r 'I k THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO\\'MANVILLE ONTARTO Ui4er. m,1 thîng the mother wudcos lUi iForiomebodlesj would be ju--t anather bock bu, jWrtten for The Statesman one that hie chose himseif wauld I ~5e llnBrown ave a definite reaning ta hlm. __________Allen____Brown _ There are many other re-printý - beside these particular anes ta be Women Mfust Work had at reasonable prices but these Municipal elections are aver lunes have a great many flan-f ic- Once agaîn, Sarne af the women tian books. It is surprising the candidates were successîuî and amaunt of non-fiction youngsters sorne were flot, Women differ. wiiI read if it is available - boys f rom men over elections, Most especially. Library statistics show men get out and canvas for that children read a larger per- themselves ta trY ta ensure their ccntage aiflaon-f iction than aduits election but very few women wiîî do. The plan is in the pracess ai do any canvassing for themselves. 'being tried. The first book chosen If wornen want . 7j* was Jules Verne's "Omnibus." women on Four books in one volume and a theîr municipal lot af goad reading far the money, board., t h e y He has decided that his next book wUll have ta is ta be ane of Richard Halibur- work fr itans tiavel books, but it taok a Wamen w i11 lot ai time and study ta decide flot ask for ' w this mamentotis question, thernselves but The Plan lVorked they can get' One thing leads ta anather. The Out and work i ~ boy in the story abave, after buy- for the other i- ing his f irst book wished that hie wornan. Wam- l had a book-case in his own raom enu are not ex- tc keep his books and decided that Perienced poli- Jessie Allen ie lhe had the lumber hie could ticians and if Brown make it himself. The parents they want ta get any place, they giadly gave him the rnoney andc need ta take a leaf frarn the men's, Dad heiped figure out how mucht book and learn ta work. Wornen hie would need but wisely lef t hlmv Mnust support their awn candi- ta 1ook aiter the purchasing hlm-e dates and nat anly vote for them !self. Dad has not helped any ina bUt work for thern 'the actual work but has been t ready ta show him how ta use the Too Many Movies toals and ta give a little guidance A woman saidi she was warried 'on construction. And there is a r about hiem son, who is just enter- new note af comradeship between t îng his teens, as hie wanted ta, Dad and his son. Some ai theP spend ah h15s time at the mavies'gang have hung araund ta seen and neyer could find anything ta hoiv the wark was caming alang do around horne that did flot bore, and Mother has managed ta given hum. She wished hie wauid stay thern a littie sainething ta eat, asE at horne and read, but hie was fia a means ai encouragement toa reader. Wandering if there wasý corne to the house. The moviesN anything much for hlm ta read are flot nearly the problem theyn at home, the question was asked were. Much can be done aboutS if they had many books. "Oh weii, 'aur prabiems by attacking themT we have sarne books." Further constructively instead aof.vringingn questioning braught out that they 'aur hand.s and bemoaning aur P are chiefly Dickens, Thackery and fate. Do you spend as much on E Gearge Eliot. an inheritance fram books as you do at the movies?C the father's side of the hause, and I have no quarrel with the mov- i flot much else. Asking if the boy les, I lave ta see a good picture.M hiad many books, the repiy was'But ai ter al, the movies leave P that hie had a few but that his anly a mernary and a book is J lust new one vas a Christmas something permanent to read and M present the year before iast. Upan1 re-read, Round out your lufe and J askîng, the wornan agreed thatî include bath.B she, wauld be wvilling ta spend at I1 hoe aBihae ieast hall as much on books as1 hsDakSdeM thxe bay spent an the movies, Shei Shadows under the eyes may J- agreed ta give the boy rnoney imprave somne styles ai beauty but d) e'nough at the first af each month dark circles imprave fia person'. ar tc buy a new book, but said she laoks. They are a def inite sign D wauld like ta choose it as she did that something is wrang. Fre- a, fiat want hlm ta buy trash. c.-uently these dark circies areM Doubting the ability of the wo-: caused by too much starch in the af man ta choose books the bay duet, The biood requires sufficient wauld like, we suggested that she oxygen ta make good red biood get iists af the Star and Blue! and when tao much starch is eat- Ribbon books pubiished at one1 en, there is too rnuch carban- dallar and one twenty - n i n e,j dioxde un the biaad and a can- knowing that she wauld fiat get j ,ecuent dark calour. To get rid trash arnong these, but re-prints 1 ai the shadows eat less bread, of books u'nth owninL. di itvcake.nistry andî rindy and in- the boy choose his own. Sorne- crease the quantity ai fruits an vegetables. NO TERRIBLE HEADACHE NOW Found Quick, Sure Way ta End Themn t's lortunate th.t a great Canadien doctor made the famous fruit, wb and tonic remedy, reronto, writes, 9I wu ,othered with veny severe headaches. Pain )n top of head and in forehead was more than 1 could bei,. My docte, advised me te take Fruit-a-tives. Since then 1 have flot lied any trouble with headaches." When you te Fruit - a - tives, jour liver is cleinsed. Stomach, kidneys and intestines work natur- aly. Poisons and wstes go. Food nournebea. Health cones. 25c. and 50c. Ail druggista. FRUIT-ATIlrVESTL, Spiced Corned Beef Caver the meat with cald watE bring ta a bail, and skim. Sir mer until the meat is tendE which usually takes about thr4 haurs. never letting the wat, bail hard. Add a half-cup mix( pckling spice ta the water afi it is skimmed. If the spice is pi ini a bag Ait 1 easier ta remov Let the meat partiy cool in t] water, then put in a bowl, covi %ith a plate and set a weightc rap, Weights from your scadi .nay be used or failing this, a .î'an. Slce when coid. Corned Beef Salad 212 cups carned beef, 2 cuî liced patatoes, 1 cup finely chai )ed cabbage, 4 cucunber pickieý D'ube the meat (canned corne 'ýeef may be used), add the atht iîgredients, and mix with sufi aient saiad dressing ta moister Let stanld a little while befax 3erving ta biend. * * Sucs, the safest and best soap you can buy. IN ALL MY VEARS 0F EXFI NEVER USED A SOAP AS CONCENTRATED SUPER SU ERIENCI GOOC JDS. Il LIVELY, LASTING SUDS MAKE MY DAY EASY. THEY SOAK OUT - GERMS AND DIRT. NO SCRUBBING. AND MY CLOTHES ALWAYS ARE *HOSPITAL..CLEAN 1 E I'VE DAS rS RICH, WASH- ON SLUE 13X 20C MWESTERN Caidz From all StatIons ln Eastern Canada GOING DAILY -FEB. 19 -MAR. 5 inClUSive Roturn, Limit: 45 days TICKETS GOOD IN 0 COACHES et tares approzimataly 1 Xec per mile. 9 TOURIST SLEEPING CARS et fares approximstely I1 %c per mile. 0 STANDARD SLEEPING CARS et fares approximsteiy I ýc per mile. COSY 0F ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL T.52 BAGGAGE Checieed. Stopovers t Port Arthu. Armsatrong. Chicago and wat 1ig,& sJepfuaC. rdweUum. aMd aiwmng<cu ffl OU 098M &W POR AND&L Mr. and Mrs. R. Boddy Mark Golden Wedding At Oshawa Celebration Fifty years aga, Rev. Sarnuel Saltan united in marriage Robert Boddy and Mary Fursey at the Ennlskilien parsonage. On Tues- day, February 8th, the happy couple, aiter f iity years ai mar- ried lite, ceiebrated their golden wedding at their home, Whiting Avenue, Oshawa. Follawing that ceremony in 1888 the Young couple established their home at Zion where Mr. Boddy aperated a iarm for thirteen years. In 1901 they maved into Oshawa and took up residence on Whiting Avenue, where they have resided ever since, Mm. Baddy be- ing a vaiued employee ai the Rab- son Leather Company. The celebration took the torm af a paî'ty at the home af the couple, when torty-five relatives, brothers and sisters, nephews and flieces gathered in their honor. The feature event ai the evening was the presentatian ai a purse af money to Mr. and Mrs. Boc.dy, tagether with an address which was read by Mrs. Boddy's young- est brother, Alfred Fursey af Osh- awa. Mr. Boddy's brother, Arthur, nmade the presentatian. High tribute was paid ta the "bride and groom" for their kind- ness, lave, haspitality and Chris- tian character. The wish was ex- pressed that they wauld see many more years af happiness. Ouests were present fram Balti- more, Fortier, Man., Toronto and Bawmanville, as well as ironi Osh- awa. A list ai the guests foîiows: NIrs. Jas. Bennett, Miss Reta Ben- nett, Bowmafville: Mr. and Mrs. Sam French, Miss Clama Bunker, Toronto; Mm. and Mms. John Bur- rîett, Fortier, Man.: Mr, and Mrs, F'rank Clapperton. Mr. and Mrs. Hliram Clapperton, Mrs. Allan Clapperton, Baltimore; Mr. and tirs. Wm. C. Fumsey, Mr. and M'rs. Thos. Fursey, Mm. Alfred Fursey, Mrs. Gamnet Fursey and ranie. Mm. and Mms. Thos. Alîman. 'Mr. and Mms. Jas. Alîman, Mrs. ras, Greentree, Mm. and M.rs. Jas. Boddy, Mr. Art Boddy. Mr. Allen Boddy, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Boddy, !M. and Mrs. Art Blight. Miss Helef Baddy. Miss Margaret Bod- dy, Mm. and Mms. Lyme. Gifford and Muriel, Mm. and Mrs. Harold Boddy. Miss Evelyn Boddy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vinson, Mr. and MIrs. Gardon Bunker and Joy, al of Oshawa. 1 NEW HEARI-SHAPEJJ A LA MODE GLORIFIES CHERRY PIE1 T 0 make cherry pie more than ever the dessert to serve for a IFebruary party, why flot "a la mode" it with ice c'ream hearts? No gadgets or moids are needed to inake the hearts-just dip the Ice cream tram the freezer with an ordinary tablespoon and unrnoid the spoonsful 50 that they form a heart on top of each piece 0f pie. The following Ice creamn recipe is especially recoramended because it ia a smooth, inexpensive "cream-less" variety and is just-the--right richness for an "'a la mode." Combine S% cup sugar with 4 table- epoons flour and blend with 1 quart scaided miik. Heat over 10w flame, 8tirring constantly, until thickened. Remove frnm flame and pour 3 tablesooone of the mixture over 2 )eaLen egg yoiks. Blend *ir )u,,hly and then add to custitrd mixture. Add 14 teaspoon st, il, 1 2 teaspo,>as vanulla extt'act, and chili. Polir the mirrî-re ir.to a modern ice cr *a.n frsezer. Beat 2 etçg vhites ;,itil Altff and pour over the ice creim mixture. Assemble the 'reezeýr, carer and paA~ -vitb r-nx tu.re of 3 pa.-ts crush-d ice and 1 part r'ck sait. Turn ara-ik slowiy, but steadily. Whei the mixture becomes too stiff ta turn, ln 5 to 10 minutes, ,emove caver caxefuil!y, ake out dasher, and pitck down evealy with e»on. Caver tee cream wirh wax paper and rep'ace cover. O9raw off water and repleuish tce and ea:t mixture. Caver and .iilow ta harden at least one haur before servlng. Son of Former Bowmanville Man KilledIn the Spanish Civil War ,nd à @&*N tfVICE OP Sare weeks ago we made re- talions designated as the Lincî TN#I CANAOMAN MEOICAL ference t.o the death ini Spamn of and George Washington units. He ASSOCIATION AtiC LIFi Bryce Coleman, Young Vanguaiki, says about 100 Canadians have §SU«Aaça COU@:ANIES Saskatchewan lad, who is a so been killed and the Americans ai r. ndINs W.J. oirna aihae lost between 125 to 150 kilI- er, î that town. Mr. Colernan, Sr. is a ed. Quoting from the Canadian renative of Drigo Township Press interview with CpanArn- te IBE and was educated at BoWmanvile lie, this officer said: ;e IBE High Schooi. "While lavish in his Praise of ter Within the body lie certain The Colernans are widely relat,- the Iigh'ting courage of ail Cana- >ut glands which Pour their secre- eo in this district. being cannect- dians in general, Amlie singled e. tions directly into the blood ed with the Baker, Langmaid, out Bryce Colernan of Regina for rie stream. These secretions are par- Anmis. White, Pearce, Rîckard and ý Pca mention, rer ticularly powerful, and any ab- Orchai'd farnilies in Darlington "No medals are a w ar de d on normal condition which resuits in and Clarke. Last summer t'but f t hegoey efres,'woul [es the alteration of oneor other of d, 'bsutt afew das go ere I forsdh an the internal secretions, whether district and a big farniîy reunion !cite Coleman for such an honor,' this be in quantity or quality. was arranged bY Miss Vera Baker,:"Then lie told of the bravery gives rise t seriaus disorder i oSlian honour of the visitors. Coleman showed at Villa Nueva: the human bcdy. In a ietter to the editor Mr. ;We had advanced beyond our Ps Situated close ta the outiet of Colernan explained that his sont water supply. An insurgent ma- P- the stornach is the gland known Eryce went ta Spain purely on the chine-gun on oui' fiank swept the Mas the pancreas, The pancreas basis af ideaIS. He fought for the graund behind us. In the fierce d pro<iuces an internai secretion, Loyalist army and was killed sev- heat ai July, aur Position wa.s er insulin, which allows the body to eral months aga, ýserîous. When night feil Cale- Ei- digest and use certain foods. The In a Canadian Press despatch [Ian volunteered ta go for water n. aid idea that in diabetes, or the from New York, in which tribute, and slinging 20 canteens over his 'e absence af the normal supply ai is paid to the prowess and cour- shoulders he crawled off in the insulin, the blood turns ta waterý age of the Canadian boys in:darkfless. He neyer returned. -cornes fram the fact that one of Spain, reference is made ta Bryce When we found him later we dis- the first signis noteci by the dia- Coleman that will be ai local in-cvee he had reached the water betic is that the arnount ai urine terest. and was halfway back before the is considerably increased as is the Capt. Hans Amlie, commander machine-gunner pinged hîrn,' f requency af voiding. Further, ai the Lincoln Battalian ai the Served in France there is a thirst which seems im- Spanish goverrirnent forces, told "The grizzled veteran, who ser- possible ta quench, and, in spite the story ta a Caradian Press 'ved in the Great War as non- af an increasing appetite, there is representative. cormMissianed afficer ai the Unit- lost af weight. Pralses Coleman ed States marine corps, said the Many mild cases af diabetes are There are one thousand Cana-J three North American battalions detected when apparently well dian volunteers, according to Arn- and British and other fareign persans present thernselves for lie, fighting in Spain on behalf units forming the International medical examination in connec- af the gavernment. They are brigade are used as shock troops tion wth life insurance, or for a knawn as the MacKenzie-Papin- and the insurgents bring up re- periodic medical exemain a t i a n. eau battalion and are fighting seresietin. n temi These persans are the fortunate alang with twa United States bat-th poion anes, for they are given the "'r requen.tiy we have scored chance af eariy treatrnent and so successei by drawing insurgents avaid the dangers that attend the mail eînfarcements ta points in front untreated, advanced stage af dia- LJye ight ELuuIauuiI aifus,' he said, 'then rnaking a thees.night march ta another part af Beforee discovery af insulin. And the line and attacking frorn the oniy îreatrnent foar diabetesX there,' was diet, and mild cases are stili ~E ffICIenCy' Arnîe thinks little oi the Ital- cantrailed by diet alone, The more lans as fighters, but praised the advanced cases are treated by diet B Moors who, he sa:d, are mw and insulin. Insulin is not a cure m own i rvsbtcrea er for diabetes, It supplies the body >1 ...uck essiy until ail are kilied." with the substance which the for- ~ Opt lie r Bryce CaieranainRegmn mal pancreas furnishes, and it let rc oea fRgn mnust be take"n regulariy, being Eyesîght who wa.s kilied in action in July, injected under the skin Insulin Seîls 1937, whiie fighting in Spain, is does flot replace dieting: it is aI- iflteresting ta al aur readers, par- ways used in combination with Disney Bldg. ticuiarly those about Dariingfard diet. (Opp. p. O.) district where he wau bomn and The diabetic who fallows the Oshawa, Phone 1516 raised. instructions af his doctar with ____ Bryce Colernan was bomn in regard to diet and insulin rnay ex- Number 23 Darlingiord, May 5, 1908, the san pect ta, live a long and useful lfe. af Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Colernan. Because he has to take camte 0f When anything irregular is ta His father taught schlool at Caif hirnself, he rnay outîive th~e non- be feared, through irnpropeî' use Mountain in 1908-09, as weil as eliabetic. It is nat easy ta adhere af your eyes, tauching upon your other rural schoals ai Pembina, ta a diet, This is samething for heaith happiness, Or success, they and was a pramninent foatbal ail of us ta rernember in aur con- do flot faîl ta send out some kînd player, During the tirne Mr. Cole- tacts with diabetics; we should aif warning and your own exper- man taught at Cali Mountain hielp thernfot tempt thema, ~inence shauld teach you just how schjool, there attended thi'ee ai tlheir adherence ta what they ta understand sorne ai the many ' the sons af the late Ferris Bai- have been told and what they Varfings cornroniy expressed.'tan, kiiied in actian at Vimy know is best for thern, The Most common of course is Ridge, and it was hie, teaching no Praperiy useci, insulin lias ai- headaches and biurred or notice- daubt that instiiled in his pupils lawed ta live rnany who, oîlher- abiy educed vision, but these ar'e that heroic endeavor ta serve and wise, wouid have died. It lias tlhe folow'-up ai sorne minai' sacrifice for any cause they es- made an active lufe a reaiity for warnings aliawed ta go unheeded, paused, It wauld be a fitting tri- many diabetics for wham diet suchi as weariness, nerve exhaus- bute ta a brave soldier, for the alane had ta be so restî'icted as to tion, headaches, eyes watering iDarlingford People ta add another leave thern weak and incapable ai twitching af the lidas, itchiness of narne ta the list now on the waiis warking, Insulin permits t hi e eyes and reddened iid edges wi th ai their Mernoriai, Young diabetic ta, live: before it a feeling af sand in the eyes,' The parents ai Bryce Colernan discovery, the yaunger patients styes and inflamed eyes and lids. reside at Vanguard, Sask., whiere had but littie hape. Every case af When these symptams are evi-'the Young man was educated. diabetes requires rnedical super- dent it is quite common for your l Three brothers and a sister aisa vision in order that his ar her eyesight ta appear ail right but, survive hiîn, They are W, J. Cale- partictîlar needs rnay receive pra- your eyes are flot aIl right, be- rnan, Jr.,,of Saskatoon, Raiph at Per' attentian, cause for them ta see in a normal Winnipeg, Mac at Moose Jaw Nor- way they are expending or wast- a 1 ol ndJaanre irg nerve energy. Don't wait for in- training at Grace Hospital, Aýnd vanity may be thinking danger ta be evident, if you are Winnipeg. E. A, Caleman ai Dam- things about yourself that otheî' not sure about Yaur eyes, makeiirgford is an uncle, and the FredI People would neyer think ai sure, Visit Yaum autOmetrist. Orchard farniiy af Miami, ather I thinking. (ta be contlnued) relatives. M Don't take I ob THE BIGGEST CAR THE LOWEST PRICE FIELD HAS EVER SEEN! THE SMOOTHEST RUNNING! THE STURDUEST! THE SAFEST! YET ONE 0F THE MOST ECONOMICAL! ("Y.sI t's Bigg.st and B.st!"" Say' Owners of the. "Oth.r 71w.." Leading Lowest Priced Cars.) h ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO., LTD. Oshawa J.- H. MCKEEVER, Bowmanville on. 641 Temnoranen ~ê Current Issue of The THURSDAX' FEBRUARY 17TH, 1938 i 12-Inch Whoelbaae . .. 6 Cylinders 01 ... 83 Horspowr $932 for 3-passenger Coupe; $968 Or ruh. arn; $989 for 4-pasaengerVlco aCoupe, the only 4-pahsenger coup.. Un the Iowaat pic. field with cil passengers ridlng Inside; $1009 for Sedan-fully equlpped,P'*r delvered ai Tilbury, Ont., Federal taxes paldi-tronspoilatîon costa and local taxes, if gay, extra. Attractlvoly low time 'l riew uulloo.Mara, 1Ijcu es . L. 5:ra Plea For Church Union, CH EST COLDS The New Outlook. argan ai The chest, and back. Then-ta make United Church af Canada, makes Relieve Their Misery its lang-cantlnued double action some pointed remarks a b o u t This Proved Way last eyen longer- church union in its curment issue. C' spread a thlck The leading editoriai states: H'TEN there's a cold ta treat- lay er n th ca "Every one lamefits the tragic tatrseciallyi t's a chest cld- warmed clath. dis ni ie s ai th e C h ist a n C h u c h a o tim e t ai ex p erim e n t. R e - i r 'l - -c i biut i ofnehessaristan bear ' lieve the misey wththe treatment No Long Waiting for Relief to Begin... b u t t i n e e s s r y o b a r n t h t h a b e e d o u l y p o v e f o r o u . A l m n o s t b e f a r e y a u f i n i s h r u b b l n g , mind that great movements same- Here's what To Do: It's best ta stay you begin ta feel warmn and com- times shield smalî motives, Sorte in bed and get lots o! rest. Eat fortable as VapaRub gaes ta work people are spurred on by consid- iightly, drink plenty of water, and direct through the sicin like a erations ai economy; they neyer keep elimination regular. And use poultice. At the same time its inedi- rise much higher than a fnanciai your dependable Vlcks VapoRub ceivapors, released by the plane, and do fat succeed very withaut deiay. warmth o! the body, are carrled weli even there, Others are in VapoRub has been proved by direct ta, the lrrltated air-passages danger ai being stampeded into everyday use in more homes than with every breath. negtiaion byth crticsmsai any aothem medicatian of its klnd- This doubleactionloasens phIegmn negtiaion bythecriicirnsof jurther proved by the lamgest cln-- .,.releves irritation and coughing the auter world. It shauld be aur ical tests ever made an cals Pl -helps break local congestion. And shame that we give offence ta details in every VapoRub package.) n atr those outside the Church, but ut Only Vicks gîve you proa eie h st uon slep is certain we shahl never ac'leve VapaRub is direct ext ernal treat- cames,Vapo- any abiding fellowship if merely ment. Na "dosing"ý-no stamach Rub keeps the hostiiity ai athers has driven upsets. Just massage it on throat, on worklflg. IV V^PoRuS us ta the shelter af a larger -Now WHITE-STAINLESS- Church, There is aiso the twisted sense af values which delights in size and welcarnes a larger Churchan 1estr, r.H..Tog simply because it is bigger. It is 1adoesseMs .H og true. ai course, that the argu- 1 OBITUARY barr, of Walkerville. ment aganst nionare sualy 1 The flinterai service was conduct- far more worîdly than those in e nia favar ai it, but the faiiings aif William Greenaway, PoI-t Hope daughtcr, Nirs. D. D. McKay, 421 othrs reneyr a ecus fo Fnerl srvces f ar illam-lry St., Oshawa, and intemmient othes ae n ver an xcue fr F merl .serice f r illarnwas made iii the Union Cemetery. ufichristian methods ai securing Greeniaiwa:, ifelong resident af Part Rev.\.R atnpso fSm Christian ends. aysg Hoipe and district, and father af Leo coe Sr.tntond asrc of Shir- "If union is ta have aysg Greniaway-, former Bowmanivillce ~a ebr odce h nificance it must spring from an mer chant, werc hield at bis late e- sevasamecodce h overwhelming sense ai spiritual I idellce. Fridav aftemnoon. The ser- srie urgency. Ta bemoan the scandai vices wverc largeîv attended by frn- ai aur divided state is tao nega- ends wbo gatbcred ta pay final tri- MI-5. W. J. Orchard,Trava tive; we have ta eei with irresist_ bute to is memrv. and interment Sask. rgva ible force that tagether we can go was at St. Jahn's 'Cemeterv, Ser- Mrs. W, J. Orchard ai Tregarva, out ta do things which are en- vices wvere conducted by Rev, i . Sask.,fo eryEte avy i tirely beyond us if we stand alone. foreardon. Iave o It is flot aur au ta preserve a Godn Leskard, Ont., Pasedta hem rest Precrios eistece y coGin ou \I. Greenaway dicd in 'liaspital on at Regina on February 9th. Mrs. ranks against the enemy: we must Tuesda.%. Feh, 8îb. fallawngabrif Ocadwsgetyblvdb conquer this country in the namne ilnclss, ini his 86tb ycar. B arnt at ge circle ai friends in many ai Christ. and if we really believe Part Hope, lie hadi lived inrs fuheprvinearesges thatailminr dffiultes epico-îbrugbut is ntie h e.pecially well known thraugh hem tha al micirdificutie (eiso- hroghot hs etir lie.activities in the Woman's Mis- pacy and so on) will melt away. NIr. Grecnaway had served as a sianary Society as well as other "Withouit same such urgent meber of the f ire brigade and at I fomnis ai church nd cammunity ieeililg wenioshahoneyer h a the t ime îx.îînged ta a traap of wamk. She 15 survived by her "wil a liifi wthut hih lIcavair v wbiclh wa calpîained by husband; one son, J. G. Orchard, negotiations wauld be dead. If Charles WVillianms, a brother af Col- I Regina; a daughter, Mrs. W. R. there 15 a strong desire for great-1 olel ,Arthur Williams. H-e was a lFianagan af Balgonie, Sask.; and er unity on the part ai aur pea- incuber of the \fethiodist thurch 'her sister, Mrs. J. J. Thamnton ai pie anly good couîd foîlow. In that : îd mr eety fteUie aoSs.Sews6 e case we couid preserve the dis- moer""lo h nîdMaoSsSews6 er tinctive contributions ai each tra- Citircb bhere. lIn.\pril, 1874, lie ai age and if she had lived till ditian within a Church which:marrivd lJuhia Ani Thompj)son, %vii August would have reached hem would be greater un spirit as weIl pIredeceased hIimi four %cars ago. iortieth wedding anniversary. as in size. If we do not have the iS-uîrviving are two sons,. Caîîain "ýwill ta union" we might Stijl Thîoima5 E . Bert Greenaway of Chas. Hinds, Lumsden, Sask. draft achemes for a camprehen-1 Cleveland, Obio, snd Lei) GreenaNvay, Charles Hynds, 77, wha spent a sive body. We might even settîe Port Hope. lifetime at the printing tracte and down ta work tagether on a level for thirty-faur Years editar ai the which wauld represent the iowest Mrs. Fred J. Clemens, Oshawa Lumsden (Sask) News Record, Icommon denominatar ai ail.Ifw died Fbur 3 fe egh wish it, we can have a U nited mon"s the Rihars, of soaf ilîness. Mr. Hynds 15 survived by Church. but there are two candi- Frederick J. Clemens, passcd sway hfo idwrtre rohesrJseh tions. We must catch a great ofmelya Bowmanvilîe, William enough vision ai aur task in this Feb. 9h. ini Oshawa. She wpîs in lber and Samuel in Taronto, and one country, and we must have the vet %ar. Shielias been a resideut s'ster, Mrs. Goggins, Milton, N.D. wull ta make the vision real., of Oshawa aud Bawmnanville for the Mmr. Hynds was born in Guelph 1past 38 )cars. Surviving besides lier and learned the prlnting business hilsbaîîd are a daughter, .\Irs. D. D. with the Fergus News Record. in Occasionalîy those who say but MJcKay, and a saon, Dclbert, botb of 1892 at Toranto he married Miss littIe taik too much. Oshbawa: tbree brathers, Gearge Ada Armstrong, and in 1904 they Bad habits dan't seem so bad if Richards, Regina, Sask.; Alfred. af maved ta Lumsden, twenty-five they are yaurs. Enniskillen, and Ernest of Scarboro,, miles northwest ai Regina. : . 7 - : . ý, . : -..: . , , , ., . ::-. --,.: -.: ý ý 'l :::: m . m 1 à 1 m : : - 1 1 ý . .ýý "... h. ",; :. : ý: ., ý 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO ThAd-1- rT-Tný" q@mý 1 ý Rn ione 641 Temperance St.