîanvile defiue in lti,ie', atlîletin d 1(1tii' rgu ltris.i *.. C. irkwottd. who write> M Yti rWo-l andiîlMine-featuiili Stteiiai.ia ktý,soi e ilîtel-estini, mîenit in ik rpoîrulai' îveeklY cetlin * Maî'etiîi niaiaziîie pîîblisliedili it.ltt. I~î'ltalx-a eiiîii* tt1i ilort 01 t Mvr. \î. Iik-( vas -W oult thut -ai n ewspa por ikt li, epe i lo.Wii nakes mîe t h iîk of tiiis Twit Stots mîet 0mi Mtîifla '-vIorli iîî said t the fotler. I)id -ve liar Sand v Piierson sîlonilît, ili the Kirk vesterc bAv. asil t it awfîîl. HP w-a keîît*d l,, tý wh-lii ~Mr. Kirkw-ttttlatisti'hlat tOwiis anid intiividual., re.selît leîîvw eti 11p tttthe iueeo] f thee mnîiiîlltv. tlîat is onje of thei tasks t(of tfie t-oîîînîî liemws]apeî' t tttîi.taîitly - bî'jîîloit tIi teîîtittîî ttf <itizelii', the idfit-ieîlit-is tfl t-t.11 ii tv. This is liot dt île inithe , ttf l)eilig alwaYs exitieal. but rather in hope tlîat the t-oinuiiiit\- w~iIl aw-akeîî t lie, (oli(tl(lus andti i soliiet h iigl-,ut t clefie i choies. Ili ease '-on have fi rglotteîii ovlat wot feîîed topritîs v it was the fillhow 1,lie la-k ttf a i l rieîîîltlî.al Sioiti- Santa Clauîs Pa raide. lauk t' f ilitpres inii J)îînlani Cenîtral Fa ir. il(,a'-i atepav .Xs.aio îî no Sktieîg Riîk. îîo îi ('ih. nîo eleva tor inî the local liospital 11it tDJentalI (lin ie. Froni tiiis part iali Iist <licý ean fiîid lot! opport nu t-v foi, forig alivatfoi, thle te munlîit \-*s leulefit. Al ilst-, willd e -i1toa',o1 s anud w-lin t lic proper toîmi ni Must Be Consistent a lraîkeî- unt.o.- :',' xiel:Ptj_ý_lîîîlui- ý pauî,î tîill-t 'ont oftlis I-'tsîîct - wileii ' tit-oylîe,: rtibrmîs fi*e>,,iigilisIhî toiuiglit. - -h1'oti-t. ask lhuii t tt sîttît ry tiitli'ui-a ni pperi-î'tvat lie _,t ttt thIle (la .'-vi st'hîîl. yo~îtll i l av.eiffi'lil inî fiîliîîg an iîdequuat-e ctiîu'uI t-foc atluu hii',life and la feu- deîlli-îs <"f îîîîîîît enid of Ilis fiu'-t :'ar. î,k Ilîiiîît' Silow-yi tu-bat lie gît otltfutt-hi e'tar. fY n 'ru lliaîVo îiffitui It v in seeiutL, thît hisi-.aue-i piisbuuit'ut mWa.s îtîti ai' rtof hlus hf-'an .*2.100 îof :'utîî'îîî,ue:'. Y-tC. Ilia i'fait tor boII 'cthiat if vîlursoun î'wil 'appjîli:'- h st'lf faithîfîlly folicforarîîc :in v is iii oJlIl w-ti four- 'i-ts tof ls it- fanti .000)lho ouîu- îîuî:' Su withtia]-ltAdîr À ttitiiri- a prue-stutotltdueatiuî 'I, -. .\It-ti-i,iitr î'os tillii,-andîiî-utiuitiiî- Xuti tuilliot by l:' <uit îîtlîtrI of 'uiiIî il~ ~ ~ o iii unelt., tui-ruriI'v- ToI MtuIal * Illit ttîiît y. Yeu oi tult 1: nîî:"pceess of ic l aJ'i-nitf fori- '-is iu-ii..lý-tîîai ct ii-tii celo. Pr anl :'rî lî:'a biîif socles ot adve'rjt.ieu, gt ilar t IlriIîir von fi- tiien t toit- puîih- thiut Panii hi- tIptî consitî-ît- -ffuit t t '-îaptrond tuf'i-ais-s Pl'îcio f ti ithp is ii sliiîg ( pauli- an îîilie knows! Editorial Notes Saki-htt-oiatputntl:' islit iilsîîf- 'utîa-- 7t1î. tii- Nort hi ~t -urlN it'iu.eila spit-îîlii 2'-4 ra.-' speuilieditiîi, tu 'mar'k tue :'Opa's l"Irîuitn it-it ,_is tri-r. l'ri'oc - taI siiu' liItIi-Nit las litritll(.,il Ilisoi-l tio tu.<lltr 4 ihr (hî,11' rlî'u-', shliiîinîhekr ilittv fr' tut rendi t-li- <tîitl 's jîti'î'ie"w- witl R. C Smithi, tht- DimaIl ef ( 'a Ilad iauî.Xi i-c1vot jsiiulr,' Uîîcut hîat apîe-ais iii thîs ISsu. lUs rut-i <'l4- i, tsmali ol î affauus is of Leu'-ui inuterest-, ospeeiallv t1ii erst ît-îaruk utla titi, feu t-licmaItt-î' of îuîkimig thlicsiail m-uuîuî ithi ittra-tii-t-aund]puuutitalten-utgli t'(l the sunahl toitn boy'-te srai-a li ome and] I I lywood star submerges her silkyl lav tIN IDNlniSV NTeYASeI~f self in a bath of fresh milk ta. k I *' INCIENT O SE EVY I E RU nU U make ber form more silky still.; J PupiliBack ini the 70's Recauis Remarks of Late NRonbeerettes etrme McLaughlin on Courtey, Kindness and Rsec oEiders there are baths both ancient and miodern. Turkish . -.--.-Sweclîsh.. Beliex-îng there iS cansiderable then. or now. especialiy such Steam .-.- and Spongie. -100. 111 f ood f or thought f or young and striking passages, I conf es it put In a Turkish bath you scrapeC ie Gliobe)oad in a letter the editor receivecl a most wholesome fear in my soul. skins with jockeys, brokers, wrest- 0' ergr is from Dr. J. N. Hutchinison, 171 which I think has in a measure lers. priests, and sinners. Some tl aîaa* Yale Ave.. Winnipeg, Man., and remained with me ever since. and are skinny - fat - angular - ro- al anad _,, a native o Enniskilien, we are perhapis made me a littie more re- tund - smooth - wrinkly - hairy tl taking thie iiberty of quoting ex- 'spectfui ta those older than I. - callow - atrophied - obese - al sr Jiioistiut certs nro the geniai Dr's let- This was the sturdy upright. brothers under the skin. You sit Pý edaw-îv ter: reverential father of Sam and around in a room at 130 degrees Ci fot e "l A weil known saying is "That'George McLaughlin. and no doubý with your carcass in a camp cha:r'Or 'olnnel. stately oaks from acorrîs grow." they had many a lesson in those and your feet in a pan of warm m clollill. Haw well iliustrated i.s this in the great principles of right living and water. You drink somte steaming ill il 31' case of Sam and George Mc- earnest. toil, which bas very sub- lemonade and if yaur pores are r ipaiiies Laughlin, now af Oshawa, who, stantiaily aided t-hem in making not stuck shut for sure they open 'ontreal reared in the small village of n such a splendid success in life. Up and exude little beads of mois-B niskiiien, have ciimbed ta the Their mother was a fine Christian ture. These little beads unite and b- er litig-e beights and placed their names lady, and no daubt added greatly make small streams that run off th- realize<l on the Canadian Ral of Hanor, ta the deveiopment of their char- you into a puddle under your WV Il So lie s0 that now we can and do look acter and stability' chair. If you get sick of sittîng iill dte- up ta them, especially the boys so long you wak around thru the ba and girls of Enniskiiien wbo grew, puddles in your bare feet. If you j e ttf tilt up with and beside tbem. keep this up for a whiie you may tul I recail an incident in con-i get Aîhlete's foot' and become a 'a titW- nectian with their honored fath- lcarrier' and get your pîcture inje ter. that made an enduring im-- one of the advetsmnt t( ii lg pression on m yse f. R oberti M c- syo ur m:clcîîe lke S tw e m rou d Laughiin. Wm, Bingham, and' soinY o u w'dl itb a etow ei rnl iffieit AIchy Virtue were Scbool Trus- Ion. a i tinte tees at- Enniskilien. Once a yearý When you have shed enough car a*. least they made an officiai visit CoalUar lcdonamri ta the village schcol and inspect- - sivab and a r n a medo a mRbber ect the variaus classes as the tea- pommels ail the wvas*:e tissue olut e cherputus hragh ar pces -of 3ou and pounds your kidneys i ts :Iock That ended. il was the custom for land vitais until you are il in. C one 0f them to address the pupils, Then you are rolied up in a blan- -tu' 11, - i_ g:i-n. advice. tinctured w i t h ket and reciinecl on a cauch in abIý Pl-aise at timles and varialus direc- ordînary raam temperature ta disc 101111e', tions as ta abedience, etc. l,;ycolffadgvvurpesvi ralluza On this particular occasion achanceocl oadse youand oes S the. wvhich must be nigh on ta 70 years ~ down. After this yu gi.e the extE 1) llie ago Mr Roert cLaghln ws 'Rubber' twa bits and the Bos min the officiai spakesman. Af ter var- ~ two bucks and go home. oreo tthl- us remark. he referred ta the' I~ A fume bath is ;where you sit in ll Itli great duty and wis.dom of chul- a room filled with steam at say il Ti, dren shawing caurtesy and kind- 1120 degrees. The steam has pass- of îîa'o ness ta their eiders. and proper ed thru pine ail or balsam and îs flow ilaio respect an ail occasions. and thei heaviiy scented. We have been in F< i'esîîlt great danger we might incur. if Swed4sh baths wh*lere huge stanes iîiiii.r-.. w-e failed 'ta do so. And as an, Late Robert M.ýcLaughlin were heae ntefr n hnscril lîlv incident of thsdange, he toid .cDr.U'im enciosed the foitowi ng n rg rown on them. The steamth tha guhesoff them is what. you thes aaîî man of Gad. from Jericho up ta bs, letter:rfrec a 1 staandi srihd oel sti. Bethel. and haw the children af,"Andi he wven, Up f rom thence1 A cabinet bath consists of yau perfi ()ui' the city came out and mocked unto Bethel: And as he was goin- land a box lîke an incubator with yu ýihm. caliing out afler him. "Go Up by the way. there came forth la number of large electrîc liiht pîacf ?a? up thou bald head: Go up t-hou iittie cbiidren out of the city. and i bulbs in it ta give off heat. YOU have v baid head."' and then. how as ai mocked him, and said unto himîstck oheaci aur. thru a haie m a& ai" punishment. twa big she bearsG p thou baid head: Go up in the top of the hot-box so your Spea SOll a m ut o t e wo d a d to k thou bald be-ad. body burns but yaur head keeps parti ik-îi- after the children and nearly tare, And he turned back. and ioaked ý cool. After yau emerge you 9o arei Sliît *,hem ta pieces.1 on them. and cursed them in the ur.der a needie shower which is atar Iuit remembei' thaï, incident al- 'name of the Lord. And therevery stimuiating and nearly ai- WE illt' mast as weil as if it. had occurred came forth two she bears out of ways the patient survives. bunk e t- very recently. I wa.s quite young the wood. and tare fai-ly andto A Minerai or Sulphur bath is for til 'il at the time. and not being very cbildren of t.hem"-Secand Kings. where you lie in a tub af minerai huml ii2 w-ell versed in the scripture. eithei- Chap. 11, verses 23-24. or suiphur water at say 105 de- bn IlS __grees and perspire therein. When abui f rtIle - yau have added sufficient water somte. Statesman Editor Interviews R. C._Smith, Dean of Advertisingý uit) 1 -.bok ba:tît.,wiîiiR. C. Smjntb! \%orrkiîig imati t. dayha-. a licter t Ilie îhi a fie rito. i rohahi v srine fivee tcbai-.-.rof ilivinîg iii c-nu f. rt tlia il h j -. u t hnidred iimore rf h is iniait v f riertds 1 atdftbe 1t"tgî l' he. Bu 1111111dfthe <lidîk- arneiliîtg. i bt aiButa hirtliç I t sanie tiiic tal Ilan-tcimeal tt-e hanîge has nt i eeî ait ui iixt-dr ,S<tt- ,tntethiiig f a lattdiark iiin te th e gs r.ittg t ti ties t b at].,et iii- a lita wori of adi ertiiîti. Thte-\- were at. v rr t he cidi. bt al efo tiadf al]id friend 'fait ate-.. <rf everv îvaik 1p,.,ltehv literjtdhejîlai -ffrt çif N fu. al] gathered thi.,afteritooti mit iî t1r lt heh ott f iii the tovai York Hoel. Toroi., ' !Catadiant rade. A Inliait gathlered tod iitr ite Dtanîof Adi tr- 'II, frieitds arrrtitd hit i anîd iaried ii- ti.ittg a- k î adtitttr iutile- frofit Ibir 'oîî localiîî nd s, h ~ l-ro irrtg ., i .\r. îtîîti' ~ r'tîittttily gr,-%%- atîfl rort- dl iuîg longî ui ti, i ti fr i i itt dI rf ii il-. r t, fl tffrts. Th s a 'wt a.iiTr -irep l tte andt lue agajî Bit. i, liitir,-l out li itrotîglîrittit.-h,,c<.ltttrî ltrThij eliaraeîerit -.cll <jutzzieal 1wi-i:klu cile t h(! a-. a lraid at o irpn titat al lhi>. frieids knuto -r.well. atî i ti i. -ttl "t d-lelighit tr calli it. action. T %iti- Tt caillee iii. dat ' f large- mer- Ite- i ar. dCr tttt ilitrith. 111%- t-r.. Ttt.- -o all 'o-eild a bsr - - atl rti -.t-vtî>eei, like \i t'irrdaî ttll uiîlu.ire t o lte sînall Ofil l'lit 1 lia t e r h ît . i a idittglz - tlo i t - ca,-rd to gro w. Thle lar 'ie rr Is.- triali. t. t,,fiîtd an]itdld mtarket-s.cute. greî at te expense of lte S fo r t e ir 1r o uii t> f rr uta ît e ita rs -u a ti o n t ,t - t la ., n ti I b ee u fo r r -ttetr litait itat. lt e'ttr. rfo îîo r Iteopit-or te t)- r r) f 1 i k t t îoîî ca ine fr lnu a -tuait toi. ' ou îrseli, did vou it t?' O f "I remneunher ube fir.t raitway en- gite brouglit i. Caunada beitg i - hi1; aded at Snth's Falls, practicallylr r -'stîwa, sttiî;ped frutit Eitgattd fr -ilh I3 itBrock ville-Ottawa Railwa, later lin-a l'art of lte CPR. Si,\r iu caitl]t-lt iiiy ti t i .îugtr daîr, - I lite i a s-Ittaîl l -a i b o' it li t tt i a i t t wl t. - li e lt- o l i li.He \-a ia.erîtîtlattd f. rretfît I tir' iatît e.'titiuued tîtat, for the- îturt- oOfîîî.,î îrî trwar te Ir.îtu r , f lt-e .itiallur Ct-ttre, ti. ii;er .t .je r -ytth r;} l ttt t )f t:tiili t hett V-tuaiflt h iiv , i I r -t ai -th. itr Y ~]R C, îîiu-aîîg% it e b ra M a te r o u r l't BY ScribeGet in qaitàe wit vo--. _' Zý creoi nw1c osekelightenn ,--« ---- there and you will find boti ISomne yeaî's ago we wrate a boo0k If w-e are able ta compi-ess a t-ntitied Nudes wvehat-e me.' baok tnt-a a columu w can anîy f It was a Bath Book. Dr. James do it by leaving a lot otiUt ---This Prior helped uLs withl it. We u-sed we have decidecl to do. G1 hîs experience as Canadas Master There is the bath that the hiredG OT Masseur and aur awn as a f ce- ginl takes every month or sa in citenter 0f bath.s in one land or the wash tub in a country hitclen. THE CANADIAN. STATESM anotheî-. The book w-as suppress- Her shapely shado%* is siibouet- f_____________________ led. It w-as tao bare. ted on the indaosbade, A Hol-M THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 1938 TEOTTAWA SPOTLIGHT THE By Spectator1 Ottawa, Feb. lSth. - Members of the commons have tramped over wide areas in the debate on the Speech from the Throne. To tt-empt ta caver anything lJke ail! the *ground traversed in these speeches f rom members from ail parties wouid be t-o catalogue ail anada's ills paliticai and econ- mic, reai or aileged. ail t-be' neans suggested ta remedy these Ils and allt-be shining achieve- rents of the governmenî. It vouid be much too great a task. 3ut many of the speeches have ten int-eresbing and a number of hem eniightening on subjects ;hich trouble t-bis country. In the fading hours of t-be de- ate. amang the important sub- ects discussed w-ere the consti- t-tonal difficulties of the timeE e radio in Canada and bthe pro- cted reaby between Canada and i le United States. Ib seenis pret- dlear Ibat no suggestions wili advanced an any general ort ir reaching amendment ta thet ostututian until t-be R a %v e il miissian on Dominian-Provin- c a1 Relat-ions lias finishied itsc ýaîng.s and fîied lt-s repor-t witb C srecammendab ions. This is a C -t finding commission: it xilltI t udy bniefs lid befare lb and b- ke its suggestions. Then prab- g ly a convention -t9ehedt scuss the report. 0f cours e rything wl depend an ta w-bhat in tent t-be provinces and t-he Do- n nion can see eye to eye andG rk in harmony. Even for the g eamendment Praposed for tbîd t fr, Y~our 0w-n for the tub ta aver- ir mthey take you oui, et, o0low-îng any of the bat-bs de- a ibed sa briefly aba;'e you can iaiiy get a massage îîhich us Sbest part of it. A masseur w ýover you tit-h îubbing aico- tri . .cocoa butter . . s-eet oil c.e fume. ail depending upon what wl Ldesign is. And in many col ces iMontreai is one) you maYt-h( t a nmseuse if you prefer. A d J sseuse is a lady masseur-. Suý uking for ourseIf w-e are rn cal tial t-o masseurs of whicb there go none w-li excel aur cailabor- in rDc. Prior. as 7e have tusbened t-o a lot of pni kin aur liferime. And falien be a great deal of it. In aur anI ibe opinion tiiere is as mucli 1 kabout baths as there is ma, .y be simply stated. Mr. Euler t diet . - - and thats going sai.d. Witb aur great natucal re- ssession. u-nempioyment insurance it-be w-ay is dark unless t-be pro- Svinces cooperate and for thbe timne >beîng at ieast the chaU-enge of ý provinces against "invasion of provincial rights" is firm enougli. It ratler looks as if un- empioyment insurance us for t-be t-ime being sbelved. The protest against what is ciaimed ta be the Position of un- due praminence being beld by Anterican advertising programmes cver the C.B.C. radio network was vigorousIy aired in t-be bouse. AI- sa there was an attack on the pro- posed increase of t-be radia liceuse fee t-o $2.50. Mr. Hua-e, minister of transport, speaking for t-be C.B.C. îvbich is unden t-be juris- diction of lus department expIain- ed t-bat the proposed fifty cent increase in t-be radio fee was to put t-be corporation in funis;t-o establish bwvo new 50 kilowatt broadcasting stations in addition ao the t.wo. one at Montreai and tie othe- at Toi-onto w-hicb were -ecentiy apened. He also macle it t-eac t-bat 87.8 per cent of aIl t-be C.B.C. broadcasting time was fi- d by non-advertising programs. Of thbe 98 operating hours during the wveek 5714 hiaurs were covered by nan-adî-ertising Canadian pro- grammes, 314 tiaurs by advertis- ig Canadian programmes. Amner- can programmes free of advenus- îgý fiiie 1712 hau-s. entertain- lent from Brit-ain 12 bours, fram. ierman- ane haîf haur and Pr- ,rammes m"it-i adu-ertising f rom 1e United States 8ý4 hours. He dicuied the idea that programs ' om the Phiitîarmnonic Orchestra i New Yack ao' Metropolitan op- ra could be caiied "fiooding Can- la ivit4i Amenican pi'opaganda." In a speech dea-ing principally itb t-be t-rade policy of t-bis caun- ry. the minister of t-rade and rmmerce, ment-ioned fears t-bat Ire feit in some parts of tbe unbry that the new treaty with e United States w-ould jeopar- ce Canadian industriai interests. uch fears are w-lt-bout basis or luse Mr. Euler asserted. "This 3vernmenb" he said -is not so tpt. 50 unwise or s0 unPatriot'c ta sacrifice t-le interests of the xiducers of Canada w-het-ber t-bey Sagnicuit-urai ar industriai, for !Y reasan wliat-soei'er." The basis of aur expoct t-rade <Turn b Page Eighî, Picase> ink-tank" and you can be hat you like would disclose frustrated desires, worry Lnxiety over the future - ail crowding that they constantly enjoy. Pressure of life combine to form a treadmili that phizing or introspection. Lround the corner, yet inany catch up with it hem little satisfaction because they are ich on the right track. It teaches the rhis own mind. Lasting happiness is uires the art of self-appraisal- until measure the relative importance of sblessings. Step off that treadmili. own real self. The Church is the place lent as well as spiritual comfort. Go h. Do it Sunday- )CHURCH L&N 15 SPONSOR 0F THIs MES~A~ t"- T ' - -~ I s r J 'I a