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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TH E C.\NADIA N STATESMAN BOXVNIANVILLE. ONT.ARIO m-octruxv 1~FPR1JARY 17TT4 lest parent-.Nlr. an(l i\Irs. H. RundIe. 1 I LONG SAULT Jlier S Steur c17. TnL . %vl~in BLACKSTOCK qilite 111 with a cnId.0 A small crowd attende.I the Homne Miss M\arion Honev spent the Recent \ îýtorsç and School meeting iviti Pre-iducnt 'nieek-end in Toronto with Nli-s Doris Mfrz. Oaklev Carîe, Cavan. witi Miss Ruth Farrell and Secretare. CîautIrs.'S . Swain. Richard Gibbs in charge. After M5 L. WcIsh and MJis.. Thelma buinsswa ceaedths rora Vrrv, 'Mr. L. Welsh and MNr. W. MNr. and MNr-.. Oscar Grahiam xit businessrwandcMrs.edm. Chapman. nn was given: a choruis bv four of the Darch are-attending the Short NI.adCamn -r school girls; reading bv Nil-. Lorna Courses at Perry. Hooper; a talk bv-\Mr. Ed. Cook on On Friday MIr. and MNrs. G. Corn- Mir. and MIrs. IL mre \annoîî anc Fox Farming; a vocal soIn bv Mýr. i..h visited his brother, Mr. Chas. Dnl.Kry ihM.adM James 'Smith accomparîied he M.\iss Cornish, Oshawa, who is in poor -Nornian Nlotittjov-. Pearl Smith at tht piano: a recita- health. MIr. and MJrs. Huglh Strong and tion by MIrs. R. Hodg-cn : instrui- SeVeral inxited guests enjoyed the Mfarie, .\Ir. and Mfrs. joseph Strong, mental by NMiss Eva Collacutt. XX . . meeting at MNrs. Canns last Miatichester. %vith MNr. and M.\rs. J Lunch was served. iveek. Strong. Mr. and MIrs. Donald Davev and Nir. Cia.MNills, Hampton. has r. and Mfrs. Harold Swain with family spent Sunday with \Ir. and hn tlnhsl- in our neighbourhood re- friends in Toronto. Mrs.RayondDavx-, urktnn noating dlock; and watche. '\Mrs. Thomas Hyland is on the Mirs.__Raymond_____________________ sick li..t. Mrs. John Elton, M-\rs. Robert Nir Win. Fce and M.\isses Annie Brown anid friend, Toronto, -pcnt Sundax- with M.\r. and Mr' E B R E O and Be; Ee, 'M\r. Ralph Eccleston Cook._______________ nd Mfisses Annie and Sophie Arch- Cook er jouirnexed to Omemee. toa is. GranCoo-,Sahlem' iMr ad Mr. a4d Mrs. Frank Hoskin ..hnxer of the Misse; e;csi Mrs JhnCoo, alm.and baby Joan, Oshawa, visited WNr-. Harry Wilson (net MNiss Reta wvith Mr. and mrs. Wesiey H-os- Fee> oni M\ondav evening. -ikin. WNrs. Win. Fee has returned home SALEM Man nd r.H. McLaughlin frnimthe hospital where she hiad hier and Joyce. Oshawa, visited with Mr'. and M.\rs. Leithi Bvers and M\iss B. Cator is h-me irom To- Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin. Mm.Weir, Mr. M.\. Bvers- with MNr. ronto, takîng came of ber mother Children at the Bumketon public and Nfr '. Herb Swain. who is quite ill. SChool enjoyed. a Valentine party Nr and NMmz. Austin Larmer and Mr. and Mfrs. E. Silem entertain- Monday afternoon. family wlhh Mmf. and M.\rs. Russell ed a few dinner guct- .0 Tuesdav Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke, Osh- Larmer. evening. awa, with her parents, Mr. and Mliss Edna Larmer with M.\r. anc "Crevasses,'" xas the subject on Mrs E* Adams. Mm;Ir. W. Larmer and other friend' which Rex-. A. W. Miarch based hisl Miss Reta Swain, Blackstock, in Torointo. fine discourse at the afternoon ser- with Miss Ella Hoskin. Rtc. and Ms C. C. Harcourt vice Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson with were ini Toronto. .P.U. met Feb. 9th %vith M.\r-. L. friends in Myrtie. A successful tuchre part%- and Squair, Missionary- Vice. in charge. Mr. Thomas Brown. Bradey. dance ivas muchi enjoyed on Fridav Topic ivas taken by 1Mr. W. Talor; with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dean. evening at the Town Hall, under bible readings by MIrs. S. B uttery Mr. Norman Avis with bis par- auspices of Agricultumal Societi-.* and MIrs. L. Richards: mouthorgan ents, Mr. and Mis. W. Avis. Prize winnems were Mi; Lu selections by Mfr. C. Collacutt : read- Wright and M-\r. Sidney Staples. ing bv M\rs. H. Barrie. A conitest Among the men of letters the Mr.. S. \Ic'\alll- xi-ited his was c'-nducted by the leader. At- postman is the most popular. sister, Mfiss Bertha McNally, De- tendance 20. The past continually takes the troit. Mani. friends and neighhours at- forNli vses at hc h i-- Rubi- and Helen \Xatton, tended the funeral service of John thought of to-day is poured. Purple Hill. iwith Nfr. and MIrs. D. Luxton on Saturdav and dec:pe-t iThere ts vastly more unknown W Bradbuirn. sympathy is extended te tht bereav- country in the land of happines.s M Gwen Mfarlcw feil and broke ed wife and familv. than in tht land of sorrow. a bone in her wrist. Salem friendsaaise e-xtnd 5cvm- Our past depends entu-ely upon MNr. and WNrs. N. TaYlor and '-\r. pathx- te tht relatives of the late cur preent, and changes perpet- Deu-tgla-s Taylor with NMi. Stokes. Mýrs. F. Clemens of Oshawa, who-e uaîîy with it. Br ook-lin. death occured last week. Ordinarily it. is flot joy you lack W\fr.-. lames Stark. Enfield, xith Mr. and \frs. P. Cann and Reta but the knowledge of wbat joy is. Nlrs. Newton TaYlor. vîsited friends in Toronto, and on Some men keep their religion Tn-entv ladies were pre-ent at the Tuesdav exening celebrated a wed- in cold storage six days out of WM..whîch met at the home of ding anniïersarc at tht homne of ber seven. Nlrs. James M\arlow on Feb. 9th. Program ivas in charge of Mrs. A. ________________________________________________________ ohno-ten ant iber group: a reading b%. _Nrs. -James M\arlew "A Sense ofHmur"; Mfiss Annie 'Mount- WWVW~ pv gavc a splendid talk- on ber work IN DOLL R DAYS at thet'Victor Home ait Toronto;a Remarkable Savings in this Popular Semni- Wondvrful Storv- . Mrs H. J. Bell Annul Evyn S o1 E ent ave a chapter irom tht stid(v book. Annua EvIy ShopEventj Nleeting closed with prayer bv W.\rs. Albert \Werr..\A splen<li< lunch FRIDAY AND SATURDAY na- -erved. Here are a few samples of extra values:- .\ ckexan a lxelo h HOSIERY . 2 pairs $100 Prince .\lhurt and lýlack-trck wiîh HATS - Clearing 2 for $1.00 -ýcre 3-1 in ia% 'r of tPrince .\Ibert. HOUSEI DRESSES SWEATERS BLOUSES PURSES ELASTIC GIRDLES VEST AND PANTIE NIGHTGOWNS silk and c PYJAMAS, 2-piece SLIPS , each eaeh -each each each SETS each eaeh otton crepe) Numerous Other Dollar $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 set $1.00 each $1.00 Specials THE EVLYN SHOP Phone 594 Bowmanvîlle Gent's Ladies' 3-pc. SURtS89 Plain Dresses CLEANED AND PRESSED 24 HOUR SERVICE Ai DSWORTH -Oshawa 's Oldest Cleaners - I Bowmanville - Phone 774 HAYDON Nifr-. Macdonald. Boxcmaniihe, is vi iitiîg lier t(ltiteýr, Nîrs. X .Nir. J. Xrigiit ias rettîmîseril home (r'ýi on omnt. Nie--ms J. Grahaîn. N. all, Nýf. Graha'ni. O-liai; a, \i ited tiINir.) G ahanis Doutdglmasr ihe clt-ii altinbrecetnson byod fhe . -. e trke beu la. Zi . c -it.d îmi F. mca - i tax ... - -< Co lin ed ro m pag 1>B A C G R O N D F labor costs an d th t in ev itab le A n ybod y a n b u y a h o rse b ý da m'S. Thtei-ial grant of M7.00 xca-B C GR U D O higher prices of goods ta tht con- it takes a rich man te, get- it pa Nir. atîd Mm;. E. 'N. Beech and madIe te Bei(wînanvillt Hospital. Thteniaile. and NWrs. Rý.\\'inter, Ha rt familv, Columbtusi-ited at Nfr, A. tax collector repomîed on tax col- l oitv. Tîce brother-, Fred andI XXil- 1BUYING OUTLINED sumer wamned us t-bat sales me- for. Beech"s. lectioiî..and T. H. Richards pre-ent- Wee oheglani et Bowmancille. andlie-- sîstance was not far awayge.1 It's a shame tht way sotie- Messirs Douglas. Norînan and Bob erI hi. rt-port antI vouchers, xhich trs. Mm;, Geo. Edgvr. and Nir;. I (otne rom paeh hr ow ofo ere? shocks tht people who are nlot Bothwell visited- their parent-, Mm. xere rrdtred te he paid. T ho... Vanstonie, Toronto, aise sur- 1914, James J. Hill stated: No Many people forecast we are it. ve. oiemand tan arise anywhert in thte ________________________________ and '%mr. D. Bothwvell. Tomonto. P%-lIaxv for estimatts on road ex- vIRtc. .X. W. M\arch. pa-tor f j four quartera of tht earth that is Mopr's HR.monelvistda.rC edtim. T. îasdfr$1.0.lont Circuit, condticte<l the large- not presently satisfied. There tan \Vmes sscitin etThrs O(rders wcere dawn on tht Treas.: Iv attc-nded funemal serv ice,, frein no longer be a scarcity of any W da3- with President Nfrs. E. Bradlcc Bel Teleffhoe, servicethis laie residence on Saturdax- after- ' commodity in any place on thte ~ ~ T M R~ in charge. Bibleredn v rs charges. .... ........ S2.A5 nooni. -Te xvas assisted b_%tit(, con- 'surface of tht globe if a surplus is 70I IMPYO ROVE - S.Trxcîî:chptr ~f rocddDepartinrt cf Welfare, sis f tht deceased. Revs. Jc 1 - 1X.te be found anywhtrt tIse. So OU HOME Nirs. E. Ommiiston, Pro- Temeontc), relief .........1......0.81 anti A. XW. Btner of Bowmnanx-ille, long as a transaction shows a gram w-a ii chrgé f W;. .. . Rx n Id., rlie ' \mnsg eut 'of ewis peopflé attend- profit, capital and man will be riikt:raigb r.C rs - Office supply Co. iîîg th(- fiinieral were Mm\f. antI rl ready te undertake It. OMRTA01AIC manidnket. Vreadi b " Mr.C Crosslo nxGeorze Herringîcit, Gentrgitonf: Stock Market Psycholog-y niat Mi"st. aene: raxocý nal o .iiîlîlia. ...........4.45 Mm r. .JohnNMeiîtgoinurv, WNr, Nom- ' Stock markets have an indirect- liv Min.\tla ei :maig, Oii.anHe-pital. X.oedstock 4.t moaisEdgvr and son.,and Nirs. (;eo. influence on commodity prîtes as Nr-. Xmsi TyMrsxCiîatm. i onX. 1.h- ogt t T reisptaati 043Reid cf Torontîo. togetîser wiîl man- tbey undoubtedly antîcipate ai then ; uic b Wnj rz.. Ot Iýclgrhrgsrairther.. frein XXlitbv, 0buaatI or faîl in the business index, tIe îiîratiMm.XV Tiin..i i.<. .. .. 8SîrNewecastle., xxhjch in tus-n affects the demandà A TTC antINd sFlesfcx iî i h 11). l' 'gath. i. \di..t andt Palîb)earer..ic ere:XXlîer Snvd<er. for finishted goods and commodi- d t chaietof isrînnica-. Reire4hînent n ere ser- ....................... .o0Herlert Nichlr,-,Jaîsse- Rex tilld..dtes. - n. ctcts2 f ved anda titreýpent... iar.relief .. ............ 4.31) i iiihlrNichtIol. Lawr ente Hoo0ex Distorted National Debts Tj. i. S leitîtis Su, reu f S ( fi.Rrrii..n elif........) an(I\uîcTnhxi îirtcî Distorted National Debts mear, HAMPTON R! a u! dridlge-.%a md nBoialveatax brdnthat i oosland m1'amost or mait. aitd eîair; .........11....I4.28 sxtch taxes I still risi*ng i affect thetuideojuesi Ilixdrr lcrt cii purchasing power of a people for orblw Mcii! r c C i ......a....ligt ...4.... ORONO NEWS tepouî fidsr hc O . A LOVELY OUEST ROOM t:vie uua katiîsî p rtv (ît Sattirtiixaviteriî,<istF uîît Xîdiî r ......... 25.0>0 *ir îun affects labor and imeut- log Bdeoarde.colo in tl rtu oi the . RK.Stîtair, ..t.......t..i 125.(w) Master Roy Powers, Whitb3-, tablA- prices. bo cliircli. ((,îîîtctl .stjoutind i iiitut XI ircl i îssted retently xxih bis grand- Goi'erau-ent Regimentation bad .W r X andsî Irsm G.l'umtt .i.itti-ii other, Mirs. F'ed Souci-. Goveî-nment Regise nt a tue n - itai c I ali lr __________________ Mrs. Jos. Hall us on thbe sick list. .uch as in Germany, Italy and bI _ý ans Is lie ',\,TMr. Mat Harrison eu bis left Japan where people are comptîl- ~ Xi ani Xr Imcm it le~ xrist on Wedntsdav xvhîle chlop- ed to -tighten their belts" and do ~ r i ..u tin(t ix n lb lier rut tIer, ping xxood and requiremi îmmed- \iotdtsired commodities, bas Xl Sc i att meducal attention. ýan influence on prices as markets lt X W Ilî in ltin role ht ami Com-anville Orange Lodge paid are eut off leaving sumpluses un nhile cr.iikiig Ilit-cati:t- rr'tgrt s a fraternal visit to Orono L. O. L. other Parsft f 1e vorld. ticf,î'.rlrl. ¶.îNo.409 Tusda eenîng. Three We bav-e 10 tht south anothe, frli>inr. .1- rtrtîtl, t nt! ttilte /i" ~candidates ivere raistd te the examnple cf Govemtiment regimen- <i-t < frtui!-iiiTcr tt «i SiS- VIL IUTlScarlet Dcgree. A social lime xva... 'a tton wxhere billions of dollair.- tlav-. NI r>. h armittnit mciii mcd n itî enj .o3ed. lave been spent xitb borroived tI-iiîîîçsisîr'in l nis-alih,i- lironey; undustry bas been regu- intlir atisi.tu.. iitseitv lir Orono W. A. Entertains Choir lated and neîv prix-att capital is- FR11 Johns-Manvlle Book shows 1. D Choir members. their frienda tsues are at a 10w ebb, Too munIs lîîîg rîe',-( ,leofr. and tht musitcemmittet of Park goverriment interference with in- how ta turn waste spaco Into tilt Sittitîai sclli,, I lîri lteir pie St. United Chumch wtme entertain-ci us-try and a-riculture causes extra rooms, pictures many other pr1gr'll v_ýngng111 _ o e a abanue Wdnsda b te ,Aide sxing.s in tht prices; index. remodeflng suggestionsl FREE BOOKI livr'timand cîtet l':sisgîî tsecls;W,\V Womtn's Association. During tht Inflation Talk alo Iivniiî atîti prax Re-. XX. Rack-exen'ng Mr. Arthur Bell, groom- When extrything tise bas fail- book will help you visualjze iu;r-ofo esd orhm tia ii.. X xlirI lil'rousî..pIs i ciiitl - elect, wa.s presented with a hymn- ed ta make people buy. inflation £th ayhigyocndoo ig;r-ofrreseyu om et -Far, ' wat, xhidi îrrciîked h d e, ary by tht choir and a lauditory talk staîts and like children we ipov or yoe ou cn o t a %ith fireprofjM asbstos Shnges iih ti iatt gîtet-r. xxa,.te îiie h.vteaddress. lare arouaed te a piteh of extraxa- poeyu m. o aptaetc. Als elshg o Chauian W.J.adideestati-tnt- nthusasm.ganse room n yotri ashow tou tan finance Chatîisg lWtIi. ., tîfierconluthntreeres;- - . bth Som eisoennswt ovn ie trokiiir'ie ia.. en % ae i al. Mm ducted teflo gporm n13 n al 97 al f Pnl fIsltn or;islt tmnt l a ents outof in. A. E. ,ieatt tvascial li aI itixa.. Neede d Nutriment! Tostsîth he churcb by Roland inflation caused a buying wave against heat and cold with J-M comne nder the governmentspon. th( pi> ad asocal ial hor ws Sithwhoemphasized t-be l-t-o sweep over this continent that Rock Wool Home Insulation; mod- sored Home Improvement Plari. spnt I s hiegrwig tat% endluntss ofbtis great institution. carritd securities and commiodi- ernize kitchen or bathroom walls SEND IFOR YOUR FE OyO A clectric >tý,l s s nixîiLegrdxîiîgtîtî -tir Rev. J. H. Osterbout replitd aay- tics far beyond their intrinsie wt he-ieAbso anct H .l.Ilp FE OYO pautiet I îtxa îseavv ain liassetd (ver citilti netk iir Xîtaîîîiîî1)î.u NI-.i ng that tht cburcli had great in- ivalue. Industrial htads went ini WinsctOKTE TODAVI tit, ri.tridt oI îtl tîx- v euiîig xile Theres uo etter footd for groxving fluence on a community when its for expansion of plants and equip- U eT eC Uo rP oe2 3 tht thstircis erý.cce xas , t Iecn iîhieî e s eiaetiji embers were aIl working. Ht 'ment. Then there came a whisper UeT eC uo rPoe23 -~retiteitlseuugiiitlakits..f<, ~ue -congratulated tht choir and tht 'in March that gold would be rt- n4-gto h(nIint.-.esfo 1- 11 ou ti sti, ii altliîv eeîiî. W. A. for their splendid work. duced in price and speculators TIse fîîîserai cf the lat Mmr.. F.XAndtilt assiires 10 lIte growxing cill Community' singing was led by became panicky and start-ed un- Piease send NAME............... Sî,tbic- isc of IlInmptttui;ý old-t(- iteui.hnientti hdi10e<tiser <' Neil F. Porter w-ho also proferre-d lading with no support from t-ht free copy of a toast te t-htW. A. paying tri- investmtnt public and large con- DRS e-t r.-iteiut.., to<k plIace frîtu the lt jjlîîrie; >t siirel.%sud l îiasaîîîlv. bute to tbeim effort.; and express- sumners of raw materials who were J.M ,loi" Idea D ES litn titof NMr. tattiNI r...Gilbert Xd- .g appreciation of tht banquet. Ihem.selxea overloaded. Valu esa Book, CITY........... R ...... e 'ck. xitr-sue hîtis îee-îît tred! ftr Mis. W. M. St-utt-, President of thet ve a eut ihsc l'tfui onSatirav . A, rplid.ehocity as le îeaxe us ail in a OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Co. ti forut u.Sriitvit hiîîg coliî<ittîSe 1 iianville IIi Tht address te Arthur Bell xxa.s state bordering on panit and atm- bYle asoMIv .lIaJ ,- odrngi ear ne-BOX 74 - Oshawa ltvlir tatcr, -1v.XV.Rtckai Phone 446 Bowmanviuîe read by Miss Kathleen Stark and ieusl3 odmn fieatetr îîilliî itirisi tit tise Iiwinanville the bymnary was presenled by ing a peried of depression equai te ________________________ (e îîîer. x usîaîh- .. xtustct I __________________________Mrs. Jennue Richardson.Mir. Bell if not worst than we went t-hrougb :r. e DI.e- ber relatix-es, ~asstrted that- bis choirtang in 1932 t-o 1934. Inflation may XlVtnelis Instittite alisual "At had meant- a great dea, t- hn, ultimateîy tomne, said thteaker,- ,rt id id 9. ýh ie ie m a- le "TWIN PO WER" "The Biggest Farm News Story of the year" - SAYS - LOWELL THOMAS Lowell Thomas brings to 2.ou the news and features of 'the new line of TXVIN POWER M\asse%--Harris Tractors in a sotind picture similar to those for whjch lie is so famotis. F. A. NADDY DIES and thanked aIl tht membera for ________their interest. <tontued tom pae 1) Toast ta tht guesta; wasgue by Mis, LaumaAllunMrs. Oster-t ducted by Rtc. S. J. Mathews.!haut responding. pastor of St. James Bond United1 Thret contests concludp-d with Cburcb. G.M. Lint-on winner cf tht first Tht remains were then brougbt and A. A. Drumnmond winning tht t-o Boxumanville where interment second andti -ird. was made in tht family plot. Tht cortege wus met at Bowmanviî]e by a large number cf local friends and members of Florence Night- OBITUARYî ingale Lodge who bad charge of thbe committ-aI service. Thýý Odd- fellowa. under Noble Grand Wal- Thms Harris, Whitby ter Hackney, attendeti in a body, Thomnas Harris, native oi New-- and paîl bearers were all members castle. passed away in Toronto Gen- of thtelotige. J. Mclntyre, A. M. rlHsia.o-TusaFb H a rd , W J . J e ff ey , P . . P th - lU th , uo ilo i îsng an o pem atio n . H e ick. T. W. Cawker and J. W. Je w-- icas aged 83 .c -ars and ivas Iiîusbauîd tII. T. H. Lockhart- atteti as chap- cfth lain. and tht offitiat-ing minister 01 te ste Jane Damby. at t-be graveside w-as Rex-. J. W. - - Harris usoced (rom Ne- Butiner. -castie te .Ainonds, whseme lit farmned A few years ago Mr. Haddy for several vcams. For ltse uasî 30 whose sight bad been failing for years lie had lixe inii retimemient in some time w'ent- completely blind XVýhitby%. He icas a staunicli 'Meth-1 Tht strengtb of bis fait-bw'as bes odisî. and an active chîirchi îvorkem, iliustrattd by tht manner irý -being for 12 vears superinîeîîdeîuî o rwhicn he mert- tis affliction. The-lthe .%iTnondis )undav >choont appended poem was comPoSed by Stîrviving are two children, Har- We guarantee Creophos wiil stop your cougli or your Mr. Haddy shortly after blindness jvev of EniniskIIil. and M1abel at yoears ao in Trity Chrch ote .m. Ont brother, Samuel Harris money will be cheerfully refunded. year ag inTrinty hurh. f Xhiîbv also survives.wiîilea dFaithful Guide third son Edsil. prtdeceased him ont 14-oz. bottie.......... $1.00 If youre standing at life's cross- year ago. roads. Thte(tîneral service %vas lield froni SOAP BARGAINS Knowing flot which way toe take. hi; late residence, Centre Street, Let the loving Saviour guide you XV'hitbxb onr Saturdax- afternoon. Thte ogtsFotigSaRe.5 ae... o i TWEX OWER s a tactor You can then make no mistake. palîbearers xert five nephtws and Clae laigSaRg cck o 1 lxitOWRi tatr Ht has marked a pathway for you one girardson. Nirs. Bruce Lunnev 3 Cakes Jergen's Soap and 25e Perfume ...ail for 25e feattîre designed by Massev- It may be rough but safe and of Bowmanvillt, is a gand-datigh- 10 Cakes Pure Castile Soap. for 25e 1 Harris engineers which speeds true; ter. 2CksCsmr outSa o i uip tht work and gets more With your band in bis HelIl guide 2 ae,.heeBoutSa o 1 work dont at a lower cost. AS your journey you pursue. C D U odsPi 7 Set tht sound 'miovie" at tht Ht is ever watching o'er you CADM. . id's iRs 27 Roi-al Theatre on Feb. 18th. Lest you falter by the way: Cod Liver 011 16-oz.. 49c Fret admittance te ail farm- He will help you and support you. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ferguson1 ers Mut b thre v 130 Ever be your strength and stay. and Coltte, Bowmanvifle, visited Feilow's Syrup - - - 89e Crs.Mus be her bv .30 Wh-y flot let this loving Saviour at Mr. and Mis. A. E. McGill*s. p.m. te share in fret prizes. Be your ever faithful friend, Miss Evelyn Dexitt. Bowman- Syringe Fittings - - - 39e Into Heavens haven guide you ville, and Miss Elva Capstick. Pet- SotsEuso 3-8 8 FA M RSAs you reach your journey's end? erboro. spent thet ekn ih SotsEuso 3-8 8 FA ME 'SWhnyou've pased tht River Ms ee Fowler. Jordan Mrs. Thos. Hyland is recover- DAY And have rtacbed the other side, ing from her recent illness. 5 Williams Razor Blades with a 35e tube You'll receive the Saviour's welî Miss Birdie Fallis, Oshawa. Mr of Williamis Shave Cream. ]FB 8 Hcorne Frank Walters, Courtice. FEEAIl For - 29c FEB I8T-IThere forever to abide. Clare Pallis and Jack, Toronto, FREE TICKETS In that bouse of many mansions , Young Peopît's meeting was, WE TEST EVES AND FIT TRUýSES You will meet those gone before, lheld on Thursday evening witha - ro - An b itng fr arts ovd attendance. Rev. C. C. Har- Phone D fUlU' l.ff; ouse t 'Court.,Blackstock, showed inter- 695 is LU LIU I~ istL iii ~ n ha brgh ad app sor. sting slides on his work in tht 5 w. ~~. ~ iapies There ail stain and sin and sor- Arctic, Mrs. Harcourt giving the ___________________________ Massey-Harris Dealer Jesus' blood has washtd a.way, tures. Y ou tan ever sing bis praises Members of tht Women's As- i yonontber irl na BOWMANVILLE In those realms of endîtas day. 1sociation were entertained at the butin yopin, otbfe r]yna recession, concludefi b orne of Mrs. A. E. McGill on things are much worse. Mr. McKinnon, but it seems to MUS ESIV L February 8tb. with a good at- Signs wtre present as far back me that many hurdjles have to be MUSIC F STIVAL tendance, PI-esident Mrs. Cecil a.; January, 1937, to make a buyer saelen aefoit oad, an dtour-e Hom- ws hldon uesav ve- (ontnue fornpag 1) i'Ferguson conducted tht worship hesitate in txtending the posItion bseet onatcear raan d eth ine --ia. t. hen NfrsdavColIc il- Cnuudfrmpg ) -service, Mis. J. E. Elliott acted 'of bis companly.Prices of cseeui Stijlcauoti' ateWod Osa. aeb, a f.ilhe Mm... Coluthcfanl <'uttanding \di iudicator, antI the as stcrttary pro terr. Plans wert dsan- in.ras eers- Tespae asitodcdb 0-hsca gae tît adr..-on htc":c-- lieîild proce henleficial t ,made 10 attend tht WorId's Day lu n d ih ura pida tera rurs- Ttsekrwsitrdcdb n;r efth Hoe ntiScooln.atittîail c' tîte-tanIt- anledta-of Prayer in Blackstock on Marchb ing wiîsucb dngr pidty tat ues- M.A. ela nrd C Pr exent s- Club' îchic i \as. both intere..ting t'r>. irofedix. - nhtht-r a c' n-4th. Crokinole party will be heîdibuayn sbeidnger.SeultiveSrkeadFrdC Ha xpes alld illstructivf. See fullkrremport t-.tattaIIjnnee! n h 'xtda i. odnSisns t.2.byigwa tn nugdi ed tht appreciation of tht club for s (,ie ýi he a Mr. GrdonStisons, Fb. 1.;tht rank and file. enthused by i- FI most enîightening address. n a 'ter r'ltitii. b ptze omt. iîîd and a St. Patrick's Social oni flation talk, armament building Th taetiii iieij. ,Marchi l7th. Mrs. Roy McGili and govemfiment spending in vast Gussinudd Am Ar- To nsi e-ni I ation >the -ulcrleude aeboub reinsf Yletnsumnsin tht U.S.A. From 1933 to strong and Dr. Stan Ph.llips, Osh- Tow shp ouci Ii adii, l tt eneal:,.n tc-Wa, Proigmam cos bymmenceGwith1936 obsolescence lhad undoubted- awa RotarY Club. ..raze given hl% our owcn -tal -.fThe araigOtIsYyMr.Gr been taken came of to a great an - hell hat inIry -gadonaStinson iss n A. M ontjy.degret, such as new cars. ne,, An ugly woman shuns tht look- - av avrs elghenngtal OiclotheS and increased plant and iggas DARLNtGT ON COUNrCIL Metabiaiorri t.lrk Bl l ir aariclesthtexxork in tht Victor Home in 1equipment. Polîtical and economiciglas l)arwiligthen runc il îti F..htîars thior dL ndh itr tcýi-ilIrtîl xhich she xas engaged for acndton nmany parts of te Pet og namnwt and Reith th Nf inmbr aIl spr- dît îe i lnumber cf years, A trio by Mrs.,1 world xxere groxxing Steadily xvorse.- boit in tht aide of bis shot when -iding. Sali ation .rm, %icas. gicen 1 R. McGill. Mrs, C. Ferguson and! presaging a brtakclown in inter- it's too late te buy bigh shots and a gran ~ 51.00, uditîs Itr- JOH LUXT N DUE Mrs. O. MeQuade was much en- !national trade. Installment buy- tocl owa l ns surte ticr eprtwhn onidra)I. oyed. Reading on Peace by Mrs, n a rahda dangerous level A man neyer knows how rnany Il cmus eyFnUITntGua tic as untu n StBell. COWLING SELLS FOR LES and Serves You Weil Ie specialize in farmers' needs such as Blisters, Tones and lorm Remedies. When ln need phone 695. Citanses tht s3stem Duteh Drops 6 for 25C Bile Beans 47c Rubber Gloves Ovaltine --38-58-98 Ex-Lax --15c-33c Wampole's Ext. - $1.00 Waterbury's Comp. 93 Pertussin -59c-$1.39 Azogermo -49c-$1.39 (the air purifer) Nova KeIp tabs. - 79-$1.39-$2.79 Sit but aid -t-y in Only the BEST WiII Stand the Test You are invited te see our Display of French Pastries, comprising 12 Varieties of Deliojous Foods Fresh Fruit FiIIed Orange and Lemon Dessert Layer Our Fruit Salad Pie has captured popular approval THE CARTER FAMILY Phone 855 Bakers for Two Generations or et- Wa t~ ~-,--. i THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BO\\'.NIA N VILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17TH.

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