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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1938, p. 9

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,lrcuv&v T)A-pJ&ART-I irrî-î 193 PAGE NINE TTE C5NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM.*NVILLE, ONTARIO car zind diii n(tt nurd anu lp, "ut 1 By The OId Box Stove :adt 'kte ul;certi By Hiram Ili us cru cau hk ni;îdt suî ii 'l IlR.\ MCOliS TO TOW\N Il(Iil, i1 "i If 'r alidilt xi. aluwi\ W Wlien sut lis c lut fii the eapit i Iîtpr-actliul d l no tl 'l C'îl s surrouindcd hy the afiairs of ' iliiiîfl, nt to i'îîcr>ati,'ii w ith owfl littit' Comnililtities c .su'arnlur . a î"nitll'liic aîî 'xc i t get to thlikinz hatal tlîu Iitaht i'îî.e lcsaic- tl- ý I lIil\ ;andii ruadv u i talk itclit th, ' means is toi be foui ix i thintitih t W0 id'r fti things lis holirst'tilnd< small area. W/c knosu ail the c' iii- i\~î~iiittoleîiî Vu k munity ioys, orrows. strugzlcs and o'.litl Icuaîne t igrîcet LITe suffcriîîgs. And as for CI otlier,s iiutt bîusiness tliat's a Wide open book.I flirc Nwcrc ico tplaces i \vent iliat Even when ixe do gct awav we loek 'hll. otionfîcet. (hie wa, n at lifc in the' Citv tirough tiic sail n iat (lcxt ýr fiiia large 'tne. 1 eycs and after compari'îîîî's art kîcw wliat thc rctl and i lîte livlitti made e vot in avourcol or ( ieatît but I wsantcd to e c e hcrc- littie circle anti hurrY 1 ack a s eivifo tegr ,,e^orw as we possiblv can. 1 asked lier if the tcuater îvas gol-r S. iu Yos î. lti iîver saw a girl's ]ve becu te tue citv lots oif tîtitu'. huanits'icavu lier s, qiicklv w\%.ienî it even lîvcd iin it fer a wiiilu. hut 1anu aiigrs volice sue stiapticul lack 4 when I weiît uiî latels' fer a s i'it 1i "t. , utiisec 'thc red l lilt ?' 51 was dcîcrmiîicd to get avas i r' 'ni , x a iilaItu sas lxxîbtI flhc old ihabit, leavet'thtei ri l i atIlC k,ltIlLic îtilt iithîe ,a-,intt ý home, getit o toucl w itiilit" tit'., ataci l iit h ' u i sec how nitici 1 coîîlî Icaru aiîd ai get ",f. 1 tIld lier 1 liadf -'i t the sainetlie have sut itu. 'A's' su\\ife (,il the fi ftliîflolr. s lîback far as I ain concerried 1s II stdt(Iti11) 1 \vcnt .\ftur soîîic ixajiti i1 but it miglit îot scei the saille t" 'i 'ýt cIl a big aliiaze)ii of a woLnia l othe rs. ' n Liii s' t"go i)l' l on the saie uiec 1 lîad beent th lat public le rc iiti t ur 'ioi I gi t ii'n slici i t' (diii. Ilt Li fIs tre serv sl' 'n sitliîfrlk suiio dii 1w as fini t ) ecthelîuî'lk f, ,Il il not sccm tei ktow their xas' abio'Lt. tiîî'face of tlîat girl. Ilu scnicdt,) iI c t but I1uid it fitît that te blt ruct. ' iifificictit revenge for lier toe kitî' lit except in onelcase anti 1 sas rt'aliv tuai i was tied ulit(i tiî at ;l ic to Hame for tiîat. I kncw\ uic w sonian. 1 left tiîc dcx atîîr at thtea suas geiîig when 1 got oni a trcuct nexi floor aîîd the wornaii iith tl. ai t' Enloy A Better, Extra - Rich MiIk IT COSTS NO MORE Glen Rae Dairy Phone 2665 Bowmanville -ORDER NOW AND BE SURE TO GET YOUR COAL Wise home-owners insist on Knight 's Coal .a Coal gives theni the luxury of a properly heated house during the coldest of cold spels. They enjoy a maximum of clean healthful heat at minimum cost. KNIGRT'S FUELS. Phone 448 Bowxnanville p,. qq ",SILVER" COAL DOMESTIC end BLOWER SIZES .Éb ik ad4 1ASK YOUR DEALER -Silver Coal Is SoId By- John A. Holgate & Son - Silver Coal Sheppard & Gi %volid lik to now instANliDtThese atm, iat girl saiui. 92i A FIOL E thcoife bIu: The net p tlace I vi>itt'd sas a sab<t c c\u raze n <Lui. I liad nsrlit FTtS' ID E 'aueon f c iî' ii m ift ,i ft'lt .a it h b ,atk iongxaý mi. iisxs n iiikel ii curge Takes Kruschen Every beca.- tlkudili and.iiîiai l d'ix n. 'sA el"Morning Somn( '.s at mîîî Ilit' t" uic aîîand uiî ix lai I t cast, uic(»a sers <timur I i c......'i \iu.tsgrati-f ct n f t ii' "r a inuite'but camte liatk tifnde for-lthe inLr yl lîuirt 'týiilis uII Mr. Di svo iIi ail' îiîcr fcliow and<iI %Na, lics, vrfaîlîur liua, ebtained froin Krîîseîîmatters luto îtciîtii n clolstis iin aIl itus lue. Sais. He is îîinctv-tsuo s cars old. remenibers Vhýthus îiîîîgli I ixas 1 I diîi1andîl k as fit as a fiddlc. He caît eanthe Ru i- !s iit theu secniud lii bc ratliir 'gui aroiid easilî', aîîd eecîî n lup theOre ticoîii fi niable for the tell iniiue antid isun stairs. His frieîîds mar- teqaJi sai ilîcrt. Theu îuL 'itilu fîloseul uhv it is lic is alwavs alert. and hlm asa c t0 the dci 'r luit ketît ailustc(:iticser teels listless. He- alwavs tells tT'ufity- i as far as tues coîîId sec nie cii tiien the reasoîl'iuiv regular dailv Mxs. M. c . rct doîse of Krusciieti Saits iii mv first ed te Mi lct becnt iltd that a lot <,i ru- 'cuit Of tea everv morîîingX" thanks an ecetable peitîle frenîtent îît'sra2c _(Nfrs.) . .uN\,'.fine educa -1iii siiice uIle (iseriitiii'.iii lias M ost People grtiîu od loie *bc-Clarke tht ut îîl tliuîî a fatlhcu il"iîc.but lI tire îlîcir lime hecaluse tues' - îeg- in the pro ul> htclau' ix t ru 'îmit 11et one vital îîced of heaiîh'- tue for prov4: glu"1 tluii.i1 îîeuý1\ sicl cd for iîîterlîai cieanliness. and imelpit 1 ixLitr'" i t iinaiîit'. a's a\v'li Eventuallv tues' start the healthu The buÉ ..t "'d. îiîlis 'I<kv a's xcîl Kruisclietil habit. Theti. probabîs' fer ed in th' - lciticees a îîîît litie tue first time iii their lis'ts, tlîe% Mo-ore ,v'o If sx s" 'n eliaracters. BîiîII' i 'tact gettitig riti ters las tif ail]This dolit 11i( ihiii' ri .aît iekieus. svd astc malter frouuî the ss'steii. Ili- Miss L. Bi ialk- aîîuî sit'..1icqi îîîiî cadiîj ii n- I tcad cf beitîg cloggedtlhte intes- ers preser r>iatidix \%ls Dickt ils t1' 1bthu les are cicaît and clear. Instead It suasc lr h"i< fi 'r i t'leîlke ih "i luser andtikitlîessbeiiig sltiezisýh Îng tc.- ý\ u- 0icýiire \vs ,ii%.lli(ý1-thes are active anîd efficienit. Nesu., Grade VI c. hls iii t t le îtlue Ils'liîk litai'ths 1-1co(l goc' couirsitue îhrouglî cuss the i lis tîticlît have îeentihte rt"îît ctahiu lc vins - carrs ing lîcalli andx The nue Ic ithte ieliutlliadl blu"eii 1'iruigtb anîd ciiergv i te rs' part to a close lit 1 fi ' a fer andil cîaîur n i,)%1"f the bed.ten.M 'Iii back atiioig the cattie. Stijl 1 te whic ii iiilcaîuniuýsclf and titrhaiu'Homand1 Ç'ahnI I.: 1loiiked to theni as tbev leîîkeuiHome and School ('Ile.1 ei ced to bu muorîli sxatciî- li. (corutinued from page 1) lutc heard a lot ahotut sirikes and WOMen's organizatiofis. M i ss ekclets anîd I liappencul b mun acrciss Rank, a well meaning but sharp -o cases of thîls while in the citv. teacher, wa.s willhng toa aLnit a Sfellosu ixas walking up anti dosut complete change of ideas on be- (cor ri fronît cf a store. He suas c.arrvinz ing informed of the cause Of farms as sndwxich boards aîîd on the boards MS.rY'S nervous condition frm tohe 'a srite, Doii't deal in ibis Mrs. SMith, -the gentle typical farmer wl lui re. 22 of its emplovees arc lock- mother who is anxious to be fi- fair profil A! out." 1 sxanted 10 know ai-Ont ends with tihe teachers. Mirs. We s us se I1îxaIked up and dlownt with Founder, the embodiment Of aUthousd îim andîiaskeuI him utuestions. itlthe finest thoughts. whose ambi- tfans s'cnied the menct had planuiedtit go t ions to form an organizationfi the we n strike for higlier suages huit the of fat.heîs. mothers, teachers and e. w irm liaul beateti theru te it and had trustees to co-operate a.nd PoolProuce lcked tbcm eout, so tiiese strikers their ideas for tise betterment of hn im were going 10 put that f irrn on the educatuon conditions for boys a.nd thse appli ocks. i happenetl to reunark that gils. Why does the firru could net be blamced for Bovrmanville Association con-aa? getting iii tîe f irst bleu'. Von gratulates Port Britain A.ssocia- tise f arm houîd ihave heard that mani's f losu tion on tisis play and their per- he would, 'f langutage. The Iast 1 heard suas formers and recommends it to ev- very mai, nivself and aIl like me bcing cen- ery association in Durisam. crop thal igned te a botter climate. At that Mrs. M . J. Hutchinsçon intro- Touchil it suas îlot a had idea for it suas a duced tise guest speaker. Mr. Roy world pe. ittcrlv cold dav. and a little heat Dilxorth, member of the North we aIl wa wcuilt have been wucîcene. Toronto Collegiate staff. by a poli 1 aiso sais the Hlousewive', Leagutu Mr. Dilworth by his pleasing Chamt'ber] woen o etuiîir pickets. Thîe\-sucre persoruality and ability as a anyone, i tpairs aînd oue had the l spe ixaker was one of tise outstand- that YOU andwuich boards subich said. 'i)eii't in speakers Bowmanville.Assoc- Italy. or. Liiv butteicr îîtiI it is. 30 cents ('r les,.talion ha.s had the plea-sure ta very prii TheDaiv cmbies re infir ,ohear. Mr. Dilworth chose as his milutarisn labour." I asked a matiltucarlis' sulat subject "Ideals in Educatian." ism. and ie theuîght cf it ail and lie said it After commenting on t.he recent peace. uas the best tluitg being douie for curriculum changes andi pointing Fascisn lie poor lai ouîriîg mati. Whenl out values in thse sub.iects whicis was wors asked "Flow about the farmer?' 1He had been taught for some length cause it rele,"To h - - - îuitlî the fariner.'..ef time. Mr. Dilwortb went on ta principle ' pii, o nav epl r show his listeners thse proper very few being orderedtl te hlot tplace hut metisod te get the Most out af a af raid of îx'n hv suerrv. \VMe t libave te pupil by correct questioning. He Our eyes goiben o*-wn o explained that noa twa students ini war. Mr. The tuext ttnp Iinadlesuas tîtreugli the classioomn were alike and that We ti: China Towun. Loekiiug iiito the sut certain questions applied. Vo one abselute wiidos a' ciuouibfer use. .'ftcn group of students might flot stim- discussio, starlut itt a drîug store suîndcîu 1 ulate tinking if applied to an- In 'is ee .îîderstood tbe psvchluogv ofChl- other group. He showed how it f ines Lit i'se suilîdes dressinug. There sucre was possible to Place confidence dividual zrriiiud suîails. Iizards andtIhie suert in thse mnd. of the weak Pupil do anyti' 1(okngmese olecoil iag.'by proper questianing and alsa did not lîîîkîugliiiof"th<'ti coualemutiage how tise keenest mincis in the of thse p( ,.ick andi shure cotild a fullosu-. fuel- class could b-- chalîenged at the be maint igas 1I sas, bc bettcr placet] tuait same time. Discussing pupil and prog'ress ;iliig u toc teacher co-operation, it was his and nes' 's isit tuî tue Fred V'ictor '\is Personal opinion tisat dependabi]- less f reî sio - asa rveltin. he iuillriy. politeness and industry were tained. w ofîu suasoaleelat s iotu. The îîuîuî he ths iree main characteristics very tin oftices ien lîetpe suitil. bmai tisai teachers looked for in pupils. o! peopiý tcknes fuivt, ltteiundrsheul.brand It was also is sopinion that if rmie ovei catuic rttcobug, Ilwsabsu lce and teachers cou.ld use thse subject-c Some ludgiug1 utsuas abus place andon thse curriculum ta instil five ical ally in he Iaskcd wab oit tuevuor deue aims iat their pupils, it didn't but as1 iiituepas Isua ted hcvmue oti matter se mucis how much f act- craiic F 1 'usv suitb tue uîeeds cf the preseuit ual knowledge tisey retained. a.nd whe te take tinte figuriiig up tlue achiesve- hhl. mietîts (of the pasl. There are so bihi manu angles te this suonderful îxork psiii tha i wul tkea oo t tll Business Directory Itaiy wl il ahi. Tue best tbing 10 de is tii j t r go and sec fçr veurseif. 1_ _ 1tor Geoi Franklv I domut hike tue citv. There LEGAL is tuonuucbluuitrry teo muîcb noise. L G Lrand wh Lif e seems te be speedcd te sucb an M G.VGOLBALB. ar, Mh extent that tvLutv-four heurs are BarrGste. oULcto, NB.Ary be 1 ruxi not eneugh to make a day. It's Br Pher onecio351 dom ol ui hurri' to woyk, bnrry home after Poe31dmo îvork, then hnrry eut al night te Royal Bank Bldg., Bawmanville have to find sorte place whene yon cati for- but yoî gel the city's hurry. Yen waIk îfast. W. R. STRIKE chaice. read fast, eat fast and sleep litle. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Ini Qu 1 waîîted te find a place where 1 Solicitor for Bank of Montreal law, i5i conld be quiet se o u ndav merti- Money to Loan. Phsone 791. when a ing1sent te the Chnncb eof Tue Bowmanville, Ontario erty of Epipbatuy in Parkdale. Thuere I no fonnd tue real spirit of îuorsbip. The L. C. MASON, B.A. that gi svhole atmosphere suas one of peace Barrister - Solicitor an of s i and rest. The singiuug of thue choir Notary Public - Etc. becuseh umas real Muisic te iî tiret! sol. I Law in ahl its branches. wen ts was able suitb thue resitet sau. "'\e Office immediately east of Royal len tl base erned aîîd sîraved frein Tliv Thseatre. idi xuas lkelui sicei. an ixth ah Pone: ffice 88; o me- 553 unfortur much, I i îîtu , It isn'itishe weaith sou found, at ihite That wilI niake sou happy-it's ENTERTAINER wa, 1pni how you toucis Lt Hani Thelies ta are aIl around. Secure RALPH GORDON, the i.. Da Fo mkn mney is not sa isard. Dv To live life welli s an art; wonderfuUly versatile entertain- Bii'îniai How mnen0 lave you. isaw men re- er, for your next entertain- 'lient d( gard, Rackhai la all in tihe size of your iseart. ment. Jllustrated cireular free. îiîîîî wit Address 628b Crawford Street, aill sol( Tise world pays a salary fer Toronto. nuanî wbat you know - wages for whsat muas a4t you do. IIIIIIFrealings ls were tise possession of ein one's own abilits. yte tlsink straigist, the 'o-eperation, tise realiz- Lnabcdy knews every- d thse zeal to a'm bIgl' apersDrn usually f all' below :he dcsire-1 a:n-. )ilp rsesses these quali- on leav'n, acheol." sa'd ritlî un' cncluston. -ut I ttle wiset.ber or flot he - tise date Caesar cross- ubicon or the Pythuagor- tm in geometry. He bas calions wisich wilI make lable citizen in bis com- J. Hutchinson extend- Lr. Dilworth tise club's id appreciatien for 'is utional speech. Mrs. F. snked ail! who took part ,gram and hser members ,ding tise refresisments ag serve. siness was then conduet- e usual manner. Miss n tise attendance prise. àr ment by reversien te ragg mube had 15 matis- ut. decided te isald a meet- nothers of pupils from 1domun ta study and dis- sew course of study. 'eting wa.s tisen brought ,e miti tise National An- s. E. Woods pianist. a- ia social houx was spent y refresisments served. Lions Club îtinu d from page 1) ahobby. Between tisese yaxe squeezing out tise vho is f axming ta make a 't. tend tisousands u paon is of dollars teacising homu to produce mare and cannot seli what we do Tise man wiso doesn't imediately sas, 'Look at, les ratti.fg on tise irees.' tn'i tise fariner give tisem Hle fails te realize that if ner did give them away jinsxediately desiray tise 'ket for that part of his mu as saleable. ,ng on tise maiter oft '.ace. Mr. O'Neill stated. :at peace. Some mant it dicy of appeasement. tise1 'lain way. How could he added, ever believe icould appease Gernsany. -ans fascist state? Tise nciples etfascim1 ar nm and extreme naltional- dthat is tise opposite ta ;in, tise speaker added, se than consmunism., be- tadapted ail tise morsi es osf communism, and v0f its benefits. We axe )f war, and yei mue close s0 tiste ve ,ry dangers of -.O'Neill said. hink that taday mue have Sfreedam, of tisougist and on. Liberty - John MilI cs58y on tisai subject, de- ierty tisis way: "Tise in- 1slsould have tise rigisi te hing he liked as long as he interfere miti tise righs 3opIe." Free speech should tamned. Improvement and scames from diversity ver from uniformnity. Un- idom of speechs is main- we are going ta become a sud people. tise very type le that a dictator will soon r. peaple tlslnk tisat tise log- Ty of Britain is Germany. long as Britain is demo- 'rance is tise logical ally, tn Britain becames fascisi. ,nat beyond th5e realnss of ty. tisen Germany and ili be log;cal ales. ring ta tise speech by Edi- :rge Ferguson of tise Win- Free Press. muhicis was ais nearîs two weeks ago icis caused sucis an Up- r. O'Neill stated ii wauld jus to prevent sucis free- >fexpression. You don't oapprove whiat they sas, iu can always make your Mebec mue have a padlock id it may not be far awaY icuxb mili be put on lib- speech. 'tunately. muiile mue knaw eat changes are crning necessity must came. most iide our heads in tise sand cwe fear those changes. thase whase he-ads. are bur- the sand gethtie big k.ick. inately tisose osf us who did de aur iseads muill get tise )0. George Davidge expressed lb'.s appreciatian to Mr. for bis timely address. 'ut Ev Hoar presided. and ncludtd William Lyceti of lirove and Lorne Allun of Lnville. ipton Brotherhood mnutail banqumet cf thie lamp cuit Bruîtlierlîood suas lueld at huirch ounTuusdau' eîîmîg, Sth. .About 100 menct sat doîx'u tefullu dcconaled tables of ti i'ciiixm titi Wmhuite imitit utiluli lanîts of fioemueng ulaf fiils Acttu..t thue hîuaîl tahble residcîît A'. 1). MeMc.\asier xva' st speaker. Re'. \V. .I. Il. tof Pont Penn". antdlCusumî R. R. Steseuis, Prcsileuut of r Circuit Brotherlîiod. r iartakiug <f a satisi ng of scai lotîcul ut atuîc'. cia 't catis, cake antd vie suith ail essenlus srt't hte ilicu f Eldad, I'si uic tmetn liiikeil ne liecautise vcu id tlîtsec atîreu)the tut tiast tuî ilut kinig reparedt1,N. Douîglas Rackiiî liptuil. îuu11ity simîgiîîg led by Ceci. idge andt Stauulcu Rickard of ,iîville, suas titeti njtîsed. .A civotiouial pcniod bv Rev. W'. an foilesxed. Asioiui seic lbh encore bY' Statîlcu Rickant os bu Ccc. Davidgc cf Boxu- e Btiys' Tnaiuiuug Scliooi. es nîtuchu euijtycd. Hîumuorcus zs by Chuarlie Warrneuuandt THE NEW TONIC AND BLOO PURIFIER INVIGORATES AND STIMULATES THE SYSTEM RICH IN VITAMIN O Buaks, Herbs, baves Roots - Front Mountife F Oros Toneka - made from natural Barks, Herbe, Leaves and Roots, fortified with sunshine Vitamin D in every spoonful of it, ie the ideal Tonic for build - k~ ing body resistance, for renewing energy./ Toneka stimulates the \. "s* appetite, aide in correctiflg faulty 12 F.;d .ýfteliinatiof, helps to 12 Ç.LdO'."S 'clear the complexion riIOPT t.and to rilieve gastrie TORONTO CANAé% ' disturbances. ,, - ONE DOLLAR ASK YOUR DRUGGIST NORTHROP & LYMAN CO. LUMITED TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1854 CANADA Victor Biosen of Zioîî ssere render- tbis fact it was rendered with vigrr ls own at 'Maple Grove. ed dîîriîîg the cveîîing and wcll re- and clearness. He described the Chas. Johns was elected President ccive(l. ticturesciueness and beautv of the 'if the Hampton. Circuit Bràither- The ii light of the eveîîiîg was Isenerv, the character, perculiarities liood for the ensuiîig vear. lic instructive, buniorous and vers' aîîd habits of the people, bri*ngîng he singing of Auld Lanz Syne ~n t e t a i îiî g a l d r e s o R e '.V .t. t m a i l c s t l e k o w n a n d un - 1<r o u g l t 1 0 a c lo s e a s p le n d id e v e n - Hl. Snus'tb tif Port Perrv. on his derstood bv the Canadian people. i-îg and the end of a most. if not -ecelît trip to Ireland, Riven that R. R. Stevens 1-rought greetings tu'e rost successf ni vear since the îîgit fer the 32nd time. Despîte 10tu te Hampton Brotlîerlîood from Brotiîcrhood ixas started TE MOST ADVAflCED CAR IR TUE WOILI A SAFETY OIJSHION ib b >on ail f our wheels NO O THER CA R C AN W7,ITH Knee-Action up i front and new ToRQuE-FnEE MATCH THE VALUE 8prnmgatthe rear, McLaugblin-Buick now brings you Only McLaughilIl-ui as oeil spig n ail four wheels! These easy- flexing' "safety these advanced, rved fa cushions hbanish every last trace of bumping, boun and titres ... DYNAFLASH Valve- jarring. Skid dangers are greatly reduced. The ca ,n-Head Straight Eight Engine .'«ToRQU-FRRE Spring- firiner, steadier hold on the road. You get more traction in ing . .. Tiptoe Hydraulic mud, sand and snow. Tire life is increased. Six grease points Bakes ... Genuine Knec-arelmaed mpiynmaneac..Nothrartay Action . . . Unisteel Turret rpeiiaesmlfigmineac . oohrcra n T.,M Boiwlh Fisher No- price offers you the safety and comfort of TonQuE-FiREn Draf Vnilation .. a feefomnetfMLagyn gau . . Toque Tubje8e Sprmngg-no other can equal the promneo cagln and Sealed Chants. Nation- Buick's new DYNAFLASH Engine. Test tbem bath out on wide Partu and service or£--i the road, today. Let a ride show you how much more your islation aflwy. t 7015fcorn- mnyhy niems dune a niewrd mand, imywher. meybyiniems dnecaintewr. ROY NICHOLS Phone 25 10 Courtice Is SoId By - Lumber Co. Ltd. _q

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