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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1938, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EBÛ\VNANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE -w L 0F INTEREST TO WOMEN DRESS ISN'T EVERYTHING 1 watched that girl with the silken socks, Anti the powdered face anti the bobbeti, blonde locks, Anti the law-cut neck anti the high-cut sleeves, Anti the silken waist of thinnest weaves, Anti the late style shoes anti the skirt so high. Anti a fox-fur 'round lier neck two-ply. iqç ai.,. , t. MUSIC EXAMINER News From Helen's Notebook Among those entertaineti at sons latest book, di-op the Socie'y badminton andi tea at the To- Editor a card. ronto Armories were Mesdames A. Wheeler, E. C. Southey, H. M. ut aniersng um r Nanson, C. Cattran, A. Emmett. Qut aniersig um r that our late distinguished Lieut.- Governor, the Hon. He rr Bruce, A notable feature of the Wom- and an illustrious son of Durham en's Musical Canadian Concert. County. may be the new Provin- helti in Eaton's Auditorium. To- cial Conservative Leader. -- -ne sat inlthe car just acnoss ronto. was tnt splendid accomp- f rom me. anying of Given Williams ivbo Anti I saidtot myself.- Such a playeti each number wvith tht sigb«t to, see h' sympathetic untierstantiing of a Anti I patteti myseif upon tht true artist.. Among thase present back, were. Mrs. Alan Willams. Mrs. That I badn't a tiaughter to fol- ýL Bingham. Mrs. C. A. Cawker. 10w-lber track. : Mrs. <Rex- i D. W. Best anti Mrs. Mn. Alex Emmett. Beech Ave., ertentaineti at a lý.ncbeon antid bridge. Those present wert Mes- dames J. A. McClellan, E. C. C. Sauthey. H. M. Nanson. E. S. Var- cot. C. Cattran. Jno. Hyde anti anti cherish thein willow anti make the nost of it. Do not long for the unattainable which your am- bitiouis hopes bave led you ta dle- sire but make tht very most af every gooti quality your chilti bas. Sorne parents are so filleti with their own visions of what they wan,: their childti t be that tbey are unable ta appreciate the very goot qualities their chilti ba. just because they are not the ones the parents would have chosen. Croup Tht sounti of croup us just about the inost terrifying tbing an in- experienceti mother can hean. Tht olti-fashioneti cure was ipecac but it hati a dîstressing effeet on the stomach. We hati croupy babies anti aur docton gave us a simple remety which saveti them, anti COUNTY GIRLS DO ENJOY COURSE IN- HOMEMAKING Miss Florence P. Eadie, Women's Institute Branch, Dept. of Agi-- culture, Tells of Girls' En- thusiasm, Following Tour of Short Courses in Western Ontario Doi rural girls alîpreciate the opi- îihirtiiiîit%ý cf attcuiding short courses un Homue Econonies uider tlicFR E Wiruineiiîs listitute Brandi, Onît. Du- o z.Rgr îîartment cf Agriculture? The ail- SnSlel siver us an emiatir, "Yes.' . ieto Tdo. For exaitifle. lîow umari% cite girls Red Labed33e I.48F- ,Ivculd gel unir at 4.30 everv mniuîug, Orage IwLabel 43 'b. . mîiik ctrss aiîd dc other clîcs, pre- liare lbreakfast. svashic lîduishes sud__________________________________________________ ilieu waik tlîrcugli deep suîcs dri fts _____ ainior.t four ji ies te attenîd ail eulu- EVERY FIFTH WORKER întiustry stands second in number cationisicouhrse? Thîenî ani>er ivcuid HAS JOB IN TEXTILES of employees anti in salaries anti iikeiv lie Nue_____ Hr rvevr, tîati~ vbatsciraiwages paiti. More than 21 per ccîuutrî girls are clciug this îviuter.1 Figures compilieti by the Do- cent of aIl industrial warkers bave Net cuîlvtlic girls arecrnakiuîg Sac- f minion Bureau of Statistics show joabs with tht textiles, which ac- rutf.icts te attenîd tliese courses scat- htaogaICnda u- count for over 13 per cent of the tered uircuglî Ontario huit t-heir rta mn l aainids Dominion's net manufacturing uîtiesarc toc. lui beres oihotui tries, the textile manuifacturing production. liack andrInit corhcessicuîs. uîiten are drriug extra wcrk inic heeni tîrder iliat their datîglît 'ers mîav* gel a crrrth wchile edîucatioui te hetter fit theun te take charge of homies cf tliîir oscii sortie day wheniftie riglit O C N R ED S P R U S vo urg uiiquicoules alcuîg, or te pre- îrare thiîîftrr a career that unav ble * c ote s H S I AL- L A sel f-suuîprtîuîg. lituiter woIrd,. uitth mtiitiers ait(] daughters are api- lireciating tlîese couirses 1Plut on and 1 sponscred freecof charge 1w fuic W. Y OU'VE HAD VOUR NO! BECAUSE 1 AM USING 1. Brarîch Dept. of .Agriculteure. Mfiss Flocrence P. lEadie of tlic WASH TESTED AND THE NEW SOAP THAT Wcnuî nstitîute Brauucl. Torcunttu. THEY FOUND SOAKS OUT GERMS AND uias jîust returuiec frein a visit te o4DAGRU DR.a. AHSM uîîuuîîber of tiiesc courses of ichici IT...W S SM therc are 38 tuis ivinter. Tues prev- GERMS? THAT'S CLOTHES REALLY cd tr lie auitnistriratitre. .\tWaketcî hesav sic sIt r ~ ALARMING !*HOSPITAL..CLEAN. sîiu kitchcuîi luic th csnîhall ivithiYO .34 girls deep iii a discussioni of farinîîUL ivater suipplies anid ivav-anîd uncan, c of uîaviuîg tuic>c faruîî cr ruîfcrîs umade USE Il' avai lau re. 1-olîr c -iie a dcuioustrationui hi- i struicior oui cleauîiug a ciiickcilin latest strt-anî-liiued mîauiux r. a groluu 13i LUE f girls trepared aud servd a cic- cicauîed silvcr. 20c -Tis butter ruslh of grauîdiîiotlîur-. iasuiu heeuî clcauîed iiiixtv icars. laîugltu] eue girl as she iiaudcd Nlus Esuhieîuf lîi iing igls-er disl i fr i spectirrur)).. \Vuit Gratinu*v be sur-__________________________________________________ prisedîl iiui slîe sec-,s ? A\ t\Viiguiaiî plasis ivre lic miade for ftie clesing banuquiet wiuii NI iss Fail arrivcd. Dresses mîade YOU NEWUDmz ici ciass ivere bciuîg sccred by fuic suphervi sors: girls m'ere beiuîg tatuglîu tuhe fi vsidries cf ail attractive ap- pe-arahice 1)i' uiciuig sVCl-dressc(ld Muri G f svell-grcciied suit ebserviuîg gocul si ratinnouî-f sandwvichî uîaking uuuiter tlic critical eve o c h \ al. und table setît i ilsersvice. ivere al-c ica - F O R SE W I N tires (rf NIlss Fadies siýitInn Wiuîg- lin. .îStrat ford ftic course su as beiuig lieil a îtflic Normal Selîcol. Soulîe 20 girls sîcre güttiuîg a ucal college course auit c-l go back houme svitil 1îrcpariuîg a pagesuit of "Costumes thrcuuglî flic .\ges.' Onîe girl li a gcîvuî75 Nvears cldi. chile auîeîher, witli uîauivgigglcs. sliosed il ucv-- euîiug dress cf the 1926 viutage. "Tle girls anîd îustructcrs arc niîost entlîisiastic' said NîIisi Eatie. "Tie v are passiuîg oui ilîir entitlus- uasnî to fhlinhomes. This makes foir better farm lienies, and rural livinîg un geuicral. It gives ane a scander- fuil feeling cf satisfactioni te visit these courses su1 d sec lîîw iuterested tile girls are iii belping tinîselies to liecorne mîore proficicuit ii dciuîg thîcir sinîple ei'eryday tasks. sclviuîg their clethiuig prcblcr ndui feedinîg Sewng, one of the hardest visual their fauîîilies iii accord wiii mot- tôsks in the home, roquires at Ioast ecru nîutruitiuon."In-4 ikh 11.-- - Th e car wa.s crowded, running !John Hyde. Alan Campbell. m -1 ius. înany sleepless nights. He told o'er, dorus-, to put a small piece of white Aoscueticeths for e 'Ie a- areTse AekianeuhmaiLSciubti- tae spoon up with g]ycerine. This the oor L ecue tckes fo th -Ie Cr- re eekng aeupemiticsubti-wasvery effective and did not Her face was wrinkled with age nival" at the Maple Leaf Gar- tute for the opprobrious termi of Peter C. Kennedy upset the stomacbi. So for many and care. 'den.s this year - Get. in toucli 'Dog Catcherý' - and the Chris-1 One of Canada's leading piano- years our medicine cabinet was Andi shes just enough to pay one with a member of the Toronto tian Science Monitor suggestsi forte teachers, who will contiuct. neyer witbout. white vaseline andi fare; Skating Club. the early Part Of Commissioner of Canine Correc- !the midwinter exarninations for glycerine. If the kitchen is warm There wasn't a joy-mark on h-er next January and reserve them tion." A rose by any other name the Toronto Conservatory of Mu- Ienough, take the baby there anti face, then. Patrons usually order themn woulti smell just as sweet. sic in Bowmanville on March 2. let the tea-kettie bail its hardeF.t Not a bint of a smile had lef t its this year for next year's reserva- ýn11,M.Kneyfuddt ilteronwt t eivn trac. nn. oweer her ar a ew the Canadian Acatiemy of Music steam. Andnobdy eemd t noiceherfortunate people in Bowmanville Many Statesman readers will be 1 now~ the Toronto Canservatory MSIOm stand who were able to secure t:ckets. oneett nti tm fo f Music by amalgamnation) at With hr gra streked hir ani . .Toronto paper about a former 'the request ftelt i et It is not so long ago that shaky hand.i The resignation of Mrs. A. L. rstet0 omnil:Ms Gooderham, a noted patron of msraswr olraput Fleing fr frt yers reitin:Elizabeth Martha McMurtryý cele- music in Canada for many years. andi to most of us were just some- Whe al a oce a gil Fl0 eiJuliar r ensi ei em- brated iber 96th birthday Feb. 18,."Mr. Kennedy is well andi favor- thongs.e rti w auin ur cook sty l, neanagilo o h Jlaresl Home, a- at the Julia Greenshieids 1Memor- abîy know~n in this district îhaxing 1books. But n ouwe cn buy them With a tender look anti the sweet- n0nei Trno a a oe nvriyAeu.T- been atijudicator on two occasions atam.eaepic nite a est s.ile Thursday at the annual ronto. AIl during the afternoon ait the Durham County Music; appear frequently on our menus. Ast suicka las ume e meeting. Mrs. Fleming. who lias frientis calieti anti joineti in the Fetvl Quebec seems to be a central dis- feetka fahjupdto e been a summer resident at Bow- party. Mrs. J. F. Eby. who is 89, ___,__Festival.______ tributing point for musbroomis Ani ae tha erotisu e manville-on-the-Lake for over 25 anti Mrs. W. E. Meatbi, 82, are i because we are buying the samne An aetitda l olleyears. is wife of Righit Rev. A. L. sir. Ms1cutysiirai it o ebd~ uhom nteMrtmsa seat; .Fleming, the Bishop of the Arc- sa gooc isseal an y ti s l can as er t For Nwe tes iti romin tohe coakiboms a Then softly saiti. *Now you sit tic. ago eladsecnaseýý eddi nai.Teco ok there. any question about the Bible. Written for The Statesman :tell us to peel mushrooms anti to For maybe you bave a son some- You will love Disney's "Snow 1JsieAlBrowkeep the st nt esose i sothe where, ~White anti the .Seven Dwarfs'- Thbis issue contains the last in- Jessie Allen Brown I bu that i o ecsay wihte Lovely in color. with music anti stalmenti of our serial "-Chloescutaeimuho stat e Anti maybe you bave a tiaughter, magic sucîh as onîy the nealm of Christmas Carol- wbcbh las been Tourist Training get now. Tbey do not need peel- oIba agtnwt o .. fairy-tale coulti produce - so e- 'appearing each week since No\'- Several of our Provinces arein atitesmsanbuei SolIlb duhernwto ju freshing. I i rell new fn s embrX eir, îittîe indication bias 'doing practîcal things to try to as tlhey are quite tender. Tbe fîa- Then o'er that olti anti wrinkled many ways anti is regardeti as the been receiveti fromn our reatiers if:; mProve conditions for tourists. vour is developeti by cooking in face, grats film of ail time bs' many. tley wisb us to continue with a Ontario, untier tbe guiding hanti butter anti whatever their ultim- There came a smile of sweetest sra tr 5 ntemâtm fte wmnsIsiue ate use is. I always fry tbemn in grace, The Ontario Museum in To-, they will be droppeti. having classes in catering to tour- bte is.Uuly ra Anti she thanked LiiaL girl in thernobs trei olcto fists. teacbing how to cook adthem. anti atit a little more but- dress £0 sheer, fail pure breti dogs - anti have al- * -serve anti generalîy make nti trhnstri urat ik While bier eyes grew tiim wlith a reatiy a number of outstantiing The Tuesday Night Bridge Club" comf ort able. fl bdl nedd.thu sn vr bto h uh grtflta.specimens on exhibit. When -the lbelti at Mrs. W. F. Dale's last 1 When I tbhflk - - roomn flavour. Two tablespoons I lke ha gil wtbthesilenMuseum wants a few specimens week being mintiful of the recent: of the meals flour anti a cup of milk is about 1 ieta ilwt h iknof tbe-common street variety of burglary of jewelery anti silver- w have been riglit for a baîf-pounti of musli- cuks r Bowvmanville is well qualifieti ware t ram the bome of one of their - serveti! Take î-ooms. You may take the cooketi Andi the powtiered face and tbe ta suppîy any quantity on short 'members presenteti the unfortun- i taie breakfasts. xnushrooms out before making the bobbed. blonde locks, ntc.aeoe isGeaWcet ih1Gaeri m Andi the low-cut neck anti the ntie aeon.MisirtaWckt, th raerutimonsue dor ou m an.stpuhheme high-cut sleeves. ~~~a misýcellaneous shower of jewel-, properly- pre- . . tonsieoftep.wicvr For benetta waîevst ftins Last year over $3,000.000.00 was ery anti other useful anti orna- pareti, to a s t you find easier. F ervesneathar as f net spent in tiog sundries in the U. S. mental trinkets that matie the s w e a t edt be- Bread Cases Tbee eas ha i kndA. The breeding of tiogs is a fastdipa cuneso Wolrts ase t a Cut stale breati into three inch and sweet, growing business, ýanti York St. antique shops l1okk put on c o I<-sî1satictea41îceit I kowbytbewa se gvebe 4>4>4>like the ruins of Pompeii. Theî plates, p o or r 4 large square or oblong. dependîng I nwbytewy h av ir Anyone wbo woulti like to learn Queen of Sheba was neyer an- , coffee. b a c o n on the shape of the loaf. Remove seat. ýBridge, anti would like bridge les- rayeti with such atiornments! bhard in the - cmusts anti hollow out insitie with 628Crwfrd -Ralph Gardon. f sons to appear in Tbe Statesmar. -.; . itiie ant hr nf.Bte ib n 62 rwodSt.. Toronto. each week, taken from Culbert- Te el0 rmnnKn raw on t h e Jessie Allen sd n u niboni uc Street Merchant Prince who was endis, anti even Brown aven. Fili witb any creameti foodi. aii enthusiastic spectator at the lumpy porridge. The service bias impompu ig ppl Dncede frequently been poor. I remem- Butter Tarts Imonstration put an by Johnnyiber one breakfast we bati this 3 tablespoons butter - James anti Dorothy Etiger at the summer. It was perfectly cooketi 1 egg Goodyear Dance Friday nigiîl but sa badly serveti that when we 1 cup w-ite sugar rthat bie became s'o happy and ex finishet w-e hati the feeling we 1 cup currants citeti about the wbole thing that hati hati a poor meal. The mater- Creamn the butter anti sugar in his absent- mintiedness hie ials that went into these unsatis- graduaîly. Beat the egg until well faunti. insteati of having hs armn factOry meals cost just as much as mixeti, then atit this ta the arounti bis own wife aIl this time, the good onles. Ail that was lack- creameti mixture anti stir in cur- it happeneti to be arounti another ing was knowletige of haw to pre- riant.s. FilI unbaked tart shelis mans wife. pare anti serve a proper meal. andi bake for ten minutes in a bot The Nova Scotian gavennment oven of 450 degrees then reduce 41nV Vý provides its people witb a book the heat ta 350 tiegrees. Too hot Diti you notice that. birth notice on haw to cater ta tounists. giving an oven makes the fillîng tough. V in a Toronto paper last week r very gooti recipes anti stressing which read "Mn. anti Mrs., sea-footis. This is helpful but it wish to announce their happîness is not every one who can use a 25TH ANNIVERSARY in the birth of a wee baby bro- cook-book to the best ativantage ther, Murray John. for Raymond anti practical lessons wiîî do CELEBRATED BY tioing fine." They amitteti to atit ers have asketi that they be allow- "anti fatber is doing as well as ed ta serve lobsters anti other can be expecteti." sea-footis out of season. When Saturday cvenmngI ebrurvs 2th -~People e to the sea tbey want relativcs and friend-, cf Nîr.anîd safosanti they are greatîy NMrs. Stanlle.N Gloser gatlîtrtd it 1 WEDDING disappointeti when they do not their borne te livlp thebc cclirarsh _____________________ get them. We happened to hear the twetv%-fiftli annîsiýersars cof thtîr Hanna-Best Liverpool. *When he caulti not get Earls Satulrdas ifî<vrnimi '\rs. ihe asketi whene lhe would be Glover'L-adl been takeni bv lier soii te ln a quiet ccrcmony in the chiapel able ta finti some anti was greatly lownmans-ille an(1d duriiig their ab- cf Yorkminster Church. Toronto. disgusted when lie was todit ei ece soniet friends to<rk tpossess ionr Thnrsdav aiternoon, Fcb. i7tlî. with wasn't ta be hati. Taurists un- ()f the Ilolue anîd hlal tabl e.,set and Rev. Wý. A. Camreron officiating. doubtetily want sea-food when at preparations umade for a real \ved- M \iss M,\oneta M\ax- Best, daugliter cf the sea anti provitiing them woulti ding supper, thc bride and groo,'s Ni.and '.irs. Tihonas Best, Shel- bielp to make their holiday mem- table heiuîg ceîitred Nviî li a L.ttiftil boumne, becanie the bride of M. rable anti it woulti help create tlirec-str\ \we<lliling cake.,uîîade I)v Oliver Stanley lHanna. Plini.B., bro- !a demand for Maritime fish wx--en the lîride.s ~eNIr-. Jas. Laiing. tller cf M\rs. Fred Kncx, Bcwîniian ! they have returnedti t thein ' ; ville. homes. When people travel thev 1 i c(,ae va bathîîtulal îced ahi1 ~~ant ta srprise raîju a newTlhe bride sva., clartîîinglv g ivewant gooti meals anti comfortablè ic rtdsîi itîgîaîntel 0 Wnt o srprse he arnlywitha e dinner- ed in lier travelling ensemblle -f i betis anti aur governiments are rime treat? Serve them a tasry dish of Dried or \'ietîîîe-.e blie crepe witlîIuchebal making a move in the right tiimec- Bv the tinie thee irreparatir il., ivere triiuiînlîng, a French tncdel liat cf tion when they tî-y ta teach peo- pret i ue lifundr svav. Nîr. Glover Pickled Canadian Fish. tht saille lade îviîl h iiîudepIe bow 'ta provide them. arvdfýiiwraà'\r.Goe lengtli sdi. Iletr c' at \vs bî.Llie ' Cherish Your Willow anid Jack froin tlieir shinîig trip,. andl te .1surpris'e isa s tireI' geniî i. No matter where you live, your dealer can get you >ton(-teediii jieneil hue cliii Parents need ta learn 10 accepi luit thîe\-uîuicklv reccvýcred and c.vih such ried ish s Cod Hadock, akeCusk nd îaiiituii fox. errlar aîu(] havi 'iaethe chilti they have anti not yeamn ilîcîr tIl'al kiiîd aitdl îc.titalile ulail- aec re..'s a CdHarokHa... k ndShe %wcre a corsage cf for tbe tiream-chîld they hopetiIîrnad1 i rlirlvfelseiruîe Pollock, and such Pickled Fish as Herring, Mackerel 1 calia liliîe- caullia aîîl Swvtlîeart ta have. They bave dreameti of a iTbe ccuîîîan uîsere al] seated anîd andAlwies. .. n erec codiio. ntresin rý(s.fair-biaireti girl with cuis qanti a fier rirrîelauldoncrul, utice t, an Aeivs .inprfctcndtin Jte!tig ]iiiiîlit'î fhlrs\ the ct'r- thev bave a tiark straight- haimet Illtil ango hlg htwr recipes can be used for ev'ery anc of these fine fish. Nlrrl r. anîd \Irý. Ilanna Lit rn lass. They may have bopeti for 'c o îavat:îiuitheîiîugs ite .1lrip t.,New Yîr'trk and leuîua a sîurtiy oak anti gat a wee-îng- c ru lîiiug cake i iglîted li\tllie bride Fis isa ondrflt is th fodgt-at for cvery mern- t tîl îlir roturtii tuY ilciii ~ue l'i iwillaw-. Notbing the paren s' ananid groorni (aund \we uîîglît >av it ber of your famnily. tithgra source of proteins l)iuî will change that willo.w min- -k, tiret- goodi luî'tv blocs liv Ille ,Nir>. lred lo-,rrand IXu ctlîs t-anOak, 50 the parentsý' job :' te ur iitipetleîîcutaai î that elp uildstury, helthybochs. îiîîîed frîrni Icnîivilgrow' thes-eu-y best willow. bre~ idjîe cnt thle cake wlîicli e sers i r n ________________________must prune anti train and Icve Serve Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish ta yaur famnily an__________________ iiîutd uud rrcuîinced i lst uil f ~i id as t ir.îked." often . .. they wiII cnjay it . .. and yau wiII find it Ni r. \\'u. Lai iig cal led thie crin- econamnical, too. Here's Real i an v tri order andl Ni i ss I. I .aiiig read a shoirt a(l(ress expressing the plo 01 steeni of relatives and friînds for DEARMNTO îSEREieVI G and Stanley anîd at the tireter DEPRTENTO FIEIES, nie Jack svheeled ini a vers' b and- OTTAWA. We have between sixty Lf soie upliclstered chair and tiresett- dii flolîrothters anI sisters ad friends. Tbe .ea~e4'WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET Pteu tgetyrde ~cîniativ j airieu iii singiiîg "-Fer tlîev - - - - -r- - - - - - - - - - - - ed pictes. Get that decor- ~ae jlv gclflc s'air wîe 18 ating completed now while __Nîrjsel NI . Geve îlatîkwcd t Depatmentof Fisherles, Ottawa. big savlngs In both paper fe 1rientis and again reîtewed ilîcir ease send me your fece 52-page Bookici Any Day a and labor are available .at LU III% ielcoine svitlîtlhe hope tiiat all i rsh Day" contaiuuîug 100t delighifui and economical Fish du-gtesaksesn L~U o ild e-lotiieliclses. " lui erder te show-especial hencer CANADA ' FOR SETTER LIGI4T - ITTER SIGHT-Ut EDISON5QrZDA CAN AD t AN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. Umited L-87 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24TH, 19.38 i PAGE THREE j tbe showiuig of uiaiv cf tie lovelv gi fts received tweiitv-five v e ar ago4a lhaîpy eveiiîg carne tea cluost ald aIl si-cut lîoîîe fecliuig il suas good tri bas-e leeiî thjere. Ceuîuîiîtee iii charge scere NMisses l-leleuî Dar- liuîgtouî surdIlsabel Lsiuîg suid jack, Glînser. Same of tht best sellers in books are: "Tale of Bali" by Vicki Baum Prodigal Parents" by Sinclair Lewis; -The Citatiel' by A. J. Cronin; -Tht Pain Came" by Louis Bromfieldi: -Tht Vaice Before Us« by E. Stanley Janes. Success demonstrates that it's a long headti tat bas no tuî-ning. ý CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC A- 4J.,

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