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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX ~THE CAN.\DIAN STATESNIAN, BO\VMANVILLE, ONTARIO 'HURDI IRC 01,198 tai1ht: nmade iii kecping xith t- SHAWS r èk' Dxlie the'c(l a"-:kl 'ritu camne an'd ail t,. t! îh re- Annual Fîx e Hundred and( Cri k- ju tw az made te o m 'îtlh .A rue-t exctllent Ilitnc!t w aý ervu(f ani inole party of Shaw's H,,ime and t e pjrizes Pr-t!ented hx ri-dc: School Club ivas held Mardi iýr R, K. Squair: hi.ghest in Five Hu.i- with the school room decc' tated ardd (red. 1aiie-.Nliss MaîcI Clemienicu laB M ernix Gilhank: certle- __________________________ an-H' ward Crvde-niani. Mr. Nor- _____________________________ tari Rjckard wa- timie-keeput- and ______________________________________ kptthijie,; rU nninzýO (,eeîhv. M r. Carnet Ric .ard wa- made convunur ùt a cenimittee of five ..ctinZMen te, bu re-on-iible for .\pril meeting-. RanO YrAL hrr1aan cîcal xnr Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. MARCH 10-11-12 OP Edna May Oliver 'Z' 4.- Maureen O'Sullivan Walter Pidgeon 0 Rita- Johnson - Janet Beecher ,T~ RI'!WIIT WAY GiVES 1mi Wl REAIEIT iADVuN'WRE... Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Thurs. MARCH 1i4-15-16-17 FOR 4 DAYS SEE UT NOW- AT POPULAR PRICES I GREAT- EST SCREEN HUT UN HIIS .TORYI I CADMUS at' ft -ut . w - tr t':'trt -f l;x ct 'K . .t' 'u- .Tr',al 't t A ' -Ce'~~t r, ki:: . u : ., %%'a- n u ':;i lt f o:lit Wu.. enN %tt u tj' Thi w r u tenî tat.M, - atl i t'. ipri 7 - . 'ru \%.! 1l',. R -ý-;( ru". an!Rd t ti" ~..~ tl: I:- Nar' utri, aPrail'ý \l 1)V"- '..'d ar'- NI-s'l f- 'rdý','ti B t.Nî NI Pi ka ' zt :u'! "ur' tf cut. T.- ut'. 'LU 'îî îtîîlata Mu R -- t. rt. and G' -îît':t itr- ' \i t . n î- NttI--r.nI Nirzt.i. F. 'i ::la'. ex -i thine et'.. ! NIr. aîidNf r. -. vti IcCjllvi it' <I NIr. a7 i Nir-. T.E. Elîjott. COWANVI LLE W. A. tn"t 51Mcý -.c'rue Hen- 'ltr' n-' n ednedac D'ritxg th,' ,fiî. n -t"Rtuncce u Xri-liiîtC'- m"i-c tt xclu-t x joI' ' 'cd lit cat. tiadultx i- appearance. ni cl tý te lic lrr. r andI cu ili' ic,îx 't the ladil- lu-. A.fter -ome timne order w a- ru- stc.redI and the meeting crintiiiicd-f. The rplat' "Smile A \\hie"ias xerx' ahix pre-ented bv pister- fr"'n P:,rt Brîtt"n. urler aupjccc rfni W A. on Thur-dav. Refre'.hti"nt'. w r, -crx cd and lxcme-mnadc candu "l(,d. Prrocted'. $11.35. M i-j"nax' ou ci'r fr. \We-td Strinzer bal chiarge (' f r'ri at v,'r% tu iîxaîl'..It waL't't .it and iii -p itu 'fîle1)1w tter. qînte a iibt l)r (4f the m cer- hr i ag- ('f kindling t 'D replexl- j -h tîte uîtii i, ti1 lýecc"nî i- itrz Mîr. and NIr-. 1-1' 'vard ("., k-. lliilt n1. w iNfMr. I. T. Etuin. Nfr. ail Ni r- Bert Crci-lui w tI NMr. antd NMr'. si ii J' t' NI j-- \< l Hllitig.wcrth at l'tx NM', J)' r' 'tltx Hclljix-wottIilxi acceptd la t'- %vnwitlx Nîr. and STARK VILLE Rucenti 'l.tcr-tNî'. C. Reid lias rteurnt'd home toe Net'ittvi!Iu'... Mir. Ccc,. Ftxveii ai Burt Irlîn'-... Nir- Nf. Slutika itn -lat a Inu- -tucit- I . A. NMartin. %vii,- sud famt ilIv cf Bilt.:ai Nir-. liiNtc Rat". xx hï,i'. pt-atit' utî xinli li#Itua th. . Nir. nidNîr-. Ro~-, lHall- otIt' iat Ihric aîhi r'-. Nîr. Eci. Xhîte. Ejiizhtixl;Hu. Nîr,. XX iuruiuîr:- R-inl! Sa.Ile ithr.ttît N.îr. antd Nr- Nitlui ix i~ui,itht ilt'..ani rtt' Nîl]r'. X i-nvl'tt-Mtr.i xi antti Ni'uhn. NIr'art t h n.uft t NMr.a: 'INMr- l'- hlllx I xx'%% Mir. aliiI l''li- r ....Nil- Nîrtut h . (,rtt'uu i (,Iîî.î. Ni' 1iaiut-cue XX't- lî( a'i fttîjîx. NI; h ( i E i Mr-An . C iiN. lhutNîj'. NI . ht-a '1'lu rut t -" iii c'isl. hu' p ' ) ou i1r c k i"u ur't' h î' tui i c'["r((] ' Irl tutti (I' n sîîîiîh linu ça l 1t!! lt i l ait% ut îaiur"iit'. auu Lu -ut 'fî tr C ar NMr,. NI. Slitikt;i ui- -'ciue'i ,E t îj nîî it i In ,x'iui l NMr. XX'uî. R llî-î lia, à a -t ck <c ccIt. br Nîr .iacîîh. ilall'î(Iti il tt MNr. jil M;liiier t"' k !'-jl'.' n ' , ar The fit-st t-nIe for driving a ffact fa into a mans mind is ta aýee that C: fact clearhy yoursehf. a Gocci temper. like a sunny day, shteds a brîghtness oven every- 'M thing: t Lth te sxeetener off toul z -andl the soohier off d1squietude. 'ýs - Great mnuds have put-poses t othens Itave 'vse.Lî'rle' are tameci andi suibeueci by mis- iortune. but. gîcat mincis tsc r tbove them. ('d 'Pa AND TABLECLOTHS AND FINISHED - * 59C ditional pound ed dtump ready for irosîîng. XX Dry Cleaning Co., Mt. h ONE 419 AyerstAlphaettes$ capsules5 $79c Halibut Liver Oji Capsules 100 capsules 71.9 Nova Kelp Tablets 79c - $1.39 - $2.79 ÇASHME RE Baby's Own tabs. - 23c Thermogene - 47-98 TISSUE _ Wampole's Ext. $1,00 Copeey appe<d Sofi P,.re Whîie 16-oz. Cod Liver O'J 49 700 SHEETS Drene Shampoo ta the raill C~MR 15e- 59c - 99c 3Jor25ý '.~ Azogermo --49c-98c W'hen m-e fit yaur glasses you are assured absolute satisfaction in quality. style and price. 695 P. R. UUflLlINU, uIggisL5M THEATRE BOWMANVI LLE m m a' "I F1 Matinee Saturday, 2.30 p.m. rrlany sears. and that fine body UeCnda tts a lsiidA s G rand Dads W interEBENEZER their splendid edifice on Queen_____ Th:s, wvnter. e:rand-dad sez. ain't like the winters used t' be. 'St. Then the l:ttle Primit4ve When sno'lý upon the leve: woud corne way up 'bove yer knee; Bra 1s e t'r.H body off worshippers who were a When s:deroad.s runnîn' forth and south wvould drift so deep an' wide. ok, iha atidac "' l 'good work off te dcommudnthe Yeh coldni ýee the stake an' rider fences 'long the side. al's,1wsgve %Mr \igod okoftecýuty He sez they'd drive right over them an' 'long the fields mnake roads pin1 'ew- fC: ' r. ' Withtean ad emty obseigh fo thy din'tdar tak lods, \Vade;vcalsulo .Nfrs. _.C.. \,il' Now one would imagine that O L N SE S F R L S Fer es een orss lnge nd inkin sow t ther ers. anîd Nî- Uaý. Wighit. I'rovdeîîc,.[Our remainin.g churches, with s0 Except. maybe. a jag-a wood. a couple 'a littie tiers. mn hr eoe.wudb n evsY uW l Her i see he ceu'dfree asoetimes owive and si fe hc. iîlipucc. filled to overflowing. but it is not1 Heszth c " rez omtms ofveadsi et Trinity Church would hold SE IL If you would measure it lengthwise down on the pasture crick iýîi;Pepe ni e t Mtîaal who regularly attend chut-cri S E IL ,The wells 'u'd aIl go dry: the cattle then they'd have to take eeifu it Oosd udDila- Services in town today. The ad- 111 An' drive 'em eight or nine miles off. ta drink em at the lake; Couirtice ini charge. Praxer 'ix dresses given by the varîous min- Dodd's Pis - - - - 27C Ani' when they'd git 'en home ag'in where they should all remain, Rex'. W. C. Siîh: vocal duut. Dont1 isters are off a high order. the mu- 'Twas time to turn ri-ght 'round an' drive 'emn to the lake again. Coîirticc snd Sx-dnex V':ýrdn: t"t'ýIiclsic by the choit-s is bright. and 10 Cakes Castile - 25e An' when the men'd go to the bush t' cut next winter's wood, bv \ntu \\i1kin, aîîd LuieCol'îr- cheerful. and the ushers courteous29 The snow 'u'd be sýo deep the stumps next sprîng 'bout ten feet stood. t'ce; pianio ýelo. Adia nni.: v ca and cordial. So why is it that the 1 Vacuum Bottles 29C They wore red-topped high boots 'their pants tucked in 91l 'round s-o. . \'luiit. Niadeline Fl!church today ha.s lost its grip as',0 kvhSat 9 about . %1 ina. charge of recrestin n cd.1 compared wth 60 years ago?) Wei5cKoa lt39 Boots grea.sed with hot taller lest t' keep the water out. W. M. S. înet Fridav aînd -'er- are speaking of this town only in - I 7 There wa'n't no autos then. but they would hook the oi' gray mare cd tilt \\'erld". Dav of Praver. Oip. this respect. Perhaps thE "Oc1W'e Fit Fellows Syrup - -87 Up to *,he cutter. p:le in robes. then fer thetr girls so, fair; etîiiw xitlh quIiet tnu-lýi 1' Lcqii-t of the People" viIi be heard in Trusses Absorbent CottOn, lb.- 29C There wa'n't no steýerin' wheels to hold wh. hile drivin' through the O'.h rnt clieri givuti 1xzereni) 2: tis direction as wvell as in the 100AS.,Tbs 9 ,snow. Stuidi e taken xNI)v\r-. .A. I.:.vocational route. SaifcinGaranteed 10ASA as They'd drop the îines down o'er the and let the oh' gray mare go.! Oku. l'r:'ranm of tdxc W'rld'-ý Da\ Speakîng about churches. if Slie'd jog at dog-trot pace and neyer leave the tracks. i-'f lr:rwas ued tlirorigheîtt. any off our readers have a photo: W'e suggest you take a toniec ontaining -CoId Resisting The cutterd dive in pitch-holes deep an' jerk t' break their backs. Ai\nnîîaî wvond ee fùr thie ici- and or cut off the *"Au:d Kirk". the' Vitamaines" at this season. These predîces'ed breakfast foods were not învented. then. itlw ;ultîu bee fer tlie ladi- xx a, old v."'oden building that stood; Bu- buckwheat cakes. fat pork and maple syrup fed the men. liei( il W' n e\"dtcav %witli a u"dat %where St. Andrew's Church stands He sez -that put -,he muszcle on from shoulder down to wrist. il'C. tcday, would they be pleased to1 Malt & Cod Liver Oil 2 Ill. - 89C 1lb 49c An' kept 'em strong an' healthy an' made hair grow on their chist. Them w-,uz the -i"ters. grandad sez. their memory wvon't shake off, C, rtMaîu. eNr. a-l r leave it at The Statesman office: Whn oon ve ada od n n neha cuh:C"\'î D e vi'cecnrtdGh when a copy has been obtaîned. 40cpue 12 W'ýn n on evr ad cod a'6n oe.hd acouhcddýkeiti "'t: S tudNircx ill be returned. The 3 -story 1 Calcium A. CaDsule410 capsules $1.25 When sno;xl's were deep and frcsts "t- ol. '.etehap-guAlma Hotel sýtood .tust opposite.10 casls $ 2 then. -'cO Bttmsaechangaed and them ol' days w'11 never corne a' i- _El-jre OkWhit. etihet-lu _____________________ Butp htodo.î ti nrean esMAestApatare $ .5- 35 628în Irw dS.,Trno '3 YOU'LL Be Happy To know we have a new Shipment of GANONG BROS.' CHOCOLATES These are Canada's Outstanding Sweets N\Ir.> Bt retiWordcti vizitcdrl1r Mrs But- Mr ~ y-H 'xcard, T: rotite. 'Th'e Etablihhputt x Heari-."i rone. rendered a took char eHA TO . ""Ma-hhrtSudx CLARKE UNION lightful piano accordian select- tons. Mrs. Whithame t_____________charge____ Y H.AMPTOtiNgNarîx2îu ta off a contest. Candy was servedi. 1.ler direti f Nf t-ss. Bîîtîerx NI r a IlNîr- 't "r. att _____________________T____ h, . C. T. U.met at the Iti-Ne. Nreiigtu it xtîhhi tS'Ct" t -tttt 5::il~î. .i i r pai'home off Mrs. John Colwtli on l1uit-tnît iithe chair. NIr. F-. \Ij Nttj Nrcliu'r-r f), lit il(at ZION TuOsdSy. M'&, Katerson presided. Cat' ,r Itd ni prti'5ter. i'rîgrauic, iii- ialt.'I.Afftert' e business per:od Mirs.l nîecuu bli ile neagsti L.I- .Nrtlitr H';e H f~tit -. ir '* Packharn conduîcted the devotion- ' ll t'pîc. '%Ir. F. laickluîtt-n ut:.drx .ut at 'tî ru"t ti Y. 1'. 'l.i ai laul "n ttund . ah. The chapter off the S'tudy ti' ' n Ii" Nu" I ~îcîî xiî ttclu"-;'t l) N týiax. attc ' ut T ad ila'tîeî.N BriBook xvas g:xen by Mrs. Joe Chap- dîti. NIc'.-r'.C. Ccllacuît ýuil I e- B:l C"1. îe tîn But'îîliiau ;î'.ît ha'i lîs-,t"flitcircoraini. man. M\rs C. J. Keral'ake favor- C 'it-: -ajî'.NlI t--L. XX ti-rt t -ik ltt. N r. lut r iexx th et e ue îIn-î ed m'th an origan soo. Mrs. Col- anid Nlr-. S. Buttur%-. I tAn -t- u itiuil.rCt'I ir. 'r t-àt-ruiiiigtuat lie -ccitit utul 'will read the' Pre-ident ' ler.i, Ccîýtt t x a-conîicted hx lu F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a Siiutr' it' . .id5" 'ief'iitt uxteir Couic-t ýiMisý; Kaierson gave a reading. Iali.Attcutituuice 20. t htt-ds: Ciixxli an tt 'it0la: ..The meeting cloý:ed with bene- _Ni t' 1-. F.Cator ri'ia,- ttî t et-t ttt-td alk"'î tht ut-o-Wtu. ilet at-fi\r'. .T. Staiiit duction and Mt-s. Raekhaîn ledtfin ill lia'.e"tct': Tuntuit. xx hre -lic Il îiix a' x! ci xx ý-tu-' iît t--t- t't' - ' 'îîl X at-cl: 21ld. prayer. 1- a cî'Iit sIc-ccIittai the hltiit f lier Nfr. Ihr u Bal-"n la'. -ctt-iui daîîelît r. Ni r-. H. Hobh-.I AN miiut- ' ,f frittî'i- iId uteli fu'ri in he Bu.tli F.îii.. C- 'Iiiiltii. iNI t-. C. Icîllard -tt theu eckt'îd -u irut tai tlie !inît"'i Nf t. andl N . iittBalha i:dleu Here, There and uNir-. ithuc e-t 'ut T(îtua iax v"n Iitax'.Everywhere Sie i frieîxd'.at-e eiad te kîx"xx Priuzlaeter.Inun -itt- t NIli-- Etîxtîxa Killin at. xiý-- By D. Morrison, Sr. thitt NIslx. N.Silteur. Towit îî. - 'atixst-atritd at Nir. R,'hert. Kilîcu'-. 1 coc rine îîjcclx froin a broketist-iiu iNIl- '. Niari ix Bal'.' i. (')-laxxs.a t fi Iiîxtýïrljtxcd x a fall cin the ice. Heri T1.u'. Bal-cîx-. The death off Mrs. WVm. Doxvýýn- j>u. -NIl-s N. Silter. Tortoe. MAPLE GROVE -N\il - Jeanx NicNIa-ît-. T'rr'iitî'. St iîng nee Jean Adamsl in Toronto, xi-itutîg hur. ____________________ 1.W NIHa-ut-.. a week brings otir memnory back N il-. NfI1-xin is ,tjllcute iii. Mrs. C H. Snwden as re- Nir. .' 'ixi tiffiîî. EîîîîiQ-iileîî, .iltto the old times in Bowmanville. ir..Ecoîb atx Mrs C.H. Nowî-"îx e- Balsit".ý Wm. Adamns for many years wasadNIsS.Ecnbad turned from x"siting Mrs. F.-'r.t-and Nir'ý.. 1. Sliacklctt'iiaud the faithful coachman off the late ble Ne%%'casîle, %were Suitdax' gîtests Swa'low. Scarboro. SýoSate Mtel -,\ r.I rri dati'. Mrs. John Burk tvho occupied the tith hxli' iiithxet-, Nirs. E. Dat-cii. This commufity extenda hear- -alu ai fiaxdoi. peue.cre l oatof King i\i Niîa Dsrchî. Orotie. siso spett ties. ceo-ngrtlatn' t NI'. -r'.1 hart iui CdcGraid Bal'.îi. and Scugog St. It was one off the 1:tiia- a h ie Mrs Go. anyke xho celebrat- Ni-t- Xtrti xru. Elluîî Sîsiti- show places off the town. so far as Nfr.anid NIr-. E. Dcdg tere ed their ftft'eth wedding anniver- tii aljid Pet-ti Ca'c t-eatennîie euecege.wihu ecuin dtit- u-,a a etiuiîg'tZ h sary on Sund .t Rleiî'.EIilcaîic'tiai Trainingt brick f ence and 'eaborate at one ottx f NIr. aîtd NIr-. R. Knox oin A n n u a 1 Women's Mîssionary atB"'kj. gateway. fine outbuîldings. coach! suaiirdax eentlig Scciety quilting will be held P 'i l.îîck Supiper wva'. as£,raiil house and stables. the ffinest fam- (.lad te tuelcomne Nr. aud Nîrs. H. Mat-ch l7th in the hall when ev- -lîcce'.. Irjzu vîntîr'. tnt-itc.. ily carniage and outfit to be seen Stretlg sud 'NIr. snd Ni'.\r. Wurighxt et-y lady is cot-dially invited to ixu 1'-t lixir.xvcre: t llhxiadx N, Ir-. I nywhere. Thi.s was the family xxht hîave recentix mut ced lîto ('tir came. whether members or fat. hliuttux ( t",1txxaui: IiglixCcli. Ir. 1 residence off that fine bu"zinýess tciighhi hitîood. Snowden Brothers with their Put Gla-t'cl: c tu."ltj î tc'..citizen. Mr. John But-k off But-k*g i.sdNr. KnWr- îv %rives were entettained on Tue'-Nr- it't Ed.zar auînii NIr. ('lia-. DePartment Store. flour mil. i N'jefrad'ixi Ncx'unîlc ertue Bave day affternoon at the home off aIn aknrose n tetye-'naivdîulîgSiî'N'l ai B"to té'iilc 'ieu brtherSamel u Osawa. NIl.'. X ta Fiheiit-.T ,,-n'tut xittîteemned citizen off the uariy days txt lii i e thcýiex î,ut' ccîred a pu-jîjoîtý wheî'e al Ispent s very unjoyable Ir.211ild Nîr-..\iaîî Fi'.u~r. off Bowmanville. limle. Ni r a':d Nit-. Cita'. I 0,11- û. After Mrs Burk's passing rts i'n xtire traitiiiîe 'taff. Mn. C. H. Snowxden. '.\r. Thos.t;xa. au aî-.IISsut'î es'dence wa. occupied bv Mr-, Snowden. Mr.-. W. J. Snowdun. ýNýi-c (aixu' 'utailî.1iîî' î,j John Simpson for a turne. Then1 Mn. Samuel Sno'.xdun. Mr. Rîch- tiiga' t remained vacant ontîl 'taken up, ORONO NEWS ard Snowdun vis:ted their sster.. _________ as an agud women's home untii Mrs. John Sandersý. Tor-onto. on dustroyud by fixe. when one of the Mat-ch 4th. and liulped ier celu- H Y O unfortonate women wsbtîrned At a spoi-'al Meeting off the- brai he 8Oh bcthay.____________________ o death. Since then. wîth prob- S. O. E. lodgeMna ngt h Visitors: ably the renLing off the remaineý White Rose degt-ee wvas confet-red M:is;L'oui-<'.Folus' with het' sis- NIt-. i.t"tl' - '-iw..~ structures. noîhung has been donei~ ees ebis tut. ns Httre Cydrmn.xxtiltr-.1 u.iî with this fine olel property. We A number off Ononoites attend- Shaws. Ni--uI.It iali. Ir. f)axtî i.î;î.a undet-stand it ia owned bt' Mn. ed the hockey game between New- Mr. and Mrs. Lesl'e Collacutt. Iltif i i c! aiIt-. C. Cr"" -Win. Perey. Toronto. - 'castle andl Oshawa in Oshawa Pearl and Lenoru. with rehativus litai_. Mr. Adams and famîly came last Th'ursday. n Troronto. N[Iýiiiatul Ir'. f.. Laîîîlî aiud fauir,- oiginaliy frorn Orono. and latex Mus Helen Spence wvas in towni Mx. Roes Trenout.h. Toaronto. il, Nln-. Il. NicCilatîd fiatutuît ix'ed on the Manvers road forth.,Wednesday. sith hîs mother. Mca. A. 'rrenouth\r.S îîxii n eeveyfn iies Mr. Frank Hall is working on I a* hi ssistet-'s. Mrs. RoY Metcalf.-ilN' .1. -,N'.luî. The Burk Store and Milli was the roads down east. Mrs. A. Laurel lias beun visitine ' - 1--NdtuAi'. n vt'luid ithi i-the business centre off trade and i L. O. L. comrniutee in chargei her daughtet-. Mt-s. W. Pearson.-rî'uîu.lI'xîn'ic commerce in thi.s but-g. and tlof the Orange walk will meet .,akuffiehd. NI r .u il NI r-. R. NeXi -t know the aid hioilow with ils bus- Monday night with Chamber af Mr. andl Mca. W. H. Brown. iNn ii.< r- lt-îeu ess places. and "Westmnount" Commet-ce to formulate plans forl Gormley. ,vith lier parents. ýMr. N\11-.d Nfl Ir;. T. Nxu:to t-in ith it5 shops and hotel. afd ta the Glarious Twelfth. and Mrs. A. Gib'.on. also visiteeltNrI i. Iul" "îxîijl see it as it is today one can hard- Mn. and Mrs. Ross Shetler. \r. and Mrs. J. D. Piakard. !_____ y realize the change. Belleville. spent the weekend with' Mr. Bob Noble with is 5151er. In t.hose days the authocities Mc. and Mcs. F. Blackburn. and « Irs. Orville Shea. Toronto. dîd not meet to dîscuss vocation- ýMrs. Blackburn visited lier sister, Mrs Mak iacbur. ron.' BURKETON aI schools as every trade hiad a in Toronto recenthy. xith ier mothen. Mcrs Waletnmeof perruieby tte Mn. andlMrs. Robt. IHario'.k Foley. Tht, X..\, ltttuti11I(. carpenter trade. shoe and boot spent the wuekend in Toronto. Mca. Rov Metcal! ý,vith .relatives Ir-.. Il.XW. KRIltut lai îttî t-' making. tailoring. painting anel St avou' W-. eta 1Ms fn Toi'onito. i,-1. irNr.w ..X xlî,uueî- aet-hangung. Whiat a business'i Ed Motton's to prepare for a Mr. Tho-. Snowdeer Miss Betty'hae' îc ' . t 1w carving trade was. both i in'quilting,. nowden and icNI-. H, G.Free-'IThe ».uriý>,' .ak furniture andl piano manoufactuce. ;Rev. Carman Armstrong iwBlý ti5f 'v'hrelati,; e. in Bran'ford. hI-Nîr. eit'tci.i. x'ri utavil Now suppasing the tawn gous to addr-e-s Unuon Monday nighît. I.,](! l"'t Lle. i>ta tcQ h'.e iength off establushinz rhc.eý NI-cA. 1. Rut' x tutti XX'u1. stutti 'iii "f xi'. 't fil" h' chools. whece wili the xxork cornie:wc ii uîe .iuni llel' Ni - Vu' N rchfroin? Affterwards. we xould 5ttp-(li, ' r hi îu(ti it t E NNISKILLEN ~ i î't 1.' ieli' ni rose. some thouOht ;vould bu gi" iilt' '-i'.'tNtrh iîitt tit"ilt 'utr'. f !i u-"it e n to that part cf the subteci. i. I u t 1, ht.Suiidaut' tu'riiig -t'ttit.. - l't-t" ut Ni - i .. X tttiic. The blacksmith i ta fl v at iltuat h',rk st. h ituircit. MnI.s W. E. S-ndet-son;'usited t.ehî-"i Xr' )NcF,' i'once wa-s îhcooghouir theuland._____ e mTheur Mîd. m. ke. >t-.i, l- X'Xi': '-:,' Teadx'ent off the auto lias niade Sue~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "teRaiBk"aHa-Nr. a.ttli."..f-.agreat inroacid te hersone tcade. HO11RTICL'LTURAL 'MNEETING aI.n. T25uc aday 1Matci1 A - X'Iibt.Ht('ii,.itin not enly shceJng. bu,,t'etofatn- Thrie baseunent offlte town hall tua:o 25 ad ia.iit! i'INir. in the' aie 'of' hay andi oats. ,'-as fflled Wednesday night fot- Mn.anc Mc. A Wet-n Mn ltu t. t'i tuectuti'Ilc-l'..Sa hose who anly s'-e back to the i the Horticultural Society's i 'us- tn M. E. Wright visted Mr. ti iltt t .;'in i lirt-, ti tht î înd question as the only rumedy tae etc iunb .F ltk at-le PCt-t-it. Chmtal Lake. re-n ii for the situation will bu hîeadec! Provincial Lecturer. The aludes u e et ithandr -îit:ti.if hec ut:îuuioff in that directiotn ta quitetan ahowved a number off English gar- 'Joke accidet ixc'nshoulfelladtrt un.' 'NrNuxîulxltextent. We would imagine cont- dens. ff:wet-s and nmethods off r. a nu :n.Harsoulder t1tdal ili.îuîîu.Nr-, IlIa sidet-able t.houeht shîould bc gîven 1îc.ontroliing and growing. The tnd fani r.s. Haolci ribet ottii Sieur,."tNnuî. esbet f oainl'peaker gave hints on the plant- nelftt. Ehaua. M, M. Wuext -s schoohs befforu goîng tnto t le b:e9 ing and grow:ng off roses. hcw tc mîthi. Os aaSmit. LH. t iStevens rve tatexpense off buildings andl ol' i-mprove thern and protect them Mr.ind Mrs. EF. Wit. Wr ' Ld eovedtofittsigh t prove. atnecussary feur suehi a cour'.e. . from winten killing. and how te, amlMc. a n Mn0. . HW. We-y M econdao- ust- ofte beat The fununai off Mrs. Downing 1 get tid of insects. He also stress- amuî. JMn.esnd Mrs. Ht-"ev Labure- idstplac la unîe -took place i the cemutet-y iexe ed the need for highway beauti- inr. Jyuand o. îerry- t hich wth goavpaci uonexr-on Wdedylastbymotot-5Ifîication. and school ground im- nd Mt-o. JandA. metry.thig wrthhavng.fftomToronito. Quile a number provement. as well a-s givjng hast Muaon ane members off the Disciple. -off othet- information vahuabie to farchi 6îh. Mns.Wiuthîare gave chut-ch came down aleo andi a an entet-prising hotticulturist. ome nteuest;ng storie,. Mrts. number off thte old chuxch mem- Etraneî anrvddb Ni.nd Mr'sc A'.s gx eairecilaîion . bers attendeci. both iîere andl Or- the speaker's wife. Mxs. Chat-k who ut'. andl Mrs Donalclix'oee. Zosh, ayrpAm ono, attendeel t1e last rites. as sang severai numbens. and com- tva. Mn.C Stain'on. Osh- IN fJNdeceaseci wa~s a faithîful mernbec munity singing led by M. H. Sta- O.ltwa. thaI denornination. pIes. ,ira.. anE.MC. ATnon. "uit . his rallier cuinus when onu Chairman Staples uxpresseel the XV. . uc" X'c'inc'd-i Mie- Icoînes Ici con-teu chîuîî'hî mat- society's appreciation lci the large e x'. hP . cîî'M.. Etia Rubs oui ailisorts of tut-a in this towt' for the past 50 cnowd.'Mirs. O. W. Roîphi seondi- se" îucha 'c' b.i '.'cue is-r uscîuiar pains. ch. ka or 60 vears whiaî a change if cd bY Miss M. Davy, thankeel tueý >a,,in(-aue Pýiý,ýv(redi-coids, enids skin blem- thai linu a" ',veil as ii othxen re u- cclah ttic ,uf' ra . ilpec ~ <eute.Ke oU thting3. rTe Chiîreh off thte Di<- l W X .'.utta'uîî' -t othad X ,hnd. va av'n -toteIl Several People front.Nuw-asthej 'hi' huro'utîîît'Vocal c:,plus-vs ys trnzbndhyai xxexu pt-sent. led bY J. H. Jose,j uitliogi ioonu tinte. frojîti thic' nit"'*.'. arin"pru.stdent off t he 'cul.Mn. Jase1 r' ' N:- I u" ILainix anidh *usa cen lmeprntlti'utt hut.'incx'snic'f bc- :ijjuxilee Ocouto tm'.satit' c. 1't < NI \:.' "itsu Mtu ltv t p I'f#et.Btik'iîeluel io,.ine ".eutn"sv i-i C. H. b' t ' NI.s:tt.ut £XVîthimp'1. 'le li.i faItý. Sx. M t t'b onoe ar 5 and tutl nch 11on- f:ui.b'. ht'cu'îknte.Pset500.ond".Bob planit. Mu'. 'J XVlt'htuuît. NI G ~ fl~ AIM" John-eon faniîilt,'. te(-'Mark XVil-!we ru also tîxade 10 mui.A. A. rtc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6VN O"ld u tau:îcnltf] ~ M IF PIN"i" upe n utrt tit. 'Rlhfcle oiki îusce. FRANK CAPRA'S Supreme Achievement RONALD COLMAN 11151 ý ý àW w i th Jane Wyatt - John Howard - Mogo - Thomas Mitcheil - Ed-ord Eýeett Horta. - I-bel Jewoli Screen Play by ROBERT RISKIN A COLUMBIA PICTURE L eM .* lof ALL BED LINEN LAUNDERED 10 Ibs. g 6c each ad Ail othier picces returix Oshawa Laundry & PH( : ~ NEW CLOTHES FOR AIL LADIES ... ~ , NEW SPRING COATS from 9.95 to 29.50 ) \-~ NEW SPRING DRESSES from 2.95 to 15.00 N'. t'n'- Sîttit- i ni 11iug losiery The Largest Variety of New Curtains and Curtain Nets we have ever had is now in stock. MEN ... New Top Coats and Suits for Spring Attractive Prîces COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Phone 836 LIMTED Bowinanville PAGE SIX A v YES! - IT'S AeFACT Lent is only a week old - but we are selling Hot Cross Buns at peak deniand already - If you haven 't tried them - you are missingz something and they are Only ............... Doz. 20c Home-Made Humbugs-- - lb. 30c Silverwood's Ice Cream - brick 25c CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Bowmanville

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