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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1938, p. 9

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'rHURSDAY FEBRUAI{Y 24TII, 13 .'." .'~. Ât.L..L., ~ I .fl'..iAJ PAGE NINE THE CAMAflI 4\* STSTPSXfS\ PCIX\ \ç V111 T 12 - i j' lad to receive from you a.resume wvere Earl Greys son-in-law. Lor orne K e olte c i n s or f some af Mr. Patersons eariy Durham and Lord Brougham. S m e o l c i n ofreminiscences-'"As a dry goocis clerk I remei ru'uIn ha:iony with this request a ber Ear] G rey We used t-a se: r. ih rn s ste smmnary of material likely to b'ý calico w: each icbern M r. T om as Pate son fl ta His Excchlency wva. wgDver*nrent s:,amp and sub.iect t ______prepared and sent ta him. Much ariy exc:sre duty of 212d per squar of this will be included in - Mr. yard. The Earl's governmer By John Elliott, B.A., London Gog nBia.I u' la Paterson*s story as tolci by hin *lm - ew% off the tax and we lowereî Perap smeacout f r.sue oitnBna n It was a plea-self." 1jour price by a correspondini Perapssam acoun ofMr.sue ta.sitand e t amirroforBorn at Peebles, Scotland, July 1, amount. Thomas Paterson will not be out GHernasagenra airereau 1815 - Died at BowmianflUe, "In 1835 1 went ta Glasgow an( of place in The Statesman*s re-Qoranor G teeal. Ear Grey CndJnay1,11 pn oryaswt nhn cords of former days andi of aid gaMocfte ra aldelKaaa aua3 92 sen finear type Anfthan time citizens. After residing in af Refarm Bill fame. I ventured! These notes were taken by a Mctean, ra ntypOe f emi Bowmanville for fifty years h le ta write to His Excellency making 'f riend of hi.s later years. when hie felaw'cierks was James Camp. passed away at his hoame' on reference to a worthy citizen afj was ail unconsciou.5 that any word bell. the father af Sir Henr3 Queen Street inow St. And reut*'s1 BowmanviIle whase remmniscences 0f his would be reported. In an Campbell-Bannerman, the la t Manse). an January l2th, 1912, in'might be of some interest ta hlm., attempt ta da him justice the first Premier of Britain. It was saiÉ his 97th year. I wrate that: "Mr. Thama.s Pat- 'persan is used, but there is lack- that young Campbell's maste: Me ad rosere asa bsinsserson, a retireci merchant af tîh j ing the pleasing Scottish accent, lent hlm £400 ta start in busine&a me anfros Taaoadbueinstown, a bright intelligent Scot- the flashjng eye and the animat- and subsequently he became con- om anv rtin eoranohad tie ieîi man, 95 years of age. wvas present ed manner that characterizeci his nected by marriage with the Ban- toai and ihay yeairs of ac-, a yauthi at the great banquet conversation. nermans af Manchester. Henry', tiveoand ifebfaehm. es rea- given in honar of yaur illustriaus "I A-as born in 1815. thirteen uncle left him a fortune and ihe .,ie Ife efoe im.He s r- grancfather at Edinburgh in 1834. 'days after the battie af Waterloo weas ta take the name Banner- nembered as a madest, unassum-lLord Raseberrys grandfather (Ilanci educateci in the grammar man and so hie became Henry ing man, alert as Most men twen-, am quoting fram Mr. Patersan) schoai of My native towýn of Campbell -Bannerman. My f ellow ty years his junior, a gooci citizen, occupied the chair and wvas ane af Peebles. William and R ob e rt cicrk. afterwards Sir Ja mes in'erested in public aff airs. and a, the speakers. The chief speakers Chambers went throughi t hl e Campbell Lord Pravast of Glas- loyal member and supporter of besides the guest of hanor, Earl school a littie before me. I knew gow, was a stiff Canservative. hîschrc, S. aus Pes3tr-Grey, wha vas a fine laaking gen- them bath weli. Like myseif they Years after when hie was a can- ian. Having no dependent rela- ticma apparently about sevent.y j ent up ta the city to miake their didate far parliamient and saLcit- tvh ie fartued tacaitoal- i years of agýe. wvere Lord Durham, way in the warld. When they cd his aid master's vate, McKean whie foWinneg.osentoaCo- son-în-law of Earl Grey. and Lord starteci Chambers Journal in 1832 saîi. I wishi you weil but your ,&ge Winipe, woseprincipal, Brougham. Mr. Paterson's mcm- I was a subscniber andi so contin- principles are not mine and 1 Vteý r.ingt. a e qe Pesbyi- , ors- is excellent and lielhas a re- ued for more than 70 years. 1 was cant vote for you, but there are ter;an Church. Toronto,. markabiy clear recoilec*ian o eyf orteuiest t Î; -same wham I coulci influence tc thesé stirring times. There isi teen. but instead I went behinci vote against yau andi I won't do Twice during the year 1911 he probably no mian living wha can the counten in Leith, where I wa-s it.' The Campbells were af hum- went ta Toronto. once on his 96th speak of the days of the Reform apprenticeci to a draper. Here I bIe origin andi the heaci af the b'rthday, and ihe was probabhy Bill of 1832 f rom persanal know- wvrked like a gafley slave - up family sohd miik when t.hey first thîe ldest visitor ta the Toronta iledgc as lie can. I have been ta My masters hause for the keys came ta Glasgow. Exhibitian in that ycar. He haci :greatîy înterested in his canversa- at 7.30. perhaps taking them from 'On the llth of November 1839 travelied much. his lust long trip tions and it lias scemed to me! under his heaci as lie slept, for I came ta Toronto by way af New being ta the Hahy Land when lie thlatpassibly Yaur Exceliency! ihe was a high liver. andi then on York. which then had the sanie was in his eighties. He was well 'niight be pieased ta know that wc the run tilI 9 or 10 or over 12 an population as Glasgow. 1 was reati andtihe had rare canvensa- 'have still with us this wathy 'Saturdays. fifty-five days an the wà.y. I came tional powers andi a phienomena i nma n. It may be added that ane! -I knew bath Leithi and Edin- out with the Hon. James Buchan- accuracy of memary. I endeavor- of Mr. Patcrsons characteri-stics!burgh weil. On the dcath of an andi worked in ane of his es- ed once ta get hlm ta s peak tapýis a becaming modcsty andi he has George IV. I heard the proclama- tablishments. The late Senator the students in the liigh school.i no knowledge that lus name is tion af William IV reati at Leith John Macdonald, founden of the No, hiecoculint think 0f such a being used in this way. , pier, in 1830. I follawed the lier- dry gaods firm, alsa came ta the thing, but to show his good %wili. In due time the falloiang replyr aids up into Edinburglî and heard sanie firmn in the early days and lie gave me a sum aof maney ta be was received. on stationery with it reati a second tinie at. the cross as a lad fan a time slept under a useti for prizes in Engiisli. %itli heavy black barder, for the court 'raads in the city. In the crowd caunteî- in the store. Toranto then strict charge nDt ta nmention h-îs was in înaurning for his Majcsty!ncar me at the cross roacis sat had a population of abaut 12,000. naine in anyý way. Now. however, Edwvard VII. twao men in a carniage. A man -I gat ta knaw many who af- itcn etoc.Ottawa. 28th November. 1910 paintedti t one of them and said. tcrwards became praminent but It was my great privilege dur- ' Sir. That is Sir Walter Scott." The thcy are alI gone. I knew William ing tlîe lust few ycars of his life I am desireci by Hi-; Excellency 'other I afterwards learnec was Lyan Mackenzie but lie di not. ta spenci some of my Friday ev- ti, acknowîcdge thle receipt of an Ameican, a Mr. Davis. My impress me as a strang man. 1 enings at his hame. chatting withi vour letter of tlîe 24t1î instant and fr'end. Mr. John L. Blaikie of Ta- thaught him somcwhat flighty. him and listening ta lus remin- ta thîank yau far it..1 rýot. tlîinks lie anti I are the "In 1842 I began business for iscences, with pencil andi littie HMs Exccliency is very much in- onîy twoý men living wha have a myseif as one of the fil-st tenants note book carefully under caver teresteci in w-la: you fell hîm lear recollectian of Sir Walter, in what was afterwards thîe A- as w-e sat at the table, about Mr-. Thiomas Patersan anti for lie dieci in Septemben 1832. bany Club. My neighbor was the *hink of a man of 95, when lie ivaulti very muchu ike to have -I was a close student of poli- late Han. John McMurrich. We 4ghsh was under discussian andi an opportUnity af meeting hlm tics even in thase days. Thilere lias knew samething of the neeci af lie was askcd lus apinion of Mil- andi hearing some of his remin- 'been na agitation in later times water anti light 'in thase days. ton. quotîng without a slip the : iscences, but Mis EV~elncy is not. ta compare with that over the There were no iamps and on King first twenty ines of 'Paradisel quite clear as ta how far Mr. Pat- Reform Bill. We were on tlîe street we got aur w'ater as it was Lost.', or reeling off a stanza of; erson's resitience is from Ottawai verge of a revolution. Feeling brought framn the bay anti pecidled. Horace ta, show the Scottish pra- and ihe hardy likes ta ask a gen- was intense andi in some cases arounci in tanks and piped into nunciation of Latin in his school-, theman of Mr. Patersans great btter. I remember that Mn. Cas- barreis ta be kept far use. If the boy days. He miglît at one time1 age to undertake the fatigue ùf sels. grandfather of thîe present water wa.s poor. gooti whiskey was recaîl an article hie had reati in caming to Ott.awa for the purpose Hon. Justice Casseis. was then anly 25 cents a gallon anti same Chambers Journal in 1834 or: af seeing him. if the distance is manager of the National Bank of used it as a germi killer. something that hie remembered of, considenable. Perhaps you would 'Scotianti and a strang Refarm "I frequently visiteti the aid Bonar Law's grancfather or other let me know whether Mr. Pater- Bill man. The directors were on lanti, and I remember particular- old divine hie had known in early son ever bas occasion ta come ta the opposite side and they dis- ly a visit ta, London in 1850. 1 days. andi the next time hie might Ottawa for his own purposes. If: missed hlm because of his politi- was in the crawd with a frienti discuss George Brown or William 's.adi a olihtm nw1pcal views. The Midhand Bank of near the House of Commons in Lyon MacPCenzie in Canada. or~ when hie la ikeiy ta be here next. Englanti. however, matie hlm an June. the night of a great debate deali ntellhgenthy anti accurat-ely Mis Excelency wauid much Iike affer af £1000 a year. a higher on the Don Pacifica affair on wi*th the career of David Lloyd ta arrange an interview with îîim. isalai-y than hie was receiving. anti which Peel matie his hast speech _______________________Yours fait-hf ulhy, hie went ta them. He afterwards anti which gave Palmerston bis D. Malcolm, came back ta Scotianti andi be- f irst prominence. Palmerston was Governor Generai's Secretary. came a bailie or aldermnan in the the idal of the people on accaunt John Elliott. EZci city hee bat lef t. of the stand he was taking, and 3Principal, 0f "In Septemnben 1834 after the every mention of bis name 2/ Bwmavihi Hih &bol. Refarm Bill hati passeti and Earh brought a cheer. He hati passeci 4%Bowmanvilhe, naia.Shol Grey, grantifather f aur present inta the House, and a fine erect BowmnviIe, ntaio.Governor Generai, hati retired aid man brusheti shoulders with 3 ~It was a pheasure to finti that fromn the premiership. a great me as hie worked bis way tbrough On acran«d Tust Mr. Paterson didi not resent the banquet was helti in his honor. It the crowd ta get into the House. Cerhifcaf.s hmt alGeadi a gvn h ubro usswas ue (M.Ptrqntksre hope tht i coud b arange sad t be 000andthetickets pride in t-be fact that hie had once A "te wowInveee, er-ment ginfor ie.A awyer brusheti shoulders wit- t-he Duke A .ega5 netetfr lasi ootbt ntec-fin fmnual o attend. of Welington). Then camne an- Trust Funds 'asicn of the lust visit of the gave me his ticket anti I hîad the atber man dresset in a comman- Un Gvernir Gencral to Taronto goot foart-une ta be present. Op- laaking bluish suit. carrying some Uconditionally Gueant.ed shien it bati been provisionaliy posite me sat my aId grammar papers. A working man in the -lie city hie was temporarily con- cognize me. The chairman was Bobby. He has a lot of books with HE ~f inedt t the bouse anti unable t-o the present Lord R ose be r ry's him anti he's going to make maetetp rniahr nelrt -epe peh" M a ib. as STERiLI4C.aIKUI a In a second letter from Govern- sent cari as a speaker. The chief Sir Robert Peel who that ight Iment House. Ottawa, Mr. Mal- !speaker of course was the guest matie bis ast speech in the House CORPORATION colm the Gavernar Generah's sec-'! of honor. Eari Grey, a fine look- of Commons. The next day hie retary. wrate: "Shoulti Mis Excel- ing oit. gentleman apparentiy met with a fatal accident, as a STERUNG TOWER TORONTO 'lency not have tlîe pleasure of about seventy years 0f age. The horse an which he was riding meeting him hie wouid be very p ther speakers, bath effective, slîied and fell upon him, ant ihe ________________________________________________________________________lived oniy three days." j OBITUARY 1 Dr. R. P. Feild, Owen Sound Dr. Richard Purser Feilit dieti in Ow'en Soundi on February lSth. BO]RtOW IMGAT T3E ANKfaihawing a lengthy illness. He w-as in bis 63rd year. A former dnin1929. During that termi leiaugurateti dentah service in V the schuools, a service since con- tinuet by boarti of education. Dr. FARMING, DAIRYING, purposes. If they have good se- Feilti was a past presitient of Cr-I-WD TIXI-.- l 1il North Grey Canservative Asca ESTABLISI-IED i81l in Bowmanville anti was in heî 88th year. ý1a 2apk uher siall ccolni ar IlThie funeral service was bielti "a 'an u hu Pla/ au //n Pi î.~mrFebruary 12. f rom the home of Mr. G. Adcock, anti was contiuct- 9 et by Rev. W. Rackham of the Bowm-anvulle Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager Hampton Unitedi Church. Ah- tbougb there were no immnetiate relatives present, those who caret for ber andi withu wham she bat MODERN, EXP[RIENCED BANKING SERVICE . .. t11<. Oîicome f 121)'eit> i'nSucc<r,,l Operation the last fcw years of ber ife matie ber home anti who were vem-y at- tentive ta ber t-o the hast, ta- - K enge ias cars more oral Ilian adder,1 to te voire of aîîy truc de- MdtauqIlin Blick raises>>> -Ralph Gortion. Y OU may flot care about engine design. or know a shackle from a cylnder-hcad. But when inventive genius anc1 enginecring skilT combine ta raise the value of your automobile dollar - that's news you can't afford ta skip. McLaughlin-Buic< has a double-barrellecl news story like that for you this year ... in two exclusive engi- neering triumphs-thc DYNAFLASH Engine and ne-w' TORQUE-FREE Springing! The first brings you perform- ance far bcyond the power of words tu paint. The Phone 2510 Courtice -i---til SV* *r neignoonng«< /RFf KOtIR ROOFS FIRE-TrRAPS? 1fien.d. attendeci the funeral. In- FLOWERS AND SPRING tern.>îuiitwas matie at Bowvman--___ ville cemie-:ey. The skies are duil and gray a-id ]Bc-:11î- left fathcrless q u i t e N drab. youngin Noleai es are crn the trees. yon nlife. she w-as braught uP 'Th, Le:ds all look sa colti and by l1e,-mothers bratheî- at Brock- i C11411, ville. She was like ber mother. Andi fno;t 2s in echi breeze; who '.%a.s a former school teacher At ties its damp anti wcf an-i at Hamîpton, very inteligent and cii-ar, of a rctiing disposition. Many; No wihd irds sweetly sing, altier citizens stili remember whcnI But neyer minci. cheer up gooti ber mother liveci in apartments -frientis, over Mr, Èaulch's tailai shop west P Veil soon havefhwesat of the corner store whicb w-as de- spring. stet by fire a few- years aga. î One sister Ada, a second wife 1Tm ucky fis1ti ck of ber hiusbanti, predeceaQect ber. speeti by, Mrs. M. L. Burbanhc Laui El-q Colti winter wintis wont hast, f ocU.a nece an he so El or ýIt's tii-ary ahi arount to-day. forir, arccc. aniviber neltirds But soon such days ai-e past; Bui-bankd, , aic.urivnd rlivsorLoak forward ta flic sunny time., two sistcrs-in-law. Mis., 'A neyer m inciheer up goodn- Frank Ruse, Hampton. anti M Se. I foind herupÏo J. K. Lyons. Manitoba. 1 ols Those who bore hier ta her hast PWc'ison hv foe-sat resting place werc Messrs. E. M. p Cale. Wiuil Wihbur. C. W. Sauch.' Anti 50 with life, dark davs w-l A. B. Cryderman. Thîcodore Sal- came, j ter, anti Alvin Peters. Oui- bopes be avercast. Among floral werc a We somefimes wonder just hiowi wrcath. Mrs. M. L. Burbank j1 long. sprays from Mi-. Elford Burbank 1Th:s dark, drab lime will lasf:P Mrs. P. Ruse anti Mrs. J. K. Ly-p But time stihi files, anti weeks ans. Mrs. Jas. Burns anti Florence. 1 speeti by. Mi-s. G. Adcock anti Mrs. S. Ker- j Anti brighîtncss soon tlîey'll sey. anti Mampton Women's In-' bring. stitute anti Aduht Bible Class. Se neyer minci. chîcer up gooti folks, Vieil soon have flowers anti , . .spring. second puts soft but sturdy coil springs on the rear wheels-.with Knee-Action Up in front-to increase amazingly your riding comfort. your safety and the car's road-hugging steadiness at every speed. Both these great features are exclusive McLaughlin- Buic< advancements-found on no other car. That is why we say. "Try the ride, compare the price tags, and you Il say McLaughlin-Buick is the most advanced car in the world ... the 'buy' of the year!" ROY NICHOLS Falling sparks, drivng rfaiàswrirling snow-they'll ail roll off a CoWIsCII Standard Tite-Lap roof ie watei, off a duck's back. It is good for a lifetime and is soid by us with a 25 vear guarantee. And this Company is well able ta ive up ta every clause in that guarantee. Ask your banker. S Tr A T 1IrT E You will find Tite-Lap the best roofing value you "- can get. You can put it on right over your old Led-H cd N a ils roaf. It combines strength, durability and weather These modern and fi-e protection, Cornes ini large, easilyhandIed ..,a iwitb.h7 iHsbeets. The joints fit so closely they'i-e practicaiiy me ýdranmes ~~ianviil.d sm d nboh« o tn ad mor-e thewn and'Acorn" quaîly. Send ridge and rafter ordinary barb- I~ measurements for free cost estimate. Ahi Council n d rofig Standard tiimmings, ritge caps and hip caps are tale. b naek . now hat-dipped galvanized after forrning. This them b extra tiurability. famous Preston Staal Truass Barns Tite.Lap THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN. n'ý7T\iýlin 1 1628 Crawford Courtice Phone 25 10

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