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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1938, p. 1

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j- ----'-t-. - t Circulation . 3000 This Issue ORONO NEWS SECTION 00, ;an an ,On Page 9 With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 84 BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH lOth, 1938NUBR0 MAY REDUCE T - -. - (' .l TL.1. DO WMAN VILLE TAX MOUSE THIROWS A FRONT PAGE EDITORIAL MiUwr WtrTNI¶ flr' w? TuEq w w -w- - du RATE TWO HOSPITAL BIRTHDAY PAR~TY ON MARCH T24 MILIS 1~ u ~f;~ ;i~jtIIsIumT fvu7a i ' 4< I t. --T -----------'- R ~ - I t, / Ný0 - - - iý F-,-- I UI1 ..UIIII IIbbL I IdLINO CNFUIO Why Not Put It To a Vote NUESRSDNE UUII LLVAJI liV j In the Cowanville corres- ý The Twent.y-Fifth Anfli- S h o Bo r s C t o npondence this week appearSl versary of the opening of the H t l e a t e an iem f moe tan lcalOitFridav uîglht, Townu ( tincil Ila-\a'vteo tu33, cil, Bowmanvilie Hospital is be- intrst. t th meeing f jing celebrated on Thursday. 1the W. M. S.. the report re- tliu e'tiinàtc-. of thc Health Dcpat-iit' ont 0) which virtuallv ieat March 24th. at the Nurses' E ti a e ar Sc tn z d On ExpendituresThis Year inlters.tthdes eetng ofEtmae aeScu lats. he adis wre nths- that front the end of April, Bowvîîî&î\ lic till have nio Public Heaitit Residence. The members of _________ ~~iastically engaged in the sing- Nr..W-eiv la nrne~' t oni i ponuit.,, tit- teW 'es Auxiliary are ing of the welI knoun gospel sriý e rn o6pm Both Public andîid Bo bodies. ae tuallv takiine hymn 'Rescue the Perishing." iitove, blCiIJvetîat the% arc doing wliat tc ratepayers expect theltu b An invitation is; extendeci to claîeon ivlat incomie tltere wil As the ladies reached the d',. Fr-anklv we thiuk ,otlîerwis..\\ofl.and wc think that the grcat thte general public to attend. Tax Rate May Be Only 45 Mls-Coni School Boards Meet fr'itn- ocei19. climax of the hymn, a tiny iulajority "tf the taxpaycr-. feel, that ',li Public Healthi Ntir>e lia-. lcn The usual donations wiIl beIods egtyS sin to tdyF acs With Council - l-igh _\t Erj(ilav m an itetitt- oue asedacos te lor ati ia very vaînable publie ser\ic, tiat iitu-.t bc uiaintained. l r j îanulyreid.Spis ivith the cat in hot pursuit. in a hospîtal are a necessity - Meetings Held Friday and M na Sehool Reduces Es- 'f thec oticil the Puibli sell(iol Our correspondent reports aretti two\ t in twliclî the people tt acquaint the Cotîticil w itît tlicir1 and as funds are needed to_______________ t maesby$50îiniates caie it ir con-iderable that the ladies eyed the tiny (Ic-ires iniin îatter, the first 1-ittiti signed Ilv al%Il,) iialairi buy these supplies the Auxil- tintsb 50 di>-c1 n i oit.but sonîle 'f the iii i -ttiî- fellow wth horror, and the Ucrccît'i ftu îîj. n t.-. 1t iavocc h 'e u aymebr îbe very A t\ ' iî lreuitctitniniiithe ta-, rate titat aionpoic h x ~ie-.' o îeti wcre-.rtc 'it mi whole meeting was throvinnulttr ivax.i "-t -eir %i al quit-ii-. ef,'ret tie pleased to accept your dona- ratu. fr 'iii 47 to 45 tnill i> t.a t" luiitut es fortecîîticrwr Pii al igiinto confusion until the mouse tonotie hwsal.t ow ftia> h sieo cahooi titîdter -c ) ýi u-sa.HO\e-e h lad l une adcm e' citicil appear-. to bethe irostsn I at tistisunc. itue t't- it 't Watch foir special fea tut*e of 1~ ltit' utvili buimade tuos-ilieTeEsias caiiidrthe >rtiti f tule Board îi, stili reque-.ted tu cMul s- grips and the little fellow had iuîc uxiri.dsttfficientl\ the Ib lvL ilt aa tîg lwitei it tehitret ango ow -trlt- i 40 îihîvîc Ton C* ('-tîtîcîl ontFridav nîc.lit. anîd ttitiate-. hi Si5(y), \t', h i iîtibers providcd another meal for the in 11)in hid * in.The ~a -howeverapproved i ti-. vleHsiali et tl ,infnsid137 n vti(ýoitFridav tfl oin Cmmte aa eil,1ihIlilthand 1Etiblic fthe B'oardl clitît i-. lot t" '-.ihlc. feline. Incidentally the fer- \veeks Statesman. several ecoîtiniie-. titat the Coîmîteil e.iîae eehogtdw n Sclb,'oi Boards. were a-kled t" reliîce (Originali igh Sclheol e-tiinatc-. vent pra3'er of the ladies to arcieuttre iv a -.tîh-taiîtîal majority.ved titir -.tmae-. ttu-.aitîalî eqte-the u Coutîicil to irovide "Rlescue the Perishing" wa-sof'The atiier question is that "f the îîronosed adduitiontil thare Ilisdcavotirilifta pit\-Tw olinff e fiuroed.s cmayigt r th1i. est0nfor Higbstatitiaolv.pur-eno avait. to the mouse, but " 1'HAMi i doubîful if Nas e oîm or-e fgrsfr13 HiîzIî Scîl oiBoard. at a stiloequent pv n 138.buît the 8eî oi PBoard apparently ',as to the ladies. i~'~~ o leD'îe.i ceîeaî bpcîre- A P O i i eei er.ta vrtir 9813 meetittg on Tîtsa-.diiîglitt, and a itar afti'rret-tlrtînrdîc îIlere arecîlîrec imnportant antdlvital quiestions-. Thei e tiicerit INSTITUTE MEETING c oo iet thai thte 19.38 Civie Healtit$900 100 d-c-.the Uc c-tiuîate-, w itîithte -. 1S( t' l.1.0 lîcîitete taxpax ur hecatîse each onue of ibittittenaiti expenditure 'of1publCic 1,vS50_____1,1_.0,___ Fsth ahr-l. uicr Navorard of Hghreietin10.0 200 -.tîm îtoO retîîîired. o~iti(ie-.. Iii-. Wursliii) M\avor joiui - Ia-. stggzeted that it wc.uhilie l att'ut ateî. i-.iut teat hol l Ciiic Se iBoare of ridtîî 60,0S0t0 Cotîcil lit Nloitdav-îigit. lopped off rqie.CONSERVATORY Ialpo \ Hll, nsi lt ea i îdCuîtitce.itaC r od.&Sretp500 500 $500 froin titir original cstiiîates, EXAM RESULTS lzood niove to place the Band By-I,.-wi\vefore the people agaiti, andI wc oit Tiur-.dav aftcrnonfti le Siîîî-.tîbîîîiîted to the closest -crutinv. Fire5360 6000 antd iii a letter 10tua heCoutîcil ex- 'i VOD ISaPOITMNTuîde-.aîd ieisqutefaouabe "andin tes cie qe-ti t-.oi a tit cîoo rsat îî acied iidotcrllarledola iI nt1 b- enetrv120.0o20.- prex-,ed regret tîtat te Board alh lmu teltttt deadLr' rve.*îe ri estirniates fii ait emdeavour police2900 20.0 unac a onîd îiîbtîe Thecu- Ifollowing i alist o altfrlnuieapoa dsptoal. tciwe stulgîOeants of f rut amI fiow- to rut bu ii eutoi ulcPoet'54.0 50. wcessful candidates in examina -__o\legiieitoffritan reque-.î fo)r $100 reduction.If ou sbsrtint tions hield March 2nd bY the To- \Vc feel that members ai the counicil arc sufficientIv de- ers anîd other communhhicationt. it'cie Perliap-. the coiils determin- Ont Tucsdav tiglt thte Cotiticil met 'The 5tatesman is due, this ronto Conservatory o! Music in inicratie t" give the taxpayers ait "lporttit o vote onti he-.c j ilure oadArraementoie the-p.ciiti itîc triîg tît isusio of Ottan otî lesefgrsiivlbesn Cr ueruiit ht o tîî pii lc portance of sending in your rne node !mn.tîtat thte people conîccrncd are sati-.fied to accept the British tuai \ , 7oft rFntde lection of'faifie-e uiilo atuuel i epthiar toas a dSreswr n School Board. As a resuit thelirh renewal at once. Due to the l Piano a gelthte îe verdict of the majartv. eveiîthotlîoi thtat verdict hab-ciiitkepae t.pili eeting, fortlîcila-.t"car.' Tîte hairmait crd eascRd 00 eer 5;Plc lisbviakdt eueterct- increased cost of newsprint Grade VIII-Honours. Doris I. Ni-.Rt aittad )-.rc tre ae îeaîtuî.'Wl ei n t5.iîilaed Halbw's1eu0d$80 lia-.Il-- S5e0ibua ikteut te ireuiandtllmatiteiruse i-.tch -pandit ailhemateropiionssNusedRv inigInch.Disrictnre'it!zavtthetiteir. \\aiv wl opinions.le stoe tas urttet te Bar lîd ~ ~ publishing your paper, sub- Grade VI-ýFirst Class Honours. j Pefore Counicil niakes ai\,efittite ituove on tese tlîree iii- ident, tuasguc-.t -.peaker. tri suîtl- !iii haIf" retuîrtîc the counicîllor. Fire $1.364, n ulcPoet mte-. hiVa1541. itt t t iîe Bo tdhali-.tiite p uiorkf thte W. I. site I1li:t iciietîter these ecoîtn s ia- v met t) recon-ider tîte ütiîîîate-.. seribers who negleet to re- Colttleruo: Pass. P a u 1 portanît tatter-. te believe tîtat it i-. iiithte public iinterest to havea îoeeretpaiclxt the ivord 'ttrt n it ta bc penne teise anîd pouîd $260 The dfiuivtihHil cto e romptly may bec<is- CrelylIi't akeutfiait îbcm. Cotîncil tuas i' eut no mandate to kiil thte Band *)u;ueiidaliliti .'whiicb shete îougîît fiouîu.. or ivîtietîter the municipaliti HiglitScel etiasarnot esttttîate-.tii-vi ar, bc apitdwe he'fi o GaeV-oor.Ja ren u ~, îîild ailies',addition ta tîhe Iigli Scîtooalor a!,ai.tîe the \iet.Iiititîtte îîî'tild stantd cati retîîîv stand ita get aloîîgon ies îlcda 1.147.adPbi beaý frcn ieimnst le receive their paper. field. VScîtoaldabl esdtimates - idonichspuare ericikely -l eti Seblool-. Act in wiluiîtthe iltîîeîîî'f47e find it necessar', to Gtad.- IV-Honours. Betty J. puîblicE 1laltit Nurse. If Cotîmîcil îîantt-ta kitate tefeeling af tht r .B trdpitaiit d u îîeat t epbi ervi c vieds enf orce te AD -- A- Linton: Pass Laura' V. BraY. ,i ter; le stuti-saof the tItreaý question- s i,ital tî te main- carît tutr reluttatiuiis. Site coiclud- i. iluliec-.aeti antd iudgedlai tte rate- pavin nilor ot ot\iituimîîpup ut-.the PMD- IMoAris. - l Y-. tacu l i niîtere-.îiîg taluer oit p)ater-. andttaxpavers as tinle goes At MIondai etn ieRee heeu cta TuiTte partiout'ii îte VANCE ruIe henceforth - HlnMri. i-'Itatîace of G-veritîuîeitt af the puc 'île. iii the peoeuîianud for tîe 'Ra-ilt'thcl aî ut'bueo.Deptt-ReeveadCuclo .C act aîîpling ta thi arc to te lai- that is the subscription price coGadpte.Hnorsiean*1924.Premuier Nitcheli F. Hetîburtu bas N.Iasotivwere bet avn tre is $2.50 per year, or $2.00 îng and George Roberts (equalt. jtheaîile. tn - mnt ali ni t a tuthguintis. andtitI i -i< hnpl i dac.U- Loryne White, Alan Strike. Mur- NI r-..Arthîur .\llitî. proizrant conu iit-tt uned tliat lcie ili again prox-ide teicttwttsm etoe h fiias f u 1eîrtîeît i dica-til arc 31weare accept tel Biekie and Mildred Lightle\vuit' 'r if Northt Groutît. cotiducteti aoua m"Iilsisd.a cddh 97 Pbi eolBadlte tionin oroto ecnilott t glve ng renewals for 13 at u equal t, Shirley J. Porter; Pass. lcpori,-h oeeaet-ln hciraei osbet ti- orclst auxti fitte tterirtatuii ~ S200. Your cooperation in ' Robert Cooper and Glen Hodgson l l gituter- andul Fs goiutg 1 ack bt Dix- i a. 47 itt.ili rate la-.t vear. The Couclatiddotefooin mter or thte Scituol Board 'viilkîtote just 1 taking care of it wlll ble ap- equab. Margaret Bennett and ( L I i lL W ir- etivi givetd avpirs. dC. detio oit istopgof thn art. iilThDae frth Bin n atrd hot thte tlîirg is goiîîg tel iork ont I pece tla et eui .iVirtuallv Fustt he Ilealth Niurse i ' gîven Vra ciptr0 uctc ontxpaofrs a to îTagre-vic vi e fmttd(stg until Cotits Cou nilmeet________________________ Grade II-First Class Honouts ___________________'eurg îdGrag"ia cîw ii hudio edfiuti n a tî _______________________________Dorothy Evans; Honours. Russell ______adabg-wa eiw- Ti h-tllno edffcl f n .Ia ti Moffatt, William G. Knox, How- L f 80o Hat or d f rom thte study book cuot "Canad- controliable expemditures do flot A letter fo xMyrSrk ard E. Brown, Betty Smales: Lpof$0 fHat or possible continuance o! the office' ialu Ciiics; a chorus was site be ari-.e. Tue Council teili not know' revealed ht gtaiosaeo 101ioi .Blad er sil Estimates - Leave Health !o! Town Nurse. The letter ex- thte graup iinchtarge "Siîtg a Sottg oft \lat the couitte rate is until Jtie. foot to sdiellGl uidn n Trila MaonsehrhiCamn* equal) :Pa.' Nurse Without Salary i rse the belief that there was Baking Day" wititt ttmorus etncore. but if titis shouid b reduced. p an option onc pucaehsbe Pres nted lVih , key rop y BtySpencer, Audry B. Green- April 3Ot o t ha e ouncil andinpaonthe paro!tlater hng autogef b as gnte Presi-.tue Heaitîtestimahes eut, a two miii at $120,000.,fwihBomnil Pr s n e ih fo k y T o hGrade 1-Pass, Winona Clarke. S:ohngfhethe Maor. ne adpart it letrly ofof a oor dayit-itîtthe cool,: Nf rs rcductioîî shotîld be euite possible. itould receie59ercitadth John R. Moore. ments estimates by $800 Friday read: .\lliîî av areading 'Kitliteritus.' It. fact the surplus from 1937 was (o Singing a ci-ease tue uouscîtufe gets tutroluel, u -fficiettilii iself ho reduce tue tax Cniudopae7 Gilbert Mcllveen Wins Most for these signal honors. there w2.s Grade VIII - Honouts, Rutht night. the Tow'n Counicil virtualîx' -I did not in any way indicate eiugta Ittlu of the kitchiîu. .A consîdierable suspense uhtîLt teJms cdhe or !Hat ay rt rthe e on oard the n- ' utuiug l utîut i"Sue Vaud uyeewad- announcement. and the room was patfh_____Bordtin-______te__gigof"Sriefok Speaker at Banquet lads camue to the front for their ODDIFELLOWS PAY Nrses serv-ices at teedof gmter e th theexerctse owny 'uI'.' .d -.iiai a lC l tou iaaci ________ awards. eetspeeigti RTRA April. Council in going over the Counicil, but it did atternpt ~tit io ,iia i rie týL Otiter TE NA VISIT estimate o! the Health Depart- paebfr h on Council the Olie vet pecdngtlieplcForumth TwPrc s tCounty Shortuon S l Muc iolirdp:fes-~iona', hcc- speech by Mu'. Cotton included ment. îvhichi is flot set by the opinion of the Sehool Board on n<e>____ key playet' Harold -Baldy' Cot- lte National Anthemn with Don M.ienuitr-. tfl)îrltaiî I t. '. Board o! Health, eut the amounit the desirability o! any change in Frm on Public Aîlairs ton thrilled over 100 boys and ýCameron at the piano, a delicious 78, I.00.1 --.,uPrt iloîuc u uîi-a asked for the Nurse !romn $1200 the present arrangement. Taking____i Agricultural Department Pays 1bY John Hodn,$7.0 olde:' mien au. tue church league dinner, prprdad evdb raterutal tt-.ît t' lîýjret Nci ttiti to $400. At the rate of saiary into consideration ',hat the gi'eat- TrnuGlie& ial i $250 for Bull- - Largest AugustaBnkrprcasdb ltkebanquet Wednesday ntgh, theSt. alsEveantng Auxiliay, aau.u huere, latt uua.iîpaid the nuise. this $400 will haie er part of the nui'se's work 5 flu aTadiontto-e .\ltat)oe- Crowd . in Histor Atorg$80. un S-. Patls Suntiays seool ro00nt, brie! renuarks by Chairman Wm. ext'týittig tuu a-.-itt cîtîferritue ude- been uscd by the end o! Aprîl and earrîed on n thl-, sehools and tvhî' h gveai inigt nt te ateso. reidnto! tlxe Boys' grec-. onîumie catti'it.the Boar'd will be without !unds: amongst tesho cide !itiauteilie, uiaiîegîîu a -.erte. ai tends Annual Sale on Carnation tprhsdb quahtes nee~sar to achamp work~ hau tîttier srviceredc n-vutro Chrles otherill, ithyr$110 qulte ncsay oaýhap okBoard, conimunity sînging Thte P otapeegrcc tatiid ta continue the sric.Bomwmanville. tereasonableie - artce sluri-l o ,\aiaru utigtuittttTesaDuchess !GotrH11,pr iontip player in sport and in led by Don Williams, with Hubert t Capt. \\iliiî Siltutt cîîîierrîui( il'(e The Nursing Service was the terest o! the Board wa.s too ob- jî îesîîet<u Naiî atd lîfe ~~~~~~~~Hooper at the piano. speeches o! ucouid dcgre(e. fulîsuýitue tujI luie.,.Ii-centre o! consideal icsin'lu o n omn.aletr1le i lii u i hsdb ila ctBw lTe event ivas ut'lzedt tepre- acceptance 0f the trophies b iiu ugc t- îetctferred Il\'îCouncil was ditideti on the ques- "eBoard believes that i atland t Wekle eA, v-.îiaeterof-îcthe om piio Dep0 artînent o! Ag- Wedn i!,nt ruhtfr -sent thc winnixtg teaun. Tîînîty Doug Nichols, manager of Trin- Iitteiier-. uofte IBuiiîaiiv-ilie litIge. tion. wvith Reeve AlexEdo- should be equally obvions tîtat iaîiuîuî Editour Geourge W'. laine-.iin- ricultune. representeti by Charls'ad Sons. wtt the large Rotary cup. ity Sens, and the two individual TtiT er iîer-.iuguttiuCtui tne DpbyRev TdMorieucsves s tma hli huli tatultti. uaî u' tt icîeitofMKeze. for the 18 mMorionth ies a i my old Lay n 2thprcaedb and theindîvîdal cupsfor cac winner o! cup. euîcluuuied wtih ta >-.pliutii itcît r-andiCouncillon J. H. Aberncthy be communicated btite Council ~rat/tui,-itut îuîi ul rneIpnacnindJh on otHp,$0 nîcîuber. J. F. Heyland. repre- The speaker' tas inti'odtced by ced Ilie-tesociau colmîîuitteu (f Ei'r- iisl«ing to retain the nursing Sdt'- before. and not a!ter. the Count- 'alx. tc iti-. exîrta-..d v mtti-by JohPrnceMiller !Ashburnte ohlo ir15hprhad senting the Rutary Club. made the Nelson E. Osborne . secrctary o! etuce Niglittiîgale l'auge Short ,îuu vice. and Councîllors Jack Gunu. cil had made any itretocalble de - a theri itilitae iviee circatitu anJonual ler o Ashthrns cn-byC.H.Mufor, amto, 14 presentation. coingratulating the the Boys' Wot'k Board e! Boi- t'-ress-esNterre giie I lue-usraof tiluîGeo. B. Bickle, B. B. Furber andi cision." i Tits illavttrtteltie ectirrcui-. . au ctdsbate oDuchaînhonthcon Auuba%,ines.2nHp.caM bey ani rralinea fw aec-ut-anvilletvho sponsoreti the lea- vi-.itiuug thre-liuîker-. W. J. Chiallis opposeti. At least The letter continued to point a-s a cuîîu-e(îeîe Canaîliauîs telo Association at the Lovekin Faim ed by E. Hod1rh Pr oe dotes o! hiis athlct:c- cateer. He gue. Mi'. Osborne review'ed te Nuuble tirantul\Valter IhIkuIacI 'ta s u a te 'te hnou îtn-ecmuncto wsral ueeictr.shuudhaeao!Mrh8hS$70 suaetd ha e nve te 'in aiect! n.Cttnfomhs euueu aieatitelutetuttv, h etîae lshhaeisusc. uhly esoabean ta hd lclaer ofutMrr.taotdionuf 'hat tiis The salcrt ý-jcjle 't'as the bestimattentieti Lavender Jean 2nd, purcandhasedad i 1$9.50 ningtean as e hai neet' een t art in chut-ch league hockey to Igtie-.t-.on aitlîtfof Fl ,ru-tceeNiulît- Councillor Mason was flot at the been giten catm consideration the cautre iti tecu-. in te histony o! the Association.1by John Bkr apo,$0 able to tin a cuîp The members lits amazing sncccss as a penalty 1iltutale Ldge meeting, and o! course Mayor '"unjustifiedi and sometuhat tîteat- lit tue first of tItis seris, 'NIr. C. and officiais werc ivell pleased tiaMae off the teaiti îî're K. N:ckerson. K. turne killen andi generally out- 1 Joncs did not vote. ricai outburst on the part o! the H. Carui-.le. lPrcsidcrut of thée'Do-'te pnices receiveti for maies. al- Slemion. D. Venton. W. Etiger, . S standinlg playen with the Maplee Nurse question was agairi Mayol"' ioulti have been averted. millmioni Banîk. sets forthl coîteiseit though hieifer prices dragged a B ominon eIfArclue Rundie. D. Alun anti W. at-Laso o t. Herrre!erred toToroto. âg reerreounc i n the limelight on Monday nighit Te btncntne by pon-Domi nioeoîî rihî.Tu a-ltie 15 son. They ,vent ttonîlithe sea- Mi'r otna n lyrih .t'honansetip'was ead ioi Tue eg ot taot iue b u ntn- Idicaitl f tttîts Te tav its-jDna rotno hddn eltGose eodprhsdb scn îethont a lcss. tuas alîeays anxious to gel into 'School Board in refenence to te ate if an intolerant insistence ont actiuonîof tuw tupîblic ibus-iness afi tue knoitn stock auctioneet', eled Lkers gnctuaSokS- Cîsfor the outstanding play- tuhe gaine and ivho nevex' stopped ATW GH CUCI Mayor andi Council's reception of aeut CARTWRaIGeHTou lttn egîdig it (onmnedonpaeom )iioni~i. LogicalivNI. ur. Carli-le the hamner over sorte 25 head, e- andti de cutstand;ng goal kecp- skating once he was on the ice.____ give-.itrecdetic tcî 'ue iugiîes ne-eo Dunhm Couty'sonneptgatt7e ciety, $85. et-vndprcsented by Frank Wii The speaker' divitictihi.s address' euua uîetiîg 'f tCartwerighut gvspeeec o-lehgis e fDraiCut' ietct. RylQ iRgarlt-garci fur guivertiiemit. tir haie. and. The pîices and purchasers !ollow.De.o!Arclu,$10 Luaris anti Mo Belinto Gib" losciraprae arts, bd - . Illita%-s II i "i î' it'ci l etutcîtutfhito"fihttti î&în ao sepa p'ruîîîîî ci arîh th t:iteefowu li f \it hsFemales Prnemeiapched y G'be' cEee ad ou Nir ;ni.- b ephs;in te thrl ail tîteutiier. recutt exeept tCoîîîîcii- fiss 1ii Prince' 1I'PVJ~VV la-ke- h ai encoen bçonitinued on page 7) ']orB rîîaîîî ) is i.ic Fstilc -t1i YîHE-.tBX-.m aser îof aclitiieiitt. Ha e \OtliidErnest Holdwonbh, Pont Hope. for ' CrestallinCrepchedb ta- nwwolidbe h iontfron uu n u sit sýByHir~am ]lave tlt nieitantd w cîîtei if tte $70. M. G. W,,elsPr en,$0 \',a-. reccieiulamu I f ed. j ittgluit cfitîrutter elecieul ta gavent- Laiender May Sth. flot brought; Royal Conotbogtfr Lutter frotî J. N.I. Ni iller îei.lîiîg itue uuu'uues, %vuid tendul 1ti !oritard. ward. toenlsepat(i Zecl-aitý-igi '-irak dut', î tutlitteal irgaîtizatiaits Lavender Blossoni Sth. pur- 1Lavender oaprhsdb tîmittlor eeP em erK nga ,',-.rclcrred hi Reeve atud There tuas a stateînent pnb- ing shoulti be eoînpulsoî'y. stîielu eck t' coutrîi guverttitielt chaseti by Russell Wright, Boit- LakehurstAgc.Sok oiey W e y Edtr Se Pr m e Ki G iiettici-.or Parst uf i-et-Ceartter1itlished in te aprsafew days Thteplay life of the country for a sclfisi u>trîiose, and îot for manville, for $62.50. Ptro 'îmîueiui'oure ub rul r hid h ul bmuteete . ea - le Reacîto t e eole atlrttp cttsl A trs. urhae$ y L v5d W ititlp tienCs nttutcii-..hilActre y .vepurchntretihoby Lavendenil Guardldpurchasedgcdby ui tItutt t itiiul it etutie tut ut îiu t of frîeutdlîtte-s,uxlluitet te actionuuthtaigit ti lueHospital itere frnm bhc fatllts. gootipaygnound and there shioud - -.îuîtîgat luiivetettt$10250. Sut i:~e t uî' te ut t d' ilt ler a n ilulcti ctiiz:clii u tric' Cîtttîti n ite use o! unpasbeurized itilk. space more. Farm boys. especial- 1julat uv (Guteerîtuutetts ',cuiiudsalVe by Russell Wright, Boîî'ranville. oetMri, ecs,$ ttifrutC tl ctterlil11Ltt an toa>,llcr doaobetiveOu u ýi --i)ei-rd .igîî- l us htis : iHoît'close 10 the ti'uth thle iy. neet this outiet in sPite of the thti w uuue tiroîierui tof cucîutnical for$6.Roet .Cooel Mrise.b uthuuiu tei t-.ttaa aiaia luttrliark'e Ttp. taxi, Nir-.. statement is I do not knoît: ne'- agmn 0otntîeio cn uuttit Blythesome 61st, punchased. by Russell Grahm otPny 15 î-.rtt 't ii e.ttriug t ît-irtuti.-lIte t. lite tattI ierk iii" N'ýI r. \c't tiandi fruont lh,îIital $ '12(X tiiex'ani I îilling non tible to Put too busy. At-y farnier'can an- ile atdî idit-. titut, a. an e<îrt' uRoy Best. Port Hope, for $62.50. RosalieConpchsd y ni -n' mi. teltu tttît u 1uuletutt m' 'ut-.iitteek i'tku uî staier field. !tii's. NIr-.. Wu'- ý................... i ., can be le!t in Ite hands o! othersttittgiot only to gel it propcnly îuimî,itai itclutiîîcxliiit Ituanket. cd bs'Johnt Hoiden, Columbus. 1Laî'cnderPic ruchst a iir utr> i f -. ut à,iati I.tilu I ýittiiugonttht l isted i 'f i tuti oi aiu' uuîîiliî Diiisiont lmote capable titan I. But when donc but also ho gite the chiltinen utuu tt it l ) thi , -e uttttýt e uleeiutfor $60.i by Lorne I pon P rt eny \\ i u-îuîe. --' Aciut i0 vi igutwotii" tutc-.apen- tue utveratge Citiîrt fîcc................... .-.... I00 that lhas been donc thenreitaiiisanti young folks a ci-ance at reg- tuliInatî rvi' rrti Reiocl aiindpuhad$7. keut/tu Kltg andutuilre 'f lu-.>tîmmu- klie utlii t rauIiiate(l frit palit- ~ l-ucoc, S..5 o 3.... i..... 250.1Ù0 wîth a desire 10 cradicate nol flot means just a basebal ban-,! uplln aluttîer, tîturesltiiuulu tu - Icu tfeiout. h i' \ i ucu t rgiit t ýieuIinulltuuuit i vittt 'R. J.lBruîce,-.5... Nuo.3î........ )0.(M) dnlY T. B. anîong ru-uaites, but1 but actîvîttes that iîl i gîe al an îîetîut'euî ît thee tr iulr-ttui J utuu~f liuitaiiiil.i're-ilt't -ttr-.Ttustetucre utbie ta take F. Fuesui. S..Ni. 9 ... îo.vo )also other diseases. oppontnt 0bk at ittti î t plannîinug tandtuclos-e c O ro o F r e t the tW N\ andmul e iii'f The 1 itumuueîuauucîît attitudteuit al îpublîaic F neits..,'i ..... 20.0 Why cannot chiltiret i the The city sehools have aIl this ltrio..aner teo o Cauuatittu Stat'-îuaî atuia. uui u r ttetu egeter1 RiatuSuilt. exîuu'ulture ............ 10332 jcountry get bhc samne metieal ilule bhecocuntry chiltiren necier N0r Cauleitots a. ttamu stur uumamu.~~~~an w tt iRugtuer lou arcd t wcitttuti1 iresrt . i lîula.-e.ui...... 10.0olnegîaste iitie i bcgl n sc cn gcs itiahete ataiitNtiua G tartitur. uuiit-.t-r \ricuh cc. ii tict t jusiiai ttey hui! umI Cîut,îiI iguisi, ity l wa a ig surris t me at'ar th re is roîsin am bb R iiîac, h__îu_;hîiîcht of ou

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