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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1938, p. 7

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 1938 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 0 1 Miss Mary Mallory, Blenheim, night at Orono 10 ta 5 and won is guest ai Miss Thora Davison. the disputed second place in tht Mi-. and Mns. Aiex Haddy, Clin- playoffs. They wiUl now meel ton, were guests an Fiday ai Mc., Tinity Sons Thursday in Orono and Mrs. L. W. DippIll. for the chamDionship ai the Mr. M. A. Neal leit Tuesday for Church Hockey League. a month's vacation in Cliri Congratulations to Mns. S. G where is wife is aiready ho-id- Gilders, Church Street, who at- ing with hen father. tains hec 87th birthday on Feb. Rev. Harold Young ai St. Paul's l8th. Sari-y te repart she has been Avenue Raad United Church, To- cani ined ta her bed since Christ- ronto, wil address the Men's Ca- mas and is still under Dr. Slemons nadian Club at Balmoral Hotel cane. Hec many fiends wish hec on Monday, Fe.bruary 2lst. many happy neturns ai the day. S Toroente Du.rham Club will be Past President David Mornisan guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Ahf. N. of Bowmanviile Rotary Club ad- Mitchell at Sherbaurne Hause 4b dressed Port Hope Rotary Club Sherbaunne St., Taronto, on Feb Iast Thursday, when he spoke on 24th, when Mn. Rhys D. Fairbairn the 'Sino-Japanese Situation." will be guest speaker. Mr. Merrison is a keen student af international affairs and his ad- Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Tad and dress was weil received. Mr-. and Mca. T. H. Everson leit In the list of awards annaune- .I by motor Wednesday for St. Pet- ýersburg, Florida. They are ex-: ed by the Ontario W. C. T. U. for 'pected back sometime during Eas- Temperance Studs' Course for ter week.-Oshawa Times. Sunday Schools in thîe province Ralh Cark so ofDr.and1;we are pieased te notice Trevor Ralp Cirk, on i Dr an Davison as a winner in the senior Mca. D. W. Clark, lef t on Sunday graup. Trevor, who is the eIder for Queen's University, Kingston,: ban ai Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison. te resume his medical studies. is a student at B.H.S. and is the Ralph was home ta undergo an only successf ul candidate in thîs eperation for appendicitis in Ni- 'district in thia important cantest. chahls Hospital. - Peterboro Ex-, The Herald, aif ISadenton. aminer. ýFlonida. gives the following inter- Mn. and Mrs. L. D. Bell ai esting accounit ai a meeting ai Kendal anneunce the engagement the Touriat Club: 'Mca. Aberta ai their eldeat, Aima Fee ai Bowmanville acted as Esteila, ta Mi-. Arthur Be], ai, chairman and announced the Orono, anly son af Mca. Thomas numbens. Mrs. Agnes Gillespie. U-annaway and the late Arthur also ai Bowmanville, gave an Bell, ai Belfast, Ireland. The mai-- amusîng account af sevecal mem- niage will take place quietly the bers who went on a graund hog latter part ai Februany. hunt. and as a surprise ending ta St. Andrew's hockey team took lier story. two ai the ladies drag- St. John's into camp Monday ged out traphies of the hunt February Savings At The Corner Grocery Store Christie's Cakes 2 b. 25c'l Alb. tin 21c 3 pkgs. 23e Red Rock Pumpkin . . Our Own Soap Chips 3 lb. Noodies 3 tins 25C 25-lb. $1.90 25e box 10e Aylmer Soups -.,- ..31 (Vegetable or Tomate) Cake of Lifebuoy Free with Large Rinso - - .. .......... Farrow's Marrowfat Peas 2 pl London House Coffee........ Sweet Pickles 1Tomatoes for 25e for pkg. lb. jar -- ...... large tin small..... ... ý.2 for Red Rose Tea, while it lasts '/Ib. Cut Green Beans. tin Oranges 30e loc .........ý2 daz. 39c HARRY ALUIN GROCER Phonos 367.- 368 1Bowmanville Then We Have ZONOLITE W '~ The Golden Minerai Practical Insulation for your Home (Old or New) with an entirely new, everlasting material. Easiiy applied - Assures uni! orm thickness - Net affeeted by ' maisture - dustless. LOW COST PERMANENT VALUE YEAR ROUND COM- FORT - Sold in Bowmanville by - SHEPPARD & GIIL LUMBER CO. LID. Phone 715 Bownianville PLAN PILGRIMAGE (Contiflued from page 1) t's. ijîîae b'a-t ' more bîil- top. Iitaut Romue. si\îs it haveitis 'tir Alinîe aptitîmîleamd uitcaIE xuese our whle turispect is-c "froitu 'mute wN i mii --pt ) sî uîuac le? 1i ope umîs la su rt-markstien't st art s( t me- t1inlg. but if tbc-y sît, ilul,ias uit be ;I Iiuî-lt-a lite comît et - Tlîe seriter coum d tii mk if uîs'mil're tîtrîtsuefu iit il aivis il tlîami seat thle Toromnto Durhiam Club has ticsig- mateti - a pilgrimiage tcî the Stoei if Rs-mîeibraice 'f îlat inîmiortal gemi ('f I lymnar v, 'bat a Friemit si-e have- iii' jesis.' \cril s smtetti miljlisoni, iun the' secer-cvcof buircemeti. ss-sarv- bearts liav-e fî'îîîîisilace andt liic no- iit 'once huit agaimi andtiagain, as the s ariouslishus of tiîat poctie gerri saftct iniioi t teir misouglît iemilcries. Thi s tivmîimîseicti omîtya ttcart's scirrcisv nay ieasmre. cmi- circles tîte sartti i ummuîmibreti ton- gimes huit tbcsaie sotacc'. lidI sou ee -iikov util now tlîat iiiyoumr owit Ctimit w'îs itenuic t lose or- iginîal hues? .-\ttte seboin I have adivanceti our plaut arc mîîst emthisiastic aidttitîat it nîuust net fail. \Vltat Io s-ou tlîink ? A- Suimîtiae îftermîciîmi te ini.11111e, se i t officiail(ligmii ti' ant is:itii titouit lt tstat tiotisanîls af cars uiat cuit tiv f Durham but aur sister Cciuntv cf Northîumiberlanti thîromîg Port Hlope as il lias ies-cc beemi te makec a gestuire of aur gratittudie ta thie late joeph Scriven for bis im- Dear George: Onîe moire N-car lias itasseti cniamni 1 ain eiclosiig îiiomîev for- 1938 Statc-smiaîi. Iliail the llasture oi îîteetîmîg bsec tf ccc Bossilii ille citizeis iast eeemiuîg at otir Si. An- ilcews sNiassaticiemetimug, Chie i oi gît--n 'î.1 amîî alws ptleasedti t%%sCI- e mieDu irIta mipeotple-. .-\t tliuc-t re - semît timîîc I amîîTyler andtti f colurse su-e andt conîe iii contact seibli ilemît ail. Ouir mtcxt D)urhîamî Club niisit is Pucb. 24tl,1. I liolte s-oi auutlNi rs. Jamies sill litîse iliie te clesîîe al iîriuîg sonie friemîcîs sitîi t i. Siicc-relv \sil.s 'aac-Nlaas. OLD BOX STOVE (ContinuIe d from page 1) rura'l lue more attractive and profitable, and ir that way make solid the basic îndustry, have a firm faundatian on which to build, then the G-vernment sends a man avec ta Scatland and buys another bull ta show at the Na- tional Exhibition, or appoint a well paid Commission ta investi- gate the farmens' camplaints. and finally pigeonholes the iindings. Here's a stant toward being a big help ta the farmer: Let the city and tow,ýn folk get better acquainted with the farmer, his work and mode ai liv- ing. A iarmen's svenk ta them will not appear very attractive at times. and even if le does carry evidences ai the bai-n yard about with him that's not a crime. which proved ta be several links meortal contribution and in a mass of sausage (ground hog) .' assembiv niake manifest that the Annual Easter Concert in Mas- proelll( of Durham and Nortbumber- sey Hall, Toranto, under auspices land have even yet in this oft tinmes of te 0 E. , i beig hld Wd- otilless w<,rl(l a great reverence for ai te O E.A i beig hld ed-th, higher things of life. nesday, Apnil 20th. High and Strangeiv, there are three stones ipublic school students under the of remembranice, one on the border direction of Mr. Francis Sutton, of Rice Lake. one adjacent to the tMus.Bac., are practising faith-fully Port Hope-Peterboro highway just in anticipation af taking part in fs0t of Bewdl5ýY and. another at the th~i imprtan praincewidemu- rt of this highwa% and turn-of f thisimpotan proincewid mu-import Hope. This later I think sical event. In the past local sing- is dangerduslv located for traffic ers have participated each year accidents at ail times, let alone on and Mr. Suttorn has this year pre- occasion such as we are contemplat- jPared the orchestra in the hope ing. We are under the impression that. some of these talented young that unless there arise valid objec- musicians wifl be chasen. tions that the monument will bc *It's a small world after ail, say more suitably located bv Port Hope Mrs.1kw hhCounicil. The Durham Club execu- Mr.LwDixsan, Church street, tiv'C av.aits this decision. and Mrs. A. L. Nicholls, Conces- sion street. Mrs. Dixson is a new- Signed, L. B. WVilliams, President *camer ta Bowmanville and as i Toronto Durham Club. the custom, ladies of the town have been making themselves ac- quainted by fiendly calls. One af these ladies was Mrs. Nicholîs I oPol and during one af several calls, V oice efthet Popl >something was mentioned af Nia- gara Falls as a former home of hec hostess. Where did yau live there? asked Mrs. Nicholls. What CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS was youc name before yau were married? And the stary concludes Dcar \Ir. Edtor: happily when they discoveced they I wishte sav a few words on the liad gone ta sehooil tagether over sbet cf Consoiidated Sehools. 1 50 years ago in Niagara and had csubj ec i ln h ie one flot seen each other since. ouann o ec it ains ue meshapeînted The Aternon Axiliry anSt consoidations and combines Paul's Church met at the home ofi ew.. anti that is one cause of aur Mrs. A. L. Nichaîls who presided. unemiplotiment and i condition of the Mrs. Chase read Psalm 103. and vrîI todav. Tliere is nothing that Mrs. W. F. Banister led in p rayer. looks more cheerful. more prosper- Mrs. Nichails gave the 4th chap-ouanimrhne-ke hntav- ter of the studý' baok, "The Min- u n oehm-iewe rvl istry af Healing." Mrs. C. F. Rice ling througlb the country than the 1sang a beautiful solo. Heavenly nthe cbutlrchc. urcounîrv eandrua jewels. Mrs. W. H. Carrutherste hres. Ouistrican rra president. teak cl-arge of the bus- ditits are tee imucb poveriseti oow iriess part. It was decided ta have iroim the resuits of consolidation of Rey. W. F. Banister preach a (ifferent kintis. thank-offecing sermon for the W. Spcaking of our most noteti nien. M. S. an Sunday marning, Apnil and womren too, wvbo got their f irst 24. Mrs. Webster gave the report education at the rural scboois. Our of the Presbytecial Cor. Sec. as ex-Lieuiteniant-Governor. Dr. H. A. given at the Presbyterial held in Bruce' tbe late Dr. Stainton, and ~Claremont. and Mrs. MeAllister a otber.. 1 couid name, ail got tbeir report ai the Presbyterial ss-first eduication ini the lo cal sebol sions. Attendance 17. Mrs. Nic-- and becamne wortbv people. ails served cefreshments and a' There are mnanv wortliv scbool -social haur was enjayed. teachers wh'o canniot get a'sebool ta- Mýanv- of the eiders of the con- clav- ani are ont of work. If Con- gregation j ined w itb St. Pauls Y. soiidateci Scbools were in force there 1'. U. on Tuesday evening te hear weid bc oniy a select few wbo had a mlost interesting andi edilcationiai a "pull*' that would get a position. address on 'Chlinese-Japanese Prob- 'hile ,,a,,%. thers, more needy, cmni presenited by NMc. D. M.\orrîson." would bave no sebeol and ceuiti look Chief Chemist of the local Goodyvear for other positions or go witbeut plant. During the course of bis ad- 1werk. cIress hi traceti the histocv of betb Onîe of tbe ruasons of present un- natieniý from an eariv- stage up ta mleetai nettdv i the prescint day. peinting ont the icombinies. Peck Packing industr%, reasons for the prescrit conflict. 'Mc.Rirah ot tm niabs .Niorrjson vaq introdu-iceci bv rie te oibiat n n osl S-w intiell, convenor in charge of tue cfotecnbiaisadcosid pr 'grani. \Ir, Cee. IL.Davitige ithen -cation fav oured %wîtiî piano selectionslI Educto is being beosteti anti 1)cv ti' 'al peri'od with the Presitient ini many~ respects. Con- prsdn.scripture Ieýo as redIolitiatcti Sebools wvould be a grcat- 1 Kcnncîli MeQuiarric andi the dis- Cc cxpensc inevery vyad at cil 'sion on "«bat is a Sacramient * - cf our aiready finle equippeti sehools. talen )vCvrl Conbes: prayer buX MNanv -chiltiren woulti bav e tebe taen 1F. CsrilisCe . 'Ieii etiriven te a certain point ini order w ec w II b Medav Pcb 21~t. te catch or take- the paid transport- ation te the Censolitiateti School and Several of aur local citizens are i earli- would wait tliere wsith ne flot working this week due ta n- setro acmoaje.Tepr juries caused directly and indir-'Cnet eitoractckmotion. ceult pmre ectly by the floods and the pre- îiIaeto oktclitheir ldocal valence af ice over the weekend -ica'I av t1in tthrlol T. H. Knight. King Street insmur- lsebool. ance agent. is laid up with a Character building is fac greater spcained back sustained by a fail than educatien. Parents caîl care for fronm his icy verandah. F. C. Van- their ciiiltircn bettertanave stone, milling magnate, is an- (ise. and have more interest in tiiem.i ather ai the victims with strained and if net, thon tbey are net wortby muscles ai the right leg îoliow- te be parents. ing a fali an the ice at the door- Consolitiateti Schools svouid create way ai the mill. And Stuart more expense, cost more ta keep up, Candler. mili employee, is the cost more for accommodation, woulti thiird uniartunate. He might be reur adtute;pi ovyr considered lucky to be without requranpit rumstees; Paid cveyersn breken bones as he wa t ta n and thfrrasçl.Paiershverylting 15 feet by a bar which oand cte ruraltoapin ers atte decided te spin as the logs af the o ~hn esyi b atr waste gates at the dam were be- other tban fork up bis taxes. ing moved. Just as Mr. Candler A lot of chiltiren together fromn began operating the crank which ail avec, often cause and create contrais the log movements a ideas tbat woulti net make the ilost piece af ice jammed against the %vortby citizens, difficuities svbich legs below and pulled the crank migbt be hardti t overcome. There out ai his hands and spun it is naw, as 1 have aireadv -saidti.te around striking hlm in the chest. maîîv consolitations inevrtlig The crank iinaUly flew f rom 'its Es cm sport bas naw becomne a busi- holdings landing nearly 50 feet ness ratiier titan a mccc recreation. away. During the flood, the pipes '«lmow, make an attack on the which supply water te residences caîîntrv sc.aois. teue îmnble sebool on Westmaunt were broken by ice, teachers, anxious toecarn a livinîg, and hill resident.s have been with- aînd the innocent littie chiltiremi? out water since Sunday. The pipes were laid on the bed af the pond A svomîîaiî wio opposes and local watecworks officiais Cojîsoliçiateti -Sclîools. have had quite a job finding the break and removing ice ta get at the pipes. To date they have not succeeded and have laid a temr- I h d o' porary pipe across the waste gates I Th trs Mail and the bank ai the pond so that the hill folk may have at least a ________________ small amount ai water. Five houses on the hill are afiected. 32 Giemcairni Ave., Toronto, Pcb. 9, 1Q38 HOT WATER BOTTLES ............ 39e - 59c - 69e - 79e - 89e - 99C - $1.19 - $2.00 Fountain Syringes.......... 79e - $ 1.50 Syringe Fittings......... 39e - 49e - 60e There is definitely na advance ANACIN DosNT114E s H.,P -zour 22C Listerine Tooth Paste - - 25c-39c Listerine Shaving Cream - - - - 25c CASHMERE TIS S U E 1000 Sheta to the Roll *~'~2for25t PI'LS Gin PUIS 390 UNITED CIGAR STOR AGENOY 1 in our prices. - AIl Old There will be no Photo Enlargments peil2 for 25c BARGAINS 25c Noxzema - - 15e Dodd's Pilîs- 50c Pinex-- Pinkham 's Camp. A.B.S.&C., 100's- - 27e - 32C -87e -9e 10 Castile Soap --25e ]Botties must be turned in by Baturday, Feb. 19th at 12 p.m. extension -of time. Kruschen SaIts Free Trial 69 Size c Baby Needs 60c Robinson 's Patent Barley - 33C Castoria - - 29c-59c Z.B.T. Powd. . 25e-5Oc Pablum - - - 45c Heinz Baby Soups - - 2 fo~r 19e Libby's Baby Soups - - 2 for 19c Clapp 's Baby Soups - - 2 for 19c Baby Ceugh Syrup 25c Milk of Magnesia 25-33 LISTEN TO The Family Doctor I. D. A. Radio Program MXondays and Frldays aven CFRB at 7.15 p.m. NOVA - KELP TABLETS Naturels tonic and body b u,,der, con. \ asting of heaith. giving nla tu rat1 * minerais and vita- Min$ supplied by Atlantic deep sea kelp. For practi. cally every kind of ailment. Uncandit- lonally guaranteed. 150 79e - 300 $1.39 750 $2.79 BE SMARTmdLIIK SMAR 5HAVE EREAM *4to RICE mik.-33Ç ARGETUBEIIIi PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McGregor Phone 792 DRUGS We Deliver i Hern:ng in his boek "Spirit Lake- a featture. Oshawea fricntis fav-oreti say.s-when an Indian was asked wiîlî sole-,. instrîni rital i msiec. etc. ln a a asM nn ih a whicli was the most offensive] PresitcntA. D. Nic.\Iaster- iail A o g C n d 's M nnih a smeil'te him hie immediately ne- charge ( f the nvceting. A bountifill plied. -The white man's." We are lun1ch Nvea-s (-rvcti bs tthe Zion bre- Otîtstaîiding favotîrable dle- In the Noranda area of nene of us any too sweet. Let tîtremi. velopmients in t hl e miîîing Quebee, Brownilee Gold Mines there be a place for the farmer Next mîeetinîg w ill be a banquet fi s fO tro m Iee as eîilarged its property hold- in towsn organisations and theso Otroan iee tawn folk in rural sehemnes ' lîrcî ary ,ariî elosely adjacent ta Paw- Ua-ve ereated iiew and -,vide- Qîve a f armer Hydro xithout1 lRonan Nrndadi se much red tape. If a section is TH O IGIALsIrea(I iîterest. starting a diamond dnilling a good business prospect let Hydro' take a chance and nat leave it ai'. BROA DCASTERS .The inew ore zone diseos-er- eampaigni. te the farmer. Why should a îew les on Hardroek, fouind also ta The Lacoia property in the farmiers. Who are not progressive. By M. H. Morgan extend aven on ta the Macleod Senneterre area of Quebec is punish those who are because by Coekshutt property, lias puIt rapidly proving Up an impor- thein staying out Hydro cannot Thousands of years before the e into the Long -Lac Camp tantî are structure. The East get its one third per mile per fac- 'radio was invented, the fiitt1elfe mer. Make it a st.raight business People ai woeds and forests h&l of 'Western Ontario. Nearby Laconia praperty, adjoining, deai and not a mortgage an the their own methads af reîaying property owners are filleci lias diamoîid dri]hing- starting iarm.1 news ai their home owns, the with a liew hope. iinder eontract. Why flot give the farmner who is'approach of enemies, the cali ta trytng hard te get irom under a,! ood-ali the messages necessary In Eastern Ontario, close to An utîprecedent season of heavy load af debt a chance? All te, pass fromt one group ta another. the Quebec bounidary. along a iiuiug activity ils indicated avec the Government lias farma h sgas ih us ifeet seveni mile front from Larder fi-cm Coast ta Coast, with on its hands because it hias lent1 but they were neyer cenfused. 1in soI ta eale~h av b A wali, scenting the kili, raised Lae ta beyond Kerr Addison., great expeetation-s in s e money o eolewo ha e n his pointed muzzle, and sent the operators cf properties are en- quarters for the Gordon Lake, bias provkead le wrh a fielap~ blood eall ululating thraugh the deavouriîîg ta emulate the Athîabasca and Great Slave aIl lie gets is a decided no. It frss n te ovs a-çles seemns poar business ta lend money die y ingonqeng u h r det diainouud drills. West Territories. dt at feur per cent and compel the mlsaapce ptecy n steady warker ta pay six or seven. thmles tasitdi ut Make it possible foc warthy îarm- mie, until, indîvidually and in ers te get the lawer rate and neyer graups, they gathered ta the ieast. mind asking if he is a Tory or a A sentinel beaver, beeoming Onit. aiarmed, siapped a warning with Let the town folk and the far- his broad tail. and other beavers,« me gtteete adtr t aleup and down the stream, slapped l the spread in prices. Juat now we teronsgasaddsper get 17 cents a dazen for aur eggs ed. and he cnsuer i paxng ny- A rabbit, sitting at attention in an he onram er 32 cens. y-the grass, 1-is long ears stcet-ched Ther ar los aithigs ha~upward like an aeriai ta catch the couid be done ta help the farmer fits ongonshsms but the most help will camte wheh sage wit.h a laud thump. Immed- the consumer will be wiîîi'ng to iately other thumps are beaten he1p himseli by sympathetically, out by ather rabbits aIl through ur.derstanding the p r a d u c e r s' the mwoods, and then cames sil- needs. ence; and the cruel hawk, iiying ________________ amang the trees on noiseiess wtngs, wonders where aIl his BRO HER OOD AT breakfasts have gene. Drink More BROTHER OOD ATe lion. gaping mauth te the HAMPTON MWEETS ground. saunds his coughing ra aovec the veldt, and fightened creatures far away scuttie ta M 1 L Thc Brotlierliectiof Hamupton Isaietyo r orced i.nto betray- Circtit nit at Zion Clburcli. Thtîrs- 'igY o r day scuitie Pcb lOt. Os ing an their pnesence through partie, Eer attration, - racs and are captured by this wiiy an-Da coiie trcinicv oas nuncer. . iack i ptipit amîmiucenentth1 And the black man ai the Bush. Stttlav hef ore the attemîtamice seas1 beating the equivalent af a Morse cie a. are a frmiclv utths!code on a hide-cavered drum, has1 Youthful beauty requires glowing health scI e src tîîere emjoveti ani nusually his message relayed a hundred gond pcugraii. The guest speaker miles, perhaps, within two or. . . you can retain bath by consistently sea- Mc. Reg Terrett cf Oshawa. three hours; aven and o v e r drinking healthful Glen Rae Mlk. Milk wlîo spoke ami the Boy Scout iove- throughaut the entire night, if tii1. He traceti its ocigiîî untier necessary, and by morning tribes, supplies the elements for proper nutrition. MarBademn-Poweell froîîî M1afe- are focegathex-ing from ail direc- king, tlîîrimg tbe Baccrssar dotiot tions. It is as dlean and emphatic the piresemît time. He ouliîtiii its as aur S.O.S. deiortialygoere ctntic ea, hrei cul e ee n-î R. R. Stevens & Son Phone 26 agatti-l ilie autecracv nmo\%- itn vogue beiievable distances, they pro- mn sonîle European . ceummtries He duced their amoke, and by the_____________________________________ bail a frec antd easy style cf speak- Jskiilful use ai a blanket-cutting______________________________________ imi i hii s-a itcc.sin teîite the blaze an smoke on and off-! wth amI i5nîrkolsnie rie ncua i wanted it ta know. and other In- dangers fan in advance ai the fly- lhanse, trumpeting fram somne f ar- sîlht~oiiewbocsnîestrie.. dians in fan places learned per- îing wedge; somne tîny sentry1ilung, racky crag; the chattering M1r. E. A. Stmners..-\griculturai haps that a wagon train was mov- 'squatting in watchfui dignity at 1aquInrel and noisy blue Jay-Na- Rcîirescîîîatjve. tieligbtedti tlîea"ti- ing westwand with valuabie sup- the mauth ai his burrow while the! tui-e's picket men-are the original icoce sitîtlamtcruî sliticscof North-! plies. rm ccii~~~~ i troreilmrveivr îa h ro nahihlm, ining citizens of Dogtown!announcers aven a vast hook-up, te7estillg. Cam1nummitV simigimîg led watching aven his fieeding ilock: d»oprt themselves; an old rooster whase stations encircle'the globe. by '.\.ackson cf Oshaswa. ws alase a lead gander syping out passible amang a flock ai hiens; the wild -Our Dumb Animais. WANTED I~f 200 014 or Discarded Bot Water Dotties. W. Lowest Wi11 Allow Tou loc on Same On purchase of any. Hot Water Bottie - Fomitain Syringe- or Sytinge Fittings in our Store. à F' 7mýý Qi7mýý --mmmmoi THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BC)ý\-.NfANý, ILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN 1 1

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