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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1938, p. 1

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- - - Circulation 3000 This Issue ~rnabtrn~ Witb Whieh Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 84 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1938 NME P'ossible Erection of High School Addition Discussed By Council and School Bds. Joint Session of Civic 'COMMERCIAL FORM Bodies Hl-Id on Tues- STAGE PROGRAM day Night - Must AT HIGH SCHOOL Find Room to Flouse Cîîîîriapcsîtli-.itar- Doniestie Sei e n e e 1 tic grau" l ii BH.S. auditorium ici and New Shopwork \Vdiý du1sTheiguigto Courses skit. îîce-eutetî vlittîe talcutcd at-toc-.. Tlii- fic-.t isIas fettiicd Fratik Tiglie Bowmanville's three major ci iîociiiatii t-io is itugs: Heleil t-le bodies,thie Tow-n Council. th Cotonaav o,:ii~d aeroiaii. Public and High 5chool Boards KeîîuetîhI- teSenisoni. ai a Frcîî-h met in a joint îession i n the îtaiterc auîî . C-T s. R. Logani, C. Councîl Roomn on I'uesdav night \lactii ,as vanips. for a !rank discussion o! affairs BPetivcciidie plas-. Ht-eu iiNît-alfe, which were o! vital importance gave a1 cleigltfîîl vocal solo siîîeziig ta al groups. thie cccueth-poptihar hallacI "Tht- The main subjeet discussed w-as Olîld -t.- the new- compuisory shop svork lie stcotid skit, said tri becivritteil and domestic science courses Itv o!o tlîe lads frouîî Coînînt-rcial. whieh have been ordered by the 'v- a satice o!fîîoclerîî office life. Provincial Department a! Edu- Tie t-ast ',ere: L. Parkt-c. as tie cation. bo-.-.;:1. Halliiîai. as itefficictîî steuî- Secondary School Inspector S. tiecaiheqi E. Al-Sioa--r- of ic- nt HAROLD COTTON I8 SPEAKER AT HOCKEY BANQUET Harold Cotton, former star o! the Maple Leafs, and coach 0of jhe Native Sons Hockey Club, will be the fea- tured speaker at the annual Church Hockey League ban- quet scheduled for next Wed- nesday evening in St. Paul's Lecture Room. At this ban- quet thie cup for thç Champ- ionship hill be awarded te the Trinity Sons team o! Trinity United Church. Each member wili recci-ce individ- ual replicas o! the t-up which is donated by the Rotary Club. Special awards for the best goal tender and for the most valuable player wili also be presented, but the win- ners o! these trophies will not be announced until the ban- quet. Tickets for the banquet iihich are 25c each may be obtained from Nelson E. Os- borne or the team managers. All those intercsted in the Church Hockey League are invited 10 attend and hear Mr. Cotton. Sons are Guests Durham County Club Hears First Postmaster's Grandson Rhys D. Fairbairo,! Son and Grandson of Bowmanville Post- masters Gives His- torical Address a t Toronto Meeting The Totronito Durhiamî Club meet- iz beld at thue Sherbourne Club. Thîucsdav cveîîiîg. ini fervent spirit. iii the fatc;s of the gatlîering anîd substanîce o! addres reallv smacked of~ Duchîamî. 11 Iii ) îeillg thît-îmeetinîg the geîîial auuî affable Prcsideîît. Dr. L. B. W\iliain.;, reuîacked that already the vert- aitii)sphlicre iii anticipiation o! the prograîtu stas charged ssitb Dur- FýIlolui-uic eadiîîg hi-Secretarv Wahlat-e-Nlaas o! last meetiiig's miii- uîtes-. Mc. Satîl Jeffecv movcd, sec- oîîced lut Dr. Frank Colc. thie fol- iostiuîg resolutioii:- To Dr. Jabez 1-ihliottî: \\e the uncîîîbers o! the 1ý. a vrv CIIII)u avin eC fon ktonî- Ciuhci!1.-r D. IRendail .BA.. was present to Feortle . 1Lviier. a vamip; R.l itra s a iraigra rm ve oWc or hSD ara gieteDepartments attitude 'PnvSidls ofc oat erv i'nteresting and instructive jet- A grandson of Bowmanville's EjybeSca vn e towad Sindels, ffic bov andterson the earlv history of the first Postmaster and a s0l on oabl -otled Tontol toadthe scheme for the local S. Cashouirn as -Bei _Mir Bkst du I Hamipton - Bowmnanville section of Bowmanvls second Postmaster. Artists Provide Fine shch o tpeasto ihattecoreBeouanquet rriuav et ulîas i nTeCan- owas guest speaker at the Entertainment whchi. oentoHihSchool stu- \tbrotauîg eare(IJ adian Statesnian last vear, now wish Durham County Club of Toront dents and Public School senior the program was Ileeni Halîman and to express to vou our keen apprec- monthly meeting sat week. M r. Nenb r of B viavle -ls part of the curriculum shortly. the tiinpianos. For their tlrtt Hear Splendid Inspirational pulai. fortvoulr cntiuo to th fusesairba irdliveleda lndi d ad or- ~ îbr fBwaxleLo students ll p haved tou be a d h iin rtev ald Cu eon a . iiîile% of t ie a d r s Cater S a p bli ac p aiu alv t h s o s dr s n w i h l ca i t r o m - C lub plaved hosts on N ondav nigl Mepr Ren tdal id nedo t x that th brhe-of lahe(l a inmed l lev 0f th A de ss by Cha rr ntor , wo are ei eci al interested in our ed a prom inent part. It is hoped 1 to teir wives, at a dinnur and en- D e p rt m n t i d o t is h t h e V < e dii g o th P a nte D o l< T el K n w n o r o t o o m m nit ."a , so m e la te r d a te to p lu s o n l te rta in e d in th e S o s o f E n g la n < town to rush into the matter and "Doll Dance." For thecir second By'Worker This met wjth heartv acceptance some o! the valuable information ball The fir-5t event Nvas a :plendid without adequate consideration, numiber tliev plav ed a miedlev of the By at or on the hands of ithe gathering. contained in documents of local chicken ditnner wbich ;va5 completed nor did it wish to force the muni- imimortal "Stardist" and *Studv-ý in The Club bias in mmmd not onlv ap- interest in Mr. Fairbairn's POS- wit individutal icc cream nioulds of cipality to spend a great sum of Brown. Nearlv 40 Rotarians brought tbeir preciation of Dr. Elliotts genru eso. lwr.adaiml. uigt j~~~~~~~~~~~ moe rprn o h ore \nwlie fteporm~as sni to the Balmoral Hotel Fridav effort but biopes the saine will be dmniier eacb lady vas presented witl Three courses are open to the the announicing doue bv three girl-.nii igtfteAnaFthradSn uggetive te, others along lines with a lrindsome parcel of favours, and loalbar. h bar ayu in unisn. namnel% Lucv Ly le. Dot Niglît. wbile those wbo vere nlot %wbicb thev are peculiarlv familiar. ODDFELLOWS HERE follow~ing dinner Stuart Jamie., con- ize present space in the Higb I icker-on and Editil Carter. privileged to blave boys of their 0w-n Dr. Williams %vith a glance toward dAECME~tucted a luckv draw for the ladies School building as a temporat yIThe prograin closed ivith ant cx- borrowed or adopted 'sons for the ev- the Editor of The Statesmanl, spoke W L O EO T RO in %v ich thte winners wvere Mfiss Anti measure. The space that is avail- blibition of "Thie Big Apple- whicb eing. The speaker wvas Charter T. of the cordial reception ail Durhamn GRAND OFFICER Nicholl \lrs. Deanl Hodgson and able, however, is not considered one %%-as overheard to remiark wva-.ta Sharp. prominent bovs' worker and Connitv local uapers always gave to N_____ Irs. R. F. Dititiwell. Tlhe draw ideal for the purpose. The sec- little green and wormy ilit spots, ani teacher at the Normal Model School. the Club's 'nterests. The President OddflosF m ayN rb %asaieyPeidn vH r,1 ond course is to rent a separate t'le -ig of t'le form song to tuie Toronto. aiso, tooj occasion to congratulate Ceteos GFrom Mny NemarbvJ rw abyeid EntW.Ev Hor, J building to conduct the course. tune of "The Old Apple Tree-h Enigbgn tteOnai ditor keo. lV. Janl~ on his elece- CnrsGte I om .B own an E aW.creord and the third way open. is to er- Th chool fr B oys heretharion atva otePeiec ! vile Last Week to Greet n T eta new bderints. Both the Trl asinere ittedforgains e htionls er oth rsdec f Provincial Grand Master the program whiclh got under watw ewdpatnntLLohte a, v,,ptedaais ac tTrcurn to Page 4, Please) with the officiai welcome to the lad- Deprten ad heBordap-IU iiu e 5 iO i~ in swimnming races at the pool and Onies bv E. W.. Crawford. Alan Knigbît pear to favour this last measure others played volley bail, with the Wensay erur 3 d ei i re omnt igs as the most economicai in the larger sons showing their fathers LETTERS EDITORS LIKE there was a joint rally o! Dis- with Gco. Davidge at the piano. MIrs. lon rn.To ur nu otle s ow the game should be played. TO RECEIVE tricts 41 and 42 of Oddfellows in E. V. Hoar was presented with a It hsbe suggested that the_____ A sumptuons banquet. etue Florence Nightingale Iodge room, lovely bouquet of f lowers in recog- cost would be about $16.000. wth with second helpings of ice cream., Orillia, February 25, 1938 Bowmanvilie. Grand Master Ai- nition of bier assistance to the pres- formd th seond art f te ener-bert L. Bruner of Ruthven, Ont., ident. the governiment providing a large Hear Addxiess by Mrs. Adams tanmetl Osecodr of tue enter- andian Statesmawstecifsekr nagn h rganwste undoe proportion o! this. The annual f Ihl tIOet Cm ulainunt rie ofthelbri memberh s dCB an ma, ntah he paeelrig h rga vste undoe grant once the course got under 0fO t-oet o ule upieh rnighi l OmniiOt upon the need of O>ddfellowship to lr. A. C. Chiapman of the Chap- way would be $1400. plete Res Room Projeot er brother dressed in short pants, an Dear Sirs:- Please !lnd en- land its teachings throughout the man Concert Company o! Toronto. No action was taken by the This Year Eaton collar and tie. and hair parted closed cheque for $10. which pays 1 entire world. He is a wonderf ul MNr. Chapman. is the 'leader of the meeting with regard to the mat- in the centre. Thie sont was sonne- for The Statesman until Dec. 1 speaker. Deputy G. M., G. C. R. noted Old Tnic Village Quartette, ter, but members o! the various w-bat tinruly during the evening and 1940 - three years in advance. lHall. Little Britain, Grand Sec- Victor recordiîig artists and radie boards will, having heard the Friday was Grandimothers' Day even went so far as te, smoke a Sorry this was not attendedlt retary Wm, Brooks, Toronto, Bro. stars, w-ho bave appeared here on complete details, give adequate at the Women's Institute and cigar sylije introdnicing bis "father." before. You can credittearticl1e Gerrow o! Port Perry. D.D.G.M. s-arious occasions witb sncb satîs-ý study o! the proposais. there were a large number o! The introductions svere not as uis- intefotpg fyu ato it o 1 n r l.uhwvrddntb ing l Sm ebrofteCueligrandimothers and other guests ual gis en bv the fattiers for thîeir iissue foretigm knwomyCdnD.GM o!Dt.N.4. ajoerdid lo b i e Some members o! the Cou resent at the meeting hldoin St. 1)No.,4 btblt the boys tlîemselve, i n eil h meighldi t oybtb tebv heievsi- 1rrears. We are having a nice ýalso spoke. There were about 100-quartettebtapormo ait appear to favour holding off the john'5 Parish Hall. Mrs. Fred troducing their fathers. The result %itr here, only too much ice on Ipresent !rom the two districts \vbit-h was receis-ed witb entbnsiasn, erection o! the building so that ýaeltvc rscet rsd a ag ubro ie ssu streets and highways. In ail the 1whiich includes lodges in Port I1w the audience. lIr. Cbapmnan ren- Bakr, st icepreidet. resd- vasa lrgenumer ! fnesas 591Syears I have been here I neyer Perry, Brookiin. Pickering, Whit- d-ed several vocal solos, accomipani- any new debentures might com e:ed in the absence o! M rs. John- rtlecso adedoneain littleb , O haw , rine-.s adN rs.Claertî-.înhee'a o due as others are paid off. thus ison Thiekson who has been ab- %uldnotbcanmiss. for lit so asmething unusuai ýCboshaad rooot ope, it waso rs. bpmanaIt Nir.via o. creating no increase in the tax !sent several montîls through i- Nfr. Shiarp- atdre-s was filledtlit o eea evr edmgtCbugadBwavle o- I vso nee. btMs bp rate. As several large debenturenes- otovfrte the ice hiere like you do down mnanvilie First Degree ETeamn con- man bas plaved the accomipaimient -ise are due within the next The roration. there. However everyone1 is 100 lok- ferred the lst degree on Thos. A. fr M.Camnsnele~a o ) ew years ti ilb osbeif Terî cî -s nweedb ,ers ])but alofor tei catI-.. Ht-, nI, , aa thswilb osbe each member naming her guest :poke oi expicrience-.sybicli batl ing !orward to Spring. Wishing Partridge, Bowmanvilie, and Dr. l _^ns arsiad Nrs. Cbapmnan c\%as the bilding prog-am is lield off o!th atelun you the best for 1938. I remain. ' Manning, Orono. Re!reshments a secrt- s oung girl. at leasf until 1939. ofpe atrin on th p-oran îîîe<l hil-rlessos lix. hs cl-Yours truly. ýw'ere served at the close o! a Nlrs. -Ola N[cNatigltoti o! Toron- The two newv courses are pro- v,-earr. WsneyCahe pr io - a. 1a-ii rne oloigiC. E. Thomas. splendid evening. 10, ant elocutionist, wbo syas intro- vided to gJve girls a training in cal numbers. accompanied by the' uwar. '%as spent in trving to bî t1încet a-. being entirely tifferent, re- houseliold"science. and boys in Miss Phyhîs Challis.' and Mr.II. R. cate the grave of a chap tiaiietl To ceivetl a biig reception for lier sev- general shop work. In short. it is R. Richardson in vocal solos wit.h[ Nloore, a lad ivith ss-bomn I liad I ,,u VePeT LfInPT'1I cral contribution-., and e-.pecially one mrakinz the schocol not only a Mrs. J. Abert Cole at the piano. a,,;,ciatetj l, Cnaa, said '.\Ir. M E OT AWYA rIJILIjfl ii whicb she <epicted a holseWî le buntaevof caal c îoeducation, The guest speaker was Mrs. W. Sharp. He biat beeî kilîct d î w Y Seeatr getting breakfast for bier at centare ao! al cademie îghtmsfu Osaaddrss o grandot-e ialît-e- îd tat gaveantia-.thre period-. of life.svhe thetad alo. Admso Oha-aw-ogae d-trving 1 bring in a woundetl manî. bccîî married on1e vcar. ten t-cars andt crs" a o!ad-.ess on 1 ilIere sd aîtiîgratevîens 1r- evc etenLn50 \-cars. Tbis w-as particularît- well er'which contained alot o .t hr altntefns r- Ottaw-a, March lst. - Beyond doîîe aîîd covereceie wbole ranne o F ORBES HEYLAND wholesome advice and humour. bute I cotild pat- bimI, resolved 10 one or two questions discreetly don and Vancouver. iemiolioîisafrroiomthlie romance of a GUE T S EAK R 1 - -Ralwa ComisionDutes of thîe fanîils- scraps, and finalît- tht- ATTRINITY Y.P.U. program. tbroîîglboîîî Canada anîd that is -Il\ the ranks o! the Britishcbnt Widened geîîtee lie wiîîtoedage. f _________ ~in the business session the pro- 1 aîn lîcre tonliglbt, trs iîîg 1 make thie bear no evîdence o! the great The departiment: o! transport .noerfaresasheîgi- spakr at Toriî itv Ynd %stgee- inthoTwnHal hî 3ea \ -ians feel over the disturbing ev-- lution -to introduce a nîcasure Rt-id Carroll. sopranlo soloi-.t syiî mpeaer tngou liîdiiiglît. îtle -.p landethe n fiund for sth ista pur- - ee ir lir) ii ents abroad. The parliament o! conferring authority n P 0on a tlîe Village Quartette, and soloist of mnetig nslonpîi-îght lie so tht- oe , dtthîTow Hal tue ',',-ar.tbere i-iaa mosaît- Canada is naturally anxious to Transport Commission (the Board Howard Park United Cbitirch iliTo- OterP-roî o aticn H-pose has not increasedi verY ma- fa cort- iit connection with the Vati- avoid discussions w'hich througli of Railw-ay Commissioners to be ronto. Mrs. Carroll's numiibers cov-- sîîetha îe eron frpI eiCnad i--iterially and it is hoped that the ceac.-Hele vokeî-elc amsany hasty or ilI considered re- Iknown as suchs to license. regu- erecl everythiiigfrm igtadiy frtaitl iteole-)fa nadakc-e rýt public will respond and help the terpiece tlies ',isli t0 reproduce in marks, mighit hamiier the efforts late and control the transport o! folk songs te, -lassical ninbers. antd l' as. keI cominillis-ii ntIla'In-sttute in this worthy work. :iarb, build a framie perhaps onls o! those seeking to maintain the- passengers and goods by railways. duets witb Nir. Cliapiiani. ci. -. - nto!Cadtl s fa>-jiî Dainty re!reshiments were serv--la foot squlare and place smnall color- peace o! the wiol question in ships and aircraft and to fix 1i The final offering w-as Lioiiel the hllîtt-.aîid use it iin the pri oCed ytecmiteirhrea Pl the close o! the program. J (conftinuted on page 6)bregrd h to a' eence olicth ense feesd candetansprtgato eroit, kiîo isthe aligingcar ti nd t Hct)- uît t h e cla uses of- -prime minister that when the de- anid control other imatters imci- liniorouis cartoonis inicrayon wiîlî tiet. Hestt- d îîvblelat th o-Ca t *u J~1 fec estimates are considered a dental thereto." This means that aiuazing raîîidit-.atv-î uee ru i g1 iat ienseedintî iîitu 4 r thekw i nt 1ll2 ClOI W~full opportunity for discussion the w-ork o! the railway commis- f.îsiandhe o c it ith ept ttt-et lit-r. Ft re igiier -. to liiig o Caiî- wili be afforded. but that "the sioners will be increased. Hither- thîe auîdienîc in a Ilappy mloocl. ada-.buhî mi belooetîdosiî pîî I A f ~ Ldefence policy o! the government to i-ailw'ays only have conme unde, 'dcx NicGregor exîîressed 10tlîch h lit sîoid o tîl lt- el îd b-i îîr-aI iup n ~ n a .n e ro i~ u remains to>day exactlI' as stated ils .iurisdicticn. Under the new- Cîapinaîi group the Clibs apîîrec- Caîiaîlia h5. The ot litr rt-Iigion> - laveby the minister (of national de- transport comnmission wili come iatioli for tlîeir fine îirograiii andi lthoir sod points, ie poitedt , bhi fence) and also by mysel! at thei other formis o! transport. L at expressetl the- hope tlat the clib RLhi n .1iiils s , tht- oil s rt-higion last session o! parliamnt.' There session a billwas introduced -tii ssonld againî las-ethie privilege of (sIt-hidi teaclies , 'iteour Ft-lIow- TICrs rgtJ,îta-Sbolîî îer fBtie .S ill ado tles enshap quetion- i create a transport comilsi cariiîg tlis talcnted group cf artists. 111111., Cnvetionîîî stas lit-Id ai Cdiuson 1TheO.R.E.C. speaker. c,'e. j iI adsietecan tak but the bill was de!eated in the Thîe siîging of O Catiada broîîglîî A mîîeii-. qîarett- coinposetl of Fritlat- Fu-h. 25tli, withi a gooil at- 1 Ruîssell Harris, t-oîductcd a Rounîd1 from individual members o! the senate. The trouble w-as that tii a close onueo! the- most success- Bot I îiisttiî, IDoni NIasttu. Douglas - cfiîettelSllat TbeCoerîeiitlefcnon house on the defence estimates western grain shippers w e r le fuiladies' nigits staged bv thte Lions Wiglit and Hubîert Hlooper sanîg i tendcance o neetdSb1 lTil ofrneiiteatron but the hand o! the minister is afraid that coritrol o! great lake ClubI since its inception. Lseti Tehl the Stoýrv' Paîltî1 Seliooî s%-trkc-rs. Rev. C. C. Harcourt coîîductcd Ithe strengthened by the resuits o! Ishlipping rates would mean a ileI-hî andi hi-. gîitar sîcre ilIc- -t. Il. 1. Bt-Il a-.-i-.îedl 1w jev. \vor-.hii service which opened the two by-elections in Quebec which, minimum scale o! rates. Some dut-tcl and tlthaNet-ilTexas. (;n airl C C.d1Harcouirt coniductecl the -det-o- e',eîiîîg session. Mrs. Olivecr anîd indicate that the majorit3- o! the road transpor-t that is truckîngI îîîtîî\liiireiin.ther. EtîarNelson-.o-iNirs. Thiompson o! Nestletoîi Pres- people o! that province support !etc..%,as also ta came it h lbornt- ltt iii the cîirreîitth- ti uular tthIefot f hegoer et ases lo ,îpîf LCaîhiui S.S. sttlt-udtit- hi ter-iali S.S. gave a duel. The Sec- theefr !tegvrmn o! operation o! the act but here en- gaulnt-hiui-otr 1 \'1111(115t- L. 11"lt '- . reatiîtht earv gave thîe report o! h Nomî- provide nîeasures o! defence for! tered the perplexîng question o!fl ' sî, t-oi f tl rpig ra iiiainillre 1)-1*, - t r vte -en îîviiîr -- iiiite ad te of- Canada. Recent events in Etir- provincial righits.Inte ai u ea C I o n Stj îî rt- l fe i-as hîeîî -i ',-~ i'- iC.aopieîg Coiitiiiittce aîîîl hie ! ficrs in sîsht-tIlfoi-that Itart shîihc- lre-.iîhentiitht- vNloîîrc-. a iieiiiher tif 3tli -u-stere dîilt-instalîldis- Rlet- C . oewt h otiudtrol -aad transport cames under pro- I hIti iI îtoerhial hiageif li~ S Tt- x iiiîht- t-îîo îfHarcourt. Nîrs. IHarcouîrt bting thet-Asîa have also added to the coni- sinciai regulation. From the lu--li -the t owt-nship i.e. : -.thctoni Unitedh ut-st- Presicîclt. Nl\iss Bircie Gibsoii viction that in the present con- v-ouding o! the present resolutionieiayohe uiiai t le1 adýIssBt Icud a dition o! the wsorld defence ar-ma- it lock.s as if trucks and ohî Wieta» other muiiai î lie-bstelaî, ît-hit-~aîtl us B-tI NcQudesaigtba ne- reessential. highw'ay tr-ansport wihl be le!t ont tics are -epoîting comnical Dr. J. C. Devitn îeceis-ed an in- 1ilzlhat-k.ît-k Anglicani, liack-.tîîtk cuet. Re',. Ruissell Harris t-r - v ît-lents arel teî-esting lettel- front his son Jim i Uiited ih iit Cailintusst-trt- thîct re- adltrt-ss o! the cs-eniig oit 'Thie Good Air Routes Across Canada o! the new bill. Thie ternis o! the diseaes in large numbers, Bow- recently. Jim lias just begun work Itîrti-il lithîtir res-pective-t-Sîîtîriîî Sîuîcav Stlicol Teaclier." lic stress- It wili not be long befo-e the 1i aew bill have been careftîllb nianville' record foi- February in the Maritinme province.s and tt-iiiht-iit-.. Nr. Jtlîliîî of Ne-.tletto i liee'eci o! kiiost-iiig the gist ,-f passenger and !reight planes o! Ignarded by the minister but it wsol 0eeacrigt stated that le had been ta a hioc- ctîîhcihîîîîeîh a muicaitahiiibt-r, a!tt-r thie Iessoi, cf kno',ting thîe pîîtih anid the Trans-Canada Airways wiîî may be assumed evers- care 0caeacrigt key game in Halifax with Wîc-sthi tht- Secretary,-Tc-easturer, \Ir. gettiiig a poinit cf conîtact ',itlî thiat be plying the air routes o! our been taken with the ncw bill te the monthly repart o! the Public ford Souch, son o! Mrs. F. SIuc, arI Dlircll, gave lus report. tîtîpl. lii proving the piointî thiat country. An indication o! the ap- sce that the old difficuittes arce Health Nurse, Miss G. H. Tueker. Kig t, n ta Jry rdd r.R P owe tel ae et-cvil thîe inost experîenced teachiers proach o! the hour when the air- removed. AIl cases were mild, and only two sngofSt.. and thatWJrryBradd. Dnsr.ctR.e P. Bos t-hshen Bab-lea" en- shouldeser go before teir class ways will be in operation was Thresh Out C.B.C. Diffiulties cases wre among school child- Nea ! M. dMstle.W. J. Bone of ahed . i Jî.r Betit-v- a on Thie ible" R-s- sithout preparatin. lie said, "I given in the resolution passed ini The row that wènt on in the ren, eight being o! pr-schooi age. Newst le. h pad ee n ac the . J. Bell gav"eiilcative rt- ci inciig %wolt ratdier drink fren a ruiiig parliament to amend the rans- house some days ago over the Miss Tucker's report for Febîuary ouîtaningplyeis o te ie. al pi 'Tmprait-c r-',aliigstrcaiti thauî front a stagnant pool." Canada Air Lines Act. The am- extent o! American advcrtising in !olows: Bow-manvillc boys to the front in nîîauv vers- alarining facts. A reatî- Rt-',. Harcourt closed with tueheue- endiment will enable the airways the Canadian Broadcasting Cor- Fi!ty-four chiidrcn completed this sînaîl world. it seems. ic Thet-at-hers Praver' ssas eMictionî. lui the Resoltitions Coiin- ta operate across the frontier o! poration bodat immunization for Diphtheria in Messrs. Johin Baker, Mr. Rich- gite -ti ltNrs. Fred Hatiltoîî.a îitc's report tlîanks were tencdered the United States. The proposed thesd ot Ina sct coi t- ebartiy-w weesho ardson, president o! the Durhaur I iiîîlîr o! tht- -Anglicanî Cîiturcli. htuhor !Cdis lu i -ueo!tearlnswl a r e !he hou naselActesommuton hilrenand tirtw enty-tw o pre- ShortthornAsAssociation. tandhMc.ardeof.CC.nuC.CHart- tiirtugai-ethahaaddreesswtlt-clay ies o! CadRenusCfor Htreourtîave ti- theen aceossiesoothern Mainfor thnowt beforeeithechouse.rtsponsManed schoololchildren. hotherile atndesd he Linsay ie 'Seitc , %eeetrti ofnl spper, te te speakers andi ail wil aso enable the lines to pur- by Mr. Howe, Minister o! Trans- Communicable diseases report- p r thorn Sea e on e sdwen Ti i$eats90r îîetiîc o tters st-lietook part in akiug ait chase as agreed certain shares in port asks that such a co i tced for February were: W hooping pries î'cagd btwen 90and a ileliciotis stîpîer hi- thie Cadîîîus iîtcrcstiuîg anîd sticcessftil Couvsent- the Transatiantie service. Ahl thîs 1 Cough, 8 cases, ail in pre-schooi $100. Top price w'as $125. adies l v the- Aniglic-ans alitl ticîî. points to the lime w'hen there ilih (Continued on page 7) age group: Chickenpox, 1 case, CLUB SPEAKER 1938 DOG TAGS HAVE ARRIVED The 1938 Dog Tags have arrived according to word re- ceived !rom Chie! o! Police Sydney Venton who has charge o! the distribution. Chie! Ventan is rea-dy to staî-t distribution at, any lime and the new- tags may be secured by application at the police station. The same clMrges as in previaus years are in force. $2.00 for dogs and $5.00 for females. A by-law' a! the Town o! Bowmanville pro- vide, that every dog must be rcgistered with the Chie! o! Police and the license fec paid. Tags are issued as re- eeipts for licenses, and these dogs at- ahi times. Police are autharized to impound dags which arc not wearing the current year's tags. Lions Entertain VWives at Dinner Entertainm ent Utilities Commission Nears Solution to the Problem of Town's Shortage of Water FEATURE STORY. IN TORONTO WEEKLY 0F LOCAL PEOPLE Historie Happenings at Niagara Falls Recalla Tinie When Bowmanvilîe Man Crossed Falls on Tight Wire In a feature stary in last w-eek's Star Weekly entithed -Niagara in the News," Colin Maclnnis tells a graphie story o! darede-ils. ice jams and electrie power that have kept Niagara in the limeiight for 4years. Among those mention- cd in the story arc two local peo- ple. Listed among those who svalked across cables above the faîL is William Hunt o! Bowman- ville w-ho the story says "Climax- ed. his trip by fastening a long I ope tb the centre o! the wire. - low-ered himself down to a bob- bing Maid in the Mist and f in- Id ally ýPulled himself back up and finished the crossing. Another instance tells o! Mrs. Edward Cooke o! Tyrone relating the story o! hec father, Capt. Carter siho died in 1922, and who "went ont in a small boat and 100k soundings and plotted a course. SThen when the first "Maid of the IvLs" ws cotrutedhe ookil iout at 4 o'clock in the morning, id unknown 10 anyone and made the f irst trip ahane." Possibly tsome aId timers can recaîl these events. TrinityW.M.S. id Trinity United Church W. M. S. met March lst in the school room -with Vice President Mrs. C. A. -Wight in charge. Members oi ail Protestant -churches are invited ta attend Ithe Day o! Prayer in Trmnity lChurch, March 4th. S. The Study Class wihl mccl the a3rd Tucsday in the board room. -A very interesting report o! the - resbyterial meeting at Clare- mont was presented by Mrs. S. R. -James. This included a message -f rom the Branch President, Mrs. 'R. O. Jofliffe, who said in part. "eBe satis!ied with nothing but your best: keep informed; keep grawing and keep consecrated." Devotional period in charge o! Mrs. James and hec group opened with a piano solo by Miss Hazel prayer, Mrs. Argue read- a poem, 5 HORTHOR S N and Mrs. Webb a Bible lesson.R SN Duning the offering Miss Rundhc TO STAGE SALE sang a hymn softly in the back- ON T E D Y N X ground. Mr. Norman FreidliT E AY N X played a lovely violin solo, with Miss Rundle at the piano.' Mrs. Wiil Offet' 28 Head of Purebred J. Rogers gave an address on Cattle at Auction Sale on Christian Stew-ardship. illustra- Lovekin Farm on tions in support o! hier statements Miiich 8th were given in the !orm o! per- sonalexperiences by Mrs. G. Wa- Durhiam County Shorthorn gar, M . M. J. Hutchinson and Breeders Association, in conjune- Mrs. B. M. Warnica. lionIwith the Department o! Ag- riculture, Toronto, are staging their Seventeenlh Annual Sale o! LOCAL SHORT WAVE Shorth2orns aI the LovekinFParm, STATION CLOSES miles cast yo! Bowranville,' on Tuesday, March 8th. The contri- Plans Hinted For Other C.B.C. ýbutors to this sale, 13 in number, Actlvity arc offering 28 animais. Included _______in this lisI are 13 bulls, 14 heifers, and 1 cow with cal! at foot. This Radio Station CROX, c h i c!f consignment o! catîle has been short-wave outiet a! the Canadian selecled by a representative from Broadcasting Corporation, w i h1I the Department o! Agriculture, leave the air on March 1, accord- and is said ta be equal to any of!- ing to an announcement f rom !ering this association hms hith- C.B.C.'s Toronto headquarters. enta Presente<1. Ahi the entnies The 500-w'att transmitter. la- this year are from Accreditcd catcd at Bowmanville, is being herds, and ail have been tested withdrawn "for cconomy reasons' and !aund negative ta the blood an officiai stated. Il is rumored, test for Bangs Disease. The of- however, that the corporation is !cning présents a very dlean bill proceeding with plans for the o! health. devclopment o! greater short- The offcning o! the conînibutors wavc facilities. the exact nature comprises the !ollowlng: H. Earle o! which have not been disclosed. Osborne, 2 Lavender hifers and Letters rcccived by the C.B.C. anc Missie, alh by Ghenburn Rar- in Taranto and those by the staff bler; W. C. Parsons, a Scottlsh in Bowmanvillc indicate that. de- Actress cow, with heifer cal! at spite its comparativehy 10w pow- foot; W. F. Rickard, M.P., a May- er, CRCX has reached widc audi- !lower heifer by Régal Knlght; ences in South Amenica and W. J. S. Rickard, a Blythsomne Europe.. heifer by Ghengarry; W. D. Dyer, Since the long wave station. 2 heifers, a Rosewood, an Aug- CRCT was removed to Hornby usta, and a 15 months aId Aug- and re-named CBL, Mr. Ernest usta bull, alI by Jealous Prince; Brown has had charge o! the Lew Richardson & Son, one Car- shart-wave station. He will now nation heifer and 2 buils, one 14 bc transfcrred ta Hornby. months, the other 18, ail lhrec by Golden Record; W. A. Dryden & Son. anc 15 monthis old red bull f~~b Cmuial an imported sire; John Mlr d Co muniable Jr.,one 20 months aid roani bull by an imported sire; E. F. R. os- bre, two red Lavender bulis, il D uring Feuiuary montis oid. by Challenger; A. J. Hawdcn & Son. anc ced Lady Ann heifer and a 7 months old bull sehool child; MumPs, 1 cse cal!, bath by Collynie Monsoon school child. (imp.); J. E. Ljeask, anc Flower Tliere wcîe four Chiid Health Girl heifer and 2 buIls at 12 Confci-enccs lheld during t h e nonthus, ahi by Princeton Mac- month sîith an attendance o! 27. Duff; J. R. Duff, two bred heifers. Four sehool chihdren attended the an Augusta and a Lavender, also Mental Health Clinie for speech a 10 months old Lavender bull, training and one child for obser- al - by Roscbud Beau; S. Chas. vation. AllUn, two bred heifers and two bulis, anc 15 months, the other Health Supervision il month-s, ail by Thornham Bra- Visits to New Born Infants 2 with Caunt. Visits ta Other Infants- 7 The sale starts at 1.30 p.m. and Visits te Pre-School Chilîdren 2 the auctioneer wlh be Duncan Visits ta Schooh 51 Brown. Visits ta Aduits ----------- 3 Officers o! the Durham County Visits to Pre-Natal Cases.. 10 Shortharn Breeders Association Vîsits la Post Partum Cases . 1 arc: Président, Russell Richard- Commnunicable son; Vice Président, John Halw- Visits ne- den: Sec'y.-Treasurer, S. Chas Tubet-culosis pulmonary type 1 Allun; Asst. Secretary, John Ba- ker: Sales Manager, E. F. R. Os- (Continued on Page 7) borne. Find Adequate Sup- ply of Water Near Present M a i n s in Darlington - WiII Fin- ance Without In- creased Rates Boimaiiville's w-alec shiortage pro- blei. st-hich bas syorried successiv'e Utilitie. Commiissions for several immnnecs is îîcaring a solution. and it is expected that the approaching -ummer w-ill sec the pnobhcmn com- phetel- solvel. It is fairl, wehl kîîosvî that coîîsiderable work bas been carcied eut b, the Commission iii the- past fe', months. but details have been %witlîbehd because in timeir iuicoinp1_çte forun, it w-as impossible to unake a statement that could be ca4ilv uîîdecstood by those net ac quaiîîted siith w-alerwarks nroblems. Ini anin htervies-w-with Chairman o! the Conîmission W. Ross Strike, the chiairunan statcd that in the past fesv unonths cgihîcers hase beeil explor- ic iii and acound Bowman,iIle te tr-, if possible la gel siater which svoîîd b lie umpcd dircctlv inta bbc miains iii su-h a w-ay as would be againi-t the present pressure, thus stabiliziuîg the pressure aven the wthole ,system, and climinating the possibilitv e! building a stanage tanîk t0 stabilize pressure. A- stelw-as discovered in the South Ward* in an ideal location for tlîis purpose. Unfartunately it was found to have a definile sulphur odor. although no actual sulphur Conitenit, according bo a Provincial Dept. o! Health analysis. The conditions discos'ered in aIl the exploration w-ark showed quite defiuîiteiy thiat the self same sul- phur edor would be found in any w-ater in that area, at the deptb ce- quuired le cbtaiuî adequate water suPPly. The next step w-as te find if at aIl possible, a source o! watcr close ta the present pipe hune, te eliminale cestiy construction. The finst test hale sias Put down near the present proposed location o! the weIl. It w-as fonnd te hase ser- fine sand at tIje depth required for a large flhow o! water. The Presence o! fine sand is ahsvays an unsatisfacony element in censtructing large wells especially where it may be necessary ta use a pump 10 secune an adequate suIppîs For Ibis neason two other (Continued on page 7) ORONO NEWS SECTION On Page 9 1 -1 - - - . . . - -- -- -r,-= i - AT 1

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