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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1938, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY I7TH, 1938 SPORI Local Juniors Lo Play Final Gai Leaf Garder The huge, awe inspring .\Iapl Leaf Gardens opened and closed it swinging portais to Bowmnanvill Juniors Friday night leaving their out in the cold after an excitmný battle with East Toronto ýJuniori which concluded with the Raider5 on the short end of a 9-5 score. Tii defeat, left the locals with 7 goal and East Toronto 17 on the round. With chests out, hair greased and parted, club b ags swinging on happy arms the local puck chasers entered the much dreamed of front entrance of the Gardens. thrilled with the ex- perience they were about to have as the f irst Bowmanville teains ta ever skid a blade or case a puck along the spacious ice surface. Tri *ing t. be nonchalant they importantly toid the doorman of the town they had forsaken for the big turne and waited for the thousands ta ask for auto- graphs. Finally they ran the gamut of admirers and ywere escorted alonga corridor resembling a snaoty hotel, ta their dressing rooms. whicli though not as colorfuli y decorate< "How to Become a Hlockey Star" by that grest authorlty T. P. "Tommy" Gormian, a Great Book profusely illus- trated and contalning many valuable tips on how to play the gamne. a». AUTOCRAPIED PICTURES of GREAT PLAVERS (mou nted lotframing) Group Montreal *'Maroons" Gu,Loe Canadien" or sduýres o: D.,. Trottier Johnny agnon Hlerbie Can naldy lNrbtt iyf Cude Paul Hayn u e'Babe" Siebert Pete Kelly Earl Robinson Aurel Joliat Marty Barry Bob Gracie Walter Buswell Joffre Doilete Cari Vos George Mantha *Are" Bailey Gus Marker Stew Evans Frank Boucher Dave Kerr Toe Blake "Ring" Clancy or ont, of the most pcominent payjers on gh."Maroon" or "La Canadiens" clubs 0 Your choice o the abovee0 For a label from a tin of "1CROWN BRAND" or "LILY WHITE" Corn Syrup.-Write on the back your name and address and the words "Hoc- key Book" or the name of the picture you u'ant (one book or picture for each label). Mail label to address below. E OWA R OSUUR O ERDWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD TheCANADA STARCH COMPANY LimIted TORONTO F2 MINIMUM on EconoM3 1L2 Pieces Fi Bundie must consis of at1 Ail household lUnen Im Oshawa Laundry & Di PHON losing ane clase-iii shot ta Hooper's iast inaving pads, but scoring the iirst goal of the gaine after 16 min- utes of play. Hewitson wvas the standout for the city boys and will uindaubtedlv bc a big tlîreat ini jun- N EW S ior A. Hockey next year. 'aftr wen irdshaved hlm a pass ~se ound 7-17and Ed took it right into the goal Dse oun 7.1 inuth efoe hewasinterrupted by excllet wrk f Moores. m e a th Nl pleFirst penalty af thc game wvent m e t t e M ple ta "Zike" Amies foflawing anin ~sonFrdy igtson teflgy _______on ______________________ ith five. seconds rcmnaîning ai le the first period Frew, stellar de- tsas other parts af the arena were fence manl for the urbans, crashed l e quite imipressive with individuial homne a pass from Joncs for the ýlockers, a Iengthy massaging table second goal and the period ended gw ith hales for the feet and other 2-0, Hooper doing thrce times as gs appaintments toa numerous ta cei- much wvork as Moores and turning rsumerate. aside a hast ai alnîost sure goals. e Finally dresscd they were again The second period saw Toronto s escortcd ta the ice surface, the scene turning on a little mare heat and d. ai sa many hiectic professianal dis- scoring six goals, svhile Depcw and id plays ai speed and skil. Their en- WVitheridge gleancd twa for Bow- trance was greeted by a roar ai ap- nianvilie and each took an assist on dy proval by the fifty o dd Bowmanvilie the others tally. Iu this stanza, td ans iin the red leathier boxes and brother Hooper, the netminder stag- e swclled ta a resounding hlast as cd as pretty a swan dive as thev Snearly a thousand Beehlive Golden niake ta gatlier in a baose puck a rs Corn' Svrup yotungsters addcd their fcw feet in front of his net. Un- vaices ta the tumuit. The teain, as i .ortunatelv, the effort cast him a ýg one, could tio langer stand the strain slight injury ta one arin. This per- 0 of attcmpting ta appear as though iad M\cGec ai Toronto, sprightly d "twarn't nothing ta bc playin' icit winger and east end rough, here,' and lookcd about at the crawd Itough and rcady chappie saw fit ta dta sec what aIl the noise xvas about. miiix it a littie with Louis Wiseman, It didn't take them long ta sec that but Loti kept his lîead, laughed it they wcre the abject of the praise off and M.\cGec îook a trip ta the fYou shouid have scen themi practise inisconduct bcnch. Withcridge also a aftcr that, doing their utmast ta had a slight mun-mn with the saine einîlate the efforts af tlie Conach- lad later in the pcniod with Ed. tak- ecrs the Jacksons and the Primeaus, ing thie rap. dwhilc Ed Happer stapped evcrything Things really begaîî ta happen for t .ith Brodd-iikc ski]]. Mos boys iin the final 20 minutes The East Toronto players follow- whcn their liard strîîggles and good ced for a practice, but were rcceived condition began ta tell an the To- 'with iuch less aplilause, whicli againro rnto tearn. The% gave cvervthing pleased the local %okels. You could thecy% had ta eut dowr that litge 'aimast sec thîir - bosoins heave as lead and autscorcd the slickers thre thev final lv found thev could skate goals taaile. Witheridge startcd the fron anc end of the rink ta the hec on a pass froni Dcpcw ta mnake other withaut tiring toa much. the score 8-3 after aile minîute and The whistie blcw and the gaine39ecnsapay ivas an. Parkcr and Aines made the Lcading almost cvcrv plav With- firsi play for the Raiders, combin- cridge Ivas the big thrcat ai the per- ing on a ciassy bit af work, Parker tatI hobbling about witlî his twisted takiîîg the îîass frain Aines, round- kncc when relaxing but neyer saving îng the Toronîto defense and taking ît a bit whcn action îvas îîeeded. He a close-in drive an Nloores whose and Wiseman cornbincd for a clase- foot shot out just in turne for the in play that shauid have been a goal. save. Murphly came right back witîî but for fine goal keeping by Mfoores a shat that came close ta cI icking and a fest seconds later \\'itheridice the first goal for the city slickers.'and Dcpew wec againi pounding but Eddie Haoper svas right there at pucks at the East Toronto net with- the right moment and foilcd the in- ont success. vader.-j Toot Nichais seas tlîe lad ta crack Q ite a dispute arase when Coach1 thraugh for the second cotînter af Et]. \Vitlîeridgc noticed the dclk i tlins periat], drilliiig a pass fron Rice the tawcr still ticking off the sec- who received it f rom WViseman. The onds thotîglî the plav svas stappet. It finaI nick svas eut in the scaring.gun ecsGardeni officials are aceuis- 1 Xiîcile n apas ta tanet] ta pîaving the first two per- \i.ieman and] the gaine erîdet] 9-5. icodI straight time wlîen there is a 1Saine nighit have expected us ta double hecader in anc cvcning. A \s play a dirge andl geutlv write the' this is cartrary ta rcgulatiaiî5 lsted ti hîue ecause the tn Io-t b in the' O.H.. ue lbook for plav-a round score ai 17-7 . huit narv a of f gaules, the lacals ob e t \- nniourn fi iî te v.ilI tol b rnl tItis .\. Hewitt 'vas phoned ani the result typewritcer wîein a teain 1luges tiuch a %vaý thiat thie second and third periods great battît' to aduîîuîtelx a. better wcre tjnle(l accarding ta the ruiles. teaul. The thiîîg se liked wxas tht (jardlen<. officiais stated îhîk seas uni the.thir<l period. svhcn their chian- tlîe iirsrtuf0 ethev ever recv eil suîch jces i iiflg %erc îracticaIlvx iIil a campflaint alnd seemeni imI)re.ssed the kids plas cd better hockey. skat- W.ithn the thangit that the Bo en d theur app( neîtsý intca their ownî ville youiîgsters were not ta bc bîf- territory and generally showed their faiae(l. g ameness. Hewitsoun was tlîc big Traiîtoj Mo Breslini deserves a great deal I threa assooî a pla ~vs r~umdof credit for bis efforts iii keeping thret a soo aspla wasre-ume, live the' spirit ai OHA. hockey in Rowmtanvillc. \We anly liane lie wvill be rewarded by seeing a nets rink in the town be fore anotlier scason REDUCED opens. Nelson Osborne as President ai the club is also responsibie for Our much ai the detail work in connec- tion with the club and as lie bas Ir Service gi yen himself no rdti s f Bricks & Bouquets column, sve give inished it ta hum bore. The boys were aIl working biard lemst hait householdl linen. Friday and althougb saine ai thein nay e set ifdesied.are îlot nentiorîed in this stary in aay~~~ be0n fdeie.cnnectian with goals, the% played a ry Cleaning Co., Ltd. ea îîafieganoan. go 419 ~Line-p- Toronto : goal, 'Moores; ~'E 419 efence, Frew, Fleuîry: centre, Scaot wins, ieGt, urhy:sîtbs, lKing, Manager Gilbert iJones ROPYOU I e I g s. 1. s r 54 LOWEST-PRICED CARS HAVE A NEW COLLEAIGUE Eagerly awaited since the surprise announce- ment fromn Hudson a few days ago that this well-known maker was ý launching a new entry i n t h e lowest-pricecl field, the Hudson 112 has now made its ap- pearance. Over a year has been spent on its developinent and it ivs 'smong other distinctive features, a surprisingly large and raomy auto mobile. Bujît on a newv chassis, wîîh a wheelbase of 112 inches and an 83 h.p. six-cylinder motor, it brings inta this price class engineering and mechanical features previously presented on costîjer cars and also intra- duces an impressive series of innovations in styling. This new~ car is now on display at J. H. M.\cKeever's Garage, oppoite St. Jbohn's Anglican Church, Bowmanville. Hlewitson, Jqnes, Woodhouse and details, but while the teain will Chilton. likely play saine exhibition en- Bowmanville: goal, Hooper; de- counters we would like a short fence, Ames, Parker; centre, Depew, word picture of the variaus play- wings, Rice, Xitheridgej subs, Pat- ers. Four men bow out this year terson. Nichols, Bird, Wiseman and and their places will be hard to WVoods. f111. But there are sixty boys who Referee: johinny Jones, Guelph. iust finished a season of church league hockey and about f orty more have been playing under the I Lions sPonsorship, so hopes are Bricks and Bouquets bright for a banner year in 1939. I M W Who knows, insybe we wl gi By Nelson E. Osborne visit the Gardens and bring home 'a win. For the first time in the an-j Ed. Hoaper, who has save.d the na]s of Bowmanville history a lo- teain fromn defeat on sex'eral oc- cal teain played in the Na. 1 hoc- casions this year in his capacity key spot of Canada, the Maple as goalie, is one of t.he four play- Leaf Gardens of Toronto, and ers who are too aid ta play next while they failed to bring home year. Friday night, Ed topped off a victory, they gave a very satis- a fine year by making the East factory account of theinselves. Toronto teain earn their every tally and he stopped many shots Minus their coach who was at of the labelled variety. home staving off a threatened at- tack of pneumnonia, down six R.alph Ames, stocky little de- goals a result of their first clash fense stalwart, has also played his with t.he poorly-thought af but1 last league gaine for the Raiders. surprisingly strong East Toronto Unf ortunately Ralph is not a crew, and for the f irst time play- Sonia Henie on skates but he was ing in a heated arena, which ilthe most effective of the blue line meant a difference of about 40 ifoursome. He handed out saine degrees f rom what they had been1 mighty bodychecks ta incaming accustomed ta, the Red Raiders' forwards and he broke up numer- did theinselves praud. ous rushes that looked too dan.- - erous for cainfort. We know o! one Bowm-anville resîdent wlno wagered that theý teain would lase Friday's gaine by ten goals and wc fear that nîany others shared that opinionî. Wen doubt if anyane, except in flee-- ing moments o! wild imagininesý, thaught that the Raiders waud overcame that inauntainous j-ix-, goal lead. Jack Parker, he a! the fiery thatch, was generahly paired with Ames and his speciaity was body- checks. Jack was handicapped by inexperience, this being his first as well as final year, but we stili remember how he floored three nmen with crushing bodychecks and then brake uP a tbree man rush. all within two minutes in But in spite o! that, the team, Port Hope. - stayeci in training and went ta Toronto with the one id ea o! de- [Doug Nichais, captain and de- feating East Toronto in the ganle. fenseman, stili hias anather year This was denied thein but the 'o! Junior competition. Maved consensus of opinion, gathered back te the rearguard a! ter play- f rom those who witnessed bath 1 ing up front for two years, Toot gaines, was that the boys piayed. was nat as effective as had been a better gaine in the Gardens. Inj expected, but with the experience fact, af ter the gaine, Jack Sin- Jgaie hsya i scu do clair, who is behind the victariaus ai neofth e a he is cont eo Fast Torontas, voluntarily a s one !teianty etsa mitted that BowmanviUle gave a better display than in Whitby. Hej Ron Patterson of Orona, and alsa voiced the opinion that lits just sixteen years old, was one o! teain was nat ten goals better the new men te join the teain this than Bowmanville. year. Very green at the start of the season, hielhas advanced re- The Raiders have no alibiî.I markably and he is coun-ted on as They were beaten by a b-etter a future star. Eager ta learn, be teain. A teani that, collectively.1 is wiîîing and anxious ta listen ta were bet ter skaters and a t eain advice and hie seldoin needs te be that was smoother around thei told twice, net. The East Toronto defense will not cause pro scouts ta sit uP Bobby Bird, otherwise known as r.igbts aitbaugh it may cause Feather, is the lightest man on Sinclair to lose mucb sleep, but 'the teain. He also has three years the remarkable ability a! Moares a! Junior hockey before hum. Pas- in the nets nullifies the majority sessing a great burst a! speed, o! the defensive lapses. It us really Feather was the greatest penalty a tineat ta be put out by a better kiUler on the club. He was also, a teain. During the past few yearsj member o! the power attack and it hias been aur u.nwelcoine job te 'if hie can put an more pounds tell Bawinanville fans about 1055- 'hile retaining his speed, bie will es adininistered by teanus that we cause opposing rearguarcls much hanestly felt were inferior. Often worry. have we wished that these tearns could be bracketed in the saine Tom Depew, the youngest man league witb Bowmanville ta seeon the teainlhas four years o! age how they would stand after aj limit puck chasing abead o! hum. season o! play. Fresh froin church league cain- - petîtion, he bias shown steady un- Most disappointed man in the provement and more and more hie warld an Friday was Ma Breslin. Ls showing that hie Is a natural. For two years he has backed the He was rlgbt at home on the big team as weil as coacbed thein, ice at the Gardens and he lias and then when his teain became yet to have an o!ff night. the first Bowmanville crew te play in the Gardens, instead of Lau Wiseman was born in sitting on the bencb directing bis1 Marcb, 1921, whlch ineans bie still players, he was forced ta stay in jh as three years te go. Like De- bed. i pew hie stepped froin church lea- - gue ta Junior and for the second It is a! ten in times of adversity year bias looked a! ter a le! t wing that you find out just what a chore. Lau lbas been one of the teamin s like. Frlday night, as we prablems a! tbe teain. At times stood in the door of the Ratders his performance has been consid- iressing roam, nearly every play- erably less tban sensational but at er inurmured something about other times he shows as much 'winning this one for Ma" and abiîity as any member o! the there was a quiet determinatian 'Raiders. And lie does' always a bout the lads as they dresseâ j ait for another gaine ta snap out that was a real tribute te the mnan o! bis slump as witness his fine siho bias madle hockey possible foi' goal agaînst Wbitby a few weeks these fellows. ýago a! ter a mediocre display. Taking aver the raie o! coach Jack Rice the third member to, ai' the nigbt was Ed. Withenîdge make Junior bis f irst year ont o! and lie madle a real job of bis churcb league, showed tbe mast assignment. A niember of the impravement over îast year. Jack, tean for the past three yeans. hie who stillilbas two years in Jun- knew Mo's tacties and it wa.î the iar, failed ta score a goal until 3owmauville tean which <Irew this year. ahthough lie generahy he most chens. Witherndge, gçt bis share o! assists. He stili handicapped by a nwistcd kuee, a bias fauîts te overcome but lie ts uenrcoiiected iu pi'Sdtice. was gradually narrawing dowu those tue o! the best men ou the' ice. fanîts and may soon bo like bis Ie taliied thî'ee o! the Raî-ider iidol, Sweeny Scbriner. goals and assisted iu another and, was on tbe ice practically all thel Ross Woods, the second Orono, last period. ýcnntribution te the teain, bows 'out this year a! ter two, seasons af Elsewbere on this page is the rigbt winging. Possessar o! a tar- story o! the gaine written by tbat rid shot, lie bad trouble in getting roving Redbead. John M. James, It on tbe net but along witb Bird io we will net bore you with more he formed tbe penalty kiiling two- some. Not a super star, he was dropped iii 22. B.H.S. lias anotlier11 always trying and he will flot be resi riow but the junior boys go ta easily xeplaced. Poart Hope this Friday. ceofw1; asvlitoî f. 5: ckhaîîî g, Clarence "Ed" Witheridge. We cj Ba10;Avihet gn , ; Spean-g Purposely ieft Ed until last, not 3; Nicîlveciî g, 7; .-\ierîîates: Durîn,! because he belongs there but be- Csorjms cause he deserves special men- LCIashuru, Jas 2 eel7 tbon. This is the third year that -Li<syWhins2 cel7 Ed has chased pucks under the Kenniedy 4, Reeds, Hendry, Joyce,j colours o! the Bowmanville Jun- Owen, Grahain.* iors and he still ha.s one year left. This year he has been the out- Senior Girls standing member o! the teain. For the first time tlîis scason B. Playing right wing, he has been H.S. Senior girls battled tlîeir way told quite frequently that he was ta victary. The local lassies shîowed loafing and nat backchecking like a tean 'spirit shîicb was lacking iii he should and that is right. He ail the previaus gaines. Duiriiîg the has also been accused o! hogging i irst balh. flte Bowîîîanville sextette the puck and maybe he has. But outdidtl lemnselves gerning 14 ai their without the saine Ed, the tearn 23 poinîts.- In tlhe iirst few miiîutes; would not have done nearly ~ai o play Grace Mfitchell scored a well as it did, Like Depew, he lias basket 'and the teaun continuced ta everything needed ta be a great kcep tup the gaad work tilI the cend hockey star - he can skate, shoot, ai fîtîe îirst hali. and there wasn't a man in the Lakeshore league that could tauch In tlhe last hali ai tlîe gaine B. H. himi when he got inside the op- S. kcpt phaving a spectacular gaine posing team. blue line. Ed has his but soas îlot ta bc cornpared with tlîe faults but when put on the spot, miglîîy raily put forth at the first. as he was Friday night, he cames The ganie enîded 23 ta 20 for B.H.S. through. Say what you like. this Bownai 23- Forwards, H. year it was a case of, as goes Glarîville 5, D. Mlitchell 4, G. M.\it- Witheridge so go the R.aiders. chell 14, D. Harrîdei ;Guards: G. Wagar, M.\. Scott. J. Caverly, M.. There were others connected Me\ICreadd%, 1. Hallmnrî with the teain who deserve men- Lindsay 20-Farwards: J. Carley tion. Bill McFeeters and Bill 15, H. Corlcy 3, B3. Silicack 2. L Tainlinson wore the goal pads Greeni. E. Betts; Guards: G. MNilI- during practice. preparingi for bhur, 1. Wit .\M. Warriar, G. next year, Bob Grahamn and Len '%anales, R. 'Mariales. Somerscales each played one gaine and just f ailed ta becorne regu- lars. Dutch Hallman and'Babbie Bates were the lads who ironed The Ottawa Spotlight out the players aches and stf muscles after each gaine. Tbey (Continued froro page 2) al bad their part'in the running, sources we must be a trading na- o! Mo Breslin's Red Raiders, and tian. Prom aur resources a!f farin, so alang with the hockey teain forest, sea and mine we produce we sav Adieu. much more than we can consume. We have to find mnarkets for this surplus. In return for this export we imnport caminodities consisting B.H.S. LADS AND i for the most part o! things not LASSIES WIN BOTH produced in Canada. The minis- BASKETBALL TILTS catton, petrolm ec."As a gen- eraî thing I tbink it is true" he Aftcr a two wceks' rest B.H.S., said "that Canada is praducing Senior cage artists taok bath ganies and flot imparting ta any great front Linîdsay irn tîe tilt at thne local extent the things it is best equip- gym on Thursdlav îight. The local ped ta produce. She exports the boys won b cr i41t 3 n surplus and imnports the things I the B.H.S. lass;ies rîosed out Liîdsav have mentioned." sith 23 ta 20. The minister referred ta the * * * Jgrowth o! trade with those coun- Senior Boys tries with wbicb Canada bas trade B.H.S. lads defeated Liii&av bv agreements, and the remarkable a good score but for the nunîbe .r expansion in aur whole exporr ai shnts Bowmanvillc hat]. the score trade during the past year. Ex-I should have been tripied. The Lind- ports ta the United States rose say ladîs were inexperiencenl but froin 359 million dollars in 1936 ta îhroghort te wolegain shwcd470 million in 1937. thrugloutthewhoe grneshoed In relation ta the export a!f a fighitinîg spirit. B.H.S. shawetl a minerais believed to be used in fiîglitîrg spirit althougli iii a tlif fer- the manufacture o! munitions. cnt svav. Lirîdsay had an excuse the minister deait with the metal of bing nexeriecedbpt OW-nickel. He believed that nat mare inanîvrîle lîad no excuse for their ýthan ten per cent o! the nickel tirtv wark as tlîey slîoîld know bet- praduced went into the manufac- ner l)a nîow. At tdie cndIoaithe' first!ture a! munitions. The suggestion half tlie' score svas 19 ta 3 for B.H. bas been made that the export o! S. Inn the last firaine thîe locals ]et nickel ta Japan shauld be stopped. la-wiî a bit andI let the rîarthernîcrsi The inister said he did not be- get arntler 10 Point. wý hile thîev , ieve that would work out uniess . embargoes were placed an ship- ments ta other countries. The metal otherwise wauld reach Ja- pan. ",Thase of us" he added, i"who have seen the stupendous and humiliating failure ta the League o! Nations in applying sanctions in the case of the Italo- Ethiopian war perhaps would hes- itate before cominitting Canada ta experiinenting with sanctions aon her own account." lumu -qm'Pçuuw I LISTEN... CANADA- I899~ IMPERIAL TOBACCO' INSPIRING PROGRAM Friday 10 p.m. E.S.T. STATION CBL Regent Theatre' OSHAWA Thurs. -Feb. 1 7th "First Lady" with Myrna Loy, Franchot Tone Fri. - Sat. Feb. l8th - 9th Wallace Beery- Virginia Bruce in Bad Man of Brimstone REVIVAL Friday at I11 p.m. "Charge of the Light Brigade" with Errol Flynn Mon. - Tues. Feb. 2lst - 22nd "Wise Girl" Starrmrg Miriam Hopkins and Roy Milland COMMENCING Wednesday - 4 Days "Rosalie" with Eleanor Powell and Nelson Eddy TRADE EXTENSION - DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC Phono 84 OSHAWA 3U Simcoe St., North 20 Reconditioned Radios ~ Console and Mantie Models. AUl popular makes, valued up to $40.00 Sale - $13.9S Ternis: $1.00 down and $1.00 per week or 10% discount for Cash fron Cords, Reg. 30c Galv. Wash Boilers 2-Burner Hot Plates New Electric Rangettes, Reg. 32.50 Guaranteed Electric fron, Reg. 1.25 Guaranteed Electric Toaster Reg. 1.50 Indirect Lighting Floor Lamps with Shade, Reg. 15.00 50 Radio Lamps, your choice Fuse Plugs Lionel Electriîc Train, Reg. 13.00 15 Hotpoint Percolators value to 13.00 Studio Couch, Reg. 32.00 i Walnut Desk, Reg. 28.00 .1 Sale 19c Sale 59c Sale $1.89 Sale $22.95 Sale 89e Sale 98c Sale $7.49 each $1.95 6 for 25e 0 Sale $8.95 Sale $4.50 Sale $16.00 Sale $15,00 1/2 doz. Walnut Finish Radio Tables Reg. 9.00 .1. . Sale $5.00 6-Tube, performance New 1938 Mantle Radio, Reg. 42.95 Sale $19.95 Apex Electrie Washer. brand new new double type, Reg. 99.00 Sale $49.00 Large Reductions on New Hotpoint Electric Irons - Toasters Waffle Irons - Toastinasters Mix-Masters - Etc. 1 Only CJG.E Washer, used 3 mos. new guarantee, Reg. 89.00 Sale $49,00 Hotpoint Cabinet Style Electric Range new guarantee..-, .. Sale $49.00 10 Trade-in Cook Stoves up from $5.00 6 Trade-in Electric Rangettes froni $3.95 5 Coleman Gas Stoves, brand new, 1937 Modela,--.--. Great Savings 4 Cabinet Style Gai Ranges newest designas less than Hait Price Combination Coal & Gas Range Reg. 125.00 Sale $69.00 1 G.E. Refrigerator, 5 cubie feet, monitor top model, new guarantee, Reg. 285.00 Sale $119.00 Brand New Marconi 1938 Radios floor demonstrators 25% discount (limited quantity) Trade-in Appliances of every variety Priced Right to Sel Everything in aur Large Store reduced in Frice ta Clear the shop fb5r Renovation. 20 G. E. Refrigerators Brand New 1937 Models - AIl Sizes Real Bargain Prices PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 1938

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