Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SX t.:.\.~DIAN ~TATESMAN F...~.MANVILLE. oN:c.R:c' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH, 1938 STARKVI LLE t r e.r - - M 7. -- - i-:7 soninsMa n- RADIO REPAIR 'a .r , -- 0UR AFTER INVENTORY SALE ON SALE 2.7 Velvet Dresses - Haif Price Balance of Our WINTER COATS Reduced $5.00 to $10.00 Phone 836 Bowmanv'iIe Please serS free c$ty 5' OSHAWA CRYDERMAN LIM[TZD - P PP. . WOOD PRODUCTS CO. tex 74 - Oshawa (oeOM MPOENET MAPLE GR( r,. r r. - ' M- a-t-I M"- G- . tr. J.~ a. :>VE a. f F.rPe Cs:. a-.-.: :-, 7 M.- -. - N .r. - . C SOLINA cr u : sn -' rr7 -7-'- r'.C zz r 7 . ~ : a7 a' : Man-- . - 7 à - r 7 --. 7 7r r 7r. asy 1 . .. Wr E mar :0. ir. 0 C(r.wa.r.a àr'r- 7r ' 'n r 7- rr . r, a- la' ENNISKILLEN M 7' are M '-àa- N" a m B:- 7r 't- n- Mr. t. E -r-7 q f N'! 7 ýrýaýz St"'rd" and CADMUS à M 7 ' K, 7. r-A rà/i lu r - ? rlu a M . m -r r .~ ~lur-a' -.-n fr ..UrXr .'5 < r7, '.%nrr r l!r r . " .-rr :. 7 1 .- ý «'- -rnr22r. N,ýzl'a--:. Nf:-lu-, r- a .%'rf -and HŽ.f- T E7 T,"- \r -,ner."aa'lu.':nz 'r c-rI-. 7. .àrý '11Y W cy i kr T. .njC7,kir M -rp. 'A r Nrd, nz l!a-raa,-r.NI:- Cocl Ftr.c" r: W . . . ' fNI - D e W7e n Nir 'r ,--.c' -C7M'-- and -' N r.r nI:. lfr. aa: la-r!'aer.-.L m.e a l!cz i te Uwer e ze -.i :i :7 .-. -. -a. 1 Ac -un arY; Cn o wa- saNf: 7- arà-- Nf:, Cark '. I.... r ... - -r r - IT's crarrmed w C l.e la*est ideas and c co ret son raksng your horne mcre crfort- able, moderni! Shows ltw to con- vert your barren batr":n' into an attractive recreatzrcn r -'s sii J-M Insulating Board; E hý o. maicrn.e your ktchen mnodes-n 'r'- o r Asbestos Flexbcrard; hrw * tý:z a fireproof, permanent r e:as- EBENEZER besos hsrgcsh,-.v Uc insulate yvour " eh mr.e .hJ-M Rck Wrcetc. Tc'is. tr'o. b r't-t finance borne iîrlovesnents with Conen- irrit rr.cntir'1' pa--ments out of in- ccrne unde-r the tes-ms of the gc.-ernn:ert-sp.rnscrred Hrrme LI'- SEND FOR YOUR FREI COPY OF THU jm -101-UOOK TOPAYI - r r. .o r :r.e ' f ur-.her ~..r an.z.r. :-n Here They Are! The 1938 Suntested and Sunworthy M'allpapers Special ow pr"c'es on la st sreason 's japers. MON\1IRCI CREPE DE LAIN For sprinz and summer garTnents 1.0z. Bail 29c Large assortment of INSTRUCTION FOLDERS 5c Each SPECIAL Tiny Tumblers for tomate juice or fruit juice. In floral patterns or with ass'orted colored stripeas. Each 5c JOHNSTON'S Book Store Phone 651 --Bownanille PROVIDENCE --;eenzng aou'., "n--r emb>ers cf P'>o'.-.der.ce Sn *nlr.scoo, ga-:neceei a: Mr. an'd v 2:m u:ec M-s. Bur d--C:& charge of the prograrn: A c« cu7.s by *he chi:dren: rec-a- 0V Z-' ..r Ba-ne-:: 'oca'so o b -s Saurdeca: read:rg b \L Bucre-:: chorus o! -« W.,h i-"s.s:-ers and zhe Qu:r.nev 5:è:e:.s: ceacdmng bY, H.*: .n:ecesunE:aik cn rcs: Uè g:;.en "DY Mr. Saunders. pro- zram concuded w:h a rnu: con- .e.i-. Lunch wxas serý.-ed 'n abur- c'arce. Mrs-: G. W:gh:, expressed,t.s -c 'e nsesswh:ch or.e-:o a c:rcze a -.-e-y en. o- mble e';* -n. :7 --z:7e1, rr. a- xce:ient or -zrarn -ha- M:, 1et Bal. n gave a 77 Mr 7 Bke :a Va- -Ca' . .,e. --~ -r z F ' :- Et, 7 Ge W. lare-. -4 r :17 -A.t 7B ZIONa- .s: n«. tn'a-,-z Z7a a -a d' a aAC-ne--. l- \fz . ca-r Leacl 7 :eAar~. < Krra! e a-- - . - .- .'. c.a: a- - ;Ns:r a-V a. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an D.r.-. a a;r G l-'Nr - a . .. rr.. ' ~ eYtaU .- M~G:a-. àae hd:arn-'C a rr t-.,:a7 i SERVI CE COWLING SELLS FOR LES AND SERVES YOU WELL Giant Eyes Tested Fellow's Kruschen Glasses Fitted Synxp 69C Satisfaction Assured 87c - iE" Cushioned Facelle -25 OBIT1JARY '-- - :.r. .' . -- - '- 12 T V r -A à -Y- 4 M M :17 . 'n (ý 7- r. . ............ M: 77ýj -i 'F7 7 7r - H 7 . a7 B %rA n r CDanr . e7 -r ATEAND METIN in&r led by Ho-ag r.-rý .e-ý.î L7... r , 7'l a n . T à~.n r t "A 7rr ' . ýao Vacuum Botties - 29C 500 Kleenex - - - 33c Pablum - - - - 4 5c Ca storia- - - 29c-59c Pinex- ------32c Dutch Drops - 6 for 25c Med~ 59C 100 A.S.A. tabs. - 19c Ilf~~ 9c 6oz. Cod Liver Oil 49 *~UWBile Beans - - - 47c r REE 5 Williams' Razor Blades with FRE 3re Tue ilias'Shave 29 c 100 1 lb. Nova Iron and A.B.S.&C. Absorbent Kelp Yeast Tablets Cotton Tablets Tablets 79 - 1.39 9c 29c $2.79 69C Calc. A. Caps. - $1.25-$2.25 Scott's Emulsion - 53c-98c Dr. West's Paste - - - 17c Wampole's Ext. - - - $1.00' Beef, Iron & Wixie - ' - 89C D.T. Ext. Malt & CLO. 49-89 Ovaltine - - - 38c-58c-98c 25e Noxea---- -- --15C We Fit Trusses Satisfaction Guaranteed ALI Work Guaranteed ALLIN & LEGGOT Bowmanvifle Oshawa Phonie 6#' Phone 1- FRUIT DIRECTOR ,Cz'tr red frcm page cfr 1), n use' -z-, .:- ne ne zgrcw.ers :ere ce: . n- Dr nel t S- s . r add: 1C : - -h ar: es arnd :a:acLe--- ro :f--sOne mak.r -rat--;p-es ::Oc"- u2 :c:ced r:' A.: *:-ru Ma:i De awa7e. e: -zcfe cnor winmc:e :rccacreazce fDe- s ha-;e b-een m'ade :4n On- arocu.:Lz ..e pas : eç yeazs A.p c.duc::or.hece :nc:ea:e.-:. m- x,-sfro-n ou:s--de sources x ea ff. ou: ema na, =-dmarke- 'Gr"-*re -,-r 'r _ese apple T"'e a -'ne -.e.. er ::-wr pa. -On -a*. -r ower Dcae :ace. The z csen- a'rnof C' -a ha arcc a.rr ark e-. c b. nd az..a .ar -pp«.ec'Pe lerao y :n 6-q-uar- oa.-ez n .c qu?.:yap; e O f C. dez zrandCcok:rg .gar.e-e..a-ra scra'e pr:ces.-:ITe Fede'a" a. c a: z .ich a rnove b - ec'oe n: - .' e- :napGs.osor.teprcýee.4azae cffecdersz. The 7e-a:.e7 - peýc a. --:e ca.n c -Erpar* by u......*q CI 2oods -ha: n;:h :rcxer ar.c rek~eper w:. r.b oaa.:«-an'.er -. r.ffer tao eccr.zumrer Increased shprne.-ns a-s szugge.-:- frcrn -eCoranze '- r.a:,preser.' or .ow r pces :on'y repre.ser ru:. c .ner.- ie.-san.d hard :n:sfor. a.. -ewho ha. e to on'.pe:a nhem y-.r.-rn :. Z er and -e a r eeou* oa ý4 <"' rcr-,e aB. C.a'%Ppe r'- e--ne p'--' egz"- -a m. ZA :ef-.A a'r.a".e'-ce- a. _e f;zh" oeo.'ere seer -v cn- 'ke; hb -e On'ano an- ": o'vx'at- a oC .P f -e- b-'e pcr o a.- :,houuand-z cer m.:ez-a:fc *hecr r.a:ke*:sz Youir- r art :' P. W. HQdge-«Sý THE SPOTLIGHT (Ccnt;rued fror,, Page --ocea: :rn-:erez: and ':mportar.ce -o :ne peope o' Canada." Bu, coun audgrnents are cour: juoýginer.s and therefore to be respec:ed: 50 ma'.' ' -.ha- when the que.s:on bcornes up agair c: ray aga:ýn bé squashed b! the speaker's ra:mg. S'apportirng hcs requez-- for a comm.:t-e o:r*,;ez:iEa-.e : e ad- mrfl:rstratlafl of cus:*or.s tarcfs. Mcr. sacd :th a * n-,o u g hsuc - cessive changes in. the Cus-orrs Act and ,he CLustomS Tarlffs '.he au-hori-y of parliarnent :.n arcff rnaking had bEen deegated *0aa departrnen: of the oere: and tha: through r.zes and eu :a::or.s:a*d down b'D*11-- depa- men-, an :rnporzer of eocd.s '-c cé r. ýoéay dusco';er b:; readLnr. :ariff act wbaz amrour.: cf duv ra.s :o pay on ntýs cno:~ The pa.ssz.r.g of a bude*-ad be- corne a **ho:'ow rokes. Een c'oI brokers were beflo--ed b; .es an.d rez-uat:,o..s of 'r.'Mr. Mifr.M<Lea cf Mlefloc- econded -he '" 'o cn f-:nebra riroe.o ' Wo er nembe";r.:' -n- a.qe pa:d a_-.-rcYer 'ca '-a" He z= '*tz M'a- ." a '- Broadm.;Aac*- C Mrc - -- -'ne n'ý- p <-.'-n rI 's :, a M M ýa"i. ks ba..rr'-er. or! cup'.r.: t.:" rOD " -. h ha '.c. o,-eacr z'o.. ;-a:ccdurcr.z ar'.'A mc' -' Mr.Ezr Lauw.r. fc- a a,:-n ST. PAUL'S MEN nCcrtnued frcmn page ') and.ated .- r - ~ z- r:ur' ' D- NIvr'-:'iMc .r r..or 'r. \. . N - r.~' rr l~' n i.ta. 7 k:C a 'a7d . C r. 1;ý: a e If a ge: has pret:y hards ashe can afford -,odispense withh .oves. MOVING- JOHN LENZ Harness Shoes - Repairiiig Wil move on March lst to the Store fornierly occupied by COWLING' S Drug Store King St. Bowmanville Special Values ln Harness During Our Moving Sale TOM ATO 'VI ~torTHRIFrY ~ *1 ~o LB B'~G Juice tin - Sc Cc.oking Turnip ... 3 for 10c Carrots Spanish Onons ..... 3 Ibs. 25c Oranges Grapefruit .......... 5 for 25c Lemons Pkg. loc King St.. Bowý&man½lJle Potatoos 65C .... .... . 5 lbs. 10c ........2 doz. 39c .... ... ...4 for 10c Pkg. 21c Phones 367 - 368 MIAXW~ELL HOUSE Coffee 1 21b. 22c - lb. 41c ive carry a complete stock of Heinz Baby SouPs. Leave us your name fer a free tin. 695 P. R. COWLING, DruggistH"Re Dr. E and '.Mr A.M. ) H. M t r! . -et c r.. rd r >'~.. . ~ H . - H-ki:. a:d F-a:k' Tn r .ra'an -c: -r..ect. 'n bv the Ir.d b:.a -,sunz b., H. ':rr'. Lunch waý serV-cd te Q60. N~. t :e: n %%-a:Il be a ibanque t E- .:-kc T:rJa;. Marcs irr- -r-r' Rev, Nfltr. Srre-r. Tc - -,:: -' r,: -oa e AreFilere COUCH, JOHNSTON & Use The Coupon or Phone 2130 r . r r Saited Peanuts .. lb. 10c Crown Brand Corn Syrup .. 2 lb. 19c 5 lb..... 43c Strawberry, Raspberry, Pineapple Jam ... jar 15c Chum Dog Food Special ......... tin lic HARRY ALuIN THURSDAY, FEPRUARY 24TH, 1938 N VILLE. PAGE SIX, NOWI AMAZINO /NEW SHAMPOO 1 IfS A" 7 r.,O M i U2;~ _ îCL

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