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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1938, p. 11

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1938 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24TH, 19,38 -TI-I C.\NADI.\N STATESMAN, BOWM-.\ýN\'IILE, ONTARIOPAEEEE the TuEF OROnNO NBws te ýrt"Improvements In Our Village" 1~tePo MA~NYREAM UEDY elnCue oeCieIa ion 1-TA E AiU S A IW at a s ,re- +peN OU C M N Orono arena was the scene of Poverty,_Topic fDbtusa ny Tuesciay night frein 7 until il 15 <j~ngto hageof at ad te axmensflor te oun- A'SWER TO D.CLIL >id, as a misuIxderstanding about ilC cliamber painted, a new f ire AINTES Newatewa opa aiîo J Thî(e. Sho Coarse a f OertoV heLvig ing the hall decreasing the usual at- a arm, sanitary cups at the park. pyr give H NG F O ATO LInl1 tendance, the proposed lecture! mor 1ebr garn theh Hortîcuit- o.abli ve unitote and slides by Mr. G. M. Linton' ural Society, and blinds fo te! Canadian St.atesman, OnadAtrMrhlt 98ta appear. so Newcastle won by jn, TCLC. Ihe banquetFravAd tfagncflsheir on'Rfoesraio" aslet f counicil chamber. Bowmanville, Ont. default. However they dividedinighit %vill mark the cl0sing. I rnsbesnsi h iig tii the March meeting of the Wo- adpae rciegm.Eet ftewe nld nrFoe oprs wes ax enmen's Institute. Insteaci. Mr.! Mis. Rolph stated from March 1Dear Sir- The Office of an thaei rtie a pP-. incenso tehae Tesdav l'e igv i o h oie at t on at, the February meeting '28 to April 1 a sewing wvould In last Wekshsethr p ien ei playe w C uce with ~led ihat more crime iý u ewowrstelv ogdy hield in the Council Chaniber oni cehl ihaTrnotahr'erdalte rmD.Ni o McCutcheon of Orono as referee. r sealîh1 thani to po-)%ert-." Mis iaAdhsla ekt ihe Saturday gave slides and explan- m charge and urged ail to join lville of Orono, in which he says u h fimtv.,psdh floers shubsan garden s th te coiurse. Taed tae Fidarady e artoe "tho oeon h faisTh ro o Nev This was certainly a fast gamne Hdgnand Gerald Sl1ackletona-A ewaywnshsw ations ofthe pictures oTheos0 nsiueac aet~vnaei at thato now perso aul game a. frather onlp s. gil... .\licte afrmtive and Brtrmr1xessek emn ote Mr.R. uttn aeraingthe Ian- :58 mnembers. of this country until he or she texri. Mr. M. H. Staples. who attend- has a stake in this country via will be Iocated in Cthe. creeng 16-5n in for of Sser.(i Th e, NIrs.etoted-ig Picturesat conventionea certainly hiad a hec- as m T aylor and L. W eb c e r 'eagardens, including the Gireen gai'- in Toronto, spoke briefly teîling of which is $50.00 and the 1rat, Miss Elsie Rowe's Home tc time. He was iniured in the SekrSakeo ~.rc ht0 h U hylv hl ee ensa eb foe cd of teilsrtdlcue n est $1200.00. at u cos S)ae hcltnasre tuc I ae eevn at u cos a Iclcuol. murder and icd -pehsejy. ireotwl. When one reads suhpxiggish vfl nm oenese y ponds, rokgresn rng be given at a regular meeigo trpfrmamnofhspaet loosened. And - the worst is yet wieh. ate lmdhte tTiigwt hi ev od church yard. varbous Hriclua1 Society. At the! years. one undex-stands w~h3 thel to core- a fieîy tempered Cour- whetlî fr îxiern slncbd a..ati Adtebosm rah we fiawers and vines, a aans March meeting of Horticultural great Osier said years aga., L"tat hairthfrctiiin ýha a gadn t.,a eî apcues e t Mr Clre Trno wl ist, men should be chloroformed tice player grabbed him by his shls liîîîialjîiig, cetigho.frrae show:ng faundation planting. g:ve an illustrated lecture and a at 60 or 65 years af age." Ngtv ruet;sget social evening will be enjayed. The self, self satisfied, Telephone Number is Unchanged impression af fisticuifs. Four or iliere %%as. more crime wlhenthr Two interesting fact. men- meeting closed with a lovely egatswobcas em b fn ive boys seartedhix rome thes e. oe i h onr n S iefoest h iig tioned by Mx-. Linton in his ex- rlunch of sandwiches. doughnuts a o beause he cay pesitin preye an0 Cuch 1rer6h tlat the use of alcohol was mr te hi lsosa ieswy planations were that the real an e.go nuhfnnilpsto hn 0rI6would-be pugilist off the ice. The 1)revalent among those w~howeeMkigertgad ihtan- Nlue spruce is a result 0f graft- an e.ta buy Gov't. annuities himself, joke of it was. Earl thought. the dnsvn and ont. Nlonev, or theacgin, In nyaot e eto would deny to those. not so situ- persan concerned was an on- of it. %aonof th chiM H e ing onh abut 3percent0frated. the gxeatest treasure, the loaker and gave him no set time V a meotece ase, on vna vr y seeds matux-ing into the real PARK sir SERVI CES: greatest boon ever conferreci on as penalty, so hie was back in a o1. friction among husbands andLk h hr-rwe afen thing, thus accaunting for thei.r the working man, the xight ta ex- Office Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. minutas playing. Several other 'vise..- Nis, Bairstow painbe iig0 Hsvr et expensiveness; and the fact that rRev. J. H. Ostex-hout spoke an press his opinion via the secret penalties were handed out. r picture of tihe ef fects of povertsadMkna-hajyu evn rases are one of the hardest. if Pee!tt~ onn e'c tblto i on~safis uilCiTplovment and sbated that otWeeteweyrnyinre. 1a thee aaiest tthng tarin grrvic -tblo nhscutysafi Office Closed Saturday Afternoons -This game finished. two picked r crime %vas cansed hv necessitv.-e.Dvi rni nttehret hnst rv.jPark St. Church on Sunday. He! As we listen to the radio or teams from Orono plaYed a real Implrointu slpeeches also fieandThPitnGet. The vote f thanks ta M. Lin- jelucidated on the fact that it was read aur papers we wonder why game. the score being 7-6. Jim the Tuesdav session of the Litrr ton was moved by Mrs. Ed Dean's self -satisf action. loss of: people turn to Communism and _________________________________Tamblyn piayed goal for thýe van-, Soýciet%, with i. ese lcbr 0.d Was onveye tollU hiC3 hrsd fear ffat maePtrthose many other. seemingly. ___________________________________quished team and Jim Major for on 'vBenefit froni theShr O. W Roph.follw Cris 'afr of."strange doctrines. while living in the winning side. To, distinguish; Cours.e'; Jerry Dus ai on Dffr ie mi etoso aso Th'le meeting was in charge of Mx-. Arthur Bell rendered a vo- 1such splendid democracies such these teams we wiil caîl one iences nl Agriculture Toda-': Bbi' euv Mrs. Dean and her cammittee and cal solo in his usual fine voiceý as ours, but whien we see men raby' n heohrMjrs wasoin a wn erfu succsof andrciedaWr f prca such as Dr. Colville rushing into CI ~ 'D 'g M !Scores were made for the former r hnda Pioy be M.arried: n îie ;bn 9 Folain afe wrd o a-t'on and best wishes framn thelprint with such disgusting Pro- SOTam by' and the othe MajWo'. Rtmrod o \ \a g ots ea ee e 5 Preciation by the President, Mrs. pastor on behialf of himself and SOoasCsteonIeAuLte t e-cx.R ANDd McCutheon. Glod lianvc ofLvng NFri' n Gog oe onl am e Rohph. on behaîf af hex- mothex-, the cangregatian as this was histhe reading public hast week, then. and McCutcheon. Fox- Ma.ior's Riddell conducied a conbtest tocut-RcBon adCra aby and erse! fo theInstitutes last Sunday as a member f Or- 've can readily undertand why sol Councîl meets Tuesday. Max-ch set and X-raed. She is no team the scarers included Kelis. ,I,1 tu e u enterainmnent.faordwttobasqutee ki.ndness during Mrs. McDanald's ana chair. imany men and wamen see "red." ls etn ln x ~MsGLPe arson and J. Wood. Peax-son .Ten~.pprsa îe an ubr. r .Wdi fteO illnss. cax-respondence and bisý The choir xendered the anthleni Tehaetsetepoiblt~ getn rln iscly Ms G. L. .1 Th tff toki thiti were dealt With. 'Stand Up for Jesus." with Mes- : o their chex'ished ideals being ilad to hear Mrs. McCutcheon Carscadden swho is ýv-sxtxng her is recive aa peat inh. the stuîdemxîs and i mll be ce ..bain a A ettex- from Geo. W. James dames A. A. Dr'ummond and G.'taken fram thema by people no!is împroving. attendîng her !Tex Rickard of Newcaste hi. hlr Ex-hie' of O.S.C." Otuier ies'ai iigtn. olwn ssread, asking for a donation M. Linton taking the duet. and! better than the3'. i Ne teepone bok were de- cieo. J. Fawler. age 56. prom- irfeue ox thevnisgt ga ch k,. " ad riesfr heDrhm . uto te oo ar.History 'îas been made for a hiee1ody et ecato acue.B ruh h vnn aacoe he roigamu incnde Casn-bmmernmr fhs ai iei #sclFestival. $5 was grantedi. At the evening service the pas- 'long, long time by men and wo- r Mr. John Hudson has resumed C., died Dec. 13th afte- a major. iel edn vBhCîtr;aadyiiami n tde or Sevex-al lettex-s of thanks fx-om toi. toîd the stories of Chîrist' ; men who rebelled against the 1wark at the Forestry.oeain He wa a cousin of the E mixed qluarebe B"eatrice Hamm tngt h pae uindwt werse also re surrect va ion prand ced olin H.-snobbish' attitude o! a handfui r Glad ta see Sydney~ York out lae R. Fawler, Orono. HîsN IL Lîpol endeimi. Lnaut. winbuî and sai oresiArc.leas those Baby girl. midgetstio denate babydng ins chrg the andein "Irograma, LE T RE e rut o x-s. Ralph cangratulated Mrs. ascension. and painted out thiat of pepl who. beîng in the 'dri- araund again. I ab girl_________ rigt ',laverv. iivigstone's stheess might E. J. Hamm, secx-etary. who re- b3y faith and prayer we ahways' ver's seat". tried ta make th.ose 1Miss Hazel Winter visited her boy midgets in the hockey game The devatianal commîttee, Jacklle!a b ) fteefrst tm u ce'ved great praise fromi the Head have Mim with us. less fortunate pay for the privi- 'mother. Mrs. I. Winter. played xn Orono arena Thursday. Barnes and Mxs. C. Burhey3 A-ee td t Office for her com'preiens- re- .lege of hiving. 1 oni u the score being 3-2 Eunice Md r hreo h egeporr The choix- sang 'Sweeter as the Covih Mr.~±. Jon amblyn isotagaîn e .- a LageCOURSE edcaEkCTUREhsmaielntr proftewrofteOooAsk Dx-. Covlewh3' the hi- 1after his iîîness. dleton scored tieand Margaret Wednesday. KSws nejoal por 0 th wx-ka!theOrnayears go by" with Mx-. and Mrs. dren of Israel tx-ied ta flee thexr Mrs. J. Eagleson visited friends Flintoff once for the girls. and .evening. branch. She also urged conven- ,Rowhand Smith taking the verses toxmenars WhyAK the MUNI aa hrrwo.I _ ex-s tohn nterrprs omnos h h ana;Cerwo.West and Shaw scorecI for the Mx-s. J. J. W. Stringe- has re- 1 n tmly esaemnfo ta andin hei- rpors. as a duet. Charta? Why the Reformatian? Mrs A. H. Keane. P.G.R.N. is boys. Mr. R. Widdis was referee. turned from visiting- hex- mother, Unionm mneetinîg Motdax- niglit a u ntdSats e u afm Mrs. Ed Dean infarmed the Next Sunday Rev J. B. Moore, Why Ox-angeism started? Why attending Mr. Cameron at Tyrone. Frank Pearson manages thle boys rMrs. Ramsbottam. at Bancroft. inii charge of Sani Keanie and Ms iigtn n e co o i »Ybeen prepareci warth about $10. Bn lrecithe Pilgrim Fathers dared te M r. M. H. Staples attended the and Ronald Pattersan the girhs. FoklfPrirttnaebig eatrice Hamiiîmîî the latter presidn.ppr efudhmadieto Mrs.ton H.d Deaner gav ther tFelkus of PrBiteaeb rin; Netng uipeneul xith a few os pr.H ea aete ra -iaton andi anghoers o! Amri- lHoxticultural convention in To- O. C. S. jaurneyed to Port Hope îng a play here unde- ausie 1w xx-îps withwi reimin fothwee te ta' fort siia ah balesa inctemn c ta theirH Hun"NG in B n rltie Tuesdiay ngtadplayed hioc- W. A. enite SbrwSrgadleh ahr retrmeddificit gieag$t59gniainmetn.5rem4!GereI. ... 4I.____ tain? Why the States rebelled 1Mx-. and Mrs. Norman Winter key on their ax-ena. The score was MsI Slacter o h ossfee n Paswrmaet ieagf ginst fGog IMs laBrw has returnedi ao in tlie deatb of tlhe citizcnsi ae-Lvnsoede n i to ou ne ctiznsand remem- ards wassi xne yh despotic ere o rn.Ooosgaswr h nywih ý ons rrne t eea htis Park St. Monda, nilith o!n th1oaafsf hi Mx-. William Gould. Richmond scored by Major (2), Ronald Pat- .w wegs pud imute, ncddhsntxetn an bra n s ttt seris shuting r necks? Wlîy thausands of Cana- Hill, is visiting his brother. Mr. tex-son and Bob Case. Dick Pat- stili in the incubatar there. his mnenîarv. broken by tiravx x'etiîse .(by x.Wdi ThuIntiuteiscaex-ngfo Iister presiding. John Tamblyn dians. some still living. lef t homes George Gouki. tenson assisted in one af Major's her. hoeiSeiovle thight Mrew bqet Drssed Drummnctd scartay n .A n ovdoe ofc bullets. Hockey games Thursday and and ln Case's score. Keep Up the Mliss Thelmna MAsreadte ham. cloe potataes. peas, The werer mett Moaod work. boys Visiors thriemre Mx-suei Covii ado stueiv address by Mir.n thd ne-R HPr carrots, salads, .ielho. pie, cake. whien Ervin Rainey nighlet hark poned.getl preNr. .C Rsooul raiL. bx-own bread. coffee. The wolrkarhesssosn lce0 ? Miss Betty Chough bas return- ciate the banquet tendered by the Hope. with Mx-. and Mrs. S. Part- 1; witbi a splendid piaia dnet and Cim girls wha are taking the courseO. L. Drummond who bas maved ndh'lf1 hease t ed to Newcastle, her mother be- Women's Association. and also the eous. îTa' for witb a reading regardixnu otnn enst n are doing the decorating and set- aw.ay. alh questions. *Because thie lads 1ing mach improved. $10 given them by the W. A. Mx-. and Mrs. B. Cowan and 'wriber anîd %vriting of "He Leadtîti aîgftr no osbe ting the tables. and the boys are, OiiiBadaIteO-n higher up tried to make the un- Messrs. Fred Sisson and Cliff ,which will be ased to buy music. f amihy with Mx-. and Mrs. M. Os- ,Nie' wbhicb %vas sanig. I i i vr iigtn i o putng ap the tables. 150 are circuit met on Manday nighît and drgsciealtheme. Jones have been assisting Mr. Jim Mention of this maney. whNch wa borne. Mox-rish. Lamne Webb, onie of the irîtu-sewesnigo- rgibtjs expected. er- My wif e and I were m arried jRiecbards at meter reading. px-esented at the banquet wa Miss Velma Cowan witli ber box-' iin the short course, spoke 1re-t eiv h sfe-n n i h Mrs.d H. Aledrse.Tabysig tatio he Leskard ac nearly 18 years aga, we boaght IMrs. W. J. Stutt was operated omnitted from aur write-up last sîster, Mrs. Roy Smith, New~ton- vHenntodth Nr Mrs. R. CAsn . Mrs. L. Ta bly akn thacki the O hrno the fax-m near Pontypool wliere rn j edasbs bad b oh! hlm bliat Orono. starmes ta canvile.vent the natives.inithat Mr. .C.Robrog. rs . etaenbckitoth roowe still reside. have tnied tor vs ish ber aspeedy recavery. ýdent. px-esented it and Mx-. Neil F. Mx-. Beverley~ Hendersun with hadl a -f ic biincli af boys butbiusHma eafa a F.Hay. Mrs. O. W. oopi.n Mrs. circusi Alte wa freed ad open- enuhde saf tay ourselves and iTrinity and St. A n d r e w's Porter thanked the danars. Mr. and Mrs. Max-vin. Morrish. didImi't mxentin te giruls. He agxedadbref hne hs h a F. Hano Mrs. .pe. a e M rs suni ws agreed tat Levie hien and payoux- a, and church hockey teams. Bowman- xthrBlreivdaMx-. and Mis. W. A. Reid and liat edmeation %vas uost if tbcme taeprtRcatowsenod 1Er Dapntr Mrvs. M . t pkrdin hedbetive ca e wriehva h woe se e vilhe, played here Monday nlighît. ArhrBl eedasurprise Ba rbara with Mr. and Miss cira-1wbo Nvas edicate did îlot bave% mdrbrdrcin -few faveurs of aone, bu w presnainFia hnaot suggestion was nmade regard- ed ont. A committee of five fraîn 1 Ith rknlwie-pas'35 persans af West Group, Kirby ha.aiîtireciatioiofgd ieau. ~ng a First Aid Kit for the sclîoal the board was appainted ta vax-k haveigterda tehmeol bundet anovt cruan ity week the word '*eachre" was used Chr-)tbfda hehm > Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stevens. s aid tuxat lie did nat apprxeciatel co> lbwl earget n but notbing was decided. Some witb the Leskard canîmittee to av bo.h ro't nuiY by mistake in ane place for 'cr0- Mx-. and Mx-s. R. Best. and in Part Hope. with Mr. and Mrs. P. until the sîmbleet xvas fox-ced onriuptantep-nmRdsb-n are o! the opinion that the school tîy and work out the details and Htae ie ntia ontr enaah kîol. 1 Steeen ofni Hes forhauln nîmnie nscae bts at; lessnwihs RaI cal 'as nswredby n vnd he uesionta ue sli~- begg aring aurselves in order to1 glican Church met in the Parish, gave lîim a leathe- music case imRolaen ins ausre n"Smb syey "-%.nin an rh rueati n g e-e csa s t avte? aetn fh Hll asTludyadniad and a lauditory address. Miss ...........rr..,r. ~ .... .. imrvemers i told w'îtolîd lrad S men 'can er maovde. arag- nd therare ten ofx theus i'a Audrey Biliings made the pre....................... . . . . . .rrrrrir:rrii been dane - including the tari- ___________ ands a! people in a lîke position!Ga a îa-tatMs r sentation and R. Cliapman read r.ir5:Irr '-vy sidewalk. Otliers gave sug- 'thraughout our great Dominion, tclywowss al n thes eepae n vno £"'asas ta whîat cauld be done E' ery bodN who svorks makes Supposing Dr. Coivilie's sug- juted in a car accident some time! giae 'ex-e payle and e.e-oî ota Sail f-s, aid kit 4n s-baah. sand on woîk fax- somebody else. gestion were to become lau' and ag is able to be up.ladnejybeti.BuiesCue( hesa ommunity f pox-ia peole We notice by the "Home andj On Satarday next, at the Ox-ano >i04.a acr a'odnty lie ballr iPteosle, 'Countr-y' that Orona W amen's arena, two games of hockey wîll Ohw.Ot u wud'li hle"i hsiinstitate donated twa seats ta be played. ice conditions permit-nldd oa e samne people boagbt tlîeix- annai- Oxono Commiunity Park. ting. The first game is bet veen Ivr~pî.dc, tie ii adex t voe siti tie, O C.S. Commencement wiii the Orono Midgets and the Baw- money they slîould bave riglit- be beld in the Assembly hall of nianville Midgets. Game calhld at w hlcuerlh fuliy paid lus services, and leIt the scbool Tuesday, Mai-rh îst. at 1 p.m. The second ganie îs be-Gvrmn:tx Iiîm holding the bag? 8 pm. Plan ta attend. jtween Fred Lycett's senior public ILet Dr. Colville leax-n ta bfl Several. cars were d it c h e d sclîoah t eam o! Centre St. scbaol. tolerant, ta fear God. do the riglit Tharsday and Friday and many 'Oshiawa. and the Ox-ono Continu- and that we suîouid have ectual citizens wha liad occasion ta Walk atian scboal teani. Games calied r E e yl)o 7 's B 3anIc kriglits for aIl men witli .pecialin~ slippery places felI. No in- a, 4 p.nî. Don't miss fhese games i prîvîleges ta none, tlien he %vill juie ivere repax-ted. a tscan be assared thiat both have earned the get esson Mx.O .Sotla h i-jgmssilb enycantested. 2000t lea. ago ba1 injrd D0car repar aietwl b ee opinion triat it wtt selectea play- 1 O *urî fox-ner towvnsman. Mr-. J. ex-s of the age linuit that mve could IN IO AT S G. Haney. nov' residing at Santa eat Pat Prry - but al returned .Baxbara, Cal., underwent a criti- is!ying day. iThe Long Bios.. Vermilion NTI Ougattes aneCrex Cored hi byDcAlta., aIl w*on prizes at the re- n A Ptterýn ad CainenCornsh. HE S STEMcenît banspiel at Edmonton. Fî'ed PCW'TI li ,IkN D A A KTuanks are due ta H. Goode. and- Perce fox tiîeir expert lîand- --. O ] O M . C EP. Lunn anîd 0111e Coopet' foi' use *IC INVTA I D ng o! the stanes w;ere presented ...... 1114o! tlieir cars. R. Widdis and F. wîtbl gaîd watches anîd ather ar't- C O M M R C EPearson acconipanied the teain. ridles. and Fi'ank x-eceived. a set af Ettalised 867gohd-handled knives anîd f oxks. If weall lad te gif of scondMi'. Geor'ge Wannan is mov'ing O N C S. . LGANA. E. ARSCOTT ,;ight thete wanhd xîot be many ON O L R fromî Kîx-by to the resîdenei Prosident General Manager cases aif lave at fiist sighît. , the Hallett block v'acated by Mi Ph. 51 Ignorance is bhiss Miîen a inan AT YOU I ' GI H. Hoapei'rPon 51 b11I l 1 as imox-e maoney tiîan lie knows Mrs. George Price, C.N.R. depat, Wba ta o %wit... lixas been indispased.

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