( Spread .: ana k oa:h s, more kely rau ng man to keep 1 *1 1an or.u .-o ha:ow ko u :ri Yrur .pro>per p:ace than (Ijhl-,s r < r:o sa:.n, ca:rr.s na &,1 ý,o*::Ke;.r- . Iv-e xtorrîed abou: ýs . zheen y:::-,. She. :oDk-- i:f a z C ir.aberry ta.o meo e-a* ,d ch:na -,ha: had ;vho vau:d apprec;ate 4t and be eden .:x fee* ur.der.zrDund able ta -nanage'- and I wouldnz .0 ave fram arucnsguer- be do:ng my duty as Your grand- ..:asthe War be*t;veen -lhe rrother :if I d:,dr.' do everyt-ng S'ateS n ,'ad beer. brough: :n my power to make it Posibe aonthe Harn in a Yar.kee -orh:rnta carry you.' C ýp S:-:p rrany. rnany ?earls .B * r.Sret o nw de:cae cr.~ta robes. Te ofae course, ha, I apPreciate what Chapter XXIX And now. paents and fr-:ends of as ze- -t:hhe finest tha' Yýou arcep-trring to do. but gcu Conclusion . teboys and -,Lswve, dCh'naberrv Hail passessed. xhich lotacp uhagft"bgr Wi-:h hrl :eer o-nx:::erprar:s m ue'o ar- e Sotr wiap ff amke. :::cerea.:e , :eir se :he ol'ner urses u.a- Xz ea::..ery f:ne indee.is un~adloe packed cond.:. *..-f :he b:za ua:- Suppose rau fofoaw thle ech:dren'. at Chloe ;vho faced Dr. Scott Ke- eaya:h. :or:um. Or. -e ecor.ý La-or of --o bv :wvo. and we mus:nt- keep v:n. ±ýrec'y appas::e. Me'_-sa's "I feel quitte sure that the son frarne biAr. nod s:ru2o-1 th 5.ren i-a::ing. Sa mot- rs;er aoadtedr h f My aid friend, Ama Kelvin. ture b-S Sfand 3J" i "" y p.ease. w:hou: crowd:n,. laoke4 a-, Howeil. distinguished wouidn't be ungrac:ous enaugh to order>n.- :Dbe --Sc.o aan Se -watched. ho:.ding hier breath and handsorne. a son -o make his deY n o. woman the comfort .- "-ra-r-c - a c-d Dy.-h: e ..:-ax od eaa -om:her-'s heart: proud: a: Jane. of dy:nz in the knowiedge that a edp, e e "' tn1oreu nose and confusion. as erect and vigoraus an.d Superb in place into whkch she has put a e--D,:e e=- or :h-por- d-urrie-sze:e'ace wi*h Ho-well«s a:chid on'nearir s:xty rears of herseif, was the ryo e . o"~-le ch'Idren. the o:cier peop:e h er shoulder; and las, of al l-bencaefoadket i __ ookd : SottKevinwz shauld be." she said quietly. "You T e-re neLre r.-sz::ha D'Dara n isweeca:.hi la wllfot have it unti. I arn gone. '-z n,-DeSetnre n ,-tarco : o rera:nd dark face pa:e w::h confinement You can't refuse ta be my heir, an- . cr a-va"" 'u c 1 peo 1 --~ a hn. were Jane. Mehzsa but h:s eres eager and alert and mSo: evn.% flot hn. auware moncD:li. à ýse arrn as they res:-ed:on hloe. hi: go.n~em rnuo±av 0ee' chair - Me:a. mov:ng ere eda d r k n r ed h ad :le. :aveit t a rn: n a r sýa cim bes'd h . . C ,i' e*. hgo: n t arr r C hloe. ar e'theru i ee aT:~re ;vre r '-n '-e sow heaghcau::n cf Capter*,Xlie adlodan anliehtl ster fewwr *e d h arced her v ceyTeS and:ler had m astd a mag- oe. 'o' e .hsg - o: n c:nd ar:r.f:en apernc ee paer I se'iha;'e. e, Scott saf qa.' r ' "adr a"pee n ' uetee htwslf.o i an- Mhe'- -inf hlýstr 0f fane pe:e f :hrougn : a f :o. - ess Dr Keh- m er tee a Thcbe deouhctsofma pe arm note. lliefiges mas: br nch an Chioe k Iw t ut t:. W ho'dl ca rre y lD .Kvn:n u p i pe a p d f o e ' a e y a v c . s n a ' whn.n f:am eap ranche s- r h ommve awr. L tablcenthabern ceare 0f ever- "I'rang havne e," Shett aid suýe -couerd pkges. teo:r:nu-s -nd hano,,;- edheheevery :h:ng sapae theancden cife sad5- vised. faY. Setredt h -"eand inaperderor atin'. hr. :if:eAd : '.ica ure hrie wh :h estedofn','slm presva-otrs Anno esleeth ne.tAccoc. e a: :ns feet The -the staibre Ch:aes:uhanda eren- sver b eautc:y .ere Meltsarni uttie love bud atne. Imsr trLe ze d hrougha -o,,- la ad ~es r.hed Lard a- her ue *s. he Fr eliiss froffed ncpfntteveaitoaraac heI rnigh: rtot o.ra.bu he kec-arhat- b Wd hkecr r . hewace. ot son puof coffee :n te. ifngone, ruatese ad cetl. dand t- a 'i:,- a:om:s r'ned::.efor as dowr :c ta:s :dshe;"nshedl es. a whemonsofho-e d tte :ulvthIer. Sfel on t Sa:necu;B:ts wudM:-an'sr.d ar.e f:manmae :he t:raf'ernd:r. thcups zwo lefte:d c. IChlo e aen, bh re a a.. ':t ho>: ~ re. Gra. ra waa :o re sn :he Lad eenysee. i:s Lrn adt uele. d wi-h :a s 'a4ng-le -ed her. :he srroeoa. od o:rau? Wf"- a:ben a d bChrs'a. o eeI Se tured package. ther fa- c4zh:oe. "Taped er rr.-.. Aur.' ave ,e:nenar offesah off rnky Setrndt ten tfher. her and ppe Cre.a h: . haeir. i:d J..e red ff au fow rvc n I thr ouaed nal:: re :0 s Ad o etsla h . l-edea:,hersnd her e:..e d:rect- us nd oh. pleasehurry.loeer :. ret lomeho I dontreuai .e hs t th p off a-thsetre. T eS h e F m Letop f h'ce s tairds. we : "o-vlt ho M M M, eah thr fZe:e :r-asta:a ' n randen eDud:ngbehandler sea.hFred.....'ssa f.5e po h catedher o- urh. b-he hora 0 -e uc an aut :no tvahed snot e- -moffe n ted'4o,n., npiatw--iesi wety n a pn:c. ta L:m. e* t z-r -;n :e led b ac k 7a te r.ow.Mar:ha theded sentt. aYou -h : elr n o-iu: . srea . te. t.oiated nobw M'ýe:s.*« erv ad,-enr.w.s e d adn -e stoae rs ddriffhngtra' 'Chunaberry::'eGrave. the tHaL squeezed er«r. BuLard ani s::p ' zbranhsdtetslandpe- tedentir ' fe sxhrded-d cres. 0lf e'd Cho wt- breao e decoratuans catchong hkobeloCornta me.n. eoun-,van- eh pe a a. ude nane uv :ntS.. and e unxp eev. --;ed thaer.herod pe us. He Jatwa mnuth es - ofand pania wlVou of ure1Mthr.~ have swep the plae.vHewel. puzzed h e ar' s:c k e ej a lvt 'eas s e cs ,' âooedaýheran 'e l.es u' in oth.es a he cald bu:i-. thope au ren'pdnnqulE S T ehdeseDthe eop f-e wcree pack FOta-de untpofhe swthe peop1thscn oarhrsI ie fe int--te -back of the ouse u:ha-teheed. puz:ehdlerc.ri. a:.cn h rsse s aed flot w ze a.Daredmna.;lee senfu*,ie of beLs fd etanW f ous a cn le: h*,riewnnpanii brushoLerhinz ad no, nme ctedfacer fth great need anss ssCo n ae aet si.Isa yeriddýnl a pn:. -o er unro d i zh a: Ch:bear-ng eween them the beganH w e ll.hcnend San.aCiuehadp-se- swtedfree Itsof utMelussa. I'me1flot pl ain - s:: sa LU:d tr.utýe_ u t las: f -,w gifts led.a h andced Ch:r oe.-Ts rhe.were t cnsead mur- tMeessa usta n Ie mdaesa pd ow.'sdCie ociamrnaadthnac' oc. a-en ixew'.vl ad wat auait he:voie t sandbriht shro.emintedshriead: nan'haa: md -elo Dreat. h:a- "Lokîtthewthowe- is abe:>'Grae gca a D. Sate-e merry. as if ut rtheupelaman> fie" iil.pz: m ear-elos re as re: a n s te u .O : ' e i n w t e p o ' a o a y. : z 1 : 'o ever-ady heole wrehad l- ~Tewnoso h uioim I a ct h us aae Le:prse: frmina inehta >'giowerd.'z dil o, a giwtha t. scak. I- He a Lnstiaghst fdnor th an kof thie Lets Bud. sreamtflofedC hbaesarp -Camired Ofc0ws-Iucai now. AreChnitmwa surpred o. ne-rere iy.an O Ubu Ih bu - Ms.aren'* - whvnL, l-like:ta be ptni waitie ng. a Hr fters,s oot>a.dgrm3'.fcame - I can t'acept i. Gad Lord thefae o tis ret ne sma hus ;e e-rmd. said Howell sad ccusina>, ut Thechldencittre ot f lst ;at hgueof elbow. 'er ar- ImteroIthaunigtou e:. aia thir sn eats it farm inýS.pu-Ta ingitwas a tcloshae tmuri-hmeant Chioe tathave Chiabera' cld zCl a set the acin aem':urnadtydienacdsvelijo 'new rlla n shwan't she-, dwnoe sai andot ocntoteg t oe. se infcnl' snowy nightndIhfr.eire. the anor0fbe.i nd then a ChloeTathersina her vhiearowasoubeaig so uick- andt heampns -rycoplt-e aed Lis e es. ChDa's co'.lo: merr' tasheifet sresomeoan eficintfie igt-g ac inash." hree zn ct m u t arv it. Seats ta di t orwi The w n o s o h u 'oi m I a c t h i s a a an effrt ad w ad brihtly as ry owent udita actia Ad hat io skeat Her wisch neten hst. lintr Clsate a gstur frihera surd tat fot nîrthe udu Ihtrte ers snzm:iedalte andli wen:an athr Lrridoy dstrsi- nce buteachn d iah re asr ffee ie ws n hrfet e a tandrellmacw-a"scrsae thflo sanelu- shaking hads ntetal.s fou an h sthe hesupr een's ry. iatigrean"i tebid Oigherbutppersbay aret l- md-'bn,'o5MI lie ong ttwiinyu mkht was now ablaze quttlr d taweard Melus ut"But ofEOGRNOOTER ons tnas elbat Chierrr C_ ohe ra Ithuy.'Iy al whats The chilren clateretho t l Ch, i st m saclsenigha.t C h- eanbrib e to a v e." inbrr ' thirsat.raM t or.inobuerr sas get s atonpeopale I roefuet ccp h gf.a th e e en, ta tired asieey ateldinerthere were ranes co A ours. rs Srnt.said Scant?"s solwdmari ooen hg a it hig orf itne dca. las fg ace- swuftly. Cli uiera: heip ai bs ae o'i hv t a fiesia adtherningoe asof anTheisfa* rheasonhe bruerr careri> wa s e îmsing qdca nth oe oupse Wra:hongletps. alwd hcam e tou. Thle'ac tha lyth tpsutrhi dfely ur"mton" jan ficmiea nd t.he taîromahie-rau hgy er esancaindepend-t mutbeforreakfasteaidit t rulun Greactpots.f Ans hetta., encedwaut iak i uht n>' mo Yneftan' ardi>'beree hat hiactivecrelly no-ured y telaussattper o ý.1 me ta propose tan.d grantaClaather turtown. But h was ti e butta a perfctuan 0f bioosrn len cI li cwan'mse a tliern aet nd iepyaniy er usedpol osan to t-Lse ha ntne r le 'forhernghnd ntetal.s wasn.gthesremneibstofdyheciaggng greia thday. Tainedintvaesfu:led Me:u.insalou: un .r boy au hisind s'sh.mnoe couidnt feel rght orb rgThIieu RiadsarsNO gHRam C istma Da'.'-Lade. eecned l ov'e her. o': ru'r r'ig impriie, er cusig hemsicscrve rses aed t ho ery wn ex- Wt asyfoy hcatt." sid Sco pNLaON ERTaches anduistiteeragace athd at ofpie . el bu: neey. bo er Fynnn Sit crrered he roule. ad hros. urnth ting spplefadoMeiu.antrdt ay CLnoeha t li gv Ahskîdes ie n bawb aaChun t as gu-c a's frepas: Ar.bd ror syiume. la thenededdal>'reindr.Fy-no andr that CLlae tssaî dw a refushemt acau e a:f:' cof- Saitin aglseen im-tat raen se'ery lattr: r. ter.d whi bches coar. frs anrg>'et." e.eScbe- sloarnin eiiminaîed uthe pîthanau f mine d wthtedaopcs ofma ca se fLe asbaron anc ie roff waepofs. ae. asYouthaet e cusîng haduiseia dni cake adps of 'Le rauio trsck and rau on : urlacidstnehisseipieatreath and puddins andun e bithhen, ras shuldcbai', th goarhud an- h the teat fo i nadalfamouraspan" of siaxa:saoundhm irand se ig ate mau ane-eral ne'ny-ECD.RAIGrcs Thatisthserl eliethffi ative, f te buggest turer anraelhsd thing t or ea theroposI f lier.O pae hvIalej Fynnn ait. e m ast oaceabhe inedev er sef ner 0fmin:-ueps dbin 0f such rubbuhwun my lifepeStu eradate e imn t onBt Bihsas- hed rumsevsitoa prfi.nrag l omiasses. 1 h sband ughtabe nian::aliingh!tp o egnei ainedineFynon Sait, pausepding"spa"and n the ue holdfsin iedfosiet:ng haomkr mrrager~ wtremnhoe, ininback thn e a d. T spu :ldeberras es is:blc esatwen two LgprutdCevoe iyoerdt energetc feelin that akel ife orth Oith, f aveeer amele tLusoveaungr.colt orutaWl. fvH*eTce wihhiile yuriid, ache>'. aumt-ofsc retrosesChnîsma.s" as CLle-Scot KIn. mr atr of ina- ' t aoprts-r aking ynnan Sati Sc a in h lumub bgo rand etter iesc. lledit .fra ug an 'e fo rgth tof ever. beir'f Grav ier d a d rn d g o d v l jed foyuî oi e ca nn S eua lacre 7c paith e tro mbe.and if rau adve n smell e t. fi d oca. t u pr tan: iceno g aC e r lt gi'. o e n you gareggist, tda>'. If yau advoe1y amaun it r ing can mke r opose t: And evu en a Littie Prn 'e..B ciis gt e f l dfuthe ettîng supplminies. wrie: o u imdo agie it nightly. 1 s a then th Luttie r nes d.en* e Saurtian genisso t. Gabriel St. Chrislmas smitell pcan hit asa- tafdueanyd auI'se snaed morngeai m 21ed heiaus id 'huesthat hav3Em 'aue wt- Lo i e For inr nne.oneevroleof wats ahdaa h an'asnesd sed i g re akehsmapes G*ran. adtene atn henI.hil; wthut ffotgeta u ri a id , o n d i si y t e l k e a re t « a n d p u d din g so a in t es s a k nd Oth e .c o us . n th e r a r un d m e s -E O D B E A I - q metteneEgads aosars. off hejoýy ofbtha and sîe 's i h I feel truma:hveeor,2f2 mlsadm grefof -din . - ht pe1henLen rapd n raur ea w)ny ThatLearthea:etris seathn offetterear bab 'sîthaus rr M/Ldusýpelle-d an.r féeeling off dauý'knes.ý or elaorn. iRHEUMATISM The fac', that a dazen children'1 i <e..~'vere ha-ring dînner in the bre-ak- Rbeunatiam i s oten caused h7 unic aid ini a4t~.Lfast : ram pening off tLe bis dun- the biood. This biood impurity shouki b. n, raarn whcre tw,%entrý - fao u r extractedby the kidneys. If kidneys flau, and ~ grown ups sa, dawn ta dunner, 'eceau uic acid remains, it 'u'itates the 'u'uckChloeas beng enireirmuscles and joints causimg excuciating an 'igLi and praper. Yet at î'anks- Pan to help prevent rheumatism by keep'mgPhn ,v.'ng. Laif as7 many grown%*-up.s yout kidncys ini good condition. TakePhn an d nor a7 man>' childrn n ad regulauly DodJa Kidney Pilla b, bhallaà rasped lier nerves and mode.her century the favorte kdney remedy. ; _______vant_______ bshniek with br odds Puisy -ýn okdaottelong table i__________________ HEADACHE AFTER HEADACHE Now She 's Pree From Them A 'AoD:a-- ,;-rites: -I 'a-uld:.ke et -errýone ';%ho suffers fran. head- ache.s ta try Kruschen Salts,. Be- fore takung Kru.-:chen I was sel- dom free from a headache. Bu' sunce 1 have been takîng ut. regu- Ian>' I Lave hard>' Lad a head- ache. for whuch I arn ver>' thank- fui. I Lave been :aking a small dose off Ku-uschen e-rer>' marnin: un a glass off warrn wa:cr. b-efore my breakfast. and I feel 8o wcll.* -Mrs.; A.E.D. How do rau dea: wi:h Lead- aches? Do rau jus: take sarne- :hing ta deaden the paun. without ge'tung r'd offthe trouble ihc causes the pain? Headaclies can generallr be 1raedta a du;ardcncd atonach and -otahei uns»uzpectcd retentuon in the systern of zs:asr.a::ng waste .iua:crial whicli Poisons the bad Rernve these poisons - prever.' :'.m formtng again - and ru: rlever have ta waý,rrr any marce fram 'lis:cause. And tha: us Lu s:t how Knuscher. Saîts brunsz swif: and las::ng relief 'rom Leaýdaches. Kruschen aida 'Nature ta cleanse aour body completelr off clos"-,n- ras-e mat ter. sw.f*:lr :0 the windaw an.d s:aadï there lookunaL ou: unta the black- ness off*,lie nisht wi:,h blund. un- seing eyes. Scott:. from lîus- place c,ar tetable. saud uns--ead.lrý: 0 I car.", teil'rau ho;v sou-> I arn: bau: aIl thus. CLloe. Off courseS so:accep: *h- pla'ceIIIdce-u q ba:k ta vou_- Il Is no us-e 'rr.rnzta fuh: r-an.". Chloe :old L:m LoPeles,-l ~he altvarc sets Le: own t'. a; na Front same'a-here cu:sude :r. the m' a t te r L o w n îX -.u h , e h a s t a', o i dle un ather peapi."saf-a:., She ffaccd :u.uanra:hl -.aw tha:tstars , were .e:p:r.s dois r erface arà ...a* the slsr.cr body :nr.s urpe'Ltc:ff r. 'Oh. ie ale te2Lrs she cr:ed Passuocnatlr. .\Iak:.nz a s:ccne 1luke thus 'n front off aIl the others. 1 cauld aIma.,: hate lier il I d.du#t knaw rh:lîa',Le means 'svel. and tha shie's nearlv ata about things" - .srsi She caugh: Lhe: brcath on a lu:- ,:e ztrangled sob an.d wcn: or. stcrn:ily. -'Oh. Sca::. I ;as sauna tcamne ta you an rny kncez an.d te.: rau, :îat I'd l:ve un the iisb- b:est Laus4e in the výill.age and do my awý-n husework and ca-ok-n :yfl Yau'd marrr me. but,,r.ou- iI te'l rou tha:. r-ou-I tht rk t',s becaUse I uwant ta kcep China- ber1r Grave un the famr.y .TI-" b'"î k w;*th Cii;abei-ý- Grave.- Crued S.Ca:: I was gains ta plead w:th ,o afarset 'ha- s.e %vere bD:rr. or. -ppaosute sudes af 'h a:lraad :ra2k: ta te.. %-o-,u th t M Dre thar. anyth un s els" n -Le wcrld I wsanted ta nila:«:>' rau" O.Scot- '- whu.pcrcd Chloe u n. t"a :lr a n.d a red a :, h um . w:deercdflushcdz. "-?."lovel; and appeal:'n. S,'-"' handci cenched orthe arn Of the -heel chair and lie said a trufýele l:ck7y.. '-Dal:;nz. ,v', en -raU lal ame L.keth'I a'. a terrible du-sa-vantaze becaus-e I car.manase"-,h;- thunz very Iell e:. Oh. CLoe. rnY deares., r1pase cerne hcre!" Ove: -Leur 1heais a gres: cluster of rn.-le:cc looked dawr. upon hemn. tc :Icr hute be:'res h:n:nz r.:nL" es'aft lush. Benea-h Lhe mi:c off hem-n te ther .ad fc'uýr.d ecr other. un 'tleeLear: f 'ie ca"1' a "-y y F"' "ie: .thee usid'nth then (HEUROLET PRIIU(EDMR 'bu.xg.v Mai« De La"e /(k_ r ng cars, 8peed boats and air- in-Head Engines. Engineers the most efficient ini the world. iChevrolet? Everything-for sanie Valve-in-Head way. Wmans that more power is ôryu cn u t this way ... iilsper gallon of gas. with«u performance you need. owners find thev can take the ay Casier ai îraffic lights. hold wtablv. Yet these sanie owners ore ta the gallon of gas! PRICED $ FROM 820 (2HEaSMSBuainOF, Coup. ,.,ot'.ere came the .,aund off ;o.cc; suns:ns. The .soft. rnellaw u:trauncd re:inherentlr nusical voocaoff the negracasungung -De ":Chflc la>' 4n de mangeh ... Chbloe laakcd up a: Scatt. tears :n lier eves. re:, a snîlle trembluna an Lps as s.,isccupped"lit., face betwcen Ler two liands and said. lier voice shaken a lu:tic. "Mcm>'r Christmas. dar]ling. foa aa and alwrays." 'For alwaYs and a:ways. my dearest dean." said Scot:, lits vauce caught a luttie b>' the maauc and the wonder and the breathlezs beaut>- off that promise. Stay ai tL ST. JEWSHTEL WHEN YOU'RE IN TORONTO VERYROOMis an outsideroom,high- ceiinged and good size. Each room has its own balcony and tiled bath and shower. Good food. Attentive service. Private hotel garage service available. Away from trains and noise; yet only 3 minutes from Eaton's College Street Store--which indicates how quickly you can reach stores and theatres. Single rooms, double rooms, suites -ail with bath and shower FROM $2.00 DAILY 392 SHERBOURNE ST. (Just above Carlton) RA. 4135 Rs Mast., De Luxe Motiais Firnm $892 Deiivered ar factry0. Oshau-a, Ont. Gzovernmenttir o, Eeightand icense extraý Easy paymnent> on the Generai Mocors lasMaimet tPlan. %ROY NICHOLS 2510 Courtice LISTEN.. ZANADA-93 SIMPERIAL TOBACCOIS INSPIRING PROGRAM Friday 10 p.m. E.S.T. THE p \Cp p p - I Add to this the fact that the Valve-in-Head design cuts down oil consumption to a new "Iaw" -reduccs carbon formation-and is famous for dependability. There vou have the reasons why a Vali'e-in-Head Engine is tihe ver>' best kind for a car that eniphasizes low runhling and upkeep conts. Take a minute ta check through ail the other fine advantages of the new Ches-rolet, as Iisted ta the right. Then corne to our showrooms, sec and drive it, yourself! THE C.\.NADI \N STATES\[\ i< \ \\ LL. NTxitnTFURSDV', FEBRU.\RY 24TH, 1938 ýàý 46 &