THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW'MANVILLE, ONTARLO THURSDAX, MARCH 101H, 1938. PAGE FOUR andthte amendeti bill will gîve 113e air uines power ta do sa. 113e nec- essary authority xas aLso given By SphetCanada Airways ta mate i By Secttorgreed investmnent in the Trans- Atlantic air service. Canada's OtwMarch 8th. - There is, contribution to this s er-v ice. plenty of grist for t.he parliamen- amounting taabout. $1,250.000, v:ll tar mii tis esion 11e gv-represent 2412 per cent af the taryMil ths sssio. Te gv- shares of this enterprise. A sinm- ernment's two transport. bis have ilar proportion will be owned Uý' macle further progress towards the Irish Free States while the enactment. One that has passed1 United Kjngdam will own 51 Pei through the commans and wil cent. Next mant.h a delegate \VilJ now be considered by the senate bc sent to Ireland froim Canada amends the Trans-Canada Air ta discuss the form3ation af the Lines At. The bill will enable company. Imperial Airways wiil Planes on this transcontinental continue experimental f 1 g h ts service ta pass aver a section af acrass the Atlantic in preparatiar Mvaine on their way ta and fromn for the inaugýuration of this ser- the Maritimes. The airwaYs maY vice. also. in the future. operate some, Powers of Board Eniarged air links across the international The ther transport bill which boundary into the United States hias been introduced by Mr. Howe. Jgied orp PJ tâmM,à S prateins, and in the minerai elements that build good health. No matter where you live, yaur dealer can secure Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish for you. You car choose from such died fish as cod, pollack, haddock, hake, and cusk, and from such pickled fish as herring, mackerel, and alewives . . . every anc af which can be served in a variety of tasty recipes. Serve died or pickled Canadian Fish ta your fimiiy often. It makes a welcome change at mneal-timnes .. .and you wili find il x erx cionimnic. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. Department of Fsheoî., Ottawa. Pee end me yciir l page ' i,îkci*Any Day a Fsh 1y, co, , 1t00ctdelghtfui and econotical Fisti Recipeb, N im e , -. . ........ .. .. ...... A ddres . .. .......... v.,I, s ANY DAY A VISU DAY «Me *IOftaw 1 nThe Ot 1 Ili. la 11 1 cil, i ii Sc î11 î' uîi'It) il h r 41 .m f11I iii lu lîî:rft,citicli vas giveil 11 \c î \î liat i ,' ' l , gi e? cîi b I 1i,îi i l n: Xil ,i. :ind tra l'tî1t Scoî)t cIiiriul h wo i i iiîam piano scicti,t. : Almîîa Ruiie lo inii a sitng-sciig. Tlime with NIr. 1lcîaldl Scott a. atucti ,ileer a pie social ma s conmusc ted ani mailnjcai i va. sptt. It takes a long lime ta explaîn what yau dan't knaw,&. The Inari wha burns his bridges behinc i mm xhen hie stantsoaut ta look fan trouble i.s ioolish. On second thouglit a man wha looks for trouble ta foolish anyway. ",Lest Wc Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL i Pî i i i I ini Monuments, Tabiets, Markers, etc. n Granite and Marbie. ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile entertain- er, for your ncxt entertain- ment. Illustrated cireular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. *but whicli lhas stili ta be f ullY dis-IA AWAEl IfU 100 years aid, with grand-daugh- Giibank. Hazel Rundie, Reita cussed in a cammîttee of the com- LAYi Nu flflLINI flUUI ter on knee - Mrs. S. R. Bona- Coake, Mlargaret Pearce. Mrs. E. morts. will set up a Board of WTH II TI than. C. Fisher, Mrs. C. A. Cowan. *Transport Cammissioi3ers. This VlIii [IUITI1h Grandfather, stateiy witl3 tail Newcastle Orchestra entertain- wviil be th3e Board of Railway _____itat. frock coat, goatee and um- eci for liaif an l3aur w1311e the Cammnissiaflers with e nlarge d brella - Walter Cauch. crowd was gathering. Personnel: 5powers cavering air traffic and Kruschen SaIts Brought Mather, buxam and maternai ,Staniey Rickard. leader: CI-as. 1iniand shipping as well as the Lasting Relief- Mrs. T. H. Ciemence. 'Clemencie. Ross Allun. Jean Cleni- 1raiiways. An effort has been ,ie,1e a adence. Carl Fisher. Brentan Rick- Eý adetostrke utthecoten 01dilar leadcli, re ad Preacheran ieh tl and ard, Reita Caake. M a r -1 a r e t mads etatre au the canr iiýten gli,îbut tieadac ar iiad dignified. setting off weli the ec- Pearce. Ray Ashton. * tausfeturs f te ranpor bll îîînzî.lii thx re s othngcles:astical garments; s13e siim whîch xvas introducen in the sent- c -inîxîrcd ti tue awftîl pains of" usAr;t eaie last sessoan and defeated ieiirîii iii thie lead.' say th1i. and dainty - Rev. and Mrs. S. usArss r there. The newx transport board %% tianl. Itead lio cin - MacLean. Prefacing the playing of -Me- 1 viii niake no attemipt ta tegulate lixbsiiîdtepn- Golden Wedding Couple. mel- maries- and the apening af the 1ihighway traffic. The provices i iîctiritis in ihe ia andl lowed %vith age but not t00 ma- album, whiie the "Pictures" we:,e eoece teuui otpro-ces ,tîead I ture - Mr. and Mrs. Norman AI- being tauched up. visîting artists *visions of the bill oi last session wii1in iedtii tire lot thionk lin. entertained. Howard' Foiey. Ma- týegading thie contrai ai truckii3g i, ii 'ei i itaxc h l apeed iad ltik Dr. Dafae and the Dionne Sis- pIe Grave, anticipatîng a groiip on the ighways. Thes saidt tiat ciiiid.Erhdvkniows ivlat ters - Mr. J. H. Jase and Norma picture, recited Wilson MeDocn- was theïr field. not the Damin- îeî,cti ik. )itti a Allun. Helen Aluin. Anne Cryder- aids paem depicting the reactions ions. There «iii aiso be no at- lîîîliiig colnuîarcu w itli t te aw n an. Hazel May Fish3er and Mar- af Papa Dianne on the nght hi. I)tplo iieiiisiitieed.Ii jane Toms. naw famous five girls wei'e Uarn. tenipt ta regulate buik cargaes a eortf iite î ati.J sen ..ri adohr a3adte n îgît1.ii xiiipjt Gassîp. ail set ta fly with the lallowed witi3 an encore an the the Great, Lakes. Further there i ieî .kîcK îcînSis ni ews - Mirs. N. L. Riekard. stbject ai the iazy stark that %vil be no coi3trol vested in teaîi.m nnh.c U ra- Irish,. Caileen. a ciarming pic- dumped ail fîve parcei0 at the ianspo-rt boardi over coastai traf- 110ffi o heteturein hite and green - Miss samne i3use insteati ai di0:r:rbut- luinI av aîcieiaanig eProutngth..KyeSquair recited fi in the Maritimes and British Nr. i iJean Prout. Ky Colrumbia.e rhnnat.m an i Jîggs and Mae-gie. in the iroil- Services Sam McGee w-ith Nor- Ncirti. iko -lciiiata. aim-an Rickard conspiring ta aston- Control by Licereses -eîiatiaruîiittlti\lias it, loots il, ing Pn act - Mrs. Walter Couch nsiteadece a.Hnak Quie af the nasures ai contrali îtttlli t .s.i ( <iCia -tîîc 1111- andi Mr. Alex Prout. il h uine a.Hnok :n li hndsofth ne tanpor 1>1-petu aclilifltiol lltll s.- The Homespintei' wilh ad Ebenezer, accompanieti by Miss board wiiUbc throîîgh t.he issue af',tvilt of liarîîîjl w tîatter. wllijc 0pnning witeei - Mrs. F. B. Lave- Hazel Rundie. favaureti wî:h two ~-d itc~ lie ornain f vocal solos. Mns. W. J. S. Rick- by te bord Then mitbe 0atsted IiicaiSilver Wedding Couple, as pop- adwsa îs sacopa Usa the Uoarvic frheîtischais iT-o i irdeitd 1of1. acîul.nar andi gay as some two months movie directors Uchinti thýescenes. .hate servil ieefor ubhc, icense1 ic t taUe îiý utlrient. \CIf Krîio- ago - Mr. anti Mrs. W. H. Coake. Much credit is due ta Wm. Hanna. is eieti xvaid eestypublis cný-liii SiiŽ h a tue Yti. tl d.,Aunt. Jeminra of pancake and canslrîictar of -The Album." veinc nt ecsit ~ n' igîîi ai ci.ti.1te inolasses lame - Charles Ciem- Refreshments %vere served Uy aid ta shipping on the Gr-eatiiiilCrýieit _%i of Krii.chieit assst Na-ene the spansoring grouP toalaI parti- Laits w3ic3 hs ben îauledtite ie\fei hîee îi..i~ d ci sal. Papeye th3e Sailar. xitli buiging cipants. wvith camtpetîtion ai second hand iii riteit tie iatirai chiatti..oram adconbpie-E-________ vesseis. ti3e bill pravides ti3at i- !InletrGiank.ono pp r cenes xviiiBntisrath t boats ee NEWCASTLE Orgarmist. witi3 gawn and model Township Council fther iith n -tCanaa 'iere-instrument - Ml-s. E. C. Fish3er. _____________ afte înpartd ma CnadaWi3ltI3D.& 1.. OldandNew Chair Leatiei. wiîh gown, book xene constructed mai-e ti3an en iI..Ure lda d e and batan - W. J. S. Rickard. DARLINGTON COUNCIL sears befone their importation. ______S. S. Superintendent. natural The dicluse iai this iwil eeo Pantomime Presented by W. A. as lufe witi3 book in hand - Thos. Councîl met an Mai-ch 5th witl3 fuls'dîcuset i acamiteeaiGroup A. Rodgeî-. ail members present. Reeve C. M. the PanuoieeEditor. in shirt sleeves. liaii- Carruthers presiding. Th PntmiePictures Ol and necktte askew. yard long Pen. Th3e purchase ai a Duplîcator Joint Raiiway Management land New.' with its cantributing caps af iast issue - H. R. Pearce. xvas left aven foi- a year. Not much contî-aversy lias anis-r numbeis andi supplementary fea- Kis Kringie. in full wintei- A cammîttee composeti aI Reeve eni as yet ti3is session in the Coim- titres, brought together a gaiaxy togs. beaming and biand - T. W. C. M. Carruthers, R. R. Stevensi morts over the lever presenit Cana- af over 60 persans entertaining Jackson. andth 1e Cierk wxas appointed ta titan National def icm t beyond a in anc capacity or another at the Cousin Soph3ia. in voluminaus punchase a typewvriten. private membenXn resotutian tr-g- U. C. Suntiay Scl300l hall on haap skirts and mid-Victorian ac- M. H. Staples anti G. F. Annis .ing th3e governmnen ta do same- ýTucsday evenins. Febrîiary 22nd. iesre r.J .Js. adesdtecucladakt t hing about it. Hoxever thete Pictures Oid andi Ne%.'anen Farmer. with his hoe. straw for a grant to Centrai Ditrhan- xiii pîobaUly Uc consitienable dis-, tetaining idea inspireti by the Uiat. averalis. etc. - H o \v a r ti Fain. $75.00 was granteti. ciissian when the suppiementaiy .-once universal custom ai brin- earce. T. H. Rich3ards gaýve a gooti ne-1 estimates. in which the tieficit ta ling, out the big lphotagi'apli album BieadGom ersispr itepaednsa h the main item. ai-e preseItedti 0ta show the guests. xvas evoix-eti Bremo aid aoom.atiflcht-chponvton teio Radi.Sp ts e the house. The senate xiii proU- land mocked out Us- Mrs. R. C. nwedding oMr.anbatifMrs. Gerge Bnvein xoas pasd. setts abiy xitness iivelsy exchianges aven,1 Pearce. Ebenezen. xvho success- %wallong . e rtes la.ý ai vae in t ifferet Lhe tesoîtion presenteti in that ifuliy praduce i ti ai the Ebenezerl Mrs. Percy Hare. as hostess ta classes ai wot-k as fohiaxvs: Mani chan3ben by Senatot- C. F. Beau- Church, Courice Cii-cuit, a fexv the crowded gathering af viexv- labat, 20c pet'hhtur: mani anti be.The resolution sasys: -That xeeks ago cers aof1the album. turned the tean3 40c Per hout-: bridge work. in th3e opinion ai the set3ate. th3e Thraugla the kindness ai Mns. pages anti readth 1e interesling 25e per- houir: gratier man. 25C gorverniment shoulti be urged ta Pearce het cousin. Mrs. W. J. S. cmet nec3sbetat e 3U rca-mn 0 e settie 1the raiixvay problim in Rickard. and Uer gnoup ai the W. fr'ieqiienlis thene was muitc anti l3ui: noati foremen, 20c per hour: Canada at an earis date in order A. af the Uniteti CI3urch were inging apropas ai the persans trucks. $1.00 per hauîr: Roati Sup- ta stop th3e ruinous loss matie each enabied ta reproduce it in Newx- seen and deseribed. erintendent. 40e per houn. IThe year by the Dominion through the castie. For instance when aIl es-es tates ta take effect April 1. 1938. Canadian National Railways. anti An "Album" is set up on tUe were intent upan 11he Belle ai the The liring ai a grader operatori wi.hich aiready amaunts ta several stage xith a door lUat xill swing Show, Mrs. Gea. P. Riekart iîn Uer xvas leil in the hantis af the Roati billion dollars." Senator Beau- eith3er way ta represent the turn- earîy eigî3îies. Mis. J. T. Browni Superintendei3t. bien ativacates joint management ing of tUe leaves. And as the sang "Laventier anti Olti Lace.' These anienrs xvene draxvn on ai the C.P.R. anti C.N.R. wilh a leai is tunned. always there is a The vacalists liad a box in 1the the Treas. board ai fiteen directors. Ir new pîcture. There are the oId gaIlery la theniseix-es anti i:0t3 J. R. Reynoltis. relief S 4.50 uauld mnean an annual saving ai faces anti figures. the castum--s, ll3is exclusive anti exalteti pas:- T. M. S.eman & Son. relief 8.00 from 60 ta 75 million dollars. he zettings anti appliances which ion 113ey sang their songs. tî3eir C. H. Robinson. relief 7.03 believes. Under th3e joint mani- memory recalîs. Then there are vaices wafting daxxn ta thase Uc- Count:es Treasurer, agement plan. he saîi n tUe Sent- picturca ai celebrities af today. lcxt anti over'anti across ta those maint. accaunit 87.66 ate 5.000 miles ai track caulti be But these pictures are life size. n other sections aof1the gallons.. W. R. Strike, legai 15.00 abantioneti. 15 per cent ai em- Thcy have depth anti width anti Others singing in this capacits Bell Telephane Ca. ployees releaseti. with the elimin- heiglit anti substance. They are were: Mrs. Percy Brown, Mrs. ÎH service charges 2.74 atian also ai duplicate stations. real! The audience applautis anti M. Alun. Mrs. R. T. Ruth3erford. County Office Supply Ca. He was speaking he saiti on be- shakes and rocks with glee as the Mesdames H. R. Pearce anti C. R., supplies. 32.39 3alf aif11he 'lorgatten taxpas-er." pages are turned. Cai-xeth in duel. Mrs. C. A. Cow- Town af Bowmanville, rHe claimed thaItUe plan would In sucl3 an Album of Memaries an. Miss Bernice Gîlbanit. James,. court fees 16.00 not be harmful ta the emplayees difierent persanages might bc Hancock. Norma n L. Rickard. J. D. Hogarth. excise as it wouiti require four or fixe seen aI different places but here Wilbun Baskenville. alszo Mî and postage 3.00 e'ears ta came inta effect andthtelis wi3at anti whom were seen at Mabel Ciemence anti Maigaret J. D. Hogarth. an saiary 50.00 changes in working personnel ' Newcastle last Tuesday week: Hairis in duel as nurses ta 1The Robent Buîrgess. cantage wouid Uc sîmply through the nat- Ti3eir Majesties. the King anti Quints. relief fulel 7.00 unal etirement thraugh age. etc. Queen. crawned and ciatl3etinir Pianists aif1the evening xere: Roatis anti Bridges. roy'al purpie anti ermine - Mr. Misses Mars- Clemence. Beînice maint, anti nepain 120.05 Old Age Pensions anti Mrs. A. O. Parker. ____________________________ Features ai outstanding inter- The Belle of the Show. in la- est in the proceedings ai the xentier anti olti lace - Mrs. Gea. commono lhave been the presenta- P. Riekard.jI t:on ta parliament Us' the prime Lads- ai the Flawers, galandeti m ýinistet' of th3e -white paper.- anti bouqueted anti carryinga givin the letters anti documents basket ai posies - Mrs. J. A u-ESU U anti questions surroundix3g it; anti Grantimother, in a tireas over tiebates on aid age pensions anti on whether th3e Dominion shoulti ment relief. a . Business Directory s assume thelutil cof .A.A ai . i u Heaps. labor member f ram Winni-1!5 peg, suggesting that the pension- LEGAL able age shouiti be ioxered inom ~ ils present limit ai 70 years wasi M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. _ 4 those savings began the aby supparteti by seveamc-1 Barrister. Solicitor, Notary A il is smarter appemrane( bers on humanitanian grountis. Phone 351 qaiyfauî-u hva The finance minister. Mnr. Dunn-, Royal Bank Bldg.. Bawmanviile q "Xndit' searsy -on gas andi :rtg, xhile sympathetie ta the idea iopposed it an the pinciple that W. R. STRIKE "n tss ayo a n 'yau must eut your coat accord- ~ rse oiioNtr in country driving. My hu! ing ta your ciath." A reductian ai Slicitar for Bank ai Mantreal economy eng-ine . . . but wlî l ive years. that is iram 70 ta 65 years wudmean teincrease in Mn BoanilPeoa' 91.ever 00w, on less gasoline. xvud11eMats-t ow an. PhOnanei79 the cost ta the Dominion treasurs' "If you're tic 'keeper af the I xhiel3 coxers 75 per cent aif11he L. C. MASON, B.A. ful cot from 30 million dollars . choose Chevrolet for savings.' n tUe camning fiscal yean to 48 Banse -Slitr rmiioan. If tUe limit was reducet i Ntl' uli Ec . es, you save in si'le when t60yasteana otwud Law in ahlitis branches. , beautiful, as welU as the n( ta 0 sarstU anualcot wuit IOffice immediatels' easl af Royal .dieiadcmdeyu Uc between 71 anti 72 million. The 1 har.dieiadcmaeyu constitution ai the country in ils Ihate nprsnt form ditint give the Do- I Phones: Office 688; Home 553. *IIIiIIMIS. e7 / 4 44 d E jGregor-, every Mon., Wed. and Fri.. 2.15 p.m., CBL. Toronto. AIso -Lipton Melody Hour- Sunday 4.15 to 4.45 p.m.. CBL. Toronto. aot hospitat acet. 5.65 Council adjouiI3ed to taie on April 2nti aI 1 p.m. J. D. Hog-arth. C'.erk. Tell a girl sUe is beautiful anti it will Uc no nexvs ta lier if sUc- îeatly is. it, takes a canscientiaus man to enjay his waî'k if thec pay is amail. for nDtlimng yau anouic acceptV' - if you ean affDrci ta psy double ts valite. In a Ne s Jersey taxvnio 6,000 iuhabitants theeoniy x'o ma n mas-on of tUe state lias been eiecteci Uy a recali vote. The name ai tUe place is Wildwcoad anti there is certainiy ancexiid dame xxthin the precincts. "<I FIND HAWES' FLOOR GLOSS SO EASY AND CONVENIENT. I SPREAD A A LITTLE ON MY LINOLEUMS AND PAINTED FLOORS AND THEY DRY AND GLLAM IN 20 MINUTES. IT 15 SELF. POLISHING YOU KNO Wl» !RY WflY EUROLET"ff ie very manment we signed tlie order! Foîr with ce, inside and out-with Ah its extra roomi and Aci cost us less ta buy. THE SYMBOL 0F SAVINGSI ROY NICHIOLS Phone 25 10 Courtice (2"ass MaietBusiness Coupe) Muster De Luxe Models from, $892 Delivered ai factory- Oshawa, Ont. Oov- ernnent tas, frit and icense extra. Con- venie,îî terrsma îy tie arranged through the General Motors Instaiment plan. Weak,insipid teas are neither satisfying nor economnicai. Change ta Lipton's. Enjoy the sustaining richncas of a tea that neyer becomes insipid, though yati brcw it as weak as you please. For the full- bodicd flavour of Lipton's is concentrated in every leaf .. . giving you in every cup a picasure and delight you'vc neyer found in tea before. Buy a package today. LIPTONIS je more economical-goes farther. Vte lte largest eling tea in eii world. a FREE! Save the coupons in Lipton's packages. They'Ui bring You exquisite Wm. Rogers and Son Silverplate Gifts. Write now for Premium List, to Thos. J. Lipton Linited. 43 Front StL Est. Toronto. Red Label . 33C 5i lb. Orange Label 35C 5i lb. yellow Label 40c YÏ lb. 383A 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 THURSDAY, MARCH IOTH, 1938. 'W Pl Cul