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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1938, p. 5

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MOILI THURSDAY, 'MARCH IOTH, 1938. THE CANADIAN STATESNI \N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - i.- - ~ -.~~~- -4---~--%.-4--~~-4>%4>4 % ~ 4 4..4>,.l OF INTEREST TO WOMEN ----------~4-4 ~ ~ 4 ~44, ~ S S ~ ~ . WEDDING Wolfrain-McKinley The inarriage took pflace in Osh- awa, at King St. United Church Par-; sonage, Feb. l9h, 1938, of Lillian Maild McKinlei-. eldest dlatghter of S M r. and Mrs. RolCert M.\cKinlev-. Petcrboro, to Hanmlet Martin Wolf- ra in, Bownianville. voungest son of1 Mr. and Mrs W. 'M. Whlfrain of Bobcavgeon. Rev. J. Vernon 'Mc- Neclev officiated at thue cremnon. PERSONAL To the young lady who looked sa smart last Satur- day night in that stunning new Spring ensemble. There was onyii one fault to find - YOUR WATCH. It was so out-of-date! If you bring it in to us some time this week, we will accept At as part pay- ment on a new Bu]ova - and give you a liberal allowance. We'll do the samne for any of your friends who realize how an old watch can ruin their appearance. Here's your chance ta get a Bulova and save a lat af rnoney. James Marr JEWELER Phone 463 - Bonianville Here's Real SSAVINOS We have between sixty and seventy W a Ilp a pe r Patterns at grea.tly reduc- ed prices. Get that decor- ating completed now while big savlngs In both paper and labor are avaiable during the slaek season. Reductions from 10% to 25%/ J. H. ABERNETHY 'q Phone 431 - owmanvllle News From Helen's Notebook B R 1 D G E acontinued from last week) Mr. Jack Kent spent a short'bemng sadly neglected by this! It takes 512! honor tricks ta go * holiday in Montreal. genteration. game - theref ore if bid is open- . . .ed with a counit of 3V2 and Part- *Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Southey Mrs. T. H. Knight was the! ner has a counit of 12 he raiseks 'atlended Grand Opera. Monday charmiiig and attentive hostess only once - bidding his 5 card evening at Massey Hall, Toronta. at a most enjoyable dinner and suit topped with King or Queen, bridge Party given at The New- Jack or his four card suit topped Mis Haritt artet. Tronocastle Arms on Tuesday evening. wilh 112 counit. If partnier has a Miss Hdarriitt Bar tet. Torna There were three tables of bridge caunit of three. instead o! l1z, ta, enoydth vi oer tht n ue weekend ar which Mrs. Oea. W. James and assist. he over-calîs. raising the wih ev n and uncJhnH le, Mi" Miss Carnie Martyn were prize bidder lwo instead o! one. The -winners. original b4dder then adds up his . . . counit, and if Ihere is a count of Two Swedish women, wha wvere The mnaid rushed into the draw- .5'2 between them, game should knocked down by a bicycle rider ing room: be bid. on the street. were arrested and 'Oh. madam,' she said. "the, Opponents can always double a fined foi' *st anding recklessly." master is îying unconscious in the game bid, with a counit o! 3. * hall. He has a piece of paper in, If a one bid is doubled, it is Mesdames Robt. Clark. M. O. V. his hand and a large box by his cmusr obd orlneto Gould, A. Wheeler, H. M. Nanson. sid.' estsuito neyr lpass a or A. Emmetl and E. C. C. Southey:'"G-cod. my new hat has arriv- were luncheon and bridge guests ed." Adoure.pnet otupbd of Mrs. Stella Anderson, Ne-w- Arsos c otupbd castle. which is not a demand baid, can * ~~Students no sooner heaved abemd ihacutf1. f Mr. and Mrs. W. Le n Eliiott. lg~h of relief when the Toronto less in your hand, pass. Wilbr J Dude~Conservatory of Music exams last ,Mr. and Mrs.Wlu.Dde. Wednesday were over than mo- To bid a 4 card suit, you must and Miss Marian Allin attended the Skating Carnival in Toronto. ther dear or a devoted big sister have it topped with 112à honor Wednesday evening. reminds little Mary that the Dur- counit as A K x x or A Q X X, or ham Music Festival is only a few K XQ 10 xorKQ Jx, or A J10x. Mr. Manson Comstack andM:-Weeks away, so she must get busy plus necessary honor cards in the Audrey were among the fe , lu'kv practising for this next big event. ohrsis local citizens ta secure tickes i aeeymrigdar sweet lit- cnîudnx ek the Skating Carnival at M'aple, tle good natured Mary is awak- Have you a Bridge question. if Leaf Gardens. Toronto, being hield e ned with a shrill caîl f rom mo-> so drop Helen a line and it wili this week. ther's roam: "Mary. it's lime you be a.nswered in this column. . were up practising at the piano." Mr. and Mî's. A. M. Hardy uvereHit weekend visitais with Dr. and In recog-nition of his recoverý it For nomeuoules Mrs. O. E. Reamnan. Toronto. and f rom his recent painful accident1 Wrîtten for The Statesman on Friday enjoyed a social even- in which slivers played havoc with by îng at Olen Lawrence School lis anatomy. Mr. F. V. Otof the Jessie Allen Brown where Dr. Reaman is principal. BT.S. staff was the centre of at- 4 traction in an unusual presenta- Radio Rumhlings 'Resolved that. Great Biitaîn lion at the bridge club t0 which should have a standing army \ith he belongs when poetry, wrench- The CBC has certainlv stirrul universal conscription*' wus the es. kind words. auto jacks. and people. If thes' give uls btter pro- subject of an interesting A.Y.P.A. uproarious laughter played a grains the extra fiftv cents for th,- debate. w'on by Diana Wheeler large part in the interesting cere- radia lîcense is net such a lot t,, and Margaret McCready of Bow-,mony. Last reports are that the give. The majarits ai people wsairi manville against Cobourg A.Y.P.A. "patient is doing as welî as can entertainninent fram their radios buti held in the caunty town. be expectedi.' the CBC seems ta incline ta edui- *catian. There bas been a lot saiîl The social problems of children ' about the ltse a i of school age are difficuit to deal 1 If you are told that you have the Amer i ca n with and correct, but a sensible an eye as cold as a f ish's, don't commercial pro- suggestion cames from a Director go around boasting about il. Be- grains. T h o s e .- o! a Clay Modelling School. She sides the suggestion that you are svho f a v o il r says, "the best solution from ex- a cold-blooded individual, there is theîn thinkl that perience, 15 10 be f ound in exten- possibly an additional hint to tIhe n-st 10m1e ,li sion of the art courses. through !effect that you aren't a mental tel' te t Ilu o s e which the children find an ave- giant. For instance, the human prorarîs fre i nue for individuality and expres- brain weighs about one-fortieth t h e .\meriamu :îien of personality.' ýof the total body weight. Com- stations auhs - . pare it with the weight of a pike's and that t Iluc In keeping with the habit of brain - but f irst keep in mind the C Bý C nu-sIls Women's Institutes doing practi- fact that the pike is considered siell make -re cal things we notice that Black- 'one of the most intellign se-thiig ug et of il. stock Women's Institute is hold- ies of fish. Yet ils brain weighs There i5 o1ý. Jessie Allen îng a writing contest for pup'ls only one thousand, lhree hundred tluiug iu it'-. lav- Brown o! Cartwright schools. Fiocm aur and fiftieth part of ils body aur tiuat I1 have observations good clear writing is weight. nal semui prînt. A- great part of Canuada cati get tiiese prograîlus aver the Americamu stations and ta tliemuu A very jolly bridge club party it daes nat natter whether thev cane fi-cm Bowmanville enjoyed their rie-h Cnda saimsor lot. annual outîng to Toronto lasI osver, uee are satonerseciom I Wenesay venng henthe aithe cotuntrv that camnot depeni ...........saw Ethel Barrymore in that de-0 lightful play "Whiteoakes" at theamgein teAnrcnsaio. Roya Aleandr. Caryin ouIAnd tluis section af the Niaritinues is s' the custom of married couples flot aca hm outmistepo sitting together on this occasion ctgrans ane taion prfecîsandseain we learn t.hat certain other cdli- cm e iysainsuwmt-a zens from Bowmanville, attend- gbbuneeiîtedatu.Bt the samne play, literally "burn- this is oni3y Qccasionalil'. For the ed" up with curiosity and suspîc- ratpr ecna e h mr ion at the apparent scandaI. that ia ttoswt n erea was being perpetrated by such saifcon Yncaimgeba X I ~ ~ ~~~slf-respecting and dignified citi- aggravating ti aha hri c zen frm teirhom ton Hw-Carthy talking and nat ta be able ta ."" Ilesvs f ecoid is rever, all's well that ends vell, s ers'bth as.I ecol îs ~iij~j~ we'll let well enough alone b e hriew oliutnids 'e' ~ . telling you that the Party W nîuicb about the rest. You, wbo can .................o.q .r..and..Mrs..T.w always get the American stations, awkr,.r..nd..s.W... Birks, have a thaugbt for those who cani- . : ..Il M.adMs . .Bat i.nat, when you criticize tiue Aniericatn ..........................i.. 91 - M c . .- Ppr*ç .. .r.,Ai commerciais an the CB3C. Enloy A Better, Extra - Rich MiIk IT COSTS NO MORE Glen Rae Dairy Phone 2665 Bowmanville Mrs. E. V. Hoar, and Mrs. W. H. Hill. Mr. Hill was on the sick A minister was very fond of cherry brandy, and one o! his eIders thought he would play a Joke on hlm. "Ill give you a botîle of cherry brandy," he said, "if you acknow- ledge it in the church magazine." The minister undertook to do tbis, and in due course a para- graph appeared in the magazine, thanking the donor for his gift o! fruit and the spirit in which it was given. A man wastes a lot of lime asking questions that he doesn't Swant answered. SHREDDED WHEAT MADHIRCNAA B0ECNAIÂ WEAT Your Figure and Your Disposition Our ancestors base made tus sîlat we are and there is much af aur lives about whiclu we caru iaouno- thing. We may'lbe borni short and stocky or wc may be lonug amnd lean or any ai the mamus variations iîn between. Actualis' aur shape lias sometbing ta do wsith aur disp)os- ition. The heavy persomu is apt to be a quick, efficient svorker. Tluev hate ta move because tbey are heav'.. or tbey are hecavy', because thes'hle ta nuove .Auv ow tbey figure tiue siîartest distanuce betsveen tivo pointsi amud make no % aste iriavenuents. The\- get throughi their ssork imu a huirrv andî have timut- ir'ft for tuas. lecair-e thle i are not bar ricd. thles are liapt uts. anso v i aîad enlulitsle. <On thie ' tluer lu aid. thele Iiaî anc s art f :il "f amiiton andi trs te (Io inuircltii.ii tlev lusse ,treiigtlu tii carry îoui.Ilu isnut rnuich t rouble foir thieiintoivie andtie ule fttterabhunt arnu wa-i a lot 'f effort whlie doing uhecir tsi rk. Thlri r se îrk is nt t fii>h-lu a s qu icki . ~thlevs lasent as îuî ticli toue ta uplay atnd thecir enieri\ s sappued. Ibis cffects tluir diît- iui<um and <bey are apt ta beirial' Certaitilsv thes <la lot get as mnîcli fini out af life as theirimsre fnriends. Ways of Addlng Lettuce 'Most wain know tbe impluortance ai bas'ing Ieafv vegetabies iîn the diet, huit snetimes it is aîi'tiîtr tbiîîg again ta get the faîîuilv ttî cat then, as îumfortunateîv evcrv aîîe docs îlot like them. Too aiten sîhen a saiad is scrved on lettuce, tlue lut- tuce is left 0on the plate. I< is sur- pising how mîucb lettîuce wiil lue eatemu witbont a murmur franu the mueî-faiks and tlîe childrmu. if it ks cnt up amud mixed tbrouglu tlhc saisul. t is especially goad tiuis wav stitil the lcartu' saiads, suclu as the inat tir fish ailes, If van do îlot muak- ilucat salads. try <hemr madIe like a. ciicken salad and tise lainh. sehli îîtrk, tomgue or cormîccl beef. A cill iriiscîtrls a Icaf i i lettice iii a sanidwichu viilotit'iîcat it if i coarseis' cloiued. Tis ~caarselv chlui îîed letttice i s ail addlit ionî ta mn 'st sandwichues, specialsv if il k tuhe crii', liîad letttîce. House-Cleanlng Prelude Nlarcb is toa caris' for îuuast of lis ta begin aur actual honse dlean- ing but we can do sorte ai the tire- liminaries in the bad weather we are Mrs. Wesley Yellový1ees, Chris- tian Fellowship convener. hadi charge of the program at the Young Peoples Manday evening. Miss Helen Baker led in a s:ng- scng, with Miss Ileen Balson at the piana. Mr. Harvey Yellowlees gave the devotional story. Topic.; Jesus teaches about wealth and paverty- wa.s given by Ruth Me- i Kessock: reading, Wesley Yellow- lees: piano sala. Ileen Balson; reading. Walter Blackburn. Games and cantests were canducted by Mrs. Yellowlees. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker and Janice, Concord. Mrs. How- ard Couch. Misses Marjary and Ileen Cauch. Bowmanville. at Mr. Jack Baker's. Mrs. Thos. Annan and son An- drew, Dunbarton. at Mr. Jas. Smales'. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush and David. Columbus. at Mrs. Sam Bush's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams, Port Ferry. at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. Mr. George Werry. Toronto Un.- iversity, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearce and Albert. Newcastle, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. Mr. Chas. Scott, Delhi, Mrs. Scott. Southampton, at Mr: R. C. Scott's. Miss Ruth Cryderman. Bow- mnanville, with Miss Velma Gil- bert. 13URKETON NI r. Bob Brnwni is verx' sick. .\Ir. anid \rs. \Veslev HoQkin anid 11,rotlv with her niother. NIrs. R. Wood, Orono. .\Ir. Ewart Breck, with friends iii Toronito. -NIr. and<l NIrs. .\danis alid fanu- ily anid '.\r, and î\rs. .Cochrane and1( fainilv w ith '\Ir. and Nîrs. E. .\damns '\fr. anid Nirs. D. Gatcheli with .Nîr. 'J. Gatcîl2l. . r.1Fred Huidson with hi son .NIr. Bill Hiflson. Oshawa. The si înpathv of the coinînunitis extuifle(I otahelicrieni., aniru- latives of the late '.Ir. Thoînias B rown. The conînuuniiitv extends thtir sv-nipatli\-ta thu familv of W. N\I. Venininig wbo 1passefi awav Nlarch 7. ,lire to have. Cluanling ontth iers- -l r fIra\vurs ik onue of jobs \weCcali ,t ,lit of the was . Have o u vur 'Ied ceiling paper as a ininsi? If 'are verv' iussv %von mavlike t" 11> a "pecial color for cach ravin. Ti hcru are Io velIv waIl-papers ini pas- tii ha(le'.s sclias the dimiltv 11aîers .rthose sith silv-er stars..A\roll 'f iher ctilillg, or wall papur \%il] ;.à.t a long ti tOe and the restulit iý Ilr l te trifling cxpense. Butterfly Cakes (--lt a r<,id( fr-in the top) of a ciiîî .akt i h a sb art) kîife. 5h rtl v t f,'re c.rrving fi]the cavitv svîth -\N- uuttetud an<d fiasorud whlippt'd T taln. Clit the top piecu in liais e- aii< uplace over the creanh with cuir- \, I sides together ta borin the wiinc" -'i the btitterfl\v. The cream miav bu itcd tui t fit in wsith 5 our celor -uiliîne. Use a (Ilicate gzreen for \eur St. Patrick's Day Partv. Cress ReIIs Suice fresh breafi thirilv and( re- nlove crilsts. Buttcr and punt a ofn~e creson the brca(I. baving thue cress long enaough ta stick over t-ach side of the bread. Salt iglv and roll. P'lace rolled side down an a plate and the butter svill hald the r,1 inm place. If there is anv signofa t not sticking just uise a little extra butmter ini the desjred place. Here is an ',tluer greeni suggestion for the 170 1 of \Iarch. GOLDEN WEDDING' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. VanDyke. af Base Line, Darlîngton. cele- brated their 50th wedding anni- sersary quietly on Sunday. March 6th. The marriage ceremony took place on March 6. 1888. at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Blair. Taunton. Euat Whitby. The ceremony was Performed by the late Rev. S. Sal- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Vanflyke had three daughters, Inos. thie oldest cied when she was three years aid: Lela. Mrs. (Dr.) E. F. Wil- ,loughby of Winnipeg, Man.; and Elva. Mrs. Cecil Jeffery of Maple Grave. who with her husband and daughter Doreen was present. They received a purse of money f rom their famJIy; a letter of congratulations from the W.M.S. of Courtice Auxiliary; congratu- lation cards fram Maple Grave and Ebenezer; flowers f rom the Ladies' Berean Cla.s, Ebenezer; phone greetings fromn Dr. and Mirs. E. F. Willoughby and Joan. 'Winnipeg, also Oshawa. TRINITY LADIES' CLASS Avers bappv gatheriiîg of over fortv inembers ani friends of tho L.adies' Bible Class ai Trinitv United Clhurch, asseitled in tuc school raom on Friday. Ftb. 5tli. ssheîi a social time was greatlv enjoved. A nuinber af the ininers caile ini costume, reprcseîîtiîîg books and other characters wluicli imade lots af merrimerit. MIrs. R. B. Clarke, Pre- sideiut, presided and after exteîîdiîrî a welcome toalal, a hyrnin was siu,;z with M'\rs. C. A. Wight at the piano, and praver seas ai fered bv Nî\rs. Clarke. Mfiss Edytlue TrulI rendered a pleasing piano solo. apid NIrs. G. E. Pritchard sang a beautiful sala ac- companied bv Mirs. Wight. Progress- ive crokinole was enjoved. aînd later a couple of interestijug coîîtests spon- sared by Mfrs. John Allin and MIrs. Clarke. Lunch was served and a pleasant evening was brought ta a close, bi' aIl joiiuing hands and singinsi "Blest I-e the lie that Binds" and M.\rs. H. Folev ai fered prayer. A free-svill offcriîîg and baine- made candiv was donated tasu-ards the 'NI. & M. Fund. Recemut Visitors: Mîr. and Nirs. .\Ivin Jones, Port Hope, ssith '.Ir. and Nîrs. George Stapleton. Sr. _NI r. aud NI rs. Brock, Pethick sNvitli 1ir. and Nirs. Clarenuce Turner, Newscast le. Mîrs. Trigg. 'Manî., svith M.\rs. jas. Burltv. Nis -sJean NI illigamu sitlu lier aut, Nîrs. Polard, Newcastle. '.\r. aîd N'.\I... Saverv aîîd fai- ulv with friends in Oshassa. NIrs. WV. C. Lane witlu Mr. and Nîrs. Bruce Leuty. Port Hope. W\'.NI.S. ai United Cluurch jaimued svitu W.M.S. ai Presbsieriau Churcir on Fridav to observe tlue \\'orils Day oi Praver. NMeeting wsa helci imu PreshYteriau baseinent. Mrs. Cecil Burlev is îndrgoiîug treatment at Part Hope Hospital. Nirs. Brock Pethick and N.irs. RaN- inomud Bruce are on the sick list. Mirs. \X'illis Joncs entertained fri- ends at b.ridge, Thîursday evening. Ainung them being Mr. and 'Mrs. Wiallace Marlow and Nfr. andNrs Cecil Fergusomu, Blackstock. 'Ir. and Mrs. James Darch have moved fronu Giddus Jones' farm ta Clarence Burlev"s farm. opposite Loitus Bellamy ,s. Mrs. Dick Gýunnell. Lillian and George, Hamilton, visited ber sister. Mrs. Jack Coub. Tbey returned homte Friday nigbt witb Mr. Gun- midi ("Dick the Amateur Gardener" ai radia lame) usho lectured iin Neswcastle, Fridav. WV.NI. S. ai United Clunrch nuet Nîarclu lst. Progranu was in charge Canada's First Oit Wel In 1861, the flrst oul well in Canada "blew" at Petrolia, a district which has been producing oil ever since. Original owners of the property hoped it would yield coal oul. Gasoline was regarded as a waste by-product and was thrown away. Fourteen years before this important discovery, the Canada Life issued its first policy to a resident of Ontario. It was then, and continued to be for almost twenty years, the only Canadian life insurance compan y.. Over a peido îet-one years, the Canada Life has established a reputation for absolute depend- ability. ht has paid to or accumulated for policy- holders, arînuitants and beneficiaries more than $650,000,00-over $50,000,000 more than has been received in premiums. c The GInadd [gè Canada's Oldest Life Assurance Company ERNIE PARSONS District Representative Oshawa of Nirs. J. T. Pearce. Mirs. .Ms J. T. Pearce closed svith a .Morris taak the chapter in the Stud v pray-er. Book: N.irs. R. J. Rowe read the ___________ duvotiaiual leaflet; Mr s. Kaufman gave thre bible reading; littie Edmia IO! course it is aIl right for a Demunt sang "Twinkle. Tikle bride to wait until her husband Little Star," verv ssveetIv. Plans lis sound asleep and then wake wsvre <iscussed for a qutlting, and1 himn up and ask him if he's asleep alsa far amu Easter Thank-Offering. I yet. *W LE STRS B I - ~"'r~"-~-' - t Y'- PAGE FIVE NEWTONVILLEI a

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