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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1938, p. 8

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THE C \NAI.N STATESNfAs.N. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO a far butter wage Ilhan lie iieow re- over a million working bours CHRISTIANITY AND conference last summer Il be cciSuý. \\"len 'iou consider iluc are there wa.s anly one iast time ac - uit erthe samne again. ie ddd I ns ide Picture of Fisherinen s tîùîîvimen iiîcedî,,a ainv. ciden t in the plant in 1937. This COMMUNISM HAVE Ilrxwas an unforetab exper- îlevfih ymeans that every emplayee and LITTLE IN COMMON ence. and it will bielp us sec e' a iT]tinîaîaî z< tuilnherture: take tlicir officiai bas been constanî.ly on bis _____th.rough the eyes af atherste trike rn Nova~ cotia l'or hwil (I ul erreaching shore again iguard and taken his part tin wif- <otne rmpg > problems that beset us all. ln Ztnd ilien ri recise a jew dollars ning this trophy. It is a remark- Mso.Tems htkn fti 'stehp il veka wtrk. Von readls able record which lias flot been Msa.Tems compîeteîythtknaitbnlesheoe W ritten Specially for The States- c iuiýsf-r rwese whsv the\- demand a living wage. duplicated in any of the other ten siily story however. the speake: cfr am lr! ousi in conclu-hatar t man y WrfordSouc. ofThur, isalsothe ish )tiNer'sGoodyear Plants taking Part in said, was that which appeared in in ali fa ova Seotiab of 11) rn Paaiamo tht -b buier this cantest. Bawmanville wili the Globe and Mail xhich stated1- e C.RSpnrexesd jjývý%Iltbrth p.o), iise pac tèr reonv le vI tiat temeig R fornaltev.C. R S pecer xprse Hahfai Novaocotkaangle anti lie 100 i,, righît. Inithe have ta work lbard this year. be- he meting as t fath n-ateclb ppeitin r. i h <t notkno~ svceausehethetîboysr,, plachthcroaronnio nes TIdasthe Halifax patter- carried t1iOntario read of the ),aritimev laro'e buver s \v- leare able to lhandiecuetebyltteT e oiia at o h n on o pend dad,'dress.ý hedi "cll11 ln reott ae h rpy-tario field. Pesount E. hs P Brdt rsdd hedies telling abouit the vcaslabour troubles but if îlîuv do thies lie catches of -evurat schooners n lantaeott aeteto . The gathering beld na rea-anPe s e k Er P.ras întrosded. str vrthe Atlantic <\\-Ich 1sent <iii bavese-ii that abolit a mon ,ik iantiles fj-hiiîg i ii a i E. H. Kaken. General Superin-'adtesakrw iroudi poor tendent.enuggeted that his wal tionship ta politics. It waSsis:npl\y by W. Ross Strike. Rev. W. C. small vessels stnrrx ing for shelter. ýago fourteen fishing schooner- tjecland a fc\sv%u:ars agi there <vasaltgnment, ss he h a n adventure in understandin!c Smiith if Ctic ad rc Yesterdas' the. headlines asked the ntp at1i unenhurtir- enianding, bi'zhuer îracîcl o market for fish but tough sirietash adtoland hti aet e ia orc a rc i-er nin vr-nt<--ele, htencourage bath Bawmanvilie andan hti oet iDý queston -"re tr%ý;71rs neeýsar Il or tlcir ctches Thl , ý Toranttoonrtaieinhtheorotraphy Hete graddee',Yougtadas, thevas nhe stotil- quston"Ae rale-nee-ar ti rie-fr luîrcach-.Th e 5 - heerssofhe chonrs tei ffered cnrtlton tel-luminating experience oi my bisme t h d iema t o fis?' Wiih le- d tn but t hat iesthc vreuttlt reulit <a-gool at the outfitter's agrtatastit brigsmetath qwsit a ene-hohetu pcu thtlev ivere .: cal afficials and emplayees. el-whale ie. E T N IL muan freina Ontarioi asked tudav,! recuis ing but there ae, as- ltia. ttrrx11T.rte. tie store matde a prhoatseae a h i- Teseke efoia elo '\Vhiat is tlîis Fisherniens triku 1<'o side- 1te) c\rs stor'.theIiirsc ave nex ieth urrori f h pol wt honh that sue have been reading aboiUlsud Lo~ing Sthie argument from iiin thee-col av enu'ig1 comparable story teller, George L. sm ftepol vt hmh Mrs. Cieland Lane and familyr bas itanv bering o the (l fihenianr atîsulesnid ucv 1aIantage eseîvlii!re.r Mcçrea. Mechanical Sales Man- came in contact but the major have returned fram Colborne. ba i av erig n ueqestiA f-ira-agelu hudrcue.ager. levo canfined bis efforts ta portion was given over toa adis- Ms ei ulyad Ms ____________________________________________ The large bunvers of Nova Soi umorousjks dicai uc- thoiesf Dr. uckbeand i r sLa ae bueen ondthe sc has\e the nîi i t oern fi-h prackini_ cession which kept his audience te . D.Yug eaepar-lit plants, to bc tounldanule. The in a constant uproar ai laugitter ticularly friendly ta Tîm Buck. backoîueo th ia iis. e m tatie a og Tesekr eeintracluced rHe was gif ted. able. and one of Miss Joyce Adamislbas rcîurned r ,4cllit; IlrlfII ~ bac m tîer b-le-. o taIthsI\1by Mr. Hardy who expressed bis the mast likeabie men I have ever ta Taronto aiter being Ivith lier nlcres- utheir B 9dngpersonal pride and pleasure in the icame acrass. lie said. I am not grandmother. Mrs. Reichratit. eiie- isr,(rllu rrîtfitý the btuverlplant's inngicommunist. but I must psy my Mr. and Mes. S. R. Joncs and n itd mre tiýh- li nru chooner;the traphy. J. O'Neill introdu- tribute af respect for thîs man Mrs. Alice Truscott Joncs attend- L'Afist f5bng-1 ntrlmiiar ui dM.Hry'atelre ad h is guifs ai intelligence. I cd the funeral ai Mis. Jaynes in P flo' cd -trrct. -gotî p and es <rN-ltille ence. 1Wauhdî say ie lbas mare intelli- Part Hope. seum- sps As soon as chairs wcre remaved. gence than 999 out aifcery100. Ms a.Bre isrtre bel je twaoces h Db)eisinerllasatrnf per- home aiter being sick at lier - ipartk,.riii tih (Ir wi n llýlde'bndfoTras.o.andhi- stence nmeetinli asacjuhers Ms t tirasuu/ur a bu pet ier- tii bu cailecw. Al. Hannigan's original cr-real solution ta the prablems ai Cawanviiie. etDisine. eting aîtttareuutîs j- tht gitator, or union lades fband rom Tecono.and c.adblee iebsaduDe'.Mr.Wso tigri r li ROETIN1 asve no Iuarritui n <rions or hsesiie the eodadte day. He is earnest, able and Men's Club meets March 9tli.e ising HEDOFC-OTELorgsîii7ers. Thev have ,h uî ird àac floar with music. Square 1.5 ta be trusted. itliiîît 2nd as mentiaaed hast week. riphsesn tlîemselte\vese a The moren-1 hm.with D. R. Morrison, Bowman-phanues F. . P ESON til -ffuingan lo.s.A nio ~ the lower floor and the round Dr. Young related. the mare I be- ville, as speaker. l unchi Locl get Sugg t.Phoe 81 !irlymaiaed thati. b far bik-dancers took to the upper storey. came canvinced that tiiere was a W. 1. met at Mrs. F. B. Love- and he ili )neof he reaestassts Only twa interruptions disturb- guhi betwecn Ciîristîanity and kîn's. Newcastle. iFebruaiy 16.A ___________________________________________a_____________ý v<* a o hav etetban-secd continulous dancing. the first. Cammtînism that cauld neyer bP course fraîn the Department in Visitor aunlrs aitav but viam i tbu lunch about midnight, cansisting bridged. There are some minis- 'Planning and Preparing Meals Me. i elaiaiat. ivo ri uiig ai of a sandwiches, cake. coffee, ice ters ta tue United Clîurcb %V110will be held March 7 ta 11. Coin- in Lind, ý ýý~~abourg er-) a c-ils luth, be cdam. creamn and appies; the second a believe there is little difference mrittce was named ta look aiter a Mr. aurii lt at oiceriu sd tue<tt;Big Apple dance when members:between Cbistiaaity and Coni- social evening for mnembers and iamily. whuou i ht rttfits u- thre agitatiorfaihie younger generation demon- imunisai. but there ia. Tliere is saIlîcir famihies February 23. A St. Darcb. cvrstiuîe el-e lttýiufrîtun a strike. strated tlîeir knowledge ai that 'tremeadaus gtthi, a three fold guli. Patrick's Tea will be lîeld at next Mrs. L AST THREE DAYS TO LL titI tIi, l.uuuî.uîlsîua fMiing il' t ,, The first differencezs inthie The Season's Greatest Musical trlc-s ucie crîittrlcrl, luli the ,tint t I tiui ince.wach flinch- forcean violence in the eýxtrease. 1 Com dyHi l <'t, I)(rat,,tlîrue trass er- tngly wli their faces wreathedli Mr. Buckt does not belie it pas- j~i......... ................ co el i N- betfuIil hie r cir.ariaus expressions ai amuse- ,ible ta bring about the changes ........... Fir-î t uîe hi iiiutil <s î,,tu ent . :ncredulity sud even dis- îlie suants by legal means. sud ex- u- niciu ît li%- s trasslu r h i..a iiîî ust. ipects that only force can brincg At 2 a. hue party termiatd ieibo. -îesîuî ls-- icl idi ,,tuuall ' v iralg- 'be nev n td ieiao t thîe hîaik- fr fi-hl. A laru a ias sd e bu.ilding weil intiated Secondly the dîfference in the DOMINION FEUTURES 'Y o'r Au It r îrsss h euttts uti \andîî ady ta settîe clown ta t.iit look. Communism is dis- 'Yu e At~e Il~i t t 2itbýi1hson;lu ethan tsd chrÎistni inc',ly theist:c. They believeL I B' th rwe.TIit , uiisrliaii trasulur- .ansian prograni ai Good- that a mati shail have enougli ta S w e e th e a r t an d enivti c1iseand à :war Ti & ube Cmpnyof ct. hrk1nd1ft e h as.FMOSQA IT HO mucli but beorcdfsi ier B lr'tant b1evs lieveas tcie materiallehfarr aielpmressentHETT froni the Tr clur fîîîer nici i.. pphairc na cehenîonîg ic. Buck boeiepetaren o nLIB lice George00people____________ n-____ foroa liceussetoettprndegtruisulers ant tihhaer urrgumuii lis ,eun..ilc. T lhus I -te arr cok oud tlier d ai o f luei e e i red anLIBBY' the r tey spl w. ineofhiabt nîhT M T UC Faye Murphy Devine cîsiîîîiithe ecucul(rf suaber uîh O IT ARregion. Dr. Yong slaiblîy vl a~ s e are nrtss aving the -cliolrier- eiin.D.Yun ad Te E And canutit fisli anti their sitpjuh< is ctur- n o meaaiag ia Christ's enquiry CTHU 1 i taiheri anti that the niarket i. erosuEw- a Ppneu enrtn What profiteth ih a man i h -LbîTomate 1. Bt. BI ni ltle. ru et bin w o l"Libby's Prepared 9-os. Jar Libt *UEI~~muI ~fl~AIIIfl~ .\nother argument h ing u-e.iThe iamnily ai Mr. Edward air ol" UTR --.0 KEN MURRAY and 'OSWALDthat if (,le compaux i- licenser Io inesu oi Haldimand Township'r Wbîle I admire Mr. Buck foi UTR 1 i ritrstc trawsuh b.ît i., tuIv fait were rshled to bis bedside on ýhi.s siaeerity. sud as a man Iý Lihby's Swt. Mxed 12 os. Bot. Libb 1 IG S NG HIT -tlist nrthher tompansv shonl lie. Tlîe February 10th. wben he suff ered came home irom that conference - PICKLES -- .19 mi 12 -lTSb-'es argumenit rtf-al iii favour ofa severe stroke aad lie passed , more than ever conviaced that - î(gu-h ~~~away early Sunday mornin.Fb h uibîenCritaîysdOOCLNPR CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. from 1.30 p.m. to CLOSING trasyler licin--f<or Canatlian cettuligF- I Comunimcn ee betwcross- iaityan traîne. i the fact tîîat nearIs ai] ruary 13îlî. omns ca nerb rs-OLCLOYPR ___________________________________________________ Eîurtui certtintrie-suad Un ited t r.sud Mrs. Papineau and 'ed. ___________________________________________ Staes havenurînîerouustrasuters fisti- Inaersddo am aCa h pae eton ta tell of AUNT FIM iag on the batk ik,rtublinuirei ilit. tÉe tcivnsbip for a time. Thea the vicissitudes tbrougb whiclih L off Halifax.moved ta Ceatretan wiiere Joe Hill. Irish bora Canadi an -E FL lt ifax. ith shü they had a grocery store for some !leader af the Single Unemployed -- mii r Iaiit lilur arge tat f Iyeaes. sud lter maved ta Cavaa Association. bad passed la thet 141I I E mre raulu- ae h b hieiiurhiluntil ,iust receatty wben tlîey years ai depression. This man Values effective Feti Sta[It- -iner ceaeý r e b ii ides iCartn pae ai ie enn u HN - «ii hîrtsu tirm<ui of sîîk. hevcame t Haldimand townsbip ta was another ai the parîy. and thei SUeffneralservce ia hILdin :ale lhe would flot b; surprised if 1 Ai Oimakt lv-arueti htionthe man became a communist. DRO IN And Continuing 1ur- sill oulft thirs giviuîg eîttrhis widow, are tlîrce daughtcrs. 1 than exists today. I believe il menut tut more iieui iui-tearlofti hrowt-j Frances (Mes. Loftus Allen)., Van- can be clone witlîin the fraami- ing me ont i Nvor.couver. ie(Mes. Rasa San- work oi capitalism. It lbas been MON AY UES AY WE NESaY mott ob<v r -,fthe: ders>. Edmonton. Claudia (Mes, clone elscwliere. with couaitetes MON AY TUE DA -WED ES AY Caîttaini. andi the cresu. rrftltu Fred Flans>. New York: sud five not as weil blessed as we îuîtli sct. oiers I eau ruattilys-ce their side sns. Harey on the bomestesd, naturai resources. Wc shauld1 FOUR STAR COME IANSh ' 1 aI) kniuneni- Clifford ai Bowmaaville, sund Isend aur experts sud aur states- FOUR STAR COM DIAN Itrs of thiefimnu whîo hiv fi-h suit Fred. Albert and Theodore. al ai mca ta, Sweden where this betteri 1 beieve if t .he <sert abîle îhueý Detroit: and two sisters. Mrs. order is establisbed and u ader B R 0 4 sutiiticertaui]\ raý highur Itrice- ýZiba Harden. Castieton, and Mes. ýthe capitalistic system. With aurj fforfi-hi ant I îmtov re nî. 'H. Foster ai Frankiord. resources we could. do sometbiag j Good D 1 ~jklîrrs thie price the fishermeti Me. Papinesu coaducted a dry, that would be a pattera ta the 2 C Ec :1trice the fishi irsekur sell hisIifbh asnd Newcastle. None of us îîho attended tuaI forr ant ittiitieriiig bis uttlas fîor t& nâchinrs. labotuir, arud al lisi.. rrit- lie uni faciliteli- trrfut is ar froin in - NIt suthat t ther trasuler iccuses AWALKIN09 TALKING, MUSICAL CATALOGUE 0F THE ieîtItf it- frou-n a -trike' is ut UMIIIMl iI r riiumitT 1 Alll à lu&Tiniu à o usrn tirà nu atiittrut-.r M n V à T ADDED ATTRACTION "Mutiny On The High Seas!"l - in 'Adventures End' with John Wayne - Montaoue Love GOODYEAR HEAD OPENS NEW PLANT IN BOWMANVILLE (Corinued from page 1) Rubber Company of Canada, Limited. who officiaily opened the large, new bu.lding. "Go£dyear'z first mechanical gcods plant was established in Bowmanvilie,- began Mr. Part- ridge. -four years before mechan- :cal goods were manufactured in Akron. Canad:an employees look upon it as the cd homestead. It î.s pleasant ta make the place more comfortabe and more ei- f:eîient." The pre.zertation ofi the SluSsei- Safety Trophy wa.s madle ta the Eownman%;]:1e argan:zatian by the donor. C. Slu.-ser. V.ce Pres:deont and Facto:y Manager ai the Ak- ron plan'. Hf, eonc2ratulated Mr. H -ardy and the emipJoyees on their ,4ý ecod andI explained the r-on:e ýt as an effort ta alleviate gsufferin2 and in 'uriiY :nndu.srry.1 Suprrntendent A. M. Hardy' 'eepedthe trophy on be'ialf of the ica: plant and Lave credit t'il.: efficient staff and ecm- pluyi-ýs. Dr. V. H. Storey, fac- 'cyphysician, also received cDnm- niendaion for the part he play- eCd in keeping infection at a min- imum, andi Miss Evelyn Bickle., ý ecretary ta Mr. Hardy, presented a large bouquet af carnation-s ta IMrs. Storey. Dr. S'orey brieflvy exl i"('ssKd appreciatian. R. C. Berkinshaw, G en er al1 Maniager- and Treasurer. outl!ned~ the efforts which had been madle by the eompany and emp)loyee.s toward great .Fafety. -Bowmanvi]le bas clone 1itse] ijrtiud," a.serted Mr. Berkinshaw, and bias expanded sa much that I wonder whether the hats af the staff will fit from now on. In Iu.iIuwvit IIUfl DONik' r Nu t allii-tuitt.tiI Console Model 140-LB Regularly.......... 239-00 Allowance.......... 60.00 $179eOO To'ii.. Iteuttifill uîîrttiv g 'is rthte fanîtiiS \cttuusticat hutîtsriuuth ili utkus rrut thic 11 nt,i u ru [It trtni"i i tati ur, ttomuit. tler feat urcs incieý tu Triîtte l'ange, liiglu Fitieits, \f-talh 'fT us. Tri - FîteaiTii up. 1.1 Ige-îighiteri Se t. eettirhite fiai, (aîireeSpteaker, \VaItiiit F'ii1si1. ORLE CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38 Simcoe St., North - Oshawa OPEN EVENINGS Stmomber*LC&rlson $50 TO$00 OFF When You Trade-in Your OId Radio Ask About Our Easy Time Payment - Plan - ORDER NOW AND BE SURE TO GET THURSDAY, FEBRU:\RY 24TH, 1938 YOUR COAL Wise home-owners insist on Knight 's Goal .a Coal that gives them. the luxury of a properly heated house during the coldest of cold speils. They enjoy a maximum of clean healthful heat at minimum cost. KNIGHT'S FUELS hone 448 Bowmanvi]Ie 'g. Mrs. Roy Langma:d, friend. Bowmanvilie. with Mr. ,Presiclent. gave an inter- and Mrs. L. Millson. outline on the diff erent Mr. A. A. Martin. I.P.S., Brigh- of our wark and an the, ton. and Mr. R. Martin, Lakte icture of Rayon. Excellen- Shore. with Mr. and Mrs. G. J. was served by Mrs. Lovýekn iýSt-apleton. er group.1 Mrs. F. Siemon. Toronto, w--:h Mr. and MVrs. R. J. Rowe. Jack Wade with his cousiýn dsay. and Mrs. L. Hayes and 1Maderation is one thing that Bawmanvil]e, with ýMr. J. is rare in the extreme. If a man does not se-ek wisdom H. Millsan. Margaret andlie wil] never be veîr îse. --PSPNT P.PSONPL EPVEE 3 21 -oz .2 3Tins.2 3 Tins . bby's De" Browased 16-es. EANS 2 Tins .21 by's 21/i's Tin Il-L Pickles - .21 by's Evapoeated 16-os. 4ILK - 3 Tins .25 16-as. ' OUR i g-.15 >ruary 21 ta 26 OR OLD D' CLEANSER Choses Di c, saves- time end sceps. Gilbert Jones Maniager OId bgbush 1 lb. Tin FLOOR WAX - .57 cNateau Yz lb. CHEESE - PIcg. .1IL7 Gilchrist's Fruit and Mut CAKE 2 Ibs. .25 Calay Sfecial Deal SOAP 4 Cokes .18 Stronglisail Dog 151h oz. FOOD - 3 Tins .25 McLaren's Pkg. SOUP'S ON --.10 New Season's Choice Med. PRUNES - 2 Ibs. .19 Mother Parker'ss ½ lb. BLACK TEA Pkg- .271 UTCH 3 'TINS .27 SPECIALS ' , t a llltuîir;itc(l r 9 Console Model 63 Regularly.......... 185S.00 Allowance.......... 50.00 $135eOO Tiis <tit- ir c e r \ l i ' itp )t i t rt iut itiTis t l f Strotnberg-Carisctîî5 uîsIo.î hpurp- îita oids at a ceai hargaiut. I PAGE EIGHT s tir ~! i~~-- )~ s") -1 r r m 4 I THURSDAV, FEBRUARY 24TII, 1938

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