PAGE SIX THE C.NN.-\DI.NN STATESMAN, BOXN'NIANNILLE, ONTARIO TJl'RS.N, N.NRH 3RD, 1938 1 Tl1omPSon Werc wxvmners and M\rs. tont 'When Pa Tried 'Mental Heal- ~ lll tp5 laying from September 2 on- A. L. lascoe and Mr. Will Ashton îc: in adinz lxv M\rs. T .Smith wu irv ards. No eggs laid by these SCH OL EPO TS "The Nugro's Sermon"; a vocal * ~ i birds have been credit-ed, as such S O L N Adaixv un h w ss rv db th gr updtLt, [r .. . L . Balev and M rs. inclusion w ould only create a fic- Don't imiss Pie Social ani Dance and a -goo(1tinle hiad Ihxail. SLN Wnig rp crge and il as votedo BT ORHOP he ~g at Solina Hall. 'Mar. llth. A\dmiss.ionx Nir. Chas Miii'. Hampton. pro- b ru i hreadavt f'h cost o rearing 25c. Selleck's Orchestra. \u..pices x ded anr excellent evetiiine of enter- ReotfS..N.2fr b: thank.. \vas tendered tki Rev. and WT O TH P The number of chicks brooded So lina Rjnk Committee. tainuxent iu the S.S. rooni last \Ved- raeortof SS. o. 20Jorns b. Mur fr. C. C. Harcourt. might easily have been cared for Mr. Bol) Smales. Bright, xith his niesdav eveniung when hie presented GaeI-aonohs.Mu -.\ nuniter front here attendcd the B nile High ch il cager.. by two brooders instead of three parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smiale. . antcrn slides of tire 111e of Christ. iei Lanignxaid A. Margaret Perkins Carnival on Fridav niglît ait Port hanidexi iort H-ope stjjdent.. txxo de- lif hatching datesaloe th. 1Mr. Isaac Hardx isited at Ljnd- During the initerissioni Mr. -Mil, C. Bernice Warren A. Perrv. Congratulations to the fol- fa. i h tl t h ili-side toxvu ýthereby reducing the aoundthan Say. . favoured xith accordian music. Mr. Grade VIIl-John Baker C. Nor- I-ýlwaii whoIon prîzes M Niss Jean ou TlîuIrsdav ni 0 . B. 1S. Snodoto ca sd .-\.L. asce ws cairan. max Brom D Frvn ohn B.Wriht .ndIr. Fred Trewin for Boxs triuiphied hv 4 o1 n As anyone- knows who kept Mrs. R~nold.. Hapton. Tempernce pogran Sundv ai-Charlie Langîniaid A. .\lhert Robin- best* couple skating; 'Miss Genevieve Juior Girls xwon bv 8 to 4.olr n 97 ed rcswr atMr. S. E. Rerrols, apo. Tmeac rgaiSidva- oiB olr n13,fe rcswr atMr. S.nd. Mrs. ternocon was in charge of 'Miss Mar- î Beacock for second best <ressed Senior Tilt high. Wheat for this expeaiment\r Hilton Tink and garet Scott. Miss Jessie Yellowlees Grade VII-Lloxd A.-xvre C. Kerr-lady anxd 'M\r. Gih 'Marlow and M.\r. cot $50.00 per ton. home-mixed famiv, ~enezr, a Mr H. . gae a liaper roniStud Boo. nth NIcEwen D ..Annie Potter (ab- l-red Trexe-in xwon second prize for In the Seiiors Boys tilt. Boxvîan-cs Taiv Enzr i tMr. H . veatîxateiBarmgauv a ocl ',eit). îng1d cmc.xille ' iin the fir.t few min developer mash of which large Tiks fs ahenBkrgv avcl Grade VI--Helen 1-<gadAaCme ite f plav ibut Ixere unabie to ii- quantities were consumed cost Mr. and Mirs. Jack Rexuioids withIî oo anid _Miss Ruth McKess.ocl. kB A large number froin hure attend- itfathr$nt40h.0id0 per ton. frieds n Toont. ( rai-DndB cB. i athrtitlth ndeo gav e a cxurperne oîo ~ îî,., teproiwe ner ta story. Ex clire i th 6Aî nimalConvention of ce.e oj<iï'~! In order that the figures may Mr. Arthur Thompson, Tx rone. NIr. NWalter Blackburn hiad charge1 Grade I-îroixHar(lv B. .\ill-ios gnncx huat ci nmaking tire hallroli.T(- be of some benefit to those poul- s visitiuig relatives hiere. , titre program ufor the \xIniîZ Ili B, -ixuiiiîe Potter C. l"'Itîî xvas lheld ixi Cadmius United Clîurch,. .stfarend whtesce17rykpr hoas lir 1 us. WJohn.. j xxE 0 tVIanie Ildedilile. PtheIsc rei17titry-keepers vho raise thetirppu- Mrs.Mxii Qick Box ixnviie.l'uiplu. metig MOi(lV e CiIiix. IRexnil' BMr. I)ougia.. Taxlor vas. re-electud lt. 5 fur B.H.S. lets from purchasedday oid at Mr. jack Baker'. -. Mrae ct ax eIthe dv rxu i lCifîri\llur \xructor ,f the I)answorth Swinie Iîlle second hiaif openied %viril the Ichicks. the cost of the original Mr. Gordon Hardx . B btx en iioi.1.1atlenBk. .a , -ixîrra'. R îîixî .î .(;fu ir\iiaInm Beuer. \..ociatiuîn at Toronto. tîlax iiinch faster. The luocalhi 680 ehicks lhas been reckoned atl viitd isboter M. 'ac 1lrsa Ail N iire.uc(ilau"u..nexcellent cnoxxd xva. t)re..ent xx ru xx oxkinig like a machine, pa- '$14.00 per-hundred. the approx-- Mr. and '. s.J. 1). l a rth aI 'ix tapxuixcue. ii c: (T (;aici ia i xxnB. John i i tire Carnival held at thre rink on ithtie hall frominmanrto ail al i mate price of heavy breecis in the 'Miss Te..'ie, Hamptoni. ait\Ir. Thlx .crîlie ilan de, riches,-xxd. I'rk rC, Ra Ixc ' N.Art Rl-x- Wdn' ig iht. Fuix. L3rd. Con- inking it in tire basket. M\clix euT jOkanagan Valley. In calcuiating Bakers. xx ith Ni... çan Leach ai xi Nir i. N.canax i. otefiioIng xx hoxxx.. xrkixxg as thongi in'îxireux l jxxîuthe cost of raisin,, the birds no A xerx enjox able cr, kixole liaîxrtv 'cBaker takinc -is aliriT t (;radie i GralIt grixnî. . x i pni/..iîut cxtniredaixMi. hiuiaoo max alt careasbe maefrl %vas heIid iinthe S.S. roonri Friiiax v .aîiN .am ir.N .2'faeiNxakn.iliaa i rua NICGili. Nu"ý .cFrgabîn.îi in gileuieh'e.RgRc oto asn ul eveiu unerai..pcu. f N lx u ie atc i au îîI cci î'. î. iidgentleman.,Nir.. \r-an haux x ..xorkilîg xun ter. i t, toMaturity Ruhv }Parker andliicr \..croup). ton vaxxi- xur iix.cxd. IL,'al .x aitur Biackiixrxi. teaslxer 'ýl Jîîiixx.ton, Nijr. Oliver Smlith xlufcice xiI ii u.mreln iip siae ot60cik 52 Nirs. Jack Xiowe-andi Ni r. At . i xa cxCiiiit dx oiri ir'liT ileiciu'iîC Cos.tumxes.'.Ir. Nurrax iixcnd axîiexxrtcxeiie Thu "auxp-esiae ot60cck$952 T rTxT.uixxe xx i xx ne rcaixcax ir iexpert c ' Bropder 1900glb. .xe 'i x' lcei a-'i a. 'tu., sî. Keitix 4 p ; het exxi'ul ( 40-17 foîr B.H.S ý rpd coal. 10 l.14.01 ,i s DIt.I iý lui Ia1,i rei' '..iiiuic(i ipublih c ixo gr.L:tter, 800 lb. 2 .0ý _______________________ Ir. i)ax e N I)bc'r ii\ax 'xi- xii, "l, erna MNieNaIIîx het c-t Bj . 6;xx ixfle 2: fag c. 6: 'î î ; hick feed. 784 lba.24 3 aiili' nIýýIl:.eIii- le a aTTl C<l cs-i.'x i\( SeiceVf.1: culcg. Developer mash. 8398 lb. 167.96 txîrtýc-t ,,) hr fti i hi ubic c ' illxixo Riv Gra- lx0: Rackhiam z,. .lteriiate-, Diîi hl ri. 60 l.150 n t'eratýI.S ýr o rl i 'xt Ni r FuiBen xaut, Fred Lucas; hcst coutple skat- laixe..1) Ir . ___gain_400lb.10.0 R A D I O R E P A I R CI sl S& eu i t t'" ciancrrx i,)rpinrtixat Nir. Tour Gilert Nfaroxv: for raciîg : pubhlic Coriîett, Couiîiad. Sxyeaior. Hodg- ISale f broilers and $ 1 6 SERVICE xii elil Tue..dax exeiii. Niar. BP 1xxi x- xrx i. III: lias ixci stax- 'chlx. igirl. Jatiet Sxvaiu : public sn oses 62l.336 ii ixi.xiili e a s'ixixirie xiîcixc' xiiîNr .Dailuti.î'x cliol Ixox ..Burt Hoskiii lbasket tif Junior Tiltrasr.162l.336 axi<l Ruv. MW. I. H. Sxîîxtlix"if POu ni. ot.Bovi 1ccris fr lr " anl kt hspoe o ,l% \i zb P e r x i l ci x o f W .îx . a k e r. b c ii c I ia x l i r . l e ( ic etxx\V .xi M ro . L i x u .t g x î th e I li t . In tli u C o s t p e r P u ll e t - 4 4 .3 9 c e n ts . xîîîi xîeein N.l.ii b Nr. anîd Nr-. N. NW. Mxiii Caxîîx xxix ir V.Nfrox.Bxfir-î quarter Ixort iHope lassie- op- lil h rd v \aci lli, iii S.'draxxixîg lot irte rîrize xx'cxt tI NrIxx îî uc scrxe xili a ia.u isii Tnr.drx Narli i~i Nn. ':î Nr. huiîh lBi c. xiN Nland larîîx aîx frm 'i '-r\f ii i'x î lsutirir lx au.~ I r'" xxx auil2 pn r cai 'W WNN r Nrax b.tIiiLthen ll axc a iitexrtii cr',Tii. x1ainehtue olri. ia(eriiT R N 'xage ,i grotilx x . Ri lcaili "Dvh 'ilml aixd 1). "t - ;,r' _\fNiî'n. <xî"' I xxi xu ic-r ixusax Canx ia r.. (axî I aBxxk.txck Ice i,.\ i i*xt aiixixy tîxeir opp('iiiens- i chxncu,îîit i i Tr. l Ixc r. Baci î \ck. xxer c i 'lir x . snilxI- ie latter 2-1. reuic cîaixlc r i'f uIl c kcIi1. x Dxxx À Prixer i cc xx xClý. Il' '-kîx. I~~ ~~~lexi'.axîi NMr. aixl îr-. Il . Shuf i iîix ii Illie secoxnx uartur axiîl Rn xK i iic "i'r xi xi. u Z ION Nr.axl ilulix lulilaxîi i xxt i Nir- i'xxcîiii fiuix. tSi. v ni d xxiMariaitx NixCDoxI.Ixl( ,.xiii'.Ni-. xr îcax xi i Ailiiî:vuaaMtee ,ck C'( xi, ii. Si. 1 i ii riuiax. NM rci: 4!!,ilxxirex All xlxxrixientxex and NirH urt (.xglix _____1____ _ CîýIIiitd l fin txo lIa-kux.. 1 ii uc iii r.A l aisa, lin.ibxx 'ilxii u l xiaixn- fr. il CiIIxi. ENFIELD' lxi. NMr. axîind\Il-.. .Brcit .111i A ILIN & LEGGOTT ti î$ýf. iJx ýfiN~nît. .~î?~~iIik:x.11x1.hN~X i.Ncl1)iixald pîffuxi at.ilxer-îlie <ixiiilaî cîxie';t. 'Niax inN. Phone 607 Phone 851-M mcaixl thuiixî.iaical its' .xn : N .axiiNî. laxiiîrîun Nr uiii aîi i 1 u Surx.Nfir iiKitx.fau- l 1n.l hii .xOshaawaf.u xi' ici a ago i ts idaiice i'r-icnx xx. _________ itii 4 f. 'n B.H.S. -,xflax i ier xxîîxîîî caiulitr. in cha.rge Nu'.Nl i urcx Nxru r.u- andl Nrs. Franxk Oriitx. h xuiiaxîyuiie f irvardl. 1). Harxi- FI.. ra l'.uriice, ait tire, acu (if il ..îtI' 'a] -a ad0 1axxa. ai NMr. J. Stark'..'suî. i. Nia1)î11î. 4 : Kit St, ires. iniithis andu 27 dax -. Tire lutile ciii SoveeignAxit xiBaiou :tiai. idlu Ii Ni i-e- [ NMiss. Evxci i Cxx îîî inglia xi, B ranti- 4 : cia rd... P. Fiîîit i ih-xi xx îciiifirsxrlxîii xu Niicî Bxii 'i mu lan uali: e - _iij tourd, at NMr. XW. Pa..c". 1J Rice, lerrîatu.s. h. Eiîieiî, Ni. lier pass.ixîg hroxxghî a a îappxruie- Ni eu cl ad a\r 1( ýr. K II, r-. NW alte r Erxs'i ha.. heuri t 'uefi.Suîie i 'xi îuclx .uffernuî. Tiee fîxucral fI N W Dreadiîig il%- Ni-.. Jean I.Tch, dII.axîi NI cIi i siitîci ai Nix .vi. 1 iixî at fý, tCadxilu. . P.:-tHie forxyarxl. .f. Kuansix. censice xva..hein froun Icefauîîilx ,OVENW A E ir, iiiS. A 1N1Vo inilpr onitui N ! xnj' *c IiiTilci xJCha rge uif Prce idvit Fr 4kM :. 1) iknsn .Haf rd tads edeieo Tlsavar i noi 'ticechle. I)v Guraçl md Ture Younxg h ti'pe ii k charge .f illel h ioix Slih .Di(-.C.Satr l \le nivfinsadni New and flîfferent Natheaxl h..NNrcî.ii'serviceciiiSuixdax iii .rxîixîc , ixi tlîcir nicetixîg last xec a. ;îiilce, . Cte.1..irie oepesthi %ial Attractive in NIMr-. NW. Gla .pcI tuitu' niaiiit il --c'. ir c a bseceicc lixr' 'cxciil xx'-.of t bu' .-ici ai. ANl jritceu. icin, ite i n lis axx. IlkNNat. ' A.'ix. N farchi cîuîcted tire jîîîixxîtb' xisret'"'k c.xnc i.f tandxxir-iixi ic"-Si\vastuxi seaniafiiii Guaranteed. Very reason- ua -Euix ilx.O.lx .x a-I. icri. . ui N... thi u rocraixi i irusnate theMA LEGR VEhtlxu'.da ('uiieters' Nember. . cii ably priced. 1 Ni --ia'TI\- _Nfc x'xiii ncaianitaa r culsaff xli ti,,Klel 0,1w .mt,1 rieadr d a tîx ( ulPraxven. ia Nxre Nr. NN\. -ix1ton. Re- T e auadax txtxsxîa xc Iud xi See Wirsdnw Disfflay urirnt.Nn xiiN . tNn i'liack -ain-'Sx eut FHuin ruaioi x ..ider tudirucicxiof xiT.iiutxixisie n.xxîîxix Ki iT ra n' eadIiuig.. ixunT' cix x i xiiiei i5iiui. l':11ýiII\x T ic uili icu ii Net(lg slce vlpaI SNaricu Bai-ýi 'x. ( -xxxxx i NiIr Nixîiel Fi x and. ia rv i ex Gnc'(albîraithii 1,d~x(I xxg e i.. I 5 irte lilT-.<iF.Nîn ( l b ixxhxx x x . Nnaaîit Ni-. Taylor u Iilci xxIi WALLPAPER hri:iîîi-liiN' xxiia -i 'ns t'ii Ilx. NI r..G(albraith. iT. -Nil,, xx ail x ,î cali n 1). I.-I Nîcr-. th aied ri'i uc fur liiîu'.iN xiit ixciexiý l- ii a (hi-itia i So e eond ihouix- uîray nfot xxcx kexîiff xxiîl ix N'-l Ni il, i n .î.iulutfor Tire Statcsiniix. Now's the time - Here's \Nîr- . if x e cxcix'siUu e iitut.i i. tlt f tilT uxx chiSxîix hWu uîx h ann fe."'.xii _______ the place to buy new 1938 laTitxi - a iiilli_, oxxiNioin.xx d"ic xcxi. iiîuî x \xîx eoo mr'ig xon Irn. axîi NI r-.NW. I.Sxix ix -'xi Niatis r txxxn x iaxux x ixp a i 'e Ia ruuiîîn page iiink-s s-be eught to le atx> cx ui x ir,ý ih thur -"xikRîx iii SunorhyandSuteted x' ilx ieîn..' iNIr-.G X x In xîi N i--Ie lui ý eci r. but xf:cn xia ge sile 'T.,i"i'S ons are Guests W allpapers NMr. a xl i n- N T. Staiii' :i xi x i..iiuxh il.xi iii II d..xx xiSaîîxr CîxCseo'.s ha* she lia- s hxbad Nin t GuT iii Tale' 'ut hlia..nuumixi Rx . i.k. ixck'-. NNiitex(lie. p: o'eit laut i i i iTu suit blr-i-i.(Continued froni page 1) 10c roll up i Nn. i'.. i nx. cxi :.i i. TiI Mi.. i N. îi i i.tx ix R îtiîic x i x t uIi itq.. T i'i..cl1is . iall îoîi.Sx i irtîiî i artýis .r NM r. .. T.S ix . u . xxa. llu i 'i- r cxixxir iix xcc I xiii ir .'i Nin-. ti it ixs o kf u r axaUPIlitfx ea tý'Ti ('ri Fridav iiiiglit. -Nir. and -\I'r,. W . iThili i ý r leN r ý, ý r. tlisIiv w rk i tr a d fý e u S PECIA L '~'\I.1 red Caincxru.xî ax ili sl' l iId7ix u u ý. f \Ir nd Ii Nr>.-. i I i siSx slu 'iC.iiîet i xî.k NieîaltI ý h.( ýiNi i.a E E I t. r. 'i i lixr. NI n . 'x , n xîaxlo ic 't..have been satisfacsToriix A few room lots and rem - fi. x Ni'uda. . blît'iT' sanîd Nir. NN'alteunlii c kbulii rix n dci. thles. stîuîîîi xx cek..xxi-s x nants at r*ic l il 1 NI-ý. ..T. Sîaixxtcu l Tte taixil i ;I Nir. .Gi-znu, >eNir. C iT rot.l. Fxxniii..ltrepi-Cs uer rîdiculou l ow iixuxiber iff ()..haxx'a ladies. t a.x ilu- 'andxiCiare xx ru' piiTtixii i T. 'i __________________in_________ .tc i i. xii nx i 'xm x i xxiixx tite Pieu eciit prices. Some less than cost. irw, cxxx Saîxxriav. r'attxreav. ýl-fi etti ctgte ný lepcue P. un Sî.N c~Isl.xxIniiittxiPuis ni. r. i.i liux, il 1..reaxix Tor mîarket andx I Nîn. Jixîîu '\Ic'%Naster. Tr ir xi i,, li [ii i. lcf1ix cMU x îr' sîu siI rhi fn a xxi e'Petitfliioî tnc.. u Bring us your room sih i i-ptarenît..\INr. anîci Nir- i.1XN'. cmi Sxuida lx 'xstei luran xii mm W -aulu picS.1-ieiýli measurements iNeN.~e.. .I- Mr.-ald rs "M P oti. ý,x %itlr a Ixiele plurse fno i xi xîuer .i hiîig-s ec put litoit axij u stxx icik riiiaiule. xitli lier parent... and ofitit-e î.N..andxIllt'e . x i~g Jt- a nia..tcriec (o neprodhuce inlu ru Ni r...roCJ. 0 acL 1etxi ui.' VStu1 i ic. 11i-cive..if ouur lises are to lie xx'xnil- J W .J W C.G.I.T. girls iaxî ilîir leigiinii- Tit-Coumbuilîus Draîiatie Cli tînu xx% hi le. Douit seau xiitTl voit area tex! îxcirplav Tue in'-alTaiu) to be gi-t. Be a great hi uîîg patyon Saturdav andl haxl sîxî- Recunit Nisiteir..H E T R E srtdter lv"ieKuýT mI J. W JLW LLI TH EA TRE ~~~~~~~sat5iii tire-hall cn Friclay xui liIcxxox.te('x ila i Phone 556 Bo'wmanville per ait Miss Eileen Staiuîton's. Nir. anid Nrs. harniie xxitix BOWMAN VILLE i uI arvhng ueixc.Te li iondtoxn, lire avuiue of tavixx NMisGladvs Ross, Columbus, aaaiiv Nl.aîiNr.i li aui .Nacii î age saxde. iuTxilt . ui iigstcr n hhcsya. -lren t l si Ni.Ra aern N-Mus Era .arncr ha.. rutxxrnîi'l Icius.ic etixeceir act....N >kit xya- fulit.crii mixsixîxarv wo i-in Scîuth ixeuuie atur vi-itiIIc xx iîixlier lin.. Thurs. - Fri. -Sat. put (oni lixa cuxfxcTfs"Tleui'oNf ica.1 chou .iixg ihîat 11iieai 'x1 ilir. Ni r. NN'. laruxien T. .rxIront u'xitie' i natiiic Clxxbhi f Noirth >lxlxxxx ii..s cuis. lpoxî hux <atlx1i- NMr. andh Nfr... .Ibxert NNriclit aTixi MARCH 3 -4 -5 INiixî.tu-r C hîxlu, Oxay I)ctixeei laîxxxli( vbed t..hiixi xti xuia Nir n.dxux N - J . .nx hen xxi N ntilt- cuiixiandu i îlîx c ' .i Theixu xa r- hux ii.iî l iai, lxiiithe' natives'.,f' axx ind u.. N'T\\ bîxl E'trut. tttx gux ixniTixx ui xi xîu nii lxlia c'ciiuie -i atiacliexi ti Ir. a Nrsxx i.. liluxiiai ii tuic Tl igiît if xxii 1 'at i n Suxixuil tu I T ili. te' x xux'i xt Iixiriei iix uic xx xx B T T RIraid Iý.1) ixaccx. i xi %irx lxrxi uxianc xiî.i.c i i iuiclii N 1xxxii i l d \Ir t- . î . dxx ii i - hi%%a', $1 ii' i iii ii i x. uica a d u. i. xTi h iT xW. xii uni.1xxItiTx x iiI ux ui xîî ' il'. iiiikiiii îr Rli iN xi /ROBERIYOUNG iNEWS FOR THE i su i.tneictripx t'. 'ixi.i' c xîîx x îî,îxîic.nîîx Nn lix. ANN SOIJTHERW N *li MCV ADEAR ieil %va>T us iTit iT TT'ii i . '- Ni. Ix'rlin Si .i.. m.î the .isk ix t AIso - hi. aixix \.vx i in . xxxi NI r \N N Cuîuî . C lm r idcharge if thi' Sîux ia'. uui uxu .. icc.. att Ille U'niitedx I thxli xx(,ýi xxg iithe îuInes. xoi Rev. IL. J. Bul.1 iuhIl ii', parenîts, Nfr. andciNf"r.Nn Cifxxi ixatx.T'u . Ni r. i.îruîcBraxiuuti. Tonto, %ih miiiTi larults. 1cm the secekellxcî Matiinee Satu.rday 2.30 p.m. Onuis iiiuuti bu ucxuk NMr. amni Nfus xNV '. ibl r bu r i.. iii. ncther' s ixru tIher, Nifn. 1). X .'t N\i;111 .. ui î M,'aixiuii anci Ni.îhie( Mon. - Tues. - Wed. .Nin..Wxin ani Campx. MARCH 7 - 8 - 9 r.i. . axuxlnd ins. C. Iu t ui i'ic.iix.r',. xxitix tiein r xi. 26x... ut ilîx (rukixi. i. arts - x' xxii iiix. Sîmîîn' mi lx. xi xx. m I. 2211dtul tinxi NIe. f $ IM O I. ii. i x x x . it lî (xx.i x'- r i T. M r x( ) m lii inMni x,ýn 1h i N în. xx*ii i n hx'îii , . . i r.. xxxi Ih, mli Si iii andx Mr.Nnd Mr in. I un N W x. F x. Wir anud Nir. il ' i1 11d l'ilxiSU'. i, .\Uxx .x ..i ..n'c.x...xx...... x ixlk il.. x 'I«l i. uxî tu a r." '11,i. N. NIf.IItIxeSui.îhîxi'lxx News - Novelty hiirc lîx n mi xt ii. TuxctîT iv i 1 a fixixxi mc xx'xixuîlx Maine-es:Monda3' 4 i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý! i i..N xi .î,~n Wednesday 2.30 p.m. xii a i lxlpi i ilix 'cuit f.omnthîe exmI,- ____________________________________ uli c ar isîn lngratî i.. tin cialxx, 'lf Ni'. iIxns 'instrumtxcîa]l Iii Nin r F. L.uis ; r'ciî, Nirs. F. Ilaîxuil ______________uic- . %ix ma.. ri i it i fi ix un xxxi Alfaifa Bas Crop Moves x iTixcc iux. have i,xv.axîi mxxx. ixuitxi'T.%et Il(- Ills c'tlt, xxh iîîî hi Mor'eunent of tire 1937 buimper uxiuqt II.(.,tîluiIlug grexît. If sec cr0p pof alfalfa hay freur Haldi- tlxxxi c u ic lt spîirit wseCalixxix î,k' mnd Ceunty us now mn ful ix'ng. iîîeii.-recmnxl. if cuir lieT... Il It, is estimated tirat iast sear's ',. ic 111,xîxxiîtvxf h fe tuiat il. ul-. crop of 3.000 tons xx-:ll be exceed- mlixe xxiixilxit cf xxcaluhx.If a fehiu CG. ..ut> aui .iijectix'c carlvisnii ]if(,. a Ixul A large portuon of tire crop is lut.. tixcex 'T' th Ilespuirit ,f hi fe. lie maving to tire large dairy herdts ,.illxcîxxîlî.xgruat tixxigs. Nus er in the Eastern States. iaku funuof dxi 'Te xvî ai..llet. Considerable alfaifa Ls be in g lliîi r cf nucIli.,iiiîîay hue i ground inta meal for export and cruat spxirit. diomes-tiec consu mptiuo n. U p ta0,llesekrt,çlIl t)\ ÀPl eight alfalfa mneal mulis have ' i iuie x'c u .xr i i.î been grunding in the Caledonla I1Ju in ehc ime iuitc fauie as. a minal district ai one time. Another new sevithi axeuîxci tr,,re i xglui. outlet nray be provided as result Ii.. aris s uuuîsa.stspeiit as a slaxve ai a test shipment .iust made te xxxI a czaihi Yshi> seiene chaitelh hi Nov-a Scatia for a Depariment af pii ii ie ofnI iniiiicxxse uar.. xx hidi Agriculture experiment in feed- tnxîuuIlleîs' hifx. D i )t I lle ing Young deer for the first time. a.rdixi.uxta'k axiu Iic abxuiselic ru- Althraugh the planrt is one of tIre cuixl. lxix xxiauii .iit'it n'u.iix aldest under cultivation. it is onlv ýIuilunu 'hi iI alîci lie xxi-alîet xi in recent years that it iras been maxux liný. xui e xiu xClIixnt grawn here genenally, and il seeunls raice. to tirrixe on tire heax'y day land. , S111i.-1x-x1111,1 -l f xxtliIi lle ricuxiti Haldimand aurd Peel au-e txxo of i lîiîxTxc. %t(xi.x xiii g in i the banner îreducîng cotnues un .îrit.,xaixh Ni r. Shxarpî. NNIîuxî i ire Prox'inee.ixxî.xîxi x t ' Ile ugliî i-,tîn xuixi Records Rexeai Cost of Raising -x xii i il..ix iii ficîtit tlii, Pullets lmm iînu.k xxxxs amif cxx .x..trxx . h la ix In orýder te ascerialir tire uost xîilxsi xîx xîn xx it(, xtt.îxx of raxsýing pullets týo matuu-ity. t that us tihe age at xxhieh threy lay' l xxlx xu iiiex'i .ixi their iirst eggs. a record 0f aIl'Tngxl/t.xiungml , uiii tîxi. feed, ceaI, and iter tu'ed. w-as lxiik auîci lit ' tixnsxi ialIll ex. kept during tihe 1937 season at the Na's.uu'uConxtibxiuIi ut- Illeuxnk. expenimental statJon. Summer- lx xx xiii guituIle tiist IT 'uif land. B.C. I(lxx' tliîîc. îx l xisiî s i gise Iîx Starting xs'udr 680 Whiute Wyan- ix..teid i xxîid tisiix. dotd"chicks iratceir ion tu-ce lxsi'iui. Nr. Shxîn i. dîxtxîi li.. diffei-ent dates. Apr'il 6. 14 and ixx.rapii: "ix('tu1h mx'.lxii I -11 29, respectix'ely. and broodeel un- 1mxix. i ut dox i Tens Iiiiilui i) der ceal bnon'dex's. 391 w-eu-e sohd exîlu xlix iiiu. iLt. ht i1sxxx ii' as broilent and u-oasterxs. and a xxiil. l,, Bxx'.. G elx.' fw aLs 'eads--tn-mx puulchLs. Tîrse ih1. ix..Ilxx lviixi.'xiieiii latter have been iuruiudeei for u'-iti'- tuxkex xxxxh NA. Wi'.Nrgýiu.Suuîin poses of expeuinrent ai t hr -act - '. ofix Ti î'hec' OiTari. oinxxxu ual xxeiglitsand tIre prc'xailing iSix.xi f. r PBuis. expsuIltleu ap- live puice per poîund. Moi'iality. 'tiaxtionu(cf tue c ihuixoîlu thuî'ixx catuseul mostly by iraxvksandl caoy- frîT uxl..-,i'fluceaîîxker. lr'ii. otes. accounted for- 48 birds. Tire R.....Sîrike îxrue..ciciaundt'<xuih balance of 241 repi-esents tIhe a xvulcmuîxe culilîxuf ftie club I., number of puliets coming lnto ulue guucsts. People who are alaW a kxxxc Wlin a man atteMpts ta get about their achiexenircits xx o i i xi g for nothifg about the be m ore inte esting if t ey ' o id eirly thing ie succeeds in acquir- only talk about ours Jg qa ob l1t of experience. COWLING SELLS FOR LES And Serves You Weil When ie test your eyes you axe assured absolute satisfaction in quality. style and pice. Special Values 50c Fruitatives Dodd's Pilîs - Pinex - - - 10 Cakes Castile Soap Fellow's Syrup 83c, Noxema- 25c Noxema- Vacuum Bottles 50c Kkavah Salt -29C -27e -32C -25e -87c -59c -15C -29C -39C FREA large (Glass Tumbler with a For13b. FRETin of English Health Saîts, Aillo 9 100 A.S.A. tabs. - 19c - Bayer 's Aspirin - 22-39-98 . Absorbent Cotton g lb.-- -- ----29c ~ Ovaltine --38-58-98 Cystex --75c-$1.50 Gin Pils - - - 39e Nyal Kidney ,POO POe~ Pills - - 25c-50o Mecca - - 23-45-79 . ici Combination Fittings - - - 39e 100 Nyal A.SA. - 49e 15C 59C 99C Art Border prints cost no more tian ordinary pictures. Let us do yaur Deveioping and Printing. Phone D ~fW~J'fru,4Ho use 695 [P. R. UViLINGUOrugiUst 5,9 OUR AFTER INVENTORY SALE Mickey Mouse Rugs - Reg. $3,49 '-j ON SALE 27 Velvet Dresses - Haif Price Balance Of Our WINTER COATS Reduced $5.00 to $10.00 New Curtain Nets for Spring Are liere COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Phone 836 LIMITED ]Bowmanvjlle < i i Then We Hiave ZONOLITE The Golden Minerai PracicalInsulation 1New) with an entirely £dWaYSSpec, new, everlasting material, auoyaspciy Easily apphied - Assures 61bi7uunform thickness - Not CI affected by maisture - 'billess eoal',LOW COST PERMANENT VALUE YEAR ROUND COM- o FORT - Sold in Bownmanville by - SHEPPARD & GI LUMBER CO. ITOU Phone 715 Bowmanville ANNOUNCING OPENING 0F Minerai Fume Health Service D. E. STECKLEY HAS INSTALLED THE FAMOUS J. L. Murphy Minerai Fume Baths MAKJNG A VALUABLE ADDITION TO MIS 3ODERN HEALTH CLJNIC This health system is based on nature's laws and enables sou te, i4in back and retain perfect health. Aliments develop because sour blood is impoverished and u.nable to eliminate waste and replace with building material . This gives rise to a ide range or disorders - ail fornis of rheumatism - nerve trouble - skin diseases - kidney, liver, and other organie troubles. No matter what forni your aliment lias taken, aur sys- tem will help sou by f irst removing the cause, thoroughly steriiizing the body, and then supplying the elements which nature requires to do the rest. No drugs - no steam. A build- ing system applied %rith minerai fumes taken fromn the earth, air, sun, and water. Safe - sure - simple - within reacli of ail. Come and bring those necding heip. Speciai offer to patients taklng treatment during f irst tivo weeks' Also spe- elal foot technique for patients taking fume treatments at al times. Ail patients may have toxins radionicly be- fore treatments and after to determine exact improvemnent effected mîthout extra charge. Resident patients acconuno- dated. Lieensed lady attendant with six sears' experience. Rýemember f ree Chiropractic Clinie for underpr.viieged children Tuesday and Saturdas. 4 to 6 p-m. information regarding tre.atment rates, etc.,iil be maiied promptly upon request. Office 146 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO