-ex I PVI -,\ rTHE I'\ D NrAEMNi X XXIL.ONTARIO THURSD \Y, FEBRLtARY 24TH* i9i~s Mrenabin';titt§mani A Wetk:y '. - sc e" dlr-r. sstf the ts'w- c a-~cadS--- gcut issued at <- : e.S~a.' ayT-5. by M. A. arres S .1.-ir ai:1 cb s-e-s. T-e Carracl a-rState -r- ss - - e c ' ýtre Canad.arr WeekIy '-e-r"az - s :a :t : s- t-e Cass - Weekis ' a-a.a. 5. ý MES. EZ TOrR S-BSCUD j% 14ES Arrywhe'e M'Ca-ada. 2w a yea" î- U"ted States, $2.50 a yea'r. a-'abie -ac'.arce.S ig:e copies. Sc. Make Canada a Better Place in Which to Live and WNork -ha- "-- non!a' p<'" - or--- -.k r-r ter-a-.dW ,.=-Ci e,e ai rT- > ' " I 5 le-a- t- aW. a- l-- -A r r ' i -vh,' anW-a-d seek' The t'Orp-.'trni -l.iet-r T--iwi. w-- -j-':' -t-i-'-.ra i n 'W1An rOt "r- hr-- i t- ce -w yn xv .re ap-r-. 'i rt trni nr Y t, n imeryi r-l-'" p r-i. t. i'Pdi - k. %v' Th5" np (-) ' 'h-- inA-----at'tia i it a: . vra l lirver at- uari l'a'eurnntni rît-.- atm rive si-i a'- -n.rrî in trim. iït, rwar-i ' Ae "for1 t art 'r: n.v t t ur-- -- ln 'ru' r A r--r-t' l in rO -tii-..i, lr p Arýo or-" ri Ar, %vi"er-h avr irs'o teth-e le'- rert-. W- reofrv 'arhé rr narler- xviii -e sprtir. 't -.-- î rkn Iie 'Oîi:î Pri'r--r a'liePt 1-drs f ou. rrr'ît. o are inoa itz ir rl'td'iit-. be'... l- rtr-r- ai "v o- rt-n -l ti t.t: i rî'H . f- xxia' thx' s -. r' rr t i-ntx i fr- reî v nr v'r , a ne- j-Ori A. Rut-. sel. t'-tî '- tt A t "iiiyar ri-î'rCrrf:a-(i.irx. Bstt.--'" rt i dtr . WRi oxr-- im-.s-î t('o. tHito hx t ipadr-,rrr f th s-iRom ratn ir l v nii i ni- LA s'uanpiaanaty A Xr-trr'r . viii a eror front îvr'-r-k tr x ---k:ar-- .T. Pai eroijiPreier oR ailîa:S T. Hîî'z- T D.rfs cri. Preir ofarrittionlRal 'va-,- : Dr.R. . P.. Maclp-a. Fîtîlr ofte MaorriinPtiif-b B. fr Wptv . CH. Lîtrautx P~rsPrr-r. in ciite ('nuaton Ati-r-m srth srnit:crtJapk s A. R. c hrdofflr. 'r- siris"u.r. Ford Motr ('îi : .. . Rn-r- seli. Presidr otlipM eHRnis(Dr. t h 1h Bin-trcPs"rilerat. Rre"tiprn (o. in'aîîa'ra : . R înri. (4tral aita!c. CcrrfelratioTnitLie A-.ionf' 'nalîv: A. M. IDi-,ar.DPre"i -- rf Nsw rttî-xvs-wr D. ttuo. remer. nBii,îttumi eauirtr ritiof'ii ve Birv.:W .. . 'r l - Pr-"-siis-tf. 'td îîî i î i d tîfo r-îrrr- - ar- t'î tr slto a nte-s . R11,112,11i 'ia !i- R-lt. Qîis"n --r U iv rsity: J. S. XV'îoi-- JohrCrl.b-arin codtîr- C- ('. tRs-x' DrIltuand Miauire. t lrrr r!n. sqi:ILx'r-aîî 'ltID-n iii (aoas. :Rt.Re.PeterBn -s. 1)1)..n MDrcî . CUrnit.Erldiîîr.-i' 'îalîA ~SarXlr-. d ir-r t r rA. 'r -fti.(i' 'h- hc,cr'ti daar itiarir - I)- th-sîr-01- i Bir ins D ie-r n d iiz-î. i-oef'-l i' na rfion a 111il ivB. W K-'oiî!-x.Pîsiriur In crs-jttsf (aîirl i t u aman rris- .1,ai s(, itM. t ih, . i n wî'--.reindt. f isnx clt finortrs fouilý'. jijs :U'r S I ti'iîttî1 Rural Mail Carriers Due for Better Treatment a. x t' r-- 'v r l v - T' - H-n Mr EL'r't'-. r-. iai-t- xx t--" ---t-e-t t ci-- -h ru ra ia v-ý . <I.-.,' "" '~n--. '~tr-' : 1-1- es xx'tri -rîîl a - :. .axv 'r f-rt. t.-' fil -rr at' O ir-"i 't R ,t' -M f C' t ntn-r. a l.and-' - *.. t: a ' h-' av-rar- a i!fo- i.- -i, tr r :.-~a d . 1uh 'p'rOte o P - fî75p0 r tu-tt 4.--r -*2!_49p ar. tami - lr- . r--n ta fi 21: livr t- ar.d hi- Iit'- i'Or il r--t,,r-- x4-L w ai rl b- ri3' aa r }' aire i 'rcrp i the ar"taratI ç1 szov- '-f a - 'f P rîîrJ'ta pie.wrth'ut erar t' ~ti' rîfr-. -a refn anrdh' th,;"ltr i ir-- is r; -a pt x---k r~2f~ p' yer h fili. ~irv-rw- tîl ml"--r ra ' i r.ural mail,7rs-ar ri!l'uner-.. ua h îna ii. TPrI -nýr-i r" t- r im- r. n- fr:non-. î--ns'rat, ar tter.ati ii rîî Oir'ltfrî "t- h' ix' a-d t't-tpr ail iop tliit third t r - a i'- rr-c ---- t-- orf a i ith iritr xîl v 11,'i-'-r 't hr',it' rurfal Tniai -ar- x~îrs-"ixs-r tat.':io ':rrn r-Ai'ai tkf- 53 î:r ra.r-in t"irtîie and ii. i nîr' t--ittiri'-ite --riiiti t ti ran .;- t'rr i *75 'i $11110 T i"-. . ,ff-- v-- rh *le it ri i :-t iraîr- froia ti-), i1 Of E ilî-titiilie isar0<$ O rOi im"itionsi'- f'n-rliblivît meni-r." rii- its-ealit ek x tr mi- r' .r't t te. cura riOjit'airi~N 'ietal -.rjtarr di Jr Tak Ca mioYor a istlier .\r iîr-r-:t.r- 'f 2 p-î'rr'tlii rte titîtur j aitct atr, '-. it 'ail di l Icîit ie tlir r'1 's'lit l're- xvi is~r- i irrx ii i: lî- Î> i 1,» tisria. l iiar t troilrl art -"'rr î l>I'exr-itirrli'af Ilr a i lait' f lilnr ;i-. tl., 1tîmet t 'ip'-ttllîti tis- l- , il 'rt'nl tifgg'latya ilonEgsLs irr, a tont -i ':r--- lrr -îu~iî rrth~'it5rf~i adx i ~' if .-'i iuct'riv fni-r-. lie îit lr"t of MAKING CANADA A Better Place in Which to Live and W'ork A Series of Letters from Distinguished Canadians on Vital Problems Affectjng the Future WeIf are of Canada Speciaiiy Writte', for Camadiar, Weekiy Newspapers Assocratior LETTER NO.I 'Dean Mr. Jamnes: I have just received your let- er. You are i posir:on to give -a area, serx':ce to Canada. I was raised on a farru and know the constructiv-e work done by the rural weekly papers. I stil' read them. The-se Publications. being rural. are read -o a greater ex- tent. for zhe number of copies is- sued. than ant- other class off papers. You have asked me for sug- g.estjin. anid -ux'thou-, givîig the matter carefu :l hought. the sug- gestions thazt corne first te rny rn:nd are as foi".ows: 1. To encourage the highest .regard for goxernment. for law and the enforcement off law. 2. That you urge the election. to our dîff erent goverrnent bod- 4es. meni and women off the high- - est charac*er and whose purposýe :will be te serve the people off this countr3' unzelfishly arid to the best off theïr abi:ity-. And on the other harid erideavor to break down polîticai organizatîionswh;ch 1-eek to control geverrmen:, for a selfush purpose and not for the benef:: off :he people a: large. 3. To encourage people to be self-zsupportirig anid to Uve with- in their means. and wherever possible. to accu.r.uta*e. I Zee no reas-on for the ex*tena:.ve dole tha: Seems :'0 exist. not cny :n our coun'ry. but o-ner cour:r:es. Ther-r is as _g-od an opportunity :odav .o make a mx.c: Canada a" 'he:e has been. any ':ne iri the pas'. As a rna'er cf fac- I thîik presen' condt:týons are more fav- ot-able. 4. That we zecure and mafn- taun an expert market. Canada îs natîîralIýy an export country: and our succeas depends ':angelt- on our effort-, along these Uines. 5. To buîld an expor: marke' ttc mr"'t ccmrpe'e :n qua::-.pre and '" x :. To czil.pe-e tn price vve mus:: have competIzvýe cs tixeref-ore. lciv coat*s for the basts off Our succeiss 6. T-a'- ou encouracge a bet- :er unders-and;nig beti-eer. ieý r-,:a. and urban dsrcs Each off, go l-o'me you w»becn.cusc ha;-:ng <,,,ne siome z:od - :o o:ers a- *e) Y,",:- se-f and a" j %VW:. do v -ru :z:oe ûd 'han ra.m- mi:r: a:rcund :-, : a :m.n:)ob- :ec: :rxin Cy :::o go. Be a gadaùbou: i-,h a Purpose anid so-rp-rse you'-.,f,.v much fun ouw.:,ge afm:erar. U .r wha: yoiu haxe- done. and where -ou have beert If yt-u wa' o i. - l" --v :h s c-L:re ,vrrk_,7 .ake ý;tok f the nuniber off o:d peop"q :n me co'in:r-c and see tha' ci :hen, a-e do:nz rixe'r own YoUr scribe -wou:d *.::-.e to pro- .ec- h:mse!f in:i s way-. Don': expec-, any- pay i4r VoU cOrne to l'us ffarrn. t wi', be a b:g sur - pr:sýe if you earr. your board. Dorn*,fforg-et ::'s you tha: wiU 'be ,get:nz al: the coo. ou, off the, exPer:rnen-. 1Voice of the Peopl Tl-.,- E lt -,. 1 a-Il -':r - .,-t Cert ':m r . !car eiich %wce k 'ntcer tire'tr f hr--ntr- the at -tria - jr ni tîte a - cr.n- - rt 'e ca u a c e t ,, -te., '-, 21%rae -Trecia Ii-m;derat-,'n t,-, Of t;Ie farmer. C. H. Carlisle r.l-I'iktr mîtese dý.s*:rc:.s are depend.nza on r.i- 'f 'cpt w -'- -er. I- ',- on-t- ýrrougn tri-'.- ' 'rfatin Tî,ere are Uctrar-.r- -' r t Àcrtc'ttutre : - t i e -e.ze';ann:nz and close ce- aîîP anrlGrr"e' operatuon cffrura: and c'ty ;eo- te ':tctt-'f the ta ir. e r pie 'hxa- ecan ach:!e-.-e Ixe bes:ttie'.rv-aever'e- 7.T- - .u -e our oesa' cf , r nrira - - T- .;n:nz -h:s ccun*ry andu-ta5Pu-aru~'-t5o'-. n- nh' i: :mo a nerout ;condtcn :Ixrougb h r'nr -t x.rec-atydebt. The rttomajor t~ '-r'a-'-" t-- s-ources off xa' are '.he Canad an N-aý4nri a -:t.xay. and t neu'.t. - Ac i . ae-' p..c.-t; off :ermmen's adone th 'r-ar ,t:a:c.nr. 1:h'r . unecr-at-nuit er o ffpeople L -rutir &rt t'. :Cr- tiaît e.mplo-e-d 'ot- :!îe-ze zar;et nmen'-1 h w at-.k. utr re -" - Canada mu"'. do a bc':,er jobt irt' i- rril'r-rf-r 'bl';ýpheirt. The farn- th-an she ha3 donc :n --e recen' ,- h-r-e'.d! î rrrni: pas: if ttc are to meet our cblî- T.P.f7,tý, j i -Cattir l. -t- garions and ro reduce our 'axe.-are p-a O- f-c t' ' and ge: a ayrea"ter srabit:'y among niir-l a, rmercitte-. i!'- io p', picl 'a e aItî t-- ,e' e-u rt- - or people. 'i.rmtetiti'arth-at"' tir---t- -'---ta. Hr- j- t,,i-h 1: Ycurs xery-'culy. tl i tl.h --a C. H. CARLISLE. a-idhi r't trr-e- XlAI! rt-. ~Presten-. Drn'mr'n Ba tr -ti ath.;Iree1 t' 'or tfer atac -- *1 OUR records show that rnany families have been insured with the Cortfederation Life Association frora generation to generation. The reason is obvious. arrois TOU INSU]E-COIWSUL? CONFEDERATION LIFE 3119 OFFICZi 0a A0JSSOCIATIONq at-a 71- r'-s --fi -G-e t r . a-n-- ;, t , h - r- r r arr-a- e n- C - r X r. i, r, , r th-aoe tat fi-r meý : -c 'inn r--r- 1' r the jîrriier a- a-i bad luck-. 'i' ':a' tiu "!arm ,tliùr- iti-is I' takeýs years of s udY to eri- able a mari t pa:nt, but ivomen are borri art:s:*s. A nuan- may be a pxrin fin- ancial curcIes, and %szill be on tie -square. It -srn't enough '-,0pay as we g.We sftcutd nove enough te ge: back. Wîien xxe Sl-eecd. 1: is liard ,x ork: failure us- due e-ntîreiy te POETRY FOR A CHANGE By scribe G -'i--wetvk>az,- w e w-r'rtcin t!1iý c' I'm'h:::nto dý'n tri hecr ii~--.... . . ad hwthi-i. a cerm nrc Un' ' 'f our r u:.tandinz LUa:iai îp st-, l t.a-r.up th ' ùiialirr:zc and c' rnr- track at 'i. w ah:- "A Gem of Purest Ray Serene" Y-rr p.t-r-a1 er-rrnn - l'e rad cur-, 'ne iAnd 'f1ert-rthii ' K- liard t,, krs; tra1,k tire rear. t- -ch sncrs. I* cta-wtt - r',r many 1voi I -k swa- Hel,'hsr:i -wh', figured c 'i f t: r-rrt. h',cr., )eer w Mien "rî n :t i,'¼-f th'- fa':t "n the hp. "if nr I f EIîz if' t: ý\rrlie: - ah e rfîtine.rank- fî:zii t ' - arli 'f th'. k~rr- - thu nt 1;phj arti -h ip if,' an' -" ttr- n::4ht w'rk ut a h-i M--ia Ithet r! ,i f tman% a <lani. w 'i-n(l - i .',amp traddier wa',,rC N K-1 (!n )îr -i!u h - ir . tndrenctai.t, ri - Iar -. - kt 'a - xi at r' :' i' r ,- r iina - anîd % ua l: I ,If'-k r.r \'h--'.t r-t- t'- fair f! - i -h i: - aac 1: - t. '- -rh,- - I r tirtt- - "'l'hrr C -h4-rù,l -r ' fi ! ïiia. n IM A O htîI'rtttitci tIra't 1, a chv 'r ~'r -- 'r r thr,. 'or- ti I t tre - :-r:,- rr- ler'--' aiat a%--t.t!! XI ~ ~ 1 r' X- - tr. "ih tittat - l t--' r - )' -r.k r -',-'- , -,- t0c t' L'Y THE OLD BOX STOVE- HOW TO LIVE LONG By Hiram It, lia3been said 'ha',ca':u and axes- are mr- :b.and a.ý far r Uic 01 BOxN .-- ans are .mncerned. ".-e.ou:'iere -e teb vu v. v't..ke i- te bel:ex,-e d.ttw:enilx D-an Oe -r:l' *; e-. ha*' i - - r,- md -,a: a îan con :iv ne- .n- xg the rî:ch - :atn ' he'ric' 'er e 'vta'e:e-~- : T'i,'- at fie nat c:dand nod a e -d :-x -a,.e loît O n c - mc p :n n -- t: ci - tan : vou . ~, rd nz arc! kcý-p tr' A 3~sr eore menov-t:x h0 exper-:rr. -nted -)nr'a at'dr :nd r-ha,' zne r,>,, -ci otr,. ced diet. kep' hec- t' j- -C'. and the oreu- t,ýe an.ii, had ai! :- ce io' -a -n Io 'he people:î 'hoard: adeno:d. rî---..- n.ils, and a:r.: r": -: j te, announrer-., n. 'j'i.a akînd tellh ou 'oiv.î I.-. -f this and off t:týat. and be sure you get ti -,.-amniand ,ha- crie. Some::mes tou fee: y'ou -rhouli have a s-'of -ca!eS 'a-îtiîou '0 make sluie t-ou d3oni- ze: anov- dose off one kînd off a bug or an- other. Mavbe they are rîch- bu, our Zang mac w ,ha: 'xe f'e.e eto be a bet-n, cure Qan al: -tua' an %vi: rzuarane AS:flO a' hfe as t-o '~:gh' ' ix:ebarrin,- Oc,: cien'*..He:r *Cf'x-mr Brea'h rhe t'inpai:uted air outinu.-- d- .pncae Whi:e x' :')n- ikeep 'or xe-h c- :. ci'v:-e beau*i -': M à- r ~beaunfîtl xvor:d '! :r n h" leaî- er and vo:rî.nd eare, anîd Your *or:e%-:lt d'a:rmd:e ,o r'heir1 right aize. Tak,- On i*-ou1:' cmti ion a 'valk;n2 mr',Leave 'fie car behir.c. W"'a!r Ur te-.o:es off Your boot, :n.-'ead off the cc-a, off your tt'o'uers3. Spend a dat- once in a ;vhîIiie on a taritj , t&'hi.11ay. 0"' ganOr P:av a 'une on a ffork n the barnrard. Work rli your arms ache ca-'. 'ha' ou Ilk. and ail You cal. -'and '-Uhen 'out lj -..jl e j'-iLa . Rve'-ucujtio n fl pij-,rs, - stq Ti< us a fa util v t ha tmi gh tlhave-c7 aro is!/tsu* f~ ).,'36 and ruir,.. dri ftv-1 ajart, jr-t orînuitogs'îhler -- lco- i0îîfurjs,«'<s! u'hr sf and at a r-ost that is triling- coin- t<'>ttsFfjliz<illrisr s. parf-si to the" grs-at happiness eachi ixs--lvît"ting brings. * . Van n request. Fratnk Williams, .¶fanager - ýii llll:ltij tri J., Mki 4:1,À xq Imm THURSDAY, FFBRUARY 24TI-1, 1938 r,;tfz.uull-. MaZLrý. : ý 1- 4j