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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1938, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANX'ILLE, ONTARIO TIIVRSD.'\Y. NIARCII IOTH, 1938. ENFIELD Opening exercise'. at i N ii ,peo ple's wene ini charge of President Frank Mc'Mullen. \'enra Stinson. Fellowshirp Convenan pnesided aven. the pnagnam. Devatianal was given bv' Helen Stark; topic omn Temper- ance ivas taken by Doris Nl\ill'.on : Clara Griffin. F. MMc.\ullen and Bessie Pascoe favamed witb eadings. Cantests wene enjayed. Miss Inene Bray, Tanonto. visited ai Mr. S. Bna's. Mn. Frank M.\cMuftllen spent la'.î Fîidav an business ai the Peterboro Normal Sehoal. Mr. Fred Samis met with an acci- dent while dnawing a lodged trec which jammed bis faot again'.î a stump. He will be off dutv fo.L)r a while. Members ai the W. A. entertained thein husbands ai the home of 'r. L.. C. Pascoe, Wedmesdas' ili-. Progressivc Lost 1Hein va'.tierevc.- emîîmg". enteirtaiinwmît. i, F. Gil- heut won prize for ladr'. amnd FranI! Gilbert for the gciitý. Nîrs. 'Tas. Pari sa rg trvo hivehs '.' i'.iiinr the . cheiig whicli weree mmîîch ai)- preciated. Member'. of W. A. pie'.emrmd Nrs. S. Biav. wlîo as formerîr a rcmn- bien of tre '.ociets . witb a put of daffodils. Nus. Biav is necoverimwý from lier seiou'.s ilînle'.. Mr. John McCîlloch is Ilivinîg imi Las Angeles.. During the flood tlîcrv recerîtlv be lost hi; home and ail tbe furritîmre lire pos'.es.'ed. lcavimie hi'. familv homimle;;. He i'. a '.onm'À N'.1'liiMcClrJlochr.SS'. "Ps r is n.o clîanacteri'.ticallv calm. that caliirrîre;; in it'.elfliras the? a'.pect af powver. and forbearance iniplie; ;trengt."-Bulsvei MARKS THEATRE - OSHAWA - NOW PLAYING TODAY - FR1. & SAT. NON-STOP NEW YORK Annia LEE gs1 joLODER Starts Sun. MAidnite 12.05 Seats 30c Continuing MO N. & TUE. ONLY 2 -BIG HITS- 2 ~ "youth on Parole" with SMarian Marsh Wed, March 1 0 Such a ih MAT. & EVE. 1 O SCREEN SHOW EVENINGS ONLY 8.20 pin. & 10.15 p.m. DIANT STADE 6Acts H I 6 Acts - NO ADVANCE IN PRICES- BLACKSTOCK ens. Keswick. Mis. A. B. Stephens. children. Os Toronto, at Mi. W. H. Tayior's. Mus. H. Wiic( ..Mm. Keith Larmar. Miss Ro- Mm. and M: berta Wood. Mis. Melville.B ail. killn. guests Z MNr. and Nr'.. (,ord, 'nStrong iaid"s'S . il~s. Archie Virtue with her Bible CI 'alphý 1 Jter. Mrs. Howard Wonnacatt -Rap w oh Mr. and NIrs. Kenneth p>D'xie. . .. Mr. Lamne MOrtson with. Annual Bit Samils. Nestleton. )» hts parents at Langstaff. .Mrls. was held an S. Rer. and M.\rs. M. R. Sandersan j E. Stevens. Hampton, with hiem March 2nd. i- havc returnc(l ta Toronto aft..r r idaughiter, Mis. R. Burgess. ment and ýf '.i'iting her mother. M.irs. S. Swaln . gaa.dly numb Miss; HazelMono, Bronte. çith splendid prag lier parents,'.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. H M TO nd aeryS i Maolntjoy. . eRHMPT Nkhda iz Mr. and Mis Oscar Graham and 1938f ~~~ We.e delihtm IAima with bher parents,. Mr. and Ana Takofe gservices wF Baneite Mrs. lames Stron . YV LLil'tJ<..e held an Sunday, March B.wanile \ir. and \trs. Tom Hodge with ~W. C. T. U. meeting was held spirationala M'il.. Edward Darcy. Jrom £10e roll Up 'at Mis.J. Colwill's 'ruesday aiter- doers of theN Miss A .da Beechi and '.\r. Ross Big Selection of New 1 noon. af goad thau, Richards,. Havdon, %vith 'M\r. and Miss Phyllis Challis and m Mr. Gea. Do * M'...\uti L olorins nd attrn 'Daug Rackhamn were in with Miss N. * Ir si'. Viil Hanna, Tanietville. with Special Lower Room Lot on Monday. ist. renderec *NIr'.. Frank RHanri' Prices See "The Road Back" ai Hamp-'solos in a pl NNr n .Is.\oti a Camp tan. Thuîsday. March 17. Ad- also led t.he Mrd.fanlv.Elr. rth Nfrand mission 25e and 15c. sang. Other. Nis A . Wail. VaElmir. wî n.a ST. PATRICK'S DAY IW. M. S. is holdingit anu Mrs. Luther Mr. . Frdr wthMr. Thrsdy arc lth quilting in the boisement ai the logeret h -Mr.and'NIs. . Frde wili r. hurday Mach 7th chuîch this 'Thursday aftemnoon. a *ie andM and Mfrs. Wm. Farder, Egvpt. Send a petn Card Mission Band wa.s entertained a eading. byrheeWtM S ngbrs Messrs. T. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haaey with For your Party: St. Patrick b h .M .mmeson, frieilds in Toronto. Monday evening in the S. S. roM.1 Wilbuî and L .\ Norma Haaev and 'Marion Serviettes, TaUlies and Aduli Bible Cîass hield their ed tha Beacack with Mn'.. HarrM\cLatgli- Place Gards cass meeting and prayer service Ou asa lin, Ne'.tleton. at Mr. and Mis, C. W. Sauch's on; appreciation Mrs. C. Fee with 'Mrs. Joc Monday. Bible Class Ar chmer. I W E W U I Mi. and Mis. J~. Y.Woods. port pleasure at Mfr. and NIs. C. Hetz. Fairview, J. VW . JEIN LLL Hope, were dinner guests ai Mi. FP. J. Groat. Penn.. with ber sisten. Mn;s. C. W\\- and Mis W. W. Horn an Thuis -, briefly and r ili f. ezhs eund oedy vn. ai thanks t ~a. n.Htzha rtnnd ane Phone 556 Bowmanvile dyeeig friends: thisi while M\rs. Hetz 1; staving far a1 Twelve girl friends af Miss1 month. ,.-Eileen Wray gatheied at hier G. rm aur. MnI. Orr \'enning fell and injured ________________ home on evening. Mai.coingd itAn hisbak. e s lowstvin wth3rd, and surprised hier on the O c ig.A bis brathen, NMr. Charlie '%-enning. enteitained with a pîeasing piano casian oailher birthday. The e,,-, vas engaged Rev. C. C. Harcourt afficiated aI duet. A letter from Miss Tait, enîng was sperit in gamtes and spent during the funenal services af Thamas Vancouver, was iead by Josephine sînging, aiter which dainty re- eshonenofthe Brown,. March 3nd. Deceased pass- Caurtice. Mis. Penfaund read the ireshments weîe semved. Miss cd awav ai the home of hi;san,. Mr. Study Book and the senior girls Pearl Gilbert on behali af the the claSs las R. Bno-wn. Scugo.g. enlertai.ned witll a Theme game.1 girls vaiced their appreciation :. Sv-mpathv of thie comimuni is ,'and thanks for the pleasanî andi cxtended ta Mr. Nuwton Taylor and jolvy evening spent: this was Sec- OBI fanîjîr in the death orf his- motiier. londed by Miss Violet Milîs. ..-____- NI r;. Tav lor. TYRONE Young Peaple's Urrion met on DaatcClub of tihe St. Joh' .Fîiday evenling. with President Thomas Dhraîch rsne h lv G lMis. Blanchard in the chair. Ai- Th Chtrc pc;nîd ie la "oo iRer. W. C. Smiith, Courtîce. ter the business period. the Cali h sympat Gracionts Granidma," ai Prince Al preached a splendid sermon Sun- t osi 'sgvnb rc ity is exten< beto hrdve'.'ning. t daywa ivnb BueThomas Bîavý bert (n Tbursdaay moi'ning. it being the Thank- Hogarth. Bible lesson was readbeniiors .\nnual \Vorld". Day of Praver Offering service. Chair rendered 'by Matthew Mili.s and Al. Rundle enilfrs %vas bield at the St. Jolin'; Anglican two splendid selections. led in prayer. The program wa.s ed away at Chu rcb stion ofh lad ithsplor te W. M. S. met Fiiday aiternoan, in charge a! Miss Thelma Rab-Scggsan diderentaluchion lades being the Woild's Dyof Pray- bins. A reading wa given by Mis been staying chhurs prc fhe srie a r A gaodly number of ladies Caris Cryderman. The tapic was:CaleD n takcn bv MIrs. C. C. Harcourt, Pre attended the meeting. Mis. Ed. efficiently presen:ed by Wilfrid! Mr. Brown sident ai St. J" Anglican W.A Coak gave a recitatian, and Mis. Smale. A vocal sala was render- ago in Carl Th ecn ans tknb M W. Miller read a chapter of the ed by Miss Edith R.ackham. years ago hiei Th ecn pr astke v book, severai ladies tak.ingRcn iio Saulter who H. J. Bell. The last part teing ztaken par nnthRecent Vrvie.sitors:ear vMnls. Jabez \Wnight. President ao atf ntepryrsevc.MisssHelen ad Btty Kno s o m 28 yea the United Cbunch \V.A. Mis. W. M. S. sewing bee will be Toronto, Miss Jess'ýe Knox, Hay- iram Bawmai Bell and MIrs. Harcourt bath gave Maîch 23îd in the vestiy. Ladies don. spent Sunday'at home. Scugag Island very impressive and helpftil talk,. will have a pot luck dinner, and Miss Bernice Rogers. Bowman- dy: also one the former on "Peace Tbnough Fe,_ anyone wishing ta contribute in 'ville, with Mr. and Mis. F. Rogers. Buiketon: an( low'.ip'. and thre latter an ...a% - any way ta this cause will be Mrs. R. Burgess. Tyrone. r.JmsCia ship." The intcrccssorv pravrs wcre gatefully received. Arhu Sepen. 'rntJamt en ai Bi taken I i Mn. F. A. Bailev, Mis Y. P. U. opened with waîshîp their mother. Mis. E. Stevens. Charlie Cuira F. Willan. i'.r. E. Elliotti. Mrs. H. period in charge of Mrls. Clinton Mmr. and Mis. H. Salter with. Fuease j. Bell, MIrs. R. Parr and Irs. 1. Bigelow. Program was in charge friends inTaana.terhome p Wright. Mirs. Rirbeit Archer pre- ai Mis. Russeli Virtue; reading , Miss Jean Hogarth. Bowmar.- Tusa. 'i'ed at the organl. by Dave Park; piano duel by 'vie. at. home Sunday. W. .. f St. Johbu". .Anglican Misses Helen and Marion Werîy; 'Mr. Levi Niddery and bride, court of Bli Chîîrch will micci ai M \.V. CnaN- reading by Percy Werîy; taPic Toronto, with his mother. Mis. L' The palî beý Iodso Nfrl 7h "Happiness" by Mr. ROSS Paaley;N'ddery . Russell and L Rev. H. J. Bell is still o)n the sic!'. duet by Mm. and Mis. A. H. Brent. Mr. and Mis. Dr. Davies and GardmofBraw list. United Chuîrch service wa'. Meeting clasedl with prayer by Gordon_____________ bcld iii the St. John';s Anglican jMm. Abert Wood. Union members Richard Shac Chrrrch on Stindav nlighit. March 6tlr. may secume membership cards "The present moment i'. a power- Interment at Wümcm's lnstiimtc met at 1Mi'.. i fiam Miss Susie VanCamp. fnil Dietr-."-Goetlie Cemetery at Tlhmmpson's on Nlarch 2nd. with -;0 Congratulations tai Mr. and __________________ ladies present. It was decided to jMis. Arthur Brent on celebîating hase a w ritimrg contest between the1 their iotleth wedding anniver- scbools of Cartwright, alsa ta have si on March 3rd at the home ai a skating and crokinale part n a heir br.thei-in-law, Mi. S. J. Mardli 9tb. Tbis prognami was in Caurtice. Leamington. Mr. and change ai Mi\fs. M. Graham's gnouip: Mrs. Howard Brent accompanied neading. Mis. T. Samnelîs "CountrMr. and Mis. Arthur Brent on Store": an instrumental,. Mis. Mf their trip. We also extend cen- Mauntjay "Blue Bird Waltz." nead: gratulations ta, Grandina Anni.s, ing. Mis. E. Larmen "Dav's Work": Mis. Bieiit's mother, who cele- duet bx' Jayce Venning and Giac, brated hier 88th biithday on the Graham. An address was given bv same day, and als o taMis. Chas. Mis. Fnank Stinsan "Camnilunitv Bigeiow on ceiebmating hiem birth- Activities and Relief." Lunch was day. served. and a v'ote ai thanks eXtcnd- Congratulations ta Mm. and ed ta Mis. Tbampson. Mis. Leslie Brooks on celebrating A euchne panîv and a dance wene their 25th wedding anniversary held ini tbe Town Hall an Fridav on Sunday. March 6t.h. Mm. and night unden auspices ai Agricultural Mis. Brooks received a number of Saciety. The ladies' pnize fan euchne pieces of silvemware and aise a weiî 'ta Mis. Richard Stinson and lovely linen table clath iîom Mr. Sid Staples %von the germtleman's and Mis. Ed. Floîy who are prize.spending the winter in. England. Wamens Institute will meet at Mis. Willis Stewart's on March i COU RTICE Mr Russell Virtue hast a valu- _______________________ able herse last week. Pidduck's Hall has been the Visitars: Miss Myrtie Brooks sc:neof sveral pleasant events and Mr. Leslie Sleight. Toronto, L AE recently, beginning with a Pro- at Mr. Les. Brooks'. .. . Mr. Perey gresiv Echr onFe. 2. Ms.Jones, Miss Plama MeRberts, LR E Carl Short and Mis. ied Balsan Oshawa, Mr. Cecil Taylor, Mm.: *'..t. f -Il -4 -, .ý....Earl Stephens. Miss Jean Steph- won Lte irs.41 it and econdpnzest, respectively, for the ladies. with Fred Balson and James Toiey wînn'ng the gentlemens prizes. Mauch 2nd the Base Line No. 3 i'esidents attended a dance çpon- s.ared by Angus TruIl and Blake1 Short. Lost Heir preceded th e dancing. Fr-ed Hoacken and Char- les Wade. violinJsts. with piano accompaniment, assisted the dan- cers, and' guitar .selectian:, xe;-e aiso enjayed. Refreshments we seî-ved. On Thuns'day the weekls' dance xas spari-ared by Mr. E. P:ciduck. A.'. rad been pr-ev-G.usiy announced. a "baby" was to be 'gýven ta the holden ai a lucky ? ticket. Conjecture as to the na- tîonality, antecedents. pedigree. etc. of the '-baby" had caused much fun. A "Natice ai Adopt- ion" in duplîcate. was in readi- ness for the loster parent ta sign, tagether wth Mr, Pidduck. the guaid:an. The wee "baby", re- spiendent in a becoming dress and bonnet. wîth a baolle ail in readi- ness. was presented ta the winner. Jack Gay, by the "'baby's" nurse. It wa's ie-adopt.ed the next day by a boy wîthout - a dog. The Meiry Makers' Orchestra, Oshawa, sup- plied music which, with refiesh- ments and hot coffee, wa.s enjay- ed. Septicaemia has again made its appearance in this district. one cow out af a herd having been very ill. Mis. B. Cauntice and sons lost one ai Iheir hoîses. The animal %vas appaiently in perfect heallh. but while waî'king in the woods suddeniy drapped dead. Sunbeam Mission Rand met at No. 8 school house with the lead- ei' Mis. Clarenice Peniound in charge. Bible reading was taken by Yvonne WaImjsley. A n n i e Wilkins, Bandi Leader, tld lte waî'ship stomy which was fallowed by memory verse. Treasuiers, re- paît was given and business was t.aken up by Mis. Penfound. uIh Penfound and Adelaide Wilson9 OSHAWA Thurs.- Fri. - Sat. MARCH 10 - 12 "Happy Landing", * with SONJA HENIE and DON AMECIIE Added Mickey Mouse Cartoon. .REVIVAL - Friday 10.45 p.m. "lWife Ys Secretary"P Starring MYRNA LOY Mon. - Tues. - Wed.' MARCH 14 - 16 ANNABELLA - WM. POWELL in "B8aroness and The Butler"i COMME NCING Thurs. for 3 Days W. C. FIELDS - MARTHA RAY In "The Big Broadcast of 1938"y 1-1 g" I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT MARCII 10TH, 1938. lhawa. at Mr. and A mtan gets whiat lie PaeS fr Every nman scems ta think that 0oX'. :One order today is war-th -,%o lie :s \arranted in doing unwar- rs. S. Trewin. Ennis- orders tomairiow. Na mnan is ranted things. tof Principal E.E. apies. * idcwn and out untilhe:i a rs oî Lo*t, of city farmers make a lIass "At Home" faith in h:mself speciaity cf sawing wild oats. ible Class *At Home" Wednesday evening I in the church base- was attended by a ORDER NOW AND BE SURE TO GET ber who enjoyed theY URC A )ram. President Mis. O RC A occupied the chair. ,nging a hymn. Rev. n led in prayer. Ail ted ta hear Rev. W. Of St. Paul's Church, who gave an in- îreson "Be ye Word" whichi was full I Ights and suggestions. - )vidge. Bowmanviile. Horn as accornpan- id several splendid leasing manner. and audience in a sing- rs taking part were Pa.scoe. Miss Doreen Seach gave a mono- [iss Theima Raobbins The maie quartette Wise honie-owxiers insist on Knight's Goal Salter. C. Johns. W. L.Cryderman, favor- a Goal that gives them the luxury of a appropriate selection. properly heated house during the coldest of coildi idded a few words of speils. They enjoy a maximum of clean healthful of the work of thehattmimu co. and expîessed his etamimu co. being present. Mr. teacher. also spoke to the Bowmanîille Phon 448 Bowmanville was seconded by Mr.' Mr. John Milîs fav- accordian mnusic in interesting contest in and social time .h ,the servrng ai re- This was pronounc- *best social evenings *had. ITUARY SBromwn, Brady ihy ai the commun- ied ta eit ofsa wn. Brady, who lias orne time. and pass- his son's home at i. March 1. He had with his sister. Mrs. One Shot ýof Burketon. 1was born 81 years... that misses Spoils a perfect score- rtwright. Fiity-faur oeiaeut oiy roefo rte married Miss MinnieOn ndqaeplc oOentwrtn opredeceased him at aIl, weakens the irîSurance On your pro- rs ago. There is left three sons. Thomas perty and business, anville, Robert from d. and Bill from Bra-Fosondpoeto yoreieinrac cbrother. Robert of FrSudpOetO O eur nuac 'd three sisters. Mrs. that is comprehensirve - ask this 2 an Mis Chal:eHartford agency to plan yours. lurketan. and Mrs. an ai Oshawa. wices were heid at place at Brady on ith Rev. C. C. Har- lackstock officiating.J. J M AN & SO earers were Messrs. .J A O O Lorne Dean and Wîi INSURANCE AGENTS siawa. Clarence and 1 vn of Burketori, and Phone 681 Bowmanville tkelton af Torbnto. St. John's Anglican Blackstock. s

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