THUSDA, MRCH101, 138.THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWM ýi\NV-ILLE, ONTA\RIO j bonors; Grade I. Wînona Clar-ke, S P R 1 N G I pass; Grade 1IlTeom-y. Velma Gi]- Iet oor 9) Did yeh ever notice, somiebow SOCIL AN PER ONAL'Long about this time-a year. SO IAlAD.ER ON L.em T . MeLors 91k attcnded Whn the ukyoc'a-tiin Jtbe funeral at St. Pauls Churcb. An' the roaster's crowin* clear: Toronto, of Sir Jaunes H. Mac- An' the ucoebamn Mis Coa cot, oroto.viit-lis ben siistnglie site siceBrien, Commisonet- af tbe Royal down'ards, Mdfisns Cor c t ov rnto . visi.t-eba beasiinbrstrince Canadian Mounted Police, a fri- Fer t' meit the stayin' snow, edfredshe- aerte acdet end of many years standing. An' the hiens keep up a cacklin' Mrs. John Reid, Ontaria St..' A successfi Lost Heir and had a bad fali on the ice but is Dance was beld at Pidduck's Hall. Mrs. F. Mcîndoo reports that Jest t' match the rooster's cm-ow - out again.i Courtice. March 2nd. by Mr. An-! an Fm-day last sbe found a butter- An* the buds begin t' ripen. Miss Jean Bell, Toronto. spent gus TruIl in bonor af bis brother, ily wbich is appamently quite An' tbe sap begins t« climb. the weekend with bier parents,' Mr. Lewis Truli of Nantan, Al- lively. despite tbe earliness ai the An' the boys get out their buckets. Mm- ad Ma.W . Bll 'berta, season. If tbis is a sign of an 'Cause it's maple sugar time: MrMrsaJesse Hunt. M.ugoglSt..early spring. no one will be sot-my A'tenw ab epabatn Mr. Josepb Alexander, Toronto, M$ - seHn.ScggS. for that. An' ta-ju lmpinsi teip was a visitor with bis father. Mr. met wvith a bad flu an the side- Rurse J. . Aexaderave th w-ek-walk which resulted inaRuck ssell Candler. for some time An' the children about an' bayller J.nd.Aeyeaandrseverthebeak-i . backi ssisan t in the Maher Shoe Huntiri' eggs among tbe bay: wisbes peaple would keep theirStrinBwmnil.asbe Miss Emma Weî-my. Toronto, sidew-aîks cleaned and thus pre- tîansierred ta tbe Belleville store. An' the aId gray nag gets frisky was a weekend guest af Mrs. J. v-ent sucîx painful accidents, a well earned promotion. His, When 3eh tum-n 'er ta the stack. Werm-y and Miss Florence Ms.JcsC rc Stet place bere wil be taken by Jack An' tbe yearlin' takes t' kickin' -ferry. r.JcbCuiSre. GibUs, son ai Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Like ye'd think he'd break bis Mis RthJams ascd withwshes ta announce sbe w'll take Gibbs. back: MisRt ae asdihcharge af babies Uv the hour. day. At JcsnM B I Did yeb ever notice. somehosv, or ueek.Anyladis wihin to o ýWhen these signs r takin* place of Toronto Conservatoî-y ai Mu- away foi- a '4Qv may cest assured ,-ac t.Temeigoee owyhfe h mlsn ige sic; pupil ai Mms. C. H. Dudley. te' ay' .wgtte ei isith quiet musmc. foilossed by the Sart a-playin'round yer face? Mr-. and Mms. Richar-d Haw-key cace. al] ta worshtp. Prayer by Miss let o tei om t thltn M. n M-s ardTte. Picka'-d The mietnol*y verse was An' 3eh feel 'bout ten yeam-s Sask..fontrdhomein te spn- MC.and M. aroMd-s. Moeith epeatcd. aiter wicli tiere was a youinger iak. tonmathrayw-ithteir sdg- Caburg Str.atdir. Mc.nd -h ýtom-v Uv Miss Pieikard. Rolcal] Than yeb dmd a montb ago. . Mx-s Gnetwt ler a -adMargaret.. itor.M. n vas taken and fees were coliectei. 'Cause the grip and m-omatismis Ms antMcCay. Mrs. Jamýes MeDougaîl and Mm-s. An- interesting stoîy 'uas toid by Samt-a mclted with t.he snow: IMss Jean Ramnsay's pîpils w-ha Hacry Baskecville. Toronto, wece Miss Clark. An' yeh wander wbat«s the mattet-. passed the Canservatorys exams isitors with Mr-. and Mî-s. John Wa ae l rainsng in Piano are: Howvard Brown,. Meîntyte. Pupils ai 'Mms. E. Smith Fer- Whtmksalcato sig Grade IL. bonors; Audm-y Green- Miss Doroth3- M. Edger's pup guson who 'iveme successflinîl1 Then 3eh siddeniy cemember bam Grde l~ as. is weresueesiulun bei Pinotheur examý. un Piano ai-e: Grade Tha-, the tinme-a yeaî- is Spcing. Miss Alice Silvet- felI an the c e xams as 10110ws: Grade V. Joan .~Drty Evan28 îst cladsSton.:rontro n. two weeks aga and broke bier leit Gteeni ield. hionors: Grade Il, Lala Rusvsell Moffat. lbon.: Billy Knox, arm. Miss Ada Silver. Toronto, Marjercison. honom-s. Betty Smales lion.: Pearl Breslin. lion.: Betty ____________________________________________________Spencer. pass. Grade III-Jean Mr. Davison will guve a discourse Livmng. lion.: Gea. Roberts. hion.: on the aId familtar hymn 'Abide __________________________________________________ Locyne White. lion.: Alan Strîke. witb Me.' At 6.40 p.m. enjoy- hion.: Glen Hodgson. pass. Grade able organ selectian. VI-Collette Ferguson. lst . class Next weekend. on Mai-eh 18 and lien. Grade I Tbeocy-Betty Os- i 19. 125 Scout Patrol Leaders fromn borne.,l.vt classalhon.! Central Ontario will meet in ]R a i l'[ R e pitrMi-. John Melntyre celebcated Canfecence in Bow-manville. About ALL MAKES nih1ndpo cit*izen and nost acttve un mind an Saturida3-. Citizens w-ho woutd Car Radios Renaired, lnstalled and body foc bis yeatw in Bow- 1 like tao billet anc or more boys are mnan ille-. Mi-. and Mcs. James iasked ta contact, any Scout lead- Tubes Tested Free MeDougail and Mm-s. Hamr3 Bas-1 ci, un town. or get in toi.cb wîlh kerv ic. Toronto, camie down ta ,Cliffoi-d C. M.%acNaiî-. ecait-man of Exeso paesfor Kitchen, celebrate the occa.sÉon wuitlj.Mm-.1te Billetting Commitice. at Bedoo , en Ec.McIntye on Sunday. Mms. Mc -1lphone 663. Bedrotr', en,_Etc.____________a______________sani FeLEnT '-ÏvloW One 0f These CARTER SPECIALS Needy children from ail over the Prov- ince are treated regardless of race.,creed or financial circumstance. This policy bas been continued for over 60 years in the firrn belief that everyone who understands the facts would-want this great work ta continue ... would agree 'titno Ontario child should be denied a chance for health or escape fromn deformity if mere money mnakes the difference. Over 9A% of our beds are in Publie Wards. The Hospital receives ne support from the Toronto Federation for Community Service because patients are accepted from ail parts of the Province. We must therefore appeal ta a humane and generous public ta take care of an annual deficit . . . this year It is $78,930.53, SPlease mail a donation to the. Appeal Secretary, 67 Colle g. St reet, Toronto. Tihe thanka of littie children u'ill b. your reward. The Hospital for 8ick Children day so %e xvsh bath af them riany happy' returns ai the day.1 also ta Mm-s. Mclntyre %vhose birthday w-as Tuesday. During 'the Lenten Season thece will Uc a sertes af devotional stu- dies conducted by members af the Aftecnoon Auxiliary af Trinity Waman's Missianary Society, and designed to create a deepened spiritual thaught in keeping with the season. These meetings will be held in the sebool room ai Tminity Church exery Fciday ai- ternoon at 3 o'clock. It is hoped that not only the members of the Auxliary. but also the ladies of the congregattan iili make a spe- cia] effort ta attend. The study on Friday will be under the lead- ership ai Mms. Ella Strike w-hawil] speak on the subject "Love." Al ladies wishing ta attend wil] me- ceive a welcome. Mm-. John Finn. agent at the C. P. R. station, bas been notified that lie wili Uc transferrcd ta Gaît an Mamch l9th. Mr. Finn's family will move ta Gait later. His son. Clare Finn. formeriy an the staff ai Dominion Stores hem-e. and lately manager of the Port Pcrry branch. w-as transferred yestcm-day ta a Toronto store w-hem-e he be- camtes manager. Seri--ce last Sunday evening at 'Tminiity United Church was ai in- terest toalal and pacticularly f it- t'ng for young folks. Rcv. S. Da- x'îson's sermon was based on --Holding fast tisat wbich is good' wbicb held the interest of a large congregatian. An augmented 25- piece orchestra under direction ai Dr. T. A. Partmidge, %ith Miss Helen Morris. organist, and Miss Phyllis Challis. pianist. played several enjoyable selections befare the service. again at offertory and for the postlude. Trinity choir- was out in full force and contin- buted The -'Gloria" from Farmmr's 12th Mass. Aftem- the sermon the maie chorus rendem-cd I'm Hold- ing On." Next Sunday evening MRON LUNGS Droduced ln the race autiMit time when thme lives of eblidren from ain @'ver Ontarlo were ai stake duriglth Palio Eeidesi<. The, vrevided thme enlY chance for lite durix1he criticai stes et lthe diseame. EverY mornini i.limte cear famou cor- trous came le eue eneratlncrug it.- gu douai. Ihir services. More Ihatu 8.110 eneraions are perfrmed anuuu.uin B ut there are mnany exîras Inveiveul and the maintenuanuc e ofbis nccessar> service la yern cosl,. il'i the 1w-a governing bodies w-erc t-o HOCKEYBANQUET prevent reasonable discussion af (Continued from page 1) Commentsng. His Worship the aIdermca -c-civedin - Mayor stated that be w-anted ta withr bosen evd in w-amkmng bring it ta the attention ai the withboy an indeveloping their: charactei- and physical skill. reporter that he had been mis- These men. said Mr. Cotton.spn quotcd on w-bat he had said at a great deal ai time. energy and iepeiu etnbtti a mancy in their actix-ities wAitb flot seriaus. boys. and the boys shauld retal- Councillaî Furber suggested iate Uy sbow-ing that lhey ap- that. the letter be entirely ignared. preciate the things wbicb arc be- 1 and Councillor Gunn added that ing donc for them. thne original letter came before A good hockey player needs the the malter w-as ex-en discussed by -Will ta win" and w-ill nex'er be counicil. much good withaut it. be contin- Mayor Joncs added: -I consid- tued. I have seen manY athîctes em-cd the original letter from the w-ith apparent, ski]] and ability Board as out of arder." He went wlua have lost out in the proies-1 on ta, explain his stand in thbe sional ranks because thcy did nat matter and pointed out again that Lowest Prices REDUCE TAX RATE (Continued fromi page 1) other itere-teti par ties 41 per Cent. This suhIecc broughit up the mit- ter of a legal adlsisor. At the iast regiilar inceting the Navr and Cntiticillî r Ni asonT V. ri apiioilild ti interview E-ivrStrike w ith a viesi to h is b)e oiiîg Tow n Sol ici - tor. lui thec meantinie lhoNvver. .'savo<r jonies. xplainci(l that Colin- cillor MNli o ighî that iti a- nil* nieces ' arv to appoint a solicitor ai a stated salarv but that cach miatter coiiuliibc rcierrcii b a sliciior as il Caire 1u1. Mas or jolies cxplained ituai lie seas oif tic opinion Counlciliors shotild have a solicitor to whioi the%- cou li go for adivce on niun ici pal niatiers. The snlicitor' i oh sNvotîld pav a sinaIl :aiar ant i av speciai court work would of course bc paifi for iin addlition to the salarv. The niatcr m'as left over once again as thrce inimber, of council Nvere ab- senlt. 'Mr. Strike al-.o write council rc- garding the Durham Textiles, ppint- ing omut tiîat the mones- owing the toNin frein this souirce shoiild be availal-le shortls . The Trîîstee in charge had biiee îcjiinvoed in a Court action, but lhc was protectcd 1)iv Bond and il ii tewiv iii Iii d vent- tiallv get itsnonevý. A\ letter frointheficPublic I..tîlities Conmmission explaineil the basis 011 %vlich the hivdIr.îit retîtai charge,- are mtade. The liasis of flic charge is flic di fference between the iiîcoin froni water services over flic cost of stippiviîig thoie services. The Coin- miîssion however, as a lîtatter of good business policv (focs îlot "sail too cioee b the wiind.' .\iiv suîrpltus j- rettîrned to thic Couiicil. A\s sooli as dehcntîres arc paidi îff the sv- stem itlivili bc possible to abolishi hvNdraiit rentaIs. The charge iii Bowmnanville is $50 per hivdrait. btt the Commîission notificd lhe Cotin- cil that il w-as redîîcing flich rentai te S42 lier lîvîraîîî. A list of charges ini a score of other Ontîario titon showcd Bowmanville in accordaince with them. A residenît of Horscv Street asked that water and ice cionîdliins iherv bc înivestigaited andîlrciieilied anid fhlimisater ivas referreil l e cRoads & Strects Ci îiiniittcc witli poNver tii act. Roads & Stre ts w iii ai-o investi- gale coinplaiiît of A\brahîamîîBuacick% oîf thic Manver-, Road, ini referetîce to a culvert. Fire Protectioni Fire Protection ai the liospital aI-o Caille 111) fori-iscus-si;io aii. The 1 lospilIBo ard tl the. i- -tallatioiiiof ailalarni - t-hm lat woliî d gi vu a dc finite signalI inithe hle. o-if thle fi reiieîi iii flic c vciît of a fi ce 1 rcaki g otut ini the lis - p tai. Coliiicilir Bick-le qtigzel( a genl eral alari, îîossiblv nt te Coîrner of Kinîg anid Libertvý Street., thai %voîi Id an îuse thli people of thlat its - trict wlio %wold go to the hospitl 10 assist. .Niasor Joles siateti that the Fire Cliief lias ail aîieqmiaîc service ini lus hiome.. us i utcphinîinîg thlicfirc la! alIso gels iniiimn iediate toi cli wvil h the cliief's toie antI the alarîn is British Remedy for SCIATICA PAINS Tiiere s lit ti tc iilt n i t. tlai tIui ie-gt w.iv to t.(e cSi ati a. i miîîbago. Rhe:- matie Paiins, etci..-s Ionith iiî. VWu ranI rub ouit Lrie Atid, you ilust rînse it out. ,,F-înnon Sait is an ideat internai rinse. A 1 fl tiaspoonfltin w-ater îiikc .s .sa non-fizy salinie. aileu wit iiiliui.p,,tzssiur Lithîiîum and oîlier reixediai leent itl tua gent lv nriscttiiii a ccei of utii ,(ggiig depuiitf foined iîy UreA,.id. 1 tig thle-e îiepîiiit laI set up tiiose agonimng \ing wres ofIiilcuicnting vain t hat raîck thle boidy amii se,,t-t lie out.t Tiilil sion go uslieli NU ou ve ciCýitie(iltit systeli ith vuttiinoni Saqli ior a-l îqucesivct v rtiorni ngs. ilicres noiting îr,îsî e aboii Fynnon Sai, coîlii in harsh or lu.îniiui ii. 1ii eficc i s signi lar to Mineral iStî wvt er Sii i I his important ileactge tlît a hiall te.ispooîi- fui of Escrion Sait ini a g-lss or uaier us t-goal in medîcînai vaue to tluree giasses oi spa \Vatcr. Try Fîrnîon Sait, tie laîcois Britisli remedy. for your Sciatica, Lumbago, Rui- matie Pains. At ail drug stores. 75c a large Package. If s-ou liav-e ansy difficîulîy getiing supplies' wite Laurentian Agencies, St. Gabriel Street. Montreal.&, Spratt's Puppy & Dog Biscuits - lb. 15c Brock's Bird Seed - - - - pkg. 15c Potatoes - Ontario No. 1 bag 65c Kraft Miracle Whip - - - 32-oz. 55c . . . 8-oz. 21c HARRY ALLIN Phones 367-368 WAR ON COLOS. Prevent Them - Relieve Them! Stop Them! You can't avoid exposure to colds but you can pro- teot a«ainst them by building up with Tonics and Vitamns. If you do catch cold f ight it immediately. Remember neglected colds are dangerous. Here Are Your Fighting Weapons Wampole's Extract $1.00 Grove's L.B.Q. 24c-4 Kepler Malt & Weeke 's Cold Tabs. 2 Cod Liver Ou - 85c-$1.40 Bronchida Cougli Haliver Ou - - 55c-$1.80 Syup-' - - -4 Haliver OiÙ Capsules Buckley's Mixt. 40-7 55e - $1.00 - $1.80 Mason's 49- 40c-7 I.DA. Cod Liver Oji Idasal Tabs.- 25c-4 45e - 79e Nostrolene - 5 Alphamettes Vick 's Vapo Rub -4 $1.00 - $1.85 - $350 Pertussin - 59c-$1. No. 92 Tonxc - - - $1,00 Bayer Aspirixi - 22-3 Bynol Malt & Cod ________ Liver Ou - 65c-$1.10 ___ BARGAINS 44c 49o 75c 49c 50C 43e L39 39C pinex - - - - 32e Dodd's Pulls --27c 25e Noxzema --15c Robinson 's Barley 33c Dutch Drops 2 for 5c Fellow 's Syrup --87c LISTEN TO The Family Doctor 1. D. A. Radio Program Mondays and Fridays over CFRB at 7.15 p.m. EM LSO DIGEST SCTI 4Tj TIESFAT SHN IN. CODLIVR IY 4e7, 1 H PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McGregor UNITED CIGAR STORE1Phn79 AGENCYPon79 DRUGS We Deliver ............................ . ............... w I -11, 1- . 1- -i Phonographs Remodelled to Play thru Radio hone 575 R. QUINN For Corns or Callouses Use LLOYD'S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE. De-sensitizes and relieves pain with trst application. YOU CANT LOSE. VOUR MONEY BACK f it fails. 25 wll be paud by the maker to anone roducng, at $2 -h eir office, a corn or cal. lous. tirat they cairnot remove with this wonderful new scientific pre. paration which thousands of users pralse highiy. FolIow Up with Lloyds Application Pads and obtain permia- nient results. MODESS Solter! Sa fer! 12in bo2lç 2 boxes 41 ç 50 in ox-69Ç Modess Beits 25Ç King St. I Neilson's ICE CREAM )BRICKS 25c Deliejous Rich FRUIT BREAD Fuli of Fruit Each 12c Phone 855 THE CARTER FAMJLY Bowmanville WE -NEED YOUR HELP - THIS YEAR!. EVERY YEAR!. THURSDAY, ý.\IARCH 10TH, 1938. 4ý scîî utci\la%(ir jolie. expresseul it put their best inta their efforts the matter af the nurse was car-. reply to it. I understand that one a; idtth olBad byi i-irt.,i al opiîîioîî thait te to, get ahead.ridtth ScalBadb a member af the Board wants to phonie xi atitle îîtîickesî nîltoîlDf There is an aid adage which i member af the Heaith Board. tear me to pieces. If the Board sotmîîdilux aiii alarîîî. states that one should be a good 1 Had i t fot been so there would Cotte cil ftnallv decidcd la have tic laser. I dont subscribe ta it. one 1 have been na letter from the or anyane else wants to go after Hospiît' ! ,arîl niîcc wiîhî the Fîrc shauld be able ta lase gracefully. Bcarcl. The May-or made na me. I want them ta know I have Coînîttzî c, andiel ie -reniii aitt re- but uniess he searches himself to statement as ta w-ho carried the neyer backed down. If tbey want port lî. taiîîýtlîcr îiceliîtg. discover wby be iast and seethes story. but he did state ]ater that ta cross swards with me. I arn Crit . Pîîliick aîîi 14 <îîîer insîde because of bis deficiencies, the representative of th:s new- 't able to loak after myself. raea srequted the iîî-.llatiîîiî that athiete wil] not get abead. paper who is a member of the Councillor Furber then with- of a o i i(: li,&4ît oit Qîîcctî buetClIt is the player w-ho cani analyze Board af Health w-as nat the one drew bis motion. and the Mayor Oîîîari. alitti Browîi Sirecîs. Re- bis fauit.s and overcomwe them at whom his remarks were direct-sadtaanrelheogt i ferredi,,-Itle lPîtîtije Properîv Cîîîîî wbo becames the great star. Con- ed. ita ae auldfirat be shownt fi milice. ny Smythe. manager af the Leafs. The Board. Mayor Jones said. 'the counicil. Councilior Gu.nn At i1,u last recgtîlar incetiiig COuiI- is one man who aiways demands seems ta send its letters at the 'again added that the nurse mat- cil ettd iii tîai tîitpi the best of bis players. and is so iast minute w-hen we have no ter had neyer been officially be- Asscileia thîî a tIaliheNriiiiici);,] mart he knows when a man is chance ta study them. I do mnot;iare the counicil, but the Mayor $1 i Te.ssociýiiiai aiiitheltiietur only giving 99 per cent. He is a think it would be praper te îg- corrected him ta point out that it $10 iiiieluT lthe fc iaa cît- ard taskmaster. but jou neveî- nore it. he added. was discussed at the meeting at piirliitleriratti h a alItefie- regret working for him if you gise -I wouid like to have the op- wbich the estimates were con- shoupi ave cr i 2n . oît tcil ýyaur best. portunity to digest this letter and sidered. arez-p\i.Tbere are foui- phases of lii e.______________________________________ agre<l * ta relîgious. physica] and ed- A5 h tb c fr-i 'Johlii luhiîti regard- ucational. and no one phase iiig th itîîiîîg iof hii-. her-.iii car- should Uc overemphas.zed. The ilîg ticlbî il,-Iitîtîti va-. refcrrcii ii p'hysical side is as important as the lic. linsCîîiîînlittu.c. any of the others. and the boys Ftil:, i t 'tiriite Icaccitnt-will be better citizens for playirtg ttinii- S621.41 i the eca ac- 'games. In Cobourg, the chief af coit l z375.49 for relief, ipolice recently told me that siri-e Tut, iiitor-'report, slîiitteiî hurcb league hockey xas estab- liv (i i il Il tl-ot Coiîpiatîv xv'a- isbed four years aga there bas As l s~îî~of aca l ailisojuvenile deltnquency. hllc î, e.j Iucît ctîcil. the liatîd Professional hockey bas a dii- %s-.a.iil] lia\(: Ioiride fî.r a su ilei ferent standing now tban a few loigur i.1- ittitil stich tile a, Ci 'înjî yeatr5 ago when people lo>oked ha-.~~ ~~ to i.tiaka icai down upon the amateur who tue i ..îcr.turned professional. I dont tbtnk lE Ciitrî lIr Eirterlin'ithîtti i t is a bad ambition for a lad ta euo mîmatir i f i îîui c tiiiîît. 11-llelook forw-ard toa aPro career. It Ilatrnia leti os hie h m abene an-d11 ammlcFactorv. aiid Coucilor iLEod u -ie lyn ad v E EsouP 'uniii mi îa iciiiv,-igt-i-en one retires the bustnefis con- ciwer titoitte alr îminmo St pricelesfor a business car- sou 111Il were î!i,çcî oîvever if hetavv eer w rati. r tiI cîiuîîîi-. ,cciirr(,fl~ a.iaint1t Giiilitte - - It*,should be the ambition of omm Of iZate il IlleUt Ni.iura on tth(tue . everv boy ta be a winnec. The trip $EM Beans & Spaghetti ehac' - ilSittîîsftmîeal s-a.homne is much shorter if your 1~YŽ\E~Ll£tn A5 ,~ii~t i ul ciîtîr eami has w-on. concluded Mm-. TBI laidi t its tapIe otila i iiCgttaon. and you should try ta be \ - Sop -lag lad,ý Il ales ht tlizitjs ' itebi etrthan the S u. -lag I Qcl s --iiwhîiî ils sinsor. De- otJuer feîîaw. morri>2 for 25c lumîs R cît 11îcr.2(l ~ c'et Robert Kent movedtevoea t.utt h cl a 12 ii . îhanksI ta the speaker. seconde Ot~îta - iiktti v Bill Brown. Harry Jackman B b op iiîcîîuî.I i . c'raitituc i if Itle Citti hanked the ladies for thleir parttniO ciil ( !,im ttî i the W oîmies hid- 'in the program . M ms. Geo. W eb- F i o titc f 't,î ticlhru iii aiîl iifIliter-tster replyîng. and the eVen:ng rooi mît i 'tçi nIlthe oani c cosed with 0 Canada. asp btl 19 te i ut all iiceto flic SaIs ath etANADIAN MADE FREE SAMPLES Tîîsvîî (f it. nil-. 'usre rc-app)ýi 'tici ai HEALTH NURSE ýtlcinte a-uaries aa, lasi s-car. e.._____SOTEN VGTBE the N\i titi.. sftihie roini-.c tiat tht. OTEN VG AB S huuii- sIllt paiîi if Ciiili tt ontinued front page 1) FRESH AND SMOKED FISH - POULTRY FEEDS lîrttt.tbe strict letter af tbe rights ofi FEED MOLASSES LS TOP PDýAMIINq-, j ý !, ,;- - ti ý NOVA - KELP TABLETS Natures tonic and body bulider, con- givingmna tu rai mineraIs and vita- mina supplied by Atlantic deep aea keip. For practi- caliy every kInd of aliment. Uncondit. ionally guaranteed 150 79c, 300 $1.39, 750 $2.79