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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1938, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADI.\N STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAX. MARCH iOTH, 1938. Our tabi-n ttemaut Established 1854 A W eekly NewsPaPer devoted ti the initerests of the town o! Bowmnanv.Ile and surrounding country, IssuM. At ig Street. Bowmanvillù. every Thursday. byM .Jamnes & Sons. owners and publishers. The Caaia ttemn ember 0 f the Can adian Weekiy N ews papers Asociation. al.o the Class '-A' Weeklies of Canada. GEO. W. JAMES. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $2.00 a year; in United States, $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5c. THhVRSDAY. 'M RCH IOTH. 1938. I-igh School New Courses Last we ek the tlîree ui vie bodies. the (Cîuîîiil. and ad I lîll iir libSvhool Boards met t> diseilss t le priipOseti DOîîncstie Sciencee anîd Sbýop (ourises at thle Higl Sehool. If thje courses are adddfo the eurîeil ui it a ppea rs tha t a iiew buIildling ivil I have f0 lic ereetc<i f0 liuusc fliese de pa 1tnIlilt S. As Nve pointeti out last week fhreoe cînirses are open, the first to ufil ize w-bat space is alrevatl available at the school. to lease a builingi or fo erecetoie. As fo the first it is out of the question as flic Ieparilînît will îîoî sanction the ulse of tlche îol- preselit facilities as tlîcy are totallv iiode> mate. UVnless the Departmleîît sanef jolis t lie accoiîuîîodation we iiitler- stanîd tbat no grant is mnade. Tbe course is niot coinpulsory. For Our owîî part wve have ait openliii on the inatter of the Domiestie Science and Shop ('ourses. As we understaiîd it the local school is îîot forced to put tlhe courses into pi-actice. The question appears to be. cau thîe taxpay-er. or will the taxpaver per- mit the expciîdifure of a large suîîîi of 11101ev to ereet a new building to house tlie..;e courses? Tt i., true the goveriimient will pa-, 5O-( of the cîoist andi equipmient. anîd the contie- îvill pa,- their share on the basis of eoiit v piipils ini attendancee. A tirant annîîall ' (-f apprîixinîatelv -$400 ivili 1w mnade liv thle Departnieit. a;nd it seiiiis cci'- faiii t bat extra llu-i p xoul lic required (ni fltheac s;~ taff. A fîirtlîer raîit of >400 -%oulil lii- availalile, if thîe Publie 'loi joiued with th, lie Irhi in itakiiiL, titi S qi it îcndspein tîtat iin its favoiir. it mav liw sa id that the Go veriîmiit anti Couitie-, wîll Ibear a large proîporfioni of ftie cost (f ia new lîi1liiu2. anti xxill also iniake au anial granit. On the otiier baud Bow- maîivillc- -till lias ti pav;, its slîare. will like- lv have to hirp ait extra teachier. anti will have the added overhead cosfs of heaf anid lig-htiiiL, fo take care of. Aswe bave pointeti ouf -we have ait Pli- tirely- open iiiiid ont the stîbjeet. That is whv weare frviii(r fo oiv-e loflisitiesoftifhli q1uest ion proper pul îcîy. Apart front flic ff'naiwial sie. fliere is ftie awzle of tlic benefit of the course tostet. Soinonie pintuîs out thaf uvle i i ost ~ i necd traininîg ini (oiiiestie seieiîee anid liousekeeping. fliat the type fauglît af the High Sclieool would nof be flic saine as woiild be eicoiuuftered initlîe averilge lionie. ('ookiiL voiltiail be bx- eleci ricifx- while oli]y' a snliall pereifage of homies iii flhc fowîi. anti aqinallecr Ierceiiftiei in flic coiint i-v, lia veelecefrie sf0 ves. Tlhc sainie thîiiL apli C5 o flic slop course. Manii of theicnîachiîics ould be electricall v operý- ated. and vile tlîis would lie iîvaltnable iii train imi' rmutig men for factorv or sliol wvo-k later. it voui i ot lie oveî- val ualle for Le-îeral slitîwork on a farm. lJIxvu-ver tli jinilorfaiit niatfer will soon liavi- ti be decitldd ipoîî. ati] if seeîis tii us tlîat tlhe best way f0 iring out allich coniten tionîs points is tliroiigh tilie col iîiii, of thelc. lnîewspaper whili art, open alii to tliose utI-1o would lilke hi sec fictore addl1 to the ecurriculum and tliose wlio woîi Ii ot. Letters liearing ou flic subjeet i'il lic welvolle.bluit of coni-sefliev îîîîîist 5es!ici as a inatter of good faitli. al- tiilîtlie nainewîll rVîf 1w îîsed if t îe ivrît î-î So dusirps. Election Corruption and Bribery 'liiI iilso<f ( uiiiuiis licarîl a lot abolit polit -ai i-iiiili 'n in 1t11o e<arl 'v stalLcs of flth esilt s(il.L-îii il*i liii' pposi- tionj. 1hou. R. B. Pleiiic1t f trst lcoaieit-id thie ilîatti- ii i- i 1irol v Io tîtse îiiilifrontiuilit- Tlrii- .Sirui lc'-îi ir-inii-llcpliuîri lias takcîî iplIti-iegiIsand] lias asked fui- elî-ît i-il. ( 4SI t ]îsli .l-c1 lîlî1- o ic i e la- iti . ami leb-iai-e pleiitx%- l'I-r xx , ho iaiî sai t l I t li r oivei ved a b$7 11l f( I li l fc'. Io. l(:îiro is ciîri-lptii f!c iil tj , i-c lîîîîîcc li ca Iiiiii M iiiiter hilil2 c-s low tLslitlt ('l wIi jlili i i t îwtîî ilioil 1 ' ', ici il ail W-Il . Mari-c viaie in like il Iîil'lit il itis i<lil îîîlizit> wear îîl]î-, One Millionth Car Lcî-ct Fidiay tl ie îl iiliioitli (car, uuaii- lific-tui-cii),lxx (hueraI l >îtiii--c iii ( ;i uuîa uiio i~off i liio asse-nîdyl v îîie tthtIo Gc-ii-i-ai Moi'lor-c planut iii ()sliiiucul. IThis- imporcîtanut ijiictiltýtlin i I\.. isii is iof îîcrtiviiiai vlii> loti îe the cradile iii mWlicii the 2i-ceît cIuoiiraion Ici haui if-orituiiianti its ea rI ' Lu'rocwct lu. The C\c-auxtîli(amritute \Vorks1 urus mt <iii tile le îîajoru iiistrv in tfli viI lagi- <f Euîuiskilleuu. Tliemifoi, iiuv vears it iipc-atc-u iii OshItiuta wlicre sliippini facil- ilil-s uveri- letter for ils fast -owiuig lbus- uuîss. Withi thie adu-cit of t lc iotti)r cuit -xi-c-uifives iof thlce- i wîa iv.uihi lonîg miange uvisioni. sax%- fhiatflic autmoboile uxas soon tic repiate tlue luorse saiti buggy. muid Ritli i-ciiiuicuclalle cuterprise sfartcd flic manu- facfuu-e of flic Buick car iii Canada, uuiiclî utas na'iietl McLihiiiuiii-Biiek tf0Oviuc itfli respectedlnaine of tflic McLauighiin carriagee uvhiicli foir umore tuait a quarter of a cetiifui-v liad lxccuîreeo,,,iized as flic fiuîest mnainîeIi biu nu ie s. Later the coînpany becanie Gemu- eral 'Mctiit'- of Canîatda. a suibsidia-u-f tifhli 'rat Geuiral 'Motors C'orporation.î So we-cfeei i West Durlhamnfhiat uve hav-e a im-Lihîtii ioiuî iiflicheehî'atioîî of tlîis imiportanit iilestoie iii Geirai 'Mofors lus- tom-y. anid ute joi uitît iiiduisfry anîd itii ccir c îuvieu-s iniofferin 'gLcongratulatiis,;tc> (-icueirl Mi ttrs as fhe lOleil mil hiolitli (ait- adiaiiuniîît rîlîs off flic asseuiiiblv lime. Some Ancient Town Needs Lt is aiiisir anti al-so anaziîîg tfliuau otue gafhters ttiizetlier ail sorts of stuiffanid hoartis it iii pi ' g id oes ili <a dcsk u-hiei-e if teuîaiîîs for x->ars. Thie îîtlîeî' <au-ie ut-cie riimiiiiîamuî thlrouugli sinîîc of t iese pigeonili les a ul hapîîened tii ctîîîîcauirtîss thie iit(-sof au aiilress urc- iad ivegixcu ik i 19l2. At thla f t inîî xci-liailic îuu11ýit uiî) a lot io hitsf lithe tcui evled. andii 2'it tlieii tiff i uuu uli iic mt s> iluoIui e iuitmuori ctlu-r \-xfiut- îf thue tliiiurs ire tlîîîîîiLîit sicu i-cssar v tii ixxucuiilc -t1i-fau-e- avi- ictucuixlic'cu cxiii lîîsiec. lthiIIiu'hisoiiii Il axe. lciestesi~ixi t-e hicuuund iii ('111.maii-iî-it]lict es. xrli:c-hî lixtheIi- ccv. x- c cuitte-uioclia M esî t îicuii ýExliiicîiýoii Eun- tivY foriui for 19218: Ereut a nim-uîîitl fui- thîe licîuîee if Bciu- uIImuIIvilt- and lI)uu-lîatîî iuuit v. Orgauiizc a Touvui Band. lioiat c priz<-s t> irurai sciotls iilu West D)urhiam ifor LPubilic-Spleakiiu-.. Giu-c a priize foar flielicst anîd îîîst pop- uiîar sti(i(-ut St Bowviani-leIc i-lu Seliiol. \Iakc ,ilî -rauiit tiio ix foi-li-Ia r il îiipillar attrat-ti lisitlt as i<>1sc mac-cs. Equii1î lic Souithi Word Sulîoîîl xiîl pa g-riîd oliiuleit. D)>vutI tp a lauitifuil ja rît oppositec F. ('. .l-ix 11p)t Iii-Ra ii-'s flats for oiluuik uilliu apiîmnacli-s oui (ulecu Street anid Viitxi B ritdge. Estalis l c i iusc-unuiforî -uriiis andiipio- iieer i- -Ius and ire-s-erei lic h istou-u- tf the< d ist uix.t. But i u lt> uiuîîn -suit fcîî (-Iiicire \'ijliuimui.strecf stii-]iii' and iustal bath- rtîccui î-cîîuiîxuuuu-ut ii i ls hliisi- titî the iuuî- dcustaniIhiii li- ak-s i a lii hî-ui-uxuuî uîir Assist the Ci baunicuo<f (ouiiî-r-c-iii ai-- iîuiri-i ilie Bv>Il Teloh-îiuiîî lot at thie torii-i of (Iui-l aId Tcuîierauic-i-Streî-ts 111î1 Mrl-..J i-xspi-iierft-foir a park. 1riiIisuutahle iuaite-is focr thvfti ir- ge o --<f flictowtu f tisîuussî-uru-î-îf local î)iob>hiiiuiuîd -eolioiiie issuîîssi-li ms ma- ee-ptiuig jocbs iii fae-tories at iouv-î- uacgcs tîtalu a lahioriiir mait ciii ki-ip a failli]îv. L'ookîimg ovîr th lî Iisî aîzaiiu il sec-mus tii tus f laf t-c u Iîade tIi>se ug-ticcs at a lii t au-v ('li lmet ilii Ail ln the Infant Class friiuui muI cuîr Canaalm aililîccuîsî f tlîe pro- pîîsaî toi llri-as- tlîî-fi->-foru îîcrad Ïio iv si-s fricuui$201) ici $150ta yv-r. AS iyi--u-t chiiiipi-i'islu-a i-i. hiouc-x-i-. wut- hi-u ei-fmi-t isý staiete hîctt il iu imaitl los',iintcpertiuîm itd mii ihiil> i thli-iDomî iinion mîandlt huit ol Iop orf i lis iliferost ami ti-i-uuuiflafi-il ic-it siu- thle go t-ininuni-mutfouik oxer thie railuuay auuumints t" mugood di- m oîîîre flîuu tti->->- dolilar~s pi-m hi-cul'or tIhi- îxifiaticiuioiiitlis -cîîî-. Whmuiis thlii- xllauiccii? Yi t tht lia e armi-c a I inithflinufantf class muid thuîs. ut-lI-mliii bl u isîumuize amu lîf dollar,î. ut-> are> s-iuuîlîy ilmz-uI t-lu-mufiguire-s il-(- lroei- t-i ilîmt unic itîî tIi-h ileius 4'îuiii (hi-t fi Editorial Notes ]nicuir landcithîî- is a t-c-fiiildîl-iliciil nat icnalîuI iref>- ' ,îmu ( x l i -h cjuiilt muas ici )<muîl e is tuit, fl t>- ofiii ii v i ii 114-.liii- I fls. ilic11l1Ilîmt t ie( 'luii reii liit v lahi. I- i>u menîmcand F tlciii idutilluiîttuiî ulieliboriiîii- in ouîî i.i 11;lid k- ci(ii- ui->ih xtuciî tf t idccx.\îî c-O-uihuit--htri-msurer. \\htx- îot îcîîîîîlî il gioi-szicihlc li ithe- t ofre mil, >111 ci-issi, t hatî111-u1v tilI îlot s> -us-ui Scliiluiclifc-l-c ? 'lit-suual's cciîî anîiiciu tulîtI(Lire>put ciii S tille-ction i 1ctu>-thlu-I woîîîlut- mu adinu>-, and possibiv' ysoumît- tf fhics>- urhi ihmxlv bi-cii s-tkiug edtit fir giu-ilig simuile ui luit: oui a 25-c-it iîca-. ThIi>- c-l ia .1'iîd icuic-MfflcIid Fr'ee Preiss FORWARD! - AND ALL TOGETI-ER To Make Canada a Better Place in which to Live and Work -Tuie -craiui, auîd stre-cý iexicît econiniic aîîd social dceîopmrents since Coifederaticut liai c ucacecî cpoîn Carnadas giixernintiîtal -crticîire haie disloscd tlite neccssiîx- for adjiccd- ii-ii-c xx itic1it xlcriieable it tlitlcre effectix cl\x 10 serve roiiial alid nationial itecds,.anid t" un iicîlcceandtil îcrc-cr cCaniadiai uti . c c 1:u lht ro)ic i t/ .pceciî rop c i tt- Tii c ii 27tiî laiT ccY, I938. tci a 1ciit i x ei c tilî Iil" ic c1i Titi i M AKING (CANI A DALJ ,tic ciereinili îtat - c liituc- A Better Place in Whieh to Live and Work C' 1cipetlecl i-c ilctilc ae Ts _________________ -licticl l ic îl i liaI f as iiglt (-ai ASeries of Letters from Distinguished Canadians on Vital i li îiicii.l -c Problems Affecting the Future IVelfare of Canada uîet x ztiuc~andci cîlertcc ,fîucu- cf Ie farin .. tret <a' Specîally Wrtten for Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association tikcî-cclcc c-atlLcît-t icic ii i'tliicr,.etc. It ij- accu LETTER NO. 3 cd t iat alaz ut sale:. or iut î'icjr Dear Sir: I mean a consciausness ai the pri- May I say that I like the way vileges we enjoy as members aifaa your press association is tackling demacracy with a full apprecia -______________ its job in striking out ta get same tian ai the responsibilities uuhich dominant and constructive note thase privileges entail. relating ta ftie actit-ities af your I mean also a local patriatism M felaws ai the weekly press. Their ai an intense and pure chai-actec influence. I would think, is the but second in intensity ta a na- D c I most paweriul influence in this tional patriatism. I thînk Canada country and so cauld be a great by reason af geagraphical circum- factor for gaad or euil. I think 'stance. uu-th barrers suctu as flhc thes- are nearer ta their constitu- thin strip between Quebec and ents than anyane else. except the Maritimes. the waste dîuidîng passibly the physician and flhe Ontario icam the Prairies and the clergyman, but they hav-e the ad- 'towering mounitauns befween flue vantage oter these two ai speak- Prairies and British Columb'a ing regularly and at some length might be mare uulnerable thanc ta all their people. miore compactly arcanged and I think that if on the spur of denseiy settled caunfries ta the tiue moment I had ta urge same develapment ai sectuonaliim and c rankly I dont sec how this c country is exer gaîng ta get any- c uhere unless coluesion-i i evelop c pd ta, a giearer f-xtî-nt than lhast c.cprevailed uin the pasi except in1 times ai national cmergency. I readily sec that ts prescrip- tion ai mine is not an easy one- euen if in your uiew a good one- ta advocate through a press which must be acutely -lacaf ian-con- 4 i~ <-t ciaus" But I really do not sec that thece should be any i-cal confl:ct bettu-en the two patriat- isms.*local and national. I firm-- ly belieue that the proper inter- - est in local problems can be ex- 'panded into a constructive inter- est in national problems. Witli fle umprovement ini com- oumunicatians. witlî the linking up of cecontryî-adioasth beter ai tescontlirdio. as i ah bec-e admore camplete neuus seruicesi îranyifluences arressaI uork t raailainftaencer ress thinrk > piomote this better sense of na- tional citîzenship, I do appreciate the compliment W. F. Prendergast implied by your %vriting me in programme upon the weekly cdi-fhis conneet'on and I extcnd ta tors I uu-uld urge that they un e you and your association my ail their influence a ncitein the' heartiest best xvshes for a suc- people ai their com nunities a real 'cessful year. sent-e ai cîtizensh p. It e-ms t Yauîs fruly. ne that Canadians. prabablyli ke Frank Prendergast. people oifaLlier countrie.3 havc Asistant ta the President, flot developed this sense un îthe Imperial Oil Limited. full. By tho, îense of citizenship Tom-nta. I ~ A STUDY IN SALES TAX 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I By Scribe GI Vi luýa -iii fcf i'iî lic-la, t'la%- cff iiteil andlioneu-4'tilt-in \(,lt"-"Il 'cr %xcilr-c-f . . . a icir i: MNr. Sticckc-c Ife gocc ii rulief cat i',r teuic xt. . . a h' 'încl of andci%,)ili nav iinîaozic ihai liecucas-c- îails to drive i titý ienIuî il-c. . .t'iti av Sales cTax, aradiiccall i t- r -oin u-t tladlefor xioTr razor, iiieîlai Salsta~ -x . . ....(i)L îîcou jav 14 ý Sales la x. 'llc~-ie x it . Tuav ie t ic Iicalid in Itlile Pinco ' ' * E <-r 'lalcet oif g r' ccricio., ti i It voit ciare- lavinTit iii-'t ic. i re. oc it', Nîr. Stck-s rc, r- I l-c i Siicic-e irui c : a i iacnd -ci"-irice ()fci tii gr.cccri(-cIP'1,S titi lrincrx Ii 'ir i'Aiil Miail iitIiic Salcs Tax 'f i8';- ,xhic-h ftlciv olifi Si ik -, i, ail ccic o'x i 'f tz!c, liî"i l)c artiiiliit cj tIh ' ' 1), - t iccid cctlie clut- iit(litlcl'cci îgrcîcr ' i TuTu ialicîl-i'x ticît xi cii , Il Gtiître Jccc 'tfti'i'\c wiTTiai i~iîî lî i fxci11arci 1, 'cr 'ic id xi! Rliejf ticiartiniîct ini iccr ti t kitcix fr.ciii icic , dcc i - iii. i tic- iiilccI t" c% lix itti .c' l i xi11ii îvc t 1 ci i io l îta liîc1rc ci' e'illc'ciiiîg i i i xc1, 11ii l]c Ic, f Iini crici- ccf ui cî ;î1i(jccc lticr cif cci i(f îrcli' X uixc '1cii ilce Iî'i-, 'x"I xc icil iiirci.ciic~i(iiilii2 "i cii t',NMr.-i'i- i-1, "f cacrcx ii l.'c .c I ici \ ivii ic i\-lit( a v h t \ "cI i l 'c1iki Ilf ccIIticccý (1ci'cîc ini thei iiiiiclýi c'i f îricîcii xcc i' lii t',' ic xx%%i ic -cliii-, -h '-c. cc i- 1 Iii i ,cr l'h cd, ici iarLýv i-iiicuI T ccicr iti-c,,c-c th-,ic \ cc. l ii, r-il- cc i xint 4 i rliicf andc, l c i, r ,"iciicx, tic ý%ii c ctiiircîýiîiiîI! cl-c tus ici' ccc l gcc iiin d lt. \Vhicc il ilia, " inic cziic' cf fi,%-ixr - 'i-c lc( - 'ccrc cih far ciiiccii i l c'ofaiiiti n iii ic Tcîi ia- t, liax%, ii' ii'i" li avi Titit io itrc'-t "ion tic,-lulic- iI'ci'-iiiit? Sccifi liii- Sdi- -c T \1Iadl 'turc- %I icclciii ini tcc.t :Id- cciii 4', ii a ic .'d ofip'cf tT ' il li îixc-tccr-c i 1,i)lcc t'i\liil, th 1 i, c' c '-cic l c i ' rSiii t1%tc loti i lb iii liai c- faili ini l. rîi, ,f .cxrixViiii a rc-u tiiiitic t" fic I lle Thc Slim!iîc c f r' i lict iicci i lîci 'f jiii c'4t in s ýIIr-cilf -" i lv \'.r M r, 1;1, l. ci i c 'ii <uI Ici lci! ic' Iht lilii c itO M r.c ti-ci, icrva-ce iniSaii- Ta x icilit(' Siake' ilici ccci rc-itinzii l i,- si-linig irice of 'ici . o ci Ic ickc- Itcriilî cxx' a- ci 'cilcld ud lt ie '-tîicr ) cilic fc'c' i lâit tuc' ric c i 'reiit ) . Y . re cî i -<iandl lccx lici Iigli andi)il ccc iciii liii, cci mi i ic cdA Icifiicclticît i) l') cic accai îc l *tccc Tii \ltiîiîic cf lî-î'- ici'iiterect<Ld iii p t-Ilri iii 'ejr li tie Stîi- fact',rx g'c ,dccxx i becai-cc-il->c redli t lia-c cccil'Iriliecd luit tlt- tax gccs tipî. T!i f ax t' cil 'andtl lrclicrix \iilic-c111%' lcciiiic' xords itad butsiness, wxoiîld il' t rc- suIt iin So grcat a drop ini rex ei-ije if the Tas. wcrcninade 10 c' 'i r Ii!lcli 1and -scrvices. The Sales Tax j, a 1)xciitiîcïl %io filil ici clrcvcnueilC TlîcivGý mriimtc'lilias to tciliiirizeiC i cii l' i. i)ick andi tlarriv to acî A let cof îicciilc dc)ilcci ccii li the\ av u cax ', rc tlîaîc i i rici cc Ccc dsu 'irIl(,%%x il a ffc'ct- tcli. Ignocranxce i- iainIesic . .. uc ci' cii t -ccciii ic i ciftel ciir rxx-r x hu cxc fccl a',ajtic icmir Icccîx i xx roîî . . . c c -i uc e titi-ci andcl inct clit %vxhat il i:. Thsiti- i exxx Nature Liu of îiccerxiilxithe -c' Ini the Sales Ta afflicioniîlic lia- icf filis ccld. .\fclicîxx aid 10 listhec hic il cii Vi i iiiglitt a ' ixCI I a k ailt cl ii canlcer ici boardil tc!f fo'r a xx hue a-c tri tc slit fihiSales Tas.xx Iii lias- ccili a liilc -- Modernize Youi -and BarnsA it pays to conserve farm buildings, even if you have to horrow to make the needed im- provements. Fortu- nately, under the Homne SILVER COAL US FROM INDO CHINA Since thie appearanfce af Silver Coal advertising in aur coiuins iinany interested enquiries have been ircade as to its source of sup- piy ýand wxhy it is cailed -'Silver." An ex-epýioaly hard anthra- cite.' inincd in French Inda China and shippeci 14.000 miles ta Can- ada. Si:cer Coal us appropriately natied and refers ta its silver ap- rearance. due to the hardness of thie ceai. The silver sheen is very apparent in even a single piece lield in the hand. Mined from uearns up to 30 ft. in thickness - thie largcst knofl anthracite veins in the xvarld - Silver Coal is3 prabably one af the purest farms af anthracite yet discaver- cd. It Ès rmîned in large lumps, braken and screened into, sizes suitabie for consumer x-equire- ients. branches, and repayments may be made on easy terms. Just drop in and tell your requirements to j our nearest branch manager. BANK 0F MONTREAL ST A BLI ý Ie,; But He's Worth $36,000 to Ris Framily T ODAY, throughout Canada, there is a growing realization of the "finan- cial value" of thrifty men to their families and to the nation as a whoie. Consider Dick Jones, for example. He earns $150 a month or $1,800 a year. To replace this income, il would require $36, 000 safely invested ai 51,'c Dick Jones is typical of tens of thousands of Canadian men, who, oui of limiîed incomes, couid not save enough money to replace their earning power, but have been able to do so through Life Insur- ance. In Canada over Six and a Hall Billion Dollars have heen provided for ihis Purpose-a great bulwark of finan- ciai protection against the future. These men are the backbone of the nation. Individually, they provide finan- cial protection for themselves and iheir dependants. Collectively, they are banded togeiher in a great co-operative en- terprise whose joint / savings, when inç vested, promote J, national deveiopment and stimulate e m ihe oymni ho. o thelomni o. ou f LiFE INSURANCE GUARDIAN 0F CANA DIA N HOMES Ab- 1 ~1 1 THURSDAV, NIARCH IOTH, 1938. PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 1

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