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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1938, p. 3

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THURSDA,X MARCH IOTH. 1938. TH-E C.\N.-\IAN STATESMNAN. h WM.\xVILLE ONTA\RIO rl-xsjr. .L rIlxrr. Blackvillc îs at )Ontar io tomi T he<inan i nav fot le verssaitt about 2,0M 0popuilatio n. 1> Back l ut this (fos uit inake 111nuch iiif- îile litnattractive place reizarîled afurent,'. Ifeie wllli bcgis eiii ticL* a lace i n Nwlî ch to, ake n-'iw if be w illtake it, w oh Mîtliasii h. .ne?- 1 a>keîl a ttan lisving ini T - t e be ant' ton îî priglit i n the mnat tuer r. nto w ho 1a,, brouglît III)ini Black- 'i f is lfe and coliversatioln. vie. Ili tliîîk. that it is o far aý The poor îîreachers inii Blacks ille its atilearatice is coiiceriied. It lia, are îîes-riddleî. lcopile ini tlis toîvi lots oif trees, soîne pleasanit streets. i> duI. lot go to churcli to lîcar tlhe siirrOiîîi(lel hi hilly country,.lias a preaclier and the treaclbjng so muitcli sinall river, andl is tnt toi) far awav as to asscrt thecir congregational front a citv. But whetîili' began titt v atndltn carrv a cliitîon tlieir telling Ile et sortie ni its drwbc s hottîder - a sort of defiance ni Tîtesc are ofi twn maint classes :- other coligre>gatiolns. There rnas bc, ton) matis retired farmiers Iîlýiv n ii tithe' part tof sorie imilitapt tOîies Bakiiand religions 'truc j-, aà disposition to bc (isputatious ou acute. creeds anîd dogmnas and ou1 scrilîtctra S About the religioîî-s stri le. Tliere iîterlretation... The severite (if the are two Ui.jtted clîîtrhes. a strti-zgliing views ni somne of these cliurcli people Preýslis terian chtîrch, ait Aniglican leacls tlîem to condeu smoking, elturcli. a Romnan Catliclic clinrel. a card-plaving, dancing, tleasitritig ou B'aptist chîtrcli, anîd tlîe Salsati ii Siinda vs, the rea ling of certainî spec- .\rni\v - a total i ses ci rel1igioiis i fied classes ni books and 1wrio d- bodies. There i.. no sint of union: ical s. The p)reacliers oi Blackvillu oni the' ceitrar-. there is tierpttital have ti w alk circuimspectlv, nelt iin tni,î.The cIliiirce lrtle thle toli, relaîti oui ti tht' BiblIes trecett ir ,e If î. îess- fainilv. or a lie\%- schoil tlicir isiliconîscienice, but iii relationi Steomiler. or a îîes hanker. o r a iiew t. the's s and comm nandinetîts ni exipre.ssagenît. or a tncw teleýInliiîeîleir clgeain.Shold illa trea- manager, or a ntis'% retailer, goesto hrsloktf' sn hi B.cslltliere is ait iniiediate i(- reveal tîtat lie l)eliees ini tlhe battle te tie the faînilsv or theIn îaîîi lt', i.sof t'voltionii.tlats fatal. lit t,. a partictilar clîurclî e.îigregatiO ,l.sI rt. inîîuleraiice fînurislies ini hlack - ville. Esen tlhe s îîîîg îpeop le iof Dlacj,\-le - those wv-lbn remaiîî ______ iliere - aeîîiure the mîinîl if tlîeir LI ITEN... 1~ Blackville lias attracted itl e tircîl farliers Tlese iarniers, as a class. s t, ail extieiditiirt'..fer local on1iiipro vemieits : thîev-waiîîtevkeep 0 thle tax rate as lows'as tiossiblv. Tlîev 4do net \vauit Paved! road, andi(l i1 C A N A D A 1lie1 T e ot d ai4ai îst a se w rage i - IMPERIAL TOUACCOS 51<111. Ples rejîised te sanction a INSPIRING PROG.RAM P pr ject to l.eaitif\ a îark. Tlies arc tiiiiails vte inake local schdI> Iattractiv e andl efficient. The\- let Friday 10 p.m. E.S.T. thu r iouses go iîiîîîaitited. -Tleru iI. I l cal liosliîtal. - TI N L i lTlie fact of tlie îiatter i., tlîai I STATION BI.~ l~lac sil a trtedral> and (1il11l J t.. ssiim. andîîl1ii1îîg teo ple iant to ret SCHfOOL CHfILDREN el HAS DEFECTIVE £YESIGHT.. Proper lIghting can do much to strengthen vison. Whenever your children read, do their lessons, or play, see that they have good ight. Put new Edison Mazda Lamps in al socke'cs. CANADA19 FOR SETTER LION? - SETTER SIONT-USE EDISON/MAZDA CANAD IAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited '9.4 - 4d1%4a" mme "&SILVER"P COAL DOMESTIC end BLOWER SIZES ikaý ASK VOUR DEALER - Silver Coal Is SoId By - Sheppard & Gil Lumber Co.- Ltd. - Silver Coal Is SoId By - John A. Holgate & Son aru ,l(Ienouli o (!rt, jIoluýcd, cooked and eaten within an r uri ' i î, oneil i t', ar ge iîiî-s - hour. ' ltr-is't i te age fialirFor î-ery srnaillvegetables ike T IN TH E DIM AND DISTANT PAST letuce and radS.rs12ice i l tsrliuluii u i 'P li li;,î. t <'tut cilits t'oirshae itsr-factor-ban; ,arot..peas and spina-'h lbl.î-k Ht-'Iuiuîll las-etite fatirne dc at 1ea<t 1.5 inchies between, cs,.uuand t lia, ait indi,trial coin- TIENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO - 4n..uttu hiril e. ret. il while potatoe3. cDrn and staked uuittev. wsih is tretts iuucli 'I 'i . i,îîl . S. Titeker iii Tir' 'It' itomîatoes mîus, have a couple nf -jjike. tCommiiercial travellers sdi.. From The Canadian Statesman, 1,\ ktilIsles. J. loliaui of Nx;, feet or thirty inches, Space may call iiiiretailers i BIcks le liaitb ae wt ate yei uîolîîî gîedtesa ~lit tIau~March 6. 1913-t-r..k declarcd the' vouîîg coupîle b ae îh helte Yei lohn oo svoaltIi, îîî IUciand i sife -snmething quick matuning such as Thieîlocrt "ftS.S.. No. 5. Profidhiic lettuce and sptnach are planted e- are tîrett.% smiall pntatîîes. Nirs. J. FH. Jury eîîtertaiuîed the irieweer.he iger higs i Blackville ias a wt'elv nois'S.Sturo.în5.îPervidentheLadies' .i SenirdhECrago, E, -\Ileuî. E Il Blcvilela. awekY ivl)lcr ieibrso te aie'Hospital . - o E Aln.H not need the full rooni at first butt it decs iot prosper. t gets vetr'y .5uxiliars- on Saturday. Miss Bruce. I i-oar, A. Fliord. \V. and by the time they do. the ilittîe local or tiational aîlcertisiiug, the rîesc1y apirointed Suîperitîtetîdent p'alz Jr. 3rd-. 1- ailnz, '-Os-~ early crops will be out of the way. Il and lits ads-ertisiîîg rate h s ers bw. ofthie hospital wuspIrecrtit to meet i 1,j'it BC.ale 5 K.Blackbu.îrun th r Theie ati îshî told nt'tuf Black- thie ladies, are grown quktc eeor h i ut' eprti blusnatvetosiijttt Nr.- I IissE.Osbornie. W. Heuar, \V experts force theirs aîong wth as seldoiiias tpossible. fris mntler W'est J. H. De vnit, nvi.PP. orî lauu.F.BlcbuîuîS Blam chemical fertilizer, cultivation. ives tliere. and somte nilier relatives. t Duransaa iicdgatA Battît', A. Dodd, P. Elford, S.n f osbewtr Blackcile aîudits petitiesse antI t H~~~~~~~~~ otie hi'His Hon- 1),uu...u . SI aade.f J.siaie,îg. J. Blakvileandit petinsss ad ts urtlîe Lieutenant Govcrnor, oni V. "uîîîacîtt, P. Lainîg. Teacler- Give Plenty of Room Ibickeriiugs irritate Iim. and ht". glatI Tlîursdav uighît. N E. M\aniniig, h otcmo itk t..<sate ron is tmsîhee.Purîle Guards i.o v ai1 Orange Kteju union S. S., No. 3, Maple make by the new gardener, ac- J C K Lodge No. 2384, organized ini Bow- lls.fin Februarv: Sr. 4th-Nî cording to expert observers, is \Vî,ît iuterested tie chieilv as this iaiulI.on Fehruars 21st. John V.'nlu._\. \\Vithît'ridge. F. TrulI: that of crowdung thinga ton close t-x-BlackàjiIe nian told mye <'f lisFHuighes. Grandî Master of Ontario Ir 4tIt T. Hall, J. Short. I. \Wor- together. In planning layouts itt îuaîus e towcti s awihiat lue hll to srîy East. and G eorge Ni\cCartiies'. Grand V.- . Vî'rdeiî Sr. 3rtl-'S. Blr- ta essential that the mature abouit retircîl fariers. Retireil farnîî )rganiizer. ivere preserit. Officers g. il. ,illard: Jr. 3rd-M. \With- height and widthi nf the flower or ers t-ctr, cre, regarded as, a sclîîle. elcted are: \\*.N.-W\ýnî. Yeo; D.'b. 1-F .iîleridge, R. Laiignuaid, shrub or tree be kept in mind and are hlautieu fuir the' backîî arduie.ýs 'f 'E. C. Suttoi:Cliaplaiti \rchîe V . 'e Jr. 211d-l. Hall. E. Bur- sumfcient space be alhowed. With the t. ucui ishure tlies- art' iiiueroni'. Taîit 1ec. Sec--Jaintes Nokes:I 1. IL. 'rulI, E. l'ollard. Terîcler- permanent slirubbery, space be- l las e a g... d ieali fsiîîlttlîc scuithui c.l llanDutiti:Treas.-L \ A T -irkiatrjck tween may be filhed in temporar- re1tired farîîucr'.anîd fuir tlîeir atti- 'Pîue: Lecturr-Tlioinas Coîtîter O lis lD.î u Thiurslv a - ihîy with annuals urîtil full room tifle towsard itiprlos etiielits and enî- O Choi Paîniier. Ilite-uutne asmieî tNIr required. and with a slow grow- terhîrise'.s Nîîjcîî inean it itcrease in 1Deatls-FHnskiî iin T c. r o n t o, iiCreeter aîud rocledte NIr \.ung tree ike the maphe or elm. taxati'îî. Retirc-d farmers - 'îîeak,- Narch 3rdl. Maryu., b elouued us île eHaec's dplace t h Mr. 'shrubbery may be grown bet-weent iugbi'd -hîav'e 10 bt' xcetîl- of R. R. Iioskii. Buus-îîaîîs-iIl. .-fl fak lactn dtîerri for eight or ten years. But when itîgîs careftil. Thîcrinciîeîe are WVilliamus, iii Boscniaiiville, 1î eîru utillifoe thec- leave for T the time cames for full room usuî.îlc vers irited. Tlese iucoiîme'.ars 28t1î. Rocleick J. Williamrs, agtd br'îifilT djiiiere rusiel.. il l'aie ng needed then it shouhd bec re rivecl. trol ahI-. froîîî thîeir .s saud6îoiîî.available. farîîî'. the' farni mas' lit'retîteul au11l ..hAbout f.îrtc relatives auid îrueîîdi 1;1ci-ah iai a scood lie and quilt- it is tîîis rei't ushili i'. thîir niaiti 'ft Mr. aîîd Nîrs. Georg.\,,A Pearceil i ýii the 24th ulut, aîîd a ivels\ iot'- In every reputable seed or nur- iuiC'uiiî The\ nîîac have "hier iii- ntet at tlieir hiome. Souîthî \iew illîa. d.eia igt about 50 1 iîgtre- sery catalogue and in most spec- ce. tebuit ifi so. it is ikst.lto I) arliiîgtoui, Fridas . tii celehrate w ithi lý- The%, did lias-e a lîlîsv tinîît ial gnvernment bulletins thiereC uleagre. Retirtîl fariner., have to. Nrs. Pascue lier'50th birthdias -Shie t.. i- istake. Diditgui hloîie ili wull be found along with descrip- lîtîlgt ersdrstialu. hiee . sa' tui-euieilscthia arits tuf iriigand lsoniet'stoppedthie tions of shrub and. peretnial thec un lattude. .\ $5 ial is Tiui<rtaii. guI-.. cI( %it vret o t(a, - height wlhen full grown. This cand Qutite î.fteuî hlie retireil farnirs ini- Tir' 'îielZe Reîrt for S.S. No. 18. auttuî Standinug "f tut-itilîs:b . da agiei tepan coimelias tu stustain i hiuîî'.î'f. Ili,.fîur Februtarv- r th Ftuiî-Gurriet 'MbCla'.'. . El'i.. NI. .1. lluîtt ugad spc ewn pat suift- alul a daughter or lice. h1NcCiic, N\rtie Nîoure: Sr. 4tli J. \Var,triA. St.ieluouse: Sr. 4lîE. -'hould equal thus mature height. t îuî,îrsel h. ui thîe\-îuîakt hoth endsl Larîce Phlare,. Irene Farrell. Rutina ' . -ut.E Nasoti I. Scott L. î ais - Thus a shrub like the ordinary 1 tuet. kiou hit w ~'< jPhu-, )r't laweî. uiîi î r4îh ,Cî1 îî Cs'- 'white Spirea which averages about Meut 1 n(1 tha inthecaseof har. Brta awkv. 1c'tileNIC- t F Crder Iulati, 6-7 feet in hîeighp in most parts tuitanv.aalancd icctîulgeti îl~~ u " rrIGrii arrell lar- T "nNFasius eacler- 0 aaasol ae67fe Moîl ls tt' muisirigîîrîuudote u îs I tluîîeus, ,\undCtîeclv Jr isd, aule.ibetween it and its neighbor. be NIii.t etîeulfanuues c.. t. g<i I- Mrs Hugg.. ui ht'Cltiuiits __________ his far away from walks and ah- "ICI' îh futit ott iif thle i r tla s- suhili I[relie erni-, hi iThu uuitsonti: S r. ms sfrfo ec rwl us ats. Thîiugsaire tehai.lctr211(l--Niatrie errs-. GeraljdititCIe C ot sfrfonf eo al t.f .-a îauuussun'1 -ieiieia îcî.Fiet îùs In The uGarden T ANN "t ratt.nlu.hities attlnadli. TitI,,Clit, I laz,-hl ldgsuui.NI as Thicutuuti a radi.' i'. .ituist nul -essî-Iltjal. Ct-son:it: 'îEtaC usFarrell. Rd-Y U H T AN G ',iîruutc.anuutre ni ueatcaf >vIlues a/c\crs Pitir By Gordon Lindsay Smiith S C E S U ,CT nadio fhariies ai.iIas, al a- P.rcitiiNeCilltgli, Nîargaret S C E S U ,CT îuî.s cîths-I ,huae veu s uc MNooîre. Villie Little. Doronithus iggis. Sweet Peas Èarly O S LIE F R s aruetu oftelutertaiuîîîîeîut front ris- JIhtît Hatîterîs Haroldv Burgtess. Sîceet Peas must be planted iîîg tlite t. o uli1i' Radio tlius.- Teaclutrs, NI. C. Cix. G. Ratuîage early. Thits plant develops its 'Isunuts-sesetu ciii boys \vil] cou-1 thtt-i e rui'sistat'ndatctakt-s t hue laetni- otgotiaduprhi't.sîr urtîi ue.îtfrî 'f luoo.ks. t ilîs tituit' si-luth inighut exteine rct r wnthieawdather titile s unvok rTseîs io resentiaeit bvetent.FIFTY VEARS AGO I inecoo.trfctoes hnotg the ee tak ed eiîutls. uieut -v ioi t 'ii ten 'iltool.sIf'e luesversgeet itîtset_____________theo'nu T. 'si-tu'.petelsilio'e iîuc.îuîti' it.- ru s-cu tt'eklvIrs i uuttt t -a ur ,ji g' f n. Ijii ta - i)e. tIli e earnuu i ug' 'If iii. re tIîaiu o)il(- ieuiber iii thue fauuls -cati .aiffudIInî t u ille thelittisels i Ii rt- iIr 1k" . Tht s-tail bits <lotîtes î.fîenier, cati go. iituw- ut-ý. cati tîut nuire oilIllte îhIui table.<atit take suuîalh excutr.,iu, cati liii,-iceci<rt-a iiisunndae'., cati ch.,i 'i ii e ellt-t>rtiuiitigL. I. .irtturt'ul taruuut-n'.. on thie ut-Ilr hîaîlld. s-ct- t. i tia~.l a hi sie lu inuuîIgeuice-. andtî l.tiet i tut' tht-i r coviitii '.ors i rutgalitvi ts i ot;- musuiuiit-rttu nd utîl tîluatutntci,îtt'cl If I have ait\- message to cuve ho lartners, it i, tIîis : luiuu s 't(ir s-ars h'euss-eeîî 20) anud 00. get r-au, for tht' sean'.of retirneet. Leanu1 tut th<est' îure-ruirceuuî s c ar' . lu.\'su t.,i llas. If s-)iiicati rît ail., rculuint- a tastt f.on readiug - fon huttur read- tIlt- uîaga.'uî'. hitalg iIiii. . 'k'. tuf trait-h. Ii..gratîlus 'f rcfletîcc ut (If litîru. 1 )ou .ilth.-tras-' hueý Gui tii NeulXi kif \su t'al.itlu-t u.. g:tt it't- if a gerî its. .,.-'. ort vast. ii in u îus-u î.îîîlrî 'it t uuînuit-litissuit nuakt-li f,- rit'lut'r Xottr uutdcitniiug o. fthut\-su'nl suil llI- cî..,îîî'un -,i auu îtxîîtd 111011C-s\t..litlastiuug - xtut-niî-ut-îs nii kit t i If '-11i iatti îtu'-a Iltuîhiîu. (Ioî su It-etluis it 't . fInis-tr.. the' uuakuuui',î.î1 t t1,titrei. tlie brint-.iug "If t. s .thîe k--uu lais. (i-t a uuicru scuit, a d ituc lt i ittroucte t uuît.. litleut us. i if, tasciuu .ii; i i,,sii-- t eI f. ,i tîait t liue 'Il- î,fiiset lut.. A-nd iifs 'rît haie clillreiîluth.1 11 thîcîî t..III lv a lit' ItrgturlItait 111v lfe gzis--u l11tutu ii ilsidai toiI. DI. unowî-tht' thiiig'.swhichu u\-,Il ia liku t.. d i îftu' netuunuiîuu. hi i- tise I efuin t---irviiueuttIlle îl'iîg '. !lie tliii. su-huhi isilI k- u Il i hîîtîîs uit rttir, tltuit s Dorr'. I t t ui Eyesight Education And E ff iciency C.H.Tuck Opt. Specialist Disney BIdg. opp. P. 0.) Oshaw~aPhoneî1516 Number 26 Ners o'sness and irritabuiiy are ofteiî found 10 be due to eyestraitî aîîd undex'eoninued straun whierc- defective visioni exisîs. the condi- tion being 50 oîiostanthy aggua- vated rallier thuan di- minislies, causitîg diseonifort as uvî'h as imîpaured vision. Omly anathler thonughî i %-Iil tut- flId to us the othen' aide of tue pictuî'e - thie advantages thiat are ours througli betteî' vision. General satisfaction. inîproî'ed hîeath and vitality. lesas 'aste of tinie and energy and a feehling nf enjayment in wnork or t'eci'eatian that daca not exist when sue are being dragged down, frayed in bath temper and nerves. (ta be continuedl "POWER" "Possirtii its last particle i yhttu.' -JohntiFoster "The central fact of the Bible is the suuerinrity nf spirittal over tiI»- sical 1toiser." -Mary Baker tl Ltis nt possible t ftuumitd a lastiuig poer utpnuinîjuistice, ler- Jutrs', anîd trecachter-.'-Deuuostlueiucs From The Canadian Statesman, well down into the soil thien, when bot ar, aîîxîows te coniuîiiarniiîitr :Narch 7, 1888 the days turn hot. it is hiable to itlier siitl tlir preseit boss- or witlier and cease furnishing its s,,îîîx-elnlvIse. 55 hile fise lads bave daily quota of color and frag- deciîle, that thes%,loiits'an t te con- Oni 22îî1d, a largze îîîîîîîlî,r rance. Planting directions are tiîu iii'ife (,il the faruii. of frieiiîs mlet at tlie resitlence Ofl!simple but important. Successful Thîe abos e iiiferniatieîii foris part M\r. laines CarriîtlîerIs. h)iisIs i:.Igarcleners adx'ise a trench, dug at Of the statistics gathured 1. \lex tlîe brids liareis. ti iîtie least a foot deep, filled within Naclareii. GeorgetIs io)it. ett ularriage of tlieîr elîest dalîrliter, two incites of the top %vith rich of A-griciiltuere Siipers-isor io tlîe Aýiiiiie, tii Mr. \V. S. Coiirtice, 'l sou, rrixed with weîî rotted mri- D. .îiiî n- Proinîcial Vouitl Trainî- Newsîiiilrîîok. Nr. ..J. Cmiîrtiee. ture or old leaves. Seed is planted. ing 'rîîjeIct, as lieiliters iesvt'< the rotlier I'f tlîe greli aîîd MIr. S. just as early in the spring as pos- bei aIilte O.\.C.. Guielphl. NIver \îîrss' 'ickeriiîg, sucre go ts sible. about an inch or two deep. thée% ladi athere(l fer a tice ieek 'i 1 en, MIiss lila Carriltlers. '.ister Rains will wash more soil Îmb the stiecial course iin agriculture. TIî 11 tlîe lbride, anid Miss .'siiiiie liii toni trench fiîing it up gradually and bu 5 ce givei lectures b ls a ckI thus adding further to r o o t Baker. H anmpton. andjack Daîrs - growth. mille. Snîlitlîs ille. suptîluiited liv When the upper plant starts to lectUres ;aiidh tractical wnrk itider deveîop it wilî be necessary to the directioiini of. .C. profes..ors. suPPlY sanie climbing support in Boys froîiî Torontoî 3/the iorm of brush.strings or TheInaoiv(fteeb r -~~~ /4 ~~chicken wire. These are listed in eîîjîivîî leeby r 3 34%order af preference. F1ow i rini T.oron'ito. Tlies ocreIiiieiii- On Guaraneed Trust should appear by July and must tlni îî ur ldiiacitc i Cerhiflcafes be ut daily. This cutting and arn i lhcir mîîscî.iî(lîsîîiez. or as one bîv frequent heavy watering in hot Lextresteil it. 'quit lisvîiguf f ic i d wea ther wilI encourîage fu h;all O ' ' lei.iiiî n A legal investment for bloorning and those long stems so ouf ar iii siiuceavembeIwrlIIs- desirable for cutting purposes. o aisslc atT,- Trust Funo's Sweet peas because of their climb- reeeî\uSî- Il.îiîiintlîi iiisag resf.Ii - :ng nature and thle fact that Heti.g. s eruIIîIets. IIIil lîe UnconditlOnaIIy Gueranteed bloo mn must bc e nt Io edcnstant- iaîi- ees. ,iîtir SC î lIl a r e u s u a l l y g r o w n a t ti e r e a r 1 t1, î< i ii u l e iî i a îiiîii g .fi of the flower beds and often un Special Iituest THE tlhe vegetable gar-den. O o\Ç fficial'. t..IkIII a spi cial iii Heavy Cropping tein iitheelails. T'Pliesiî.ted seIIIue £&KRLINC TRUS" 1i')te .,. s-cil estiecial apititudie CORPORATION In the average private vege- f.lir'. ihrshiîaredir- -table garden one lias about. the hqesin bot(a STRLN TWR OONO niost intensive form 0of agicul-e r s tii!iiersti III sbo t lirs STERLIN TOWER ORONTO ture it is possible to develop. The jliiieet, i ie aîe lt<t ,maller tlîe anîoun, of space aii-1c1e1\,1ilergnîpsaît, _____________________________ available tlîe more intensive i i ,,lriatie \s cl(l go it frui slîould be thiat production. t-juicl v alîî< grciîis-iab.ont tb. s ' For instance un the large farni s' (l h. 'tii-ilt. li' , îiiil>calt, garden, where an acre or two may grolin ii<cIa\. be used thien long rovs are the rule with plenty of space for cul- litr. G. 1. christ u 1t-. ursidICit (if hcli. ttvation in betîceen. Ini tlîe ~c .\t. îînîlîe, , h' usa plot however, especiall' wliere is iro . ,tiiîi. Tlîe realihet.ii cttliere is water available cultiva-. srsl\\-lîîîî aksas \'Wliat ai 'e-4~ tion is not sa imîportant but1 goiig t.'hvliase1 or 20 v-carsfon w #' p grounid is. Tlietefore thien row's i,îc? ajî Dr. C'hristie. "Ilavs s.'uî es C%, are narrower and as orie sege-an\ssisionî? \'Çlat i.. realîs g oigt. \es c\3, e ' ' table is used anotlîeu'takes ie vîuîII)rs 20 s earIfri nui ii 5? N; CO\~~~ place. 0n13' the most productive eclas> oif îîeîîule t'hîe iii riîliasve things are planted, like beans . a"(1itiilgaitte(l au c(it\ , .gaiiieil raIIh .ettuce and Fpinacli. and a lîiiefor ttiisle andI arc si) * nîso tliose wlîichlihave a f:avor aIl sectre as ,tîhe farniiers. I lats IIba * t heu' own îvhen taken froinithie \111 5 s sliiilld thlilkahut _arde at the door. In this cate- FOR MAD MRATIN. SMOKER'8 THROA1 .ory wvilî be peas and corn. nex'er *UCKLEYSTHROAT AIDS. t10e assweet and fî'i a hinp l SE, . I?Ï O TgCAS*A[. NMEO ICAL ASSOCIATINO"0L PE %UUU^A.CgCOMPANIFS 'C.N.OA Dry, rotted ehingles catch fire like kindling 1 But with Council Standard Tite-Lap roofing you needn't worry about flying embers or sparks. t la good for a lifetirne and is sold with a 25 year guarantee. This guarantee is backed by a reliable firrn with a background of years of service ta agriculture. Ask your banker. Tite.Lap roofing cornes in large shoote STATITE Led.Hed MAIl that are easily handled. Fireproof, weather- witI, Screw Shank proof-does flot crack, bulge, ehrink or curl Takeoumtime. moefret They rnay be put on right over your old roof. withdrawthauî Send ridge and rafter measurernents for free barbed roof- cost estimate. u ais l s the. market. Eastert tedManufacturera of Ithe P~odIKbfamous Presto. S#--, Imoel ,ooflnga.,d James- Pruln. Ot. Mnho andTototo.way Poultry Equio'n.nt. uuarl.î. luutgl ftl st-t i> cx- t uic-l, i hi .gilc'. iîtt t i tuf inu f.r bi uit n t -af s \.i îuiuuuuîî-'., tuf - , i1 .- tut. 'n i- plu.rt;lll unjtu1.; l'. c au- u' lil il ' aii Ia i t stu 1it adt i 'f lt>t i tu1 fil li-. tut ut'. in c it i t .' iîu'. ti-u1. ampîtlei' s se-ut in titi'failu vc..uu'.î:ît ittii' t it-,- uu tatîuil l is b\ t' . 'il'( il- wii- u ci' u ri,îtiîu î'. iil th(.ti iu-tuu,- f thutisit-m.ufflim1t tu1.' tîhert-. Nlam ti . triuutu-rtstiti,-tg ts.nuuilt-s> usili cuutite et ici n i (4 thuis catiacits tii auj ust. Siiuilai-hi , the Iuuuîîuauu tut i iî îusts' ait ahilits- tiiadi ui t thle intel lectutal attd e<ot iuuîaI i le Successîtîl adj ustinetît ineatîs lhîth: faihuure to adjust imaessss of lucaîth and, perbaps discase. It is obvinus that sue uuust ad ulst 10 temperature snd other exterrual phîysical changes. Lt is n Iess truc. es'en if Iess apparenit, that sue tiust. iudividuallv. make an adjustmettof the eninhions aud intelligence tn thunse icithi whotn suc lise anîd sork and ho those set ini authoritîy, whicli realis' tiieSts at adi ustinutîtho soietu or thte world ini whichî su lice. The body' must adjust. not ouI5- 10 chaniges iii the outside euîvirotîmett lut also to tiiose chîanging cotuditions wshich odeur within the bodv. Tht' bodu ssoiuld bc destroved bu its Nîcii Productiouniofheat and the residtîe or ts -products of muscuilar actisvit- tes ifi t did not possesiq this cavacitv tn deal ivith them tlîrouglî adiiustiig itself to tlicin. Ini like mrner the iîutellectual -nid emotîonab lufe requtires a satisfactoru adj unstinctit svitlit as scithutt. Thîis tnighit buc xtireîsed bu saviuîg tlat sue îîîu'.t lieable iii lise usitît mir- selvs . as 'Ncil as scith othier peopt-. There are tulatuethings suhiehcoui- tribute to thîis vlesirahule enîd. W'e are luit ail] bni îsith the saine catiabil- itics. W'e have tn learn ss'hîat are tr lumitatiouîs and tn accept the suiperiorit- ifiothîtriscithouit feelitut itîferior otînselces ..\uthoritu' slould be set as a frietîdîs' aitI to helti cueruon et' 1desirable ciids. Facu 'tue iluust fiuîd sometluing wichl le rau do scith personal satisfaction. the loiîug of chîich shah h1-e sociahll ac- r eptab le. Tht' aduit attitude is develo',,cI luicîtu ont nf chuldlîood experenees. Plie chuild wclo feels tlîat ai home on schuool he is putîislied unfairly. that I lis putîishmetît is but the venting of aduit arîger. is tnt gning to regard authonits' thus excrcised as the im- mediate result ni his own actions. thie hutmiliation oi a child through tuc means is destructive as it under- mniîes self-respect and leads 10 ither defiance or sithdrawal. The child e îeds utiderstanding and direction an tlîat le insu learil b adjust, and, so secure hcalth and happîncss for hum- 'sel f. Questions concerning luealth, ad- clressed tii the' Canadian Medical .\ssnciatintî, 184 College Street, To- ronito. uvili be answcred personally bu, letter. S a ep ae s4ys. we are crea- t ir'.thatlok before and after; t'oire surpnising that sue dnt look arounud a ltle anîd sec what is pas'.iug utîder our vers' eues." -Carlyle 'XX enictu no past. un0 future. we posses'. otîlu tow.'-.Nar, Baker Eddys CLARK'S BEANS WITH PORK 3 CLARK'S .SSORTED SOUPS hicee.witluRiced4 r CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE 3 CONNOR'S 'H:CKEN 19ADDIES 2 CONNOR'S BRUNSWICK SARDINIES 2 SHO RT EN t CLARK S TOMATO KETCHUP CLARK. SPAGHETTI AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE LU OLD COLON MAPLE SYRUP BREAKFAST CEREAL GOOD HUMOR HAWE'S FLOOR WAX VI -TONE AUNT DINAH MOLASSES STRNGHAR 15½u - o ,Z5TIns LflTi Choice Corn 3 tins 25o .Standard Tomatoos 3 lb. 290 21/'s Tin 1-.1Tin Ts.25 10½2oz2 Tis. .23 14 oz. Tins .2 Tins 09 Pkg. .25 Bot..15 Ti-. .10 Pkg. a I 7 16-11". Bot. Pkg. .23 - - 6-z..27 CUBES oxo 4's Tin tOi Tin .10 .25 s J- PA(-T7 Irriprzt: "PRESENT"

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